HomeMy WebLinkAboutGas Lines/Vent Free Fireplace Field Inspection Notice Town of Montville Building Department September 10, 2007 Address: 7 Allison's Way Job Description: Gas Lines for Vent Free Fireplace Permit Number(s): M2007-0115 Permit Date: September 6, 2007 Not Approved Approval INSPECTION Date: Deficiencies Special Date Conditions Gas line test ' 9 lbs. 9110/07 CC Final inspection for 9110107 CC certificate of approval Rev. Date: 1/18/06 Page 1 of 1 TOWN OF MONTVILLE Building Department 310 NORWICH-NEW LONDON TURNPIKE UNCASVILLE, CT 06382-2599 TEL. (860) 848-3030 X382 FAX. (860) 848-7231 MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit Number: M2007-0115 Date: 06-Sep-07 Map/Lot: 035/009-018 Owner ID: 54000 Project Location: 7 ALLISON'S WAY Unit: Job Description: Additional Lines for Gas Vent Free Fireplace Owner Name: Todd M and Renee C Frechette Tenant Name: N/A Careof: 7 Allison's Way Oakdale CT 06370- Telephone: (860)889-2888 Contractor Name: James L. SaporitaTelephone: (860)859-9070 DBA: Spicer Plus Lic/Reg Type: GI Lic/Reg No: M 338986 6 Deer Ridge Road Exp Date: 31-Aug-07 Stonington CT 06378- onstru i n Velum Permit Fees Construction Information Building Value: $0.00 Building Fee: $0.00 Use Group: _IRC Plumbing Value: $0.00 Plumbing Fee: $0.00 Code: 2005 State Building Code Mechanical Value: $550.00 Mechanical Fee: $8.00 Electrical Value: $0.00 Electrical Fee: $0.00 Construction Type: IRC Total Value: $550.00 Penalty Fee: $0.00 Permit Code: R5 C of O Fee: $0.00 Comments: Plan Review Fee: $0.00 State Ed Fee: $0.08 Total Fee Paid: $8.08 It shall be the owners rensonsibility to schedule the following inspections a minimum of 2 business days in advance: Field set of approved construction documents shall be available onsite during all inspections. BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTIONS PLUMBING, MECHANICAL. ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTIONS Footing - Prior to pouring concrete R Plumbing and leak test Deck Piers R Electrical Backfill - Footing drains and waterproofing Elec Trench - with conduit installed Concrete Slab - Prior to pouring concrete Pool Bonding Anchor Bolts - with sill plate and prior to floor framing Electrical Service CRS No: 0 Framing R HVAC Masonry Fireplace Throat or Chimney Thimble V Gas Piping and leak test Fireblocking -Draftstopping INSPECTION REOUIRED UPON COMPLETION Insulation d Certificate of pproval rti e of Occupancy Building Official's Approval: Town of Montville Building Department 3 10 Norwich-New London Tpke. Tel. 848-3030, Ext 382 Uncasville, CT 06382 Fax. 848-7231 Residential LP-Gas Permit Application Form KSingfe Fa=5 [j Two-Famify F-I Townhouse Permit # Job Address 7 4 115(pn -ORKbnLG7j CT 0(o3q 0 (Number) (Street) (Unit)! Job Description l _ An n S CO-4s ~e P) t ° C A af o Roo YLP- s Owne({Mailing Address [ City S S 8 State-C~F_ Zip a3(3()_ Tel Re / 9 RV~ Contractor Mailing Address City State Zip Tel/ Contractor's License Type & Number_e~r3g 9 ?5& Exp. Date j_/ I hereby certify that the proposed work will conform to the Basic Building Code and all other codes as adopted by the State of Connecticut and the Town of Montville and further attest that the proposed work is authorized by the owner in fee and that I am authorized to make application for a permit for such work as described above. Separate applications are required for electrical. Owner /Agent Signature~~,uj ~C Date v? / Construction Value Fee Mechanical $ H6 $ g.