HomeMy WebLinkAboutSFR Town of Montville Building Department /p Residential Plan Review Form L/ ICI-7 Date: / L+ Job Address: S S e R`ut.< /I~ 19y, ~ 1~J F , y Job Description: Rep I c, C e ~.1 ~(C Your permit application is being rejected for the items cbecked off or commented on. The required information must submitted for review (two sets are required) (C.G.S. 29-252x.) This list is offered as a guideline only. It is not meant to be all-inclusive for every permit application, nor is it meant to take the place of the State Building Code. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION FLOOR PLAN Permit a hcation not com leted No plans submitted or insufficient information Perrmt fee due $ (j ` Basement floor tan required Permit fee to be calculated Second floor Ian required Worker's comp. affidavit or worker's comp. certificate to be sub mitt ed Dimensions not provided or insufficient Copy of contractor's registration or license reed Kitchen layout not rovided drjW Construction permit sign-off sheet required with appropriate approvals, it shall Bathroom layout and ace clearances are insufficient be the applicant's responsibility to obtain the required signatures Ceiling heights not identified or insufficient Affidavit required from the holder of the registration or license authorizing you Attic access location and size not indicated or insufficient to apply fora permit with their information Attic access must be in a readily accessible location not over sheMn Provide supporting documentation to show compliance with the 2003 IECC Use of rooms not identified or unclear (www.enerzycodes.eov) OR Plans required for the existing residence for each floor with dimensions • One- and Two-Farnily Dwellings with !5 15% glazing area to conform to the requirements of section N 1102.1 WINDOWS & DOORS • Townbouses with < 25% glazing area to conform to the requirements of Door sizes not identified section N1102.1 Window size & type not identified Two sets of construction documents required, this includes all engineering Emergency escape & rescue opening required in the basement or two code data, calculations and all other documentation (RI 06 1 compliant stairs per section 310.1 Documents are copyright protected, provide original plans or a letter from the Indicate the required light and ventilation for each habitable room or ace designer authorizing the duplication of the plans Indicate the bedroom egress window Field set of the approved construction documents are required to be picked up Egress window sill height not identified from our office and must be avail able on site dining all inspections Window header size not identified or insufficient Construction documents shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, Door header size not identified or insufficient nature and extent of the work proposed as per section R106.1 1 Window well details not provided or insufficient Construction documents do not match the orientation of the structure on the site plan GARAGE and CARPORTS No plan submitted or insufficient information provided WIND LIMITATIONS Building section required Submit supporting data to show conformance with the wind limitations (3 Opening protection between the garage and residence is not identified or second ust Q 110 m h) insufficient per section 8309.1 Design publication needs to be identified (WFCM, chapter 3; WFCM, chapter Separation between the garage and the residence is not identified or insufficient 2, ASCE 7-2002, SSTD10-99) per section R309.2 Documents required to be stamped and signed by a CT registered Professional En eer ELEVATIONS Documents must be designed to either No plans submitted or insufficient information • Wood Frame Construction Manual, 2001 edition Plans do not match the floor plans • ASCE 7 - 2002 edition Firush grade not identified or does not match the site plan • SSTD 10 - 1999 edition Building height(s) not identified Documents required to be stamped and signed by a CT registered Professional Dimension height of chime Engineer if based on ASCE 7-02 or WFCM chapter 2 Roof itches not identified Shearwalls not identified on the construction documents or are insufficient Shearwall calculations required BUILDING SECTIONS & DETAILS Ride connection not identified or insufficient Full building section not provided or insufficient Roof-to-wall connection not identified or insufficient Floor-to-floor heights not identified Wall-to-wall connection not identified or insufficient Additional sections and details required Wall-to-sill connection not identified or insufficient Draflsto in details not provided or insufficient Provide engineering data for the piers to resist gravity, lateral, shear and uplift loads, stamped and signed a CT licensed design professional STAIRS Hold-down devices, location and type not identified or insufficient Stair not shown on the basement floor plan Foundation anchor spacing not identified or insufficient Stair not shown on the second floor plan Construction documents do not match