HomeMy WebLinkAboutPool and Deck 2002 Town of Montville BUILDING DEPARTMENT 310 Norwich-New London Turnpike Uncasville, CT 06382 860-848-3030, Ex.t 82 Building Permit Permit Number: B2002-161 Permit Date: 28-May-02 Permit Code R8 Job Location: 13 AMANDA COURT UNIT: MAP/LOT: 030/043-039 Job Description: Pool & Deck Owner Contractor MICHAEL D + KATHERINE K ROSEN KID Enterprise LLC 175 Kingston Drive 13 AMANDA COURT Unit: East Hartford, Ct. 06118 UNCASVILLE CT 06382 Telephone: 860-569-6927 Lic/Reg Type: HIC Use Group R4 Lic/Reg Number: 570527 Code 1995 CABO Exp Date: 11/30/02 Construction Type 5B Construction Values Permit Fees Building Value: $6,000.00 Building Fee: $34.00 Plumbing Value: $0.00 Plumbing Fee: $0.00 Mechanical Value: $0.00 Mechanical Fee: $0.00 Electrical Value: $150.00 Electrical Fee: $10.00 Other Value: $0.00 Other Fee: $0.00 Total Value: $6,150.00 C/O Fee: $10.00 Comments: Plan Review Fee: $3.40 State Ed Fee: $0.96 Total Fees: $58.38 It is the owners responsibility to schedule the following required inspections (minimum 48 hours notice reauestedl R Footing - Prior to pouring concrete ❑ Rough HVAC ❑ Backfill - Footing drains and waterproofing ❑ Fireplace Throat ❑ Concrete Slab - Prior to pouring ❑ Fireplace Final ❑ Rough Framing ❑ Chimney - One flue above thimble ❑d Rough Electrical ❑ Firestopping/draftstopping ❑ Electrical Service ❑ Insulation ❑ Rough Plumbing and Leak Test ❑ Final Inspection F-1 Gas Piping and Pressure Test Certifica Occupancy - Prior to use or occupancy Building Official's Signature: Town of Montville Building Department 310 Norwich-New London Tpke. Uncasville, CT 06382 Tel. 860-848-3030, Ext. 82 Fax. 860-848-7231 April 3, 2002 Michael & Katherine Rosen 13 Amanda Court Uncasville, CT 06382 RE: Above ground pool and deck We have received a building permit application for the above referenced property. In accordance with Connecticut General Statute 29-263, your application is being rejected for the following reason(s): Provide a section through the existing deck and new deck, indicating elevation changes. 2. t is supporting the new deck on the 20 ft side? . P~ -'f 48" high barrier required from outside the pool area to inside the pool area ck4. Provide an electrical layout, showing filter location, outlet locations, type of wiring being used. c:;, Fee due $58.38 We will keep all documents received to date on file and renew your application when you have furnished all the required data. Thank You, oseph J. Summers Asst. Building Official Cc: File G Town of Montville Building Department Permit 310 Norwich-New London Tpke. Tel. 848-7166, Ext 81 Uncasviile, CT 06382 Fax. 848-7231 One & Two Family Building Permit Application Form New Construction ❑ Audition ❑ Afteratwn ❑ AccessoryStructure ❑ Othes Job Location V3 RPAr4xA&_ (I' , U)' `c- SVAI-e- Job Description/Materials Owner M(G ~~c, 0_ Mailing Address C~,1mQ •v~ City\k.C S 4\~L State Zip ou3 ~Z- Tel %0 Contractor n2/5 lC Mailing Address 175 City State Zip -Tel%Db / Contractor's Ucense/Registration Type & Number Exp. Date I hereby certify that the proposed work will conform to the Basic Building Code and all other codes