HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004 - Siding, Windows and Door 2004 Town of Montville BUILDING DEPARTMENT 310 Norwich-New London Turnpike Uncasville, CT 06382 (860) 848-3030, Ext. 382 Building Permit Permit Number: B2004-0066 Date: 08-Mar-04 Map/Lot: 030/075-000 Owner ID 5507 Job Location: 20 BAYB RRY_LANE Unit Job Description: Siding, Windows, Door replacement Owner: Contractor: John J and Kathleen R Szarzynski Bil-Ray Aluminum Siding Corp. 203 Concord Street 20 Bayberry Lane Pawtucket RI 02860- Uncasville CT 06382 Telephone: (888) 732-7751 Lic/Reg Type/No. HIC 532774 Exp Date: 30-Nov-04 Tenant: Self Telephone: Construction Values Permit Fees Construction Information Building Value: $51,186.00 Building Fee: $310.00 Use Group: R4 Plumbing Value: $0.00 Plumbing Fee: $0.00 Code: 1995 CABO Mechanical Value: $0.00 Mechanical Fee: $0.00 Construction Type: 5B Electrical Value: $0.00 Electrical Fee: $0.00 Permit Code: R4 Other Value: $0.00 Other Fee: $0.00 Comments: Total Value: $51,186.00 CO Fee: $10.00 Plan Review Fee: $0.00 State Ed Fee: $8.19 Total Fees: $328.19 It is the owners responsibility to schedule the following inspections (minimum 48 hours notice required): ❑ Footing - Prior to pouring concrete ❑ Rough HVAC ❑ Backfill - Footing drains and waterproofing ❑ Fireplace Throat ❑ Concrete Slab - Prior to pouring concrete ❑ Chimney - One flue above thimble ❑ Rough Framing ❑ Firestopping/draftstopping ❑ Rough Electrical ❑ Insulation ❑ Electrical Service CRS 0 W-1 Final Inspection ❑ Rough plumbing and leak test ❑ Certificate of Occupany ❑ Gas piping and test Building Official's Signature: Town of Monti~ille Building Department Permit r 310 Norwich-New London Tpke. Tel. 848-3030, Ext 382 Uncasville, CT 06382 i/~ Y'o l/C~/ Fax. 848-7231 One & Two Family Building Permit Application Form ro ~ 0 Mc~IC~ D New Construction E]Ad4twn FlAfterahm E].AccessoryStnxture Q.egther S'Oi Ate , W s ,J a P z~ To- y D ,zc I' ~PZIC97 v~ P l3 Job.Location 2- !S! e Job Description/Materials Mailing Address[l Owner c~ ~9'tZ~~'sif'~ City ()AIC4-1 V (161- i State Zip Tel N-6 / 24SY 95-~t3 Contractor t~ -9AY14IM Jl 1W Mailing Address 2 0 3 C,4e4 City ~-T j(-N- f_,, State Zip 0 Tel/ S S7( Contractor's License/Registration Type & Number 604* W V, 5:22- 73 4 Exp. Date/ ~l 6 l~ I hereby certify that the proposed work will conform to the Basic Building Code and all other codes as adopted by the State of Connecticut and the Town of Montville and further attest that the proposed work is authorized by the owner in fee and that I am authorized to make application for a permit for such work as described above. Owner /Agent Signature AvV/A(w .7 A5y:Z- v4' Date OS' 1_0.4~_ Construction Value Fee Building $ $ Plumbing $ $ Mechanical $ $ Electrical $ $ Other 1 $ l D Certificate of Occupancy .$~-4~ Plan Review Fee $ State Education $ Total (See *verse side for additional recjuirements) Town of Montville Building Department Receipt ~ No. Date t From: Job Address' Check # j Cash i Chcck c one ~ t Amount (c «a- Permit # f f / Received b F~; 4 i Bil Ray Aluminum Siding Clrp of ~ueens 40 Elmont Rd I Elmon~ NY 11003 1-800-942-6111 ~i Go or services, Inc. s At n: Eric Gallant, President PO Box 411 j 36 Trumbull Street I Nei; Haven, CT 06502 e ~I Ap it 1, 2003 i De r Mr. Gallant: 1 we hereby authorize Gofor Services, l~nc. and its mployeesiand agents ofor") to apply for and procure building permi s for out company's co tracted