the engineering data submitted Riser height not identified or insufficient Cold-formed steel framing shall be designed in accordance with COFS/PM- Tread depth not identified or insufficient 2001 edition Nosing required for closed riser stairs Riser opening not allow the passage of a 4- sphere SITE PLAN Winder stair - detailed plans required Plans required Spiral stair - detailed plans red Plans do not match the building lags stair width required to be minimum of 36" above the required handrail height, Finish floor elevation not indicated Handrail detail not provided or insufficient detail Distance from the property line(s) to the structure not identified Guardrail detail not provided or insufficient detail Structure dimensions not provided Headroom height not identified or insufficient Existing and proposed contours are not provided or insufficient 36" landing required at the bottom of the stairs Footing drain discharge not identified 36" landing required at the to of the stairs Utilities not provided electrical, hone, cable, sewer, water, as Frost protection required, provide details and connections Delineation of flood hazard areas and design flood elevation is required per section R106.1.3 WALLS Private sewage disposal system to be identified along with all technical and soil Stud size andspacing not provided or insufficient data as per section 8106.2.1 Sheathin type not provided or insufficient Grading is to sloe away from the buildin provide more detailed information Plan submitted is not the same plan that has been approved by the Zoning FLOOR FRAMING D artment and/or Health Department beams and o ns Retaunn wall - construction documents required Plans required sh not vidoasts,ed or indicated Retauvng wall documents required to be stamped and signed by a Connecticut Bearing partitions not provided r indicated Framing direction not indicated or unclear Registered Professional Engineer Beam an & size not rovided or insufficient size & spacing not provided FOUNDATION Joist span, No plans submitted or insufficient information Joist's over- anted Seam over-s anted Dimensions required Prow de desi data for all unali ed wall and floor bearin orals Wall thickness not identified Point loads not identified on beam data Footing size not identified Frost protection not identi in less than 18" to ode to be ressure treated or deco resistant identified or is insufficient Frarri Column type, ti size, spacing not or identified or is insufficient Steel beam - must be stamped and signed by a Connecticut Professional Engineer Waterproofing details not provided or insufficient LV L's - engincerin data required Pier type, size and anchor details not provided or insufficient 1-joists - en ' eerie data required Engineered foundation plan required Design loads not provided or insiducient Crawls ace ventilation, location, a and size not provided or insufficient Crawls ace access, location and size not rovided or insufficient Soil testing data required in the area of the proposed structure and shall be made by an approved agency using an a roved method, R401.4 RevisedTe6ruary 6, 2006 Town of Montville Building Department Residential Plan Review Form Uate _ 0 -7 Job Address: L a are Job Dcsiription: Your permit application is being rejected for the items checked off or commented on- The required information must submitted for review (two sets are required) (C.G. S. 29-252&) This list is offered as a guideline only. It is not meant to be all-inclusive for every permit application, nor is it meant to take the place of the State Building Code. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION FLOOR PLAN Permit application not completed No plans submitted or insufficient information Permit fee due S Basement floor plan required Permit fee to be calculated Second floor plan required worker's comp. affidavit or worker's comp, certificate to be subautted Dimensions not provided or insufficient Cop of contractor's registration or license reed Kitchen layout not provided Construction permit sign-off sheet required with appropriate approvals, it shall Bathroom layout and ace clearances are insufficient he the applicant's responsibility to obtain the requared Signatures Cedi heights not identified or insufficient 16 H ng _t), +f]iSa, re.•.n:~:, `ion the hit!-±_ of tfic reoistr^t.on nr l•~e~~• a~oh.r;:::n.