HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 - Oil Tank Replacement l TOWN OF MONTVILLE Building Department 848-7166 - APPROVED BUILDING PERMIT OR TRADES PERMIT For 180 Days Permit No- 12909-H Approval Date- 6/27/96 Expiration Date 12/27/96 Estimated Cost= 8,14900 Fees= a2x00 PRF- C.O= Owner= Woodland As., oc./Caldwell Bankers Address. M=ales Ferry Tel Job Location= 16 - 20 - 24 Allen Drive Code= 11 Contractor= Service Station Equip.Address= 33,L^eff ngwell Road Tel- 848-2278 Stick Built: Modular Home= Manufactured Home: Commercial: Addition: Garage: Car Part= Shed= Remodeling: Roofing= Siding.. Fireplace: Chimney- Windows= Pool- Demolition: Plumbing: x Heating; Electrical= Air Conditioning= Gas: Patio: Porch- Deck- Retaining Wall= New: Repair/Replacement-_x Type of material u ed/discription= remove 3 1,000 gal tanks - replace with one 2,000 ;al.'tangy CALL FIRE MARSHAL PRIOR TO REMOVAL OF TANK AT 848-1175 Size= Type of Heat: Fireplace= No-of Stories. No- Rooms: Breezeway: No= Baths- Garage: Use I hereby certify that the proposed work will conform to the Basic Building Code and all other Codes as adopted by the State of Connecticut, and the Town of Montvi le_ Applicant's Slgnatware - Date- If signed by Contra c or, type of l` enselregistr tion & No= AV Building Official'. Signature- ate= Date of Health Dept. Approval= _ Date of Zoning Approval: THj __ISTO Ifs! _ORi°i..__YOU THAT UNDER THE CONNECTICU AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING CODE. SEC ION 119.3 A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY USE OF THE'STRIJ_ CTURE _ A MINIMUM OF _4 UQUR NOTICE TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT IS REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS. 3 'r. - ~ - 9 0 TOWN ''OF MONTV I LLE Building Department Application for a Permit Owner : ec-a l &kc(4 601,0<i'a-iZ6 Address : 1=7 0 /30)<, 37 / o el ~b ~''cl /3!< w Job Location(: 1rte ~e. s, , L, Al, .Contractor: Address: W Tel: IV v 0'W Stick Built: Modular Home: Manufactured Home: commercial: Addition: + Garage: _ Car Port: Shed: Remodeling: _ Roofing: Siding: Fireplace: _ Chimney: Windows: Pool: Demolition: Plumbing: _ Heating: _ Electrical: Air Conditioning,: Gas: Patio: _ Porch: Deck: _ Retaining Wall: N w. Repair/Re lacemen Type of Material to be used/job description: ~y~m~✓ T~o-- a Size: Type of Heat: L- Fireplace: No.of Stories: No. Rooms: Breezeway: No. Baths: Garage: ;Use: r ~ervice Station SEquipment er ice Inc. Specialties: Gas Pumps - Lifts - Self Service Specialists 33 effingwell Road Sales, Service & Installation Un asville, CT 06382 (20) 848-2278 - 1-800-801-TANK Woodland As ociates April 2, 1996 C/O Coldwe I Banker Realty PO Box 39.1 ` Gales Ferry, CT 06335 Attn: Lind D noya RE: Oil Tan Replacement,16-20-24 Allen Drive, Uncasville Ms. Denoye : Service Station Equipment Service is pleased to offer the following proposal for the referenced project OPTION O 'n a permit Tra sfe ' to temp tank Ex vate, de a an ose of 3-1000 gallon oil tank Remove associ iping to building Provide &i 11 3-10 1 STIP3, s/w, cath.prot., steel tank (30yr warr) c fi ith clean sand new copper to building, slee in PVC sfer oil from temp tank Install new fill and vent lines, cathodically p ect Top soil /seed The cost for these services will be $ 11,565 plus tax OPTION Obt in a permit Exc vate, defume and dispose of 3-1000 gallon oil tank Re ove associated piping to building Pro ide & install 1-2000 gal STIP3, s/w, cath.prot., steel tank (30yr warr) Bac fill with clean sand Provide and install 2 stage pump in each unit Run new copper each buiiding(2-1/2" lines each), sleeved in PVC Tra sfer oil from existing tanks Install new fill and vent lines, cathodically protect Top soil /seed The cost for these services will be $ `8,249 plus tax i e vice Station jt3 Equipment e vice Inc. Specialties: Gas Pumps - Lifts - Self Service Specialists 3 Leffingwell Road Sales, Service & Installation U casville, CT 06382 (2 3) 848-2278. 1-800-801-TAN K This is to certify that under the provisions of the General Statutes the following person or firm k licensed or registered. PLUMBING-&--PIPING BOARD CONTRACTOR LIMITED - .P9• MART N D MCKINNEY JR- RFD 1 8 TOTEM LANE GRISWOLD, CT 06351 DATE : _ $~lD LIC./REG. NO. EFFECTIVE EXPIRES • i 00208469.._- 10/01/95 10/31/96 CITY /TOWN ~QY~.`~-j.__f _ _ ~.T.~_ • SIGNED: _5r~.:_ RE: Application for Plumbing/Building Permit Licensed contractors, as defined in section 20-338b of the Connecticut General Statutes, must personally sign each building permit application. This letter authorizes the below named agent to sign the above reference permit application. PROJECT NAME. Gt C)& Io,*& _16 ADDRESS: STARTING ATE: Licensed Contractor's Name: Mat-`k h License Number: Cj U C?F'41~ AGENT NAM : (3-ecra e. ^ Y`EtS~ Y Tanks-a=lot, ` Martin McKinney, Jr. Service Station Equipment Service