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1988 - Single Family Residence
a ~ r t. Puildin. I xirpector ncusbillr, (Qnnurcticut 06382 TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE Of OCCUPANCY This is to certify that the building at 49 Allen Drive constructed as a dingle family dwelling under permit No., 6524 conforms substantially.to'the requirements r> of the Building Ordinances and the Zoning Regulations of the Town of Montville and the BOCA Basic National Building Code and is hereby approved for the use and occupancy under Use -3 ( See Section 309.0 BOCA Code) and a permanent Group Certificate of Occupancy will be issued at such time as the following items are` completed and accepted by-inspection. These items must be completed within 3_ days from the date of this Certificate. 1. Insulation in the basement 2.-X- smoke detector in the basement (AC/DC) 3• contractor to repair electrical problem - front light 4 5. 6. DATE: 1,21188 SIGNED. BUILDING OFFICT~ OWNER: Virginia ADDRESS: 49 Allen 'Drive TOWN OF MONTVILLE Department of Public Works CERTIFICATE FOR USE OR OCCUPANCY R_gO Date ...March 21, 1988 Zone 49 Allen Drie .(Virginia McQuown)• . . . . . . . . . . ify that building at • This is to cert v as , , , a sin be family dwelling . . . under Permit No. 6524 structed . . . . 9...... . . con (constructed, altered, etc. conforms substantially to the requirements of the Building Ordinances and the Zoning Regulations of the Town of Montville and the Basic Building Code of Connecticut and is hereby approved for use or occupancy under Use Group , • . R- 3 (see section )ODW BBC/Conn.) 309.0 ~~-~21~ Building Ins7,ector, Town of ntvilIe Notice: Retain this certificate for future reference. Form No. BIMO 70-100-3 P nrusfiille, (9nnnerfiru# 05382 NOTICE OF POSSIBLE VIOLATION Date: January 13, 1988 Owner Ms Virginia McQuown Address 49 Allen Drive Uncasville, Ct. 06382 RE: Property Located at 49 Allen Drive as shown on Assessor's Map--2-0, as Lot 52 Dear Sir/Madame, You are hereby notified that a violation at the above referenced property under Section 117.0 of the BOCA Basic National Building Code may exist. The violation consists of living in a new structure without a Certificate of Occupancy. If this violation is a fact, you must comply with the of this Code requirements of Section(s) 119,1 within ten 10)days from the date of this letter. Respectf lly, , Russell H. Stauffer Acting Building Official RHS:slp cc: Town Attorney File TOW N OF MONTVILLE, CONNECTICUT - CERTIFICATE OF USE AND COMPLIANCE NO. _ Dated: 'Z ! 198 permission is hereby granted to use the facility loca!ed on as a 4 in actor once wit t e app ication for a zoning pernit dot an in cc;~p icnce` with the Zoning Regulations for the Town of Montville, Connecticut. Zoning and Planning Commission, Town of Montville Connecticut trx~r~. cuv. - s Agent f r i e n' an P annirg Comm. The rccipien' o Certificate accepts this Certificate on the condition that he, cs the owner or as representing the owner, agrens to comply with all applicable ordinances and regulations of the Town of Montvilieand the Stct,3 Stc!u!'!-~s or t:,e Stat-- of Connecticut recording the use, occupancy and type of activity to 6) instituled. It is furthe.". ore understood that any change of use j--d d---..s require a new Certificate of Use and of the facility for which this Cer:,ifica`e ~y being i«l Compliance. NOTE: Chare@es gronte d applicant after issuance of the Zoning permit are to 6e clearly specified in the Certificate of U=-e and Compliance. 12 Case Street "%T COUNTY HAYNES HANOVER o Medical LL j®ratory Inc. Norwich, Conn. 06360 Tel. ,ical Lab Div. Med. Lab. Div. Med. Lab. Div. (203) 886-0121 618 Tollgate Road 26 Haynes Street 235 Hanover Street ASSOCIATED WITH: - Conn. Reg. 01248 Warwick, RI 02886 Manchester, CT 06040 Fall River, MA 02720 CDC #066--11012 Tel. (401) 739-3959 Tel. (203) 643-2966 Tel. (617) 679-0071 Zannis Kalams, M.D. Pathologist R.I. Reg. #24 Conn. Reg. CL-0042 Medicare #228-048 Director ROCHE Roche Biomedical Laboratories, Inc DATE/TIME REPORTED: '~'l f - 9 ° 19,27 FOR DATE: RFPORT STATUS 1 C F r PATIENT NAME: )I,;€}tt •I} i'~ r[•j I, 1`41.4 `1 ADDRESS: PATIENT ID: AGE: _ SEX: I'=.TE/TIR4EOr)' I FcTFD• 'j% 'f` p c, ` ~E T I. # ; i L..,.! 