as adopted by the State of Connecticut and the Town of Montville and further attest that the proposed work is authorized by the owner in fee and that I am authorized to make application for a permit for such work as described above. Owner /Agent Signature Date I ~CC~ / Construction Value Fee Building $ $ Plumbing $ $ Mechanical $ $ Electrical $ $ Other $ $ Certificate of Occupancy $ Plan Review Fee $ State Education $ Total $ $ - - - ti Mlle Building Department Receipt To~N n of Nlont% G No., Date From:. p~ ` Job Address: ►~Chc Check # Cash ~t Amount ~ - (c irdc oncl r~ Permit # Rccei~`cd h}-- - Permit Fee Calculation Spreadsheet MISCELLANEOUS PERMIT CALCULATION Pools & Spas Above Ground Round 1 EA $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 Above Ground Oval EA $ 5,000.00 $ - In-Ground EA $ 18,000.00 $ Heater EA $ 3,300.00 $ - Hot Tub EA $ 5,000.00 $ - Roofing $ - Strip & Reroof SQ $ 210.00 Overlay SQ $ 175.00 $ Sheds $ With Electric SF $ 25.00 No Electric SF $ 25.00 $ - Dock 200 SF $ 15.00 $ 3,000.00 Porch SF $ 23.00 $ - TOTAL BUILDING CONSTRUCTION COST $ 6,000.00 PERMIT FEE Building $ 6,000 $ 34.00 Mechanical $ $ - Electrical $ 150 $ 10.00 CO Fee $ 10.00 Plan Review $ 3.40 State Ed Fee $ 6,150 $ 0.98 Total Fees $ 68.38 Based on 2000 Average Construction Cost 4/3/02 ® t7arF ttaMrppfr ;1 ~ ACORD C T'IFI A?' LIABILITY I SURANC _SM11r0wT; -_21/ 3/02 =krlJ~vi 1 R THIS CERTIFICATE 15 ISSUED AS A MATT€R OF itJfORUATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE Gorman Insurance Age>aay, me _ tfOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND. EXTEND OR 223 £ast CESLCe= Street f ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED 13Y TOE POLtCiES BELOW. Manchester CT 06060 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE Phone: 860-643-1139 Fajc:860-645-7660 -FASI. RER a Maryland Casualty -.P~AEAE Federal Insurance Company Enta rises Kris INSURER c DeOr .a Rox East Next1o 3A 016tas INSURER D INSURER F. COVERAGES T, tE POLICIES OF INSURAWE LISTf0*1OW;;iv7i BEEN4SSUEO TO THE INSURED NA VCQ ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PER100 INDICATED NpTWITH ,TAN(NNG AMY RCOUIREMENT, TERM OR C0140MON OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TQ WHtCC+•t THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE 1:%;VeD OR MAY PERTAIN. THE INSURANCE APPORDW BY?HE•PQLICIES DESCRIMC) HEREIN is weweCT TO ALL THE TeRM;. EXCLU.;ION;a ANDi'<NJOITIINI' Or- ':UCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE 1JMIT3 SHOWN MAY HAVE 9EEN REDUCED aY PAID GU,AriS. LTR tYpE Af INSVRANCE IOCICIC i'IIJI~IBER .DATE [/pAlpt)/W} F AD~wTE AMt'ODUrYT+ tltuTc •:LNERAI vA81l+TY , r::a:e u: t 1,000,000 A X 1r:+t,1<tltuLGENERALLIAeJLTrY : 3C1t 36028260 01101102 01/01/03 300,000 CLAIMS MADE i_x OCGLrR 1 t:l! t:1 At'•:Ar•.10,000 t 1•r k •UA. X Air: In «'kv s .1,000,000 y :11111+!., A-. 1t1;.ATJ 2,OD0,000 ! N'1 A,-I:REOATE U1,aTAPPUES PER 1>t,. i, I; T :.Lrr-:• :I-A.:•'. !2,000,000 1~.1~1 • i ~T 1 I L~ `t nvT0M06K.1I! LIABILITY . I : ' .5D0,000 X aHVA-ila A SCg 36028260 01/01/02 01101/03 ( -*HµEnwTOS f 'I ILSO AVT05 L AUTOS t1- %h :WNEO AlJTO,^ (r..! , .q.-..