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28 3100-1 Submittal Action Sheet-Fire Detection and Alarm-Azt
MAGGIORE CONSTRUCTION CORP. 13 Wheeling Avenue, Woburn, MA 01801 Phone 781.935.6100 FAX 781.933.8044 SUBMITTAL ACTION SHEET Oxoboxo Lofts 40 Pink Row Uncasville, CT General Contractor:Architect: Maggiore Construction Corp.Paul B Bailey Architects 13 Wheeling Ave.110 Audubon Street Woburn, MA 01801 New Haven, CT 06510 Job No.: 1214 Job No.: 16-063 Prepared By:Maggiore Construction Corp. Form of Submittal: Samples Cut Sheets Schedule Shop Drawings Other Description:Fire Detection & Alarm Manufacturer:Submitted by Horton Electrical & Johnson Controls Other/Notes:Simplex Conduits Received By MCC:10/24/2019 Received By Owner: Reviewed:Comments: Approved Approved as Noted Rejected Revise and Re-submit Compliance Equal Submitted For Approval By: Gifford Perry - Senior Project Manager Approved By: Date:10/24/2019 Date: Horton Electrical Services,LLC Canton Business Park 97 River Road Canton, Connecticut 06019 (860)693.6388 (860)693.6517 FAXLicense # CT E-192436 Date:10/24/2019 Job:19-01-021 OXOBOXO Phase 1 Letter of Transmittal Transmittal #:3To:Gifford Perry Subject:Submittal-28 3100 Fire Alarm Detection & Alarm Samples Change order Shop drawings Under separate cover via the following items:AttachedWE ARE SENDING YOU Submittal Prints Plans Copy of letter Spec. Section DescriptionNo.DateCopiesDocument Type 1 10/24/19 28 3100-1 Rev 0 Fire Alarm Detection & AlarmSubmittal Other PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO USFOR BIDS DUE For review and comment Return ___ corrected printsReturned for corrections Submit ___ copies for distributionApproved as noted For approval Resubmit ___ copies for approvalApproved as submitted THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: Remarks: For your use As requested Copy To:Gerry Campion (Horton Electrical) Signature:From:Marilyn Horton (Horton Electrical Services, LL) If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. Page 1 of 1 OXOBOXO LOFTS 42 Pink Row Uncasville, CT 10-24-19 GENERAL CONTRACTOR: Maggiore Invest Design Build 13 Wheeling Avenue Woburn, MA 01801 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: Horton Electrical Services 97 River Road Canton, CT 06019 860‐693‐6388 28 3100 Fire Detection & Alarm CIVIL ENGINEER: BSC Group 300 Winding Brook Drive Glastonbury, CT 06033 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: Morrissey Engineering, LLC 58 Essex Street Deep River, CT. 06417 ARCHITECT: Paul B. Bailey Architect, LLC. 110 Audubon Street New Haven, CT 06510 MECHANICAL/ELECTRICAL ENGINEER: Aztech Engineer, Inc. 901 Wethersfield Avenue Hartford, CT 06114 6XEPLWWDO for: &XVWRPHU: 3rojectDesigner : 3rojectManager : -&,3URMHFW1XPEHU 6XEPLWWHG'DWH 6DOHV5HSUHVHQWDWLYH -RKQVRQ&RQWUROV +D\GHQ6WDWLRQ5RDG 6XLWH& :LQGVRU&7 6DOHV 6HUYLFH )D[ www.MFL.com FIRE ALARM SYSTEM OXOBOXO Lofts Uncasville, CT Horton Electrical Services, LLC 97 River Road Canton, CT 06019 614347001 Linda Wang 10/23/2019 Mike Chaves Rick Baker THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK INSERT 1 Bill of Materials THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK Project Number 614347001 Required FIRE ALARM PANEL - BLDG A,B,C,D,E,F 4100-9311 4100 CONFIG. DOMESTIC 120V 1 4100-0011 FACTORY USE ONLY-AUDIO SHIPKIT 2 4100-0634 POWER DISTRIBUTION MODULE 120V 1 4100-0650 BATTERY SHELF 1 4100-1241 MESSAGE EXPANSION BOARD - 8 MINUTES 1 4100-1245 FLEX 50 EXPANSION NAC BOARD 2 4100-1253 1.5 CHANNEL AUDIO OPERATOR INTERFACE 1 4100-1279 2" BLANK DISPLAY MODULE 12 4100-1280 8 SWITCH, 8 RED LED MODULE 1 4100-1288 64/64 LED/SWITCH CONTROLLER 1 4100-1326 DIGITAL FLEX 50W AMP W/3 NACS - 25V 2 4100-2300 EXPANSION BAY (PHASE 10 ONLY)1 4100-2320 AUDIO EXPANSION BAY KIT 1 4100-3112 IDNet2+2 MODULE - UP TO 250 DEVICES 4 ISOLATED LOOPS 1 4100-5101 EXPANSION PWR SUPPLY (XPS) - 120VAC 60HZ 1 4100-5311 ENHANCED POWER SUPPLY, 3 CHANNELS, IDNET, 120V 1 4100-6080 SERIAL DACT SIDE MOUNT 1 4100-9621 BASIC AUDIO WITH MICROPHONE - DIGITAL 1 FIR ALARM PANEL - BLDG G,H,K,J,M 4100-9311 4100 CONFIG. DOMESTIC 120V 1 4100-0011 FACTORY USE ONLY-AUDIO SHIPKIT 2 4100-0634 POWER DISTRIBUTION MODULE 120V 1 4100-0650 BATTERY SHELF 1 4100-1241 MESSAGE EXPANSION BOARD - 8 MINUTES 1 4100-1253 1.5 CHANNEL AUDIO OPERATOR INTERFACE 1 4100-1279 2" BLANK DISPLAY MODULE 12 4100-1280 8 SWITCH, 8 RED LED MODULE 1 4100-1288 64/64 LED/SWITCH CONTROLLER 1 4100-1326 DIGITAL FLEX 50W AMP W/3 NACS - 25V 2 4100-2300 EXPANSION BAY (PHASE 10 ONLY)1 4100-2320 AUDIO EXPANSION BAY KIT 1 4100-3112 IDNet2+2 MODULE - UP TO 250 DEVICES 4 ISOLATED LOOPS 1 4100-5101 EXPANSION PWR SUPPLY (XPS) - 120VAC 60HZ 1 4100-5325 ENHANCED POWER SUPPLY, 3 CHANNELS, 120V 1 4100-6080 SERIAL DACT SIDE MOUNT 1 4100-9621 BASIC AUDIO WITH MICROPHONE - DIGITAL 1 BACK BOX AND BATTERY 2975-9446 3 BAY BB/GDOOR/DRESS PNL PLATINUM 2 2081-9296 BATTERIES - 50AH (2x)4 4603-9101 SERIAL LCD ANNUNCIATOR 1 4099-9004 ADDRESSABLE SINGLE ACTION MANUAL STATION 28 4098-9714 TRUEALARM PHOTO SMOKE SENSOR 13 4098-9792 TRUEALARM SENSOR BASE 11 4098-9770 TRUEALARM SENSOR BASE WITH CO MODULE 2 4090-9001 IDNET SUPERVISED IAM 18 4090-9002 IDNET RELAY IAM 8 S1209 SINGLE PHOTOELECTRIC SMOKE DETECTOR 107 GN-503F COMBINATION PHOTOELECTRIC SMOKE/CO DETECTOR 73 4081-9004 END OF LINE RESISTOR, 6.8K 20 49VO-WRF VO, WALL MT, RED, FIRE LABEL 2 49SO-APPLW SPEAKER ONLY APPLIANCE WALL MOUNT 174 49SOC-WRFIRE S/O COVER, WALL, RED, FIRE 174 49MP-SOWR S/O MOUNTING PLATE, WALL, RED 174 49SV-APPLW S/V APPLIANCE ONLY, WALL MT 59 49SVC-WRFIRE S/V COVER, WALL, RED, FIRE 59 49MP-SVWR MTG PLATE S/V, WALL, RED 59 Initiating / Control Devices Notification Devices Bill Of Material QuantitiesDESCRPTIONPID Notes Project Name OXOBOXO LOFTS THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK INSERT 2 Fire Alarm Control Panel THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK 9?$$'(-.&& : & 2 " ( : )(: * (??99A? > ( "A((: /I?C#$$C,$#? ! = A.H: D&LC?#?A& "/ / '(. 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Features Emergency voice/alarm communications provide: x Alarm/evacuation signal generation with multiple built-in tones x Standard or customized digital message storage and message generation x Automatic or manual operation x Mass Notification operation Multiple channels are available: x Analog audio systems provide dual channel operation x Digital audio systems provide up to eight channels over a single wire pair Communications features: x Up to five supervised remote microphone inputs x Spoken voice coding from the digital message player x Multiple digitally recorded human voice messages x Spoken WALKTEST system testing x Separate evacuation, drill, and optional “All Clear” voice messages and tones x Ready-to-talk microphone indicator on front panel audio control module x Local panel speaker for tone/message broadcast verification x MINIPLEX Voice Transponders are available for distributed audio Amplifiers are available with analog or digital input: x Flex-35 (35 W) and Flex-50 (50 W) amplifiers provide a dual channel design with configurable operation modes x 100 W primary and backup, single channel amplifiers include a built-in power supply x Amplifiers are available for 25 VRMS or 70.7 VRMS output with on-board, power-limited NACs (only one voltage choice per system) x Built-in Temporal Pattern horn tone provides default backup signal operation x Optional modules provide power-limited NAC expansion, convert Class B NACs to Class A operation, and provide Constant Supervision Operation for Non-Alarm Audio (NAA) applications (NAA requires additional hardware, and software revision 11.08 or higher) Firefighter telephone systems: x Master telephone can simultaneously talk with up to 6 remote telephones and can be connected as an audio input for broadcast messages x Ring signal on remote firefighter telephone indicates that a call request is initiated and a hold signal indicates that a connected line has been deselected x Telephone circuits are supervised for open and short circuits, too many telephones connected, and the master telephone is supervised for cord integrity x Degraded mode allows remote telephones to remain connected to each other in the event of a communications loss OnOffAuto OnOffAuto On Off Auto On Off Auto On OffAuto On OffAuto OnOffAuto OnOffAuto Press ACKlocated under flashing indicator.Repeat operation until all events are acknowledged.Local tone will silence. A B C AC Power D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R 'SP' ( ) , 0 : S T U V W X Y Z /ALARMSFire Alarm Priority 2 Alarm SYSTEM WARNINGSSupervisory Trouble Alarm Silenced Emergency Operating Instructions Alarm or Warning ConditionHow to Acknowledge / View Events How to Silence Building SignalsSystem indicator flashing. Tone On. Press Alarm Silence.How to Reset SystemPress System Reset.Press Ack to silence tone device. ZONE1 SIG2 AUX3 FB4 IO5 IDNet6P7A8L9 NET ADDR0 DELEnter C/Exit Fire AlarmAck Priority 2Ack SupvAck TroubleAck AlarmSilence SystemReset EventTime Enable On ArmDisableOffDisarm Auto LampTest MoreInfo MenuPrevious Next 4100ES Fire Alarm Control Panel with Voice and Firefighter Telephone Options Listed to: x UL 864, Fire Detection and Control (UOJZ), and Smoke Control Service (UUKL) x UL 2017, Process Management Equipment (QVAX) x UL 1076, Proprietary Alarm Units-Burglar (APOU) x UL 2572, Mass Notification Systems (PGWM) x ULC S527, Control Units for Fire Alarm Systems Description 4100ES Audio Systems provide voice communication, alarm tones, and/or digitally prerecorded voice messages to alert occupants of fire or other emergency situations. Evacuation signaling may be automatically generated via alarm initiated event programs or by firefighting personnel using the operator controls. 4100U Series Products Note. The audio system modules and features listed in this data sheet are both compatible with, and listed for use with 4100U series fire alarm control panels. Contact your local Simplex® product supplier for details. * See page 5 for product that is listed as UL or ULC and additional product listing details. This product has been approved by the California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) pursuant to Section 13144.1 of the California Health and Safety Code. See CSFM Listing 7165-0026:251 for allowable values and/or conditions concerning material presented in this document. Accepted for use – City of New York Department of Buildings – MEA35-93E. Additional listings may be applicable; contact your local Simplex product supplier for the latest status. Listings and approvals under Simplex Time Recorder Co. are the property of Tyco Fire Protection Products. Fire Control Panels UL, ULC, CSFM Listed; FM Approved;Addressable Fire Detection and Control MEA (NYC) Acceptance* Emergency Voice/Alarm Communications Equipment S4100-0034-17 8/2014 Audio Controller Module Description The Audio Controller Module provides digitized alarm tones and digitally recorded voice messages and message construction, and manages both microphone inputs and other auxiliary inputs connected to the optional Auxiliary Audio Input Module. Tones and voice messages are digitally recorded and stored in the audio control module’s message memory. Two versions are available: Analog and Digital. Systems must be either analog or digital, not intermixed. One audio control module controls the entire audio system. Common audio control board features: x On-board digital message memory provides up to 2 minutes at normal or 1 minute at high resolution x Connects to optional 4-input audio input modules (two maximum) for a total of up to 6 microphones and 11 distinct audio inputs x Memory expansion is available to provide up to 8 minutes or 32 minutes at normal resolution (4 minutes or 16 minutes at high resolution) x Connections for a Master Microphone and one Remote Microphone, compatible with standard or noise-canceling microphones x Master telephone to audio interface connection uses the audio bay’s Power Distribution Interface Module (PDI) x Local panel speaker output with on-board volume control x On-board download port for message loading x The microphone ready-to-talk LED is located on the front panel audio control module (see p. 4) and requires connection to a 64 LED/64 switch controller x Audio risers, either digital or analog, may be directly connected to 31 remote nodes; for applications requiring audio risers to more than 31 remote nodes, alternate connection methods are available, contact your Simplex product representative for details Analog Audio Controller Modules Analog audio control modules are for systems that require one or two simultaneous channels of audio information per the following feature summary. x Built-in 10 VRMS riser output eliminates the need for separate riser amplifiers available as Class B or Class A x Messages can play on one or both risers simultaneously, with the same or a different message x Analog audio controllers are for connection to analog input audio amplifiers and audio risers only x On-board status LEDs assist with setup and troubleshooting Digital Audio Controller Modules Digital audio control modules are for systems that require more than two simultaneous channels of audio information per the following feature summary. x Up to 8 channels of information at normal resolution are available (4 channels at high resolution) on one twisted wire pair x Primary 1 Digital Audio Riser (DAR) output can be either wired Style 4 or Style 7; Primary 2 DAR is an identical, separate output for Style 4 connections, typically to local MINIPLEX voice transponders x Digital audio controllers are for connection to digital input audio amplifiers and digital audio risers only Audio Tone List The Temporal 3 Pattern is available for compatible tones (1/2 sec on, 1/2 sec off, 1/2 sec on, 1/2 sec off, 1/2 sec on, 1-1/2 sec off) to indicate evacuation. The following is a list of the standard audio tones. x Horn,continuous 520 Hz tone, primarily used for coded systems or general temporal pattern signaling; 520Hz tone is compliant with NFPA 72 Low Frequency Signal Requirements for Sleeping Areas x Chime,a digitally recorded mechanical chime tone, normally used free-running or for coded operation x Bell,a digitally recorded mechanical bell sound, normally used free-running, for coded systems, or general temporal pattern signaling x Fast Whoop,a quickly ascending tone x Slow Whoop,a slowly ascending tone x High/Low,with high frequency of 750 Hz for 100 ms and low frequency of 500 Hz for 400 ms x Beep,500 Hz tone of 0.7 s on, 0.7 s off x Stutter, 500 Hz tone with on and off times of 100 ms x Wail,ascends, then descends between 600 to 940 Hz x GSA Tone,continuous 2000 Hz tone Audio Controller Message Description Zone Coded Signaling is available using tones or spoken numbers. Spoken coded messages can be used in place of conventional pulse tone coding to eliminate counting and interpretation of the zone coded location. For example, a fire alarm zone such as First Floor East, Smoke Detector Room 23 will be Code 1123. Two possible transmission schemes are: 1. Conventional Zone Coded Signaling where T = Tone: T...T...TT...TTT...T...T...TT...TTT... 2. Spoken Coded Signaling: Code, one..one..two..three; Code, one..one..two..three The Audio Controller has the ability to precede spoken codes with phrases and alert tones. As an alternative, the previous example could have been preceded with a chime tone. The word “code” could be replaced with the phrase “Doctor Firestone, please dial...”. Preprogrammed Special Messages can be ordered. Up to 32 minutes of special phrases and messages are available to meet specific applications. The standard Evacuation Message is: “Attention... Attention... Attention...An emergency has been reported.... All occupants walk to the nearest stairway exit and walk down to your assigned re-entry floor or main lobby... Do not use the elevator... Walk to the nearest stairway.... Do not use the elevator.... Walk to the nearest stairway.” Custom Message Ordering is summarized below: Model Description 4100-8804 Select when Custom Messages are required,choose message types from below as required (minimum quantity of one) 4100-0822 Custom Messages from Tape Order (1) 4100-082x for each (2) complete messages without spliced phrases; or for each (50) spliced phrases 4100-0823 Custom Messages from Transcript; NOTE: Send transcript in advance to Applications Engineering to verify phrase quantity 4100-0824 Custom Messages from Archive CO Relocation Message; Temporal 4 Pattern horn tone with English male voice instruction; identify as “UCSET1393” when ordering 2 S4100-0034-17 8/2014 Audio Amplifiers General Description 4100ES audio amplifiers are available as dual channel models rated for 35 W (Flex-35) or 50 W (Flex-50) and as single channel 100 W models with on-board NACs (notification appliance circuits) for convenient field wiring. Common features are summarized as follows: x Analog input amplifier models are for single or dual channel system operation x Digital input amplifier models are for multi-channel system operation providing up to eight channels over a single twisted wire pair x Amplifiers are power-limited with models available providing 25 VRMS, or 70.7 VRMS output x When Non-Alarm Audio (NAA) applications (such as for background music, paging, or for Mass Notification) are required, optional Constant Supervision modules provide continued speaker zone supervision during the page or while background music is playing; due to the NAA supervision requirements, when amplifiers are used for paging or playing background music, output power is derated to 70% of alarm output rating (24.5 W, 35 W, and 70 W); during alarm conditions full amplifier output power is available x Linear power output stages are traditional Class B designs for low distortion and low EMI x An on-board 500 Hz temporal pattern horn tone on each amplifier provides a default backup tone x Supervision actively monitors amplifier gain in real time, comparing output level to input level x On-board test switches can be activated to test and observe amplifier backup x On-board overcurrent protection protects against overloads and short circuits x Each amplifier communicates to the host CPU and allows voltage and current values to be accessed from the fire alarm control panel operator interface Flex-35 and Flex-50 Amplifiers, General Flex-35 and Flex-50 amplifiers are a self-backup dual channel design that provides a total of 35 W or 50 W of audio power with the following common feature summary: x Self-backup feature allows NACs connected to a disabled amplifier channel to be routed to the remaining channel with the full 35 W or 50 W providing the single channel as selected by the fire alarm control panel programming; external backup amplifiers are not required x Three standard on-board audio NACs are each rated for 2 A maximum and are capable of being routed to either desired amplifier channel x Compatible power supplies include the: Expansion Power Supply (XPS), Remote Power Supply (RPS), or System Power Supply (SPS); power supplies with single amplifiers can provide power for other compatible applications within their rated output x Digital models of the Flex-35 and Flex-50 have a digital decoder module that selects one or two of the input channels as desired x Selectable reduced output levels of -12 dB or -6 dB are available for non-emergency audio output, selectable per channel Flex-35 Amplifiers x Each Flex-35 channel is capable of up to 35 W output with a total of 35 W x Channels can be divided as 0 W and 35 W; 17.5 W and 17.5 W; 10 W and 25 W; or any combination that totals 35 W or less Flex-50 Amplifiers x Each Flex-50 channel is capable of up to 50 W output with a total output of 50 W x Channels can be divided as 0 W and 50 W; 25 W and 25 W; 10 W and 40 W; or any combination that totals 50 W or less Dual Flex-35 or Flex-50 Connections x Two Flex-35 amplifiers, or two Flex-50 amplifiers can connect to a single Expansion Power Supply (XPS) in the same audio expansion bay (amplifiers must be the same model number); XPS output is dedicated to amplifier power x Mounting for dual Flex-35 or Flex-50 amplifiers is Blocks A & B for amplifier 1, Blocks C & D for the XPS, blocks E & F are not used, and Blocks G & H are for amplifier 2 (see page 7 for mounting reference) 100 W Audio Amplifiers 100 W amplifiers provide single channel operation per the following feature summary: x Six standard on-board Class B audio NACs are each rated for 2 A maximum x 100 W amplifiers include a built-in power supply and use system battery backup x Amplifier and power supply size requires four continuous blocks of expansion bay size x A single 100W primary amplifier or both a primary and a backup amplifier can be located on a single expansion bay (refer to page 7 for bay loading) x Redundant (backup) amplifiers interconnect directly to minimize wiring connections and their power is routed through the NACs of the primary amplifier x Redundant amplifier operation can be configured as one-for-one or one-for-many depending on specific requirements x Digital models of these amplifiers have a digital decoder module that selects the desired input channel per system requirements x Selectable reduced output levels of -12 dB or -6 dB are available for non-emergency audio output Audio NAC