'L )..r t{ l:. i..Y _ i_..€....i . 3 1 3••E t -R~.: f"• t'l tai { •s i`.I (".1'1 ~ 3 I i L .i I i I i I .Et 3 1 _f L.!I jl"II_ _ I y •.1 1 }j'....if Cats ,x. f J* l.i ~.I .1 lt... f I.i.;.~/ ~ 11}.•=.S.., I?.IL ..I t.-:', INDICATES A NEW RESULT 'REI- -Ni. r SIGNIFICANTLY t IF AGE AND SE. NOT PREVIOUSLY REPORTED ©Copynght 1981 OUT OF RANGE RESULT - AN ADULT MALE RE E IS PR "DE^ ^CE ^ V FSE Sn I , , WELL COMPLETION REPORT STATE OF CONNECTICUT CPR-9 REV: 11 -82 - DEPARTMENT "OF CONSUMER PROTL , ION ko NOT 'fill in - WELL DRILLING BOARD STATE WELL NO. 165 CAPITOL AVE. HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT 06106 OTHER NO. NAME ADDRESS OWNER i=ce i 1 LOCATION (No. $ Street) (T n) (Lot Number) ~''f OF WELL ESTABLISHMENT F FARM TEST WELL ►ROPOSED 19 DOMESTIC USE OF y) SpeER WELL SUSUPPPL LBY INDUSTRIAL F CONDITIONING ❑ (Sy) ~ y) CDRILLING OMPRESSED D ROTARY L AR PERCUSSION F PERCUSSION ❑ O(Spec OTHER LENGTH (feet) DIAMETER (inches) WEIGHT PER FOOT IV H -AS CASING GROUTED? CASING DETAILS WELDED YES ~ NO 1-1 YES NO ~x~ THREADED YIELD HOURS YIELD (G.P.M.) TEST El BAILED El PUMPED a« COMPRESSED AIR 4 j WATER MEASURE FROM LAND SURFACE STATIC (Specify feet) DURING YIELD TEST (feet) Depth of Completed Well a# LEVEL in feet below Land surface; MAKE LENGTH OPEN TO AQUIFER (feet) SCREEN DETAILS SLOT SIZE DIAMETER (inches) IF GRAVEL SIZE (inches) FROM (feel) TO (feet GRAVEL Diameter of well including PACKED: gravel pack (inches). DEPTH FROM LAND SURFACE FORMATION DESCRIPTION Sketch exact location of well with distances, to at least FEET TO FEET two permanent landmarks. t 3-3 } 'e t 1 _ w r { t~ If yield was tested at different depths during drilling, list below FEET GALLONS PER MINUTE a DATE WELL COMPLETED PERMIT NO. REGISTRATION NO. DATE OF REPORT WELL DRILLER (Signature) 11-11- s7 1 616 1 LOCAL DIRECTOR OF HEALTH CONSUMER PROTECTION PERMIT NUMBER WELL DRILLING BOARD STATE OF CONNECTICUT CPR-8 REV. 11-82 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER PRO', [ION 6 1 WELL DRILLING PERMIT 165 CAPITOL AVE., HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT 06106 d'7~l ~r r`i ~ V" f 1 ~ c^_. ~ ~ g X11/ LOCATION OF WELL (Town) (Strict) (Lot Number) DATE OWNER OF WELL , nj INDIVIDUAL BUILDER OTHER (Specify) OWNER'S ADDRESS r,q a.r,1,6 r~ ;r,~ j AIof-'C-4.?;c,,1), 7 0686o Est. No. of BUSINESS TEST PROPOSED DOMESTIC ESTABLISHMENT FARM WELL People being USE OF served. PUBLIC AIR OTHER WELL SUPPLY INDUSTRIAL CONDITIONING (Specify) SKETCH OF WELL LOCATION Locate well with respect to at leosi two roods, showing distance from ntersec an and front of lot Location of lot to at least two roads Well locoi.on on:lot and to house (if present) Indicote North NV t . f t a0 € tf IJ ht ate Approximate number of feet from well to - nearest `r nearest source of possible contamination: z + / r 6 M The undersigned is aware that, upon completion of the well, a "Well Completion Report" containing construction details and information required under Section 25131 of the 1969 Supplement-to the General Statutes must be sent to the owner, the Board and the Water Resocrces Commission on the form provided by the Board. This permit is not valid until all information is filled in and it has been counter-si9 e8*by iRe~3ireclSr of Health or his agent. Bu 131, Peake &0*' RM T (Signature) APPLI E REGISTRATION NO. CT 0=1 BY (Tou Health -0lfi or Agent) j DATE KAPPROVED REJECTED RE KS DIRECTOR OF HEALTH ILL -',TOWN OF OFFICE OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR 848-7166 TRADE PERMITS PLUMBING HEATING ELECTRICAL PERMIT NO. m DATE: L -I S-F7 Property of: G i N1,4 1\'l CQ 0 d W k) Ca at, ~ ire. N eA.