(. tiARAvE uaBlt.ITr ANY AI /T•7 FAC:ESSLIABILITY - 14~ I! 9e 1t( tJ- i CLAIMS MAW RfTS'NtipN ~ .YORKER S CO,APIENSATION AND Ek1PLOYERS• LIABILITY X I'.d,Y` 1kip 1 I< 8 ) st29va-2e3X246-4-01 04127/01 04/27/02 111At14Aj,<.q:f:.- s100,000 ! t I4 .1A.1 ttiMi:-r11:1.100,000 nrMeR I rt~•-[ I•:hf~:txsn :500,000 OEStcRI,agN 0► OJ'LrRAT10l18+LOCA "Itt. RU ~a - BY HIIIOOItSEMENT+A HOME RAPROVEMEM' COM RJ!~CTOR K J D ENTEXPRW LLc CERTWICATE HOLp 175 KINGSTON DR 14 A bWgWAL. nrtsvBEp: nlsvREx LETTER: CA EAST HARTFORD, CT 06118 KiRMTLI s • •ATIQN x.m Russ Taw Kris Dear&ncti L{~y NO j~Vt JtLI R RE y J_ TtM IIaNED Swimming Poor f lann,A_ ff davit (Data Owner 9KaikyAddress Location of epcrty / ~ ~'T ou»ur/awners agent the a6ouc swrararrdattest that I am aware of tfrc of ~~d y f requirrnrent fora poofa&rm to 6e instaQed in tfu pool to 6e constructcdat the above rcfircncad pmpcrty. 'Furtfur; I am auiart that the alarm must be instaQed andf uwuminy at the time of tfu firraf (certfiicate of pwVang) for t& pooC f (date) C2~ h k , v k Justice ry,C~ Hof the,Sup curt, "Su6sc6rdandsworn to before mt Date commission E;q7irts_ f LISA TERRY NOTARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES OCT. 39, 2002 asssvesvvmvvmsvvvsssssvv sms■semssvvvvvvvvsmvssvesvvssvmvss~ss~s•avvsv~~smmms Itupcctedandoperationuf_ f BuiQzing Offuia( Town of Montville Building Department 848-7166, Ext 81 ONE & TWO FAMILY CONSTRUCTION PERMIT SIGN-OFF SHEET Property Address Job Description: The owner/agent shall be responsible for the completion of the form, no construction permit will be issued until all signatures below have been obtained. HEALTH DISTRICT 823-1189 "~7 2-0 Permit Not Applicable S is Syst Date ❑ Permit ❑ Not Applicable Private Well Date WPCA DEPARTMENT 848-7094, Eat 86 U ❑ Permit Not Applicable Municipal Sewer Date ❑ Permit # ❑ Not Applicable Municipal Water Date DEPARTMENT OF PU$LIC WORKS 848-7473 F ❑ Permit Not Applicable Director Date PLANNING & ,ZONING DEPARTMENT 848-8549, Eat 7 ~SSoo Permit ❑ Not Applicable Zoning Date 7 C ❑ Permit Not Applicable Inland-Wetlands Date ZONING PERMIT ZONING PERMIT NUMBER 99-ate S OR ON/A EXPIRATION DATE ~b - 2 aad PROPERTY LOCATION r1^~aY lu MAP C) LOT PROPERTY OWNER CONTRACTOR d~►~L~`~r ~~L~VfI~~'-A ~~~-I~ CONTRACTOR LICENSE # CONTACT ADDRESS TELEPHONE ZONE Y LOT AREA f la c~ YF 5r Lc f c t r L ~c lE 12, c T~ PERMIT REQUEST L IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO FURNISH THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: A SKETCH, OR PROVIDE TWO COPIES OF PLANS DRAWN TO A SCALE OF AT LEAST 1" = 40' SHOWING: DIMENSIONS OF THE LOT, THE SIZE, AREA, AND LOCATION OF EXISTING, PROPOSED, PRINCIPAL AND ACCESSORY STRUCTURES, DRIVEWAYS, SANITARY FACILITIES AND WATER SUPPLY, PARKING FACILITIES, AND ADJACENT STREETS; DISTANCES OF PROPOSED STRUCTURES FROM PROPERTY LINES AND WETLANDS. A PLAN PREPARED BY A CONNECTICUT REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR MAY BE REQUIRED. THE PROPOSED USE SPECIFIED ABOVE SHALL NOT BE AUTHORIZED UNTIL AN ACTUAL CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE IS ISSUED BY THE COMMISSION OR ITS APPOINTED AGENTS. SKETCH PLAN OR GRADING PLAN YES DWA HEALTH DISTRICT APPROVAL AYES rgNIA STATE HIGHWAY PERMIT []YES QNIA WETLANDS PERMIT OYES PNIA HAS A VARIANCE EVER BEEN GRANTED FOR THIS PROPERTY OYES PNO HAS BOND BEEN FILED OYES '01VA FEE p CASH p CHECK # O NIA THE APPLICANT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR AND AGREES TO, 1. ADHERE TO ALL THE APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ZONING REGULATIONS. 2. FURNISH ALL NECESSARY INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTATION TO PROCESS APPLICATION. 3. NOTIFY THE COMMISSION OR ITS APPOINTED AGENT OF ANY ALTERATION IN THE PLANS 4. CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION AND REQUEST CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE BEFORE ISSUANCE OF C. O. APPLICANTS SIGNdlr E L- TE: t C) COMMISSION AGENT DATE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE DATE THIS SIGNED PERMIT AUTHORIZES THE APPLICANT TO PROCEED TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT FOR ANY REQUIRED PERMITS CONTACT THE ZONING OFFICER (848-8549) AT LEAST 24 HOURS BEFORE CONSTRUCTION BEGINS TO ALLOW ZONING OFFICER TO INSPECT LOCATION. ori ~.nn OPEN SPACE • LOT $7 1 Nit - mow- --ww-wwww- .R N/F CHARLES - 22,514 sq_ft.. RYNKIEWICZ -------17517-6cres _ LOT 40 "v- 1 35p - -150 ND9 _ _ LOT 38 COURT s 40 0 20 40 80 nmT SCALE: 1"=40' LEGEND PROPERTY/STREET LINE PLOT PLAN EASEMENT LINE LOT. 39 STONE WALL CHESTERFIELD HILLS ESTATES . INLAND WETLANDS LIMIT ilk SWAMP/MARSH 13 AMANDA COURT ----350---- EXISTING CONTOUR MONTVILLE, CONNECTICUT 50 PROPOSED CONTOUR 3 - WATER LINE SCALE:1 "=40' DATE: JAN. 14, 1992 S SANITARY SEWER BY: 'BENNETT & SMILAS ENGINEERING, INC. SB SEDIMENT BARRIER 44 WOOD CART LANE, HADDAM, CT -x x= FENCE L 06 H,9„Mtr~ / d ~r , I y'X y" L7 o j'~ aoJ~,J a , f ~ ,G'a,JG/Pt% F0.077,06- permanently wired timer required far pool filter circuit All metal parts required to be bonded to equipment with #8 solid copper wire min. burial depth IT maybe reduced to IV if GF6 protected at the service panal Protect conductor from physical damage Withllic schedule 80 nonmeta conduit or equivalent f Wire must be listed for this application and have insulated ground t Y' CIA w -h -;1 TOWN OF MONTVILLE APPROYED PLANS FOR CONSTRUCTIOIj FIELD COPY FILE COPY [j 5 DATE -o SIGNATURE a 3~ RJD ENTERPRISE,L,LC A FULL SERVICE ABOVE GROUND POOL COMPANY P.O. Box 380391 East Hartford CT. 06138-0391(860) 569-6927 Fax (860) 569-7105 Reason's why you should choose KJD ENTERPRISE LLC as your installer. I have been installing pools in the Rocky Hill WetherfieId store for 16 yr's I personally will be on every job site to ensure the best installation. A full year warranty from date of installation. Keep equipment in grate shape so things will run smooth. I have great track record in all towns and encourage you to ask your building inspector on my performance. Phone calls will be returned that day. For Asurance info, please call Gorman Insurance Agency, Inc. (860) 643-1139 State of Connecticut Lis# 570527 expires 11/30//2002 Other services Opening and closing of pools. Take down and relocate of pool. Liner changes. Removal of fill Additional warrantees.