HomeMy WebLinkAboutElectrical - Renovation TOWN OF MONTVILLE Building Department 310 NORWICH-NEW LONDON TURNPIKE UNCASVILLE, CT 06382-2599 TEL. (860) 848-3030 X382 FAX. (860) 848-7231 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit Number: E2009-0151 Date: 29-Ju1-09 Map/Lot: 106/050-000 Owner ID: 508000 Unlt: Project Location: 31 CEDAR LANE ]ob Description: Electrical for Renovation Tenant Name: N/A Owner Name: Hui Guang Xu Careof: 31 Cedar Lane Uncasville CT 06382- Telephone: Telephone: Contractor Name: Home Owner DBA: Lic/Reg Type: Lic/Reg No: 0 Exp Date: _ r*~on yalue Permit Fees Construction Information Constru - Building Value: $0.00 Building Fee: $0.00 Use Group: IRC Plumbing Value: $0.00 Plumbing Fee: $0.00 Code: 2005 State Building Code Mechanical Value: t0.00 Mechanical Fee: $0.00 Eledrical Value: $0.00 Electrical Fee: $0.00 Construdion Type: IRC $0.00 Penalty Fee: $0.00 Permit Code: R5 Totai Value: C of O Fee: $0.00 Comments: Plan Review Fee: $0.00 Fees Inciuded with Building Permit State Ed Fee: $0.00 Total Fee Paid: $0.00 I hall e e wn re s nsibili to sch dule th followin in ections a minimum of 2 business da s in advance: Fieid set of approved construction documents shall be available onsite during all inspections. BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTIONS PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTIONS ❑ R Plumbing and leak test ❑ Footing - Prior to pouring concrete ❑ Deck Piers 0 R Electrical ❑ Elec Trench - with conduit installed ❑ Backfill - Footing drains and waterproofing ❑ Concrete Slab - Prior to pouring concrete ❑ Pool Bonding Electrical Service CRS No: 0 ❑ Anchor Bolts - with sill plate and prior to floor framing ~ ❑ Framing ❑ R HVAC ❑ Gas Piping and leak test ❑ Masonry Fireplace Throat or Chimney Thimble INSPECTION REOUIRED UPON COMPLETION ❑ Fireblocking Draftstopping ❑ Insulation F-/~ Certificate of Approval ❑ Certificate of Occupancy Buildin Official's A roval: Town of Montville Buildina Deaartment 310 Norwich-Nsw London Tpke. F~. 860-84&7231 Tel. 860-848-3030, Ext 382 Uncasviile, CT 06382 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION FORM Perrnit No.-- aob9- a15 ~ Tvae of Work Occu anc T e Perm ❑ Ney Construdion 19 Single Famiiy ❑ Building ❑ Addttion ❑ Two-Family ❑ Plumbing ~AlteraUon ~ Accessory Structure ~ Electrical~j CRS#: propeft,► Ada,ess: ~ 1 Cedo~~ ~,ati~ l,l.~p~s v~ I lP c T 032z (Number) (Street) (Und) Job Description: ui flwner, Address: ~ I CAnkr ~n.;, TelePhone L-.-~ - CitY- ~INS 11 State: T P Code: Appiicant: DBA: Address: City: State: Zip Code: Telephone Corrtractors - Complete the Fo1lowring: License Type: License No.: Expiration Date: I hereby certify that the proposed work will confom'i to the State Building Code and all other codes as adopted by the State of Connecticut and the Town of Mordviffe and frade► a!l+esf liiat the crpaosed vrork Is autlrorized bv fhe owner fi fee and that 1 am arrlhorhed to mke an~catla► fo~ a rmrmlt for sucb work as descrfbed above. 0 ad o~ f h e~leotrical requ~ements n c apters 33 though ~`42 of the Residentia~l C~ode~m~~ ~r section E3301.2.1 of the Residential Code, inst Cwner IAgerrt Signature: }4u~ ( a~~Cu Date:_(-y7 I2R I07 Construction Value Permit Fees BuiM'mg Value: Buikfing Fee: Plumbing Value: Plumbing Fee: Mechanicai Vafue: Mechanica! Fee: Electricel Value: Electrical Fee: Tota1 Value: Penalty Fee: C of O Fee: Plan Review Fee: State Ed Fee: Tatai Fce: *j,,;W&AWpe u, zoo7 State of Connecticut Workers' Compensation Commission DIRECTIONS for FILING FORMS 7A, 7B and 7C ow h'uar~r Building Permit Requirements for Workers' Compensation Section 31-286b of the Workers' Compensation Act requires anyone who requests a building permit to first submit "proof of workers' compensation coverage for all of the employees who are engaged to perForm services on the site of the construction project for which the permit was issued.° The only exceptions to this law are the sole proprietor or property owner who will not be acting as general contractor or principal employer. What to give to the Building Official to obtain a Building Permit: 1. The Genera! Contractor or Principal Employer must provide a written certificate of workers' compensation insurance for all of the employees on their project. This certificate may not be for liability, disability or any other type of insurance. 2. The Sole Proprietor or Property Owner who will not act as a general contractor or principal employer is not required to have workers' compensation coverage. In order to obtain the building permit, a FORM 7A should be completed and given to the building official. 3. The Sole Proprietor or Property Owner who Will act as a general contractor or a principal employer must provide a written certificate of workers' compensation insurance for all of the employees on their project and must file a FORM TB with the building officiat - OR he will sigrt a swom notarized affidavit on FORM 7g, stating that he will require proof of workers' compensation insurance for all those employed on the job site. 4. The General Contractor or Principal Employer who has properly excluded himsetf from coverage using the appropriate WCC form (see NOTE below) must file the FORM 7C with the building official. This form certifies that they have properly excluded themselves, and attests that they will require proof of workers' compensation insurance from every employee that works on the designated job site. NOTE: The general contractor or principal employer may exclude himself from workers' compensation coverage by filing one of the following forms with the appropriate Workers' Compensation Commission district office: Form 66 for employees who are Officers of a Corporation or Managers / Members of an LLC Form 613-1 for employees who are Members of a Partnership Address: 31 CedarLane TOTAL ITEM aTY SlUNIT guilding Plumbing Mechanical Electrical BUILDING AREA NewConstmction SF $ 113.03 $ - $ " Basement, Finished SF $ 22.96 $ - $ - Basement, Unfinished SF $ 12.40 $ - $ " CravA Sapce SF $ 9.30 $ - InteriorRerwvations SF $ 35.09 $ - $ - $ - MANUFACTUREO HOMES Ground Anchors SF $ 6.45 $ - $ - $ " Basement SF $ 12.41 $ - $ - $ - Crewl Space SF $ 9.31 $ - $ - $ - AMENITIES Kitchen EA $ " $ " $ FuIlBathroom EA $ - $ - HaIT-Bathmom EA $ ' $ " GARAGE Attached SF $ 54.35 $ - $ - Detached SF $ 69.53 $ - $ - Under SF $ 10.03 $ - $ " Carport SF $ 19.89 $ - MECHANICAL Warm-Air n Y/N $ - Hot