~ v ~ Up Location: Contractor: CO Ll~ 2Y S''9-m 145 (p O-yC' Address: )y) ~A) g ~w c TYPE OF LICENSE: LICENSE NO. PERMIT APPROVED BY: Building Inspector INSP. 1 Date : INSP. 2 Date: Con rector or Authorized Agent e tut i 4 TOWN OF MONTV I LLB. BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Permit No.o~ Date Estimated Cost Fee Owner c Address S~_d Z~J, Z2J Atlm ele. Contractor Address Tel e. 1 - Location of Building zone No. Additions & Alterations (Including moving, demolition, sign erection) New Building - Type of Construction Size 55Type of Heat Fireplace 4 ~ No. of Stories J No. Rooms Breezeway No. Baths C Garage Use R4 ee~ ® l I hereby certify that the proposed construction will conform to the applicable zoning reg- ulations of the Town of Montville and the Basic Building Code of the State of Connecticut , and that all statements herein contained are true and correct. Si gnedq,~~~~, t Approved Date Building Inspector Inspections For: Footings Framing Rough Wiring Electric Service Rough Heating Fireplaces Other Misc. Final Inspection for C.O. Approved Rejected Signed K ~7,VY ,TC;wN Or MQ'N.N, . ;~-T~~t~,LE, ~ CONNECT-ICUi ZONING PEfav.IT NO; Fee Paid; Date: Permission is hereby granted to to erect a on tie si ' -e-OW as follows: Size ° it.ong, it. wi e, stories high;" distance fro-n road center line __T distance fromeach side lot line: E YJ IN fi; $ ft; for the use ni t ie f aci l i ty as a /Zoning and Planning Commission, Town of NionNille, Connecticut THIS PEIW ITI IS VALID FOR OINE YEAR Ai-.e n- recipient of this permit accepts it on the condition that he, as ow`nir or as representing the owner, agrees ro comply with all applicable ordinances end regulations of the Town of Montville and the State Statures of the State of Connecticut regarding the use, occupancy and type of activity to be instituted. It 'is furthermore understood that, the facility can not be used until a Certificate of Use and Compliance has been issued by the Zoninc,+ and Planning Commission and.that any change of use similarly does require a new Certificate of Use and Compliance. Defore a Certificate of Use and Compliance will be issued a plot plan drawn to a scale of 1 " 40' prepared and certified in compliance with provisions contained in Section 8.2 of the Zoning Rec;ulations must be submitted to the Zoning and Planning Commission showing all boundaries o; the property and cis is location(s) o~ all buildings on rile property including= the center line o any pubiic or private right-of--way.. ,sanharry facillWes and water supcat~►. PION TOR A ZONING PERMIT, ''I5N OF )~C~N VILL£, CONNECTICUT j To be fired. out by hpplicant - 1 original and two.. c bon copies 1 ►ate 198 ~ . j 'he undersigned hereby applies to the Zoning and Planning'Commission;for a permit 'to ,ocation of Property Scflu ~sTFnC Sz n~ f1~ Eti ~2 T /Y1 ~%+~TrrtLL~ Q~ l1(3f3 :ame of Subdivision GA+eoCAf-S Lot No.y yS ►ssessor's Block No. X~Assessor's Parcel No.2~ dame of (Owner) (Agent)//iPr A. , Address Z GU 417/9 AR S- iize of Building in ft.: Front overall. Depth overall Area sq. i %o. of .stories Height in ft. No. of rooms No. of bedrooms Vo. of bathrooms 2. Zoning District Area of Lot 3,n,'3 0 j sq. ft.. Lot frontage,! ~ 3 3 i Front Yard Depth_ ,rft . Rear Yard Depth .ot Width ~ ft. , 57 ft. , Side Yard Depth 0/- ft. >urpose of building and/or use is k/n/GL~t4/rirLyGasE~L~a - tiater Supply to consist of 1>61-i-&-b LI:tLL Sanitary facility to consist ofcl;-tv SE&ae-le_ T i Date of Sanitation Officer approval lemarks I hereby agree to conform to all requirements of the Laws of the State of Connecticut and tt )rdinances and Regulations of the Town of Montville, and to notify the Zoning and Planning -ommission of any alteration in the plans for which this permit is being asked. I furthermore agree that the above described facility is to he located at the proper distance from all street lines as required by the Zoning Regulations or any other applicable local and state ordinanc ind regulations and it is understood that the facility upon completion will be used in compliance Nt the Zoning Regulations of the Town of fIontville. Cc}~1 d /NG • : .7q I hereby apply fora Certificate of Use and. Compliance for ~ArCi1-& FI#M described in the above application for h permit.. It is my understanding that the facility can not be occupied uptil a Certificate of tUsei' Compliance has been issued by the Zoning and Planni Commission Si ned72 ~U C. 0 (Owner) (Agent) Tel. No. F,-e'7- y/<24 r- - j G ,~,Z - a Fc y Approved by Zoning Agent,''k Date ld 7 Zoning Permit No.e-7" 6 q issued. Disapproved by Date Reason IC/10/70, s