HomeMy WebLinkAboutSingle Family Residence .w f/~O VV M~ TOWN OF MONTVIL.LE Building Department 848-7166 APPROVED BUILDING PERMIT OR TRADES PERMIT ..For 1818 DAX11 Permit Not 9840 Approval Dat e t 1122192 ttpiratt i on Dater 7t22/92 Zs t i mated Costs 59%840.00 Feast 358» 00 PRF t 42.81' C. O a 10.00 Owners D' Amato Bras. Adidro s s t 83 Quarry Road Teti 874-599a Job Location # Lot 36 Amanda Court Cadet e- ,Contractors self Addres r same Tel-:: same- Stick.BuiItt x Modular Homer Manufactured Homes Commerciale Additions Sarapet Car Ports Shed Remodelin # Roofings Siding Fireplaces Chimneys Window to Poole Demalitiont . Pluabing i Heat ing a Elejetric7al Air Conditioning# east Pattat Porcht DeckI x Niwt x RepairIReplaceaentr Type of material us*d/discriptiont woad frame Si"t 32' x 24' Type of Heats hot. water - gas Fireplaces n/a. No. of 8torifst 2 No. Rooms-r 4 Breezeways n/a- Mo. Baths o 1 N - Oarapes n>a Uses residential I hereby certify that the proposed work will conform to the Basic 8ui ding Code and all other Codes as adopted by the State of Connecticut, and the Town of Montville. Applicants* 8i anat urt t . Dat 4k_t If signed by Contract* type of saense/rapi t ion i► Not 1iui;idin8 Officialls signatures Data of Health D*Pt. Approval t Date of lon ing Appro-va t TH18 12 TO INFORM YOU THAT UNDER THE'CONNECT I CUT AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING CODE, SECTION 119,E1 A CERTIFICATE OF'OCCUPANCY 18 REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY USE OF THE STRUCTURE. S TOWN OF MONTVILLE Building Department Annlication for *--Permit Owner: 7"9 1 Address: N Tel -4 Job Location:, Contractor: t A-AA N 16 D_AS Address. , a "Tel: Stick Built: Modular Home: Manufactured-Home: commercial: Addition: _ Garage: _ Car Port:_ Shed: Remodeling: Roofing: Siding: _ Fireplace: Chimney: Windows: Pool: Demolition: Plumbing: Heating: _ Electrical: Air Conditioning. _ Gas: Patio: Porch: Deck: Now Repair/Replacement: Type of Material to be used/job description:` ,t Size: A- cr Type of Heat: ' . Fireplace: V & No.of Stories: No. Rooms: Breezeway: No. Baths: Garage: Use - 1 Ltl!0 c-n j ~ tI •J 1 l~2 [ ~y Fj - r ~ n -Ilk 2 10F cc ~,5x o a 1? lz/~~ Z lzx~ .r 12 x~ 70 1-2 A 3x t1Q 3; B = t eta L0 5-q2-02 5-09-14 16 ifs L :6 I 5-09-14 5-02-02 15 ~g l 1-00-00 t 1-Ca-0[1 22-OD-00 b CMS= 0 1 0' 22 -:cL7~ 40.D PSF SPACING = 2-00-00 REALBS)NBEG(IN) 20QGA. PT'/PLATES 165 rPSI GR5 {xhxl TCD:.- 7.0 ?5F INCREASE= 1.15 ( 1 .5 3CLL= C.0 PS: BUTT CUT= D L/4- j 1= -14oio 33.5 CSR= 5 - - BOTTOM cxoxD - CSR= 4.8x6--- - ZX 4 ~ WEBS STD 5PP TCP ZKORD - CsR= 0.821-- 2X 4 13UDSPF/N2DKDSYP 2i[ 4 18005PF/N2DKDSYP yT 1a ZX W 2= 76T H C b= 2086SZv ui $ as -1630 TA v- WEDGE DETAIL AT THE KEEL (S 's OF -MEW J, ~srrr~ ZFMEM W. CAN 2 cs:o cs:o CS3 z q 45'0` +ro }rv` I ti} a ~ . iiJJ S a U 19 jrh e4 ~a 4 EOky ~ OR 2COyi.£yt'om'. a IL gm 4t s j°d• a,C W.N. 7'~w `'~4fEHtL a EA81FA~ s vsja-~~ ~r ~ 6 ?s: CAg ~ i Se 6 p L O1 13~. e0ov i _ r~Ffa8~@ ! *~`a. droau.t`T r S+OiVai £~ot EMERSON SUPPLY COMPANY 1•BR HEAT LOSES CALCULATION ti402::G5 01i16r ,a JOB NAME :CAPE POP HOPE JOB LOCATION WHOLESALER, :EMERSON CONTRACTOR :FRENCH i PREPARED BY a ,.TOO l;i:=L''Ir RF -"S a i F:CIOM li ROOM NAME FACTOR ROOM SIZE' BTU LOSS FT BASEBOARD 1 LIVING 2.00 DI liN 1: iil 1:a 31a 00 A 20X 12 9673.60 17mS • 3 KITCHEN 4a00 ex lqx 11 6328.9E 11.5 r y, D f fjt) OX 12X •i :F.. 407.16 ..8.5 5 BA I«i H 6.00 8P 5X 8 1359.36 %E 2.5 6 DEDi M 2 7. 00 SX 12X 10 4838.40 (,,I•GS8. i 4t~~ f?1 ~ i 6 BEDE~ M 4 9.00 OX 15A 10 495E.80 9.0 9 BAI-1-1 a: 1 t::1 a 0 0 E3 X 6x 1 t? 1 1 5 a 04 x 2.1 TOTALS 44430.09 80.8 SITU CALCULATIONS HAVE BEEN INCREASED 20Z DIME;'.ik;:Ct7i:AL DATA y SQa T SO. SOX T SOXT CU XT SO. F-1 RIM. # NET WALL GLASS EXP t-:!= I L l=Xl` FL L'' VOLUME 1._:L V . 1a .E~_A 1 166 2 to t~ 144 1152 144 3 69 3;1 .0 --"54 1232 154 1 is 132 105S 1324 5c t G, 159 17 1210 0 960 120 7 367 17 312 0 2496 312 231 17 240 0 1.,': 2 0 410 4a so 0 480 GO TOTALS 1543 193 1822 670 11531 144,2 BTU HEAT LOSS,DATA " i~{r ~ 'a.1 ,r:: i ' _ ' a'. r ~1 "r'~~ 3 Iasi i1 I•^•M. * WA,L.'. Lt..).`.:i•`:.7 jai H O I.tJUY': t U i f'it_ P i t 1 64,00" in 2.00 0.00 JV&D. :2438.32 405.12 2 828.00 2548.00 -0.00 .768.00 5529.60 1673.&D 3 676.00 1612.00 0.00 492.80 354B.18 632 B . 96 632.00 1352.00 € a. t 0 422.40 2280.96 4687.36 5 182.40 624.00 0.00 0.00 552.96 1359.36 6 636.00 884.00 1936.00 fa. o€„i 1382.40 4838.40 7 Was.00 884.00 499.20 0.00 3594.24 6445.44 a 924.00 884.00 W4.06 0.00 2764.80 4956.80 0.00 115. €i rata 829.44 1175.. €_)w; 230.40 TOTALS 6240.80 1~01vlt-}. 0€°} 2934.40 Q4400 22970.0 44436.08 X OF TOT. 14 23 7 5 52 100. i , ;-•t E AVERAGE L4 U k:.iw:: , O T.. OF LIVING AREA IS • THE AVERAGE ST U PER CU. f° T . OF LIVING AREA IS 3,85 I' E FACTORS U aE D. T N CALCULATION Y'Tl U\ i -T t A;=•-k•'OR , * WALL GLASS CEILING j="i._OOR T NF :E L„!„ OUTPUT TEMP 1€_) . 0i a 0.05 0< 65 0.02 0.04 0.27 550 s- } 10.00 0.05 0.65 € a . 2 0.04 0.36 550 SO 10.00 0.0s 0.65 0.02 0.04 0.36 550 so 10.00 0.05 € a . 5 € i . 02 0.04 0.27 550 SO 10.00 0.05 0.65 0.02 0.04 € 7. 18 550 Q) 1o tjt_a 0.05 F.5 0.02 0.04 0.18 550 0 ~ 10.00 0.05 0.65 0.02 0;04 Me 550 8(::) 10.00 0.05 0.65 0.02 0.04 0.18 550 so 10.00 € a . 0 € } 6 5 0.02 0.04 0.16 550 GO j I TOWN OF MONTVILLE No -tIT2 PERMIT FOR PUBLIC SEWER CONNECTION DATE - a ( ~ Z FEE $ PERMIT NO. TYPE NO. OF UNITS LOCATION`. - C~r~- - C~`{~ro 9~ D V~l1tt~c C~ OWNER(S) OF RECORDS NAME 183 /'//4- C~ 06 yt TIE-IN CONTRACTOR J~ ,x DATE 222A75~,92.INSPECTED BY METERED METER NO. DATE FIRST READING INSTALLED SKETCH OF LOT SHOWING WELL OR WATER PIPES, BUILDING AND PROPOSED TIE-IN ROUTE TO STREET STUB. Show as-built connection complete with all measurements from a permanent structure to pipe exit from building and all cleanout locationsjtrap and vent (if outside), grease pit (if any), grinder pump installation (if any). (Use back of white sheet if necessary.) ~ ~-n 1^~~NbATi~ ~ >f_-VT F rrT A , E~et TRAP S~ 7' f36Lc TJP F W q1 t rr 13c,L0%4 TOP r)F FCvt~nATio~7 ~,d`T`Tn1.l W o c A L A. - C - 6-S' (3 - l~ 3 WPCA COPY INSPECTOR COPY OWNER COPY (white) (yellow) (pink) ZONING PERMIT ZONING PERMIT M.NBER DATE SUBMITTED EXPIRATION DATE Applicant: -D t~ 2V D C, Applicant's Address: z r~ r M14X>W Telephone No. ;i z..