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Finish Second Floor
TOWN OF MONTVILLE Building Department Tel. 860-848-7166 Fax 860-848-7231 Building or Trades Permit Owner: Peter & Deedee Keramidas Mailing Address: 16 Azalea !ane City: Uncasville State= Ct. Zip Code: 06382 Tel: 848-7822 Job Location: 10 Azalea.Lane Map/Block/Lot: 030/049-A00 Contractor: self Mailing Address:: same City: same State: same Zip Code: same Tel: same Stick Built: Modular:. x Manufactured Home: Commercial/Industrial= Addition: Garage: Car Port: Shed= Remodeling= X Roofing: Siding= Fireplace: Chimney: Windows: Pool: Demolition: Plumbing: Heating: Electrical: x Air Conditioning: Gas: Patio: Porch: Deck: Retaining Wall= New: x Repair/Replacement: ?b Description/Materials Used: finish two bedrooms and bathroom on second oar Size. 530 sq ft. Type of Heat: Fireplace: No. of Stories: No. Rooms: 2 Breezeway: No. Baths: 1 Garage: Use: residential Building Official 3s Signature= Date= Permit 14580 & E Estimated Cost: 7,500,00 Building: 50,00 Date: 12/1/98 Plan Review: Code: 05 C.O.: Total: 50 x 00 Cash/Check: np A MINIMUM OF 24 HOUR NOTICE REQl TRED FOR INSPECTIONS . Required Inspections: footings prior to pouring concrete footing drains damp proofing prior to backfill framing electrical service rough electrical rough plumbing-leak tests required heating system fireplace-throat inspection and final chimney-above thimble and final gas line test pool bonding insulation Final Inspection for Certificate of occupancy r TOWN OF MONTVILLE Building Department Telephone 860-848-7166 Fax 860-848-7231 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT OR TRADES PERMIT FILL IN THIS SECTION COMPLETELY. f Owner : fe-fe~- Dee4Pe q m'aaS Mailing Address: to Oze,IN City: 0V1CAS V)Ile- State: CT. Zip Code 0639z Tel: M?, Job Location: 10 RzAleq ~a~1e UocgsvilleMap/Block/Lot: Contractor: eI -Mailing Address: City: State: Zip Code: Tel Town of Montville Field Inspection Notice p hr Permit # of Inspection: ~C.'~e_~' Location: d TYPe Issued to:~ J x~ Delivered to: OVED NOT APPROVED The following orders are hereby issued for their correction: fleas` call for nsp ctio when corrections have been com 60-848-71 Date By' Budding 0ffic al FEE ""Z-T~_(~0 Estimated cost ~f~ad Building -C 4T Plan Review C.O. Total Cash/Check TOWN OF MONTVILLE Building Department Telephone 860-848-7166 Fax 860-848-7231 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT OR TRADES PERMIT FILL IN THIS SECTION COMPLETELY. Owner , kta#LLs. Mailing Address: >D Z` [ s~ City: 1)/V-C%"S&;j'g State: Zip CodeC,~A Tel: Job Location: Map/Block/Lot: ?3^ i~~ g 00 Contractor: eA--,T Mailing Address: l~ 4ZO- gra'&n City: (fit cnsyo State: (77= Zip Code:V&3egR Tel: Stick Built: Modular Home: f/ Manufactured Home: Commercial: Addition: Garage: Car Port: Shed: Remodeling: s Roofing: Siding: Fireplace= Chimney: Windows: Pool: Demolition: Plumbing: Heating: :lectrical: EAir Conditioning: Gas: Patio: Porch: Deck: Retaining Wall:: News: Repair/Replacement: Job Discription/Materials used: /tip Size: Type of Heat: Fireplace: No.of Stories: No. Rooms: Breezeway: No. Baths: Garage: Use: I hereby certify that the proposed work will conform to the Basic Building Code and all other Codes as adopted by the State of Connecticut, and the Town of Montville. Owner/Agent Signature: (Do '9 Date: If signed by Contractor, type of license/registration & No: Building Department Use Only 'Q v du FEE pG Permit # Estimated Cost Building AQ Plan Review C.O. Total /J Cash/Check I, < Town of Montville Field Inspection Notice Permit # Location: / Type of inspection: 'Zk~ 0mr (M() k'O" Issued to: Delivered to: ED NOT APPROVED t!!V' JGC ko he following orders are hereby issued for their correction: k. = Please call for inspe ti on when corrections have been com et ' Date. By: / • g official ~r i TOWN OF MONTVILLE BUILDING INSPECTOR 310 NORWICH-NEW LONDON TPKE. UNCASVILLE, CONNECTICUT 06382 848-7166 DATE= 12/31/97 NAME: Peter Kerami.das ADDRESS; 10 Azalea I.