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Single Family Residence
Plans in File Town of Montville BUILDING DEPARTMENT 310 Norwich-New London Turnpike Uncasville, CT 06382 860-848-3030, Ext. 82 Building Permit Permit Number: 92002-697 Permit Date: 13-Nov-02 Permit Code R2 Sob Location: 11 ANDERSEN LANE UNIT: MAP/LOT: 037/002-047 Job Description: Single Family Residence Owner Contractor HARTENS POND LLC Watch Hill Builders LLC 46 Taugwonk Road 183 QUARRY ROAD Unit: Stonington, Ct. 06378 MILFORD CT 06460 Telephone: 535-0859 Lic/Reg Type: NHC Use Group R4 Lic/Reg Number: 131 Code 1995 CABO Exp Date: 9/30/03 Construction Type 5B Construction Values Permit Fees Building Value: $151,081.00 Building Fee: $910.00 Plumbing Value: .$8,996.00 Plumbing Fee: $52.00 Mechanical Value: $5,610.00 Mechanical Fee: $34.00 Electrical Value: $10,016.00 Electrical Fee: $64.00 Other Value: $0.00 Other Fee: $0.00 Total Value: $175,704.00 C/O Fee: $10.00 Comments: Plan Review Fee: $91.00 State Ed Fee: $28.11 Total Fees: $1,189.11 It is the owners responsibility to schedule the following require inspections (minimum 48 hours notice requested): W/ Footing - Prior to pouring concrete W-1 Rough HVAC W/ Backfill - Footing drains and waterproofing ❑ Fireplace Throat W Concrete Slab - Prior to pouring R Fireplace Final Rough Framing ❑ Chimney - One flue above thimble d❑ Rough Electrical ❑Q Firestopping/draftstopping d❑ Electrical Service © Insulation 0 Rough Plumbing and Leak Test ❑ Final Inspection Gas Piping and Pressure Test d❑ Certifica o ccu ancy - Prior to use or occupancy Building Official's Signature: F Town of Montville Building Department 310 Norwich-New London Tpke, Llncasville, CT 06382 Tel. 860-848-3030, Ext. 82 Fax. 860-848-7231 October 3, 2002 Watch Hilt Builders LLC 46 Taugwonk Road Stonington, CT 06378 RE: 1 i Andersen Lane We have received a building permit application for the above referenced property. In accordance with Connecticut General Statute 29-263, your application is being rejected for the following reason(s): (3)2x10 in basement is over-spanned Manufactures data required for fireplace and chimney New Home Contractors registration not submitted Plans call for the roof to be constructed with roof trusses, engineering data submitted does not correspond with this type of house. Plans call for R-39 roof insulation, -~Q-- `i-~'( e_C'_ 7.ee due $1,189.11 We will keep all documents received to date on file and renew your application when you have furnished all the required data. Thank //oseph ou, Summers Asst. Building Official Cc: File Town of MontVie Permit # Building Department 31 ONorwich-New London Tpke. Tel. 848-7166 Uncasville, CT 06382 Fax. 848-7231 Application for $u lduag or Trades Permit Permit' Building rermit Trades _Vew Co=tnxtwn n gccessory Strueture ~ rcl t cal IX x_q ?I ctirna ❑oema tibn O Efectrica 9feating [lAfter t m [~4~tfter . _ X rCondttio X G" V Job Location Andersen Lane Lot g l kbDescriptiatilMaterials SINGLE FAMILY HQME owner _Harten's pond L.I_ C Mailing Address 46 Taugwonk Rd. City Stonington Stare C.T. zip 06370, Tel 860-535-0859 Contractor Watch Hill Builders L.L.C. - Meiling Address 46 Taugwonk Rd. State C.T. zip 06378 Tel 860-535-0859 city Stonington Contract's Lienssellegistratan Type & Number 131 Exp. Date 1 J s'p l' 03 NCW 14ornc ConstftetiOn Contraetors- Have you entered into a contract with a consumer for the proposed new home? Q ves [2 IN'o I hereby certify that the proposed work will conform to the Basic Building Code and all other codes as adopted by tt State of Connecticut and the Town of Montville and further attest that the proposed work is authorized by the owner in fee and that I am authorized to make application for a permit for such work as descr`W above. i Owner /Agent Signatu j Dote 3 { ~L Construction Value F+ee Building Plumbing Mechanical $ Electrical Other Certificate of Occupancy Plan Review Fee State Education Total tville Building Department Receipt . Town of. Mon No. Date f - JO Job Ad(Iress: Cash heck Check # Amount $ l-~ t (c: d +4260p ` Igo _2 f P &rnit Rccctved by- - Permit Fee Calculation Spreadsheet' RESIDENTIAL PERMIT CALCULATION (1-1/2 STORY) House Construction A (E=Econ(xmy, A=Average, C=Custom) QTY $/UNIT $/UNIT $IUNIT TOTAL Living Area 2040' SF $ - $ 67.95 $ - $ 138,618.00 Finished Basement SF $ - $ 15.05 $ $ - Unfinished Basement SF $ $ 5.90 $ - $ 6,608.00 Plumbing Full Bath 2' EA $ $ 3,531.00 $ $ 3,531.00 Half Bath 1 EA $ $ 2,247,00 $ - $ 2,247.00 Garages Attached, 1 car EA $ - $ 8,054.00 $ - $ - Attached, 2 car 1 EA $ - $ 13,676.00 $ - $ 13,676.00 Attached, 3 Cam' -EA $ - $ 18 938.00 $ - $ - Detached, 1 carte EA $ - $ 10,547.00 $ - $ Detached, 2 car EA $ $ 15,800.00._ $ - $ - Detached, 3 car EA $ - $ 21,072.00 $ $ Under, 1 car EA $ - $ 1,226.00 $ $ Under, 2 car EA $ $ 1,673.00 $ - $ Fireplace It Chimney Prefab I EA $ - $ 3,480.00 $ - $ 3,480.00 Masonry, exterior ~EA $ $ 3,555.00 $ $ - Masonry, interior SEA $ - $ 3,330.00 $ - $ - W12 fireplaces EA $ $ 2,520.00 $ - $ - Dormers Gable 32' SF $ - $ 22.00 $ - $ 704.00 Shed SF $ - $ 15.00 $ $ - Breezeway/Decks Open 126 SF $ - $ 15.00 $ - $ 1,800.00 Enclosed SF $ $ 82.80 $ - $ - Porches Open 200 SF $ $ 25.20 $ - $ 5,040.00 Enclosed SF $ _ $ 111.55$ - $ - Heating Adjustment 2040 SF $ - $ (2.75) $ $ (5,610.00) Air Conditioning 2040 SF $ - $ 1.85 $ $ - Electrical 2040 SF $ $ (4.91) $ $ (10,016.40) Plumbing 2040 SF $ (4.41) $ $ (8,996.40) TOTAL BUILDING CONSTRUCTION COST, LESS MEP $ 151,081.20 Is air conditioning included /N ? $ - PE 1T FEE Building $ 151,081 $ 910.00 Y Plumbing $ 8,996 $ 52.00 Y Mechanical $ 5,610 $ 34.00 Y Electrical $ 10,016 $ 64.00 Other $ CO Fee $ 10.00 Plan Review $ 91.00 State Ed Fee $ 175,704 $ 28.11 Total Fees $ 1189.11 Based on 2000 RS Meatus Square Foot Costs 1013102 € € € € ! € € _ € € € i JAE € € -am luAw-AMMUL LAN STA'T'E OF CONNECTICUT ~ DEP. IRTMENT OF CONSUMER PROTECTIO Be it known that WATCH HILL BUILDERS LLC 'W" 183 QUARRY RD MIT FORD, CT 06460 has been certified by the Departtr~ent of Consumer protection as a registered xr 4 NEW HOME CONS'~RUCTION CONTRACTOR Registration # 131 z ffeetive.10/01/2001 Tpres; 09/30 i. 2003 Ja . T. Fleming, Comm' stoner - ,A ~ i ~ ¢ i i ~ i r € ~ f t 3 F € St• ; IRA I I Sep-23-02 09:17A specialty 860,4496750 P.02 r- CERTIFI(' I ATE OF LIABILITY I SU P-o4CE - ~ 09r~3/9ULt PRWICER 4are}# B11C35 THIS CERTIFICATE IS 15SUED AS A IMIATT'ER. OF INFORM[ATiON i SPECIALTY INSURANCE & BONDING, INC. ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CFRTIF~CATIE 23J CRYSTAL LAKE ROAD HOLDER THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT A~.t EMO, EXTEND OR (ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE FCLICIES BELrL_; GROTON, CT 06340 i PHONE: 580-448 375 FAX: 860-"9-6750 INSURERS AFFORINNG COVE-RAGE INStlr n D'Ak11ATO BROTHERS BUILDERS STONINGTON, L.LC ~ INSURERA ZURIC4 INSURANCE GROUP ! 183 QUARRY ROAD wsuRE+?s THE HARTFORD MILFORD, CT DWO ;NSURER C. I INSURER D :NSURER E: COVERAGES w_~ -•----~---•---w-.-_._.,.. THE POLICIES CF INSURANCE LISTED KLO'W HAVE BEEN ISSUED TC: THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INI)IcZED NC `4i S-Ae% fNG ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR COND3TION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TC+ WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLIvIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT 70 ALL THE TERMS EXC~L:81CINS ANC CONDITIONS 0- SUCH ~ POLICES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHUWJN MAY HAVE BEe4 REDUCED BY PA10 CLAIMS: iN3R i POLJL'Y EFFLCT1slC POLCCY EXAPRAmM . 'LTR TYPE OFINSUF.ANCP_ POL(CYWUMSER p7,a~7~FLyIMf40fYYi GENERAL UARLITY . A- X , COMMERCIAI.GENF_iAL LIAQi !I', GLP1004410 'I/Ii'02 127103 ( FIR=DA AGEIAny ona!rwi s 510,O10C` ! . ; CLAIMS MACE X OCCUR I MEC EXP (,Anj onexrson) S 1 0,010C PERSONALu..C.1'tWJL:Rti' S i.L9"J~i,C fit' G=NERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,00,0, 0 GEN"LAGGREGATELiMITAPFLIEST>EP !PRODUC7&-CCMPIPPAGG 4 2,00o.10C. ! i + POLICY ' PRO- I ,X LOC j JECT , AUTOMOOLEL.Ut131LITY 02UENFC755$ 414102 414;03 GC?P,i31fiED$ItdGLEL•M,i B ANY AUTO iEe aocideatl B i'ooo'000 i i • ALLU'ANEDAUY'!S - I 3GCILY iNJ'JR e 1 X ' SCHEDULECAUTGS ?OtcrEamor:; . 5 X AIRED AUTCu 80QIL4' iNJUR'! ~ X NON-O(NNED AU! 09 (Per aruder,I) ?RO?ERTY DAMAGE IPer 7CGpbpt) GARAGEUAENLIT/ AIITOMvLY -EAAC'iiDENT $ I ANY AUTO I i'THER 'i's;,:N :A. A;;C $ nU ro opaL.Y A: j EXCG•^JS LABILITY ~•~^v~~EACH OCCORREYCE~~$~ 1000,000 i A X OCCUR CLAIMS MA{.?F SCP39665727 01,5102 01,11M . AGG'1EGATE $ f DEDUCTIBLE ! RETENTION 3 _.~L S I + - WORKERS CCIMPE^JSA90NAND WC 39608170 111102 111103w -o- i MIrS: ER A EMPLOYERS' LIApL1YY E.L. EACH ACCIDENT g 100,0100 I I I F. DI'a"EAG - EA EMPLCY'EEi $ 'I DIi;E)CC L ! E.L. UISEAS' -'~C)LIC's LIMIT 5 310s ;t 4~( j OESCRIPMON OF OKRA T1(*MLOCATI0W NEHICLEtdEXCLLS&0W- ADDED $Y[ N0CiR$EMENTf$PWAL P'ROVOtO d$ -.`T~~~~~~~ ~y"•~' EVIDENCE OF CDVERAGE j CERTIFICATE HOLIER ADDITIONAL INSURED: INSURER LETTER.:.-_--- CANCELLATION _ SHOULD ANY OF THE ABCWE t)ESCROED,PrUOES SE CANCELi.ED DE!'ORE VHF: EXARA'ClOt<.Y. WATCH HILL BUIDLERS INC. DATE THER50F, THE ISSUING INSURER 4Wt_L F14OUVOR'M MAIL _ DAYS 1V 20'E'TEN N011CE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO 7'141: LEFT, BUT FAILURE Wo DO $O SrLALL I t IMPM.. NO OBLIGATION OR. IAAFALITY OK AHY KNID UPCft Tie ENSVPCM ITS A0FLt4Tfi V4, Rfff'i+tE3 TtrfES, I AuTH0R1 SENT VE SEBASTIAN ROQC? -.j SEBASTIAN RODE I ACORD 25S (7,197) - ACavff D CORPORATION 968b ..3 , a t r J1 /l Jah Description- The v _nt shalt r-.-,. b!- for € ~~i~z ~ca~: El NUN. gipircar Ae ~ I ;,'bi`d, i f i u A ; W Ren*t:R'- N, 6$ A n t,^ Plan Reviewed ' 4 k Y x ?1t 1 M . I Not ApplitnNe . # .3t~ e S OF 1, ff Tkla-i c Des's m F-3 lot