HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 - 18x30 Above Ground Pool and Deck i TOWN OF MONTVILLE BUILDING DEPARTMENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This is to certify that the work described conforms substantially to the requirements of the State of -Connecticut-Building-Code and-is being-issue--En-actor a - 265 and the State of Connecticut Building Code and is hereby approved for use and occupancy. Property Address: 12 ADAMO AVENUE Unit: Job Description: Above Ground Pool Permit Number: B2007-0284 Map/Lot: 131/029-00 Use Group: IRC Construction Type: IRC Code: 2005 State Building Code Special Conditions: Owner: Amanda and Robert Ryan Design Occupant Load: N/A Automatic Sprinkler System Required: 0 12 Adamo Avenue Automatic Sprinkler System Provided: None Oakdale Cr 06370- 9~ , Wednesday, July 30, 2008 ilding official signature: CO Issued: i Y Town of Montville Building Department v 310 Norwich-New London Tpke. Tel. 860-848-3030, Fact 38 Uncasville, CT 06382 Fax. 860-848-7231 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY APPROVAL Property Address Job Description No Certificate of Occupancy will be issued until all of the required signatures have been obtained. Required Department Certificate of Occupancy Approval Approval ® WPCA Required for all occupancies on er Comments: Planning & Z ing ' Required for all occupancies - o G Comments: ",67 ® Health Depa ent Required for all occupancies with Se tics stems Comments: ❑ Department o Public Works Re uired when ro'ect includes rivew work or certain drainace uirements Comments: ❑ State Dept. of Transportation wired when S C Certificate Operation i s licable Comments :_-I ❑ Police Depa ent Required for all occupancies - e t one & two family 4 y Comments: ❑ Fire Marshal Re uired for all occupancies - e t one & two famil Comments: I wised x%WU& s, 2oos r Field Inspection Notice Town of Montville Building Department July 30, 2008 Address: 12 amo Avenue Job Description: Above round Pool Permit Number(s): B2007 - 84 Permit Date: June 13 2007 Not Approved Approval INSPECTION ate: Deficiencies Special Date Conditions Electrical 711/08 CC Barrier 7111 CC . Gate doesn't latch 712108 CC • 711108 CC Alarm • 7/1108 CC Timer Final inspection for • 7/2/08 CC certificate occupancy Notice: Before a certificate of occupancy can be issued, a C/O signoff sheet must be completed and returned to the Buildi Department. Signoff sheet are available in the Building Department. Rev. Date: 1/18/06 Page 1 of 1 Town of Montville Building Department 310 Norwich-New London Tpke. Uncasville, CT 06382 Tel. 860-848-303(, Ext. 382 Fax. 860-848-7231 6/24/08 Amanda and Rob rt Ryan 12 Adamo, Avenue Oakdale Ct 0637 Dear Amanda and obert RE: Permit # B20 - 0284 dated June 13 2007 While on inspecti as in your neighborhood today I observed people swimming in your pool. To date no inspections have en made and no certificate of occupancy has been issued. Please contact our office to schedule the requ ed inspection. Please be inform that the use of this pool without the required inspections and issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy wo d constitute a violation under the Connecticut Building Code. Respectfully you Charles Corell Building Inspect cc: File i Town of Montville Budding Department 310 Norwich-New London Tpke. Uncasviile, CT 06382 Tel. 860-848-3030, ext. 382 Fax. 860-848-7231 5/13/08 Amanda and RobeRyan 12 Adamo Avenue Oakdale Ct 06370 Dear Amanda and I Ro'bert RE: Permit # B200 - 0284 dated June 13 2007 With the up coming swimming pool season around the corner we would like close out the outstanding swimming pool permits. In order for this to be accomplished we are asking for your assistance. When you open up your pool u need to call our office between 8:00 and 4:30 to schedule an inspection, if it passes then a certificate o occupancy sign off sheet must be filled out and returned to our office, then the certificate of occup cy can be issued