HomeMy WebLinkAboutSingle Family Residence TOWN QF l ONTVILLE Building Department 648-7166 APPROVED BU I LD I NS PERMIT` OR 'YRADSd PEFIM I T Persia Nos 984-' Approval Dates 1/28/92 Expiration Dato1 7/22/961 Est i sat ed Cos t 7Ey 4e0. ee F* o% t 424.00 PrRF t 53.60 C.01 10.00 fwnort B'Amato Bros. Addressl 183 Quarry Road Tolt 874--5992 Job Loeat iont Lot 38,, Amanda Court Code # 01 Contracters self Addrosss sage fief same Sat icrk Bui It s x Modular Holt* t 'Manufactured Homes Cots*rcial t Addition 0aratpot Car Ports Shedt Resod'elinBt RoofinEt Sidings Fireplaces Ch sneyj W ndowst Poole D*solition,l Plui& nsa Hoatingl Elocatricals Air Con4itioninal 'a"I Vatiot Porcht Docks x Newt x Rapair/Rep acestents- Typ* of material usoVd sariptiont wood fraate Aioot 3219 x 24' Type of Hoat:t hot-water - gas Fir*plac*1 n/a. No. of St or er s: a No, Rooms s 7 Brews*way t n /a No, Baths 2 Isar&B*t n/a Uitei _residential l hereby certify that the proposed work will conform to the Basin building Code and all other Codes as adopted by the *tat* of Cefnnecticutt and the ; Town of "ant vita*. ~ App ieAnftfo siprmturet Ilatsi tf siBned Eby Controato Ztype of icton t*Jrepi r t on & Nos Bui:ldin:p Afficialls Stgnatur*t atel Date of Health Dept. Approvals Date of Zoning Approval THIS .18 To INFORM YOU THAT UNDER THE CONNECT t CUT AMENDMENT OF THE BU t LOI NS CODE --SECTION 119. 1 A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 19, RKGUI RED PRIOR- TO ANY USK: OF Tim STRUCTURE TOWN aF MONTVILLE Building "Department A lieation for a Permit ✓L~ Tel : Address: Owner: Job Location: 00,2 ?}C92-- 4 Address: 115 C)~~/-2A4 R~ l~ddL-~ ,D. Tel : Contractor : -D / commercial: ✓ Modular Home: Manufactured.. Home: Stick Built: - Roofing: • Car Port: Shed: Remodeling: Addition: Garage: Windows: ~/Pool: Demolition: Siding: '/Fireplace: _ Chimney: Electrical: ---'-'Air Conditioning: Gas: Plumbing: Heating: / Deck: New: Repair /Replacement: Patio: Porch: Type of Material to be used/job description: WA-F6~2, _ Fireplace: I'y Size: Type of Heat: Breezeway: No. Rooms . of Stories No Use: No. Baths: Garage: ZONING PERNIT ZONING PERMIT NUMBER DATE SUBMITTED 1-16-22-- EXPIRATION DATE ! /i /9,3 Applicant: T.'' ' " 41--7i> c Applicant's Address. . ~>7`7 Telephone No. sO ~t 4 Property Owner: No. Lot Property Location: Assessors Map No. Subdivision Name: Zane # Building 1 Total Floor Area of Structure After Develgnent• Sign Area (If Applicable): Nature of Request/Proposed Use: This zoning permit and two copies thereof shall include plans drawn to a scale of at least 111=40' showing dimensions of the lot, the size, area and location on the lot of existing, proposed, principal and accessory structures, driveways, sanitary facilities and water supply, parking facilities, and adjacent streets. Distances of structures from property lines and centerlines of public roads must be indicated. In the case of fill or excavation requests (under 500 cubic yards), dimensions of fill or excavation area must be included. Any other specific uses must also comply with the zonin+ regulations. A plan