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Electric/Electric Service - SFR
TOWN OF MONTVILLE Building Department 848-7186 APPROVED BUILDING PERMIT OR TRADES 090M1Y Ear lb Dave Permit Nos 9842-E Approval Dates 2/28/92 Expiration Dates 8/28/92 Estimated Costa 1,500.00 Feess 10.00 PRFe C.Os Owners D'Amato Bros. Address Milford Tela Job Locations Lot 38, Amanda Covrt Codes 06 Contractors Orange Electric Inc. Addressa Orange Tels 795-•3527 Stick Builto x Modular Homes Manufactured Homes Commercials Additions Garages Cary Porto Sheds Remodelinps Roofings Sidings Fireplaces Chimneys Windows Paoli Demolitions Plumbings Heatinga Electricals X Air Conditionings (Bass Patios Parehs flecks News x Repair/Replacomenta Type of material used/discriptions 100 amp service and wiring to Code for new house sizes Type of Heats Fireplaces No.of Stories No. Rooms Breezeways No. Baths # Garages Uses I hereby certify that the proposed work will conform to the Basic Building Code and all other Codes as dopted b tate of Connecticut, and the Town of Montville. Applicant"s Signatures Dates" If signed by Contractar, type of Iicenselregistration & Not <~:7z /0~ Building Official's Signatures Dates e2Z2?1-;fa= _ Date of Health Dept. Approvals Date of Zoning Approvals THIS IS TO INFORM YOU THAT UNDER THE CONNECTICUT AMENDMEiVT_©F THE BUILDING CODE, SECTION 119.1 A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY USE OF THE STRUCTURE. TOWN OF MONTVILLE_ Building Department - A lication for a Permit Tel: Address: o Owner: Job Location: Tel: Address. Contractor: Manufactured Home: commercial: Stick Built Modular Home: Shed: Remodeling: Roofing: Addition: Garage: _ Car Port: Pool: Demolition: Windows: _ Siding: _ Fireplace: Chimney: Air Conditioning: Gas: Plumbing: _ Heating: lectrical' Deck: New: Repair/Replacement:, Patio: _ Porch:' Type of Material to be used/job description- ld ~ Fireplace: Size: Type of Heat: No. Rooms: Breezeway: No.of Stories: Uae: No. Bathe: Garage: