HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992 - Shed - Zoning Permit ZONING PERMIT, ZONING PERMIT ML+BER DATE SUBMITTED 5 EXPIRATION DATE Applicant: t) Applicant's Address: a w o Telephore No. 3 0 7 y Property OWnw: Property Location: c- L Assessor's Map No. Lot No. Subdivision Name: a R EJ -a Zone: , t An5a 1 ing 1 gtt. Total Floor Area of Structure After Develq neat: r H c Sign Area (If Applicable): Nature of Request/Proposed Use: This zoning permit and two copies thereof shall include plans drawn to a scale of at least 111=40' showing dimensions of the lot, the size, area and location on the lot of existing, proposed, principal and accessory structures, driveways, sanitary facilities and water supply, parking facilities, and adjacent streets. Distances of structures from property lines and centerlines of public roads must be indicated. In the case of fill or excavation requests (under 500 cubic yards), dimensions of fill or excavation area must be included. Any other specific uses mast also comply with the zonir regulations. A plan prepared by a Connecticut Registered Land Surveyor may be required. The applicant guarantees to adhere to all the applicable requirements of the zoning regulations. In addition, the appli cant agrees to notify the Carmission or its appointed agent of any alteration in the plans. The use specified above shz NDT be authorized until an actual Certificate of Use and Ccmpliance is issued b the Carmission or its appointed agent. S PEIMT Al1iFQ2IZES TIE APPLICANT TO PRXEEU TO THE RIMING DEPAR114]NT ANY RED PM4M CCaftssion Agent Action Date icant PLAN REAR YARD DIMENSION rk~ LOCATION OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE OR USE 0-4 /~fr !a ~s o 0 BUILDING LINE DIM94SION (WIDTH) FRONT YARD DIPENSION COi► MOMS CF APPROVAL: 1. APPUCWr KIST COWACT ZMIAG OFFICER (848449) AT LEAST 24 HM BEFORE CWLRLMCN BMW TO AUJCM ZONING OFFICER TO INSPECT L OCATIC N. 2. APPLICNNT MIST CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION AND REST CERTIFICATE OF EXML94CE BEFORE IS%MM OF A C.O.