~ Electrical $ $ - Plan Review Fee $ State Education M) $ 10 Total $ 5-S D- $--~-0 4tvUedsepum&r9, 2oo4 Town of Montville Building Department .,File ..Receipt Date: 05-Sep-07 Receipt No: 2725 Received From: SP Acquisition Corp. Job Address: 7 Allison's Way Fees Collected State Educational Training Fee Cash: $0.00 Cash: $0.00 Check: $8.08 Check: $0.08 Check No: 0 Short/Over: $0.00 Construction Value: $550.00 Demolition Value: $0.00 Received By David Jensen HEATING, PIPING LIMITED CONTRACTOR JAWS 4 SAPORITA 6 RE k JUDGEAD STONYN6TON, CT. 06378 t 7 LIC. / REG N4, EFF CTI',/ EXPIRES ( HTG.038898fi= 09/01/2007 1 0$/31/2008 1 r, SIGNED STATE OF CONNECTICUT DEPARTMENT OF CONSUNtER PROTECT Pe it -no« n that _ JAMESL SAPORITA 6 DEI-~;R RZ JGE RID STON7 I~TGT,0S CT 06378 has been certified by the D6,Part'j0"nt - C consumer Protection as a HEATING, PIPING & COMING LIMITED CONTRACTOR Lice 86 G1 - V W. Effective;' 09/01/2007 Expiration': 08/31/2008 rS~ Jerry Farrell, Jr., Corzinussioner ji, A ED 6,.-.u ! M 36 Thames Street, Groton, Ct. 06340 (860) 445-2436 • (800) 448-2028 Fax (860) 445-2313 Date: Q 012 12L2Q'~- City/Town/Borough: 1 , cCU ,Job Site Address: 'J PLLi,~pn U)A QA K b Lc~ , C~G3°~l~ ,:O(STn LL U~ r G-,G- G)- S 9SA 7- S7D Inc, J won a L 0-0-S ~ - rOn n er In 6E1S71X-1 C- . 7M,0i,~- K Project to start on or about the following date: Qq to 7 ROO:J: This letter authorizes 4 to obtain a permit on my behalf for the following customer/ project: Property Owner: % O (DU,~f C ~-l T7- Mailing Address: 7 Ake t~caY) On ~d - Loa t--, by- L--a 766 9o James L. Saporita - Gas Technician Division of Spicer Plus, Inc. • Ct. Lic. #388986 • R.I. Lic. #00007469 ~g AT T L LII CONT OR J L S ORITA s GTO CT 8 LIC. / REG T IRE 38 6~ Ad% `IG ED y W l 1 Mfiy-21-?UU ( fMUN Uy , qd HrI GIVI;r`'~ l IYJUICtiifl:C t3ttvnCrcJ r hn Irv. ! I V`1 t ; L I . rr I ACa D~, CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE IMUIDO/Y rR°aucel 1 THIS CFRTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION 3X1$~I4Y SIVBIIRJII/C1C iSRCJCJTJ25, IlYC. ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS 'UPON THE CERTIFICATE P O BOX 1729 HOLDER, THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVE AGE AFFORDED 13Y THE POLICIES -AELOW. AI+FAnY. Mr 3.2201-172s INSURMS AFFORCSING COVERAGE NAIC# MISURED 8'87C$R P1IC1$, I1VC. ST.1L INSURER A: TSlAVZZZR3 TNJDmtNITr co or CT " 'p.QI SOX S03 INSUAEA 0: TRA VJMXRS SNTDJ 3fNT'J'Y 'C0 dr AJIfgR , Gitoros, CT 06340 msuRER c: AX$R.LCAP HGWd .iB6URAD2C1!' Co INSUMI O; 4110-I lAL TN&17A"CS CQI!F iA Y 9PSC0 IasuR£R E: - COVERAOFS ThE POLICIES OF INSURANCE tiSTED 6ELIDW