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SFR 1992
~5 TOWN OF M©NTVILLE Building Department 848-"166 APPROVED BUILDING PERMIT OR TRADES PERMIT For 180 Darr- Permit No: 9879 Approval..Date: 3/2/92 Expiration Date: 9/2/92 Estimated Cost: 46,200.00 Fees: 280.00 PRF: 22.20 C.O: 10.00 Owner: D'Amato Bros. Address: 189 Quarry Rd.,MilfordTel: 874-5992 Job Location: Lot 42 Amanda Court Code: 01 Contractor: self Address: same Tel: same Stick Built: x Modular Home: Manufactured Home: Commercial: Addition: Garage: Car Port: Shed: Remodeling: Roofing: Siding: Fireplace: Chimney: Windows: Pool: Demolition: Plumbing: Heating: Electrical: .Air Conditioning: Gas: Patio: Porch: Deck: New: x Repair/Replacement: Type of material used/discription: wood frame raised ranch Size: 35' x 24' Type of Heat: gas-hot wtr. Fireplace: n/a No.of Stories: 1 No. Rooms: 5 Breezeway:.n/a No. Baths: 1 Garage: n/a Use: residential I hereby certify that the proposed work will conform to the Basic Building Code and all other Codes as adopted by the State of Connecticut, and the Town of Montville. t Applicant's Signature: Date: a If signed by Contractor, type of icen+se/regi,stration_ & No:_ Building Official's Signature. Date: i i Date of Health Dept. Approval: Date of Zoning Approval: THIS IS TO INFORM YOU THAT UNDER THE CONNECTICUT AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING CODE, SECTION 119.1 A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY USE OF THE STRUCTURE. 4 03 TOWN MON~TVILLE Building Department Application for a Permit Address Tel:745~? Z Owner: ~ Cv~2 Job Location:. Z fps Contractor : ~4yo 4-h Loc Address: f 4S~ ~v ! ~ ` ~ Tel Stick Built: Home. Manufactured-Home: commercial: Modular Shed: Remodeling: Roofing: Addition: _ Garage: Car Port: _ !f Fireplace: Chimney. Windows:. Pool Demolition: Siding: Heating: ----Electrical: Air Conditioning: _ Gas: Plumbing: Patio: _ Porch: Deck: P New: Repair/Replacement: Type of Material to be uaed/job description: ~ 'x a Type of Heat: X45 l-wZl ireplace: Size: _ No.of Stories: No. Rooms: Breezeway: l f f` Garage: Use: No. Baths: TOWN OF MONTVILLE BUILDING DEPARTMENT 310 Norwich-New London Tpke. Uncasville, Ct. 06382 Tel. 848-7166 INSPECTION REPORT FOR CHESTERFIELD HILLS (A) Permit No: 1872 Date Issued: (B) Contractor,.,, ~ Address: 00 Te1 71 F ' INSPECTIONS FOR NEW HOUSE ATa 1. Foot ing5 2.. Footing drains if needed 2B.Damp proofing 3. Framing 3..3 .~'o?©`(02 Water Lines oCd„9vZ. 4. Rough plumbing & Leak test DWV 5. Rough electrical 331 ' ~O~ 6. Electrical Service insulation. - walls ~._,,..ceiling -basement ceiling 8. Gas line test 9. Heating System l~J o"1 10. Certificate of Occupancy J-:. A? 9 ' Signed: Date: Building Official r ZONING PERMIT ZONING PERMIT NUMBER 9a -,3 DATE SUBMITTED /v2 S q Z ~y EXPIRATION DATE TV Applicant: Na Al _5 9,oZ Applicant's Address: i JA- 12 n rm I L Fv ( Telephone No. g -7,,e Property Owner: D'~t+v► a- Assessor's Map No. Lot No. Property Location: 44 Z Subdivision Name: - 2 IeL 1- 5 Zone: of Area: 'ZO. o og L5-` Building Height: Total Floor Area of Structure After Development: Sign Area (If Applicable): Nature of Request/Proposed Use F % • This zoning permit and two copies thereof shall include plans drawn to a scale of at least 111=40' showing dimensions of the lot, the