prepared by a Connecticut Registered Land Surveyor may be required. The applicant guarantees to adhere to all the applicable requirements of the zoning regulations. In addition, the appli cant agrees to notify the Cgmnission or its appointed agent of any alteration in the plans. The use specified above sha NOT be authorized until an actual Certificate of Use and C;ompliance is issued b the CorTmission or its appointed agent. S PERNIT ATMML ESS RE APPLICANT TO PREEN) TU ME BUIIDM DEPARTMENT FOR ANY RED PEWM / r r(mission Agent Actl Date Applicant PLAN REAR YARD DIMENSION LOCATION OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE OR USE ~JtN o _ BUILDING LINE DIMENSION (WIDTH) FRONT YARD DIMENSION ODr MWS OF APPROVAL: 1. APPLICANT KU CONTACT ZONING OFFICER (8643549) AT LMST 24 HUS BEFME CO1 HUMON BTB;INS TO ALLGI MM THCEF TO ROPECT LOCATION. 2. APPLICANT MJST CALL FOR FTTNAL IINSPEMCN AND M3M7 CERTIFICATE OF fA4EI-IMX TEFOW ISSN C A C.O. N /F CHARLES RYNKIEWICZ rr-- •-350.. 350 ~ r - LOT 39 N/F CHARLES RYNKIEWICZ AMANDA ,0560 cp. COU LOT 38 J - - w 20,027, sq. ft. 0.460 acr s 360 t ~ LOT 35 ,'LOT Z` t 40 0 20 40. 80 FEET SCALE: 1"=40' LEGEND PLOT PLAN PROPERTY/STREET LINE LOT 38 EASEMENT LINE STONE WALL CHESTERFIELD HILLS ESTATES INLAND WETLANDS LIMIT 9 AMANDA COURT Alit. SWAMP/MARSH. =---350---- EXISTING CONTOUR MONTVILLE, CONNECTICUT 50 PROPOSED ERE CONTOUR SCALE:1 "=40' DATE: JAN. -14, 1992 SANITARY SEWER BY: BENN.ETT & SMILAS ENGINEERING, INC. SB----- SEDIMENT BARRIER 44 WOOD CART LANE, HADDAM, CT --=x x- FENCE No TOWN OF MONTVILLE PERMIT FOR PUBLIC SEWER CONNECTION ~ f- 9 FEE PERMIT NO. c13 9 DATE C- TYPE NO. OF UNITS r LOCATION , _ " 0' OWNER (S) OF RECORDS Yyi /4 1 MAPLING 'dos 1~) f TIE-IN DATE X>P_9Z INSPECTED BY CONTRACTOR ~ --z A AGEN I METERED METER NO. DATE FIRST READING INSTALLED SKETCH OF LOT SHOWING WELL OR WATER PIPES, BUILDING AND PROPOSED TIE-IN ROUTE TO STREET STUB. Show as-built connection complete with all measurements from a permanent structure to pipe exit from building and all cleanout locationsjtrap and vent (if outside), grease pit (if any), grinder pump installation (if any). (Use back of white sheet if necessary.) ~ovNAPrTiaN t c R C P P+ BELOW BELOW T, To S a C 5d C a• Q ~Lpw V3, /4MA Vin- CT. WPCA COPY INSPECTOR COPY OWNER COPY (white) (yellow) (pink) _ v x. Z9 EMERSON SUPPLY COMPANY ''!':t;R HEAT LOSS CALCULATION #102965 01/16/92 JOB NAME :CAPE COD HOUE J06 LOCATION A {411._. i S .y ON CONTRACTOR :FRENCH PREPARED BY JOB REMARKS i i ROOM # ROOM NAME FACTOR ROOM SIN BTU LOSS FT BASEBOARD I LIVING 11.00 E3X 12X 12 4965.12 9.0 k'; ,..."t«HEN 4.00 GX 1 Frx 11 6228.96 11.5 au!",.„;3 i=: x.11'' : M .C 5.00 8X 12X 11 4687.36 8.5 5X 1359.3a 2w 5 r 2EX 12 6445.44 11.7 4 9.00 8X 15X 16 4956.80 9.0 9 BATH 2 10.00 sx EX 10 1175.04 2.1. `:"C1`CALc.;. 44430.08 so.e BTU CALCULATIONS HAVE BEEN INCREASED 20% DIMENSIONAI DATA SCE. i`•"(' SQ.. F `i SO . E` E S ' F T CU. I I SQ FT RM. # NET WALL GLASS EXP CE IL I....Xh FLR U(:I1._.l_ll°!I.°_ I LV- fiat EA 144 1152 14-1. 1 166 is _ 240 2 007 49 C) 240 0 154 1232 3 i 69 31 15-14 1. 