work, and we also authorize Gofor to p esent th~s letter or a photocopy hereof to any building off'1cial in orde to demo.strate its authority to apply for and procure 2ch permits o our behalf. ; In furtherance of this authorization, we attach c pies of our current co tractor's licenses for the several states in which we anticipate Gofor wi 1 be requested to apply for and procure such p~rmi.ts for us. We represent th t we are familiar with the applic'tions for building per1mits and related do uments in the various locations i which Gofor~will be requested to submit ap lications on our behalf. Gofor is expressly authorized to sign on our be alf applications for such permits land any other related documents, and we ag ee that, for all purposes, we (anc not Gofor on its employees or agents) sh 11 be deemed to be the signer of 1ny such applications a~d documents. We fu ther agree to hold Gofor and its employees and gents haFmless for and in emnify them against any claims anc costs (including attorneys fees) arising from their activities contempilated hereunder. i j Sincerely, Co tractor ` i 9 1 I Si nature Name CRA IL-1-4F S ~.P- r'I Nl ! i Title i r 1 I l 9 Gofor Services Inc. e P.O. Box 411 New Haven CT 06502 1-800-479-7345 To: Building Inspector, Uncasville Connecticut March 03, 2004 Dear sirs, Gofor Services Inc. has been authorized to act as an agent for Bii-Ray Aluminum Siding Corporation of Queens Inc. (see attached letter,) License # 00532774. Chandan Roy is an employee of Gofor Services Inc. and is hereby authorized to pull a permit for the following work; Siding,Windows,Entry Door at the home of: John & Kathleen Szarzynski, 20 Bayberry Lane, Uncasville, CT, 960-8489523. The work is scheduled to begin on 3/25/04. Please call Bil-Ray Aluminum Siding at 1-860-563-6990 if you have any questions. Thank you for your assistance. Eric Gallant President Gofor Services Inc. a ~ i NON -2003 WED 10 25 AM BIL-RAY/ROCKY HILL,CT FAX NO, 860 513 1302 P. 02 tY06 STATE OF CONNECTICUT DEPARTMENT OF CONSUM R PR4TECT.ION 165 Capitol Avenue ♦ Hartford onnecti,cut 06106 Attach ,-d is your registration. Registrations are non-transferrable. Such registration number shall be displayed in a conspicuous manner on al~ printed adv¢? rtisements. To rep rt an address change, please contact the Department of Consumer protection, Li ` ensing Division of (860) 713-6000. Visit o r web address: www.de .stat us/ icens'n / for information and t Ipplications. I I i I 8LOM E nvtl A VVNQ ' CONTRACTOR 13' L RAY 4,V' SD1kt&: QRP OF QUEENS BIL RAY ALUMNM SDNG CORP OF QUEENS : aia~>~,MaTI 40 ELMONT RD >LC1t~ti; tt';t >03 i ELMONT, NY 11003 ccntrudtoi okepoa CriNR1S EPORIN LIC. 7 FIE N XPIR 53274 °-:.-::-»`.'•:'i' .1.2'tET>1/2flQ3.:,~' ----l 1 /3 012 004 SIGNEQ.,... i S ~ATIE OF CONN)ECTICUT + DE ARTMENT Ir CONS[ M)ER PROTECTION I Be 't known, that j BIL RAY ALUMNM'1SDNO- CO OF ' 'UEENS' O has been certified by the Dep.~iri t of 0, `•°~s' 'mer i rotection as a registered . HOME IMP1 TRACTOR d ~ Contractor, of Recorc~LHAR[. I PORIN RegA X74 Effective: 5/02063 i Expires: 11/30 2004 j Ja .T. Flemino,. Comm sionei. . b I rvvv rea,.u Vv•vv I111 ULL v%numutiAI niLL,kwi rHx 'NU.. bbU bl3 13U2 P. 02 oATe ctwaonm CSR 88 10 2103 iABI~.rTrr 1 $ t~p►Nc;& WEQFINFQ CERTIFICATE of ~e a arts uPO -Mi., c~a~c~re OtikY AR1D ~K I3 tiOT AMa . EXTEt10 OR 89L0W BCap Yf IttC. ARTME pE AfF 6Y ZNR ►OLIGIE! P .O. S 190493 Stunt! 