HomeMy WebLinkAboutViolations/Review Amended Plans for SFR
Town of Montville
Building D;epartivient
Residential Plan Review Form
Job Address:
Job Description: ,t11 ~F3N i~P3 (7 A(J f
The following information must be included on both sets of plans or accompanying documents (two sets are required) (C.G.S. 29-252a.) This list is offered as a
guideline only. It is not meant to be all-inclusive for every permit application, nor is it meant to take the place of the building code.
Your application is beine reiected for the followine reason(s) that are checked-off or commented on:
Supporting Documentation Grading is to slope away from the building, Windows & Doors
Building permit a icaV41 f completed provide more details
p Door and window sizes
Permit fee Deck/porch not shown Emergency escape & rescue opening required in
Permit fee to be calculated Plan must be the same as submitted and approved
Worker's comp. Affidavit or worker' comp. by the Zoning Department and Uncas Health, (if the basement or two code compliant stairs
Insurance required applicable) Indicate required light (8% of floor area per room)
Copy Contractor's registration or license Retaining Walls and ventilation (4% of floor area per room) for
Construction permit sign-off sheet wL'thi approvals Plans required each habitable room or space
required t~"FAI-ril ZjIorc) Documents required to be stamped and signed by a Indicate safety glazing in areas required such as:
Provide all documentation to show compliance CT re istered Professional Engineer doors, windows, tub & shower enclosures, etc.
with the 2003 International Energy Conservation Foundation Plan Indicate bedroom egress windows (5.7 sf net clear
Code (www.energycodes.gov) R~9Y ISPO Plans required opening, 24" clear opening height, 20" clear
Street address of project on all drawings and Dimensions opening width)
documents required Wall thickness Egress window sill height
Field set of approved plans need to be picked up Footing sizes Window and door header sizes
from our office Column footings - size Window well details
Two sets of construction documents required, this Frost protection not indicated or insufficient Garage
includes engineering data, calculations, and other Foundation - indicate the assumed soil conditions Plans required
documentation that the system has been designed for or provide Minimum 5/8" Type X gypsum board separation
Documents are copyright protected, provide engineering data. If presumptive soil conditions (on garage side) to all living spaces - all
original copyright plans or a letter from the cannot be met, provide soil bearing engineering combustible support framing to be covered with
designer authorizing the duplication of the plans. data minimum 5/8" Type X gypsum board if it supports
Wind Limitatioas Design Criteria Concrete strength - foundation, floors, exterior habitable rooms
Submit supporting data to show conformance with porches, walks, stabs Openings between the garage and residence
the wind limitations (3 second gust @ 115 mph) Vapor barrier between sub-grade and concrete required to have a minimum 13/8" solid wood
Design publication needs to be identified (WFCM, basement floor required door, 13/8" solid core steel door, 13/8"
chapter 3, WFCM, chapter 2, ASCE 7-2002) ` Floor thickness and control joint location honeycomb core steel door, or 20 minute rated
Documents required to be stamped and signed by a Lally column size, attachment and spacing door from the garage to the house and its basement
CT registered Professional Engineer Waterproofing details or attic
Documents required to be stamped and signed by a Fireplace/chimney base Indicate self-closing devices on all doors from
CT registered Professional Engineer if based on Concrete piers and anchor details garage to the house and its basement or attic
ASCE 7-02 or WFCM chapter 2 Foundation drainage Indicate slope for garage floor
Shearwalls not identified or insufficient Beam pockets - minimum clearances Elevations
Ridge connection not identified or insufficient Engineered foundation plan required Plans required
Roof-to-wall connection not identified or
insufficient Type of siding
Crawl Spaces
Wall-to-wall connection not identified or Type of roofing
Crawl space data - clearance'to joists, slab Finish grades
insufficient thickness (if provided), vapor barrier Building hei hts
Wall-to-sill connection not identified or g
Crawl space ventilation, location, type and size Dimension hei ht of chimne above roof