< y..,. Att•~. xr~5s location and size. not indicated or insufficient a iv fora permit with their information Attic access must be in a readily accessible location not over shelving) Provide supporting documentation to show compliance with the 2003 1ECC Use of room(s) not identified or unclear (wwyn ener codes gol) OR Plans required for the existing residence for each floor with dimensions • UM- and Two-Family Dwellings with 15% glazing area to conform to the requirements of section Ni 1023 WINDOWS & DOORS • Townhouses with < 25% glazing area to conform to the requirements of Door sizes not identified section X11102. i Window size & type not identified I'.w, sets of construction documents required, this includes all engineering Emergency escape & rescue opening required in the basement ar two code data, calculations and all other documentation ti RI Ofi.l compliant stairs per section 310.1 Documents are copyright protected, prow de original plans or a letter from the Indicate the required light and ventilation for each habitable room ors ace designer authorizing the duplication of the plans Indicate the bedroom egress window Field set of the approved construction documents are required to be picked up Egress window sill height not identified from our office and most be available on site during all inspections Window header size not identified or insufficient Construction documents shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, Door header size not identified or insufficient nature and extent of the work proposed as per section R106 1 t Window well details not provided or insufficient Construction documents do not match the orientation of the structure on the site plan GARAGE and CARPORTS No plan subrrutted or insufficient information provided WIND LIMITATIONS Building section required Subrmt supporting data to show conformance with the wind limitations (3 Opening protection between the garage and residence is not identified or second Bust (a; 110 mph) insufficient per section P309 1 Design publication needs to be identified (WFCM, chapter 3, WFCK chapter Separation between the garage and the residence is not identified or insufficient 2, ASCE 7-2002. SSTD10-90) per secti on R309.2 Documents required to be stamped and signed by a CT registered Professional En zineer ELEVATIONS Documents must be designed to either No tans submitted or insufficient information • Wood I-Tame Construct,+n t `anal, 2001 edition Plans do not match the floor loos • ,S'r'I: 7 - 2002 edition Finish grade not identified or does not match the site plan • SS FD 10 1v99 edition Building height(s) not identified Documents required to be stamped and signed by a CT registered Professional n:..,-.. 1!-:gl" ^f ch i. t:npnecr it based on ASCE !-02 or Wl-CM chapter 2 Roof pitches not identified Shearwalis not identified on the construction documents or are insufficient Shearwall calculations required BUILDING SECTIONS & DETAILS Ridge connection not identified or insufficient Full building section not provided or insufficient Roar-to-wall connection not identified or insufficient Floor-to-floor heights not identified 'Nall-to-wall connection not identified or irsuffictent Additional sections and details required LVall-tn-sill connection not identified or insufficient Draftsto in details not rovided or insufficient Provide engineeruig data for the piers to resist gravity, lateral, shear and uplift loads, stamped and signed by a CT licensed design professional STAIRS Hold-down devices, location and type not identified or insufficient Stair not shown on the basement floor plan Foundation anchor spacing not identified or insufficient Stan not shown on the second floor plan Construction documents do not match the engineering data submitted Riser height not identified or insufficient Cold-formed steel framing shall be designed in accordance with COFSIPIvI- Tread depth not identified or insufficient 2Ci()l edition Nosing required for closed nser stairs Riser o en n can not allow the assa a of a 4" sphere SITE PLAN Winder stair - detailed plans required Plans required Spiral stair - detailed plans required Plans do not match the building plans Stair width required to be mfmmum of 36" above the required handrail height Finish floor elevation not indicated Handrail detail not provided or insufficient detail Distance from the property line(s) to the stii Guardrail detail not rovidrd or insufficient detail Structure dimensions not provided Headroom hei t not identfied or insufficient Existm and - ased cou36" landin re uired at the bottom of the stairs Footing drain dischar e not rdefled 36" landin re uired at the to of the stairs Utilities not -rii,0 (electrical, hone, cFrost protection required, provide details and connections Delineation of flood hazard areas and design flood elevation is required per section RIW.1.3 WALLS Private sewage disposal system to be identified along with all technical and soil Stud sine ands ac" not provided or insufficient data as per section R 106.2 1 Sheathing type not provided or insufficient Gradin is to sloe away from the building, ovide more detailed information Plan subautied is not the same plan that has been approved by the Zoning FLOOR FRAMING ffLRe rtment and/or Fealth Deptrt-:e-t Plans required showing joists, beams and o emn s imne wall- construction documents re uired Beating aRitions not rov led or indicated ining wall documents required to be stamped and signed by a Connecticut Framin direction not indicated or unclear stered Profes sional En ear Beam an & size not rovided m insufficient Joists wi size & s acing nc rovided FOUNDATION joist's over- armed No plans submitted or insufficient information