HomeMy WebLinkAboutSingle Family Residence r s ' TOWN OF MONTY ILLE Building Department 848-7166 APPROVED BUILDING PERMIT OR TRADES PERMIT Permit Not 9846 Approval Dater 1/82/92 Upi rat-ion Dater 7/:22!92 -Estimated Costs 55, 440 100 Fees.r 334.80 P!RF r 39.48 Coal 10.00 °Ownerr 'D" Amato Bros.- Addressr 183 Quarry R*Ad Tel r 874--5999 Job Locat,ionr Lot 379 Amanda Court Coder 01 Contracsorr self Addressr same Toll same ft irk 8ui lit i x Modular Horner Manufactured Horner Commerciale Additi:onE larager Car Ports Shedr Romadelingr Roofings iidiinDr FAreplacer Chimneys Windowsr Poole Demolitions P.lunbiRgr Most ingI Elrwatra:calI Air Conditionf:nprt ease .Patior.- Porchr Docks x News x Repair/Rgplacementr Type of material used/discriptions wood frame ftn*r 84" x 429- Type of H*ott: hot water oas Firsplacer n/a No* of 8toriesr l No. Roonsr 6 BrMeseways n/A Was Bathsr I Saraper n/a Uses residential I hereby cert*,fy that the proposed work will conform to the Basic Building Cod* and all other Codas as adopted y the State of Connecticut] and the Town of Montville. XR; A.ppli.canlt• s Sign-at user 12:2~ oato8 If a gnod by Conttractor hype of ease/rrEp s~ on t► No >s 'building afficioll s 'Signatures a►ter Date of Health Dept. Approvals Date of Zoning Approval= THIS IS TO INFORM YOU THAT UNDER THE CONNECTICUT AMENDMENT OF THE MMtUILM3INMB CODE.- SECTION l 19. i A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO --ANY' USE OF THE STRUCTURE. { TOWN 09 MONIVILLE Building Department Application for a Permit IL' Tel ` f~- Owner: Addreaa: ~ + s Job Location: FGA. AadreaaTel: Contractor:' Manufactured-Home: commercial: Stick Built: Modular Howe: Shed: Remodeling: Roofing:'--- Addition: _ Garage: Car Port: 9 Fireplace: Chimney: Windows:-"' ~ Pool: Demolition: Sidin Electrical: Air Conditioning: Gas: Plumb1ng: Resting: Porch: Deck: New: Repair/Replacement: Patio: _ Type of Material to be used/job description: Size: - Type of Heat: Fireplace: No. Rooms: Breezeway: No.of Stories: No. Bath Gars e: Use: e: ZONING PERMIT,,-., ZONING PERMIT_MNBER_ y , DATE SUBMITTED l -l6 -~J L EXPIRATION DATE f 3 Applicant: t 1- _ h Applicant's Address:' Telephone No. Property omw: Property Location: Assessor's Map No. 2p Lot No. Subdivision Name: ~ L- Zone: ot Area: , ~4~ Building Height: Total Floor Area of Structure After Development: Sign Area (If Applicable): Nature of Request/Proposed -Use- This zoning permit and two copies thereof shall include plans drawn to a scale of at least 111=40' showing dimensions of the lot, the size, area and location on the lot of existing, proposed, principal and accessory structures, driveways, sanitary facilities and water supply, parking facilities, and adjacent streets. Distances of structures fran property lines and centerlines of public roads must be indicated. In the case of fill or excavation requests (under 500 cubic yards), dimensions of fill or excavation area must be included. Any other specific uses must also corrply with the zonirx regulations. A plan prepared by a C necticut Registered Land Surveyor may be required. The applicant guarantees to adhere to all the applicable requirerrrents of the zoning regulations. In addition, the appli• cant agrees to notify the Commission or its appointed agent of any alteration in the plans. The use specified above sha' NOT be authorized until an actual Certificate of Use and Ccmliarr-e is issued b the Cammission or its