HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981 - Above Ground Pool r TOWN OF MONTV I LLE BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Permit No. Date-4,- 0% c Estimated Cost Fee - ddress 3 .P Te1e.~ o Owner Address Tele. Contractor Zone No. Location of Building Additions & Alterations (Including moving, demolition, sign erection) New Building - Type of Construction Size Type of Heat Fireplace No. of Stories No. Rooms Breezeway No. Baths Garage Use I hereby certify that the proposed construction will conform to the applicable zoning reg- ulations of the Town of Montville and the Basic Building Code of the State of Connecticut , and that all statements herein contained are true and correct. C' Signed APprovedQ~c Date Building Inspector Inspections For: Footings Framing Rough Wiring Electric Service Rough Heating Fireplaces Other Misc. Final Inspection for C.O. Approved Rejected Signed _ PPLICA73 I0'.~ FOR A ZC'::'... - :Ti'I_~- rr~:~~~:iCl'T To be __-.)cc I _,.._nt ? ori,,'r,al and four c271DOD Cpr-ieb late Wed. 6/17 , i9E 1 "he undersigned hereby applies to i e Zoning and Pia. in Co =^:1-- fo: a permit to Have an above ground swimming pooh c~nstruc~z~ j, vocation of Property Montville 116 i :me of Subdivision Oakdale Heights Lot I:o. ssessor's Mock No. ` --le of (O;ner) (?,gent) Michael McIlwain 73 Beechwood Rd. ize of BLilding in ft. -roa- everzIl Tenth overal3 41 'rea sq. ft: :o. of Stories Fei€L: in _t No. of rooms No. of Decroc-^s o. of tzihrooms LC. rg ~.1sl.~1C~i ' Are2 Oi L0117000 sq. il.. iOZ isOni2ge 14o ft of Width 1 G9ft FrC. ''a... .~cpt3: ! y it Rear Tzr Death d fi Side 'Yard Depth 25 iI. -urpose cf buildin- and/or u5- is Fir Swimming and eriloyment.~ (pool to be constructed by TREAT'S Pool`s, they supply water and on site construction. 'ater Suppay to consist of sanitary iaci lity to /co r.si st of Self-contained filter Date cf Sanitation Officer approv al I hereby agree to con:c-:- to all reo'cirements of the Lars of the 5-.nte of Conneclicti 2nd the ,rcin%nces and Fegu)atlons-cf, the Town c l"ontville. and to notify the 2cnr ng and 113anning ommiss)on of any a3tera,aon n the plans for which this permit is 'rein, Sked. J furzherr.+ore aggree hat the agree that the above described facility' is to Ise located at tl,c- proper d=stFr,ce fro-. all treet Sines as required by the mooning Regu22tions or any other appljcaule local and state crdinances nd regu3ations and it is unid#t:-Stood that the faCillt\- Unor wilJ be used in cunj'!_::nct- tl:- 0.^.:.T,C7 n:CtL'2ati017: o- the i0\\'n. of Montville. I hereby apply for a Certificate of Use and co-piiance-fcr An Above Ground (30'x-15') Swimming Pool a scr i bec i r: ? he ;~bovc- 2 pp1 i c~ t : on ' cr e tr i-L 71 is my unders:anc_ng that the facll~tc can not be occupied until a Certificate of Use and ^ np2 )an c,< has been i ssv, by -,he Zon i and Diann: , rc f , 848-1356 rovt. d u Zt-ning -::pent mate :Es•ued. ::j•;:ru vd bi Late •jcn -73 USE THIS SPACE BELOW FOR PLOT PLAN OF PROPERTY Plot plan to a scale of l" - A0' prepared in compliance with Section 8.2 of the Zoning Regulations showing all boundaries of the property and the location of the building or buildings on the property including the center line of any pubiic*or private right-of-way, sanitary facilities and water supply. ANY CHANGES FROM THIS DRAWING MUST FIRST BE CHECKED WITH AND OBTAINED IN WRITING FROM THE ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION OR ITS APPOINTED AGENT. Plot plan may be drawn or `attached to this sheet. 7 UiJ wV (wvc ~ + ~ ,777 ✓~'f , k i j v f~ Q 1 1L C 'EVE t i r k: Inspected by Zoning Agent Date Remarks Certificate of Use and Compliance issued by Date 1C/10/70 • . Zc1NC- PEriJIT N03-)- N Jy OE MONTVILLE,' 3NNEC►1CUi F Faid:$ Date: € Permission is hereby rgronted to on the si o; to erect a 4 ft. wi e es hsgh; fit; t. ong, ft; W eOside t.oi line: E as follows: Size , distance rra-n roao center line ,uisfiance ~ro'n N f fi; g -t; for the use Ore f aci ! i ty as a t.i Zoning and Planning Co nnm,si on ~ , Town or - Mon'rville, Connecticut ;~IC YEAR THIS PERMIT IS VALID FOR O Zoning A9an or as re resenting 'as ONn- it reci lent of this penifi accepis it on the condition tl tU}~rions of, the Town of Montvillo t p with all a; pliccible ordinances and g r agrees to comply p y and type o; activity the own3 r occu anc r Connecticut regarding.the,use, ertiricate of and the 5's-ate Staiutes of the State of the facility can not be us d until a to be instituted. It is furihamore understood that Use one. ,_,ampita at any nce has been issued by the Zoninc; and Planning Com;mi siona and the cote chthe and use similarly &as require a new C ertiitcafie of Use and Compliance. reared and certified in Compliance will be issued a plot plan drawn to ° s 10 the Zoning lZep latior,s must 6e submitted to compliance with previsions coniainea in Sec~ion 8.2 , tizE property and as is location(s) of the Zoning anc; panning Ca-n;nission ~ he cen~erb{ine of'any public or private right-of-way, all buildings on One prore~~J inctucin„ • - - sanitary facilities one water supply.