HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter to Electrical contractor - final inspection needed Town of 9Kontviffe Building (Department 310 Norwich-New London Tpke. vncasville, Ct. 06382 9/21/99 John Swanson 9Kr. Electric TO Box 687 Colchester, Ct. 06415 Re: 550 Laure(Toint Rd, 9Kontville Ct. Dear john, I am writing concerning the changes in electricalyou were required to make at the above referenced address in order to conform to the Connecticut State Building Code. Although a rough electrical inspection was performed and the result of the inspection was that approval was given, I think that you will agree that most, if not all of the violations that you corrected would not have been apparent at the time of that inspection, but would have been noted at the time of final inspection. As of the writing of this letter the final inspection has not been performed and no Certificate of occupancy issuedfor the structure. If you have any further questions please contact me at the Building Department. Sincerely, / Vernon D. vesey II Building Official Cc: Dennis Kass Eile Sep 20 99 12:33p John Swanson 860-537-0076 p.1 INVOICE N? 2262 'l MR. ELECTRIC DATE MRR OF CENTRAL CONNECTICUT P O SOX 687 ELECTR'Ca COLCHESTER, CT 06415-0687 8bQ-537-9b35 EXPERT ELECTRICAL SERVICE 860-343-1811 860-887-9240 CT LIC. # 00122003 THANK YOU for your valued patronage EXCELLENCE Quality is never an accident. ft,is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and sklilful execution. Service EXCELLENCE is our commitment to you. - - ❑StartdarrJ NA".E NAME Prit:e 0 MAntbr?r AD6RES [ } ADDRESS - I~rlt;e 0 E4TIMATE Trw tasrrI Grua CITY ` STATE ZIP ~ ' Gl y STAN. ZIP c: cKdt 6rrclYG LCT/ t Q lCa 101, `w~ivi_^t HOME PHONE aNOPA-Pi ONF P.U. NUM161:1i H01 ,1E PHONE W01M I'HrYNE iA.. TMr! ( )--<0i t ) ( ) } PROPOSE ESTIMATE AND PROPOSAL - WE ~J ` `i ` / J rtJe d f- : (lt /V~J riff ~i ✓ lo. `'Y ex q? of /V caa _,a-e v ~ ~ r X71 .r Irk C Ar r b `t e F.,f `rest txiva Fir q:t 0 i- 0 Ar -e r✓ a.1- .4 i Imo, ,-k s rvC.'~`- °r -ra0c 1 5 far X. "IM 'es `a //40 fitr 1rt/ ~r t~~ vc Via{' _rs 4 r 1 WORK AUTHORIZATION PAYMENT OF THIS INVOICE / CONTRACT DUE UPON COMPLETION OF WORK AUTHORIZATION 10 PHOCtEIt WtiH PHOPOSFLJ WORK. I, the undorsidned, am owner/authvroed ropresentative/tenant of the premises at which the work mentioned ahovr,r is to be done. I hereby authorize you to periorrn said work, avid to u,e such labor and material as you deem advtyat)ly A SERVICE monthly service charge of 1 V2 % will be added after len days. I a< fvp to Jay reasonable attorney's fees AGREEMENT - 1 and court cnsis 111 flu: oven}t of kcgal action or reasonable bank costs if my check fads In elkar. I have Li-f-6- SUB 16- v read, agree to. and have re-ceived a t:upy r)1 flw contract. All parts will be removed from premises and (()[Ai citscarded unicss othotwiae specified herein O j 1 r-'- 1 I hereby authorize yr?u to l,rti Gad v.•IIII 1I!0 atiuvf: worlt the prlCC of S C7 TNT y ~ ~ cr AUTHORIZEQ Y • ' a SIGNATURE Q :II ❑AW? ACi_LP1At`i6I. U! PERFORMED. I hnu 1n,; ,:rrv;rr .md C I-+EC M. ~~r1:aJTEi•I~:ARU r.l n'.r_:r stn t7 11r'u;~r ti r. t'f'frdh Ai- _ .,r t -l ri ,rd n~t~ll,•.J rn I•.r n rn •.:,hrn,Hrxw. !;ftG'_rIT iA~r) F, griATIrJN DATE 7nr 1 !a a 1: b w: r r•e~rrq rn tr f r} n Tn 1 J tory rr mncr I i PJC) _ ,Jtlrt that tli. a+r+'++, rt •d•t forth an tl,t; cull ict I!, 1h,. ,1, rr:r• Ai'lk~nlMllnN011;„LII,~Ir rar;~ i, _---nc +urnNit oinu~i'1 d?d f'i(JIAI to nn.rhah,tllanULCVtrpil,llrlrutµr.lf•1rPOf0 fy , 50,1.Ifih• a1Urt1C'V S fLL't: iU,+I r., u,f gn42 tll thr••.tVr15t Uf IrX12$ .I;h,m I .xaulr.mvl,al,l, nr.1t I h'r,i~ rc•^IrJ and rr.t.r,IV4d.1I~ fI~I+•,,rrJN k I(1 il o 1loY!b ,t:aa t ;,t lhL•,iGV' . VJUrb. 17,r, }u;;r nor J r. krn,nrlik.• 111i d'olo'r ;11tU h7 r11it :I )I Il'.:bl' lit1IL11111.I.L Jl . y Ihr nlr.rLf .r: it It'2V l" NvJwc L; t)tvnr•r ;f: iii SL3rtl~!+ni r.•:i q '•tl rlrl C'in!r't4t ,rn r. w+ r.;r •a+l+• IX ACCEPTANCEy I Irr:Inrwi.u, :~ryin W Drrta SIGNATURE A DWYER GROUP COMPANY - - - .mnnt,rrnrwv1 n ~n1~nt n nC @r•7GPrnITv oCO\rtr"Cc'r FRANCHISE COPY • ' 1 Town of 9Kontviffe Building Department 310 Norwich-New London Tpke. Vncasville, Ct. 06382 9/21/99 Dennis pass SSD laurel(Yoint Wd 9Vontviffe Ct. 06353 Ike: SSD Laurel (Point W - New SrF12 Dear 9V r. Kass, On December 10, 1998 I performed an inspection of the above referenced property. At that time I noted that the main beam had a joint that did not fall over a support column, as it should. I also noted that there were no columns under the main beam at two locations where a point load was imposedfrom columns locatedon the secondfloor. At that time I requestedengineering data from you to determine whether or not the main beam was of proper size and was properly supported. As you are aware, it turned out that the beam required additional columns in order for it to be properly supported. Sincerely, ~iu~u T_ `~ernon D. `vesey II Building Official Cc: (File