-ane CITY: Uncasvl. l.l. e ST: Ct.. ZIP: 06382 Dear Sir/Madam, This is to inform you that a Certificate; of occupancy is required prior to any use of: second floor by Section 119.3 of the Code. Anv_ Violation of the Code is subject to the penalties described in Section 117-0- Please call my office and make an appointment for this: fin=al in=^pectAon as soon as possible to avoid any violation of the code- pespnrtf:,±i l~ , RuJJe i . Stair r Euildinp f7f-Fscia1 RHS/slp i TOWN OF MONTVILLE BUILDING INSPECTOR 310 NORWICH-NEW LONDON TPKE. UNCASVILLE, CONNECTICUT 06382 848-7166 DATE= 12/31/97 NAME Peter Keramidas ADDRESS= 10 A~al_ea Lane CITY= Unr..asv,..ll e ST= Ct r. ZIP: 06.-332 Dear Sir/Madam, This is to inform you that a Certificate of Occupancy is required prior to any use of= second floor by Section 129.3 of the Code. ,any Violation of the Code is subject to the penalties described in Section 117.0_ Please call my office and make an appointment for this final inspection as soon as possible to avoid any violation of the code- Respectfully, t Russell H_ Stauf r Building Official RHS/sip i ~ 7r 7' cc: Town 1is, TOWN OF MONTVIL.LE V Building Department / 848-7166 APPROVED BUILDING PERMIT OR TRADES PERMIT For 180 Days Permit No: 11293-P Approval Date: 10/24/96 Expiration Date: 4/24/97 Estimated Cost: 1,5SO.00 Fees: 10.00 PRF: C.O: Owner: Peter.Keramidas Address: 10 Azalea Lane Tel: 848-7822 Job Location: 10 Azalea Lane Code: 06 Contractor: D.J.McGarthy Address: 6 Ridgewood Road Tel: 444-7794 Stick Built: Modular Home: X Manufactured Home: Commercial: Addition: Garage: Car Port: Shed: Remodeling: Roofing: Siding: Fireplace: Chimney: Windows: Pool: Demolition: Plumbing: x Heating: Electrical: Air Conditioning: Gas: Patio: Porch: Deck: Retaining Wall: New: Repair/Replacement: :x Type of material used/discription: Plumbing for bathroom upstairs to code size." Type of Heat: Fireplace: No.of Stories: No. Rooms: Breezeway: No. Baths: Garage: Use: - I hereby certify that the proposed work will conform to the Basic Building Code and all other Codes as adopted by the State of Connecticut, and the Town of Montville- Applicant's Signature: Date' - If. signed by Contract , type of 1 `cense/regi tr tion No:~g21~ Building official's Signature: Date: Date of Health Dept. Approval: Date of Zoning Approval: THIS IS TO INFORM YOU THAT UNDER THE CONNECTICUT AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING CODE, SECTION 119-3 A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS REQUIRED PRIOR To ANY USE OF THE STRUCTURE. A MINIMUM OF 24 HOUR NOTICE TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT IS REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS. TO BE POSTED ON PREMISES SO THAT VISIBLE FROM STREET NOT TO BE REMOVED UNTIL C.O. ISSUED 3 R*A ISSUE DATE Building Inspector Town of Montville Form No. 1000-474 SENDER: m I ;a • Complete items d/or 2 for additional services. wish to receive the Complete items d 4a & b. folic g services (for an extra < y • Print your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can S y return this card to you. fee): N • Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space 1.0 Addressee's Address v does not permit. 4i • Write "Return Receipt Requested" on the mailpiece below the article number. 2 ❑ Restricted Delivery t The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date < C delivered. Consult postmaster for fee. 3. Article Addressed to: 1 4a. Article a el~'-Y 1✓~~dQ~ ~eYQ~VV~ tclQ$ Number 0%Q '7 73 ~ Se-3 E 4b. Service Type 0 f .0,/awe ❑ Registered ❑ Insured a v ( Certified El COD W " utv co- S V ! ! I C- T Express Mail Return Receipt for ~ ❑ Merchandise p 7. Date of Deliv ry Z ~f c w 5. natt cep (Addressee) 8. Addressee's Address (Only if requested ~ :3 H and fee is paid) W i 1~r cc 6. Signature (Agent) F 0 w PS Form 3811, December 1991 it U.S.G.P.O.:1992-307-530 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT ~ Uc~4 d t!