Beam over s armed Dimensions required Provide design data for all unaligned wall and floor hearing points 't'all thickness not identified Point loads not identified on beam data Footin, size not identified Framing less than 18" to ade to be ressuretreated or decay resistant Frost rotection not identified or is insufficient Steel beam - must be stamped and signed by a Connecticut Professional Column type, size, s acing not identified or trsuffietent En ear Waterproof n details not provided or insufficient LVI.'s - engineering data retoted Pier type, size and anchor details not rovided or insufficient l- oists - en ce data aired En neared foundation plan required Design loads not provided or insuff dent Crawl space ventilation, location, type and size not rovided or Irisuffiaent Crawl space access, location and size not provided or insufficient Soil testmg data required in the area of the proposed structure and shall be made by an approved agency using an K proved method. R401 41 Rjerdsed Fefiruary 6. 2006 Town of Montville Building Department CEILING FRAMING TWO-FAMILY DWELLING UNIT SEP-ORATION 8317.1 Plans re ed showm oists, beams and o n Se aration b 1-hr fire-resistance constructioq provide a listed assembly Beane artitions not rovided or indicated Rated wall andlor floor assemblies shall be tight against exterior walls and to i Framin direction not indicated the underside of the roof sheathm , rovide more detail Beam an & size not rovided or insufficient Supporting coastrucnon shall have an equal or greater tire-resistive rating, Joist s an, size & sp not mvided ovide derails Joist's over- armed Beam over-s armed TOWNHOUSE SEPARATION 17.2 Presvide deli data for all tmiili ed wall and floor bearin lots One-hour rated assembly must have a listing for exposure from bout sides (two Point loads not identified on beam data walls Steel beam - must be stamped and signed by a Connecticut Professional Common wall assembl must be 2-hr fue-resistance rated and fisted ~ neer Mechamcal equipment, ducts or vents not allowed in common 2hr wall LVL's - engmeenn data reyured Electrical enetration detail re utrzd for common tt~al] I= oisu - e data r aired Cotnnton wall shall be continuous from the foundation to the underside of thz Deli loads not rovided or instif5cienI roof sheathing Each individual trait shall be structurall lode endent ROOF FRA1bIING Parapet required or the roof deckiag or sheathing is of noncombwtiblz Plans required showm rafters, beams and o tri s materials or roved firz retardant wood for 4 fr nn each side of the wall(sl Beari artitions not rovided or indicated Frarn,n direction not indicated FLOOD-RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION 8323 Beams an & size not provided or insufficient Documentation required to be submitted for the connection, anchorzd to rzstst Rafter an, size & s acin no[ rovided IIotanoa cotta se or rmaaent lazeral movement _ Rafter's over-s armed Deiineaaon of food 4azard areas, floodway boundaries, and flood zones and Beam wer- armed the flood design elevation to be ideotifed on [he site plan (8106 1.3} Provide deli data for all tmali ed wall and floor bearin lots Elevation of the proposed lowest floor, including basement; in azeas of shallow i Point loads not identified on beam data Lloodtng (AO znttes), the height of the proposed lowest floor, including Steel beam - must be stamped and signed by a Connecticut Professional basement, above the ad acen[ lit hest ade shall be identified (RlI)n 1 3 Engineer Electrical systems, equipment and components, and hzanng. venhlauon. air !i LVL'S-en ineerin data re aired condiuomng and plumbing appliances, plumbing fistu:a:: duct st^acros I- oists - e Bering daze required other service equipment shall be located at or above the us>-. t i.;,- ' Valley rafter - engiueermg daze required Collar tie size, acin & location not identified or insufficient ELECTRICAL INFORMATIOti _ Roof trusses - Engineering data (signed' and sealed by a Conneatctit Plans required showing panel locations, GFCI, swrtehe.. i;t;r; ,:nJ t~c~;-.~.::: Professional Engineer) must be submitted and approved by the Building locations D anment pn or to insta]lati on Panel location not identified Roof truss data must be desi ed to ASCE 7-02 Rece tack locations not identified or insufficient Rid a beam sir ons no[ identified or insufficient GFCl receptacle locations not identified or insufficient FL /va!! beam sup ons not identified or insufficient Lt 1s and switches riot identified or iruulfi dent Rafter to beam connection detail not ronded or insufficient Smoke alarms not identrfed or uuulticient CO detectors} not identified or insufficient j DECKS /PORCHES Electrical load calculations re aired Construction doctunents re Hired Whirl of tub/hydromessa a tub disconnect location rot identified Duntnsions required Fr direction not inchcazed MECHANIC_4I. INFORIVL4TION Beam an & size not rovided or instif{tcient Plans required showm a ui merit locations, ductwork, ztc Joists an, size & s ae' not rovided er vent routin not identified or insufficient Joist's over-s ed Heating venitlation and air condinonin eympmert locations not identified Beam wer-spanned Heat loss gain calculations required to be submitted L er -show attachment and IIashin detail Heat loss/gam calctations do not match the information on the constriction Post size ors acing not indicated documents Hei of deck above ad acent finished ade not rovided Combustion au calculations re aired Connections not identified or insufficient Winter desi temperature is 7°F Plans do not ma[rh site oleo FUEL G.OS INFORMATION CHIMNEYS & FIREPLACES LP-Gas tank size and location not identified nn the plans Clearances to combustibles not indicated oR insuffici~t Trench detail not provided or insiiPFi cien[ Flue size not indicated or inst~icient Piping diagram not subimtted or insuffcient Exterior combustion air source not identified Plan r tared showm fue lace sip and clearances to oombtistibles PLUMBING SYSTEM INFORMATION Flue sizes No laps submitted or insufficient information ~ Manufactures data and installation instructions for metal fireplaces and/or Building trap location not identified (inside or outside) i wood stove re aired Sewer location not identified Dimension height of chunney above the roof Domestic water location not identified Manufacturers dales foz whirl oLs, corner tubs &; large tubs re aired Water heater size, type, and location to be submitted Comments: ` _ ,x- ~/truest .br'>r~ /V G'l~y,~rr P~"ir~i7/ Permit application reviewed by: Vernon D. Vesey II David M. Jensen Charles Corell Building Official Deputy Building Official Building Inspector [jpvisediFebr>rary 6, 2006 P Kam` (mot, y4 ( I fv~°"` je C~Cr "s ss ~ G' ~,e' s 1 C~ N(J r ~ (C f rNR TL J ~~S t,g CAL ~ j( Y s y • c6t cs 4•~ ~AU TOWN OF MONTVILLE Building Department 310 NORWICH-NEW LONDON TURNPIKE UNCASVILLE, CT 06382-2_599 TEL. (860) 848-3030 X382 FAX. (860) 848-7231 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: B2007-0696 Date: 27-Nov-07 Map/Lot: 105/023-000 Owner ID: 3494000 Project Location: SSE LAUREL POINT DRIVE Job Description: New SFR _ Owner Name: Thomas M and Karen 0 Curtin Tenant Name: N/A Careof: 103 Governors Lane Fairfield CT 06824- Telephone: 203)240-9129 Contractor Name: Point Co. Builders Inc. Telephone: (860)235-7277 DBA: Lic/Reg Type: NCC Lic/Reg No: 9 101 Scott Road Exp Date: 30-Sep-08 East Lyme CT 06333- Cosuct~or~V~ilue Permit Fees Construction Information Building Value: $281,835.00 Building Fee: $2,256.00 Use Group: IRC Plumbing Value: $37,413.00 Plumbing Fee: _ $304.00 Code: 2005 State Building Code Mechanical Value: $0.00 Mechanical Fee: $0.00 Electrical Value: $14,518.00 Electrical Fee: $120.00 Construction Type: IRC Total Value: $333,766.00 Penalty Fee: $0.00 Permit Code: R2 C of 0 Fee: $25.00 Comments: Plan Review Fee: $268.00 State Ed Fee: $53.40 Total Fee Paid: $3,026.40 It shall be the owners repsonsibility to schedule the following inspections a minimum of 2 business days in advance: Field set of approved construction documents shall be available onsite during all inspections. BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTIONS PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTIONS © Footing - Prior to pouring concrete ❑d R Plumbing and leak test ❑ Deck Piers❑ R Electrical © Backfill - Footing drains and waterproofing ❑ Elec Trench - with conduit installed © Concrete Slab - Prior to pouring concrete ❑ Pool Bonding © Anchor Bolts - with sill plate and prior to floor framing d❑ Electrical Service CRS No: 0 © Framing ❑d R HVAC ❑ Masonry Fireplace Throat or Chimney Thimble ❑ Gas Piping and leak test © Fireblocking -Draftstopping INSPECTION REQUIRED UPON COMPLETION © Insulation ❑ Ce ~ too prov d Certifi of pancv Building Official's Approval: ~f? i • a v POST & BEAM 21 Elm Street, South Deerfield, MA 01373 Phone 413-665-4006 Fax 413-665-4008 October 11, 2007 Charles Corell Town of Montville Building Department Montville Town Hall, Lower Level, Room B-4 310 Norwich-New London Tpke. Uncasville, CT 06382 Dear Mr. Corell: I appreciate your taking my call on Tuesday to discuss the Curtin house plans for 55E Laurel Point Drive in Oakdale, Connecticut. Based on our conversation, Habitat Post & Beam will revise our engineered drawings to reflect the following points you made in your review of our stamped plans: • foundation needs waterproofing • roof needs ice and water barrier • main level needs CO detection outside sleeping in bedroom #1 • posts for deck need to be mechanically fastened to pier and beam • joist to beam needs to be mechanically fastened (deck) • deck stairs need closed risers and a graspable handrail We will be sure to have these notes in the final set of construction blueprints for the general contractor. We understand we will not need to provide you with additional stamped drawings to reflect these changes, and that the current stamped drawings that you have will suffice for the building permit. Sincerely, Stephen M. Worth 1-800-992-0121 SMW/smd O C T 1 5 2007