Expansion Modules x For applications requiring additional NACs, modules are available for on-board expansion and further expansion is available with the chassis mounted 4100-5116 Expansion Signal Module x 100 W Amplifiers support optional modules that convert the six audio NACs to Class A or to increase the Class B audio NACs to twelve x NOTE:Adding NAC expansion modules does not increase amplifier power beyond the stated ratings 3 S4100-0034-17 8/2014 4 S4100-0034-17 8/2014 Red LEDs Blank switches can be programmed as required 4100-1252, Single Channel Audio Control CommandCenterActive AllSpeakersEVAC SelectiveEVAC LocalSpeaker AllSpeakersTalk ReadytoTalk 4100-1254, Dual Channel Audio Control CommandCenterActive AllSpeakersEVAC SelectiveEVAC SelectiveAlert LocalSpeakerEVAC LocalSpeakerAlert AllSpeakersTalk ReadytoTalk 4100-1253, 1.5 Channel Audio Control CommandCenterActive AllSpeakersEVAC SelectiveEVAC SelectiveAlert LocalSpeakerEVAC AllSpeakersTalk ReadytoTalk 4100-1255, 3-8 Channel Visible area 8-1/4" H, 2" W (210 mm x 51 mm) Green LEDs Green LED Audio Control CommandCenterActive AllSpeakersEVAC StartAllSelected AllSpeakersTalk ReadytoTalk Green LEDsGreen LEDs Green LEDs Green LED Green LED Green LED Red LEDsRed LEDs Red LEDs AudioControl CommandCenterActive AllSpeakersEVAC SelectiveEVAC AllSpeakersTalk ReadytoTalk SpeakerCircuits 8thFloor 7thFloor 6thFloor 2ndFloor 1stFloor Phone Control PhoneCircuit 1 PhoneCircuit 2 PhoneCircuit 3 PhoneCircuit 4 PhoneCircuit 5 PhoneCircuit 6 PhoneCircuit 7 PhoneCircuit 8 PhoneControl PhoneCircuit 9 PhoneCircuit 10 PhoneCircuit 11 PhoneCircuit 12 PhoneCircuit 13 PhoneCircuit 14 PhoneCircuit 15 PhoneCircuit 16 4thFloor 3rdFloor 5thFloor Master Phone Module 4100-1270 Master Microphone Module 4100-1243 8 Switches with 8 Red LEDs, 4100-1280, 2 shown with typical labels Single Channel Audio Control 4100-1252 8 Switches with 8 Red LEDs, 4100-1280 Push-to-Talk switch Audio Control Modules Audio Bay Reference with Single Channel Audio Control and Firefighter Telephone Modules 5 S4100-0034-17 8/2014 NOTE: Select systems as either analog or digital. When amplifiers are used for Non-Alarm Audio paging or background music with Constant Supervision, output power is derated to 70% of alarm power (24.5 W, 35 W, and 70 W); full output is available for alarm. Analog Emergency Voice/Alarm Communications Equipment, Constant Supervision Compatible Model Description Details 4100-9620 Basic Analog Audio Operation with microphone, requires dedicated expansion bay Includes: Expansion Bay, 4100-1210 Analog Controller Board, Microphone Module, and Audio Expansion Bay Kit 4100-1210 Analog Controller Board only; order expansion bay and audio expansion bay kit separately Controller board mounts in Blocks A and B 4100-1361 25 VRMS output Flex-35, 35 W Amplifier, constant supervision compatible NAC rating = 1.4 A 35 W, or 100 speakers max. Includes three on- board Class B audio NACs; power is supplied from an XPS, RPS, or SPS* 4100-1362 70.07 VRMS output NAC rating = 0.5 A 4100-1312 25 VRMS output Flex-50, 50 W Amplifier, constant supervision compatible NAC rating = 2 A 50 W, or 100 speakers max. 4100-1313 70.7 VRMS output NAC rating = 0.707 A 100 W Analog Amplifiers with Power Supply, Constant Supervision Compatible Model/Output Voltage Power Supply Input/Listing Description Details 25 VRMS 70.7 VRMS 4100-1314 4100-1315 120 VAC, 60 Hz UL Primary 100 W Amplifier Includes six, Class B audio NACs;NAC rating = 100 speakers maximum;2 A @ 25 VRMS (50 W); 1.414 A @ 70.7 VRMS (100 W) ULCmodelshave low batterydropoutcircuit 4100-1316 4100-1317 120 VAC, 60 Hz ULC 4100-1318 4100-1319 220/230/240 VAC, 50/60 Hz UL 4100-1320 4100-1321 120 VAC, 60 Hz UL Backup 100 W Amplifier Uses the six Class B NACs of primary amplifier 4100-1322 4100-1323 120 VAC, 60 Hz ULC 4100-1324 4100-1325 220/230/240 VAC, 50/60 Hz UL Digital Emergency Voice/Alarm Communications Equipment, Constant Supervision Compatible Model Description Details 4100-9621 Basic Digital Audio Operation with microphone, requires dedicated expansion bay Includes: Expansion Bay, 4100-1311 Digital Controller Board, Microphone Module, and Audio Expansion Bay Kit 4100-1311 Eight Channel Digital Controller Board only; order expansion bay and audio expansion bay kit separately Controller board mounts in Blocks A and B 4100-1363 25 VRMS output Flex-35, 35 W Amplifier, constant supervision compatible NAC rating = 1.4 A 35 W, or 100 speakers max. Includes three on-board Class B audio NACs; power is supplied from an XPS, RPS, or SPS* 4100-1364 70.07 VRMS output NAC rating = 0.5 A 4100-1326 25 VRMS output Flex-50, 50 W Amplifier, constant supervision compatible NAC rating = 2 A 50 W, or 100 speakers max. 4100-1327 70.7 VRMS output NAC rating = 0.707 A 100 W Digital Amplifiers with Power Supply, Constant Supervision Compatible Model/Output Voltage Power Supply Input/Listing Description Details 25 VRMS 70.7 VRMS 4100-1328 4100-1329 120 VAC, 60 Hz UL Primary 100 W Amplifier Includes six, Class B audio NACs; NAC rating = 100 speakers maximum; 2 A @ 25 VRMS (50 W); 1.414 A @ 70.7 VRMS (100 W) ULCmodelshave low batterydropoutcircuit 4100-1330 4100-1331 120 VAC, 60 Hz ULC 4100-1332 4100-1333 220/230/240 VAC, 50/60 Hz UL 4100-1334 4100-1335 120 VAC, 60 Hz UL Backup 100 W Amplifier Uses the six Class B NACs of primary amplifier 4100-1336 4100-1337 120 VAC, 60 Hz ULC 4100-1338 4100-1339 220/230/240 VAC, 50/60 Hz UL Audio Options for use with either Analog or Digital Systems (see page 2 for custom message ordering) Amplifier and Related Audio Options Model Description Details and Mounting Reference 4100-1245 Flex-35/50 Expansion NAC Module; adds three Class B audio NACs Choose one per amplifier Mounts on Flex-35/50 assembly; NAC ratings = 1.5 A, 35/50 W, or 100 speakers maximum; Supv. = 8.4 mA, Alarm = 60 mA 4100-1246 Flex-35/50 Class A Adapter Module; converts three on-board NACS to Class A operation Mounts on Flex-35/50 assembly; NAC ratings = 2 A, 50 W, or 100 speakers maximum; Supv. = 1 mA, Alarm = 30 mA 4100-1248 100 W Amplifier Expansion NAC Module; NAC ratings = 1.5 A, 50 W, or 100 speakers max. Choose one per amplifier Provides six additional Class B audio NACs, mounts on 100 W amplifier assembly; Supv. = 17 mA, Alarm = 60 mA 4100-1249 100 W Class A Adapter Module; NAC ratings = 2 A, 50 W, or 100 speakers maximum Converts six on-board NACs to Class A operation, mounts on 100 W amplifier assembly; Supv. = 1 mA, Alarm = 60 mA 4100-1259 25 VRMS Output; NAC rating = 2 A, 50 W, or 100 speakers maximum Constant Supervision Adapter for three NACs; select per amplifier output (not compatible with amplifier NAC expansion modules) Supv. = 10 mA on batteries; Alarm = 35 mA Converts three Class B audio NACS to Class A or Class B Constant Supervision NACs; mounts on Flex-35/50 or 100 W amplifier assembly; use two for the six NACs on 100 W amplifiers; 4100-1260 70.7 VRMS Output; NAC rating = 0.707 A, 50 W, or 100 speakers maximum Supv. = 38 mA Alarm = 70 mA * Refer to data sheet S4100-0031 for power supply details. (continued on next page) Emergency Voice/Alarm Communications Equipment Product Selection 6 S4100-0034-17 8/2014 Amplifier and Related Audio Options (Continued) Model Description Details and Mounting Reference 4100-5116 Expansion Signal Module; three, 1.5 A Class B NACs; up to five maximum per amplifier; NAC rating = 1.5 A, 50 W, or 100 speakers maximum Converts one NAC input to three NAC outputs; selects between two inputs; for Flex-35/50 amplifiers only, two input NACs are required; Single Block module mounts in expansion bay; Supv. = 20 mA; Alarm = 80 mA 4100-1266 Expansion Signal Module NAC Expander; NAC rating = 1.5 A, 50 W, or 100 speakers maximum Expands module capacity to six, Class B NACs; Supv. = 0.84 mA; Alarm = 60 mA These modules mount on the 4100-5116; select one max. per 4100-5116 as required 4100-1267 Expansion Signal Module Class A Adapter; NAC rating = 1.5 A, 50 W, or 100 speakers maximum Converts 3 Class B, NACs to Class A; Supv. = 1 mA; Alarm = 30 mA 4100-1268 Expansion Signal Module Constant Supervision Adapter for 25 VRMS or 70.7 VRMS; NAC rating = 1.4 A, 50 W, or 100 speakers maximum Converts 3 Class B NACs to Class B or Class A Constant Supervision NACs; Supv. = 38 mA on batteries (constant supervision deactivated); Alarm = 70 mA 4081-9018 End-of-line resistor harness for 70.7 VRMS NACs; 10 k:, 1 W 4100-2300 Expansion Bay Hardware; order one for each expansion bay 4100-2320 Audio Bay-to-Bay Interconnection Harness Kit; order one for each audio bay addition 4100-0637 Audio Box Interconnection Harness Kit; order one for each close-nippled audio cabinet Audio Input and Controller Options (see page 2 for custom message ordering) Model Description Details and Mounting Reference 4100-1240 Auxiliary Audio Input Module; four additional (unsupervised) inputs per module; 2 maximum Inputs for 10 VRMS, 25 VRMS, 70.7 VRMS, line level (0.707 VRMS), or microphone; 1 Block; current = 10 mA 4100-1241 8 Minute Message Expansion Module Provides 8 minutes at normal resolution or 4 minutes at high resolution,Supv. = 2 mA; Active = 17 mA Mounts to audio controller module4100-1242 32 Minute Message Expansion Module Provides 32 minutes at normal resolution or 16 minutes at high resolution; Supv. = 2 mA; Active = 17 mA Operator Interface and Related Options Model Description Details and Mounting Reference 4100-1243 Microphone Module (mike); for Fire Alarm Control Panels One maximum per audio system; front panel module that requires 2 Slots (4”), locate on expansion bay only; space behind for 4100ES flat modules only Supervisory current = 2.4 mA Active current = 6 mA 4100-1244 Remote Microphone Module; for Remote Annunciator Panels Front panel module that requires 2 Slots (4”), locate on expansion bay only; space behind for 4100ES flat modules only; distance limited to 4000 ft (1219 m) 4003-9803 Remote Microphone Module Mounted on plate with controls, for 2-gang box mount, see data sheet S4100-0053 for details 4100-1252 1 Channel (audio or mike) Operator Interface LED/Switch Modules Single Slot LED/switch modules; connects to a 4100-1288 or 4100-1289 LED/switch controller in the same bay; space behind controller accepts 4100ES flat modules only (see drawings on p. 4); current = 24 mA; Additional adjacent LED/switch modules, as shown on p. 4, are used as required for specific speaker circuit selection (refer to data sheet S4100-0032 for LED/switch module availability) 4100-1253 1.5 Channel (audio + mike) 4100-1254 2 Channel (full audio) 4100-1255 3-8 Channel (8 channel normal res. messages, 4 channels of high res. messages) 4100-1288 64 LED/64 Switch Controller Module with mounting plate Refer to data sheet S4100- 0032 for details Mounts behind the LED/switch modules; has provisions for one 4100-1289 Controller Module LED/switch controllers and their connected modules must be in the same bay4100-1289 64 LED/64 Switch Controller Module without mounting plate Mounts on extra space of 4100-1288; controls additional 64 LEDs and 64 switches Firefighter Telephone System Products Model Description Details and Mounting Reference 4100-1270 Master Telephone with Control Module and three Class B telephone NACs, one maximum per audio system; for use in Fire Alarm Control Panels only; includes one 4100-1272 Module Front panel module; space behind for 4100ES flat modules only; phone control module included, mounted on bay module mounting plate; for individual telephone circuit control, use LED/switch modules; Supv. = 80 mA; in use = 140 mA + remote phones (see table on page 7) 4100-1271 Remote Master Telephone Mounts in Remote Annunciator Panel only (see S4100-0038) 4100-1272 Expansion Telephone Control Module with three Class B telephone NACs Expansion module for additional telephone circuits in main control or transponders; Supv. = 80 mA; in use = 140 mA + remote phones 4100-1273 Telephone NAC Class A Adapter Module Mounts to 4100-1270 or -1272; no additional current required Network and MINIPLEX Transponder Audio Connection Options Model Description Details 4100-0623 Network Audio Riser Controller Module for control of either an analog or digital riser module Typically for Network nodes without an audio controller, used for NAA applications; mounts in Block A; current = 35 mA 4100-0621 Dual Channel Analog Audio Riser Module Select one, mounts in Block B Accepts two separate audio signals from host; controlled by Transponder Interface Module; current = 25 mA when active 4100-0622 3-8 Channel Digital Audio Riser Module; with NAA input Receives and decodes digital inputs; up to eight audio channels; current = 70 mA; NAA input for 25, 70.7, or 0.707 VRMS 4100-1341 MCC (Multiple Command Center) Digital Audio Riser Interface Selects a single digital audio channel and converts it to an analog line level for input to an analog 4100ES/ 4100U/4100 Legacy voice panel; current = 70 mA 4100-9854 4100/4100+ Legacy bay mounting kit Use to mount 4100-1341 MCC Digital Audio Riser Interface in legacy panel 4100-1258 NPU to 4100ES Audio Interconnect Module; mounts in 4100ES Audio cabinet Dual terminal block module with harnesses for connecting to the Audio Controller and Telephone Control module (requires 1 Block) Emergency Voice/Alarm Communications Equipment Product Selection (Continued) Firefighter Telephone System Description Firefighter telephone systems provide two-way communications for facilities where radio communications may not be available or are unreliable. They are typically used during active firefighting conditions, during a fire alarm investigation, or during fire alarm system inspection and test. System Operation. Connections are made using a common talk line (party line) that includes a Master Telephone and up to six remote telephones. Remote telephones call into the Master by either being taken off-hook or by being plugged into a telephone jack. The Master Telephone location receives a ring-in tone with a visible LED indicator for each telephone circuit. When the call is received, the operator selects the calling telephone circuit using the assigned switch control. The operator at the master location can place the original telephone circuit on hold and connect to additional telephone circuits or add them to the talk line. Master Telephone Operation. The Master Telephone connects directly into a telephone interface module. A Push-to-Talk (PTT) switch provides the operator with voice input control. Each master telephone uses local LED/switch modules to select telephone circuits and to silence any subsequent call-ins until selected. Telephone Circuit Control. A call request causes the local call-in tone sounder and assigned telephone circuit LED to pulse quickly. Pushing the calling circuit’s switch silences the local sounder and connects that circuit to the talk line. Activating the switch again places that circuit on hold with a hold tone being heard at the remote telephones and causing that circuit’s LED to pulse slowly. Subsequent pushes toggles from active to hold. Activating a telephone circuit switch when no call is incoming places a request to pick up on remote telephones equipped with local LEDs. Master telephones can be also be connected as an input to an audio controller module to allow audio system message broadcasting without using a microphone. Remote Master Telephones mount in Remote Annunciator Cabinets and are wired as the only connection to a telephone circuit. By adding local LED/switch modules, operation is that of the Master Telephone. Remote telephones are available cabinet mounted or for plugging into a dedicated telephone jack. Each hears a ring tone when a call-in is selected and a hold tone when placed on hold. When on hold, the remote telephones are each separated from the talk line. The Telephone Interface Module provides three Class B (Class A option is available) telephone circuits, connection for a master telephone, and a telephone riser input. One module is supplied when selecting a Master Telephone. Additional telephone interface modules can be added as required. Telephone circuit outputs can be programmed as remote telephones, as a Remote Master, or for telephone riser operation. Telephone circuits are supervised for opens, shorts, and overload conditions. The Master Telephone is supervised for broken cord or off-hook. Telephone riser operation can be programmed to provide a telephone riser output that is used to interconnect telephone interface modules in different locations. This output type has ring and hold tones disabled. Degraded Mode. If the telephone interface module loses communications with the host fire alarm control panel, telephone circuits off-hook are automatically connected to the talk line allowing any telephone to talk to another simply by being picked up (or plugged in). Master Telephone Control Current with Remote Telephones. The following table lists Master Telephone Control current with the addition of remote firefighter telephones. Remote Phones 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Current (mA) 140 180 220 250 276 304 329 7 S4100-0034-17 8/2014 Slot 1 Slot 8Slot 7Slot 6Slot 5Slot 4Slot 3Slot 2 Expansion Bay Chassis Block A Block B Block C Block D Block E Block F Block G Block H Size Definitions: Block = 4” W x 5” H (102 mm x 127 mm) card area Slot = 2” W x 8” H (51 mm x 203 mm) motherboard with daughter card Expansion Bay Module Loading Reference Description Mounting Audio Controller Modules Blocks A & B Network Riser Controller Module Block A Audio Riser Modules Block B SPS or RPS Blocks E, F, G & H ONLY XPS Blocks G & H ONLY* Flex-35 Amplifiers, 2 max /bay* Blocks E & F; C & D; or A & B Flex-50 Amplifiers, 2 max/bay* Blocks E & F or C & D 100 W Amplifiers, 1 max/bay Blocks E, F, G & H 100 W Backup Amplifiers, 1 max. per bay with primary amplifier Blocks A, B, C & D Master or Remote Phone Module Blocks A & B Master or Remote Microphone Module Two vertical Blocks, any location (except next to telephone) Telephone Module 1 Block Expansion Signal Module 1 Block Operator LED/Switch Modules 1 Slot NPU to 4100ES Audio Interconnect Module 1 Block *NOTE: When mounting dual Flex amplifiers on an expansion bay, special mounting rules apply. TYCO, SIMPLEX, and the product names listed in this material are marks and/or registered marks. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. Tyco Fire Protection Products • Westminster, MA • 01441-0001 • USA S4100-0034-17 8/2014 www.simplex-fire.com © 2014 Tyco Fire Protection Products. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision date and are subject to change without notice. Input Power Power Supplies; SPS, XPS, RPS, and 100 W Amplifiers 120 VAC Models 4 A maximum @ 102 to 132 VAC, 60 Hz 220-240 VAC Models 2 A maximum @ 204 to 264 VAC, 50/60 Hz; with taps for 220/230/240 VAC Amplifier Ratings Built-in Tones 500 Hz horn tone operated at temporal pattern, provided when amplifiers are separated from audio controller Flex-35 Amplifiers: 4100-1361 4100-1362 4100-1363 4100-1364 Input Voltage 19 to 35 VDC from adjacent power supply Supervisory Current 425 mA with power stage supervised 85 mA in low power mode Alarm Current @ full output power 5.5 A with continuous horn tone Use this value for power supply loading 1.64 A average, with temporal pattern horn Use this value for battery backup reference Flex-50 Amplifiers: 4100-1312 4100-1313 4100-1326 4100-1327 Input Voltage 19 to 35 VDC from adjacent power supply Supervisory Current 425 mA with power stage supervised 85 mA in low power mode Alarm Current @ full output power 5.55 A with continuous horn tone Use this value for power supply loading 2.27 A average, with temporal pattern horn Use this value for battery backup reference 100 W Amplifiers and Backup Amplifiers: 4100-1314, 4100-1316, 4100-1318, 4100-1320, 4100-1322, 4100-1324; 4100-1328, 4100-1330, 4100-1332, 4100-1334, 4100-1336, 4100-1338 Supervisory Current 400 mA (analog); 220 mA (digital) with power stage supervised 85 mA in low power mode Alarm Current @ full output power 9.6 A with continuous horn tone 3.8 A average, with temporal pattern horn Use this value for battery backup reference Total Amplifier Power per Cabinet 300 W maximum Audio Controller Ratings Current Requirements 4100-9620, 4100-1210 Analog = 225 mA supervisory Add for local speaker in alarm: 75 mA min. volume; 190 mA half volume; 333 mA full volume; Add microphone current separately; Supv.= 2.4 mA; Active = 30 mA4100-9621, 4100-1311 Digital = 85 mA supervisory Analog Riser Distance Up to 10,000 ft (3048m) total with 18 AWG (0.82 mm2) shielded twisted pair (STP) Digital Riser Distance; 18 AWG unshielded, twisted pair (UTP) required, except as noted (refer to Installation Instructions 574-844)* Up to 2500 ft (762 m) from 4100-1311 Digital Controller to 4100-0622 Digital Audio Riser or 4100-1341 MCC Digital Riser Interface; up to 2500 ft (762 m) between 4100-0622 Digital Audio Riser Modules or 4100-1341 MCC Digital Riser Interfaces (signal is reformatted and repeated); wire runs over 100 ft (30 m) require UTP wire * NOTE: Wire runs of 100 ft (30 m) or less require shielded twisted pair wire (STP) Firefighter Telephone Distance Ratings Distance 7500 ft (2286 m) distance to farthest phone, 18 AWG shielded twisted pair (STP) Battery Charger, System and Remote Power Supply (sealed lead-acid batteries) Battery capacity range UL listed for battery charging of 6.2 Ah up to 110 Ah (batteries larger than 50 Ah require a remote battery cabinet); ULC listed for charging up to 50 Ah batteries Charger characteristics and performance Temperature compensated, dual rate, recharges depleted batteries within 48 hours per UL Standard 864, to 70% capacity in 12 hours per ULC Standard S527 Environmental and Installation Instruction Reference Operating Temperature Range 32° to 120°F (0° to 49° C) Operating Humidity Range Up to 93% RH, non-condensing @ 90° F (32° C) maximum Installation Instructions Reference Flex Amplifiers 579-173 Constant Supervision NAC Modules 579-515 Digital/Analog Amplifiers 579-174 Firefighter Phones 579-226 Subject Data Sheet Subject Data Sheet Subject Data Sheet Basic Panel with EPS/EPS+ S4100-0100 Network Display Unit (NDU) S4100-0102 Remote Firefighter Phones S2084-0001 Enclosures S4100-0037 LED/Switch Modules S4100-0032 Mic. Multiplex Module S4100-0053 MINIPLEX Transponders S4100-0103 S/V, Addressable Strobe S4906-0006 Remote Battery Charger S4081-0002 Speakers S4902-0003 S/V, SmartSync Strobe S4906-0003 Remote Annunciators S4100-0038 General Specifications Additional 4100ES Data Sheet Reference Features Panel mounted annunciation modules for use with 4100ES/4100U Fire Alarm Control Panels, Remote Annunciators, and Network Display Units (NDU): x Modules mount on front of panel bay providing convenient access and high visibility x Panel monitors switches for user input and controls LED indicators to annunciate function status x Compact 64 LED/64 switch controller modules mount on back of LED/switch modules LED/Switch Modules: x Raised momentary switches provide tactile feedback x Alternate action operation provides on/off functions x High intensity LEDs provide clear status annunciation x Slide-in labels provide custom on-site labeling (label kit is ordered separately) 8 LED, 8 Switch Modules: x One status LED per switch x Available as all red LEDs or all yellow LEDs 16 LED, 8 Switch Modules: x Two status LEDs per switch x Available with two LEDs per switch as: red/yellow, yellow/yellow, red/green, or green/yellow 16 LED, 16 Switch Modules: x One status LED per switch in 2” (51 mm) module x Available as all red LEDs, or 8 red and 8 yellow x Two configurations are available, one with pluggable LEDs, refer to illustrations on page 2 and product selection details on page 4 24 LED, 24 Switch Modules: x Double slot module with one red status LED per switch HOA (Hand-Off-Auto) Switch Modules: x Eight controls in a double slot module, each control has three switches for status selection and one LED per switch position x Switch selection is On/Hand, Off, and Auto Available with three HOA Module LED Options: x On/Hand (green LED), Off (red LED) and Auto (green LED) x On/Hand (green LED), Off (red LED) and Auto (white LED) to comply with International Building Code (IBC) requirements x On/Hand (green LED), Off (yellow LED) and Auto (green LED) for applications requiring no red LEDs x Available with or without switch buttons labels (On, Off, Auto) LED Modules with 8 or 16 pluggable LEDs: x 8 LED Module has red LEDs, 16 LED module has 8 red with 8 yellow x Red, yellow, green, or blue LEDs are available in packages of eight (8) to change color on-site per application requirement (ordered separately) On Off Auto On Off Auto On Off Auto On Off Auto On Off Auto On Off Auto On Off Auto On Off Auto East Wing FireZones West Wing South Wing North Wing Annex Garage Basement Boiler Room Control East Wing West Wing South Wing North Wing Annex Garage Basement Boiler Room FanOn FanOff East Wing West Wing South Wing North Wing Annex Garage Basement Boiler Room HVAC Controls HVAC ControlsDoor Release Manual Alarms East WingWest WingSouth Wing North Wing Annex Garage Basement Boiler Room East WingWest WingSouth Wing North Wing Annex Garage Basement Boiler Room East Wing Smoke Alarms West Wing South Wing North Wing Annex Garage Basement Boiler Room 4100ES 2-Bay Fire Alarm Control Panel with Sample of Available LED/Switch Modules Features (Continued) 24 Point I/O Module for external connections: x Each point is selectable as either a switch input (momentary or maintained) or lamp/relay driver output x Multiple switch monitoring modes are available Panel mounted printer (see pages 6 and 7 for details): x Records system events and provides 20 visible lines Listed to: x UL Std. 864, Fire Detection and Control (UOJZ), and Smoke Control Service (UUKL) x UL Std. 2017, Process Management Equipment (QVAX) x UL Std. 1076, Proprietary Alarm Units-Burglar (APOU) x UL Std. 1730, Smoke Detector Monitor (UULH) x ULC Std. S527-99 Description Annunciation Options. 4100ES/4100U fire alarm panels support a variety of switch input and LED status indicators to complement the information and controls available at the operator interface. These modules provide a convenient interface efficiently packaged onto the front panel space of the cabinet bay. Additionally, the panel mounted printer can conveniently record system status without requiring a separately located printer. *Refer to additional listing details on page 4. This product has been approved by the California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) pursuant to Section 13144.1 of the California Health and Safety Code. See CSFM Listing 7165-0026:251 for allowable values and/or conditions concerning material presented in this document. It is subject to re-examination, revision, and possible cancellation. Additional listings may be applicable; contact your local Simplex® product supplier for the latest status. Listings and approvals under Simplex Time Recorder Co. are the property of Tyco Fire Protection Products. Fire Control Panels UL, ULC, CSFM Listed; FM Approved; Panel Mounted LED/Switch and LED Modules, MEA (NYC) Acceptance* LED/Switch Controllers, and Panel Mounted Printer S4100-0032-11 7/2012 Description (Continued) Easy Interface. Switches are alternate action ON/OFF (depending on programming selection) using a tactile feel, raised rubber button. High efficiency LEDs provide clear status annunciation readily visible through the glass door. Selectable Functions. Switch functions, LED status indications, and printer output is selected when the control panel CPU is customized for site specific requirements. Slide-in labels are locally printed to indicate the exact function of the LEDs and switches. The 24 Point I/O Module is selectable for input switch type and supervision type. Outputs are selectable for steady on or pulsing to drive remotely connected relays, incandescent lamps, or LEDs. 2 S4100-0032-11 7/2012 FanOn FanOff 16 Switches with 16 LEDs: 4100-1278, R-Y 4100-1285, R 8 Switches with 8 LEDs: 4100-1280, R 4100-1281, Y EastWing Control West Wing South Wing NorthWing Annex Garage Basement Boiler Room 8 Switches with 16 LEDs: 4100-1282, R/Y 4100-1283, Y/Y 4100-1284, R/G 4100-1296, G/Y Additional function labels Primary function label LEDs SwitchVisible area 8-1/4" H, 2" W (210 mm x 51 mm) Switches LED/Switch Modules LED Color Legend: Red, Yellow, Green; R/Y = Red on top, Yellow on bottom; R-Y = Red on left, Yellow on right LED Modules 8 LEDs: 4100-1276, R (pluggable LEDs) 16 LEDs: 4100-1277, R/Y (pluggable LEDs) Designates area for each column of switches and LEDs 16 Switches with 16 LEDs: 4100-1300, R/Y (pluggable LEDs) LEDs Custom label area Label insert LED/Switch Module Detail Reference On Off Auto On Off Auto On Off Auto On Off Auto On Off Auto On Off Auto On Off Auto On Off Auto HOA Modules, G/R/G LEDs: 4100-1286, with labeled switches as shown 4100-1295, with unlabeled switches (not shown) HOA Modules for IBC Applications, G/R/W LEDs: 4100-1275, with labeled switches as shown 4100-1299, with unlabeled switches (not shown) HOA Modules, G/Y/G LEDs: 4100-1302, with labeled switches as shown 4100-1301, with unlabeled switches (not shown) 24 Switches, 24 LEDs Visible area 8-1/4" H, 2" W (210 mm x 51 mm) LED (Auto) Red LEDs Custom label area Label insert Primary function labels One switch per function One switch per control, on/off LED (Off) LED (On) HOA Modules, 8 Controls (3 switches each), 24 LEDs LED Color Legend: Green, Red, White, Yellow; G/R/G = Green on, Red off, Green auto G/R/W = Green on, Red off, White auto G/Y/G = Green on, Yellow off, Green auto 4100-1287 3 S4100-0032-11 7/2012 HOA and 24/24 LED/Switch Module Detail Reference LED/Switch Modules, General Purpose (LED/switch controller and label kit is ordered separately) Model LEDs per Switch LED Color(s) Custom Label Area LED Quantity Switch Quantity 4100-1280 One Red Per module and per switch 8 8 4100-1281 One Yellow 4100-1282 Two Red on top, Yellow on bottom Per module and per switch 16 8 4100-1283 Two Yellow on top and bottom 4100-1284 Two Red on top, Green on bottom 4100-1296 Two Green on top, Yellow on bottom 4100-1285 One Red One per column of 8 LED/switch pairs (see illustration on page 2) 16 16 4100-1278 One 8 Red on left, 8 Yellow on right 4100-1300* One With pluggable LEDs; shipped Red on top, Yellow on bottom Per module and per LED/switch pair 4100-1287 One Red Per module and per switch 24 24 * UL, ULC, and CSFM listed only. LED Only Modules and LED Kits (LED/switch controller and label kit is ordered separately) Model Description 4100-1276 Eight (8) LED Module with Red LEDs; custom label area per module and per LED LEDs are pluggable; select LED kits as required to change LED color 4100-1277 Sixteen (16) LED Module; Red LED on top and Yellow LED on bottom at each position; custom label area per module and per LED pair 4100-9843 Yellow Kits of 8 LEDs; order as required for modules with pluggable LEDs to change LED color on-site per application requirement; compatible with LED Modules 4100-1276, 4100-1277, and 4100-1300 (Blue is typically used for Ancillary Device status indication per ULC S527) 4100-9844 Green 4100-9845 Red 4100-9855 Blue LED/Switch Modules, HOA (Hand-Off-Auto) with Green/Red/Green LEDs (LED/switch controller and label kit is ordered separately) Model Operation Switch Function (Location) LED Description 4100-1286 Eight function HOA (On, Off, Auto) Control Module with labeled switches; custom label area per module and per LED/switch set On (top) Green LED Off (middle) Red LED Auto (bottom) Green LED 4100-1295 Eight function HOA (On, Off, Auto) Control Module, same as 4100-1286 except switches are unlabeled LED/Switch Modules, HOA (Hand-Off-Auto) with Green/Red/White LEDs for IBC Applications (LED/switch controller and label kit is ordered separately) Model Operation Switch Function (Location) LED Description 4100-1275 Eight function HOA (On, Off, Auto) Control Module with labeled switches; LED colors meet International Building Code (IBC) requirements; custom label area per module and per LED/switch set On (top) Green LED Off (middle) Red LED Auto (bottom) White LED 4100-1299 Eight function HOA (On, Off, Auto) Control Module, same as 4100-1275 except switches are unlabeled LED/Switch Modules, HOA (Hand-Off-Auto) with Green/Yellow/Green LEDs (LED/switch controller and label kit is ordered separately) Model Operation Switch Function (Location) LED Description 4100-1302** Eight function HOA (On, Off, Auto) Control Module with labeled switches; for applications requiring no red LEDs; custom label area per module and per LED/switch set On (top) Green LED Off (middle) Yellow LED Auto (bottom) Green LED 4100-1301** Eight function HOA (On, Off, Auto) Control Module, same as 4100-1302 except switches are unlabeled ** UL, ULC, and CSFM listed only. Continued on next page 4 S4100-0032-11 7/2012 LED/Switch Module Product Selection (panel mounted switches are momentary pushbutton) 5 S4100-0032-11 7/2012 LED/Switch Controller Modules and Accessories Model Description 4100-1288 64 LED/64 Switch Controller Module with mounting plate; controls up to 64 LEDs and interfaces to up to 64 switches; mounts behind the LED/switch modules and has provisions for one 4100-1289 Controller Module NOTE: LED/switch controllers and their connected modules must be in the same bay. 4100-1289 64 LED/64 Switch Controller Module without mounting plate; mounts on extra space of 4100-1288; controls an additional 64 LEDs and 64 switches 4100-0636 Harness Kit, Power and Communications One of each is required per 4100-1288 that is located in the same bay as two Flex-35/50 amplifiers and an SPS 4100-0641 Harness Kit, 26 Position Flex Cable, 14-1/2” (368 mm) long 4100-1290 24 Point I/O Module for external connections, select each point as either input or output; 2” (51 mm) wide, 1 Slot 4100-1294 LED/Switch Module Slide-in Labels, required when LED/switch or LED only modules are present; order one per cabinet 4100-1279 Single blank 2” display cover; order as required (8 fill a bay front); two maximum in a row between LED/switch modules Panel Mounted Printer (refer to pages 6 and 7 for printer details) Model Description 4100-1293 Panel Mount Thermal Printhead Printer, supplied with one roll of paper 4190-9803 Replacement Paper for 4100-1293 Printer, one roll (For additional LED/Switch Module information, refer to Installation Instructions 574-843) 64 LED/64 Switch Controller Modules (4100-1288 and 4100-1289) Input Voltage 19 to 33 VDC, from control panel Current, No LEDs On 20 mA @ 24 VDC Current, All 64 LEDs On 210 mA @ 24 VDC (approx. 3 mA/LED) Mounting Reference Bracket of 4100-1288 attaches to the back of the LED/switch modules Controllers per Bay Maximum of two per bay; for control of LED/switch modules within that bay only Bay Location Reference Slots 1 & 2 or Slots 3 & 4; mounts onto the back of the LED/switch modules Clearance Behind Controller Module Space accepts low profile 4100ES/4100U modules only 24 Point I/O Module (4100-1290) Module Current Supervisory = 34 mA; Alarm = 75 mA (add output currents separately) Switch Input Details Momentary or maintained, 2 or 3 position; max. distance is 2500 ft (762 m) or 65 ȍ Output Current 150 mA @ 24 VDC per point; inrush current is limited for use with incandescent bulbs Output Details Diode suppress relay loads at the coil; max. distance is 600 ft (183 m) or 2 ȍ General Specifications Operating Temperature Range 32° to 120°F (0° to 49° C) Operating Humidity Range Up to 93% RH, non-condensing @ 90° F (32° C) maximum Subject Data Sheet Subject Data Sheet 4100ES Basic Panel Modules and Accessories S4100-0031 Network Display Unit (NDU) S4100-0036 4100ES Audio/Phone Modules S4100-0034 Enclosure Reference S4100-0037 MINIPLEX Transponders S4100-0035 Remote Annunciators S4100-0038 LED/ Switch Modules and Controllers Specifications Additional Data Sheet Reference LED/Switch Module Product Selection (Continued) 6 S4100-0032-11 7/2012 ON FEED/ STATUS Exposed paper area: 2-3/8" W x 4" H (60 mm x 102 mm) Hinged printer assembly: 5-1/2" W x 7-1/2" H (140 mm x 191 mm) Push button paper feed switch with LED: Paper Low = Flashing Red Paper Out = Red Access latches FIRE ALARM FIRST FLOOR ELECTRICAL CLOSET LOCATION EL-1-B 12:37:15 09 JUN 12 LOW BATTERY TROUBLE TRANSPONDER 17 12:47:26 09 JUN 12 SYSTEM RESET IN PROGRESS 14:12:23 09 JUN 12 SYSTEM RESET COMPLETE 14:13:02 09 JUN 12 LOGIN 17:23:22 09 JUN 12 PASSWORD ACCEPTED 17:23:25 09 JUN 12 SENSOR 13-9 DISABLED 19:15:09 09 JUN 12 SENSOR 13-9 ENABLED 19:19:03 09 JUN 12 LOGOUT 19:33:02 09 JUN 12 LOGIN OFF Power switch with LED: Power on = Green ONFEED/STATUS FIR E ALARM FIRST FLOOR ELECTRICAL CLOSETLOCATION EL-1-B 12 :37 :1 5 0 9 JUN 12LOW BATTERY TROUBLE TRANSPONDER 1712:47:26 09 JUN 12SYSTEM RESET IN PROGRESS14:1 2:23 09 JUN 1 2SYSTEM RESET COMPLETE14:1 3:02 09 JUN 1 2LOGI N 17:2 3:22 09 JUN 1 2PASSWORD ACCEPTED17:2 3:25 09 JUN 1 2SENSOR 13-9 DISABLED19:1 5:09 09 JUN 1 2SE NS OR 13 -9 E NA BL ED19:1 9:03 09 JUN 1 2LOGO UT19:3 3:02 09 JUN 1 2LOGI N OFF Model 4100-1293 Panel Mount Printer Details 7 S4100-0032-11 7/2012 (For additional printer information, refer to Installation Instructions 579-249) Electrical & Communications Input Voltage 19 to 33 VDC, from control panel Current Standby 125 mA @ 24 VDC Printing 800 mA @ 24 VDC Communications RS-232, 9600 baud, from control panel RS-232 module Print Characteristics Print Format Fixed thermal printhead producing black characters Characters 11 x 28 dot matrix; alarm information printed in bold Paper Format 40 columns; 6 lines per inch; 20 lines visible; paper is wound onto top take-up reel, paper can be manually unwound from take-up reel and rewound using Feed switch Paper Speed 1.33 in/sec maximum Print Speed 312 cps Sound Output 55 dB maximum, with cabinet door open Paper (one roll included) Type and Size Thermal; 2.35” wide, 160 ft long (60 mm x 49 m) Replacement Paper 4190-9803, 1 roll Mounting Specifications Bay Location Reference Requires 3 expansion bay slots, can be located as required Clearance Behind Printer Space accepts low profile 4100ES/4100U modules only Environmental Specifications Operating Temperature Range 32° to 120°F (0° to 49° C) Operating Humidity Range Up to 93% RH, non-condensing @ 90° F (32° C) maximum Printer Specifications Tyco Fire Protection Products • Westminster, MA • 01441-0001 • USA S4100-0032-11 7/2012 www.simplexgrinnell.com © 2012 Tyco Fire Protection Products. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision date and are subject to change without notice. TYCO, SIMPLEX, and the product names listed in this material are marks and/or registered marks. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. Features Simplex® 4100ES Box and door options: x Boxes are available sized for one, two, or three equipment bays, each with a battery bay located at the bottom x Colors include platinum or red x Doors are glass front with modular dress panels, or solid x Models are available with box and door combined for single package shipping, or packaged separately x Enclosures are NEMA 1 rated; wall mount enclosures are also IP30 rated x Refer to individual 4100ES data sheets for product application listings (see list on page 2) Door and dress panel selection is coordinated with cabinet function: x Glass doors with modular dress panels provide visibility of annunciation and interface modules for Control Panels, Network Display Units (NDU), and Remote Annunciators x Solid doors are for MINIPLEX Transponders and utility function cabinets where module visibility is not required 4100ES Enclosure details: x Latching dress panels easily lift off for internal access x Smooth box surfaces are provided for locally cutting conduit entrance holes exactly where required x Alignment markers are provided at the top and bottom of each box side for 6” (152 mm) or 4” (102 mm) wall studs x Knockout screw/nail holes are supplied for semi-flush mounting Upright cabinet rack packaging reference: x For use with Bud Industries Inc. special cabinet rack model number 45964 x Refer to page 2 for cabinet rack listing * For 4100ES one, two, and three bay cabinets with associated equipment: Products are listed by the California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) pursuant to Section 13144.1 of the California Health and Safety Code. See CSFM Listing 7165-0026:251 for allowable values and/or conditions concerning material presented in this document. Accepted for use – City of New York Department of Buildings – MEA35-93E. Additional listings may be applicable, contact your local Simplex product supplier for the latest status. Listings and approvals under Simplex Time Recorder Co. are the property of Tyco Fire Protection Products. CAUTIONDISCONNECTA.C. POWERANDBATTERYBEFORE SERVICING 4100ES One Bay Cabinets OnOf fAuto OnOffAuto OnOf fAuto OnOffAuto OnOf fAuto OnOffAuto OnOf fAuto OnOffAuto Press ACK located under flashing indicator.Repeat operation until all events are acknowledged.Local tone will silence. A B C AC Power D E F G H IJ K L M N O P Q R 'SP' ( ) , 0 :S T U V W X Y Z /ALARMSFire Alarm Priority 2 Alarm SYSTEM WARNINGSSupervisory TroubleAlarm Silenced Emergency Operating Instructions Alarm or Warning ConditionHow to Acknowledge / View Events How to Silence Building SignalsS yst em indic at or fl as hing. Tone On. P ress Alarm Silence.How to Reset SystemPress System Reset.Press Ack to silence tone device. ZONE1SIG2AUX3FB4IO5IDNet6P7A8L9NET ADDR0DELEnter C/Exit Fire AlarmAckPriority 2Ack SupvAck TroubleAck AlarmSilenceSystemResetEventTimeEnableOn ArmDisableOffDisarmAuto LampTest MoreInfo MenuPr e vio usNext CAUTIONDISCONNECTA.C. POWERANDBATTERYBEFORE SERVICING 4100ES Two Bay Cabinets 4100ES Three Bay Cabinets Cabinet Rack Enclosure (shown with door open) Fire Control Panels UL, ULC, CSFM Listed; FM Approved; Cabinet Reference; Boxes, Doors, MEA (NYC) Acceptance* Dress Panels, Rack Mounting, and Accessories S4100-0037-14 12/2014 2 S4100-0037-14 12/2014 Note: Door keys are shipped with system Master Controller, see Miscellaneous Accessories below for additional keys Combined Box and Door Selection (select if box and door are to be shipped together) Description Platinum 1 Bay Platinum 2 Bay Platinum 3 Bay Red 1 Bay Red 2 Bay Red 3 Bay Box with Glass Door and Dress Panel 2975-9444 2975-9445 2975-9446 2975-9441 2975-9442 2975-9443 Box with Solid Door 2975-9450 2975-9451 2975-9452 2975-9447 2975-9448 2975-9449 Separate Box and Door Selection (select if boxes and doors are required to be shipped separately) Description Platinum 1 Bay Platinum 2 Bay Platinum 3 Bay Red 1 Bay Red 2 Bay Red 3 Bay Box 2975-9438 2975-9439 2975-9440 2975-9407 2975-9408 2975-9409 Glass Door and Dress Panel 4100-2104 4100-2105 4100-2106 4100-2124 4100-2125 4100-2126 Solid Door 4100-2114 4100-2115 4100-2116 4100-2134 4100-2135 4100-2136 Cabinet Rack Mounting (refer to page 4 for additional details) Model Description #45964 Listings #45964, from Bud Industries Inc. Special upright cabinet rack for 4100ES; 19” (483 mm) E.I.A.; gray texture; includes front polycarbonate door and rear louvered door, both keyed with Simplex “B” keys UL and ULC listed only as of document revision date; cabinets are listed with the Simplex 4100ES product line 4100-2140 Master Controller Rack Mount Kit, one required per master controller Master Controller and Option Bays each require 9 Rack Units; 15.75” height (400 mm)4100-2145 Option Bay Rack Mounting Kit, one required per expansion bay 4100-2144 Power Distribution Module (PDM) Rack Mount Kit, order PDM separately per system voltage, one required per cabinet rack Power Distribution Modules Model Voltage Description 4100-0634 120 VAC Power Distribution Module (PDM); select per system voltage; one required per 4100ES box or cabinet rack4100-0635 220/230/240 VAC Miscellaneous Accessories Model Description 252-019 Door key, one is shipped with system Master Controller, order for replacement or when extra keys are needed; (Simplex “B” key) 4100-9856 Canadian French Appliqué Kit, for 1, 2, or 3 bay sizes 4100-9857 4100ES Appliqué Retrofit Kit, for 1, 2, or 3 bay sizes; use to identify 4100ES features when new door is not used; included with Master Controller Upgrade kits as detailed on data sheet S4100-0031 4100-9868 Special Purpose Appliqué Kit: Simplex, Elevator Recall Control and Supervisory Control Unit, 4100ES 4100-9869 Special Purpose Appliqué Kit: Simplex, Sprinkler Waterflow and Supervisory Station, 4100ES 4100-9835 Termination and Address Label Kit, for module marking NOTE: One kit is supplied for each cabinet; order this if required for additional field module installation 4100-9837 Green LED Power-on Indicator Kit, required for ULC listing of MINIPLEX transponder Mounts using knockout provided in solid door 2975-9813 Platinum semi-flush box trim 1 7⁄16” (37 mm) wide, four corners and trim pieces for top, bottom, and sides2975-9812 Red semi-flush box trim Battery Reference Model Capacity Model Capacity Battery Notes 2081-9272 6.2 Ah 2081-9287 25 Ah 1. Sealed lead-acid batteries, 12 VDC each; two required per battery location. 2. Battery selection is required if batteries are internal. 3. Select one size per battery set 4. Refer to data sheet S2081-0006 for battery details. 2081-9274 10 Ah 2081-9276 33 Ah 2081-9288 12.7 Ah 2081-9296 50 Ah 2081-9275 18 Ah Battery Accessories Model Description 4100-0650 Battery Shelf, required for 50 Ah batteries 4100-5128 Battery Distribution Terminal Block, mounts to side of box, required for all close-nippled cabinets unless cabinet receives all power from power supplies and batteries located in the adjacent cabinet Enclosure Selection Chart (refer to pages 3 and 4 for dimensions) Subject Data Sheet Subject Data Sheet 4100ES Panels with EPS Power Supplies S4100-0100 Network Display Unit (NDU) with EPS Power Supplies S4100-0102 4100ES Basic Panel Modules and Accessories S4100-0031 MINIPLEX Transponders with EPS Power Supplies S4100-0103 Network Display Unit (NDU) S4100-0036 MINIPLEX Transponders S4100-0035 Remote Annunciators S4100-0038 LED/Switch Modules S4100-0032 InfoAlarm Command Center S4100-0045 4100ES Audio/Phone Modules S4100-0034 Remote Battery Charger S4081-0002 3 S4100-0037-14 12/2014 Door thickness 4-3/4" (121 mm) Exposed cabinet for semi-flush mounting 1/2" (12.7 mm) minimum 24" (610 mm) 11-11/16"(296 mm) 6-29/32" (175 mm) 4" stud 6" stud Knockout screw/nail holes (for semi-flush mounting) Stud alignment markers, each side Wall board reference for semi-flush mounting, 6" stud Optional semi-flush trim kit reference Front view, box outline without door Side view with door attached 2 Bay height = 40" (1016 mm) 3 Bay height = 56" (1422 mm) 1 Bay height = 22" (559 mm) Doors can be hinged left or right Wall Mounted Enclosure Installation Reference NOTE: A system ground must be provided for Earth Detection and transient protection devices. This connection shall be made to an approved, dedicated Earth connection per NFPA 70, Article 250, and NFPA 780. For additional installation information refer to Installation Instructions 579-117. Additional Data Sheet Reference TYCO, SIMPLEX, and the product names listed in this material are marks and/or registered marks. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. Front View Side View Rear View Type Upright cabinet rack for exclusive use with Simplex 4100ES Fire Alarm Products Supplier Order from Bud Industries Inc. (www.budind.com) Model Number 45964 Outside Dimensions Height 69-7/8” (1775 mm) Width 24-1/16” (611 mm) Depth 22” (559 mm) Color Gray texture Panel Space Width 19” E.I.A. (483 mm) Front Door Surface mount with 1/8” thick (3.18 mm) smoke gray polycarbonate, locked with Simplex “B” key, hinged on left of cabinet Rear Door Ventilated top and bottom, locked with Simplex “B” key Sides Side panels are removable from the inside for rack-to-rack mounting Bottom Pan attached for battery mounting Levelers Includes 4 stem levelers on bottom Installation Instructions 579-229 Tyco Fire Protection Products • Westminster, MA • 01441-0001 • USA S4100-0037-14 12/2014 www.simplex-fire.com © 2014 Tyco Fire Protection Products. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision date and are subject to change without notice. Console Package Reference Cabinet Rack Specifications Features Rechargeable, sealed lead-acid batteries: x Lead-calcium grid structure with immobilized electrolyte in absorbent separator x Low maintenance with no need to add water x Low self-discharge characteristics x One-piece, high impact polystyrene cell cover with high reliability dual seal construction x UL 924 recognized pressure relief valves Available in a variety of capacities: x Batteries for internal mounting range from 6.2 Ah up to 50 Ah, depending on control panel cabinet size x Larger batteries, up to 110 Ah, mount in external battery cabinets with models available with internal chargers Battery cabinets with chargers: x Battery cabinets with charger communicate with their connected fire alarm control panel and are available for 4100ES/4010ES/4100U Series and 4010 Series panels Description Simplex® rechargeable sealed-lead acid batteries provide reliable and repeatable discharge and recharge characteristics for use in fire alarm and other systems applications. They are designed with immobilized electrolyte in an absorbent separator, allowing them to provide rated capacity on the first cycle. Because of their sealed construction, packaging is allowed within the system electronics enclosure (see illustration on page 2). When this is applicable, the quantity of system cabinets and the battery wiring distances are both minimized. Where required, external battery cabinets can be close-nippled to the control panel to house larger batteries with battery chargers available in some battery cabinet sizes. Battery Details Charging. These batteries are intended to be used with compatible Simplex battery chargers. Series Connections. These batteries are required to be connected in series to produce 24 V system voltage. Battery sets must be of identical voltage, model number, appearance, and approximately the same date of manufacture for proper operation. Testing. Battery capacity testing is recommended to be performed by using a sealed lead-acid battery tester designed to withdraw a minimum of battery charge. The preferred tester applies a variety of amplitude and duration controlled test pulses that compares terminal voltage against those predicted for the specific battery size. (Testing is available through your local Simplex product supplier.) Compatible Sealed Lead-Acid Batteries can be Installed Inside Fire Alarm Control Panel Cabinets Remote Battery Cabinets are Available for Larger Battery Requirements Battery Details (Continued) Shipping.Sealed lead-acid batteries are shipped via ground or sea transportation only. They are not shipped via air. Disposal. Battery chemicals and materials can be recycled. Refer to information shipped with the battery or on its case. Return to the battery manufacturer or to a similarly qualified battery processing facility for proper disposal. Seismic Activity Applications. Battery brackets are available for systems tested for compliance with specific batteries. Please refer to data sheet S2081-0019 for details. * Refer to details on page 4 and to the referenced individual product data sheets for agency listing status of battery cabinets and chargers. The batteries detailed in this document meet the requirements of UL, ULC, and Factory Mutual for use with respective equipment battery chargers as listed on page 3. Contact your local Simplex product supplier for proper battery selection per system requirements. Listings and approvals under Simplex Time Recorder Co. are the property of Tyco Fire Protection Products. Fire Alarm Control Panel Accessories Listings* System Batteries, Sealed Lead-Acid; with Applications Reference for Battery Cabinets, and Battery Cabinets with Charger S2081-0006-21 12/2014 Actual appearance will vary with battery size. 2 S2081-0006-21 12/2014 Nominal Voltage Rating 12 Volts per battery Discharge Rating 20 Hour Rate Typical Charge/Discharge Cycles 100 to 150 Preferred Charge Temperature Range 60° F to 90° F (15.6°C to 32.2° C) Quick connect or post type terminal (type varies with battery size) Inner cover Absorbent separator used to immobilize electrolyte Lead-calcium grids Cell group Cell case (high impact polystyrene) Sealed outer cover Vent hole Potting material, black for negative, red for positive (polarity is also clearly marked with + and -) Pressure relief valve Semi-permeable membrane separator Battery Model Capacity @ 20 Hour Discharge Rate Width* Depth* Height with Terminals Approximate Weight* 2081-9272 6.2 Ah 6-1/8” (156 mm) 2-5/8” (67 mm) 4” (102 mm) 5.75 lbs (2.6 kg) 2081-9274 10 Ah 6” (153 mm) 4-1/16” (103 mm) 4” (102 mm) 9.2 lbs (4.2 kg) 2081-9288 12.7 Ah 6” (153 mm) 4” (102 mm) 4” (102 mm) 9 lbs (4.1 kg) 2081-9275 18 Ah 7-1/4” (184 mm) 3-3/8” (86 mm) 6-5/8” (168 mm) 14.3 lbs (6.5 kg) 2081-9287 25 Ah 6-5/8” (168 mm) 5” (127 mm) 7” (178 mm) 19.4 lbs (8.8 kg) 2081-9271 (rectangular case, typically for service) 33 Ah 12-1/2” (318 mm) 3-3/8” (86 mm) 7-1/16” (179 mm) 26.6 lbs (12.1 kg) 2081-9276 (“square” case, use for new) 33 Ah 7-3/4” (197 mm) 5-1/4” (133 mm) 6-3/4” (171 mm) 26.5 lbs (12 kg) 2081-9296 50 Ah 9” (229 mm) 5-1/2” (140 mm) 8-7/8” (225 mm) 41.8 lbs (19 kg) 2081-9279 110 Ah 11-3/16” (284 mm) 10-1/2” (267 mm) 9” (230 mm) 82 Lbs (37 kg) * Dimensions and weight are per battery and are for reference only. Exact size may vary. Refer to the tables on page 3 for mounting compatibility. These batteries are 12 V each and series connected for 24 V system use. NOTE: When wired in series for 24 V output, these batteries are to be of identical voltage, appearance, model number, and approximately the same date of manufacture. Battery Construction Reference Battery Size Specifications General Battery Specifications 3 S2081-0006-21 12/2014 Battery Cabinets without Chargers (connects to charger in panel) Cabinet Panel Compatibility Battery 2081-9275 18 Ah* 2081-9287 25 Ah 2081-9271 Rectangular 33 Ah 2081-9276 Square 33 Ah 2081-9296 50 Ah 2081-9279 110 Ah 2081-9280 4100ES, 4010ES, 4100U, and 4100+ NA NA NA NA NA 2081-9281 2081-9282 multiple NA 4009-9801 multiple **NA NA NA NA 4009-9802 multiple NA NA NA NA Battery Cabinets with Chargers Cabinet Panel Compatibility 2081-9275 18 Ah* 2081-9287 25 Ah 2081-9271 Rectangular 33 Ah 2081-9276 Square 33 Ah 2081-9296 50 Ah 2081-9279 110 Ah 4081-9301 4081-9302 4004R and 4010 NA 4081-9306 4081-9308 4100ES, 4010ES, and 4100U NA NA NA NA * Batteries smaller than those listed are normally mounted in the product cabinet ** 25 Ah capacity was effective as of 7/2005. = Can be placed in the respective equipment cabinet NA = Not applicable/not compatible NOTE: Refer to individual fire alarm control panel product data sheets for additional battery application information Battery Model Capacity Simplex Control Panel Model Series (see legend and notes below) 4003EC 4004R 4007ES & 4005 4006 & 4008 4009 (all models)4010 4010ES 4100ES/ 4100U 4100 & 4120 (2, 4 or 6-Unit) 2081-9272 6.2 Ah 2081-9274 10 Ah 2081-9288 12.7 Ah 2081-9275 18 Ah Ext Note 3 Ext Ext Note 2 2081-9287 25 Ah Ext Note 3 Ext Ext NA 2081-9271 rectangular 33 Ah Ext Note 3 Ext NA NA Note 3 Ext 2081-9276 “square” 33 Ah Ext Note 3 Ext NA NA Note 3 2081-9296 50 Ah NA Note 3 NA NA NA Note 3 Note 6 2 or 3 bay Ext 2081-9279 110 Ah Requires external battery cabinet, compatible with 4100ES, 4010ES, 4100, and 4120 Series only = Can be placed in the respective equipment cabinet Ext = External battery cabinet is required, refer to selection chart on page 4 NA = Not applicable/not compatible NOTES: 1. These batteries meet the requirements of UL, ULC, and Factory Mutual for use with respective equipment battery chargers listed above. Contact your local Simplex product supplier for proper battery selection per system requirements. 2. 4010 Cabinets will accommodate 2081-9275, 18 Ah batteries, but will not allow bottom entry conduit. 3. Use 4081 series companion cabinet and charger, refer to page 4. 4. Some control panel models are listed for battery replacement reference only. 5. For 2 bay international applications only, 50 Ah batteries will fit in the cabinet. Battery Compatibility for Fire Alarm Control Panel Mounting External Battery Cabinet Compatibility Reference Battery Cabinets Without Chargers; Shallow Design with Front Door Model Color Listings Description Dimensions 2081-9281 Beige UL and FM 2-Unit, 4100 style cabinet without charger; with locking solid door and battery shelf, primarily for use with 50 Ah batteries 25-3/4” W x 20-3/4” H x 6-3/4” D (654 mm x 527 mm x 171 mm) 2081-9282 Red 4003-9860 Beige Multiple Intended for use with 4003EC systems, for up to 33 Ah batteries (refer to 4003EC data sheet S4003-0002) 9-1/2” H x 24” W x 9” D (241 mm x 610 mm x 229 mm) 4009-9801* Beige UL and FM For up to 25 Ah batteries* External battery cabinet without charger, with locking solid door and battery harness; for close-nippled mounting to fire alarm control panel cabinet 16-1/4” W x 13-1/2” H x 5-3/4” D (413 mm x 343 mm x 146 mm)* 4009-9802 Beige UL For up to 33 Ah batteries 25-3/4” W x 20-3/4” H x 4-1/8” D (654 mm x 527 mm x 105 mm) * Depth increased for 25 Ah batteries effective 7/2005. Chargers for use with 4010 Fire Alarm Control Panels and 4004R Suppression Release Systems (refer to data sheet S4081-0001) Model Color Input Voltage Description Dimensions 4081-9301 Beige 120 VAC Battery cabinet with charger for the 4010 and 4004R fire alarm control panel; for up to 50 Ah batteries; with front door Listings include: UL, ULC, FM, CSFM, and MEA (NYC), see data sheet for details 22-1/2” W x16-3/4” H x 8-3/8” D (572 mm x 425 mm x 213 mm) 4081-9302 Red Battery Cabinet Without Charger for 110 Ah Batteries; for use with compatible panel mounted chargers (refer to data sheet S2081-0012) Model & Listings Color Cabinet Description Compatible Chargers Charger Description Dimensions 2081-9280 Listings include: UL and CSFM Red Battery cabinet for 2081-9279, 110 Ah batteries; includes 80 A battery fuse, terminals and battery connection cables; see data sheet for details 4010-9xxx Series 4010ES Main System Supply (MSS) 26-1/2” W x 12” H x 12” D (673 mm x 305 mm x 305 mm) 4100-9xxx Series 4100ES/4100U System Power Supplies (SPS) 4100-5111 4100-5112 4100-5113 4100ES/4100U Additional SPS 4100-5125 4100-5126 4100-5127 4100ES/4100U Remote Power Supply (RPS) 4100-5120 4100-5121 4100-5122 4100ES/4100U TrueAlert Addressable Power Supply (TPS) 4100-0104 4100-0114 4100-0124 4100 Legacy power supplies 4100ES/4010ES/4100U Compatible Battery Cabinet With Charger for 110 Ah Batteries (for ULC listed systems and for other applications unable to use panel mounted power supply charger; refer to data sheet S4081-0002) Model Color Input Voltage Description Dimensions 4081-9306 Red 120 VAC Battery cabinet with charger for up to 110 Ah batteries; NOTE: Required for ULC listed charging of 110 Ah batteries; Listings include: UL, ULC, FM, CSFM, and MEA (NYC), see data sheet for details 27-7/8” W x 13-1/2” H x 14-5/8” D (708 mm x 343 mm x 371 mm) 4081-9308 Red 220/230/240 VAC, multi-tapped 4100-9837 Green LED Power-on Indicator Kit, required for ULC listing, mounts above access panel using knockout provided Tyco Fire Protection Products • Westminster, MA • 01441-0001 • USA S2081-0006-21 12/2014 www.simplex-fire.com © 2014 Tyco Fire Protection Products. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision date and are subject to change without notice. TYCO, SIMPLEX, and the product names listed in this material are marks and/or registered marks. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. External Battery Cabinet Specification Reference INSERT 3 Initiating / Control Devices THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK Features Remote LCD annunciator for use with Simplex® model: x 4100ES and 4100U fire alarm control panels x Legacy products 4100, 4120, and 4020 fire alarm control panels, and 4100/4120 Universal Transponders Information display features: x Maintained display of first alarm is available with 4100ES and with 4100U at software revision 11.11 or higher x Wide viewing angle, super-twist LCD technology with green LED backlighting x Two lines of 40 characters each x LED status indicators x During battery backup, backlighting is disabled until there is switch activity Controls include: x Switches for system acknowledge, alarm silence, and system reset x Four programmable control switches x Lamp/LCD test Wiring information: x RUI (Remote Unit Interface) communications require a single twisted wire pair (see p. 3 for more information) x Separate wiring is required for 24 VDC control panel power Flush mount on standard electrical boxes Options: x 2975-9206, Surface mount box x 4603-9111, Brushed stainless steel trim UL Listed to Standard 864 Description Remote Control and Annunciation is provided using an 80 character, back-lit, alphanumeric display. Information is presented in clear, descriptive English language and includes: Point Status (alarm, trouble, etc.); Alarm Type (smoke detector, manual station, etc.); Number of System Alarms,Supervisory Conditions, and Trouble Conditions; and a Custom Location Label. Wiring. A single twisted wire pair provides serial RUI communications that also supports other Simplex serial annunciators on the same wire pair. Multiple Indications. Alarm, Supervisory, and Trouble conditions are also indicated by dedicated LEDs and a tone-alert audible sounder. Each condition has a dedicated acknowledge push-button switch that silences the tone-alert but leaves the LED on until all conditions in that category are restored to normal. Switch operation is either globally or individually acknowledgeable, determined by the control panel operation. 4603-9101 LCD Annunciator Description (Continued) Repeated operation of the appropriate acknowledge switch will scroll the LCD display showing activity in the sequence of occurrence. The tone-alert also pulses to indicate the operation of any of the push-button switches. Consult local code requirements for guidance in determining applications and location of the 4603-9101 LCD annunciator. Operation System Controls. Notification appliances can be deactivated by pressing the “ALARM SILENCE” switch. (Exact operation is determined by the host control panel such as visible appliances remaining on until system is reset.) Pressing the “SYSTEM RESET” switch restores the system to normal operation. When system activity is normal, the LCD displays the time, date, and “SYSTEM IS NORMAL.” Control Switches. Four programmable “CONTROL” switches and associated LEDs are included. Typical applications include manual evacuation, door holder release bypass, and elevator capture bypass. Keyswitch Enable. All switches on the annunciator are controlled by the “ENABLE” keyswitch with a key that is removable only in the disabled position. A brief lamp/LCD test is performed whenever the keyswitch is changed from enabled to disabled. Battery Backup Operation. During battery backup, the LED backlighting is disabled to conserve battery power. When an annunciator switch is activated, the backlighting is automatically enabled. After approximately 30 seconds of inactivity, the backlighting will again be disabled. * This product has been approved by the California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) pursuant to Section 13144.1 of the California Health and Safety Code. See CSFM Listing 7120-0026:0179 for allowable values and/or conditions concerning material presented in this document. It is subject to re-examination, revision, and possible cancellation. Accepted for use – City of New York Department of Buildings – MEA35-93E. Additional listings may be applicable; contact your local Simplex product supplier for the latest status. Listings and approvals under Simplex Time Recorder Co. are the property of Tyco Fire Protection Products. System Accessories, LCD Annunciators UL, ULC Listed; FM, CSFM, 4603-9101 LCD Annunciator for and MEA (NYC) Approved* 4100ES and 4100U Fire Alarm Control Panels S4603-0001-12 8/2012 FIREALARM ALARM SILENCEDPRIORITY 2ALARM SYSTEM SUPERVISORY SYSTEM TROUBLE POWERON SYSTEMRESET DISPLAY TIME ALARMACK ALARMACK SUPVACK TBLACK ALARMSILENCE 2 X 40 LCD READOUT, green LED backlighted during normal conditions and abnormal operating conditions SUPV ACK acknowledges System Supervisory conditions and silences the panel and all annunciator tone-alerts TROUBLE ACK acknowledges System Troubles and silences the panel and all annunciator tone-alerts CONTROL ENABLE KEYSWITCH controls all switch functions; key is removable only in disabled position ALARM SILENCE causes audible notification appliances to be silenced; used after evacuation is complete and while alarm source is being investigated SYSTEM RESET restores control panel to normal when all alarmed inputs are returned to normal ALARM ACK/FIRE ALARM acknowledges a Fire Alarm condition and silences the panel and all annunciator tone-alerts FOUR PROGRAMMABLE (Yellow) LEDs, each with pushbutton switch and custom labeling pocket SIX STATUS INDICATOR LEDs provide system status indications in addition to LCD information; LEDs flash to indicate the condition and then when acknowledged, remain on steady until reset; Fire Alarm and Priority 2 Alarm are red; System Supervisory, System Trouble, and Alarm Silenced are yellow; Power On is green DISPLAY TIME displays time of last occurrence of event list being displayed; or displays current time when viewing system status information ALARM ACK/PRIORITY 2 acknowledges a Priority 2 Alarm condition and silences the panel and all annunciator tone-alerts 2 S4603-0001-12 8/2012 Model Description 4603-9101 Remote LCD Annunciator with beige trim Refer to specifications on page 3 for additional details 4603-9101CF Remote LCD Annunciator with beige trim, with French keypad for Canada 4603-9111 Brushed stainless steel trim option 2975-9206 Matching surface mount box; ivory finish 2081-9044 Overvoltage protector; required where annunciator communications and power wiring exits and enters a building; refer to data sheet S2081-0016 for details 4603-9101 Operator Information Product Selection 3 S4603-0001-12 8/2012 General Operating Specifications Voltage 18 to 32 VDC, system supplied Normal Operating Current 110 mA (with LED backlighting on) Battery Standby Current 65 mA (during battery backup, LED backlighting is turned off after 30 seconds without switch activity) Alarm Current 140 mA maximum (LED backlighting is on and tone-alert is sounding) Operating Temperature Range 32° to 120° F (0° to 49° C) Operating Humidity Range Up to 93% RH, non-condensing at 100° F (38° C) Communications 4100ES/4100U Capacity, Per RUI Output Type RUI (Remote Unit Interface) external annunciator communications line SLC (signaling line circuit) Capacity Up to 31 remote annunciators/MINIPLEX transponders per channel including the 4603-9101 LCD Annunciator, the 4602-9101 Status Command Unit (SCU), and 4602-9102 Remote Command Unit (RCU); refer to data sheet S4100-0031 for additional 4100ES information Wiring Requirements RUI Data Standard Wiring Type Unshielded twisted pair (UTP), 18 AWG (0.82 mm2) for most applications, see below Wiring Characteristics 0.58 μF (580 nF) maximum capacitance between conductors; 35 : maximum total line resistance Wiring Applications Requiring Shielded, Twisted Pair (STP) 1. Wiring that leaves the building. Also requires Isolated Loop Circuit Protectors on each end, refer to data sheet S2081-0007 for 2081-9027 (200 mA), or S2081-0008 for 2081-9028 (5 A) 2. Wiring run in 500 ft (152 m) or more of conduit. 3. Wiring closely bundled with standard IDNet communications or TrueAlert addressable communications (not required when run with IDNet+ communications). Class B “T-Tap” wiring distance Up to 10,000 ft (3048 m) total wiring; up to 2500 ft (762 m) to farthest device Class X wiring distance Up to 2500 ft (762 m) Power Wiring 18 to 12 AWG (0.82 mm2 to 3.31 mm2) wires for 24 VDC system power Earth Wiring A dedicated earth ground connection to the electrical box is required for proper ESD and EMI protection; wire in accordance with NFPA 70 (National Electrical Code) Article 250 Mounting Information NOTE: General Conduit Entrance Requirement Conduit entrance must be located a minimum of 2 ¾” (70 mm) from the front of the box to clear assembly Trim Dimensions 4 ½” H x 11 13»16” W (114 mm x 300 mm) Standard Trim Finish Steel, painted beige 4603-9111, Optional Trim Brushed stainless steel (ordered separately); supplied with both slotted and tamper resistant screws Boxes for Flush Mounting (supplied by others) 6-Gang, 3 ½” (89 mm) deep: RACO 965, 6-gang masonry box; RACO 590, gangable switch box, 6 required; or equal 2975-9206, Surface Mount Box Option (ordered separately) Dimensions 11 31»32” W x 4 ǫ” H x 2 ¾” D (304 mm x 117 mm x 70 mm) Finish Painted steel, ivory finish 4603-9101 LCD Annunciator Specifications For additional information, refer to Installation Instructions 579-979. TYCO, SIMPLEX, and the product names listed in this material are marks and/or registered marks. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. National Electrical Code and NFPA are registered trademarks of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Flush Mount Masonry Box: Use RACO # 965, 3-1/2" (89 mm) deep or equal (supplied separately) Flush Mount Ganged Boxes: Requires 6-gang box, 3-1/2" (89 mm) min. depth, use (6) RACO # 590 or equal (supplied separately) FIREALARM ALARM SILENCEDPRIORITY 2ALARM SYSTEM SUPERVISORY SYSTEM TROUBLE POWERON SYSTEMRESET DISPLAYTIME ALARMACK ALARMACK SUPVACK TBLACK ALARMSILENCE Surface Mount Box: Simplex model 2975-9206 2-3/4” deep (70 mm) (ordered separately) Trim plate LCD Annunciator Assembly Terminal block access at rear of assembly, this side Note:Review box choice with assembly layout before selecting conduit entrance location to allow easy access to terminals Wiring Notes: 1. Communications require a single 18 AWG twisted pair. 2. Power requires two, 18 to 12 AWG wires for 24 VDC system power, plus Earth Ground to each electrical box. 3. Refer to Installation Instructions 579-979 for additional wiring specifications. Fire Alarm Control Panel (4100ES shown) 4603-9101 LCD Annunciators FIRE ALARM ALARM SILENCED PRIORITY 2 ALARM SYSTEM SUPERVISORY SYSTEM TROUBLE POWER ON ALARMACK SUPVACK TBLACKALARMACK ALARMSILENCESYSTEMRESET DISPLAYTIME FIRE ALARM ALARM SILENCED PRIORITY 2 ALARM SYSTEM SUPERVISORY SYSTEM TROUBLE POWER ON ALARMACK SUPVACK TBLACKALARMACK ALARMSILENCE SYSTEMRESET DISPLAYTIME Tyco Fire Protection Products • Westminster, MA • 01441-0001 • USA S4603-0001-12 8/2012 www.simplexgrinnell.com © 2012 Tyco Fire Protection Products. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision date and are subject to change without notice. Wiring Reference Mounting Information Features Individually addressable manual fire alarm stations with: x Power and data supplied via IDNet or MAPNET II addressable communications using a single wire pair x Operation that complies with ADA requirements x Visible LED indicator that flashes during communications and is on steady when the station has been activated x The NO GRIP Single Action Station and Retrofit Kit are available with a more easily operated pull lever for applications where anticipated users may find the standard station lever difficult to activate x Pull lever that protrudes when alarmed x Break-rod supplied (use is optional) x Models are available with single or double action (breakglass or push) operation x UL listed to Standard 38 Compatible with the following Simplex® control panels: x Model Series 4007ES, 4008, 4010, 4010ES, 4100ES, 4100U, 4020, 4100, and 4120 fire alarm control panels equipped with either IDNet or MAPNET II communications x Model Series 2120 Communicating Device Transponders (CDTs) equipped with MAPNET II communications Compact construction: x Electronics module enclosure minimizes dust infiltration x Allows mounting in standard electrical boxes x Screw terminals for wiring connections Tamper resistant reset key lock (keyed same as Simplex fire alarm cabinets) Multiple mounting options: x Surface or semi-flush with standard boxes or matching Simplex boxes x Flush mount adapter kit x Adapters are available for retrofitting to commonly available existing boxes Description The Simplex addressable manual station combines the familiar Simplex manual station housing with a compact communication module that is easily installed to satisfy demanding applications. Its integral individual addressable module (IAM) constantly monitors status and communicates changes to the connected control panel via IDNet or MAPNET II communications wiring. * Refer to page 2 for specific model listings. This product has been approved by the California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) pursuant to Section 13144.1 of the California Health and Safety Code. See CSFM Listing 7150-0026:224 for allowable values and/or conditions concerning material presented in this document. Additional listings may be applicable; contact your local Simplex product supplier for the latest status. Listings and approvals under Simplex Time Recorder Co. are the property of Tyco Fire Protection Products. 4099-9004 Single action 4099-9021 NO GRIP Single action 4099-9805 NO GRIP Retrofit kit ALARMFIRE PULL DOWN PUSH ALARMFIRE KEY OPERATED ONLY ALARMFIRE KEY OPERATED ONLY 4099-9005 Breakglass 4099-9006 Push With 2099-9828 Institutional Cover kit Operation Activation of the 4099-9004 single action manual station requires a firm downward pull to activate the alarm switch. Completing the action breaks an internal plastic break-rod (visible below the pull lever, use is optional). The use of a break-rod can be a deterrent to vandalism without interfering with the minimum pull requirements needed for easy activation. The pull lever latches into the alarm position and remains extended out of the housing to provide a visible indication. Single Action NO GRIP Station 4099-9021.For applications such as California Building Code, Title 24, which requires “Controls and operating mechanisms shall be operable with one hand and shall not require tight grasping, pinching or twisting of the wrist” the model 4099-9021 station provides a more easily operated pull lever compared to standard stations. Retrofit of existing stations is available using the 4099-9805 Retrofit kit. Double Action Stations (Breakglass)require the operator to strike the front mounted hammer to break the glass and expose the recessed pull lever. The pull lever then operates as a single action station. Double Action Stations (Push Type)require that a spring loaded interference plate (marked PUSH) be pushed back to access the pull lever of the single action station. Station reset requires the use of a key to reset the manual station lever and deactivate the alarm switch. (If the break- rod is used, it must be replaced.) Station testing is performed by physical activation of the pull lever. Electrical testing can be also performed by unlocking the station housing to activate the alarm switch. Multi-Application Peripherals UL, ULC, CSFM Listed;IDNet or MAPNET II Communicating Devices FM Approved * Addressable Manual Stations S4099-0005 10/2014 2 S4099-0005 10/2014 Addressable Manual Stations, Red Housing with White Letters and White Pull Lever Model Description Housing Pull Lever Listings 4099-9004 Single Action, English FIRE ALARM PULL DOWN UL, ULC, FM, CSFM 4099-9004CB Single Action, Bilingual English and French FEU FIRE TIREZ PULL ULC 4099-9004CF Single Action, French ALARME FEU ABAISSEZ 4099-9004PO Single Action, Portuguese FOGO ALARME PUXE UL, FM 4099-9004SP Single Action, Spanish ALARMA FUEGO JALE 4099-9005 Double Action, Breakglass operation, English FIRE ALARM PULL DOWN UL, ULC, FM, CSFM 4099-9005PO Double Action, Breakglass operation, Portuguese FOGO ALARME PUXE UL, FM 4099-9005SP Double Action, Breakglass operation, Spanish ALARMA FUEGO JALE 4099-9006 Double Action, Push operation, English FIRE ALARM PUSH PULL DOWN UL, ULC, FM, CSFM 4099-9006PO Double Action, Push operation, Portuguese FOGO ALARME EMPURRE PUXE UL, FM 4099-9006SP Double Action, Push operation, Spanish ALARMA FUEGO EMPUJE JALE 4099-9021 Single Action NO GRIP operation, English FIRE ALARM PULL DOWN UL, ULC, FM, CSFM Accessories (refer to pages 3 and 4 for details) Model Description Model Description 2975-9022 Cast aluminum surface mount box, red 2099-9803 Replacement breakglass 2975-9178 Surface mount steel box, red 2099-9804 Replacement break-rod 2099-9813 Semi-flush trim plate for double gang switch box, red 2099-9828 Institutional cover kit for field installation on 4099-9004; Note: Covers LED indicator 2099-9819 Flush mount adapter kit, black 2099-9814 Surface trim plate for Wiremold box V5744-2, red 2099-9820 Flush mount adapter kit, beige 4099-9805 Retrofit Kit for field conversion of a single action station to a NO GRIP station; refer to Installation Instructions 579-1007 for details Power and Communications IDNet or MAPNET II communications, 1 address per station Address Means DIP switch, 8 position Wire Connections Screw terminal for in/out wiring, for 18 to 14 AWG wire (0.82 mm2 to 2.08 mm2) UL Listed Temperature Range 32° to 120° F (0° to 49° C) intended for indoor operation Humidity Range Up to 93% RH at 100° F (38° F) Housing Color Red with white raised lettering Material Housing and pull lever are Lexan polycarbonate or equal Pull Lever Color White with red raised lettering Housing Dimensions 5” H x 3 ¾” W x 1” D (127 mm x 95 mm x 25 mm) Single gang cover plate, 3/4" (19 mm) extension, RACO #773 or equal (supplied by others) Station side view Wall surface Single gang box outline 4" Square box with cover plate Semi-Flush Mount Side View Single Gang Box Mount Single gang box, 2 1/2" deep (64 mm), RACO #500 or equal (supplied by others) Mount flush or with 1/16" (2 mm) maximum extension DO NOT RECESS ALARMFIRE PULL DOWN LED Indicator 4" Square Box Mount 4" (102 mm) square box, 2 1/8" (54 mm) minimum depth, RACO #231 or equal (supplied by others) Addressable Manual Station Semi-Flush Mounting Specifications (refer to Installation Instructions 579-1135 for additional information) Addressable Manual Station Product Selection Preferred Mounting. For surface mounting of these addressable manual stations, the preferred electrical boxes are shown in the illustration to the right. Additional Mounting Reference. Refer to page 4 for Wiremold box mounting compatibility. 3 S4099-0005 10/2014 Application Reference Refer to NFPA 72, the National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code, and all applicable local codes for complete requirements for manual stations. The following summarizes the basic requirements. 1. Stations shall be located in the normal path of exit and distributed in the protected area such that they are unobstructed and readily accessible. 2. Mounting shall be with the operable part not less than 42 in (1.07 m) and not more than 48 in (1.22 m) above floor level. 3. At least one station shall be provided on each floor. Additional stations shall be provided to obtain a travel distance not more than 200 ft (61 m) to the nearest station from any point in the building. 4.When manual station coverage appears limited in any way, additional stations should be installed. 2975-9178 Box 5-3/16" H x 4" W x 2-3/16" D (132 mm x 102 mm x 56 mm) (ordered separately) Knockouts located top and bottom 2975-9022 Cast Box 5" H x 3-7/8" W x 2-3/16" D (127 mm x 98 mm x 56 mm) (ordered separately) Access for 3/4" threaded conduit located top and bottom5" (127 mm) FIR E ALARMFIRE PULL DOWN 4099 Series Addressable Manual Station 1" (25.4 mm) 3-3/4" (95 mm) Station cover hinges open for installation access Simplex 2975-9178 box (shown for reference) Address setting under resealable label (accessible with cover open) Switch wiring (prewired) Field wiring (shown for reference) 1-1/4" (32 mm) 2-5/8" (67 mm) Addressable Manual Stations Surface Mounting Surface Mount Side View with Internal Detail For retrofit and new installations, additional compatible mounting boxes and the required adapter plates are shown in the illustration to the right. TYCO, SIMPLEX, and the product names listed in this material are marks and/or registered marks. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. NFPA 72 and National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code are trademarks of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Lexan is a trademark of the General Electric Co. Wiremold is a trademark of the Wiremold Company. 8" (203 mm) 6" (152 mm) 4-3/4" (121 mm) 6-3/4" (171 mm) Front View Flush mount adapter kit 2099-9819, Black 2099-9820, Beige Wall surface 4-11/16" (119 mm) square box, 2-1/8" (54 mm) minimum depth (by others) Side View Box must be recessed into wall 1" to 1-1/8" (25.4 mm to 29 mm) Hole cutout must be a minimum of 6" H by 5" W (152 mm by 127 mm) 2099-9814 Surface trim for Wiremold box 5-1/8" H x 5" W (130 mm x 127 mm) Addressable station Two gang switch box, each 3" H x 2" W x 2-3/4" D (76 mm x 51 mm x 70 mm) (supplied by others) 2099-9813 Semi-flush trim for 2 gang switch box, 6" H x 4-1/2" W (152 mm x 114 mm) Wiremold receptacle box model V5744-2 (supplied by others) Tyco Fire Protection Products • Westminster, MA • 01441-0001 • USA S4099-0005 10/2014 www.simplex-fire.com © 2014 Tyco Fire Protection Products. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision date and are subject to change without notice. Addressable Manual Station, Additional Mounting Information Addressable Manual Station, Flush Mounting Information Features TrueAlarm analog sensing provides: x Digital transmission of analog sensor values via IDNet or MAPNET II two-wire communications For use with the following Simplex® products: x 4007ES, 4010, 4010ES, 4100ES, and 4100U Series control panels; and 4008 Series control panels with reduced feature set (refer to data sheet S4008-0001 for details) x 4020, 4100, and 4120 Series control panels, Universal Transponders, and 2120 TrueAlarm CDTs equipped for MAPNET II operation Fire alarm control panel provides: x Peak value logging allowing accurate analysis of each sensor for individual sensitivity selection x Sensitivity monitoring satisfying NFPA 72 sensitivity testing requirements; automatic individual sensor calibration check verifies sensor integrity x Automatic environmental compensation, multi-stage alarm operation, and display of sensitivity directly in percent per foot x Ability to display and print detailed sensor information in plain English language Photoelectric smoke sensors provide: x Seven levels of sensitivity from 0.2% to 3.7% (refer to additional information on page 3) Heat sensors provide: x Fixed temperature sensing x Rate-of-rise temperature sensing x Utility temperature sensing x Listed to UL 521 and ULC-S530 General features: x Operation is for ceiling or wall mounting x Listed to UL 268 and ULC-S529 x Louvered smoke sensor design enhances smoke capture by directing flow to chamber; entrance areas are minimally visible when ceiling mounted x Designed for EMI compatibility x Magnetic test feature is provided x Different bases are available to support a supervised or unsupervised output relay, and/or a remote LED alarm indicator Additional base reference: x For isolator bases, refer to data sheet S4098-0025 x For sounder bases, refer to data sheet S4098-0028 x For photo/heat sensors, refer to data sheet S4098-0024 (single address) and S4098-0033 (dual address) * These products have been approved by the California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) pursuant to Section 13144.1 of the California Health and Safety Code. See CSFM Listings 7272-0026:218, 7271-0026:231, 7270-0026:216, and 7300-0026:217 for allowable values and/or conditions concerning material presented in this document. Accepted for use – City of New York Department of Buildings – MEA35-93E. Additional listings may be applicable, contact your local Simplex product supplier for the latest status. Listings and approvals under Simplex Time Recorder Co. are the property of Tyco Fire Protection Products. 