insufficient g y
Provide engineering data for the piers to resist Crawls ace access, location and size Roof pitches
gravity, lateral, shear and uplift loads, stamped and Floor plan(s) Elevations to match site grading
signed by a CT licensed design professional Plans required Building Section(s) & Details
Hold-down devices, location and type not Construction documents shall be of sufficient Plans required
identified or insufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature and extent of Floor-to-floor heights
Foundation anchor spacing not identified or the work proposed (8106.1.1) Flashing detail - windows and doors - type,
insufficient Construction documents are to match the material
Construction documents do not match the orientation on the site plan reversed plans are not Additional sections and details required
engineering data submitted acceptable, a full plan review can not be Fire-resistance rating details required for exterior
Cold-formed steel framing shall be designed in performed with the submitted documentation wall(s)
accordance with COFS/PM-2001 edition Construction documents are incomplete or un- Wall/ceiling fireblockin detail
Site plan clear, a full plan review can not be performed with Stairs
the submitted documentation
Plans required Stair not shown on basement plan
Plan does not match building plans Basement floor plan required Riser height not indicated
Finish floor elevation Second floor plan required Dimensions Tread depth not indicated
Property lines not provided Nosing required for closed risers
Distance from property line to structure Finish floor elevation Handrail required on at least on side of the stair
Kitchen layout
Structure dimensions Stair to be minimum 36" in width above the
Bathroom layout and space clearances
Driveway handrail height
Ceiling heights
Topography (existing and proposed) Handrails and guardrails - detail, including height
Footing drain inverts, outlet and separation Attic access location and size not indicated or and maximum opening, handrail cross-section,
Proposed utilities to be indicated continuity and required returns
Attic access cannot be in a closet
Delineation of flood hazard areas and design flood Show minimum headroom in stairways -
Identify the use of each room
elevation required (8106.1.3) measured from nosing plane to lowest point of
Private sewage disposal system to be identified on ceiling
the plan (RI06.2.1) 36" landing required at the bottom of the stairs
.9 =1qa B = Basement P= Rpof S =Site 1= (First FFfoor 2 = SecondEloor 3 = 04rrfTfoor
Y?§visedOcto6er24, 2005
Town of Montville
Building Department
36" landing required at the top of the stairs Ridge beam supports One-hour rated assembly must have a listing for
Provide detailed plans for stairs Valley rafters - provide engineering data exposure from both sides (two walls)
Wails Valley rafter support Common wall assembly must be 2-br fire-
Sheathing type and thickness Ventilation - ridge, gable, soffit resistance rated and listed
Stud size and spacing, species and grade Provide minimum net ventilation data Mechanical equipment, ducts or vents not allowed
Sheathing - size, thickness, type Roof sheathing -type, size, thickness in common wall
Siding, material, e, style - underla Collar ties - size, placement, spacing Electrical penetration detail required for common
type, tyyment per Roof covering - shingles - type, nailing provide wall
Framing plans proper underlayment - show interior horizontal Common wall shall be continuous from the
distance of double underlayment at eave, etc. foundation to the underside of the roof sheathing
Plans required Overhang detail Each individual unit shall be structurally
Bearing partitions not identified or unclear Provide engineering data for all roof trusses - independent
Direction of framing (truss drawings must be signed and sealed by a Parapet required or the roof decking or sheathing
Beam spans, size, species, grade Connecticut Licensed Professional Engineer) is of noncombustible materials or approved fire
Framed openings (required prior to installation) must be designed to retardant wood for 4 ft on each side of the wall s
Joists - species and grade, size, direction, and ASCE 7-02
spacing Electrical Plan(s)
Joists over-spanned Decks/Porches Plans required
Headers over-spanned Plans required Panel location(s) with main size
Joist hangers for flush framing conditions or Dimensions required Wiring means and method not identified or
ledger Joists size, span, spacing, direction, species and insufficient
Beams over-spanned grade Meter socket location
Provide design data for all unaligned wall and Ledger- show attachment and flashing to house Receptacle locations need to be identified
floor bearing points. Decking material and size GFCI outlet locations need to be identified
indicate location of all point loads Beam- design data if required Lights and switches need to be identified
Cantilevered framing less than 18" to grade to be Beams - size, span, spacing, direction, species and Smoke alarms shall be installed in each sleeping
pressure treated or decay resistant grade room, outside each separate sleeping area in the
Engineering data for steel beams, must be stamped Posts - size, material, and height immediate vicinity and on each additional story of
and signed by a CT registered design professional Piers - size, material, depth below grade the dwelling, including basements
Engineering data for LVL's and similar products Provide engineering data for the piers to resist CO detectors required outside of sleeping areas in
Engineering data for I -joists gravity, lateral, shear and uplift loads, stamped and the immediate vicinity of bedrooms
Loadbearing walls not indicated signed by a CT licensed design professional Load calculations required
Design loads not indicated or insufficient: Indicate joist hangers at flush framing and ledger Whirlpool tub/hydromessage tub disconnect
Stair, handrails, and guardrails details location not identified
Ceiling Plan(s) Joists. over-spanned Mechanical plan(s)
Plans required Beam over-spanned Plans required
Ceiling joists - plan required for geometry Dryer vent
Ceiling joists - spacing, span, direction, species Height of deck above adjacent de Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning plant
and grade locations
Ceiling joists required to support minimum 30 psf Chimneys and Fireplaces Combustion air requirements
live load Indicate clearance of masonry to combustible Type of heat (oil, gas, elec)
Ceiling joists over-spanned framing materials and clearance from fireplace Heat loss/gain calculations
opening to finished trim Input ratio of fumace/boiler
Roof Plan(s) Show data for mechanical flue sizing Gas Systems
Plans required Show exterior combustion air source Plans required
Flue sizes LP tank location and size
Rafters - pitch, spacing, span, species, and grade Manufactures data and installation instructions for Trench depth
Provide framing details of trayed/vaulted ceilings metal fireplaces
Provide detail of cathedral ceiling structure and Dimension height of chimney above the roof Plumbing plan(s)
venting Plans required
Indicate connection of lower chord of roof trusses Two-Family Dwelling Unit Separation (8317.1) Building trap location
and ceiling joists to the top plates and wall studs. Separation by 1-hr fire-resistance construction, Sewer location
Calculate roof tie-down sizes for wind conditions provide a listed assembly Bared wall and/or floor assemblies shall be Domestic water location
Show framing for gables in cathedral ceiling tight Manufacturers data for whirlpools, corner tubs, &
construction against exterior walls and to the underside of the larger tubs
Roof rafters over-spanned roof sheathing, provide more detail Water heater size, type, and location
Supporting construction shall have an equal or Input rating of hot water heater
Ridge beam, engineering data required greater fire-resistive rating, provide details
Ridge beam, rafters are to bear on top of beam or Townhouse Separation (8317.2)
bear on ledger strip
ild' ial
A=Alf B=Basement R=&of S=Site 1=TirstIFfoor 2=SecondAoor 3=7MrrfTfoor
&visedocto6er24, 2005
Town of Montville
Building Department
File Receipt
Date: 16-Oct-06 Receipt No: 1779
Received From: Wayne Records
Job Address: 16 Allison's Wa
Fees Collected State Educational Training Fee
Cash: $0.00 Cash: $0.00
Check: $186.35 Check: $1.53
Check No: 4362
Short/Over: $0.00
Construction Value: $9,567.00
Demolition Value: $0.00
Received By Sandra Pandora
C ass: Aihson sWa Atnendeu - an
Building Plumbing Mechanical Electrical
New Construction SF $ 11417 $ - $ -
Basement, Finished SF $ 20.87 $ - S -
Basement, Unfinished SF $ 11.28 $ - $ -
Crawt Sapee SF $ 8.46 S -
Interior Renovations 220 SF $ 31.90 $ 7,018.00 $ 585.64
Ground Anchors SF $ 5.86 $ - $ - $ -
Basement. SF $ -1128 $ - $ - $ .