HAVE EEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PER100 INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONNTION OF ANY CONTRACT OA OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, YHE INSURANCE AFFORDED PY TKE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN 1S SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS Of SUCH POLICIES. AUGMEQATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE REFN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. rirsn roucY NUrIOER Y FF NE UCY EX RA UAIIY$ $ GOtA1 LIARILITY f~D-fJSSCO~,to7 0413012007 0413012008 EACH OCCURRENCE _ If 11000 000 AAAAG& TO COMiAERCIAL GENiR.1L LIAQIUYY E 8 C00hismA01 OCCUR MEDFXPIAnyoMaiRoN i $,000 PEASONALGAOVINJURY 1,000 000 "GENERAL AGGREGATE 1 ,7,000, 000 L AGGREGATE LWMUT-APPLIE6 PER: PRODUCTS• COMPlOP A130 0 2100 0, Ob0 POLICY Pnv LOC AvrGU)oelu'w,Ir+u'tr ./ilf tzico72 - 04/90/2007 0413012008 COM61NID SIMMS LIMIT X ANYAUTO II+ a+rt1 ' 2,000,000 ALL OW14ED AVTQS - SCHEDULW AUTOS UOVILY INJURY - IhlpOnonl HIRED AUTOS NON•OWNWALITaS MooILYont) , tPar t c doonq X NC,9-.A0 PROPERTY DAMAGE w•_ X S=J)NN 4 ACCTD. A W, kCCM1i 1 r*ARAQE L1AiRJTY AUTO ONLY• EA ACCT DENT 0 ANYAUTO OTH£RTHAN EA ACC / AUTOQNLY: ACC 1 D EXCEaSlLIMORl9LAIJAEIIITY 17D000DSS23-02 04/30%2007 04150120178 CACH OCCURRENCE 1 5,000,000 OCCUR u GWIVISMADE hGGREIiATE 0 5, 000, 000 0 RETENTION 1 i ~ VVOAKEAi 9014IM46ATIONAND NCS 71`1722 02/12/2007 0111212008 X w YAT p eK►1J3Ym, LAWUTY ANY PRO PPoETO RRWARTNERMNECUT1 VE E.L. EACH ACCIDENT i 100.000 OFyRCEIVIVIWOM EXCLI.101W - - EA- DISEASE . 6A EMPLOYEE 1 100,000 SR.ECIAL PROVISIONS Wbw If a DNG1~ y~r E.L DISEAJE • POLICY LIMIT 0 500, 00.0 ornFR nassasrc~z Ds/3o/?1707 Of/30/2088 DJM PPT19 & LTliMS $500 i'17Y.Pxc4 . DAMAO$ cQV. DJW ALL o7wjrxq/ACV $1,000 D F40WT10N OF OPPATIO NS 1 LOCATIONS 1 V E W C LB.C) EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT I SPECIAL MYPON$ CR -nFICATR HOLDER CA TION SHauLu ANY OP THE ABOVE DESCRtEO POLICIES OE CANCELLED EFFORE THE IXFIAAYION DATE THEREOF. THS r6SWNG 1NtURER WILL VWM^YOR TO WAIL 2-0- PAYS WRITYAN NOTWE TO TM C[f(TIFOGATE HOLDER MAME D TO THE EEF7. OUT FAiAME TO DO 60 SHALL IMPOip. NO pgUuATi9Ff OR LJA%"TY OF ANY KIND VPDN THE INSVRER, ITS AG6NTfi of RE 6NTATIVEa• AVTHOAIZED REPRE'9AYT+~,TJ}tE ~I ACORO 2b;2001/08) 0 ACORD coRPORATION 1988 Town of Montville' i Building Department 848-3030, Ext 382 RESIDENTIAL LP-GAS PERMIT CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPROVAL 0 son g~ - DaLl ei-d~ 1?,9 roperty Address 7-7 fOO Al Lf S lo~t~l S M~ ~t✓S IS VIII Ca®~L~ / Job Description The applicant is responsible for obtaining all of the required approvals checked off on this form. No building permit will be issued until all of the required signatures have been obtained. Required De artment Approval p Permit Issuance Approval ® Tax Collector :i',,ngat.i. date ❑ WPCA Sig.DLILU ❑ Planning & Zoning Sigm,itureq' date ❑ Health Department :asz 1,1re/ date Fire Marshal' Si aata r / date- Comments/Conditions: !Rr i edSeptem&r9, 2004