~ /10 TOWN OF MONTVILLE Building Department 848-7166 r _ wAPPROVED BUILDING PERMIT OR TRADES PERMIT, CM For 180 Days A Permit No: 11293 Approval Date: 02--10-94 Expiration Date: 08-1094 Estimated Cost: 3,500 Fees: 22 PRF: 4:70 C.O 5 Owner: PETER & DEEDEE KERAMIDAS Address: 10 AZALEA LANE Tel: 848-7822 Job Location: SAME Code: 02 Contractor: SELF Address: SAME Tel: SAME Stick Built: Modular Home: Manufactured Home: Commercial: Addition: X Garage: Car Port: Shed: Remodeling: X Roofing: Siding: Fireplace: Chimney: Windows: Pool: Demolition: Plumbing: Heating: Electrical: Air Conditioning: Gas: Patio: Porch Deck: Retaining Wall: New: Repair/Replacem.ent: Type of material used/discription: 2ND FLOOR BEDROOM & BATHROOM Size: Type of Heat: Fireplace: No.of Stories: No. Rooms: Breezeway: No. Baths: Garage= Use: I hereby certify that the proposed work will conform to the---Basic Building Code and all other Codes as adopted by the State of Connecticut, and the Town of Montville Applicant's Signature: Date: If signed by Contractor, type of license/registration & No tea. Building Official's Signature: Date: a y- c1 y Date of Health Dept. Approval: Date of Zoning Approval: ,)A THIS IS TO INFORM.YOU THAT UNDER THE CONNECTICUT AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING CODE, SECTION 119.1 A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO - ANY USE OF THE STRUCTURE. A MINIMUM OF 24 HOUR NOTICE TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT IS REQUIRED FOR, INSPECTIONS. r r I1-4N TOWN OF,MONTVILLE BUILDING DEPARTMENT 310 Norwich--New London Tpke. I Uncasvil`le Ct n 06382, ~ Tel. S~S_71~a6 i Date: 81131/94 FINAL., NOTICE;. 10 2 9'4 Name: Peter & De de Keramida l Street; 10 Azalea Lane 4 City. a,Jncasv lle State- Ct. Zip: 06382 . Re; Expired Budding Permit Rear Sir/Madame', t This is to inform ,you that your building permit for thee: property i located at= 10 Azalea Lane remodeling bedroom bathroom ~ upstairs has expired and ' must be renewed by this office. i Please contact this office as soon as possible to renew your Fermi is or 'request a final inspection. If you have any questions please call m of f i to at 848-7166. I Respectf 1 i R:ussel,l H . Stauffer 1 Building Official ( RH8/slp I cc; Town Attorney. File I t Response. no r e s once on first; notice ~ final notice being sent as of 10r'28t94 prig n ,t-qal action - Certificatw of Ciccupancy.must he issued prior t€, u and ~ s the upstairs is in use as of this date You must call this 0f f i chedule a final inspection within ' 5 dayr o the al-. ove 'dat; to k o Iii =ction tai; gain compliance Y 3 f M- 1 I I I I TOWN OF MONT'V:[LLE BUILDING'DEPARTMENT 310 Norwich-New London T p e . Uncasvi l l e, Ct M 06382 Tel. 848-7166 I - Date; 8/31/94 f~ FINAL NOTICE; 10/28/'9 4 I , Name: Peter & Deede:=1' Keramidas Str6et: 10 Azalea Lane I Rea Expired Building Permits Dear yir?Madarne This is to inform you that your building permit for the property located at 10 Azalea Lane remodeling bedre°of(a & bathroom upstairs has expire and must be renewed' b this ffice n :please cont.act. this office as soon as possible to renew your perMits or request a final inspection. If you have any questions € lease call my office at 848 -7166 y if ff t t' 74774 4. Russell H R Stauf der Building Official RHS/slP h cc; Town Attorney i File l Response: no response on first ' notice final nC,>ti[:e being cad+nt as of 10?'28/94 i prior to legal action Certificate of Occupancy must be issued Prior CWT to use and it appear the upstairs as in use as of this daQ. You must call this office and schedule a final inspection within-5 days of the above date to avoidAegal action to gain compliance. Close I e I i TOWN OF MQri7't V I LLE BUILDING DEPARTMENT 310 Norwich-New London Tpke. Uncas.ville, Ct. 06382 Tel. 848-7166 Hate: 8/31/94 Name: Peter & Deedee Keramidas street: 10 Azalea Dane ff City: Uncasville State: Ct. Zip: 06382 l Re; Expired Building Permits Dear Sir/Madame, k This is to inform you that your building permit for the property t located at: 10.Azalea Lane - remodeling bedroom & bathroom - upstairs has expired and must' be renewed by this office. Please contact this office as soon as possible to renew your permits or request a final inspection. If you have any questions please call my }f office at 848-71,66. f Respectfully, Russell H. Stauffer I Building Official RHS/slp cc, Town Attorney k~ File f Responses f Closed: k h y; s TOWN OF MONTV LLE BUILDING DEPARTMENT 310 Norwich-New Lo'nas n e ke. Urcasville, Ct. 06382 Tel. 48-7166 i` ate: 8/31/9 j Naas: Peter & DeedeeKeramidas 1 Street: 10 Azalea _ Lana ~ K City: uncaavi i e Sates ! . ' Zip: t x362 Re; Expired Building Permits j bear Sir/Madame, This is to inform you that your building permit for the property located at: 10 Azalea .Lang: 'remodeling bedroom & J:~athracm - upstairs -expired and his- { must he renewed by this office. Please contact this _of ice as son as possible to renew your permits or request a final inspection. If you have any questions please call y office at 848--7166. Respectfully, 6 f /02' Russel H. Stauffer r Building official } RBS/sip cc; Town Attorney Pile C _ Response: Closed. I I 4 TOWN OF KONTV ILLS Building Department ` j) Application for a Permit / Owner: ~eit ~c~4S Address: AD -4-17-c Its Lu Tel:, RL A--7_02.Z.. Job Location: Sg w. Contractor: IM4C Address: al •wd Tel: Sq Stick Built: Modular Home: Manufactured Home: - commercial: Addition: Garage: Car Port:-_, Shed: Remodeling: Roofing: Siding: _ Fireplace: Chimney: _ Windows: _ Pool:.- Demolition: Plumbing: Heating: _ Electrical: Air Conditioning Gas: Patio: Porch: - Deck: Retaining Wall: _ New: _ Repair/Replacement.: Type of Material to be used/job description:-':I- L C- PPe e r S41"-IV Ltn?v 6--- y V C o~ 1 do ( FJ S AX-\ 1 Size: Type of Heat: Fireplace: No.of Stories: No. Rooms: Breezeway: No. Baths: Garage: Use: STATE OF CONNECTICUT This is to certify that under the provisions of the General Statutes the following person or firm is licensed or registered. PLUMBING & PIPING BOARD PLUMBING UNLTD CONTRACTOR P1 DAVID J. MCCARTHY 58 MORGAN ST. NEW LONDON, CT 06320 LICJREG. NO. EFFECTIVE [-EXPIRES 00204214 F 11/01/96 10/31/97 SIGNED:._, - r~ t TOWN OF MONTVILLE F Building Department 848-7166 ~.~APPROVED BU`M5 NG"-PERMIT OR TRADES PERMIT) For 180 Days n Permit No: 11293 Approval Date: 02-10-94 Expiration Date: 08-10--94 Estimated Cost: 3,500 Fees: 22 PRF: 4.70 C.O: 5 Owner: PETER & DEEDEE KERAMIDAS Address: 10 AZALEA LANE Tel: 848-7822 Job Location: SAME Code 02 Contractor: SELF Address: SAME Tel: SAME Stick Built: Modular Home: Manufactured Home: Commercial: Addition: X Garage: Car Port: Shed: Remodeling: X Roofing: Siding: Fireplace: Chimney: Windows: Pool: Demolition: Plumbing: Heating: Electrical: Air Conditioning: Gas: Patio: Porch: Deck: Retaining Wall: New: Repair/Replacement: Type of material used/discription: 2ND FLOOR BEDROOM & BATHROOM Size: Type of Heat: Fireplace: No.of Stories No. Roams: Breezeway: No. Baths: Garage: Use: I hereby certify that the proposed work will conform to the Basic Building Code and all other Codes as adopted by the State of Connecticut, and the Town of Montville Applicant's Signature: Date: If signed by Contractor, type of license/registration & No: Building Official's Signature: 6 Date: Date of Health Dept. Approval: Date of Zoning Approval: VIA THIS IS TO INFORM YOU THAT UNDER THE CONNECTICUT AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING CODE, SECTION _119.1 A.CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY USE OF THE STRUCTURE. A MINIMUM OF 24 HOUR NOTICE T© THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT IS REQUIRED FOR. INSPECTIONS. r` TOWN'OF MONTVILLE Building Department Application for a Permit Owner: 1~e-,-Cv, jo'-S Address: Tel: Job Location = Contractor x' Address: Jb/,' Tel: e y~~,' ✓ ~ Stick Built: Modular Home Manufactured Hume: commercial: Addition: Garage Car Port: Shed: Remodeling: ' Roofing: Siding: Fireplace: Chimney: Windows: _ Pool: Demolition: a Plumbing: Heating: Electrical; Air Conditioning: Gas: Patio: Porch: Deck: Retaining Wall: New: _ Repair/Replacement: Type of Material to be used/job description: yZ) Size: Type of Heat 0,--:> Fireplace: No.of Stories: No. Rooms: Breezeway No. Baths: Garage: Use: