HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988 - Single Family Residence TOWN OF MONTVILLE Building Department CERTIFICATE FOR USE OR OCCUPANCY Zone ?n4 Date August„12s 19,88............ This is to certify that building at ...48 AI len Drive, , ( East 5hore Builders) , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , „~Q et ;uct d,......... „a ,single ,family„dwgllxa 9 under Permit No....§Z44 (constructed, altered, etc.) conforms substantially to the requirements of the Building Ordinances and the Zoning Regulations of the Town of Montville and the Basic Building Code of Connecticut and is hereby approved for use or occupancy under Use Group R-.3...... (see section 309.0 BBC/Conn.) Building Inspector, Town of ontville Notice: Retain this certificate for future reference. Form No. B.D. 001 White-Bldg Dept. Canary-Assessor Pink-Sewer Dept. Gold-Owner ® SENDER: Complete items 1 and 2 when additional services are desired, and complete items 3 and 4. Put yoiraddress in the "RETURN TO" space on the reverse side. Failure to do this will prevent this carcrfrorrr being returned, to you,, The return receipt fee will provide you the name of the erson ` delivered to artd`the date of delve . For;additional,fees the following services are available. onsult r postmaster for fees and check box es) for additional service(s) requested. 1. Show to whom delivered, date, and addressee's address. 2. El Restricted Delivery. 3. Article Addressed to: 4:.Article Number East Shore Builders P 516 661 806, P. O. BOX 454 - Type of Service: Old Mystic Ct. 06372 ❑ Registered Insured Certified H COD Express Mail Always obtain signature of addressee or 3~Z agent and DATE DELIVERED. 5, Si to ' dr see t3 Addressee's Address ('0ArJ, Y if _ Q rcciucc<<d ant fcc- p~idf d- 6: Signature gent X' 7. Gate of Delivery PS Form 3811, Feb. 1986 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT u~uT i(~f~a~Ttut~1F ~iuildix~ ~J~s~~et#nz ~ncttsbille, tLl.anxcecticni 0382 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Date: _ June 13, 1988 Owner! East Shore Builders Address: P..O._' Box.454_'_ Ol,d Mystic, Ct. 06372 RE: Property Located at 48 Allen Drive and shown on Assessor's Map # 90 as Lot # 47 Dear Sir/Madame, You are hereby ordered to discontinue the violation at the above referenced property under Section 117.0 of the BOCA Basic/National Building Code.(see attached) The violation consists of Expired temporary certificate of occupancy. The slo es must be graded, seeded and mulched to stop the erosion into the road way,, and repair the curbing that was removed when the sewer line and drive were in ailed. , _thP This violation must be abated within 15 days-of above date. Respectfull Russell H. Stauffer Acting Building,Official- RS:sp cc: Town Attorney File r Diu II (Of TH"i"Illittl • ~;Iiictc~6illc, p10111iediuil 06382 TEMPOIZARX CERT1f ICATE 0_ 0CCUI'l1NCX This is to certify that the building at 48 Allen Drive dwelling under ccnnstructed as a single family No. 6740 conforms substantially. to. the requireweot permit the of the Building ordinances and the Zoning Regul.ati-ons of e and the BOCA Basic National Building Code Town of Montvill and is hereby approved for -the use and occupancy under Use ; and a permanent Group Seri Section 309.0 BOCA Code) 'cafe of Occupancy will be issued at such time as the certify following items are completed and accepted by, inspection. These items must be completed within 30 days from the date of this Certificate. 1. Driveway paved #111, 1 raded, seeded and hayed 2. slopes 9 4. i March 30, 1988 SIGNED: DATE: BUILDING OI-I-ICIAL OWNER: East Shore Builders ADDRESS: Old Mystic TOWN OF MONTVILLE, CONNECTICUT - CERTIFICATE OF USE AN COMPLIANCE NO. ' Dated: ~ i S f, Permission is hereby ranted to use the facility located on /L✓c in occor ante vrit~tfte apnlic Lion for a zoning permit date -1-12-A7 en, in ecr.plic::icc: with the Zoning Regulations for the Town of Montville, Connectic, t. Zoning and Planning Commission, Town of Montville 0~~~ !z rc-ce~ Connecticut 11;UJ,-,0-F Agent for t ping a P annirg Com.-n. The recipien, of this Certificate accepts Nhis Certificate on the condition that he, cis the owner or as representing the owner, agues to comply with all applicable ordinances and regulations of the Town of Monivilleand the Str_te Str,'u'-~s of t:ie SteFe of Connecticut regarding the use, occupancy and type of activity to bo institWed. It is furthe."ore understood that any chcrrge of use of the facility for which this Cer:ificc:e ii being dens re;uire a new Certificate of Use and Compliance. NOTE: Changes granted applicant after issuance of tha Zoning Pemmit are to L clearly specified in the Certificate of Use and Compliance.' ~ rw~ Cl, Q/tvrcn~ rL `Tc,rvp~.. G. . vJ A 'f lF_ ON IL 0 WILDING INSpE~ DICE OF XSO-7166 TRADE PERMITS TRICAL HEATING pLUMBING r? DATE: PERMIT NO. property of Location, Contractor. f z / Address* TYPE OF LICENSE: LICENSE NO. PERMIT APPRbVED BY: $uilder+g Insp~t Date = Dote- INSP. 2 for Or MthoriZea Agent rontr 9nature T j OFFYCE OF THE IwI INSPECMR 848-7166 TRADE PERMITS HEATING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING -L f - ~:3 PERMIT NO. DATE: property of 1n4- i le- 6a Location: Contractor. lZ. Ulq,5 C C ® Address: Iota TYPE OF LICENSE: LICENSE NO- PERMIT APPROVED BY: Building Iota Dane : INSP. I 2 Date: _ INSP. for or Authorized A nt atu AWN OF fONTV I LLB-~--~ BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Permit No. „ Date rrG- - A 7 Vb O Estimated Cost 06 LS -Fee Owner. ,j le- Address J d r,~ D;~, mss, - r eIe., Contractor ' dwC Lk Address Fo.Vrx S l~ a TeIe Location of Building )tom D ~v'~r Zone No. Additions & Alterations (Including moving, demolition, sign erection) New Building - Type of Construction Size- d q type of Heat er li j ~i Fireplace - No. of Stories j No. Rooms Breezeway No. Baths Garage Use -jar ~,,1~ I hereby certify that the proposed construction will conform to the applicable zoning reg- ulations of the Town of Montville and the Basic Building Code of the State of Connecticut , and that all statements herein contained are true and correct. Signed Approved /97 Date Building Inspectors Inspections For: Footings Framing Rough Wiring Electric Service Rough Heating Fireplaces Other Misc. Final Inspection for C.O. Approved Rejected_ Signed AWN OF MON°TV I L L E BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Permit No. Date Estimated Cost Fee 1 *4 Owner Address,/17-2 el e. r Contractor e"cgz 97,,Address Tele. Location of Building one No. Additions & Alterations (Including moving, demolition, sign erection) 0 1 Z LL, 2e, 4 h` New Building - Type of Construction Size Type of Heat Fireplace No, of Stories No. Rooms Breezeway No. Baths Garage Use I hereby certify that the proposed construction will conform to the applicable zoning reg- ulations of the Town of Montville and the Basic Building Code of the State of Connecticut , and that all statements herein contained are true and correct. Signed Approved / 7 Date Building Inspector Inspections For: Footings Framing Rough Wiring Electric Service Rough Heating Fireplaces Other Misc. Final Inspection for C.O. Approved Rejected- Signed CONSUMER PROTECTION WELL DRILLING BARD f~ STATE OF CONNECTICUT PERMIT NUMBER CPA-8 REV. 11-82 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER PROTE(' 1N 129412 _ WELL DRILLING PERMIT 165 CAPITOL AVE., HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT 06106 le L OF WELL (Town) (Street) (Lot`Number) DATE OWNER OF WELL INDIVIDUAL lYl BUILDER OTHER (Specify) OWNE :S ADDRESS T Plystl, BU NESS TEST Est. No. of PROPOSED DOMESTIC ESTABLISHMENT ❑ FARM WELL People being USE OF served. PUBLIC AIR OTHER WELL ❑ suPPlr INDUSTRIAL CONDITIONING ~ (Specify) SKETCH OF WELL LOCATION Locate well with respect to at least two roads, showing distance from intersection and from of for Location of of to of least two roads Well location on lot and to house (if present) Indicate North Q 15( ea, Approximate number of feet from well to t nearest source of possible contamination: -4 The n rsigned is aware .that upon completion of the well, a "Well Completion Report" containing construction details and information required' under Section tent to the General Statutes must be sent to the owner, the Board and the Water Resources Commission on the form provided by the 131 the t59 pp1 ery Board. is t i not vat' until all i motion is fit d an it s be counter-signed by the Director of Health or his agent: 14P j -Fe o, 14 A, l ' (g lure) APPLICA T'S ADDR 1) 7 REGISTRATION NO. vz~ V- BY (Town lh0ffrcer or gen[) DATE O REJECTED t° APPROVED REMARKS DIRECTOR OF HEALTH WELL COMPLETION REPORT STATE OF CONNECTICUT - Do NOT fill in CPR-9 REV. T1-82 DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER PROTEC 'N STATE WELL NO. WELL DRILLING BOARD 165 CAPITOL AVE. HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT 06106 OTHER NO. NAME ADDRESS OWNER tt , LOCATION (No. 8 Street) (Town) (Lot Number) OF WELL T . ,p BUSINESS PROPOSED DOMESTIC ESTABLISHMENT El FARM TEST WELL USE OF WELL D SU OTHER PPLY INDUSTRIAL CONDITIONING (Specify) DRILLING COMPRESSED CABLE OTHER EQUIPMENT ROTARY t~, j AIR PERCUSSION PERCUSSION (Specify) CASING LENGTH (feet) DIAMETER (inches) WEIGHT PER FOOT ~II IV SH WAS CASWG GROUTED? THREADED WELDED L YES NO 1:1 YES NO DETAILS ~17 1 - , I HOURS _ YIELD (G.P.M ) YIELD TEST BAILED n PUMPED a COMPRESSED AIR t WATER MEASURE FROM LAND SURFACE-STATIC (Specify feet) DURING YIELD TEST (feet) Depth of Completed Well x^,: _r 7sy m feet below Land surface: ° LEVEL 1 _11u MAKE LENGTH OPEN TO AQUIFER (feet) SCREEN DETAILS SLOT SIZE DIAMETER (inches) 1F GRAVEL Diameter of well including GRAVEL SIZE (inches) FROM (feet) TO (feet PACKED: gravel pack (inches): DEPTH FROM LAND SURFACE FORMATION DESCRIPTION Sketch exact location of well with distances, to at least FEET TO FEET two permanent landmarks. #T If yield was tested at diff erent depths during drilling, list below FEET GALLONS PER MINUTE 17 DATE WELL COMPLETED PERMIT NO. REGISTRATION NO. DATE, C~F~RE T WELL DRI!lER (Sgnatvre) ~ t I LOCAL L:RECTOR OF HEALTH ZONING =C=IT # f9-a6e MNTVILLE, CT. EXPIRAI'ION GATE.: DATE SUBMITTED i ~i vi-t Property owner Ali'} _Applican Applicant's Address/Telephone Nurbei--L 2-.... Pr erty location including Assessor's Map and Lot nurbers ate- Subdivision _ Tie Lop Area s Building Height Total Floor area of Structures after Develop~T~nt SigT Area if Applicable Nature of Request/Proposed Use: v?f e ( ~!-u This application, and two copies thereof, including plans drawn to a scale of at least 1"=40' showing dimensions of lot, the size, area, and location on the lot of existing, proposed, principal and accessory structures, driveways, sanitary facilities and waiver supply, parking facilities, and adjacent streets. Distances of structures from property lines and centerlines of public roads must also be indicated. In the case,offill or excavation requests (under 500 cubic yards) dimensions of fill area and cubic yards mast be included. Any other regulations for specific uses must also be complied with. A plan prepared by a Connecticut Registered Land Surveyor may be required. The applicant'gaarantees that all the applicable requirements of•the Zoning Regulations will be adhered to. In addit.10n, the applicant agrees to notify the Commission or its appointed agent of any alteration in the plans. Application for a Certificate of Use and Compliance for the use specified above is hereby made, the use of which shall.not be authorized until an actual Certificate of Use and Compliance is issued by the Commission or its appointed agent. This permit authorizes the applicant to proceed to the Building Dapartrent for anry7 quisite S. Cyr, rwerv Commission Agent Ac ion/i-)ate Applic - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - R-AN G (Attach if Necessary) 12 Case Street L COUNTY HAYNES HANOVER MW Medical Laboratory Inc. Norwich, Conn. 06360 Clinical Lab Div. Med. Lab. Div. Med. Lab. Div. Tel. (203) 886.0121 618 Tollgate Road 26 Haynes Street 235 Hanover Street ASSOCIATED WITH: Cann. Reg. #CL-0046 CDC #06.1012 Warwick, RI 02886 Manchester, CT 06040 Fall River, MA 02720 Tel. (401) 739-3959 Tel. (203) 643.2966 Tel. (617) 679-0071 Zannis Kalams, M.D. Pathologist R.I. Reg. #24 Conn. Reg. CL-0042 Medicare #228.048 Director ROCHE' Roche Biomedical Laboratories, Inc DATE/TIME REPORTED: MA 1.988 FOR DATE: REPORT STATUS: PAGF I ACCESSION NO: W1. 71 (',~71 DATE RECEIVED. I'iAF: I Hy 1.9{ $Z FAST SHOW BIJTLDFRS F'.Q.BOX 454 PATIENT NAME: 7F A'S SHORE. Fii.(IL. It(":FLti QITJ`YSTZC~ CT ADDRESS: PATIENT ID:, 65.1.0 AGE: SEX: DATE /TIME COLLECTED: MAR 1, S 9 1.958 TEST ORDF-RFI:I; SA`PI.,E CCll.l_F'rTT CIt'~.:: ::~lAIF:R TF:.ST F'RQFII F (1:2 TESTS) > =h' Ct?MirIENTSI . WILL PICK UP RFSIJI_.T rni...i. 1()21 ;AM 1S :RENCE.', . SIT' TEST AN RANGE U ririi" P'L F. rOI_.L FCTTON:> > FtF AnQN FOR F XAM NFW WL I. I_ > rnMF'1_F'TF PROFT1.F' YF'r LOCATION OF S1.1F'F'I._Y (ADTIRF:'SS ) 50 TAti. ALAN -J'IRTVF mn`J 1VT1-.1-F9 CT SAMPLE CQI...I_£ C T E'LI BY BOB HIA iF.TI. 'C N() TRFATMFNT : IJNTRF ATETI YF S TYF'F CIF S►JF'F'I.Y: 4Fj:I E ;WFi.I. YES 1,JATFF: TF ST F'F:nFTI F {I'? 'T'FgTC; ) > BACTERIOLOGICAL 0LIAI__I T'Y: _ TnTAI. CnI_.TFOR.M (,nI.nNTF'S /I oolr11. {0- 1 ) PHYSICAL CHARACTFRIS' 0 1- 0 P. TURBIDITY 0.0 5'Etr,t ODOR Ar.rFF'TAP,L.1 CHfi:M.r.CAl. CHARACTERISTICS: AMMF)NTA NTTRnrFN I F rr THAN 0.02 (0100-•0.05) mC. 1T NT.TF;?:TE NTTRO(')F.N ().00 (0.0- 1..0} m-C~/7. N'TTRATF NTTROGFN. 1., c00 0-1.000 tTI1/1. rwl.caF:TrIF 6.2 PH 5 SURFACTANTS (i``BA S ) l..F.t3Sr THAN 0., 1. ~ ~ . 0'-0 . i J Ill 1. AT.IDTTTONAI_ TFSTS TF RF(')(JTRFT:I, IRON 0+1 (0+00 -0 . ;i0) ITI. 0--.00 (0 , 00 0 , 0 ) Irt~ M' 5 COMMFNTS T,AC:TF•"RI01_061:CA1. n1,JAl-I rY: IJAS WTTHIN ALI..04JABLF I'.TMTTS FOR F'OTA)RTI..TTY Ai'~Y VAi..I.lES OUT nr f:A;di r F'I FASF: RF'F ATTACHF T? LIATF 03,12219,? Talc)- A1..YTIC:A) LABOR'ATORTF; INDICATES A NEW RESULT- - - 'REPRESENTS A SIGNIFICANTLY t IF AGE AND SEX ARE NOT INDICATED INDICATES SITE NOT PREVIOUSLY REPORTED 0 Copyright 1981. OUT OF RANGE RESULT AN ADULT MALE RANGE IS PROVIDED SEE REVERSE SIDE