900 j syRRRi AFF Na rQVIVAGi 11 Quad Avarua Grant 1l Olt NY 110ZZ-0493 x n~eriCx C 9hano~y i-4Cf-io0? Tsxt6li-a29.6ts1 to IuIGtel4Zti H I71~fvranpe CO. pop" a fAk* 3.eaat► Hasil~ : 2asotcAt+e~ CO o l'Ai as -SLUM sidias Corp, lox a ~ t ot►r71~a~icss~ 4 oo7Ca l3OV C6%iCksl u1WaFRo- , . l0 v 3 RG19 j Z ANOINO A90VSi i0!►n~t PO~r 0 NO'TYMt'MiT CCVERAO 5 was eeeK Iswsc To lHwilED T novEa* TO w+nc~+ Mn c s A~►w ooN ~►o9ua+ y"Spow OP WI d71ON~01 Aitr CON~* 00 CTMRA OOGMS TO ~LL t►R.K f• - AMY FOPAW eYTMBPOLM20oeaat+ M UM" rotes OOt,t3t W MAveellNl~w9m~e t i 000 000 MAY UWTIg !'OtbY M1M~MiR IJIPM OGC17Rf1FNC~ Tm0►Iwuw~a Fl DAtU►tiElAfM~teN t 100.000 uAMNTr 06/25/02 ~s/as/oa w 000 W"w A Y otaao{l~Al LwLwy 3gQL431A43 s AOV Ifi INKY t 1 000 000 Q gyp{, t~ 004VR OE~Il A ~ t 3,000 000 camplOV Aoo 42 000 000 AooasoATaLMaTAr*uesvta: ~ co`~ortoLauMCr t Way LOC AUT UA9tLTr ALM I ~a oaYna 1 M t CxAR11~AUTOe @pOtLYINJURY • AvrO3 iCUtCDAVTOC ~ ( taWtnq pw►io AytO! j ~ 6""W S E t MttTO ONLY • GA ACCIOE~ t CA ACC 1 B UA LM VYO oN T AaIO t AWAUM CNOGWIRCttCQ t S 1A 'M uApNTV OMUR CWtl►AO! t - t O~ucsSte l X 4S00 0 0 y ~T10N t 4 G.46ACNACOIORNT OggelieAT~ONAMD 09/ZO/03 09/Z~/01 @1,00 -CAeMptOve 4900 000 O,uAe~►n+ 11C"Si»330 evlwrr sSOO 000 owewte• rou s I e.~ ~ CottY~luoua 10/01/03 t 10/01/04 c s0abiltiY D~4~it l? 9!018-001 ! ~s eM j j CAN wuaKS ee~e° INWltOOtMINMdII plp{,LOI~IY TMRAt1O~C to MAIL JA-eArswMrtTf7+ ICAT11110La~ N g ' 1 owes 1N CM 1~ellM40 WA AM TO 0090 STALL fR~ybT)TOTTMGeIT,MITFAIWMe NO'tfrKYOr GMRMVIWCAT"P "OL (IFAWIWOYPONTN{INe~eR.TfMAGlNY7 ITNOitsNO TONOIttJAB l~~ Ili}~fA, ♦ 1I ~ II iiACOf1D OMt1~11Y89 i 268 0Is ''I $ j P. 001/003 FEB-24-2004 TUE 02:22 PM n. ~ ~ SIDING CONTRACT FT~. LC. Ll.DDtee3 t3ERVICES & MATERIALS PROVIDED BY N ' No29459 Home Ser vices Bii.Ray Aluminum tiding Carp. gtyp114. mom 47 Roston: B00-SEARS•31 of Queens, Inc. datm KertEord Area: 800.3E4RS-9O A Sears Autharlx®d Contractor 97 • Putnam FC934 erer WCdet9•H97 Providence Area: 888-SEARS-61 F.I.D. No. 11.2429449 acut DoWment or i New Hampshire: 800.926-2376 190 Ceder Hill Road, Marlboro, MA 01752 NaVe Uo. No. 6=2774 NE JOB # ~~tp Service/Repaire: 1.888-245-7294 SOLD' oADDRESS h1A .n t- ,C'r~16~Il,vt C rti,~Kr - oATe_ f✓ CITY UAi-d C r jr IQ sTATa: ~ zrP ~ wdrec ~r EMAIL PHONE some (960 !OB SITE ADDRESS OF DIPMARNT) APPLIED VINYL 13. ALUMINUM 810IN43 Garters, Description or work it Above Address! APWox Stan Date Type of House 20rame O Masonry (requires Ardng) Approx Compteuon Date o _ - (YJEATH AN AaTEnuvs PEAN.ITT,NG) SPROIriCATIONS Seam approved rnaterels will be finished and installed to these SpeolnOSUone: YEg NO PLEASE READ OAREFULLN ONLY ITEMS CHECKED "YE8" ARE INCLUDED IN YOUR ORDER. ❑ SOU 13 VI YL Cnl PaH9em~gBU~edsaPsck~atad for. d saNarnei CDICr-Lj % 1A q Q SIDIN wiltbeapplied the allovo arose ordy: Q Front t3evaoan O RI ht BevaAOA BCEnure Detnds ❑L3 ~rElevation p 0a tIti tbn Cl~anlu Oewe 2, lam- Q INSULATION. cover only fletwall area dedgAatad for siding In Inert InsuWlon. S. JH, Q. Up Seam approved GALVANIZED STEEL STARTER STRIP wham anmr do dams necessary. (Not aye late Win Nalnte.) Sldnfi to be appied over exloUng iaundarlon. 4.0 Q Use 9aa s approved vat TABS AND FINISH STRIP whom contractor de9me necessary In sand odor as skit fi. (Not a4leblp with NeN e.) 5 Ea, E, ❑ J~;,, WINDOW OPENWGS: Gold, • ❑ Custom wrap with 9%ars eppmvad vinyl Clad dumiruun e` GObf ❑ lump aver cesInps whA BidInA and U" cnennN # e w Color ❑ Channel adatInA WNdow otdy (0AAndarean type or preYlouely wrapp DalerdeWa 7, JW_ ❑ OAULK • eu sU s wig! rubbwlxd oaor co-aroinated ceuidnp. S. C&- ❑ DOORS - cualan wrep wait SEARS approved VEJYL CLAD ALUM NUM, Cob, whC~C # of Doore g, Q [W- GARAGE DOOR FRAMES • custom Wrap with SEARS approved VINYL CLAD ALUMWUM. Color ❑ Single p Double with Mua O Double Nq Mull 10, Q FASCIA - custom wrap wait SEARS approved VINYL CLAD AWW AUIM. odor rr+~ 11. ❑ SOFFIT (aaveeroverhangs) cover with SEARS approved SOLID VINYL SOFFIT SYSTEM. E)rdept area ,Aced helow.l/3 Vomad. Cola, Wkt {r 1 (2 ROTTEN WOOD- Will only ha repaired or replaced wnere spIC1061 on 1111% Rem w27 IlsteO be ow. Any addlgorel areas needing a repair will be aedmoted upon their discovery and priced accorqulgN, (Does tax include wood ewde, or aMeAOr sneath'noJ X13. 0 Remove N&IMA materiel %laedor of house. Daes not 111010 any esbOslos removal. I/ 0 VI9y1 ❑ Aluminum ❑ Wood Stange ❑ Wootl Sldnp Q Oliver ❑ PORCH CEWNGS-coverwlm6umg*rov%d3AUDVINn.CEIUNOMATERIALnlheloaowlnAaeae ~r ?limit is. El l;~!- BEAMS!COLUMNS-Wrap wuh6EAR6eppMvedVINYL CLAD ALUMINUM. (Nodreularoreaundadumns) Odar 1 S.X ❑ GUTTEA&UADERS - remove eaIMNA end replace with new ouotom seamless gutters and leaders. While Brown 17. ❑ SHUTTERS - provide and lima au SEARS approved polystyrene Ousets. Color r b~ ou2 r. fa'd+a'r 1@ltafA 18. ❑ MASYER MOUNTS • Dravida and MBte11 tat a saga, Kohl ibnurae only. Color 1 SA.) Llghta 3- t s,8.) WINfIE lit et ar 1 BC.) Dryar V%Id # 1 B. Z. ❑ GABLE VENTS, provide and Install 1.- van , Color Ad rh__ _.vc._rv~_ No oyculat or tdangle vans. 2d Q CLEAN UP - property at oamplotim of work 21 Q INSURANCE - ell required WORKMANS COMP. and UABILITY to be malmOnsd, wi pay nu xaw can waa,. 22, ❑ WARRANTY • mall to customer after eomplatlon and lull payment Is racelvod, 23. Q FAYMENTS • on NON•RNANCED ardent Installer Is authorized to collect progriaeNo payments. odanv4 Pa1u s, wwmt ou F: lie. 2a.t] ALL DISCOUNTS APPLIED. 26. ❑ J3 ADDITIONALWORK•notopeeiredahave: .26 Cash $ ( R ANC D S Lacs oap9stt 2696 Does Act Include Irneraet a Cgmplettonibf1bL0y3 tra 1 It financed, balance Payable in monthly Installments at appra7dmately t par m9Mn, pay•Owner" m commme'Ar, but N financed by Owner then Owner vn- u pay a i2•amountto the bndu Inolital I n pbs slid, AWM&t cre sat a cnatpe of eeid lending Iasdrudon payabN dimcdy a Iho londinpp Institution WiNeg eueh monies In IOWA!" and wit execute 9 RODS Inoteilmont obUgallon and arty doeumonts requirod OY such landing Institution In cruuteceon Siid loan, 2e.)W_ ❑ WorItNatoBeDOne Y An v a c i.L1,.~~~Th 27,,W- ❑ Rspekorflepuce4eldbvrin lsoods w a " c ~tq+ C •A Notice: If financed, any holder of thla Consumer Credit Contract le SALESMAN HAS NO AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ANY ITEMS OR MAKE ANY subject to all ola1111S and datenses which the debtor could assail REPRESENTATIONS OTHER THAN CONTAINED IN THIS AGREEMENT AND sAgamet the seller o) goods or serul9ila pbtSlRed pursuant hereto Or OWNER" REPRESENTS THAT NONE HAVE BEEN MADE TO OR RELIED wlih the proceeds heredL Recovery hY the debtor Shall not eTrce9d DUPLICATE ORIGINAL OYOU F THIS AG ENTITLED O A COMPLETELY FILLED IN amounts, paid by debtor hereunder. "OWNER REPAESENT3 TD HAVE READ AND flECEIYEO A DUPUCATE "YOU THE BOYER MAY CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION AT ANY 0 RIGINALOFTHISAGREEMENTANDTOBETHEAUTH0R12E0AGEN[ TIME PRIOR TO MIONIGHT (IF THE THIRD BUSINESS DAY OF ALL "OWNERS" OF THIS PROPERTY UFON WHICH THE WOQK AFTER THE DATE OF THIS TRANSACTION. SEE ATTACKED EXPLANA DR THE MATERIALS ARE TO BE SUP ED, NOTICE TO THE HO E , RIGHT. ONCALL ORDERS CANCELED AFTER TTHETRECE881ON OWNER(S), GUARANTOR(S), LESSEE{S). CO•S18NER(S)-" PERIOD, CUSTOMERS WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR A 20% Contractor, atiheexilaseafowner, &hallprocureaApermilerequlredbylaw. ADMITRATIVEANDRESTOCKING FEE." 1. Do not o fin this agreement before you Told it or it It contains sty Null spaces or If It does not coolatn everything agreed upon, SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 2. Any person who shall have co-AlAned,guaranlead Designed Any credit application or pots rataing to this eproomem hereby scoepla to le bound by this agreement. the contents thi 1• it Owner d true parreprots harsotsannd has been read end ac apt el bysOwner. 4. ALL INSTALLATION LABOR GUARANTEED 1 (ONE) YEAR, PATE r Print Lr • Salsaman'e Na~1me -Z JrAjN1 1 /;f11 r 3 31gnaw r a- ,3 4 - Ucanee No. p ~ 2-S sipMtum REV 3103 FEE-24-2004 TQE 02:23 PM P.003/003 VANDO1111r CONTRACT Flbnkers No. Nd. SERVICES & MATERIALS PAOVIOED BY use >re Lin, No, 120466 le. No. Home Services Bil-stay Aiurninuin Siding Corp. Island 110• Nc, 13707 Boston: 8017-SEARS-31 of Queen$ inc. dt Chn Pepenmsnt ai s r Aewrs L,d, No. 0790aBa Hartford Area: BOO-SEARS-s9 A Seers Authorized Contractor 1997 - Putnam PCa4 Provldence Area: B88•SEAEI$-51 FI, heatar W$HaD. ND. it-2120449 n I Dapertmen[ o t New Hampshire: SDO-829-2375 190 Cedar Hill Road, Marlboro, MA 01752 Afralra Ua. No. OW22774 101 30 1 ~ tt'' ) SerWoe/Repair9;'1-888.245-7294 NE YO0 110 k ' / 1 -.`~M~.Q.p~ r'"y~r s (iGt DATE ADDRESS Q;bA sg h ICITY 1~p~f!„ZU 1 (STATE [,T21p PHONE norv: wank„-' Q~7 l `r EMAIL JOB sITE ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT) APPLIED VINYL WINDOW SVSTEMS l Genaral Description of work at Above Address: Approx Elan Data Type of House game 0 Masonry Approx Compiee0n Data n- (wEA RAN, yentAS PeWrrTWG) OP1901FICATIONS Sears approved materials will be flnlahad end Inetallee to these specifications: YES No PLEASE READ CAFtEPULLYS ONLY ITEMS CHECICEO'WE6".ARE.INCLUDED IN YOUR ORDER. t. 0 Remove wkidown,from opening whirs they now exist on: 2. ❑ FWM LEVEL # Opera Is # New WlndOw Unlta J5 _ S. 13 SECOND LEVEL # Duenbps # New Window Unls _ 044 4. ❑ THIRD LEVEL # 01111 g3 0 New Window Unas e. ❑ W- BASEMENT # Openings # New window UNts fi. ❑ Z_ DTHER Y Openings # Now Window Units 7.0 TL Removal W Metal or other mitts requiting mOdaledlnnmwllon # Dpenings # Ot 111113 8. q Instal new pelmable MDuldinge Inside Stops # 01 Openlnps Churchill of Castro # of Openings _ 9. ❑ S~ Install new Master Frame N of Openhi s tO. ❑ Now wln0aw units to live double svanp 1805d puss 7!6' total Pildinns 11. CI NOW wirmbw units to have fusion Welded sash # 12. ❑ New window units to have tuelon welded frame N 13. ❑ New Window was to have complete Energy PaoxaAe Coneietlng oC 19A.) Low E Anon died rnsuhled ghee # m unus 2-Lo 138,) Low E KryptoNArpon insulated glass will Irlacled foam Insulated frames drsashes #01.111113 14.1& O New window unity 10 have Cam LOokle) or Latch Lock(s) 15, q New window units to have NighWaN Latches 16.10 Now window UAM to have Ohsomed Stan # NOIr Full 17, NOW window uNls to have hill (112) screen i Screen an. c sY~ tit typo window) 1e. ❑ Insist, PVC coated aluminum to Window. frames Color, # of OpaNllps 19. ❑ Caulk anti seat windows with a paint system 20. ❑ Remove and dispose of sgatino wlndpws ewer storm windows 2f. Q Color of windows IQ be while ✓llimt ertane,_ Sim dione ^ (Full Energy Package Not AvailAba) 22, ❑ VMdows tc have GIO COlonld 1l w"' Dimond ❑ Wg ❑ 1/2 AddeonalInfo C/ Y~v ~u 1/A 9 7- r~'fv.w &,k._? 6W +--I r 49' 23, ❑ Towt # of Double tinge Total F of Hopppers Tote) N of CasaDlenll TOW # At AWNtlps 101117i df Two Line Bills($ Told # 01 Thre9 Lae rdlders Std. _ dr Equal Torat # of Dead LAN PiChlres-"~ Tool # of Basement Sedu ~r;~dtn lira. 1 yi1~CS4QtGY 24.X ❑ SpecINOmerWlldows(InAddWontoAbove) 29. q Olsen up- AB )ob related dabde wtll ba removed imm pfapany o l eDmplown of wont 29. ❑ bLSurance -All woknana erunporiplon and Ilabliq' 1S r uilmalnod As aecauaa Rive Dan App,wa 27. q Warranty - Mailed to cuMomer upon completion and full gel mam la racslvad pNrmd P+yment. Nwrder aA AWha Bier On QaV a instal adwt 28. ❑ Payments - (On nea-financed orders) Is payable to In 29. ❑ At, Discounts nave dean applied Y-5 Ii- Cash Total S 5~ Less deposft 25% Balance Measure 1/2 CASH p FIN CED S does not t Clude interarit Compidon 112 _ If financed, balance payable In monthly installments of approximately S per month, pays by'Owner to convector, but N fmarlcad by owner then Ownsr wg pay sa amountth the lending Inat,liuion plus such Intere st 140 eta saner ae charge of said ending inadwdOn payable directly to me Uniting insdtu fan 103,009 ShCh moolas to 'Owner' IN wig exaeuw a Retell Installment obligation and any documents reignited by 400 tending institution in connection With geld 1016. 30.0 ~r- Additional Infarntadan 31. ❑ PS- Work Not to Be Done 'CONT'RACTOR 13140T ReSPONSIBI..E FOR ANY EXISTING SeCURITY El"T.A,MS, PLEASO REMOVE ALL SHADES, VERTICALS, BIMOS. CURTAINS, DRAPES OR WINDOW MOUNTED AIR CONDITIONERS, 'PRIOR TO THE INSTALATION OF YOUR NEW WINDOWS. INSTALLERS ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE RIMOVAL OR INSTALLATION OF THESE TYPES OF ITEMS. Notice, If Ilranaed, any holder of this Consumer Credit Controat IS CONDENSATION INSIDE THE HOUSE DOES NOT INDICATE A WARRANTY subject to all clglms and defenses whlah the debtor could assert PROBLEM, against the seller of goods or services obtained pursuant hereto or with the proceeds hereof, Recovery by the debtor shall not exceed SALESMAN HAS NO AUTHORITY TO CHANGE ANY ITEMS OR MAKE ANY amounts paid by debtor hereunder. REPRESENTATIONS OTHER THAN CONTAINED IN THIS AGREEMENT AND "OWNER" REPRESENTS THAT NONE HAVE BEEN MADE TO OR RELIED TO HAVE OVIN ARE OR GINALOFTHIISAGREEEMEENTANDTO £T HE AUTHORIZEDAGENNT DUPLIC"ATE ORIGINAL OF THIS AGRE MEN A COMPLETELY FILLED IN OF ALL "OWNERS" OF THIS PROPERTY UPON WHICH THE WORK OR THE MATERIALS ARE T BE SUPPLIED, NOTICE T THE HOME 'YOU, THE BUYER, MAY CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION AT ANY OWNER(S), GUARANTOR(S), LESSEE(S), CO-SIGNER(S): TIME PRIOR TO MIDNIGHT OF THE THIRD BUSINESS DAY AFTER Contractor, at Me expellee olawnar,ehaliTrocwea9parmlteroquicedby law. THE DATE OF THIS TRANSACTION. SEE ATTACHED NOTICE OF CANCELLATION FORM FOR AN EXPLANATION OF THIS RIGHT. 1. Do not sign this agreement before You told it or 11It contains any ON ALL ORDERS CANCELED AFTER THE RECESSION blank spaces Or If It does not Certain overythin0 agreed open, PERIOD CUSTOMERS WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR A 4596 2, Any person Who shall have oc-dgned,guaranteed or signed say credit ADMINI1tTRATIVEANDRESTOCKING FEE:' application or nets totaling to this agreement hereby Accepts to be hound by this agreement SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 3. Owner (e) reprosents that the oonleate on the back of this Agreement Is a Into part hereof and has bean need and accepted by Owner. 4, ALL INSTALLATION LABOR GUARANTEED 1(ONE)YEAR. DATE =2 Salesman's Name ;F26- rL~tll i., Signal, a fan NsrW Sllsman's uoenss No, Signature REV 3/03 P. 002003 FEB-24-2004 TOE 02`.23 PM ME Llp. No. oDlees F.I.D. No, 11-2320448 G NH U06140. Job # h ~(n I n 1~~ ~ ua No. 14043. - u New York Dept. of Consumer SALIES: FOR ALL HoFm~ meCentrai Affair! LIM Na. 0730696 New York: SERVICEJAEPA(RS The Service Slde of Beare Nadeau Ltc. Nil H2704150000 800-842.8111 PLEASE OAL4 YankeL Llc. No. 2i1B4H1 i so Boston: 888-245-7294 Marlboro, Mill Road ctc aetar WC0619-Ha7 800-SEARS-31 MYl, MA 01752 Nay Jersey Dept, N0. Laonsu Hanford Area: ENTRY DOOR CONTRACT p eUaL10.Na005 n4aumar 8D0 SEARS-99 sofa, fuirgstad a aaeaed by slu•aay ANSIocmEldlOP Caro. at 49104111 lad. VT uc. No. Providence Area: A Saelt AdWmlad Cgakeelr Rhoda Island Lit. No. 13707 ' 888-731-7751 +0 illegal cam, EIMA44 Illy 111156 SOLO ro Ja\Ln.ti rC~(v~~AOIn~ LL'241v~$~t DATE ADDRESS0 PH❑NE (Nome) (GI ,q g 7/ S CITY (~SU\ I _ SPAT( ZIPS PHONE (worth) go~x 7 t JOB SITE ADDRESS (it dlflerant) APPLIED ENTRY DOOR SYSTEMS 2g a General DGeOriptlon of Work at Above AddreBO: Approx. Start Date o 'type of Houago-Frame: ❑ Masonry Approx. Completion Date ' (Weather sno materinls Perot ) SPECIFICATIONS Beare approved medadsk vAll be furnished and initialled to those specinradona: NO PLPASE READ CAREFULLY', ONLY THE ITEMS CHECKED "YRTAR8 INCLUDED IN YOUR OROER. 1, 13 RamPve E"All Doors from o1o nine re they now eldet on: 2. (3 FIRST LEVEL 3. Gx- SECOND LEVEL 4. ❑ THIRD LEVEL. 8 5. ❑ S"EMENT LEVEL a. ❑ OTHER 7, ❑ Install now palntabls Moldhtgs Clamahea Caetng g, ❑ New Door Unit(s) to have Heavy Dug/ Hardwars and 8klgle Cytneet Osttdbct k11100 aSke, Finish: Polished Q Antlqua e. ❑ M New Door Unit(s) to have Peepalts It 013110able. in. 19. ❑ Now Door Unh(s) to haw insulated Tamparad Glass a applcable. 11. I1- ❑ New Actual Doors to have 22 Gaup. Steel Construcaon. 1p, ~ ❑ New Door Fmm•• to have 1a Gouge Bleat Construction. 19. ❑ Use Kings In Gauge Stool Ra(nloroad hinge plates. 14. - ❑ use 1o Gauge aleal Rakdomemant In the lock & daadaaa area of the Irom•. 16. ❑ loacen PVC Canyon Aluminum to extedar of eXlsling door fremst. Qatar. ❑ Trim Out ❑ Tdm In , 16. ❑ Caulk and anal eldedor. 17. ❑ Remove and dupe., of axlelfgC d~Df(s) and do". 19. ❑ "acted Door slyla(e): A) ,~._,.,}~-f,~. 8) D) Ce-smooth ❑ Uxturad ❑ Eftesaed ❑ RelsedTAm ❑ Trim lnaldo 18. ❑ Glass Option it appiloable: 20. ❑ Door ColorOpllons W(~lk{ pjyDoorlnsttle(~i Cho10e A) IX-Door outelda p poor Inside choice 9) ❑ Door Clasid. Cholcaq ❑ Door utelds ❑ Dootlnside - 21, a 1Ylelfof Doors: Total dof8tdeelas 22. ❑ Clean up -AIL Job related debris will be removed room property on compladan of work. 2a ❑ Insurance -All workmans comply on end flabby is melntsinad. Au eta Ne rag. sag 1P- I 24. ❑ Warranty . MW d to euatdrier upon completion and full payment is raeelvad. reetaaAat e 25. ❑ Paymants - (On non financed orders) Is payebla to Instaksr on day of Inataalftfu C']o.resm rarmana Iw 211. C03 115 Discounts have been appa•n. WY K$ `~r y 4 Gash Total $ '1 LOSS deposit 25%- Balanoe lye- Measure 1/2 ~y A'S (CASH ❑ FINANCED $ - does not Include interest Completion 1/2 -M-7,.Q It ananced, balAnea payable In -monthly Installments of appradmatey par month, payable by °Ownor a contractor. but If hnancad by Owner than owner will pay said amount to It ho 10AWN bwtltudon Plus such Internet and credit service dm%a of Bald )a[Ift losetutlon payable cAncty to the IsAAW inalltullon )Datong such monlas to ,owner and will axardto a Reran lnstaltmentall4allon and any doa+mbras required by such land nithunon In sonAeoaon with .aid Ivan. 27. ❑ ing/ Additional InlormatlM pa. ❑ t7 Work Not to be Done ' CONTRACTOR IS NOY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY PAINTINQ, OR EXISTINQ SECURITY SYSTEMS OR 7HEIRI ACCESSORIES. PLEASE REMOVE ANY SHADES OR BLINDS OR ANY OTHER ITEMS FROM THE WORK; AREA, AS INSTALLERS ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR AEMOVAL OR INSTALLATION OF THESE, NoUga: If OBantu . any holdof 11f ills Caneumer Credit Caroled! It all CONDENSATION INSIDE THE HOUSE DOES NOT INDICATE A WARRAW act to all clalma and dole nses wbIth Ins do tar could asaerl a attest TY PROBLEM. a 0011b, of Eoads or to Ices ahteload pursuant h=13 it the SALESMAN HAS NOAUTHOalTYTO CHANGE ANY ITEMS ORMAI(E ANY ar11m6edeharBOf.RSeoveryhythadabler thailnotazapaid REPRESEATATIDN6 OTHER THAN CONTAINED IN THIS AGREEMENT ay debtor hsreundaI. AND "OWNER" REPRESENTS THAT NONE HAVE BEEN MADE TO OR "YOU A COMPLETELY "OWNER REPRESENTS TO HAVE READ AND RECEIVED A. DUPLI- FELLED IN 4NU DUPLICATE 'OWNER'. YOU ART E ENTITLED NT RATE ORIGINAL OF THIS AGREEMENT AND TO THE AU , THE BUYER, MAY CANOM THIS TRANSACTION AT ANY RIZED AQENT OF ALL "OWNERS" OF THIS PROPERTY UPON ON WHICH THE WORK OR THE MATERIALS ARE TO BE SUPPLIED. TIME PR10R TO MIONSGHT OF THE THIRD BUSINESS DAY NOTICE TO THE HOME OWNER(S), GUARANTOR(S), LESSEE(S), AFTER THE DATE OF THIS TRANSACTION. SEE ATTACHED CO-SIGNER(S). NOTICE OF CANCELLATION FORM FOR AN EXPLANATION OF Contractor, law a follows. expense of awnar, enau Picture all permits required PERIOD. RIGHT. CUSTOMERS WILL CBE RESPO SNSIIBELETFOR A 45% 1. Owners who secure dell own pparmiltr will be excluded from the ADMINISTRATIVE AND RESTOCKING FEE. OArapotyfund provisions ofMSLChapter 142A. 2 THE COMPANY WILL DEPOSIT ALL MONIES RECEIVED FROM . wanif ap lbsuon 6, we. rs atlnpll athii eAeaemarit hardly abo Pts to be bound by this aaareamant. IN E CROW ACCOUNT AT CHABE MANHATTAN SANK #106.1• 9. Oamor(0 rspresents that the contents on the hack at tills eAgreemtal 012089 WITHIN FIVE BUSINESS DAYS OF ITa RECEIPT. Is a true purl hereof and has been road and Arco plad by Owner. Date 4. ALL INSTAUA71ON LABOR GUARANTEED 1 (ONE) YEAR. DO not elpn this agreemani hMora you read It or If H Coroallts may blank Apace or U It does not and in evoryfhlnA agreed upon. DATE 4ta-4-- Flint ( erg N•ro swearnnes ama~ --6lgnatur4e Uasns• Nc. y~~ O Gtgnatura ~ R•v Slog FEB-24-2004 TUE 02:25 PM P.002/002 Customer. Measure Tech: SAS S'~. 1^u 1~-- HomeGentral" Joh#: Order pale: Window Addross: Measure Dato: Measurement Worksheet City, state, ZIP: Meieriele & Services Provided by EII-RayAluminum sidlnp Corp. of Qumona Inc. A Seers Aulhorized Conlreclor Total # of Windows: Color of Windows: Color of Capplnp: ar' QIy, slyle Type Salesmen's Rough Size U.I. Room Revell Froslsd GAd6 ScreOeunl PDoKels Capping Insteallr X H izG EI0/9 S W X H PIDDr 't s n s t~ g 3 g~ 3F Z Ih,~ jj~ 1° - 6 i02 A x ~ iV i rnyUV z 1 U 2 2 2 .1 , I