Crawl Space SF $ 8.46 $ - $ - $ -
Kitchen EA $ - $ - $ -
Full Bathroom EA $ - $
Half-Bathroom EA $ - $
Attached SF $ 49.41 $ - $
Detached SF $ 63.21 S - $ -
Under SF $ 9.12 $ - $
Carport SF $ 18.08 $
Warm-Air Y YM $ 1,962.40
Hot Water N Y/N $
Electric N YM $ -
Air Conditioning N Y/N $ -
Upgrade Amps $ -
Overhead, new Amps $ -
Underground, new Amps $ -
Subpenel EA $ 545.00 $
Gen Set EA $ 3,500.00 $
Prefab Metal Fireplace EA $ 5,907.00 $ -
Masonryw/1fireplace EA $ 6,451.50 $
Masonry w/2 fireplaces EA $ 10,087.00 $ -
Wood Stove, free standing EA $ 2,447.50 $ -
Wood stove insert EA $ 1,690.70 $
Deck SF $ 39.16 $ -
Porch SF $ 135.80 $ -
Sunroom SF $ 160.82 $ - $ -
Hot Tub EA $ 7,287.50 $ - $
Inground Pool EA $ 19,430.40 $ - $ -
Above Ground Routs EA $ 5,472.50 $ - $ -
Above Ground Oval FA $ 4,635.88 S - $
Pool Heater EA $ 8,167.50 $ -
Inflatable Type Pool EA $ 1,542.42 $ -
w/o electrical SF $ 18.50 $ -
wMectricai SF $ 18.50 $ - $ -
Roofing, Overlay SF $ 3.38 $ -
Roofing, Strip & reroof SF s 3.76 $ -
Roof Sheathing SF $ 1.19 $
Siding SF $ 2.30 $ -
Windows EA $ 423.50 $ -
Skylights EA $ 955.54 $
Doors, Erderior EA $ 401.50 $ -
Oil Tank, 275 Gallon FA $
Oil Tank, 550 Gallon EA $
TOTALS $ 7,01&00 $ - $ 1,962.40 $ 585.64
Construction Value Fee
Building $ 7,018:00 $ 64.00
Plumbing $ - $ -
Mechanical $ 1,963.00 $ 16.00
Electrical $ 586.00 $ 8.00
Working before Permit Issuance Y $ 88.00
Certificate of Occupancy Fee $ -70:5&-
Plan Review Fee $ 8.80
State Education Fee $ 1.53
TOTALS $ 9,567.00 $ -45:43-
Figures are based on the 2006 RS Means Residential Cost Data
Building Department
UNCASVILLE, CT 06382-2599
TEL. (860) 848-3030 X382 FAX. (860) 848-7231
Wayne K & Joann C Records
16 Allison's Way
Oakdale CT 06370
NOTICE OF VIOLATION for the property located at:
16 ALLISON'S WAY Unit: Map/Lot: 035/006-000
You are hereby ordered to discontinue the violation at the above referenced property per
Section 8113.1 of the 2005 Residential Code as adopted as the Connecticut State Building Code
You must STOP WORK as per Sefton R114.0 of the 2005 Residential Code as adopted as the
Connecticut State Building Code and you must submit to the Building Department a plan of compliance within ten
(10) calendar days from the date of receipt of this notice in order to avoid possible legal action.
The violation consists of:
Use and occupancy of a single family residence without a Certificate of OCCUDangy
6 oseph J. Summers, Deputy
Building Official
Cc: Town Attorney
Office Use Only.
- Date. ! Inspector: Comments.
■ Complete items 1, nd 3. Also complefe T~~40/~~/&'/~gPdWdrlessee
item 4 if Restricted uelivery is desired. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. B.'R eiJ d by (h te¢Name) C. Date of Delivery
■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece,
or on the front if space permits. Gc V1 n. ?-'-Z GG mac' V
D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 00 Yes
1 rticle Address to: /a If YES, enter delivery address below: E3-No
l 3. Service Type
It Certified Mail ❑ Express Mail
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4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes
2. Article Number 7006 11100 0004 1158 7635
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PS Form 3811, February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M-1540
Y '
Building Department
UNCASVILLE, CT 06382-2599
TEL. (860) 848-3030 X382 FAX. (860) 848-7231
Wayne K & Joann C Records
490 Kitemaug Road
Uncasville CT 06382-
Delivery method: -REGULAR_MAIL _ e-
NOTICE OF VIOLATION for the property located at:
16 ALLISON'S WAY Unit: Map/Lot: 035/006-000
You are hereby ordered to discontinue the violation at the above referenced property per
Section R113 of the IRC as adopted as the Connecticut State Building Cod
You must STOP WORK as per Section R114 of the 2003 IRC as adopted as the
Connecticut State Building Code and you must submit to the Building Department a plan of compliance within ten
(10) calendar days from the date of receipt of this notice in order to avoid possible legal action.
The violation consists of:
Structure not being built in accordance with the approved plans, additional habitable
Joseph J. Summers, Deputy
Building Official
Cc: Town Attorney
Office Use Only:
Date: Inspector: Comments: