HomeMy WebLinkAbout140sf Shed 1991 ` TOWN OF MONTVILLE, CONNECTICUT - CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NUMBER: „t5-3 - 9,/ Dated: NMIR 7,I9 ( Permission is hereby granted to W(AketEL R. FE.TariLt, to use the ' � ��.?U�1 as a facility located on 39 ��tia 3�( SR.D in accordance with zoning permit number k- dated Mari2.9,1110 and in compliance with the Zoning Regulations for the Town of Montville, Connecticut. ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION, TOWN OF MONTVILLE, CONNECTICUT Agent for the Zonin and Planni g Commission The recipient of this Certificate accepts this Certificate on the condition that he as the owner or as representing the owner, agrees to comply with all applicable ordinances and regulations of the Town of Montville and the State Statutes of the State of Connecticut regarding the use, occupancy and type of activity to be instituted. It is furthermore understood that any change of use of the facility for which this Certificate is being issued does require a new Certificate of Use and Compliance. NOTE: Changes granted applicant after issuance of the Zoning Permit are to be clearly specified in the Certificate of Use and Compliance. , _ _ - micRAEL PeiTeN 61t-L Fve v903 %co ShC�.6 Coilsrr -c iii ) 35 ZA/VIeW Cod/L( 0)c"ch'llei Of • 063F Ck#ies 10 f(ac4s Sv,7)^,;geZ +) .6u-; /x/,11 /iuspec z/Z evn..� .e✓Z ( 5O . l 6) �,clS et4A L t,JN ic (Ai (3) 2e e o%- "r&C S/clp S OF SiIEA . c 6( (kJ /rnD% Cc's too, AI4b k, &7 OtA) To co los 1 sr o A shu?(e ( .k.e .ctititi 1 feeEc o fz to I-ex; - (aSS . -Fre i` v(4-I S(ir:.lak e a k I-0.un fU s i cZ2 c.JA 7 I L\ ScAlam : 19-Ppk4 x . 3 = / w i 2 ki-1 e ccrnsrt z-t c'o.A. 4c, S� e,x� w;, a064\4) . WINclows A � SPP c<..)k ; F4T,5 (3 ree7r 0/6 .¢cam oC (S), -k Si cLa& . U CausT -tx 41 ASN livsiCp Sid As 1-0C--r CO&— lac 11.c��dY�X S4-0 mit e S pa-e-Q_ . pg Al2o BUILDING DEPT. ..ft la)4., 7.-Ael.. the 7 7.-AN IN tc I 9' A. 00 N. « Fo uN) -rl 0 curl-41,4- f �'' N\s Nti ' � F�AN1cS N 2 HI(1 2,, Z I(4 Vii Pip 7! / :. , s k a 11ti illy Z I . ‘(?. 11/47 z"Jee'%' ,it- , . / . 614r , bfli`L P> bETh I L is ' C...'--1x1. L , - . `! __.--- , I b 1 ii 1 •• ` P .�_, x. xL" ftria4.LtJ(. -- ^ ^ -�" ^~ /1 . ' 4.2 ^7 '62)j TOWN OF MONTVILLE q Building Department 848-7166 APPROVED BUILDING PERMIT OR TRADES PERMIT ---__-__--For 1fk0Days Permit No: 9030 Approval Date : 12/5/90 Expiration Date : 6/5/91 Estimated Cost : 840. 00 Fees : 10' 00 PRF: 2. 50 C. O: 5. 00 Owner: Michael Pettingill Address: 39 Rankin Court Tel : 848-4903 | Job Location : 39 Rankin Court Code : 05 Contractor: self Address : same Tel : same Stick Built : x Modular Home : Manufactured Home : Commercial : Addition : Garage : Car Port : Shed : x Remodeling : Roofing : Siding : Fireplace : Chimney : Windows : Pool : Demolition: Plumbing : Heating : Electrical : Air Conditioning : Gas : Patio : Porch : Deck : New: x Repair/Replacement : Type of material used/disoriptimn : construct 140 sq. ft. shed Size : Type of Heat : Fireplace : No. of Stories: No. Rooms : Breezeway : No. Baths : Garage : Use : I hereby certify that the proposed work will conform to the Basic Building Code and all other Codes as adopted by the State of Connecticut, and the Town of Montville. Applicant' s Signature : Ali-LiaDate : 44-S -/ If signed by Contractor, type of license/registration & No : /)=/^v- z�-_ Building Official' s Signature: � W'� , � ^ -_ Date : / / Date of Health Dept. Approval : _P/6 ______ Date of Zoning Approval : THIS IS TO INFORM YOU THAT UNDER THE CONNECTICUT AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING CODE, SECTION 119. 1 A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY USE OF THE STRUCTURE. TOWN OF MONTV%LLE Building Department Applicationfora Permit Owner: N\Ae-*AEA- 6ik1Address : R.AWK-11.) el : qq .R• 4963 Job Location : 59 RA"144A) (-COAT" Contractor: OUWER Address : Tel : Stick Built : Modular Home : Manufactured Home : Addition : Garage : Car Port : Shed : ' Remodeling : Roofing : Siding : Fireplace : __ Chimney : Windows : __ Pool : Demolition : Plumbing : Heating : Electrical : __. Air Conditioning : __ Gas : Patio : Porch : Deck : _-_-_ New: Repair/Replacement : Type of Material to be used/job description : Sizm : �� �� ^~~ -l\'-rT ' Type of Heat : Fireplace : No. of Stories : / No � ^ Rooms : Breezeway : 0���� � No. Baths : tv/tr Garage : NO Use : STOI~K 4st ZONING PERMIT II ZING PFRMIIT N11ER DATE SiHF11TED f,I2 5' 610 EXPIRATIIti DATE: N\Alt�r��ji(LL Z1,1991. Apps(cart: 1M IC I-1 A F L 12 a I l f NCS i LL Applicant's Address jj /=,4+t/XrK7 C�02T- TelepFnre No. 2.'0" 3 q.Q t_l 5O 3 Property Ownrer: AM F Property Location: 3c1 (Zpty lC I N Co„,-T Assessor's Map No. 1(. t Lot No. se, Stbdivisim Name: Zone: f - i<(, Lot Area: ,0 r1c,e_Ec Burlding Hetgnt: l(./ Total Floor Area of Structure atter Developnart ttio 5.-1.4-r , Nature of Request/ se: SrcoaGE Slf44) This zoning permit and two copies thereof shall include plans drawn to a scale of at least 1" = 40' showing dimensions of the lot, the size, area and location on the lot of existing, proposed. principal and accessory structures, driveways. sanitary facilities and water supply, parking facilities, and adjacent streets. Distances of structures frim property tires and centerlines of public roads must also be indicated. In the case of fill or excavation requests (oder 500 cubic yards). dirrensions of fill or excavation area must be included. Any other specific uses mist also cooly with the zoning regulations. A plan prepared by a Connecticut Registered Land Surveyor may be required. The applicant guarantees to adhere to all the applicable requirements of the zoning regulations. In addition, the applicant agrees to notify the Cammssion or its appointed agent of any alteration in the plans. The use specified above shall NIT be authorized until an actual Certificate of Use and Caroliance is issued by the Ccnmission or its appointed agent. THIS PERMIT AUTFERIZT THE APPLICANT TO MIMED TO DE BUILDING CEPM1PENT FOR Ni!REQUIRED PERITS • iPriA M. ( ..‘kir' ?Vt (0,' (I 1.F `,( 1('2,. 0., • ! C.,:`, '1 aki 1 'LA,-----1 r k. tr9'_';' ,..,... ti Sslm AgentAct Date Applicant AMI, cva1 ra,) UXICT am. OFF{( fPull WRICibl NA C(1NI G tONNC OFF(CC(. '(N1-050 itl uc6121- aklM P, gicy€ Chink C uSI aioW iS FINM[-Q- Cu1,1m1(Q ,1 KuNs To RLLUJ REAR YARD DIMENSION OONi C oi-- ((f O ;a15��C) iNilui�. _ _ _ IOCATION OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE OR USE IOW (((TED iC R i,)(Mq) NO WG 10 `li1F c C`0(t rNetly 1:10,) TkIA v, ,)\k c, (atsTIM() SCtEIG It R Cw. \) ..9) H IA I 6 o ll IBUILDING LINE DIMENSION (WIDTH) 1 FRONT YARD DIMENSION STREET For Planing Office Applicant: Permit Mrrber Use Only Address: Permit Issuance Date MoD N Lot # Expiration Date Caments: inspect: / , w ,\ N N co \ o 59 56C 25 A 0.87Ac 57 58 59A t5 5 34 25 ; 100• 100 100 55 ' (1, RAN KIN 1_ 11 50 " 1 100. 1 ZO 55 " I . 1 51 e 54 , 53 5a 0 P ' O.5 Ac. / O. 75 �� 5 g 0.6 Ac . N \Ns - L \N. 1 \ O'. `, , O. ( 54 A 183 ._ _11$.6" _-- L \\—J 1 1 O. j I � NI o N N 1 i N . `-)do dQ K ' K Ci PG pCcessoes MAP to I \ . i 3s 0�. � � . 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