Waler n Y/N $ - Electric n YM $ ' Air Conditioning n Y!N $ ' EIECTRICAL SERVICE Upgrade Amps $ - Overhead, new AmP$ $ Underground, new Amps $ " Subpanel EA - $ 599.50 $ - Gen Set EA $ 3,850.00 $ " SOLID FUEL BURNING APPLIANCES Prefab Metal Fireplace EA $ 6,497.70 $ - Masonry w/lfireplace EA $ 7,096.65 $ - Masonry w/2tireplaces EA $ 11,095.70 $ - Wood Stove, free standing EA $ 2,69225 $ - Wood stove insert EA $ 1,859.77 $ - DECKS, PORCHES, SUNROOMS Deck SF $ 43,07 $ - Porch SF $ 14938 $ - Sunroom SF $ 176.90 $ - $ " POOLS 8 HOT TUBS Hot Tub EA $ 8,016.25 $ - $ - Irground Pool EA $ 21,373.44 $ - $ - Above Ground Round EA $ 5,099.46 $ - $ " A6ove Ground Oval EA $ 6,019.75 $ - $ - Pool Heater EA $ 8,98425 $ - Intlatable Type Pool EA $ 1.550.00 $ - SHEDS w/o electrical SF $ 20.35 $ - wlelec[rical SF $ 20.35 $ - $ - RENOVATIONS Roofing, Overlay SF $ 3.00 $ - Roofing, SUip & reroot SF $ 4.00 $ - Root Sheathirg SF $ 1.31 $ - Siding SF $ 5.50 $ - yy~ndo- EA $ 500.00 $ - Skylights EA $ 1,051.10 $ - Doors. Exterior EA $ 601.50 $ - Oil Tank, 275 Gallon EA $ - Oil Tank, 550 Gallon EA $ - MISCELLANEOUS CALCULATIONS $ 1,000.00 $ 100.00 $ 50.00 TOTALS $ 1,000.00 5 700.00 $ • $ 50.00 PERMIT FEE CALCULATIONS Construction Value Fee Building $ 1,000.00 $ 8.00 Plumbing y $ 100.00 $ 8.40 Mechanical Y $ ' $ ' Electrical y $ 50.00 $ 8.00 Working before Permit Issuance $ - Certificate of Occupancy Fee $ - Plan Review Fee $ - State Education Fee $ 0.25 TOTALS $ 1,150.00 $ 24.25 Figures are based on the 2006 RS Means Residential Cost Data T ..a ~ . 4,5 ~i.'~ 3 „j . • ~ ~ ~ k _ o W ~ O N ~ 400 c ~ p ~ ~ . 1, Q W ~ Z e ~ ~ U = o 8 P ~o a ~ W ~C ~ p ~ ~ ~ e 0 V = ,a o ~ U a Q, m ~ ~ a ~ ~ o a ? El d J d ~ 6 , ~ ~ 14 ~ -10 A ~ . , _ • 4 *1~d". J ~ , . , i _ ~ ~ . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . # _ • r"~- L . . 21r.2. ' . 9~~5 r , Town of Mantville Bui{dina Department • 310 Norwich-New London Tpke. Fax, 860-848-7231 Tel. 860-846-3030, Ext 382 Uncasville, CT 06382 CONSTRUCTiON PERMIT APPROVAL Appiicant is cesponsible for obtaining afl af the required approvafs. No pecmit wiif be issued until alt the required signatures are obtained. ~ ~Y 1 l wCG.S V iil-c CT QLg Property Address S ' Job Descnption - At least one reuit,ed for all ermifs Re uFred as fndreated below - R uiredforall ermits ~ Required pepartment Permit Issuance Approval A proval c ~ Tax Collector SignatureJ da e Comments ~ Planning & Zoning i.i ~ , ~ Signaturel date Comments: Fire Marshal ` ZY) ~ Signature/ date Comments: 1 I ~1 ~ Ljl~~ ~ Hea{th Department Reauired fornronerties with septic svstems - Not re uired for Plumbin Electrical Mechanical Roofin S gn'atu e/ date & Doars Comments: ~ WPCA, Administrative Required for oroAerties on sewer gnatu~ date Comments: ❑ WPCA, Operations Signaturel date When Reauired bv WPCA Comments: ❑ Department of Pubfic Works si nature/ date Required when aroiecf inciudes drivewav work or certain drainacte reauirements 9 Comments: ❑ State Dept, of Transportation e u' for Sfructures over 100 000 s. R. or wifh mo han 2Q0 ar►dn s ces - Ofhcial co ot STC Ce ' cafe of O ration re ired - r CGS 14-311 Signature/ date Building Department Review Complete gi9nature/ date twi=darovobRs, zooa