which closes out the pool permit. Your co-operation in this matter would be greatly }reciated. Please be informed that the use of this pool without the required inspections and issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy wou constitute a violation under the Connecticut Building Code. Respectfully yours Charles Corell Building Inspector cc: File I i i TOWN OF MONTVILLE Building Department 310 NORWICH-NEW LONDON TURNPIKE UNCASVILLE, CT 06382-2599 TEL. _(860_)848-3030 X382 FAX. (860) 848-7231 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: _B2007-0214 Date: 13-Jun-07 Map/Lot: 131/029-000 Owner ID: 6000 Project Location: 1 12 ADAMO AVENUE Unit: Job Description: Above Gr nd Pool Owner Name: Amanda and R )pert Ryan Tenant Name: N/A Careof: 12 Adamo Ave we -1 Oakdale CT 06370- Telephone: Contractor Name: Property Owner Telephone: (860)848-3410 DBA: Lic/Reg Type: Lic/Reg No: 0 Exp Date: _ . _ Constriction V Permit Fees Construction Information Building Value: $5,473.00 Building Fee: $48.00 Use Group: IRC Plumbing Value: $0.00 _ Plumbing Fee: $0.00 Code: 2005 State Building Code Mechanical Value: $0.00 Mechanical Fee: $0.00 Electrical Value: $711.00 Electrical Fee: $8.00 Construction Type: IR_C Total Value: $6,184.00 Penalty Fee: $0.00 Permit Code: R8 C of 0 Fee: $10.00 Comments: Plan Review Fee: $5.60 State Ed Fee: $0.99 Total Fee Paid: $72.59 It shall be the owners re sonsibili to schedule the following inspections a minimum of 2 business days in advance: Field se of approved construction documents shall be available onsite during all inspections. BUILDING PERMI IN PECTIONS PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTIONS Footing - Prior to pouring c crete ❑ R Plumbing and leak test ❑ Deck Piers R Electrical ❑ Backfill - Footing drains an (waterproofing ❑ Elec Trench - with conduit installed ❑ Concrete Slab - Prior to pouring concrete Pool Bonding ❑ Anchor Bolts - with sill plate and prior to floor framing ❑ Electrical Service CRS No: 0 ❑ Framing ❑ R HVAC ❑ Masonry Fireplace Throat o himney Thimble ❑ Gas Piping and leak test ❑ Fireblocking _Draftstopping INSPECTION REQUIRED UPON COMPLETION ❑ Insulation Certi e of Approval f rtificate of Occupancy Building Official's Approval: ' I Town of Montville P Building Department Residential Accessory Structure Plan Review Form Date: / Job Address: o f/V Job Description: 2 11;1 o f v o w -'V dy o/ Your permit application is bein rejected for the items checked off or commented on. The required information must submitted for review (two sets are required) (C.G.S. 29-252x.) This list is o Bred as a guideline only. It is not meant to be all-inclusive for every permit application, nor is it meant to take the place of the State Building Code. SUPPORT G DOCUMENTATION SITE PLAN Permit application not co eted Plans required Permit fee due $ j Plans do not match the building plans Permit fee to be calculated Finish floor elevation not indicated Worker's comp. affidavit or Workers comp. certificate to be submitted Distance from the property line(s) to the structure not identified Copy of contractor's registr n or license required Structure dimensions not provided Construction permit sign-of sheet required with appropriate approvals, it shall Existing and proposed contours are not provided or insufficient be the applicant's responsibi ' to obtain the required signatures Footing drain discharge not identified Affidavit required from the older of the registration or license authorizing you Utilities not provided (electrical, phone, cable, sewer, water, gas) to apply fora permit with t it information Delineation of flood hazard areas and design flood elevation is required per Provide supporting docume tation to show compliance with the 2003 IECC section RI06.1.3 (www.ener codes.- OR I Private sewage disposal system to be identified along with all technical and soil • One- and Two Family DIt llings with < 15% glazing area to conform to the data as per section R106.11 requirements of section 102.1 Grading is to slope away from the building, provide more detailed information • Townhouses with < 251A glazing area to conform to the requirements of Plan submitted is not the same plan that has been approved by the Zoning section N1102.1 Department and/or Health Department Two sets of construction uments required, this includes all engineering Retaining wall - construction documents required data, calculations and all o documentation 106.1 Retaining wall documents required to be stamped and signed by a Connecticut Documents are copyright p ttiected, provide original plans or a letter from the Registered Professional Engineer designer authorizing the du 6tion of the plans Field set of the approved c 'on documents are required to be picked up FOUNDATION from our office and must be ailable on site during all inspections No plans submitted or insufficient information Construction documents sh;dl be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, Dimensions required nature and extent of the wor proposed as per section RI06,1.1 Wall thickness not identified Construction documents do not match the orientation of the structure on the Footinit size not identified site plan Frost rotection not identified or is insufficient Column , size, spacing not identified or insufficient WE ~ LIIVII'I'ATIONS Waterproofing details not provided or insufficient Submit supporting data to show conformance with the wind limitations (3 pier type, size and anchor details not provided or insufficient second gust 110 mph) Engineered foundation plan required Design publication needs tc be identified (WFCM, chapter 3; WFCM, chapter Crawl space ventilation, location, type and size not provided or insufficient 2; ASCE 7-2002; SSTD10- 1 Crawl space access, location and size not provided or insufficient Documents required to be s airiped and signed by a CT registered Professional Engineer WINDOWS & DOORS Documents must be designed to either Door sizes not identified • Wood Frame Constr eI tion Manual, 2001 edition Window size & type not identified • ASCE 7 - 2002 edioh Window header size not identified or insufficient • SSTD 10 - 1999 edi ' n Door header size not identified or insufficient Documents required to be s a, ped and signed by a CT registered Professional Engineer if based on ASCE 7}02 or WFCM chapter 2 GARAGE and CARPORTS Shear-walls not identified o the construction documents or are insufficient No plan submitted or insufficient information provided Shearwall calculations re ' red Building section required Ridge connection not identi or insufficient Opening protection between the garage and residence is not identified or Roof-to-wall connection no identified or insufficient insufficient per section R309.1 Wall-to-wall connection no identified or insufficient Separation between the garage and the residence is not identified or insufficient Wall-to-sill connection not ' ntified or insufficient per section R309.2 Provide engineering data f he piers to resist gravity, lateral, shear and uplift loads, stamped and signed a CT licensed design professional ELEVATIONS, Hold-down devices, locatio and type not identified or insufficient No plans submitted or insufficient information Foundation anchor spacing of identified or insufficient Plans do not match the floor plans Construction documents do of match the engineering data submitted Finish grade not identified or does not match the site an Cold-formed steel framing shall be designed in accordance with COFSIPM- Building height(s) not identified 2001 edition Dimension height of chimney Roof itches not identified R,evised94ay 4, 2007 Town Of Montyine Building Department STAMS SHEDS Stair not shown Structure has an area of more than 400 square feet - frost protection is Riser height not identified or insufficient required provide details (8403.1 A 1) Tread depth not identified or insufficient Eave height is greater than 10 feet- frost protection is required, provide details Nosing required for closed riser stairs (8403.1.4.1) Riser opening can not allow the passage of a 4" sphere Ground anchors are required - provide information and details Winder stair- detailed lans red Spiral stair- detailed plans required POOLSMOT TUBS Stair width r aired to be minimum of 36" above the requited handrail height Provide information and details for barrier Handrail detail not provided or insufficient detail Gate can not swing out over stairs Guardrail detail not provided or insufficient detail Gate required to swim away from the Pool area Headroom hei t not identified or insufficient Sidewall support brackets required to be, protected by a barrier, provide 36" lending required at the bottom of the stairs information and details 36'1 anding required at the top of the stairs Gates to self-closing and self-latching Frost protection required, Provide details and connections Doors from residence required to be alarmed OR self-closing self-latching Pool pump receptacle dimension from the pool wall is required - show location FRAMING onplan Stud size and spacing not provided or insufficient General purpose receptacle required (min. 10 ft, max 20 ft from pool) - show Sheathing not provided or insufficient location on the an Plans required showing joists, beams and openings Wiring type not identified or unclear Bearing partitions not provided or indicated Wiring method not identified or unclear Framing direction not indicated or unclear Burial depth not identified or unclear Beam span & size not provided or insufficient Bonding requirements not identified or unclear Joists an, size & spacing not provided Light fixtures -manufacturers installation instructions required Joist's over- armed Electrical plan required for pool Beam over-spanned Provide design data for all unalied wall and floor bearing points FLOOD-RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION 23 Point loads not identified on beam data Documentation required to be submitted for the connection, anchored to resist Framing less than 18" to grade to be pressure treated or decay resistant flotation, collapse or permanent lateral movement Steel beam - must be stamped and signed by a Connecticut Professional Delineation of flood hazard areas, floodway boundaries, and flood zones and Engineer the flood design elevation to be identified on the site plan (8106.1.3) LVL's - een data requited Elevation of the proposed lowest floor, including basement; in areas of shallow 1 -joists - engineering data required flooding (AO zones] the height of the proposed lowest floor, including Design loads not provided or insufficient basement, above the adjacent highest grade shall be identified (R106.1 3) L Electrical systems, equipment and components, and heating, ventilation, air DECKS / PORCHES conditioning and plumbing appliances, plumbing fixtures, duct systems, and other service equipment shall be located at or above the design flood elevation. Construction documents re aired Dimensions required ELECTRICAL INFORMATION Framing direction not indicated Plans required showing panel locations, GFCI, switches, lights and receptacle Beam an & size not provided or insufficient locations Joist span, size & spacing not provided Panel location not identified Joist's over-spanned Receptacle locations not identified or insufficient Beam over-spanned GFCI receptacle locations not identified or insufficient Ledger - show attachment and flashing detail Lights and switches not identified or insufficient Post size orspacing not indicated Location of time clock not identified Height of deck above adjacent finished grade not provided Connections not identified or insufficient FUEL GAS INFORMATION Plans do not match site plan LP-Gras tank size and location not identified on the fans Trench detail not provided or insufficient Piping diagram not submitted or insufficient Comments: ec Permit application reviewed by: rI Vernon D. Vesey II David M. Jensen Charles Corell Building Official Deputy Building Official Building Inspector ' ernsed9tay4,2007 A Town of Montville Building Department ; 310 Norwich-New London Tpke. Tel. 860-848-3030, Ext 382 Uncasville, CT 06382 Fax. 860-848-7231 RESIDENTIAL POOL PERMIT APPLICATION FORM Permit No.: A=:1,&.?,Y9 Type of Work Permit Type ❑ Above Ground Pool ❑ Pool Heater ❑ Building ❑ In-ground Pool ❑ Deck ❑ Plumbing ❑ Hot Tub/Spa ❑ . ccessory Structure ❑ Mechanical ❑ Electrical Job Address: 1 Z (Number (Street) (Unit) Job Description: i C I Owner: eb Q~ rf1 Address: Z ~jwno J City: O M Q , State: C Zip Code: 0 Ca3'7 Telephone: 8 ca age - 3-I Contractor: DBA: Address: City: State: Zip Code: Telephone: License Type: License No.: Expiration Date: I hereby certify that the proposed work will conform to the State Building Code and all other codes as adopted by the State of Connecticut and the Town of Montville and further attest that the proposed work is authorized by the owner in fee and that I am authorized to make application for a permit for such work as described above. ❑ By checking this box, I will fo Iqw the requirements of the 2005 NEC as the alternative compliance per section E3301.2.1 of the Residential Code, instead of the electrical requir (rents in chapters 33 through 42 of the Residential Code. Owner /Agent Signature: Date: L, 0) Constru tton Value Permit. Fees Building Value: Building Fee: Plumbing Value: Plumbing Fee: Mechanical Value: Mechanical Fee: Electrical Value: Electrical Fee: Total Value: Penalty Fee: C of 0 Fee: Plan Review Fee: NEECEIVED State Ed Fee: Total Fee: J U N ° 6 2007 p I BUILDING ~ R~vise~ ~Decein6er31, 2005 P ® m Reside, "al Pool Permit Requirements Ch- `klist This list is to be used as a guide only and is not all-inclusive, additional information may be required for your particular, project. Two complete sets of construction documents required. Item Provided I AppliNot cable I Supporting Documentation Completed, signed and dated Building Permit Application Completed building permit affidavit for property owners or sole proprietors or copy of workers compensation insurance Co of Contractor Registration or license Construction permit sign-off sheet signed b all departments Street address of project on all drawings and documents Two complete sets of construction documents Site Plan Property line Distance from property structure Structure dimensions Driveway Proposed utilities Wetlands and flood zone limits and elevation Septic system shown and located on the plan LP-Gas tank location, if applicable Pool Plan Pool enclosure/safe barrier Pool pump location and distance from the inside wall of the pool Timer clock location General purpose receptacle location (10-20 ft from pool) Wiring method used Wiring burial epth, if applicable Pool bonding method Deck Plans Dimensions Joist - size, spacing, direction, species, grade Beam -size, spacing, direction, species, grade Pier size, spa in, depth below lade Stair location and details Guardrail and handrail details Gate - location and details Door locations and type from house if house is used as art of the barrier p c Town of Montville Building Department File Receipt Date: 1 -Jun-07 Receipt No: 2413 Received From: Amanda Ran Job Address: 12 Ad `no Ave. Fees Collected State Educational Training Fee Cash: $0.00 Cash: $0.00 Check: 72.59 Check: $0.99 Check No: 0 Short/Over: $0.00 Construction Value: $6,184.00 Demolition Value: $0.00 Received By David Jensen State of Connecticut - Workers' Compensation Commission - Please TYPE or PRINT IN INK Proof of Workers' Compensation Coverage when Applying for a Builds ig Permit for the Sole Proprietor or Property Owner who WILL act as General Contractor or Principal Employer Applicant for Building Permit Name of Applicant for Bud 12 di I Pro located at 1Xa11~V1 d in the City/ T dot L Attest If you are the owner of the ab vE -named property or the sole proprietor of a business doing work on the site of the construction project at the above-named property and you WILL act as he general contractor or principal employer, you must provide proof of workers' compensation insurance overana for all employees. omplete this form and, if app i able, sign the Affidavit below in the presence of a Notary Public or a Commissioner of the Superior Court. CHECK ONE (t) BOX ON Y, provide the appropriate information, and sign: ❑ I am the OWNER of the above-named property. I WILL act as the general contractor or principal employer and, as such, will submit proof of workers' compensation insurance ~erage for all employees who are doing work on the site of the construction project at the above-named property. Signature of OWNER Appl cant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ I am the SOLE PROP IETOR of a business doing work at the above-named property. I WILL act as the general contractor or principal employer and, as such, will submit proof of w rkers' compensation insurance coverage for all employees who are doing work on the site of the construction project at the above- named property. Signature of SOLE PROP I ETOR Applicant am the OWNER of the above-named property or the SOLE PROPRIETOR of a business doing work at the above-named property. I will not personally submit proof of workers' co bensation insurance coverage, but I will attest to the.following: AFFIDAVIT 1 hereb swear and attest that 1 will require proof of workers' compensation insurance for every contractor, subco tfactor, or other worker before he or she does work on the site of the construction project at the above- ~med property in accorda a LhSecltlion 31-286b of the Workers' Compen tion Act Signature of OWNER or S LIE PROPRIETORAppl t Name of Business-if apptic bie Federal Employer ID# (FEl)-rapplicabie and sworn to be obi ~ _ _ _ _ _ Subscribed 200 . re me this day of LISA TERRY NOTARY PUBLIC' Signature of Notary Public / mmissioner of the Superior C rt MISSION EXPIRES OCT. 31, 2007 i F ess 12 Adan-WAve REM QTY $/UNIT TOTAL Building Plumbing Mechanical Electrical BUILDING AREA Pw Construction SF $ 114.17 $ - $ asement, Finished SF $ 20.87 $ - $ - asement, Unfinished SF $ 11.28 $ $ - r~wl Sapce SF $ 8.46 $ - I Manor Renovations SF $ 31.90 $ - $ - $ - MAN FI CTURED HOMES rPund Anchors SF $ 5.86 $ - $ - $ - asement SF $ 11.28 $ - $ - $ - rawl Space SF $ 8.46 $ - $ - $ AMEIN TIES itchen EA $ - $ - $ - Tull Bathroom EA $ - $ aIf-Bathroom EA $ - $ - GARAGE ttached SF $ 49.41 $ - $ e,Itached SF $ 63.21 $ $ - nder SF $ 9.12 $ - $ - arport SF $ 18.08 $ - MEC ANICAL arm-Air " Y Y/N $ - o'tWater tj I' Y/N $ leclric -N Y/N $ - irConditioning 4I Y/N $ - ELEC ICAL SERVICE Upgrade S'. Amps $ - verhead, new a Amps - $ - n~derground, new Amps $ - obpanel EA $ 545.00 $ - 1n Set EA $ 3,500.00 $ SOLI F0. BURG ALINCES fb Metal Fireplace EA $ 5,907.00 $ onry w/lfireplace EA $ 6,451.50 $ onryw/2 fireplaces EA $ 10,087.00 $ dStove,freeslanding EA $ 2,447.50 $ stove insert EA $ 1,690.70 $ - DE J PORCHES, SUNROOMS IDeck SF $ 39.16 $ - Porch SF $ 135.80 $ - unroom SF $ 160.82 $ $ POOLS I& HOT TUBS olt Tub EA $ 7,287.50 $ - $ - ground Pool EA $ 19,430.40 $ - $ - b!ove Ground Round EA $ 4,635.88 $ - $ - b'ove Ground Oval ? EA $ 5,472.50 $ 5,472.50 $ 710.05 0 1o1 Heater EA $ 8,167.50 $ - fiatable Type Pool EA $ 1,542.42 $ - SHEDS I !o electrical SF $ 18.50 $ - /electrical SF $ 18.50 $ - $ - REN VIATIONS of fing, Overlay SF $ 3.38 $ - 9ofing, Strip & reroof SF $ 3.76 $ - olofSheathing SF $ 1.19 $ - iding SF $ 2.30 $ - iadows EA $ 423.50 $ - kylights EA $ 955.54 $ - dors, Exterior EA $ 401.50 $ - ili Tank, 275 Gallon EA $ - )it Tank, 550 Gallon EA $ - MISCELLANEOUS CALCULATIONS TOTA $ $ 5,472.50 $ - $ - $ 710.05 PERMIT FEE CALCULATIONS Construction Value Fee Bui ding $ 5,473.00 $ 48.00 Plu ibing Y $ - $ - Me lhanical Y I' $ - $ - Ele frical Y $ 711.00 $ 8.00 Working before Permit Issuance ! N $ - Cer i icate of Occupancy Fee $ 10.00 Pla I'Review Fee $ 5.60 State ~ Education Fee $ 0.99 TO ~LS $ 6,184.00 $ 72.59 Figures are based on the 2006 RS Means Residential Cost Data x a Town of Nantville Building Department 310 Norwich-New London Tpke. Tel. 860-848-3030, Ext 382 Uncasville, CT 06382 Fax. 860-848-7231 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPROVAL t Property Address 44iz 30 Job Description The applicant is responsible for obtaining all of the required approvals checked off on this form. No building permit will be issued until all of the required signatures have been obtained. Required De iartment Permit Issuance Approval Approval Tax Collector Comments: WPCA, Administrative s sirs aturei date Comments: ❑ WPCA, Operations signature/ date Comments: I Planning & Zon g ✓ c Signahn-e/ da Comments: I 20 - ❑ Health Departm 1nt ~igriaturPi date Comments: ❑ Department of ublic Works Signature/ date. Comments: ❑ State Dept. of T nsportation Signature date Comments: Fire Marshal Comments: S, i~t, c3 signature! date n(~Ut &P*O Auguet 5, 2005 a C3 0 7,1 w I-. z • 9u top rails and 7-1/2" verticals provide € attractive, full-strength upright support. s i, • All-resin bottom assembly combats against the corrosion where your pool rests on the ground. 4 Y,: • Two-piece resin top connectors and footcovers provide precise fit, extra strength, and l~ decorative finish: • Signature model features a compl e f+. ra • Exclusive Gibraltar buttress-free oval system or resin frame, all constructed from 1~ 0% - i Channel-Lok i compact-buttress system. 3 high-impact, deep ribbed resin peas is • Includes Uni-Bead liner with full print design and for the ultimate in durability and edr osion 'k 12' skimmer.a resistance- 77717~j i i~ Y}' ,it TM ,4` ~1 ° L'S ' 'Y L'y7f iw, 4 r~ #?T ~4r~i ~i ~s~ s~• ~t~~~~~ ~ "t;~~~ ~~~9"'1;~~ •Y~ ~J#~~~~o r; ~ tY ,F"R Gibraltar Buttress Fir Channel-t-ok I Channel-Ll k 11 Buttress The t, afar Buh ~;s Free system is an oval Compact-Buttress System System pool that does not require angled side The Channel-Lok 1 Compact-Buttress System The Channel- ok 11 Buttress System has sugrport (h Uttrets~ca) which tgke up extra requires fewer angled supports (buttresses), also been designed with fewer buttresses yard sparc. This uniq re system delivers yet provides an uncompromising level of without compromise to strength or durability. unsurp2 _ od strucWlahstrenglh without strength, for an uncluttered appearance and The Channel- ok'-11 r ysti-m s e-,sier to visibWsupports, r an attractive easier installation. This is the only oval install. This n w buttre s system can streamlined appe r rice. •,nd takes up less system with matching vertical supports. be installed on a flat corcrate m :!-face. 1-face, valuable Yard p: cF For exampe, a 35' x 9a' Unlike traditional buttress systems, the There is no ex avation or digging required, oval pccl i th bolt E s requires 21'x 30'. Chan nel-Lok I side verticals match the end only a fiat compacted level surface. once installed. A x 30' Gibraltar oval only verticals for eye-pleasing appeal. requires IVx 30` .ot.z,ava 180 squarc feet of yard space,orhave nouyh rot, a larger pool , 1. e n.., ,,:J A vigorous back h test is used to BL ensure oval desig strength. -1 r 1} ~ ;r i • Durable 20-mil virgin vinyl. • Highest grade UV inhibitors `for maximum 34r'h . r s n . a• weatherability and resistance to sunlight, -t 1-1- bacteria, fungus. chemicals, and cold. s~ - • Tough, durable 1/2" lap seams. f • Perrna-sealed with state-of-the-art equipment. Al DEPIN fAMILYFU I an 4 NOTES: 1. THIS SURVEY AN MAP WPREPARED PURSUANT TO THE REGULARS OF CONNECTICUT STATE AGENCIES SECTIONS 20-300b-1 THROUGH 20-300b-20 AND THE "STANDARDS FOR SURVEYS AND MAPS IN THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT"AS ADOPTED BY THE CONNECTICUT ASSOCIATION OF LAND SURVEYORS, INC. ON SEPTEMBER 26, 1996. IT IS A DATA ACCUM ATION PLAN CONFORMING TO HORIZONTAL ACCURACY CLASS D. NO PROPERTY/BOUNDARY OPINION IS PRESENTEE HEREON. THIS PLAN WAS COMPILED FROM OTHER MAPS, RECORD RESEARCH AND/OR OTHER SOURCES OF INFORM ON. IT IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS HAVING BEEN OBTAINED AS THE RESULT OF A FIELD SURVEY, AND IS SUB CT TO . SUCH CHANGE AS AN ACCURATE FIELD SURVEY MAY DISCLOSE. THIS MAP IS INTENDED TO DEPICT THE LOCA N OF THE PROPOSED HOUSE AND GRADING. TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION DEPICTED HEREON CONFORMS TO TOPOG PHIC ACCURACY CLASS T-D. 2. PROPERTY LINE A D TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON IS BASED ON CLASS A-2 SUBDIVISION PLANS ENTITLED: "PINE RIDGE ESTATES SUBDIVISION OLD COLCHESTER ROAD MONTVILLE, CONNECTICUT" BY BENNETT & SMILAS ENGINEERING, INC., DATED JANUARY 20, 2000 AND REVISED JUNE 20, 2000. 3. THIS PARCEL I5 ZONED R-40. IT WAS APPROVED AS AN OPEN SPACE SUBDIVISION. SETBACKS ARE GENERALLY- FRONT 37.5'; SIDE 11.25'; REAR 37.5'. LEGEND 40 FEET 0 20 40 EXISTING PROPOSED PROPERTY/STREET LINE STONE WALL INLAND WETLANDS SCALE: 1"=40' WETLAND REGULATED AREA BUILDING SETBACK LINE O-- S S--- SANITARY SEWER, MANHOLE CI-- (3 STORM SEWER, CATCH BASIN w. TREE LINE - -290- - - - 29 CONTOUR SF SILT FENCE FD FOOTING DRAIN WELL Q O TELEPHONE HANDHOLE/TELEPHONE MANHOLE 0 O ELECTRIC HANDHOLE/ELECTRIC VAULT/MANHOLE Fc-l CABLE TELEVISION HANDHOLE Go OPEN S ACE LOT 31 30 ti 34 N51'0532~E 187.83' 56.13' TOTAL) 131.70' 31 ~A 33 i LOT 2`* so WOOD DECK a LOT 29& STEPS 21044 sq.ft 24' x 24' FUTURE 0.483 ACRES SHED OR POOL AREA eA N 48 i~ LOT 30 . 36'0 I 'w O w P 4gN0Uge 28. co 60 .I \g 61 *0 4840 o, cS FOB. .?r.01 CONSTRUCTION \ 7)3 ENTRANCE 25 'n N a• v7 i _ i 8g '14) L=14 .15' L=25.50 Mp q ~ S S - S e F ,w "?c- A C I d {I id o % Town of Montville RECEIVED `V Pfa s Approved for Constructt n `fir-(C vamp, reQ'A provalshall not be construed JUN I 2007 a permit for, or approval of, g _ l n violation of the provisions l I - I TIe a k ••-~,.a,_~,,, ~ • D ~ Connecticut Building Code E3 Field Copy E Fite Copy ^ 3 s y G0 p, ~ Y A ~ 9 ■ ~'passeww.w+.✓w,u.=n+w..v,acarwur •ua.!a~,~n I-- A Genets 1 ! 4 i t q Expiration Date ' ' zoning k . r.Mit Fee S 40.00 'T'own of Montville ZONING PERMIT IT IS THE 0WN RS/AGENTS RESPONSIBILITY TO FURNISH THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: n Nature of Request/] oposed Use: ~O,/p (71-0,4 Property Location: j 2 Map Lot 2 ~ Zone Properly Owner Z Applicant Q Applicant Address 2 ' Phone# v g o Fax# lb- 1 Email Provide a copy of plans drawn to a scale of at least 1" = 40' showing: dimensions of the loft, the size, area, and location of a sling, proposed, principal and accessory structures, driveways, sanitary facilities and water supply, parking facilities, and adjacent streets; distances of proposed structures from property tines and wetlands A plan prepared by a Connecticut Registered Land Surveyor may be required. The nature of request proposed use specified above shall not be authorized until an actual Certificate of Compliance is issued by the Commission or its appointed agents. The owner/a ent is es onsible for and agrees to: 1. Furnish all ne gssary information and documentation to process application. 2. Adhere to all he applicable requirements of the Zoning Regulations. 3. Notify the Co ission or its appointed agent of any alteration in the plans. 4. Contact the , min Officer 848-8549 x-379 at least 24 hours before construction be ins and upon completion of roiect to allow Zoning Officer to inspect location. 5. An E&S bond a be required prior to compliance sign off and held for one year from this date. I I hereby certify th i the information provided is true and correct and further attest that the proposed work is authorized by the owner in fee and that I am authorized to make application for a permit for such described work. (2 - - U Owner/A ents sin 'cure 7 g g ate: ,L~ Date:" . Date Commission Agent Certificate of Compliance (COC) I OFFICE USE ONLY YES /A Cash /Check # Site Plan ❑ Wetlands Permit Has a Variance Ever Ben Granted For This Property? Has Bond Been Filed E Rev. 4/07