HomeMy WebLinkAboutDining Room v { T~~if\S \'ILI.i' C\~UT < %`,~l~tl! C PCiJVI } r ` i a , Fee raid: T) ate: r l-er7ission is here-by granted to nix (P ✓ to erect a glhJ11~y n+ r on the side o- Iq ris follows: Size ~Z i. long, - ii wine, stories hi.;,;; f t; a j-- ce ►er line ~r r distance i•ro:-~ r le loi line: C ~ 1 r~f c ni~ di ea sin` ~ distance from roan ft; I\i oUt; S t; or the use of irhe facility as a Zoning anc! ; lanninc .commission, Town or i\iioniville, Connecticut THIS PE5\%31T 1S \':1'_IEl k C N L Y~~.l - 'Ysojing Acjen t. - recipien'i of this perm- accepts i'i or, '-he condition that he, as owner or as repreSentine the owner, agrees Co comply with all applicable ordinances end regulations of the Town of N'tonrville and the State Sialutes o'i the State of C onnecticui regarding the use, occupancy and type of activih/ to be instituted. It is ur hen-nnre understoce. tha'i the fac;lily can not be used until a Certificate or t~ Use and ,.ampiiance has been. issued by the ._Oilinc; and Planning Co-mm:nission and that any change of use similarly e-oes require a new Certificate or Use and Compliance. Gefore a Certificate of Use and Compliance will be issued a plot plan drawn to a scale of 1 401 prepared and certified in ' in Section 3. 2 of r the Loninc ,eculations must be subnitieu to u~ _ r compliance wi r e provisions conic=ne t the Lonin;; and ,`--Ianning Commission showinc; all boundaries of 1.11e pro; city and as is location(s) or all buildings on Eye ;prop er`,-y including the center line of any public or private right-of-way, sanitary facili►ies and water supply. TOWN OF MONTV I LLE BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date Permit No. 4-*12 S' Estimated ost 400 Fee Owner _ Address Tele. = of Contractor _ Address Tele. Location of Building -~-Y Zone No: Additions & Alterations (Including moving, demolition, sign erection) New Building - Type of Construction Size Type of Heat Fireplace No. of Stories No. Rooms Breezeway No. Baths Garage Use I hereby certify that the proposed construction will conform to the applicable zoning reg- ulations of the Town of Montville and the Basic Building Code of the State of Connecticut , and that all statements herein contained are true and correct. ` a n Signed Approved Date g, ii~ ) 0 Building Inspector Inspections For: Footings Framing Rough Wiring Electric Service Rough Heating Fireplaces Other Misc. Final Inspection for C.O. Approved Rejected Signed C (t;~l~~! 9 1. TYPE OF SHINGLES: 01 2. THICKNESS OF PLYWOOD: a i 3. SIZE OF RAFTER: 2 X~ r j j ~ 4 4. INSULATION: t 1 ~II 5. SIZE OF CEILING JOIST: ~ 50 6. TYPE OF INTERIOR: a_. 7. INSULATION: 6 8. EXTERIOR SIDING: cc 9. SUBFLOOR : 7 10. FLOOR: t i o 6 r a A .sd, I~ f 9 ~Q 11. SIZE OF FLOOR JOIST : 12. SIZE OF FOUNDATION: ri 13. DIMENSIONS OF FOOTING: r r 14. DEPTH OF FOOTING: -72 r a 1y T j J a a APPLICATION FOR A ZONING PERMIT, TOWN OF MONTVILLE, CONNECTICUT To be filled out by Applicant 1 origin:'. ,.arbon -7i es PLEASE USE TYPEWRITEii 4 ` . Date 198 The undersigned herebv applies to the Zoning and Planning Commission for a permit to k 4 I - ,Location of Property ' Name of Subdivision Lot No. ' Assessor's Block No I Assessor's Parcel No. `Y 3 Name of (Owner) (Agent) s Address Size of Building 1in f t.: Front overall Depth overall- ~ Area 6 ® sq. ft. No. of stories ,Height in ft. No.xof rooms No. of bedrooms No. of bathrooms Zoning District Area of Lot -sq. ft., Lot frontage t ft Lot Width ft., Front Yard Depth ft. Rear Yard Depth ft., Side Yard Depth` ft. Purpose of building and/or use is~ - Water Supply to consist of Sanitarv facility to consist of s< 1. Date of Sanitation Officer approval Remarks I hereby agree to conform to all requirements of the Laws of the State of Connecticut and the Ordinances and Regulations of the Town of Montville, and to notify the Zoning and Planning Commission of any alteration in the plans for which this permit is being asked. I furthermore agree that the agree that the above described facility is to be located at, the proper distance from all street lines as required by the Zoning Regulations or any other applicable local and state ordinance, and regulations and it is understood that the facility upon completion will be used in compliance wi the Zoning Regulations of the Town of Montville. I hereby apply for a Certificate of Use and Compliance for = i described in the above application for a permit.. It is my understanding that the facility can not be occupied until a Certificate of LTSe and Compliance has been issued by the Zoning and Planning Commission. Signed ,-ner) (Agent) Tel. No. Approved by Zoning Agent k4~ Date W~~ Zoning Permit No. issued. Disapproved by Date Reason 1C; 10/70 f~ - 4 ♦ is l TOE 0 MONTVILLE Zo LNG & PLANNING--- - - - ° 2/AP ROVED AP ROVED AS NOTED DATE m f ! BY ZONING OFFICER 0 uL-H ~ SIGN ~1- s USE THIS SPACE QELCVV +L` FLCT FLAN ~ ftF ERTY F lot plan to a scale of 1 AD' prepared in compliance with Section a.2 of the Zoning regulations showinc, all boundaries of the property and the location o= the building or buildings on the property including the center line oI any public or private right-off-way, sanitary facilities and water supply. ANY C~°r1►i~',C E: Cif, TiXAS F) AVI INC, ;v;UST t'III.ST E' CriECt:ED WITS: Ai,;'D LI Tf''.iNED 11\1VIRITINC t:2 ZCNINIC AND pt_ ANINI\!C= CCWMISS OR ITS X-TCAN171--', ACEN7. Plot plan mm,, be drawn or anocheu to this sheet. 113 0 t inspected by Zoning ;gent date Item arks Certificate of Use and Compliance issued by Date 1 C/10/70