-- Property Owner: n, An A*cn i Property Location: 14 m,-,7 Ain +4 : 0&-T Assessor's Map No.--W Lot No. 6 Subdivision Name: 77-7-11'r) ) We e eIs . Zone: _ Area* I at c r r?t► Building Height: Total Floor Area of Structure After DevelMnerrt: Sign Area (If Applicable): Nature of Request/Proposed Use: f ,cam rrt r L •,~a... This zoning permit and two copies thereof shall include plans drawn to a scale of at least 1"=40' showing dimensions of the lot, the size, area and location on the lot of existing, proposed, principal and accessory structures, driveways, sanitary facilities and water supply, parking facilities, and adjacent streets. Distances of structures from property lines and centerlines of public roads must be indicated. In the case of fill or excavation requests (under 500 cubic yards), dimensions of fill or excavation area must be included. Any other specific uses must also comply with the zoni regulations. A plan prepared by a Connecticut Registered Land Surveyor may be required. The applicant guarantees to adhere to all the applicable requirements of the zoning regulations. In addition, the appl cant agrees to notify the Co mission or its appointed agent of any alteration in the plans. The use specified above st NDT be authorized until an actual Certificate of Use and Compliance is issued b the Cammission or its appointed agent. S PERMIT AUIFa2IZES 5E APPLICANT 1D Pam TD TIE MOM DEPARTMW FOR ANY RED PSM-M Z A?> Tzmnissiod Agent Action Date App6lant PLAN REAR YARD DIMENSION LOCATION OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE OR USE N BUILDING LINE DIMENSION (WIDTH) FRONT YARD DIMENSION f~ CO DMCNS OF APPROVAL: 1. APPLICANT M9 OCUACT ZONING OFFICER (848-WA9) AT LEAST 24 HM BffW C016TRLTION BEGINS TO ALLOW OHM OFFICER TD EFFECT LOCATION. 2. APPLICANT KIST CALL FOR FINAL USETION AND RENT CERTIFICATE OF MPLIW 00:ULr ISSl1INCE OF A C.O. ~l 1 -370't • t 40 0 20 40 80 FEET ♦ • SCALE: 1"=40' I LOT 37 _ 156.07.. 6°c Z ' ' FF EL= 6 -CAPE 2 LOT. 36 C- 24' 20,009 sq. ft.~~~ , 0 0 35 0.459 acres/ LOT 35 a rr rr r. i COTTONWOOD LANEfrr ' r" 1 ~ er j 1 ~ 1 , -r.. LOT 23 LOT 22 LOT 24 LOT 25 LEGEND PROPERTY/STREET LINE PLOT PLAN EASEMENT LINE LOT 36 STONE WALL CHESTERFIELD HILLS ESTATES . • INLAND WETLANDS LIMIT .1L SWAMP/MARSH 1 AMANDA COURT ----350- EXISTING CONTOUR 50 PROPOSED CONTOUR MONTVILLE, CONNECTICUT 3 - = WATER LINE SCALE:1 "=40' DATE: JAN. 14, 1992 S SANITARY SEWER BY. BENNETT & SMILAS ENGINEERING, INC. se SEDIMENT BARRIER 44 WOOD CART LANE, HADDAM, CT -x x- FENCE