150 :2 G 0 1.32 1056 10,2 ) -0 5 a, a, 0 6 159 17 1210 0 96C-1 120 7 367 17 312 0 249(.., 312 60 0 a TOTALS 1542 193 1922 670 11531 1442. BTU LOSS T - - WILTRATION iO., t I . E WALL LOSS 4 GP. 1 ' 0.00 4SO-80 24S8.32 664.00 1352.00 q,.) 768-00 5529-60 9673-60 2 82B.00 254S.0 - - 492.80 354S.18 632B!96 3 676-00 !61200 422.40 2280-96 4607.36 4 c''32.00 1352.0() 0.00 0.00 552.96. 1359.36 624.00 0.00 0.00 13S2.40 4SSS.4(-) 5 182.40 6 636.00 SS4.00 193S.00 0,0(:) 3594.24 6445.44 aax(')(_} S:*' ~ t_) 499.20 "'.c::, r-r l ,..t?°7:, - 884. , { i~! (J (..i . t_) 27S4.80 075.04 G " 0.00 829.44 0.00 115.20 ' 4 . C) t~7 °i€ ,r i"7 .88 44430- [i E::.; TOTALS s'x .~f-i.? . Lt:i 1 t~7 a. ~4•. 52 10(:) I OF TOT. 14 23 7 5.. THE AVERAGE BTU PER SO.FT. OF LIVING AREA IS- 30.81, THE AVERAGE BTU'PER f--U.FT. OF LIVING B„1"U4 F1 FACTORS USED IN CALCULATION 1='AC``i OR to WALL GLASS CEILING FLOOR T N(I» ,._T Ol.!"1':!='U TEMP .00 0.05 0.65 0.02 0.04 0.27 550 Bo 0.3 '-y 6 550 550 8 0 0. 00 0 , t„i . i:., v«! 0.02 0.04 io. 00 0. 05 t.). G 5 C1 . 0.m 55 0 i so 1 o. !-i t-} 0.65 0.02 0.04 0.18 55(-) 8C) _ 0.18 550 ~ 3 1{')~i^7i„t i_7.i ),:J t_i. 1.~2 t:, _ i 00 0.05 0.65 O02 G- 0t_.Cyr :.a i_).(:7:,:'~ 550 "r i i . i") t". 0. 65 . (-)2 0.04 0.18 5 55 10. oc, 0.65 0.02 0.04 0.18 10.00 0.05 i - - iLDD r - JAN 17 g o pl, ;4 1 f4 I ~f k 1.1.3 7, C 0 a - 2z~ y ~Z 1' 12 = L~ A 5.^0 i~ lil:~ _ N c - ~I. 2:~a its 3c B c-09-1 16 a zr 5-02-02~. i eG I 5-09-14 5-02-Q2 11-00-OQ _ t 1-00-QO 3_ I 22-0040 it I'•~~ OEt= 22'!0.17`: 393r CAKE' 0 1/d' la m = 2-00-00 REACTIOXS Kit_ L! ~ -~;0.0 ?Sr S?ACISG LBS1 BROMI) 20 GA_ YT PLATES 165 PSI G { X~ 7.0 75e INCREASE= 1.15 3.5 3C:.b= 0.0 ?S' BUTT CUT= 0 1/4' J 5= _k~cb 3_5 -CDy= PSF ri3DG eTXvCT f55. INC~ STOC 10 WEBS - C53a 0.564 g pis. BOTTOM CHORD - CSR= 0-806 2X 4 STO SPP /N2DICDSYP ~ TOY CiaED - CSR= 0.82_ ~ 2g 4 1800SPP w 1= -644 w 2: 767 c.n 27C { 1gGOSP7/N20t(aSY? C b= 2086 .L~ _1262 C 2= -1630 } ;;CTE SHE -!EDGE DETAIL AT THE [{EEL(SI- oF MEW 1 fz' yEN YL C fi w Ryt S " A Moll lot CS3 C g~ K°pH *3 igA n m Lot CAB ti~F 0~a~ R6:1S1D1~ ~as+o+'~ o . Krr+iww~a~ +i _`r~Sp 3~L~ 1 f~lyy4 r. J'_ O y J4 5 =EfY ' , w t ~G`r s ' ~~~1`v9 _•F°~ .w .yam ',,SF. w i`,s Q Z x S:. g~Q g ~i4 =xr CASLER t~t 5. +u a HL i7S3 fi54E o.393T1o ?90 is 1 + 1 -si 4.~' io'~ =.e'•. {c,: W.`pa031 r CSi'~ 'r9pFf (rctM`+,~'6~4 std ~T SiQHAL~~ r ?rtU •.l 4g, r.e.__..... - Lam... E - ~ f AN. -Jil t g j + Q' ,lot t - - - .77" 77 amp O TOWN OF MONTVILLE BUILDINt3 DEPARTMENT 310 NorwichrNew London Tpke. Uncasville, Ct. 06382 Tel. 848-7166 INSPECTION REPORT FOR CHESTERFIELD HILLS (A) Permit No: /.0 Date Issued: C2 02 r Q/Vh-e :g_!?l~1 loZ (8) Contractor: s5' Address: M-6~ T e 1 38 ~ ~ INSPECTIONS FOR NEW HOUSE AT: 1. Footings 2. Footing drains if needed 11A 2B.DamP Proofing ~ v 3-17 amng 3. Fr i 4. Rough plumbing & Leak test DWV 3-17-72 Water Lines %3 "/7"7.;Z-- 5. Rough electrical 6. Electrical. Service 7. insulation - walls __~,`19 ceiling basement ceilingRzd 8. Gas line test r 9. Heating System 10. Certificate of Occupancy Signed: Date: °27 uilding Official