HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 - Strip & ReRoof 1 TOWN OF MONTVILLE Building Department 310 NORWICH-NEW LONDON TURNPIKE UNC_ASVILLE, CT 06382-2599 TEL. (860) 848-3030 X382 FAX. (860) 848-7231 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: B2006-0096 _ Date: _ 19-6pr-06 Map/Lot: 081/075-000 Owner ID: 174000 Project Location: 35 BEECHWOOD ROAD Unit: Job Description: Strip & Re-roof - (14 sq.) Owner Name: Terry Gene and Jeanne M Chance Tenant Name: N/A Careof: 35 Beechwood Rd Oakdale CT 06370- Telephone: Contractor Name: Clearwater Home Improvement Telephone: _(860)536-5234 DBA:_ Lic/Reg Type: HIC Lic/Reg No: 569213 2 Greenmanville Rd. Exp Date: 30-Nov-06 Mystic Ct 06351- C nstMction V IVY _ Permit Fees Construction Information Building Value: $5,264.00 Building Fee: _ $48.00_ Use Group: _IRC w Plumbing Value: $0.00 Plumbing Fee: $0.00 Code: 2005 State Building Code Mechanical Value: $0.00 Mechanical Fee:_ $0.00 Electrical Value: $0.00 Electrical Fee: $0.00 Construction Type: IRC Total Value: $5,264.00 Penalty Fee: $0.00 Permit Code: R4 C of O Fee: $0.00 Comments: Plan Review Fee: $0.00 State Ed Fee: $0.84 Total Fee Paid: $48.84 It shall be the owners repsonsibility to schedule the following inspections a minimum of 2 business days in advance: Field set of approved construction documents shall be available onsite during all inspections. BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTIONS PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTIONS ❑ Footing - Prior to pouring concrete ❑ R Plumbing and leak test ❑ Deck Piers ❑ R Electrical ❑ Backfill - Footing drains and waterproofing ❑ Elec Trench - with conduit installed ❑ Concrete Slab - Prior to pouring concrete ❑ Pool Bonding ❑ Anchor Bolts - with sill plate and prior to floor framing ❑ Electrical Service CRS No: 0 ❑ Framing ❑ R HVAC ..,w..,_~.~~,., ❑ Masonry Fireplace Throat or Chimney Thimble ❑ Gas Piping and leak test ❑ Fireblocking _Draftstopping INSPECTION REQUIRED UPON COMPLETION ❑ Insulation ❑d Certificate of Approval ❑ ica of Occupancy Building Official's Approval; Town of Monti-ille. Building Department 310. Norwich-New London Tpke; Tel. 8607848-3030, Ext 382 Uncasville, CT 06382 Fax..860-848-7231 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT. APPLICATION, FORM_. Permit Np.: TyPa of Work OccupancYType Permit Type . . ❑ New Construction ❑"Single Family ❑ Building ❑ Additiom ❑ Two-Family ❑ Plumbing ❑ Alteration ❑ Townhouse ❑ Mechanical ❑ Accessory Structure ❑ Electrical . CRS#: Job Address:f (Number) (Street) (Unit) J.ob,Description; n. Lo. Owner: 4f f -'IIIIL0 A/C C Address: !``•E'_~C~•~ City: State: C Zip Code: Telephone: Contractor: ~n~'7 DBA: rl Address: 04_1,& 1~7 ✓ wJ City: fi 3 State: C:: Zip Code: Telephone::..43 4 '_2 L License Type: License No.: Expiration Date: I hereby certify that the proposed work will conform to the State Building Code and all other codes as adopted by the State of Connecticut and the Town of Montville and further attest that the proposed work is authorized by the owner in fee and that I am authorized to make application for a permit for such work as described above. ❑ By checking this box, I will follow the requirements of the 2005 NEC as the alternative compliance per section E3301.2.1 of the Residential Code, instead of the electrical requirements in chapters 33 through 42 of the Residential Code. l~ Owner /Agent Signature: Date: Construct'o Value Permit Fees Building Value: Building Fee: Plumbing Value: Plumbing Fee: Mechanical Value: Mechanical Fee: Electrical Value: Electrical Fee: Total Value: Penalty Fee: C of .0 Fee: Plan Review Fee: State Ed Fee: Total Fee: wised- (Decem6er31, 2005 Town of Montville Building Department File Receipt Date: 13-Apr-06 Receipt No: 1161 Received From: James Nelson wood Drive Job Address: 35 Beech Fees Collected State Educational Training Fee Cash: $0.00 Cash: $0.00 Check: $48.84 Check: $0.84 Check No: 1102 Short/Over: $0.00 Construction Value: $5,264.00 Demolition ue: $0.00 Received By Joseph Summer Address: TOTAL REM QTY $1UNR Building Plumbing Mechanical Electrical BUILDING AREA New Construction SF $ 114.17 $ - $ Basement, Finished SF $ 20.87 $ - $ - Basement, Unfinished SF $ 11.28 $ - $ - Crawl Sapce SF $ 8.46 $ - Interior Renovations SF $ 31.90 $ - $ - $ MANUFACTURED HOMES Ground Anchors SF $ 5.86 $ $ - $ Basement SF $ 11.28 $ - $ - $ Crawl Space SF $ 8.46 $ - $ - $ AMENITIES Kitchen EA $ $ $ - Full Bathroom EA $ - $ Half-Bathroom EA $ - $ GARAGE Attached SF $ 49.41 $ - $ - Detached SF $ 63.21 $ $ Under S SF $ 9.12 $ - $ ' Carport - SF $ 18.08 $ - MECHANICAL Warm-Air hYIN $ Hot Water N YM $ ' Electric 'N - , Y/N $ Air Conditioning "N < YIN - $ ELECTRICAL SERVICE Upgrade Amps $ Overhead, new Amps $ Underground, new S Amps $ ' Subpanel EA $ 545.00 $ Gen Set EA $ 3,500.00 $ SOLID FUEL BURNING APPLIANCES Prefab Metal Fireplace EA $ 5,907.00 $ Masonry w/fireplace EA $ 6,451.50 $ - Masonry w/2 fireplaces EA $ 10,087.00 $ - Wood Stove, free standing EA $ 2,447.50 $ - Wood stove insert EA $ 1,690.70 $ - DECKS, PORCHES, SUNROOMS Deck SF $ 39.16 $ Porch SF $ 135.80 $ - Sunroom SF $ 160.82 $ - $ - POOLS & HOT TUBS Hot Tub EA $ 7,287.50 $ - $ - Inground Pool EA $ 19,430.40 $ - $ Above Ground Round EA $ 5,472.50 $ - $ - Above Ground Oval EA $ 4,635.88 $ - $ Pool Heater EA $ 8,167.50. $ Inflatable Type Pool < EA $ 1,542.42 $ SHEDS w/o electrical SF $ 18.50 $ - Welectrical SF $ 18.50 $ - $ RENOVATIONS Roofing, Overlay SF $ 3.38 $ - Roofing, Strip & reroof 4400`- SF $ 3.76 $ 5,264.00 Roof Sheathing SF $ 1.19 $ - Siding SF $ 2.30 $ Windows EA $ 423.50 $ Skylights EA $ 955.54 $ - Doom, Exterior EA $ 401.50 $ - Oil Tank, 275 Gallon S EA $ - Oil Tank, 550 Gallon EA $ MISCELLANEOUS CALCULATIONS TOTALS $ 5,261.00 $ - $ - $ - PERMIT FEE CALCULATIONS Construction Value Fee Building $ 5,264.00 $ 48.00 Plumbing $ - $ - Mechanical $ - $ Electrical $ - $ Working before Permit Issuance $ - Certificate of Occupancy Fee $ - Plan Review Fee $ - State Education Fee $ 0.84 TOTALS $ 5,264.00 $ 48.84 Figures are based on the 2006 RS Means Residential Cost Data IM o ORATED 2B Grreemnanville Ave Mystic, CT 06355 860-536-5234 860-859-5341 «XonramwI vprov a"emSpft*E$r 3 J1 r "i *AWMASKO z f rxcl Cr Solm .s ~2O~6~ SIG14EO ~ 4 9MI 05G 1CERTtFI ATE D LIABILITY, INSURANCE ~ ~ a5hr/2v 17/20 5 os J C Sumer, 33 F C86d}45d-7240 ONLY AND CONFERS NISSUE OF O RIGHTS UPON THE CERWIICATE INFORMATION Sumer and nd Sualtler Inc. HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR I 7S7 Nalie Street ALTER THE 00WRA" AFFORDED BY THE POUCIES a t.OW. P. 0. Box 187 Willimantic, Cr 06226 INSURERS AFFORDINGCOVERAOE NAIC0 earwater lone rovealeoK Ex. iaomx Mlestern wirid 2-Is Greenm oville Avenue u se Assi ed Risk Work LAN NCCI Mystic, CT" 06355 i"su FOR THE P5067 PERIOD mICATEO N071NITHSTANOWG ARN THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN OUR TO THE MUREA 9WID. ANY REQU "ENT. TERMI OR CONDITION OF ANY COWRACT OR Ot WR ODCUMEM Wn "RESPECT TO W tQi THIS C#RTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PI=RTAmI, THE IFRWJRANCE t DED SY7H POLCIES DESCROW "MN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERrNS; EXCLUSKM AND CONOMNS OF SUCH Pat ICIE3. AQGREGATB LNNITS 8H01Ai>r MAY W►VE BEEN REDUCED BY PA100 AWS 3 TYPHOF IpM/1CE roucyN4MNR WOW= DUN IMNTS GENERALLUIBRITY TBD a5/14/2a0s 05J14/2006 em:mOWWOVE s 1 000 1.000 1 X CONMERCIAL GENERAL UMKOV s , ooaR.ncss_, s Sfl CLAIMS MADE Q OCCUR MW O(P (My one person) $ 5,904 A PERSONAL E NN RIJURY 9 1140"oo. L;ENERAI AGGAEOIITE s 2.004 LiEH7. AQRREtiATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: P~DUCT8 • CONPtOPtAOG S POI,iCY ,IEC'1• LOC AWOMD8"LLAWUY CONI81NEpSWGLELOAT s ANY AWO (Eaeogoait) Alt OWNEDAUTOS WDLLY RU7RY $ SCHEDULED AUTOS ITS III-) HIREOAUTDO BO BODLY Y ; NON•OWNEDAUTOS PROPERWAOMAGE S (Por eeow"I) CARAMLUMLITY AUTIDONLY-EAACCdOENT S 1-1 AWAVTO 9TUMTeAN EAACC Y AVTOONLY: ~AGG S VI iJ1 LI owy FA:H GccURNW= 8 0=0 ~ CLAW NAM AGGREGATE i s~ D~ICTIRLa~ _ I~Elrrlar s s VMMU(M COMPENSATION AND TBd dS/14/ZflaS aS/14/20a6 ToRr uMIT3 Ea 6NPLOYER9' LtAeltrtY F.L. EACNACCOOff s 100 B 0yyBeF3scAF~ E.L. DISEASE. EA EMPLO s 100. SPkCrmol 10013Oelow EA.DISEASE +POLIGYLIMB S 5Od L OTHER 3W."" 45 apft-"M I {.OCA?Iow I Vvwo" I L MY 1600"Mon I NWW CERTIFICATE HOt DER CANCELLATION S"M" AW OF TWABOYE DOCw8ED POLICIES W CANCOaM WOM THE E><PlRAT1pI1DA'fEl'HEREOR 11iE ~{JRiG INSURER 1ANl.ti;N~/11FOR~i NWtI. OATS MNdT'fBH NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED'ro "M ts", lN1I' F/18 t1i~T0 SIICN NOTICE SHALL MIPDBE No oft"'TIoN OR U" m Or~.1.1r raNYtiIPDNN 711EIN6YR~ ITS AOELTtsOK rIC/IrdCNTATIY~. sample AUTIIDam ~ATIYE Victor Ebersole 1r. ext 236.0v.~oww+ aftoo~l ACORD 26 (2001108) OACORD CORPORATION 1988 Town of Montville Building Department 310 Norwich-New London:Tpke. . Tel. 860-848-3030, Ext 382 Uncasyille, CT. 06382 Fax. 860-848-7231 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPROVAL. Property Address Job Description The:-applicant is responsible for.obtaining, a11. of. the 'required approvals checked off on..this form. NP building. , permit will be issued until all of the required signatures have been obtained. Required Department Permit Issuance Approval Approval ® Tax Collector y Comments: WPCA, Administrative Comments: . F~ WPCA, Operations Comments: ❑ PIanning & Zoning Comments: ❑ Health Department Comments: ❑ Department of Public Works Comments: ❑ State Dept. of Transportation Comments:. Fire Marshal IA c j Comments: ~ t P~ ~ f_-I✓. &visedAugust 5, 2005