HomeMy WebLinkAboutAbove Ground Pool Town of Montville BUILDING DEPARTMENT 310 Norwich-New London Turnpike Uncasville, CT 06382 (860) 848-3030, Ext. 382 Building Permit Permit Number: B2003-0356 Date: 08-Jul-03 Map/Lot: 030/043-043 Owner ID 2001 Job Location: 4 _..,EIMANA MURT Unit Job Description: ABOVE GROUND POOL Owner: Contractor: Michael J and Charyl L Fleener KID ENTERPRISES - C/O M KEENER 4 AMANDA COURT 4 Amanda Court UNCASVILLE CT 06382- Uncasville CT 06382 Telephone: 860) 569-6927 Lic/Reg Type/No. 0 Exp Date: Tenant: Telephone: Construction Values Permit Fees Construction Information Building Value: $3,150.00 Building Fee: $22.00 Use Group: R-4 Plumbing Value: $0.00 Plumbing Fee: $0.00 Code: 1995 CABO Mechanical Value: $0.00 Mechanical Fee: $0.00 Construction Type: 5B Electrical Value: $158.00 Electrical Fee: $10.00 Permit Code: R8 Other Value: $0.00 Other Fee: $0.00 Comments: Total Value: $3,308.00 CO Fee: $10.00 Plan Review Fee: $2.20 State Ed Fee: $0.53 Total Fees: $44.73 It the owners resnonsibi(ity to schedule the following inspections (minimum 48 hours notice required): ❑ Footing - Prior to pouring concrete ❑ Rough HVAC ❑ Backfill - Footing drains and waterproofing ❑ Fireplace Throat ❑ Concrete Slab - Prior to pouring concrete ❑ Chimney - One flue above thimble ❑ Rough Framing ❑ Firestopping/draftstopping 0 Rough Electrical ❑ Insulation ❑ Electrical Service ❑ Final Inspection ❑ Rough plumbing and leak test Certificate of Occupany ❑ Gas piping and test Building Official's Signature: Town of Montville ' Building Department Permit # 310 Norwich New London,Tpke. Tel. 848-3030, Ext 382 Uncasville, CT 06382 Fax. 848-7231 Pool Permit Application Form [21',q6ove Ground ❑ In ground ❑ Efectnecaf ❑ Deck ❑ (Poof heater ❑ 3fot TWSpa ❑Other Job Location 'A ,Amy E"t Owner Acs &L1 It 1e Mailing Address y vAw .,-v, ~T City r,~ \\+t State c;r Zip Ot,,beR- Tel &o / 349°7 /(,-31, K Contractor k5D tc'dz.~ Mailing Address City State Zip Tel 15L-c) / St., / L-Zak Contractor's License/Registration Type & Number Exp. Date / / I hereby certify that the proposed work will conform to the Basic Building Code and all other codes as adopted by the State of Connecticut and the Town of Montville and fin-ther attest that the proposed work is authorized by the owner in fee and that I am authorized to make application for a permit for such work as described above. Owner /Agent Signature- Date is -7 l a lo3 Construction Value Fee Building $ 3~res $ ~V Mechanical $ $ Electrical Certificate of Occupancy $ Plan Review Fee State Education $ :5,--3 Total $ 33 4*- $ (See Reverse side for additionafrequirements) ,r Town of Montville and Spa/Hot Tub Permit Require is ❑ Two (2) complete sets of construction documents (to scale) are required and shall show the following information if applicable. This list is not all-inclusive, additional information may be required for your particular project. • Supporting Documentation Co let signed and dated Building Permit Application Permit fee- calculated upon complexion ofplan review Completed building permit affidavit for property owners or sole proprietors or copy of workers compensation insurance Copy of Contractor Registration or license Construction permit sign-off sheet signed by all departments Engineering data for pool Street address ofproject on all drawings and documents Pool alarm affidavit Manufacturers data for pool heater Manufacturers data for spa/hot tub • Site plan Property lines Distance from property line to pool and other structures Pool enclosure- type, gates, & details Wetlands and flood zone limits and elevation LP-gas tank location, size, piping • Deck plan(s) Dimensions Joist - size, spacing, direction, species, grade Beam - size, spacing, direction, species, grade Pier size, spacing, depth below grade Stair location and details Guardrail and handrail details Gate - location and details Door locations and type from house if house is used as part of the barrier • Electrical plan for pools Pool pump location Timer location General purpose outlet location with dimension from pool Wiring type, burial depth, and location Lights and switches Type ofwiring Burial depth Pump outlet location with dimension from pool GFCI protection location Pool bonding method and location Manufactures data for pool lights Note: One set of approved plans is required to be kept on site at all times. De artment Receipt Of Montville Building P Town No* .V Date j F-~fJ i From: c Job Address: Check #ceP Cash (ham ~ ~ (Circle ~nO FZeccived by Permit Fee Calculation Spreadsheet MISCELLANEOUS PERMIT CALCULATION Pools & Spas Above Ground Round 1 EA $ 3,150.00 $ 3,150.00 Above Ground Oval EA $ 5,250.00 $ In-Ground EA $ 18,900.00 $ Heater EA $ 3,465.00 $ Hot Tub EA $ 5,250.00 $ Roofing Strip & Reroof > SQ $ 207.20 $ Overlay SQ $ 127.05 $ Plywood SQ $ 101.85 $ - Sheds SF $ 26.25 $ Electrical Service 100 Amp EA $ 816.43 $ 200 Amp EA $ 1,519.19 $ 400 Amp EA $ 6,039.29 $ Breezeway/Decks Open SF $ 22.31 $ Enclosed ~SF $ 94.76 $ Porches Open SF $ 62.69 $ Enclosed SF $ 123.90 $ TOTAL BUILDING CONSTRUCTION COST $ 3,150.00 PERMIT FEE Building $ 3,150 $ 22.00 y Electrical $ 158 $ 10.00 CO Fee $ 10.00 Plan Review $ 2.20 State Ed Fee $ 3,308 $ 0.53 Total Fees $ 44.73 Based on 2003 RS Means Residential Cost Data 7/7/03 N. STATE OF CONNECTICUT WORKERS' COMPENSATION COMMISSION Building Permit Affidavit for Property Owners or Sole Proprietors (Conn. Gen. Stat. § 31-286b) Property located at: y In the town of Name of building permit applicant: a~ mac,. t.- e 4o\ e-- r Please check one: 1. I am the owner of the above property. 2. I am the sole proprietor of a business. 2A. Name of business: 2B. Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) Pursuant to § 31-286b, "a property owner or sole proprietor [who] intends to act as a general contractor or principal employer" may provide either a certificate of workers' compensation insurance or a "sworn affidavit... stating that he will require proof of workers' compensation insurance for all those employed on the job site in accordance with this chapter." Please check one: 1. I do not intend to act as a general contractor or principal employer. [Sign and stop here] Signature of applicant 2. I intend to act as a general contractor or principal employer. Applicant must either provide a certificate of workers' compensation insurance or sign the affidavit below. Affidavit I hereby swear and attest that I will require proof of workers' compensation insurance for every contractor, subcontractor, or other worker before he/she