appointed agent. S PERMIT AMHXtIZES TIE APPLICANT TO PROCEED TO THE BUILDRG DEPARIMW FOR ANY P8MM Alp fi"Tormnission Agent Asti Date Applicant ` PLAN REAR YARD DIMENSION LOCATION OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE OR USE QN_ ~wA D W n N BUILDING LINE DIMENSION (WIDTH) FRONT YARD DIMENSION) COnDMCNS OF APPROVAL: 1. APPLICANT MUST CONTACT 7SIM OFFICER (80-8549) AT LEAST 24 FUU ~ 006TWMCN BEGINS TO AL1M RM OFFICER TO INSPECT LOG#TION. 2. APPLICANT KIST CALL FOR FINAL TNSPECTICN AND REQUEST CERTIFICATE OF GWLIA(`NCE BMW ISSl1MCE OF A C.O. .36p' N/F rr UOT1'38 CHARLES ' ~RYNKIEWICZ t t 'Silk 13 .4p 362 , - ~ ' D i 5X LOT 37 U, r ; r- 41 %20,019 sq. f . N D AM V0.460 acre 00 r 49 0 LOT 35 A 156.02' i i i LOT 36 - r~ 40 0 20 40 80 FEET SCALE: 1"=40' LEGEND PROPERTY/STREET LINE PLOT PLAN EASEMENT LINE LOT 37 STONE WALL CHESTERFIELD HILLS ESTATES INLAND WETLANDS LIMIT .,L SWAMP/MARSH 5 AMANDA COURT ----350---- EXISTING CONTOUR 50 PROPOSED CONTOUR MONTVILLE, CONNECTICUT -y - WATER LINE SCALE:1„=40, DATE: JAN. 14, 1992 g SANITARY SEWER BY: BENNETT & SMILAS ENGINEERING, INC. SB SEDIMENT BARRIER -x x- FENCE 44 WOOD CART LANE, HADDAM, CT y ; t C~ y~°u 17 - 0 B 8 1 5 3 iAhl L-n x 3.< 9 TWE 700 7! 1185 D O&DLYVE4al.D~~1tYPIaIEg Eo oTt~tre~- cHW fbi ED gOA A 20 PSP & °O Ql SS HAS SEES DESIGS HHEgEVEB THE CLA;3DISNCHES THIS TRUSS . W CONCURRENTLY EOBEGABlsTEB WITR ALL OTRER LOhDS. flBLE 966_ h - THE TOY Of THE BOTTOM CHORD AND AN 1554 ESECTIOi1 ON 9 I056.i, TUTS CHE" COeF08lt5 MYTH 8.0.G.A. !2 lc l( n ~g o E C:Dl o+ >y 1n ~g t= vex C= ,l. rz x 1NEI7(T-s ° n Q a r+ 1 ~rro 24" t2"Ictx.+12x8 TC 6-09-1~ 7-06-13 $-02-10 BC 2U-DO-UO o g e ff8-ZZ_ itEACTTON5 MlH L1DEF- 24'fB.21'= g5g+ CAMS. Z p.? ~ TCttY 4Z.B PSF SPACTNG 2- ILBS) BRGIINI 21r GA_ PT PLATES 165 PSI GRS IMAX) _8' - 7.9 PSF INCREASE 1.15 J 1~ -1368 3.5 TCDL BCLL~ Z.Z PSF 811TT CUT= $ 1!4' J 5= -1366 3.5 t L- BCDL- 1Z.$ PSF C gJC_ HYDJtO-AIR ENGIMEERING 1K C WEBS - CSR. 5.548--'----- _ BOTTOM CHORD - CSR= Z.5B1--- - ZX 4 STD SPF S $ TOP CHORD - CS)t= 0.803----- 2X 4 1809F-1.6E M SPF u 1- -534 W 2" 742 2X 4 yBZZF-1.GE M SPF C 6- 1612 C 7- 237'2 -v -2Z32~ ~o 2 CMD C I= -2578 C 2 g _ ,+++tiuunrr»yr~r; i~~w.meirr rfL + f V r a'`•~~C~NJy a4 `'q4 Iflp r / ~ `~1vDFOr•HYtt ` r =rty~f p! 3i ~'5+ S a Lrrv AQE sviphz 1 da4ss`~4 ?FB[w:l~ ~G"c= :ati c: ;1•-~ 5C1[.AI.B.N.tL.W ER !-~•~;+1•r: ' LEe I i s tit 'ic:~ No. 5252 c o: +'ss~ x: = No (r51S w u~~A Na319Zia it 'vim : t F~.s~s~+ 4 ~'F0 + pto ~cau~ ?v : dpf F6tSi •+R~.~ ,~Sa .try-...... f _ Jr 4 f . ti. 4• fA$Al 4' ;a`~ SJ ir. 7LS IIECS3EIIfD S+A~'~t t+~' ~~y fit; liK~wti`CSSW.~ `4r•~10J1>ki t'i:' k•w.....N' -••s........•... Y OrO t N 0- TOWN OF MONTVILLE PERMIT FOR PUBLIC SEWER CONNECTION p► DATE - cp- FEE $ FO PERMIT NO. TYPE NO. OF UNITS LOCATION OWNER(S) OF RECORDS QS . 'NAMt cl 0 C' VC TIE-IN DATE ~Z ATP,9j_INSPECTED BY CONTRACTOR METERED METER NO. DAIL FIRST READING INSTALLED SKETCH OF LOT SHOWING WELL OR WATER PIPES, BUILDING AND PROPOSED TIE-IN ROUTE TO STREET STUB. Show as-built connection complete with all measurements from a permanent structure to pipe exit from building and all cleanout locations$trap and vent (if outside), grease pit (if any), grinder pump installation (if any). (Use back of white sheet if necessary.) Q{~ gouNbl~r►c ~ 3~I ~T2r3P w C 1 3 , VJ mgN7fl Ci- 4 -T o C - `-t -7' S ' 6 -ro C - '-I b 5 WPCA COPY INSPECTOR COPY OWNER COPY (white) (yellow) (pink)