size, area and location on the lot of existing, proposed, principal and accessory structures, driveways, sanitary facilities and water supply, parking facilities, and adjacent streets. Distances of structures from property lines and centerlines of public roads must be indicated. In the case of fill or excavation requests (under 500 cubic yards), dimensions of fill or excavation area must be included. Any other specific uses must also comply with the zonir regulations. A plan prepared by a Connecticut Registered Land Surveyor may be required. The applicant guarantees to adiere to all the applicable requirements of the zoning regulations. In addition, the appli cant agrees to notify the Carmission or its appointed agent of any alteration in the plans. The use specified above shE Wr be authorized until an actual Certificate of Use and Corrpliance is issued b the Carmission or its appointed agent. RED S PERMIT A MMIZES TEE APPLICANr TO P9XM TO THE BUILDING DEPAtIIMW FOR ANY Rnff fission Agent f Action Date icant 2- PLM REAR YARD DIMENSION LOCATION OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE OR USE o ~ N BUILDING LINE DIMENSION (WIDTH) FRONT YARD DIMENSION CONDITIONS OF APPRUVAL: 1. APPLICANT MST CONTACT ZONING OFFICER (8484549) AT LEAST 24 HM BERIRE I= 11011 BEGINS TO MM ZONING OFFICE; TO DNSPECr LOCATION. 2. APPLICANT MLST CALL FOR FINAL INSPEMCN AND MMT CERTIFICATE OF WVLI/CE WoLr IS%Va OF A C.O. LOT 41. a..rr^r- KJ '^r r r r - . - r~- ~ r s 1 LOT 47 / ~d ` 0 6'p jr LOT 42 20,008 sq. tt. ' 0.459 acres ` LOT 46 S c. 22' 34' ! o PP 1 r-~- ;o LOT 43 LOT 44 -Jet 0 10 a to MET SCALE: 1"=40' LEGEND PROPERTY/STREET LINE PLOT PLAN EASEMENT LINE LOT 42 ooccaooo STONE WALL CHESTERFIELD HILLS ESTATES SWAMP/MARSHNAS LIMIT 8 AMANDA COURT 350---- EXISTING CONTOUR MONTVILLE. CONNECTICUT PROPOSED CONTOUR 0 WATER LINE SCALE:1,.=40, DATE: FEB. 20, 1992 S SANITARY SEWER BY: BENNETT & SMILAS ENGINEERING, INC. CW 5B SEDIMENT ❑ARKt[R- -x x- FCN C E 44 W000 CART LANE, HADDAM, CT ~ LOT 41 5 -~----•-_.--•358 • LOT 47 jr LOT 42 s 20,008 sq. ft. 0.459 acres ` V LOT 46 ~ 27 34. p C 131_71 % LOT 43 LOT 44 40 0 20 b AIa MET SCALE: 1"=40' LEGEND PLOT PLAN PROPERTY/STREET LINE LOT 42 EASEMENT LINE c7c~coc~oo STONE WALL CHESTERFIELD HILLS ESTATES INLAND WETLANDS LIMIT ~ ~11lc SWAMP/MARSH 8 AMANDA COURT --350---- EXISTINC CONTOUR MONTVILLE. CONNECTICUT PROPOSED CONTOUR WATER LINE SCALE:1,.=40 DATE: FEB. 20, 1992 $ SANITARY SEWER BY. BENNETT & SMILAS ENGINEERING, INC. ~ S~ SEDIMENT DARRIC11- 44 wooo CART LANE. HADDAM, CT rU -x X-- FCNCE N _ TOWN OF MONTVILLE PERMIT FOR PUBLIC SEWER CONNECTION FEE PERMIT N0. L DATE -1 2- TYPE NO. OF UNITS LOCATION OWNER(S) OF RECORDS L> ~ Svc r c) NAML l S3 - TIE-IN CONTRACTOR S~ C~snJU DATE Z,3 APP_ 92 INSPECTED BY~a„ METERED METER NO. INSTALLED SKETCH OF LOT SHOWING WELL OR WATER PIPES, BUILDING AND PROPOSED TIE-IN ROUTE TO STREET STUB, Show as-built connection complete with all measurements from a permanent structure to pipe exit from building and all cleanout locationsjtrap and vent (if outside), grease pit (if any), grinder pump installation (if any). (Use back of white sheet if necessary.) 7,0 fuz_ i~ - t1S' (i TD f3 Tv D ~ 2 t- A-N'i> G ~ Z V 'V 'j.9 S+ a tLovj v' m v 1 WPCA COPY INSPECTOR COPY OWNER COPY (white) (yellow) (pink)