engages in work on the above property in accordance with the Workers' Compensation Act (Chapter 568). I understand that pursuant to § 31-275 C.G.S., officers of a corporation and partners in a partnership may elect to be excluded from coverage by filing a waiver with the appropriate District Office; and that a sole proprietor of a business is not required to have coverage unless he files his intent to accept coverage. Signature of applicant Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 200-. (Notary Public/Commissioner of the Superior Court) Town of Montville Building Department 848-3030, Ext 382 RESIDENTIAL SWIMMING POOL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT SIGN-OFF SHEET /4 A-ma Property Address Job Description: ~d The owner/agent shall be responsible for the completion of the form, no permit will be issued until all signatures below have been obtained. HEALTH DISTRICT 848-3030-339 Approved ❑ Permit ❑ Not Applicable Septic System Date Approved ❑ Permit ❑ Not Applicable Private Well Date WPCA DEPARTMENT 848-3030, Ext. 376 Approved ❑ Permit Not Applicable ruiipal icSewer Date House Trap ❑ Outside ❑ Inside Approved ❑ Permit # ❑ Not Applicable Municipal Water Date PLANNING & ZONING PARTMENT 848-3030. Ext. 379 e - In-Compliance _ Permit [ 13 ❑ Not Applicable Zoning Date In-Compliance ❑ Permit ❑ Not Applicable Inland-Wetlands Date Un as etzl h District 372W. Main Street - 2na Floor Norwich, CT .06360-5450 Phone No. (850) 823-1189 791 FAX No. (860) 887-7898 E-Mail: office@uncashd.org Internet: http://www.unc-a.shd-org Serving the People of Norwich and Montville APPLI TI ON TO CONSTRUCT AN ADDITION, DECK, POOL OR GARAGE OR TO CHANGE THE USE OF A BUILDING Owners Name: Phone Number: Property Address: Number of Bedrooms: Approval requested to: Construct an addition Number of rooms: Size of addition: Use of addition: Construct a deck O Size of d k: Construct a shed 0 Size of shed: Type of foundation? .Install a poolQ Inground O Abo ground Size of pool: 2.4 r='s' a-0 V, s Install a garage 0 Size of garage: Other 0 Description and dimensions: Change the use of the building or rooms in the uilding 0 Description of change: Review Fee $25.00 Site Investigation Fee $50. Total Fee $ Fee Paid $ Cash Check # Receip it * A plot plan showing the location of the existing building, any p osed additions, decks, garages, pools, etc., the septic system and the well must be sub `tted. * For an addition, a floor plan of the existing house and the proposed dition must also be submitted. * If test hole and percolation test data is not available, then a test hole(s) m be dug and a percolation test performed. * If the exact location of the septic tank Meaching field are not available, the own r must have them located, if deemed necessary, to ensure that all separating distance requirements are met. Owner or Agents Signature, Date Swimming PooCACnrmAf~ vit (Date o '7 ® "7 . 03 Owner 4 c 4►aa i V~1zcne -Waft Address Location ofTmperty Af a~c~. e z I._ ~cch a e ( Fk9 an-- . owner/owners agent of the a6ov+e referencedpmperty, Fure6y sur4arandattest that I ant aware of the requirement fora pool a&m to 6e hutalfedin the poofto 6e constnutedat-the above referenecedproperty. Further, er, I ant aware that the alarm must 6e hutalCed andfunctioning.at the tine of thefinaf(Cert of Occupancy) inspecti n forthe poor !?Z 11 (signed) (date) (Notary, ' ner of the Superior Coin, `Su6sai6edandswom to 6efon nu justice of the Peace) this r of IvA„ S Date Commission moires I A ~SYDA L. P UBLIC UBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES OCT. 39, 2007 ~rrrrr~■r■r•■r■•r•~r■■■•~■■s■■■■■■■errs...r■•rr•■r■rr■■rrr■■.sarar■■■r■■■■■■ Inspectulandoper f fGD'VL"iii IJ:DI nNI rkuNi-VuGUE +514-363 ~,)-='2 T-280 P.04/07 F-496 Rev. 199705121_02 POOL. 52 " PART LIST 1 Rc uNE) P&M 52' 'All PART LIST BY SIZE ROUND POOL 52.. POoi- SIZE PART # DESC 0008 0010 0012 0015 0018 Q021 0024 0027 A 1267130 TOP SEAT 30" 10 - - - - - A 1267142 TOP SEAT 42" - 9 - - - A 1267152 TOP SEAT 52" 1 . - 9 11 13 15 17 19 5 R 12673 UPRIGHT REG. 52" 10 9 9 17 13 15 17 19 C 22150A SEAT CAP A FLAIR 10 9 9 11 13 15 17 19 A 221105 SEAT CAP B FLAIR 10 9 9 11 13 15 17 19 E 20463 JOINER PLATE PR 2Q 18 18 22 26 30 34 38 F 1214108 RAIL PREST. S' D 10 - - - - F 1214110 RAIL PREST 10'D . 9 - - - F 1214112 RAIL PREST. 12'D . 18 - - - - F 1214115 RAIL PREST 15' D - - - 22 - - - F 1214118 RAIL. PREST 18'D - - = - 26 - - - •F 1214121 RAIL PREST. 21'D - - - - - 30 - - i" F 1214124 RAIL PREST. 24'D - - - - 34 - 1214127 RAIL. PREST. 27'0 - - - 38 G 20497 WALL JOINER BAR 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 H 2021 PLASTIC COPING 10 12 15 17 19 22 I STEEL WAIL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,3 VINYL LINER 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 V12-31.4 SCREW 12x'/, S.$ 70 63 63 77 91 105 119 133 B1i4x20X718 BOLT'/, x 20 x 718 30 27 27 33 39 45 51 57 N 1 4x20 HEX NUT Y. -20 20 18 18 22 26 30 34 38 CN1I4x20 CAGE NUTx 20 10 9 9 l l 13 15 17 19 Diu+.a v09L,a Pool Proauets. 9031 Salley :v"t, wisaou. Quetlec CSnaoa maR 2Ca3 Tel ( 514) 363.5232 FaA ( 514) b36-1772 3 FES-09-98 10:56AM FROM4005 +514-363-1772 T-280 P.02/07 F-496 Rev. 199705121_0 vocur 1. 1.2 ASSEMBLY DRAWING ROUND POOL 52" l ~ Oil rr~ A - Top seat #12671 F - wall channel is 12141 B - uprignt (regular) 012673 C- Steel bar 0 20497 C - seat cap (Inside) # 22160 H - Plaatic coping IF 2021 p - Seat tap (oamwe) * 22114 t - 5toal wall f= - Joiner plate V 20463 1 - Vinyl finer ,~`»Witt4,JN1!/~~1 M Rater to hex cone (corsJ'ication flexed on siz" and options) `teat wu 8-471 Q t ~Irl'~rnuA~ e Vogue pool Proavcm, so31 Salley Street, wSalla. Quew Canada nak 2C8 Tel ( 514) 363-3232 FAA : (514) 636.1712 4 +514-363'I(fG 7 LVV EB-09-98 10:56AM FRom-VOWE Rev. 199705121_02 voCUF. DIMENSION DRAWING ROUND Paul- 52" (0021) 21' X or jo.40m X 1 Alm) ❑ (0027) p,m A' 21' (6AWN 5z Vol. 10 355 pal. 2r X10^ (6.23m X 1.22m) (39p 124 L} p,m A: 2r (q.Z3m) VoL 17 1 W O. (fi4 S00 W (0018) 18 X W (5.49(n X 1.22n1) r^".ral Dim A: IN (5.49m) • I Vol 7650 flat. f ~ {28 i3Py L) Z (0024) ❑ 24, X w (7.32m X 1,22m) Dim A: 24'(7,32m) Vol. 13 6211 gvw. ~ SZ (0015) (Sl 192 L) is X;e• (4,57m X 1.228+) pine A: 15' (07m) Voi. 5 255 941 (20 000 W 01M. A {p01 2) sz' 1,92xi() 1}t(1)Ui =n) 1ax~ (s.asmX1. t own A: IT S 6Bm) va.4224 9w• O (16 002 L A~'~ 't i en tr lr(T s irr ~t0. f gl71 yj ~ ~ t L ~ •r 'iii 3~O~VAI~~♦~''~~ Vg "g Pool Product:;. 5031 Salley SSteat. L5S311B' Guam CanbOa risR 2C67a1 (S14) 363.3:3: Fax . { S14) 636-1772 5 e% ~fA DE ourtrrc- -Pvc, y~P. ~C