4098-9714 TrueAlarm Photoelectric Sensor Mounted in Base Description Digital Communication of Analog Sensing. TrueAlarm analog sensors provide an analog measurement digitally communicated to the host control panel using Simplex addressable communications. At the control panel, the data is analyzed and an average value is determined and stored. An alarm or other abnormal condition is determined by comparing the sensor’s present value against its average value and time. Intelligent Data Evaluation. Monitoring each sensor’s average value provides a continuously shifting reference point. This software filtering process compensates for environmental factors (dust, dirt, etc.) and component aging, providing an accurate reference for evaluating new activity. With this filtering, there is a significant reduction in the probability of false or nuisance alarms caused by shifts in sensitivity, either up or down. Control Panel Selection. Peak activity per sensor is stored to assist in evaluating specific locations. The alarm set point for each TrueAlarm sensor is determined at the host control panel, selectable as more or less sensitive as the individual application requires. Timed/Multi-Stage Selection. Sensor alarm set points can be programmed for timed automatic sensitivity selection (such as more sensitive at night, less sensitive during day). Control panel programming can also provide multi-stage operation per sensor. For example, a 0.2% level may cause a warning to prompt investigation while a 2.5% level may initiate an alarm. Sensor Alarm and Trouble LED Indication. Each sensor base’s LED pulses to indicate communications with the panel. If the control panel determines a sensor is in alarm, or is dirty or has some other type of trouble, the details are annunciated at the control panel and that sensor base’s LED will be turned on steadily. During a system alarm, the control panel will control the LEDs such that an LED indicating a trouble will return to pulsing to help identify the alarmed sensors. TrueAlarm Analog Sensing UL, ULC, CSFM Listed; FM Approved; TrueAlarm Analog Sensors – Photoelectric MEA (NYC) Acceptance* and Heat; Standard Bases and Accessories S4098-0019-20 1/2015 ALARM Sensor Base Features Base mounted address selection: x Address remains with its programmed location x Accessible from front (DIP switch under sensor) General features: x Automatic identification provides default sensitivity when substituting sensor types x Integral red LED for power-on (pulsing), or alarm or trouble (steady on) x Locking anti-tamper design mounts on standard outlet box x Magnetically operated functional test Sensor Bases 4098-9792, Standard Sensor Base 4098-9789, Sensor Base with wired connections for: x 2098-9808 Remote LED alarm indicator or 4098-9822 relay (relay is unsupervised and requires separate 24 VDC) Supervised Relay Bases (not compatible with 2120 CDT): x 4098-9791, 4-Wire Sensor Base, use with remote or locally mounted 2098-9737 relay, requires separate 24 VDC x 4098-9780, 2-Wire Sensor Base, use with remote or locally mounted 4098-9860 relay, no separate power required x Supervised relay operation is programmable and can be manually operated from control panel x Includes wired connections for remote LED alarm indicator or 4098-9822 relay (relay is unsupervised and requires separate 24 VDC) Sensor Base Options 2098-9737, Remote or local mount supervised relay: x DPDT contacts for resistive/suppressed loads, power limited rating of 3 A @ 28 VDC; non-power limited rating of 3 A @ 120 VAC (requires external 24 VDC coil power) 4098-9860, Remote or local mount supervised relay: x SPDT dry contacts, power limited rating of 2 A @ 30 VDC, resistive; non-power limited rating of 0.5 A @ 125 VAC, resistive 4098-9822, LED Annunciation Relay: x Activates when base LED is on steady, indicating local alarm or trouble x DPDT contacts for resistive/suppressed loads, power limited rating of 2 A @ 28 VDC; non-power limited rating of 1/2 A @ 120 VAC, (requires external 24 VDC coil power) 4098-9832, Adapter plate: x Required for surface or semi-flush mounting to 4” square electrical box and for surface mounting to 4” octagonal box x Can be used for cosmetic retrofitting to existing 6-3/8” diameter base product 2098-9808, Remote red LED Alarm Indicator: x Mounts on single gang box (shown in illustration to right) Description TrueAlarm sensor bases contain integral addressable electronics that constantly monitor the status of the detachable photoelectric or heat sensors. Each sensor’s output is digitized and transmitted to the system fire alarm control panel every four seconds. Since TrueAlarm sensors use the same base, different sensor types can be easily interchanged to meet specific location requirements. This feature also allows intentional sensor substitution during building construction. When conditions are temporarily dusty, instead of covering the smoke sensors (causing them to be disabled), heat sensors may be installed without reprogramming the control panel. Although the control panel will indicate an incorrect sensor type, the heat sensor will operate at a default sensitivity providing heat detection for building protection at that location. Mounting Reference Electrical Box Requirements: (boxes are by others) Without relay in the box:4" octagonal or 4" square, 1-1/2" deep; single gang, 2" deep With relay in the box :4" octagonal or 4" square, 1-1/2" deep, with 1-1/2" extension ring TrueAlarm Bases 4098-9780, 4098-9789, 4098-9791, & 4098-9792 4-7/8" (124 mm) 15/16" (24 mm) 6-3/8" (162 mm) 1/4" (6.4 mm) 4098-9832 Adapter Plate, required for mounting to surface mounted boxes and 4"squareflush box 2098-9737 Supervised Relay (mounts in base electrical box or remotely) 4098-9822 Relay (mounts in base electrical box) NOTE:Review total wire count, wire size, and accessories being wired to determine required box volume. Relay Size: 2-1/2" X 1-1/2" X 1" (3.75 in3) (64 mm X 38 mm X 25.4 mm) 4098-9860 Supervised Relay (mounts in base electrical box or remotely; 2-3/8" X 1-1/4" X 11/32" (1 in3 ) (60.4 mm X 31.8 mm X 8.6 mm) Surface mount reference 4" (102 mm) Square Box 4" (102 mm) Octagonal Box Flush mount reference, mount even with final surface, or with up to 1/4" (6.4 mm) maximum recess 1-1/2" (38 mm) minimum box depth 2 S4098-0019-20 1/2015 TrueAlarm Sensor Bases and Accessories TrueAlarm Sensors Features Sealed against rear air flow entry Interchangeable mounting EMI/RFI shielded electronics Heat sensors: x Selectable rate compensated, fixed temperature sensing with or without rate-of-rise operation x Rated spacing distance between sensors: Fixed Temp. Setting UL & ULC Spacing FM Spacing, Either Fixed Temperature Setting 135° F (57.2° C) 60 ft x 60 ft (18.3 m) 20 ft x 20 ft (6.1 m) for fixed temperature only; RTI = Quick 50 ft x 50 ft (15.2 m) for fixed temperature with either rate-of-rise selection; RTI = Ultra Fast 155° F (68° C) 40 ft x 40 ft (12.2 m) Smoke Sensors: x Photoelectric technology sensing x 360° smoke entry for optimum response x Built-in insect screens 4098-9714 Photoelectric Sensor TrueAlarm photoelectric sensors use a stable, pulsed infrared LED light source and a silicon photodiode receiver to provide consistent and accurate low power smoke sensing. Seven levels of sensitivity are available for each individual sensor, ranging from 0.2% to 3.7% per foot of smoke obscuration. Sensitivities of 0.2%, 0.5%, and 1% are for special applications in clean areas. Standard sensitivities are 1.5%, 2.0%, 2.5%, 3.0%, and 3.7%. Application type and sensitivity are selected and then monitored at the fire alarm control panel.* The sensor head design provides 360° smoke entry for optimum response to smoke from any direction. Due to its photoelectric operation, air velocity is not normally a factor, except for impact on area smoke flow. 2-1/8" (54 mm) LED status indicator 4-7/8" (124 mm) 4098-9714 Photoelectric Sensor with Base 4098-9733 Heat Sensor TrueAlarm heat sensors are self-restoring and provide rate compensated, fixed temperature sensing, selectable with or without rate-of-rise temperature sensing. Due to its small thermal mass, the sensor accurately and quickly measures the local temperature for analysis at the fire alarm control panel. Rate-of-rise temperature detection is selectable at the control panel for either 15° F (8.3° C) or 20° F (11.1° C) per minute. Fixed temperature sensing is independent of rate-of-rise sensing and programmable to operate at 135° F (57.2° C) or 155° F (68° C). In a slow developing fire, the temperature may not increase rapidly enough to operate the rate-of-rise feature. However, an alarm will be initiated when the temperature reaches its rated fixed temperature setting. TrueAlarm heat sensors can be programmed as a utility device to monitor for temperature extremes in the range from 32° F to 155° F (0° C to 68° C). This feature can provide freeze warnings or alert to HVAC system problems. Refer to specific panels for availability. 2-3/8" (60 mm) LED status indicator 4-7/8" (124 mm) 4098-9733 Heat Sensor with Base WARNING: In most fires, hazardous levels of smoke and toxic gas can build up before a heat detection device would initiate an alarm. In cases where Life Safety is a factor, the use of smoke detection is highly recommended. Application Reference Sensor locations should be determined only after careful consideration of the physical layout and contents of the area to be protected. Refer to NFPA 72, the National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code. On smooth ceilings, smoke sensor spacing of 30 ft (9.1 m) may be used as a guide.* *For detailed application information including sensitivity selection, refer to Installation Instructions 574-709. 3 S4098-0019-20 1/2015 TrueAlarm Sensor Bases (for use with Sensors 4098-9714 and 4098-9733) (Refer to Application Manual 574-709 and Installation Instructions 574-707 for additional information) Model Description Compatibility Mounting Requirements 4098-9792 Standard Sensor Base No options 4” octagonal or 4” square box, 1-1/2” min. depth; or single gang box, 2” min. depth 4098-9789 Sensor Base with connections for Remote LED Alarm Indicator or Unsupervised Relay 2098-9808 Remote Alarm Indicator or4098-9822 Unsupervised Relay 4” octagonal or 4” square box Note:Box depth requirements depend on total wire count and wire size, refer to accessories list below for reference. ** NOTE: 4098-9791 and 4098-9780 are NOT compatible with the 2120 CDT 4098-9791** 4-Wire Sensor Supervised Relay Base with connections for LED Indicator or Unsupervised Relay 2098-9737 Supervised Remote Relay 2098-9808 Remote Alarm Indicator or4098-9822 Unsupervised Relay 4098-9780** 2-Wire Sensor Supervised Relay Base with connections for LED Indicator or Unsupervised Relay 4098-9860 Supervised Remote Relay 2098-9808 Remote Alarm Indicator or 4098-9822 Unsupervised Relay TrueAlarm Sensors Model Description Compatibility Mounting Requirements 4098-9714 Photoelectric Smoke Sensor Bases 4098-9792, 4098-9789, 4098-9791, and 4098-9780 Refer to base requirements 4098-9733 Heat Sensor TrueAlarm Sensor/Base Accessories Model Description Compatibility Mounting Requirements 2098-9737 Supervised Relay, mounts remote or in base electrical box For use with 4098-9791 base Remote Mounting requires 4” octagonal or 4” square box, 1-1/2” minimum depth Base Mounting requires 4” octagonal box, 2-1/8” deep with 1-1/2” extension ring4098-9860 Supervised Relay, mounts remote or in base electrical box For use with 4098-9780 base 2098-9808 Remote Red LED Alarm Indicator on single gang stainless steel plate Bases 4098-9789, 4098-9791, and 4098-9780 Single gang box, 1-1/2” minimum depth 4098-9822 Unsupervised Relay, tracks base LED status; Note: Mounts only in base electrical box Bases 4098-9789, 4098-9791, and 4098-9780 4” octagonal box, 2-1/8” deep with 1-1/2” extension ring 4098-9832 Adapter Plate Bases 4098-9792, 4098-9789, 4098-9791, and 4098-9780 Required for surface or semi-flush mounted 4” square box and for surface mounted 4” octagonal box TYCO, SIMPLEX, and the product names listed in this material are marks and/or registered marks. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. NFPA 72 and National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code are trademarks of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Tyco Fire Protection Products • Westminster, MA • 01441-0001 • USA S4098-0019-20 1/2015 www.simplex-fire.com © 2015 Tyco Fire Protection Products. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision date and are subject to change without notice. General Operating Specifications Communications and Sensor Supervisory Power IDNet or MAPNET II communications, auto-selected, 1 address per base Communications Connections Screw terminals for in/out wiring, 18 to 14 AWG (0.82 mm2 to 2.08 mm2) Remote LED Alarm Indicator Current 1 mA typical, no impact to alarm current Remote LED Alarm Indicator and Relay Connections Color coded wire leads, 18 AWG (0.82 mm2 ) UL Listed Operating Temperature Range 32° to 100° F (0° to 38° C) Operating Temperature Range with 4098-9733 Heat Sensor 32° to 122° F (0° to 50° C) with 4098-9714 Smoke Sensor 15° to 122° F (-9° to 50° C) Storage Temperature Range 0° F to 140° F (-18° C to 60° C) Humidity Range 10 to 95% RH 4098-9714 Smoke Sensor Air Velocity Rating 0-4000 ft/min (0-1220 m/min) Housing Color Frost White 4098-9791 Base With Supervised Remote Relay 2098-9737 (see page 2 for contact ratings) Externally Supplied Relay Coil Voltage 18-32 VDC (nominal 24 VDC) Supervisory Current 270 PA, from 24 VDC supply Alarm Current with 2098-9737 Relay 28 mA, from 24 VDC supply 4098-9780 Base With Supervised Remote Relay 4098-9860 (see page 2 for contact ratings) Power Supplied from communications 4098-9822 Unsupervised Relay, Requirements for Bases 4098-9789. 4098-9791, and 4098-9780 (see page 2 for contact ratings) Externally Supplied Relay Coil Voltage 18-32 VDC (nominal 24 VDC) Supervisory Current Supplied from communications Alarm Current 13 mA from separate 24 VDC supply TrueAlarm Analog Sensing Product Selection Chart Specifications Features TrueAlarm addressable CO sensor bases contain a carbon monoxide (CO) sensing module providing both CO toxic gas monitoring and enhanced fire detection: x For use with 4007ES; and 4010ES or 4100ES fire alarm control panels with software revision 2.01.02 or higher x For use with 4100U fire alarm control panels with software revision 12.05 or higher x CO sensor bases support (and require) a TrueAlarm photoelectric, photo/heat or heat sensor (ordered separately) x Model 4098-9770 provides standard features, model 4098-9771 also provides a piezoelectric sounder x CO sensor bases are multi-point devices, consume only one IDNet address, and receive both communications and sensor power from the IDNet channel (the sounder base requires separate 24 VDC system power or NAC connection) x Listed to UL 268, Smoke Detectors for Fire Alarm Signaling Systems and UL 2075, Gas and Vapor Detectors and Sensors; allowing systems to be listed to Standard 2034, Single and Multiple Station Carbon Monoxide Alarms x Listed by ULC to CSA 6.19-01 Residential Carbon Monoxide Alarming Devices x Three types of CO influenced operation are available; UL 2034 CO alarm detection; UL 2075 CO (OSHA) level monitoring for ventilation control; and multi-criteria fire sensor analysis with algorithms that combines optical and CO gas monitoring information Operation of a CO sensor base with a photoelectric or a photo/heat sensor allows: x Independent sensor operation or selectable multi-sensor modes of False Alarm Reduction or Faster Detection x False Alarm Reduction analyzes CO and photoelectric sensor information together to provide a sophisticated rejection of non-fire conditions normally troublesome as false alarms (steam, dust, aerosols, etc.) x Faster Detection (increased sensitivity) algorithm analyzes CO and photoelectric sensor information to allow the presence of CO to implement an increased photoelectric sensitivity for high value locations (museums, electrical equipment rooms, etc.) Sounder base operation details: x When connected to a panel NAC through the 4905-9835 Temporal Code Module, the sounder base can provide temporal code 3 (TC3) for fire, or temporal code 4 (TC4) for toxic carbon monoxide alarms x 4905-9835 module may also be used to code other (non-fire) dedicated carbon monoxide notification appliances (refer to data sheet S4905-0006) x Sounder can be manually activated from the panel x Sounder operation is also listed to UL 464 as an audible notification appliance TrueAlarm CO Sensor Base with Sounder (shown with 4098-9754 Photo/Heat Sensor) Features (Continued) Panel operation summary: x CO sensor data is stored and analyzed at the panel; a new CO Service Report provides easy information access (see sample on page 3) x 4007ES, 4010ES, and 4100ES panels provide ten (10) year end of life status indication with CO sensor expiration notices occurring within 12 months and within 6 months, allowing service replacement planning x 4100U panels provide five (5) year end of life status indication with the 12 and 6 month replacement notices x Analog sensor information is digitally transmitted to the host control panel via IDNet communicationsfor processing to evaluate and track status x Carbon monoxide concentration in ppm (parts per million) is available for viewing from the panel user interface x For OSHA compliant CO gas sensing, CO condition level may be programmed by concentration (must be above 30 ppm) x 4100ES Audio Control Panels can provide a CO Relocation Message with Temporal Code 4 tone and Voice Evacuation (reference UCSET1393, see S4100-0034) General features: x Sensors may be either wall or ceiling mounted x Operation of a CO sensor base with heat sensor provides dual independent sensor operation x New CO test mode allows functional testing of each sensor technology including the CO sensor x Optional accessories include remote alarm LED, alarm relay, and mounting adapter plate x Designed for EMI compatibility x Provides magnetic test CO sensor element is easily replaced when end of service life is reached: x Access to CO sensor replacement cartridge (CORC, 4098-9747) requires removal of interchangeable sensor head providing tamper monitoring (sensor removal causes a trouble condition) * This product has been approved by the California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) pursuant to Section 13144.1 of the California Health and Safety Code. See CSFM Listing 7300-0026:330 for allowable values and/or conditions concerning material presented in this document. Listings and approvals under Simplex Time Recorder Co. are the property of Tyco Fire Protection Products. Multi-Point Peripherals UL, ULC, CSFM Listed;TrueAlarm CO Sensor Bases for Smoke, Heat, and FM Approved* Photo/Heat Sensors using IDNet Communications S4098-0052-4 1/2015 CO Sensor Base Description Carbon monoxide (CO) is an odorless, colorless, tasteless gas produced by the incomplete combustion of heating fuels such as wood, coal, heating oil, and natural gas. CO is also a byproduct of many materials experiencing unintentional fire or even incipient fire conditions. Monitoring of CO levels can warn of physically harmful concentrations, however, sensing of CO levels below the harmful level can also provide improved understanding of incipient fire conditions when evaluated in combination with photoelectric fire sensor information from the same location. Simplex® CO sensor bases combine an electrolytic CO sensing module with a TrueAlarm analog sensor to provide a single multiple sensing assembly using one system address. The CO sensor can be enabled/disabled, used in LED/Switch modes and custom control, and can be made public for communication across a fire alarm Network. CO sensor operation is similar to other TrueAlarm sensors (photoelectric or heat). It provides current analog values, average analog value, “No Answer” troubles, “Wrong Device” troubles, over threshold, concentration in ppm, and monitors for the presence of the CO sensor. Base mounted address selection allows the address to remain with its location when the sensor is removed for service or type change. Address access is from the front, under the removable sensor. An integral red LED indicates power-on by pulsing, or alarm or trouble when steady on, and also provides test mode status (see page 3). Detailed status is available at the fire alarm control panel. CO Sensing, Detailed Operation Toxic Gas Sensing, UL 2034/UL 2075. For CO toxic gas detection, the bases provide toxic gas sensing to the UL 2034 and UL 2075 standards. Toxic gas sensing may be selected at the same time as any of the combined CO photo fire detection modes are selected. Toxic Gas Sensing, OSHA Compliant. For OSHA compliant gas sensing, the desired threshold level (above 30 ppm) is selected at the control panel as required for the application, typically for ventilation control. Refer to page 3 for additional OSHA CO monitoring information. Enhanced Fire Sensing. Each sensor provides an analog measurement digitally communicated to the control panel for analysis. At the panel, these analog values are used separately, or combined, to evaluate for conditions indicative of fire, incipient fire, excessive heat, and freeze warning. For fire, the addition of a CO sensor provides two new selectable modes of operation: Nuisance Alarm Reduction Mode and Faster Fire Detection. These two modes were developed using the results of extensive testing of actual fires performed under a wide variety of conditions. (Refer to page 4 for additional operation mode options.) Nuisance Alarm Reduction Mode allows the host control panel to combine photoelectric sensor input and CO sensor level input to reduce false alarms caused by non-fire conditions. Non-fire conditions can be steam from bathroom showers, particles from dusty environments, aerosols from personal care products, tobacco smoke, cooking smoke, or other similar conditions. CO Sensing, Detailed Operation (Continued) Nuisance Alarm Reduction Details. For applications of anticipated nuisance alarm conditions, photoelectric sensitivity is normally selected for 3.7%/ft smoke obscuration. However, the addition of CO sensing allows the host control panel to apply software verification similar to the timed alarm verification feature often used with conventional smoke detection. Faster Fire Detection.For applications where faster response to incipient or slow building fires is desired and environment appropriate, the Faster Fire Detection mode correlates the outputs of the CO sensor and the photoelectric sensor to provide increased sensitivity. This mode provides earlier detection compared to a standard sensitive photoelectric sensor setting, and also provides more false alarm reduction compared to using a sensitive setting in an area not normally considered appropriate. Faster Fire Detection Details. TrueAlarm photoelectric sensors can be selected to be as sensitive as 0.2%/ft obscuration for applications evaluated as appropriate to that level. However, if the environment is not suitable for that sensitivity level, the Faster Fire Detection mode allows the photoelectric sensor to be selected as a “standard” 2.5%/ft obscuration, but with the presence of a significant level of CO, the combination of CO and photo sensing input can allow an equivalent sensitivity approaching 0.5%/ft obscuration. The host control panel tracks two photoelectric sensitivities, the one selected for photoelectric operation only (typically 2.5%), and the CO correlation sensitivity that it adjusts depending on the amount of CO present. Control Panel Operations Smoke sensor features include: sensitivity monitoring satisfying NFPA 72 sensitivity testing requirements, automatic individual sensor calibration checking to verify sensor integrity, automatic environmental compensation, available multi-stage alarm operation, display of sensitivity directly in percent per foot, monitoring of peak activity per sensor, alarm set point, and time of day or multi-stage alarm selection. Sensor Alarm and Trouble LED Indications. The sensor base LED pulses to indicate communications with the panel. If a sensor is in alarm, or has a trouble condition, the status is annunciated at the control panel and that base LED will turn on steady. During a system alarm, the panel will control LEDs such that a trouble indication will return to pulsing to help identify the sensors in alarm. Reported CO Sensor troubles are: Disabled, Almost Expired 12 Months, Almost Expired 6 Months, Expired (End of Life), Short, and Sensor Missing/Failed. Trouble Details. “Almost Expired” is similar to the “Almost Dirty” trouble for a photoelectric sensor. “Expired” trouble is similar to the “Dirty” trouble for a TrueAlarm photoelectric sensor. CO sensor technology does not support automatic sensitivity testing and drift compensation as is available with a photoelectric sensor. End of useful CO sensor life is based upon a set 10 year operational lifetime (5 years for 4100U panels), tracked by date code built into the CO sensor module electronics. Although the CO sensor will continue to function after the expired trouble is indicated, replacement is required to ensure proper detection accuracy. 2 S4098-0052-4 1/2015 Control Panel Operations (Continued) Panel Test Mode. To facilitate functional testing of the CO sensor, a new test mode is available in the host control panel. In this mode, the CO sensor, and installed heat or smoke sensor can be easily functionally tested. Panel Test Mode Details. When in the CO test mode, the internal multiple sensor analysis algorithms are disabled allowing each sensor to be quickly tested either individually or simultaneously, depending on the test equipment used. CO testing can be performed using a Solo Model 332 aerosol dispenser (or equal). (Testing is available through your local authorized Simplex product supplier.) The base LED will display steady ON when individual sensors are activated during test. Refer to the Application Reference section for more information. OSHA CO monitoring. For OSHA compliant gas sensing, control panel software supports custom programming based upon CO concentration levels. For example, turn on ventilation if the CO level is above X ppm and then turn off ventilation when the level drops below Y ppm (or select either value as a range if desired). This is separate from alarm set points. Multi-Point Allocation. 4007ES, 4010ES, and 4100ES control panels require only one (1) point at the host panel per CO sensor base. For 4100U control panels, the requirement is three (3) points at the host panel per CO sensor base with the 4098-9754 multi-sensor, and two (2) points for the other sensors. Depending on CO sensor base and sensor choice, up to seven (7) points can be made public to a connected Simplex Fire Alarm Network. Each CO sensor base uses a single address with “sub-points” layered underneath (such as 1-1-0, 1-1-1, 1-1-2, ….1-1-6). (Additional multi-point allocation detail is described in reference data sheet S4090-0011.) CO Sensor Base Power Requirements. Power for the standard CO sensor base is provided by IDNet communications. No additional wiring is required for upgrading of existing installed TrueAlarm sensor bases. CO sensor sounder bases do require system supplied separate 24 VDC (or NAC) wiring, the same as the standard sounder base. Accessories 2098-9808, Remote red LED Alarm Indicator mounts on a single gang box to provide status indications where the sensor location may not be readily visible. (See illustration to right.) 4098-9822, LED Annunciation Relay activates when base LED is on steady, indicating a local alarm or trouble. Contacts are DPDT, rated 2 A @ 30 VDC; 1/2 A @ 120 VAC for transient suppressed loads (requires external 24 VDC coil power). Application Reference Determine sensor locations after careful consideration of the physical layout and contents of the area to be protected. For fire alarm applications: x Refer to NFPA 72, the National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code x On smooth ceilings, smoke sensor spacing of 30 ft (9.1 m) may be used as a guide. For detailed application information: x Refer to 4098 Detectors, Sensors, and Bases Application Manual, Part Number 574-709. For toxic gas sensor placement and mounting: x Refer to NFPA 720, Standard for the Installation of Carbon Monoxide (CO) Warning Equipment in Dwelling Units x Per NFPA 720, Section 5.1 (2005 edition): 5.1.1 A carbon monoxide alarm or detector shall be centrally located outside of each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms. 5.1.2 Each alarm or detector shall be located on the wall, ceiling, or other location as specified in the installation instructions that accompany the unit. 3 S4098-0052-4 1/2015 Service Port Page 1 REPORT 6 : TrueAlarm CO Report 12:34:56am MON 06-JUN-14 Channel 1 (M1) Zone Name CUSTOM LABEL Current Value End of Life Date State M1-1-2 Conference Room 17 CO Toxic Gas 457PPM 30-MAY-24 PRI M1-2-2 Boiler Room CO Toxic Gas 0PPM 30-MAY-24 NOR TRUE ALARM CO REPORT COMPLETED Press RETURN for next Screen OR CTRL-X to abort ALARM TrueAlarm CO Service Reports TrueAlarm CO Service Reports (sample below) contain information on the CO sensors programmed in the panel displaying pertinent data such as current concentration value in ppm, End of Life date, and current state. This report allows determination of which sensors will require attention. (Sample shows 10 year life tracking with a 4007ES/4010ES/4100ES.) TrueAlarm CO Sensor Base Model Description 4098-9770 CO Base, Standard operation Select TrueAlarm sensor from list below 4098-9771 CO Base with Sounder TrueAlarm Sensors, select one per CO Sensor Base Model Description 4098-9714 Photoelectric Smoke Sensor Refer to selection table below for available operation modes 4098-9754 Multi-Sensor Photoelectric and Heat Sensing 4098-9733 Heat Sensor CO Base Replacement CO Cartridge and Accessories (ordered separately as required) Model Description 4098-9747 CO Replacement Cartridge (CORC) Solo 332 Aerosol Dispenser, suitable for larger diameter detectors; can be used for CO or smoke testing Solo C3 CO Aerosol Canister (case of 12) Model Description Mounting Requirements 4098-9832 Adapter Plate, required for surface mounted 4” electrical boxes Refer to page 6, mounting reference 2098-9808 Choose one if required Remote red LED Alarm Indicator on single gang stainless steel plate Single gang box, 1-1/2” minimum depth 4098-9822 Relay, tracks base LED status (unsupervised, to be mounted only in base electrical box) Mounts in base electrical box (requires 1-1/2” extension on 4” square or octagonal box) Sensor Choice M o d e Operational Mode Choices* ( = operation selected) False Alarm Reduction Faster Detection TrueSense Photo/Heat Photo Fire Heat Fire** Utility Temp. Ion Fire CO Toxic Gas† Photoelectric Smoke Sensor 4098-9714 1 —————— option 2 —— option ——— option Photo/Heat Multi-Sensor 4098-9754 3 ——— option option — option 4 —— option option option — option 5 —option option option option Heat Sensor 4098-9733 6 ————option — option 7 ———— option — option *NOTE: Duct detection modes are not applicable and are not available. Refer to the Multi-Point Allocation discussion on page 3 for panel point requirement information. **Heat Fire Mode is 135° F or 155° F, fixed or rate-of-rise. † CO Toxic Gas operation is selectable as: Supervisory (which is NOT recommended if communicated off-site), Priority 2 (preferred if communicated off-site), or Utility. 4 S4098-0052-4 1/2015 CO Sensor Base Operation Options with Sensor Choice TrueAlarm Analog Sensing Product Selection Chart TrueAlarm Analog Sensor Features Sealed against rear air flow entry Electronics are EMI/RFI shielded Heat sensing: x Selectable rate compensated, fixed temperature sensing with or without rate-of-rise operation x Rated spacing distance between sensors: Fixed Temp. Setting UL& ULC Spacing FM Spacing, Either Fixed Temperature Setting 135° F (57.2° C) 60 ft x 60 ft (18.3 m) 20 ft x 20 ft (6.1 m) for fixed temperature only; RTI = Quick 50 ft x 50 ft (15.2 m) for fixed temperature with either rate-of-rise selection; RTI = Ultra Fast 155° F (68° C) 40 ft x 40 ft (12.2 m) Smoke Sensors: x Photoelectric technology sensing x 360° smoke entry for optimum response x Built-in insect screens 4098-9714 Photoelectric Sensor TrueAlarm photoelectric sensors use a stable, pulsed infrared LED light source and a silicon photodiode receiver to provide consistent and accurate low power smoke sensing. Seven levels of sensitivity are available for each individual sensor, ranging from 0.2% to 3.7% per foot of smoke obscuration. Sensitivities of 0.2%, 0.5%, and 1% are for special applications in clean areas. Standard sensitivities are 1.5%, 2.0%, 2.5%, 3.0%, and 3.7%. Application type and sensitivity are selected and then monitored at the fire alarm control panel. (For detailed application information about sensitivity selection, refer to Installation Instructions 574-709.) The sensor head design provides 360° smoke entry for optimum smoke response. Due to its photoelectric operation, air velocity is not normally a factor, except for impact on area smoke flow. 6-7/16" (164 mm) 2-7/16"(62 mm) LED status indicator Thermistor guard(Multi-Sensor only) Output louvers on Sounder Base extendfrom front and side 2-5/16" (58 mm) CO sensor housing Dimension and Feature Reference, Photoelectric or Multi-Sensor on CO Sensor Base 4098-9754 Multi-Sensor TrueAlarm multi-sensors combines the performances of TrueAlarm photoelectric smoke sensing with TrueAlarm thermal sensing to provide both features in a single assembly. Each sensing element provides data for evaluation at the fire alarm control panel where the following four independent detection modes are evaluated: x Fixed temperature heat detection x Rate-of-rise heat detection x TrueAlarm photoelectric smoke detection x And TrueSense correlation detection TrueSense analysis correlates both thermal activity and smoke activity at a single multi-sensor location using an extensively tested covariance relationship. As a result, TrueSense detection improves response to conditions indicative of faster acting, hot flaming fires when compared to the response of either photoelectric smoke activity or thermal activity alone. 4098-9733 Heat Sensor TrueAlarm heat sensors are self-restoring and provide rate compensated, fixed temperature sensing, selectable with or without rate-of-rise temperature sensing. Due to its small thermal mass, the sensor accurately and quickly measures the local temperature for analysis at the fire alarm control panel. Rate-of-rise temperature detection is selectable at the control panel for either 15° F (8.3° C) or 20° F (11.1° C) per minute. Fixed temperature sensing is independent of rate-of-rise sensing and programmable to operate at 135° F (57.2° C) or 155° F (68° C). In a slow developing fire, the temperature may not increase rapidly enough to operate the rate-of-rise feature. However, an alarm will be initiated when the temperature reaches its rated fixed temperature setting. TrueAlarm heat sensors can be programmed as a utility device to monitor for temperature extremes in the range from 32° F to 155° F (0° C to 68° C). This feature can provide freeze warnings or alert to HVAC system problems. 2-9/16"(65 mm) 6-7/16" (164 mm) 4098-9733 Heat Sensor with CO Sensor Base (with CO Sensor Housing facing forward) WARNING: In most fires, hazardous levels of smoke and toxic gas can build up before a heat detection device would initiate an alarm. In cases where Life Safety is a factor, the use of smoke detection is highly recommended. 5 S4098-0052-4 1/2015 1-1/8" (29 mm) (Photoelectric sensor shown for reference) LED status indicator 6-7/16" (164 mm) NOTES: 1. Review actual wire size, wire count, box type, and whether 4098-9822 relay is used before determining box size. 2. Mounting to flush mounted box also fits single gang handy box, 2-1/8" (51 mm) deep if wiring allows. (Not applicable if 4098-9822 relay is used.) 3. For surface mounted boxes, use 4" square box with single gang adapter plate (RACO No. 787 or equal, by others) or 4" octagonal box, both require 4098-9832 Adapter Plate. 4. When 4098-9822 relay is used, mount relay in electrical box and use 1-1/2" extension ring (by others) on 4" square or octagonal box of 1-1/2" or 2-1/8" depth as required. 5. Refer to sensor base Installation Instructions 574-707 for additional information. 6. Refer to CORC Replacement Instructions 579-791 for CO cartridge installation and replacement. 4098-9832 Adapter Plate, required for mounting to surface mounted boxes (mounts inverted) Electrical Box Requirements: (boxes are by others) Without relay: 4" octagonal or 4" square, 1-1/2" deep; single gang, 2" deep With relay : 4" octagonal or 4" square, 1-1/2" deep, with 1-1/2" extension ring Surface mount reference 4" (102 mm) Square Box 4" (102 mm) Octagonal Box Flush mount reference, mount even with final surface, or with up to 1/4" (6.4 mm) maximum recess 1-1/2" (38 mm) minimum box depth Note: Single gang adapter plate (RACO No. 787 or equal) is required when using 4" square box (by others)Relay size: 2-1/2" X 1-1/2" X 1" (64 mm X 38 mm X 25.4 mm), 3.75 cubic inches Optional 4098-9822 Relay (Mounts in base electrical box and requires additional volume, see notes below) 6-3/8" Dia. x 1/4" thick CO sensor assembly (CORC) shaded for reference 6 S4098-0052-4 1/2015 Installation Reference 7 S4098-0052-4 1/2015 General Operating Specifications Communications and Sensor Supervisory Power IDNet communications, 1 address per base Communications and Sounder Power Connections Screw terminals for in/out wiring, 18 to 14 AWG (0.82 mm2 to 2.08 mm2) Remote LED Alarm Indicator Current 1 mA typical supplied from communications, no impact to alarm current LED Connections Color coded wire leads, 18 AWG (0.82 mm 2 ) UL Listed Temperature Range 32° F to 100° F (0° C to 38° C) Operating Temperature Range with 4098-9733 32° F to 122° F (0° C to 50° C) with 4098-9714 or 4098-9754 15° F to 122° F (-9° C to 50° C) Humidity Range 15 to 95% RH CO Sensor Base Air Velocity Ratings per Sensor Photoelectric Sensor 4098-9714 and Multi-Sensor 4098-9754 Air velocity = 0-1000 ft/min (0-305 m/min) Housing Color Frost White Sounder Operation Sounder Voltage 18 to 32 VDC from steady external source or from NAC Alarm Current (Sounder On) 17 mA @ 24 VDC, 24 mA maximum @ 32 VDC Sounder Output 88 dBA minimum @ 10 ft (3 m) per UL Standard 464, Audible Signaling Appliance; UL Standard 268, Smoke Detectors for Fire Protective Signaling Systems and CSA 6.19-01 Sounder Power Supervision (Selectable) Supervised Select for continuous 24 VDC power, loss of power is communicated to panel Unsupervised Select when connected to NAC for sounder power, NAC provides supervision NAC Powered Operation When in alarm, will sound when NAC is in alarm, allowing synchronized pattern (Temporal or March Time, etc.) controlled by the NAC control Reference for CO Monitoring Requirements Reference for UL 2034 and CSA 6.19-01 Concentration Alarm Window Response Time 70 ±5 ppm 60 to 240 minutes 150 ±5 ppm 10 to 50 minutes 400 ±10 ppm 4 to 15 minutes False Alarm Resistance 30 ±3 ppm No Alarm for 30 days 70 ±5 ppm No Alarm for 60 minutes Additional UL 2034 CO Sensor Toxic Gas Monitoring Details 1. For CO levels above 40 ppm, the CO alarm level per sensor is determined by calculations performed at the panel based on the time integrated CO levels measured at the sensor. (Levels below 40 ppm are not tracked.) 2. While tracking levels above 40 ppm, if the concentration dips below 40 ppm for periods of time, the time to alarm is extended accordingly. UL 2075 Reference, Commercial OSHA Type Operation; Utility Point Mode With custom control at the fire alarm control panel, Utility Point operations can be performed at lower CO concentration levels than those of UL 2034 Example: Start ventilation after 5 minutes at 25 to 35 ppm and also alarm at a reading higher than that range, but lower than UL 2034 allows 4098-9822 Unsupervised Relay Option Externally Supplied Relay Voltage 18-32 VDC, steady source recommended (wires to remote LED leads) Alarm Current 13 mA from separate 24 VDC supply Contact Ratings, DPDT contacts for resistive/suppressed loads Power limited rating: 2 A @ 30 VDC Non-power limited rating: 1/2 A @ 120 VAC Relay Operation Tracks base LED status, relay is on with trouble or alarm at the base Specifications Product Data Sheet Product Data Sheet Temporal Code 4 Module S4905-0006 4100ES Control Panels with EPS Power Supplies S4100-0100 Standard Bases S4098-0019 4100ES Standard Control Panels S4100-0031 Isolator Bases S4098-0025 4100ES Audio Control Reference S4100-0034 Standard Sounder Base S4098-0028 4010ES Control Panels S4010-0004 TrueSense Multi-Sensor S4098-0024 4007ES Hybrid Control Panels S4007-0001 Tyco Fire Protection Products • Westminster, MA • 01441-0001 • USA S4098-0052-4 1/2015 www.simplex-fire.com © 2015 Tyco Fire Protection Products. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision date and are subject to change without notice. TYCO, SIMPLEX, and the product names listed in this material are marks and/or registered marks. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. NFPA 72 and National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code are trademarks of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Additional Information Reference Features IDNet or MAPNET II addressable communications supply both data and power over a single wire pair to provide**: x Supervised Class B monitoring of normally open, dry contacts x Total wiring distance from IAM to supervision resistor(s) of up to 500 ft (152 m) x Monitored connection is compatible with Simplex® 2081-9044 Overvoltage Protectors for outdoor wiring or electrically noisy applications x For use in indoor locations up to 158° F (70° C) such as attic spaces or similar applications For use with following Simplex control panels: x Model Series 4007ES, 4008, 4010, 4010ES, and 4100ES fire alarm control panels for IDNet communications x Model Series 4100/4100U/4100ES, 4120, 4020, and 2120 Communicating Device Transponders (CDTs) equipped with MAPNET II communications Model 4090-9001: x Enclosed design minimizes dust infiltration x Mounts in standard single gang electrical box x Screw terminals for wiring connections x Visible LED flashes to indicate communications x Optional covers are available to allow LED to be viewed after installation (requires mounting bracket, ordered separately) Model 4090-9051: x Encapsulated design for extended exposure to high humidity (LED is not present on this model) x Color coded 18 AWG leads for wiring IDNet communications provides current limited monitoring: x Provides monitoring of tamper switch (supervisory) and waterflow switch (alarm) on same circuit using one point x Available with IDNet communications only Multiple operation modes are available and are selectable at the control panel: x Contact closure status can be tracked x Momentary contact closure conditions can be selected at the panel to be latched or tracked (not available with the 2120 CDT) UL listed to Standard 864 * These products have been approved by the California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) pursuant to Section 13144.1 of the California Health and Safety Code. See CSFM Listing 7300-0026:223 for allowable values and/or conditions concerning material presented in this document. Accepted for use – City of New York Department of Buildings – MEA35-93E. Additional listings may be applicable; contact your local Simplex product supplier for the latest status. Listings and approvals under Simplex Time Recorder Co. are the property of Tyco Fire Protection Products . -IDNET IN++IDNET IN- 4090-9001 Supervised IAM (shown approximately 3/4 size) LISTED SIGNALINGDEVICEISSUENO. 4090-9051 Supervised IAM (shown approximately 3/4 size) Description Individual addressable modules (IAMs) receive both power and communications from a two-wire MAPNET II or IDNet circuit. They provide location specific addressability to a single initiating device (such as single station smoke detector alarm contacts or heat detector contacts) or multiple devices at the same location by monitoring normally open dry contacts and the wiring to an end-of-line resistor. Model 4090-9001 is packaged in a thermoplastic housing and provides screw terminal connections and a status indicating LED. Model 4090-9051 is an encapsulated package with wire leads. It does not provide a status indicating LED. Multi-Application Peripherals UL, ULC, CSFM Listed; FM Approved;IDNet and MAPNET II Communicating Devices, MEA (NYC) Acceptance* Individual Addressable Modules (IAMs) S4090-0001-11 11/2014 Operation Contact Closure. Closure of the monitored contact(s) initiates an alarm or other response as programmed at the fire alarm control panel. An open in the monitored circuit wiring will cause a trouble to be reported. Panel Selections. Selections can be made at the control panel to maintain the alarm condition if the initiating device contacts are momentary, such as from a rate-of-rise heat detector, or to track the device contact status (not available with the 2120 CDT). Current Limited Operation Applications For use with IDNet communications only, these IAMs can provide quad-state sensing of normal, open circuit, short circuit, and current limited conditions. (Program type is “T-sense.”) With the proper end-of-line and current limiting resistors, dual functions such as tamper switch and waterflow switch monitoring can be determined and communicated by a single addressable point. Model Description 4090-9001 Supervised IAM, mounted in thermoplastic housing with screw terminals; see applicable options below 4090-9051 Supervised IAM, encapsulated with wire leads Optional Trim Plates and Mounting Bracket for Model 4090-9001 Model Description 4090-9806 For semi-flush mounted box Trim plate with LED viewing window, requires 4090-9810 mounting bracket, includes mounting screws; galvanized steel 4090-9807 For surface mounted box 4090-9810 Mounting bracket, mounts IAM to electrical box and provides screw holes for trim plate, required for optional trim plates End-of-Line Resistor Harnesses (ordered separately as required) Model Reference No. Description 4081-9004 733-886 6.8 k:, 1/2 W; Standard end-of-line resistor harness for N.O. contact supervision 4081-9003 733-896 4.7 k:, 1/2 W Use for current limited monitoring applications 4081-9005 733-984 1.8 k:, 1/2 W Electrical Power and Communications MAPNET II or IDNet, auto selected, 1 address per IAM Input Requirements Normally open, dry contacts Wire Connections 4090-9001 Screw terminals for in/out wiring, 18 to 14 AWG wire (0.82 mm2 to 2.08 mm2) 4090-9051 Color coded wire leads, 18 AWG (0.82 mm 2), 8” long (203 mm) Reference Documents Installation Instructions 574-331 for 4090-9001; 579-572 for 4090-9151 Field Wiring Diagrams 842-073 for IDNet operation; 841-804 for MAPNET II operation Wiring Distances Distance from IAM to Contacts 500 ft (152 m) maximum without protectors 400 ft (122 m) maximum with 2081-9044 Overvoltage Protectors Wiring Distance Reference per channel, MAPNET II or IDNet Communications 2500 ft (762 m) maximum from fire alarm control panel 10,000 ft (3048 m) maximum total wiring distance (including T-Taps) Mechanical Dimensions 4090-9001 1-9/16” W x 1-3/4” H x 1-1/4” D (40 mm x 44 mm x 32 mm) 4090-9051 1-9/16” W x 1-9/16” H x 9/16” D (40 mm x 40 mm x 14 mm) Housing Material, 4090-9001 Black thermoplastic Encapsulation Material, 4090-9051 Epoxy, beige Temperature Range 32° to 158° F (0° to 70° C); intended for indoor operation Humidity Range Up to 93% RH at 100° F (38° C) 2 S4090-0001-11 11/2014 IAM Product Selection Specifications Optional Trim Plates and Mounting Bracket for Visible LED Single gang electrical box 2-1/2" (64mm) minimum depth (supplied by others) Single gang blank cover plate and mounting screws, for use when LED is not required to be externally viewed (supplied by others) 4090-9001 IDNet supervised IAM Field wiring shown for reference Address setting under resealable label -IDNET IN++IDNET IN- LED viewing port 4090-9806, Trim plate for semi-flush mounted box 4090-9807, Trim plate for surface mounted box 4-1/4" (108 mm) 2-1/2" (64 mm) 2-13/16" (72 mm) 4-1/2" (114 mm) Light pipe for LED viewing NOTE: These mounting plates require mounting bracket 4090-9810. 4090-9810 Mounting bracket, ordered separately Mounting Reference, Single Gang Blank Cover Plate 2 S4090-0001-11 11/2014 Mounting Information Single gang electrical box 2-1/2" (64mm) minimum depth (supplied by others) Single gang blank cover plate and mounting screws (supplied by others) 4090-9051 Encapsulated Supervised IAM Address setting is at rear of housing LISTED SIGNALINGDEVICEISSUENO. Tyco Fire Protection Products • Westminster, MA • 01441-0001 • USA S4090-0001-11 11/2014 www.simplex-fire.com © 2014 Tyco Fire Protection Products. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision date and are subject to change without notice. 4090-9051 Mounting Information Features Individual Addressable Relay Module (Relay IAM): x IDNet addressable control for use with Simplex® fire alarm control panel models 4007ES, 4008, 4010, 4010ES, 4100ES, and 4100U x A single addressable point provides control and status tracking of a Form “C” contact x Low power latching relay design allows IDNet communications to supply both data and module power x Relay is set to OFF on initial power up and upon loss of IDNet communications Compact, sealed construction: x Enclosed design minimizes dust infiltration x Mounts in standard 4” (102 mm) square electrical box, optional adapter bracket is available to mount in a 4 11⁄16” (119 mm) square electrical box x Screw terminals for wiring connections x Visible LED flashes to indicate communications x Optional covers are available to allow LED to be viewed after installation UL listed to Standard 864 Description IDNet Relay IAMs allow fire alarm control panels to control a remotely located Form “C” contact using IDNet addressable communications for both data and module power. Typical applications would be for switching local power for control functions such as elevator capture, or control of HVAC components, pressurization fans, dampers, etc. Relay status is also communicated requiring only one device address. Product Selection Model Description 4090-9002 Relay IAM Optional Adapter and Trim Plates Model Description 4090-9813 Adapter plate to fit 4 11»16” (119 mm) square electrical box 4090-9801 For semi-flush mounted box Trim Plate, galvanized steel, with LED viewing window; includes mounting screws 4090-9802 For surface mounted box *This product has been approved by the California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) pursuant to Section 13144.1 of the California Health and Safety Code. See CSFM Listing 7300-0026:223 for allowable values and/or conditions concerning material presented in this document. Accepted for use – City of New York Department of Buildings – MEA35-93E. Additional listings may be applicable; contact your local Simplex product supplier for the latest status. Listings and approvals under Simplex Time Recorder Co. are the property of Tyco Fire Protection Products. 4090-9002 IDNet Relay IAM Package (shown approximately 1/2 size) Specifications Communications IDNet communications, 1 address per device Relay IAM Power Supplied by IDNet communications Contact Ratings* (not rated for incandescent switching) Type Form C, SPDT Power-Limited 2 A @ 24 VDC, resistive from listed fire alarm supply 1 A @ 24 VDC, inductive Nonpower-Limited 0.5 A @ 120 VAC, resistive * Provide circuit fusing and transient suppression as required per application. DC inductive loads can typically be diode suppressed; 120 VAC loads may require RC networks or varistors, depending on device type. Refer to the installation instructions for additional information. Wire Connections Screw terminals for in/out wiring, 18 to 14 AWG wire (0.82 to 2.08 mm2) IDNet Communications Wiring Reference Up to 2500 ft (762 m) from control panel Up to 10,000 ft (3048 m) total wiring distance (including T-Taps) Compatible with Simplex 2081-9044 Overvoltage Protectors Dimensions 4 ǩ” H x 4 ǩ” W x 1 Ǫ” D (105 mm x 105 mm x 35 mm) Housing Material Black thermoplastic Mounting Plate Sheet metal, galvanized Temperature Range 32° to 120° F (0° to 49° C), intended for indoor operation Humidity Range Up to 93% RH at 100° F (38° C) Installation Instructions 574-184 Multi-Application Peripherals UL, ULC, CSFM Listed; FM Approved; IDNet Communicating Devices MEA (NYC) Acceptance* Model 4090-9002 Relay IAM S4090-0002-10 11/2014 TYCO, SIMPLEX, and the product names listed in this material are marks and/or registered marks. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. Tyco Fire Protection Products • Westminster, MA • 01441-0001 • USA S4090-0002-10 11/2014 www.simplex-fire.com © 2014 Tyco Fire Protection Products. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision date and are subject to change without notice. 4" (102 mm) square box, 2-1/8" (54 mm) minimum depth, RACO 232 or equal (supplied by others) Double gang blank cover plate and mounting screws, for use when LED is not required to be externally viewed (supplied by others) 4090-9002 Relay IAM Address setting under resealable label Optional Trim Plates for Visible LED 4090-9802, Trim plate for surface mounted box 4090-9801, Trim plate for semi-flush mounted box Mounting Reference, Double Gang Blank Cover Plate 4-9/16" (116 mm) 4-9/16" (116 mm) 4-5/16" (109 mm) Light pipe for LED viewing 4-5/16" (109 mm) Relay IAM Mounting Information S1209 SERIES Standard Product Features • 120VAC with 9VDC battery back-up • Photoelectric smoke sensing technology • Horn frequency 3100 Hz (nominal) • Temporal 3 evacuation audible signal • Optional Auxiliary Form A/Form C relay contacts (F model) • Relay contacts operate when on battery back-up • Nominal 2.5% sensitivity • Push button self test feature, verifies power sources/operation • Push and hold button functional test feature, analyzes sensing chamber • Quick-disconnect wiring harness • DUALINK ®- tandem with all Gentex tandem capable alarms •RedLED pulses every 30 seconds, green LED for AC power on • Solid State Red LED to indicate smoke presence • Mounting hardware adapts to standard junction boxes • Dust cover to prevent particle contamination during installation • Low or missing battery indicator • 12 month warranty from date of manufacture or 18 months from date of purchase Applications The S1209 (120VAC/9VDC) Series photoelectric smoke alarms are for use as an evacuation device in all dwelling units, including but not limited to homes, apartments, hospitals, hotels and motels. The S1209 Series is listed in compliance with ANSI/UL 217 for installation per NFPA 72 and the International Codes (IBC/IFC/IRC). Available in two models, the S1209 Series is engineered to virtually eliminate nuisance alarms and deliver outstanding performance wherever reliable smoke detection is required. The S1209 Series is provided with a 9VDC alkaline battery for emergency power back-up in the event building power is lost.The battery impedance is verified and the alarm provides a low or missing battery warning. The battery drawer provides easy replacement without removing the unit from the wall or ceiling. The Gentex S1209 Series is provided with a push button self test and functionality test feature. The push button self test verifies power operation and tests battery levels. The push and hold button functionality test analyzes the photoelectric sensing chamber for proper operation of smoke alarm. The self and functionality tests are in compliance with NFPA 72 and ANSI/UL Standards. Features of the smoke alarm series include DUALINK ®tandem capabilities with all Gentex tandem interconnect capable alarms products. Options include Form A/Form C dry contacts for remote annunciation and connection to a protected premises alarm system to provide a supervisory/trouble signal. The S1209 Series provides Temporal 3 evacuation tone for the smoke alarm units Model Number Part Number Form A/ Form C Relay S1209 917-0059-002 S1209F 917-0057-002 Electrical Specifications Operating Voltage...........................120VAC, 60Hz Operating Current ..........................0.045 amps Operating Current (Relay Options) 0.070 amps Operating Ambient Temp Range....40°F-100°F (4.4°C-38°C) Alarm Horn Rating .........................meets or exceeds 85dBA .................................................at 10ft (3.048 m) Auxiliary Relay ...............................1 Form A & 1 Form C (0.5 amp) Size................................................Diameter at base: 5.75 in. (14.605 cm) .......................................................Overall diameter: 6.25 in. (16.51 cm) .......................................................Depth: 1.8 in (4.572 cm) Secondary Power Source ..............Alkaline 9 VDC battery .......................................................Duracell®MN 1604 Photoelectric Smoke Alarm Product Listings ••AANNSSII//UULL 221177 LLiisstteedd ••CCSSFFMM ## 77225577--00556699::00114455 Product Compliance •• NNFFPPAA 7722 •• IIBBCC//IIFFCC//IIRRCC •• QQuuaalliittyy MMaannaaggeemmeenntt SSyysstteemm iiss cceerrttiiffiieedd ttoo:: IISSOO 99000011::22000088 S1209 SERIES 551-0001-02Important Notice: These materials have been prepared by Gentex Corporation ("Gentex") for informational purposes only, are necessarily summary, and are not purported to serve as legal advice and should not be used as such. Gentex makes no representations and warranties, express or implied, that these materials are complete and accurate, up-to-date, or in compliance with all relevant local, state and federal laws, regulations and rules. The materials do not address all legal considerations as there is inevitable uncertainty regarding interpretation of laws, regulations and rules and the application of such laws, regulations and rules to particular fact patterns. Each person's activities can differently affect the obligations that exist under applicable laws, regulations or rules. Therefore, these materials should be used only for informational purposes and should not be used as a substitute for seeking professional legal advice. Gentex will not be responsible for any action or failure to act in reliance upon the information contained in this material. 24 units per carton 24 pounds per carton VAC ELECTRICAL BOXQUICK DISCONNECT TYPE PLUG HOT / BLACK NEUTRAL / WHITE TANDEM WIREBRN / YELELECTRICAL BOXELECTRICAL BOXTANDEM WIRE BRN / YEL (LEGACY) Wiring Diagrams LIMITATIONS: Maximum of 12 S1209 smoke alarms may be connected together. Do not exceed 125 feet (38.1 m) between each alarm. Do not exceed 1125 feet (342.9 m )between the first and last alarm. NNOOTTICCEE::Gentex ssmoke aalarms CCAN NNOT be iinterconnected tto aalarms ffrom oother manufacturers. A MAXIMUM OF 12 ALARMS WITH A RELAY (S1209F) MAY BE TANDEM INTERCONNECTED. The S1209 may be tandem interconnected with other Gentex tandem capable smoke alarms, CO alarms or smoke/CO alarms. To interconnect with Gentex 9000 Series, 7000 Series, 710CS Series, 7109CS Series, GN-200 Series & GN-300 Series the LEGACY TANDEM WIRE must be used. Refer to installation manual for detailed information. 120 VOLTS 60Hz TO AADDITIONAL SMOKE AALARMS, CO AALARMS OOR SMOKE/CO AALARMS CAUTION:RED/YELLOW & BROWN/YELLOW wire to be capped when not in use. This wire is for tandem connection only. Do not connect to any other circuit. BLK WHT RED/YEL BRN/YEL VIO VIO/BLK BLU ORN YEL GRAY GRAY PLUG SMOKE ALARM HOT NEUT RED/YEL BRN/YEL POWER TANDEM - LEGACY TANDEM - NEW FORM A ALARM CONTACTS FORM C ALARM CONTACTS SUPERVISION WIRES Tandem Wiring Diagram Relay Model Wiring Diagram Architect & Engineering Specifications The photoelectric smoke alarm shall be a Gentex Model S1209/S1209F or approved equal which shall provide at least the following features and functions: 1. Nominal smoke sensitivity shall be 2.5%. 2. The smoke alarm portion of device shall utilize an infrared LED sensing circuit which pulses in 4 to 5 second intervals when subjected to smoke. After 2 consecutive pulses in smoke, the alarm will activate. 3. The S1209 Series alarm shall have a Duracell ®MN 1604 9VDC alkaline battery as a back-up in the event building power is lost. 4. The 9VDC battery impedance shall be verified by the circuit of the smoke alarm. 5. The alarm shall provide an indicator when the battery is low in power, high impedance or is missing. 6. A solid state piezo alarm meets or exceeds the rating of 85dBA at 10ft. 7. A visual LED monitor (condition indicator) will slow pulse in normal operation and rapid pulse in alarm (red color) 8. An easily accessible test button shall be provided. Push down on button for 5 seconds causing smoke alarm to activate. If device does not go into alarm, the device is not working properly. 9. The device shall have tandem interconnect capability of up to 12 smoke alarms. 10. The alarm shall have the capability to tandem interconnect with all Gentex tandem capable smoke alarms, CO alarms or combination smoke/CO alarms,including 7000/7003 Series, 9000/9003 Series, 710CS/713CS Series, 7109CS/7139CS Series, GN-200/GN-300 Series, CO1209 Series and GN-503 Series 11. The manufacturer shall provide models with the optional feature of auxiliary Form A/Form C relay contacts for initiating remote functions and annunciation 12. Unit must be ANSI/UL 217 listed for both wall and ceiling mounting. 13. Unit shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratories and California State Fire Marshal (CSFM). All equipment shall be completely factory assembled, wired and tested, and the contractor shall be prepared to submit a certified letter testifying to this condition. Alarms which do not meet all of the requirements of this specification will not be considered. For complete product specifications, refer to product installation manual. NOTES: •Utilizing DUALINK®, if S1209 alarm annunciates, all smoke alarms, CO alarms or combination smoke/CO alarms tandem interconnected will sound smoke alarm warning. •Utilizing DUALINK®,if S1209 is tandem interconnected with CO alarms or combination smoke/CO alarms and CO devices go into alarm, CO alarms and smoke alarm will sound CO warning. •When both smoke and CO conditions are present, smoke condition will have priority and alarm will sound smoke annunciation. SMOKE ALARM (LEGACY) SMOKE ALARM SMOKE ALARM GN-503 SERIES Standard Product Features • GN-503 available in 120VAC with 9VDC battery back-up • Horn frequency 3100 Hz (nominal) • Meets sensitivity requirements of ANSI/UL 2034 • F Model: One (1) set of Form A/Form C contacts that activate for smoke and/or CO events ••FFFF MMooddeell:: TTwwoo ((22)) sseettss ooff FFoorrmm AA//FFoorrmm CC ccoonnttaaccttss tthhaatt aaccttiivvaattee iinnddeeppeennddeennttllyy ffoorr ssmmookkee aanndd CCOO eevveennttss • Relay contacts operate on battery back-up • Push button self test feature • Push button functional test feature • Quick-disconnect wiring harness • Non-latching (self restoring) alarm • Fully insect protected • Red LED pulses every 30 seconds, green LED for AC power on • Mounting hardware adapts to standard junction boxes, including but not limited to 4x4x2-1/8 octagon • Dust cover to prevent contamination during installation • Low or missing battery indicator • 1 year warranty from date of purchase • 5 year limited warranty on CO sensor Additional Smoke Alarm Features • Photoelectric smoke sensing technology • Temporal 3 evacuation sounding pattern for smoke annunciation • Nominal 2.5% sensitivity (smoke) • Solid state red LED to indicate smoke presence Additional CO Alarm Features • Electrochemical sensor • Temporal 4 sounding pattern for CO annunciation • End of life signal indicates CO sensor has reached depletion state and unit must be replaced •• AANNSSII//UULL 221177 aanndd AANNSSII//UULL 22003344 LLiisstteedd •• CCSSFFMM ## 55227766--00556699::114444 Combination Photoelectric Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm 120VAC/9VDC Single/Multiple Station Smoke and CO Alarm Product Listings Applications The GN-503 (120VAC/9VDC) Series of combination photoelectric smoke and electrochemical sensor carbon monoxide alarms are for use as evacuation devices in all dwelling units, including but not limited to homes, apartments, hospitals, hotels, motels and other commercial occupancies. The GN-503 Series is listed in compliance with ANSI/UL 217, ANSI/UL 2034, for installation per NFPA 720 and NFPA 72. Available in three models, the GN-503 Series is engineered to virtually eliminate nuisance alarms and deliver outstanding performance wherever reliable smoke and CO protection is required. The GN-503F features one (1) set of Form A/Form C contacts that activate for smoke and/or CO events. THE GGN-503FF FFEATURREESS TTWWOO ((22) SSETTSS OOFF FFOORRMM AA// FFOORRMM CC CCOONNTTAACCTTSS TTHHAATT AACCTTIIVVAATTEE IINNDDEEPPEENNDDEENNTTLLYY FFOORR SSMMOOKKEE AANNDD CCOO EEVVEENNTTSS.. Both the GN-503F and GN-503FF provide a connection to a protected premises alarm system to provide a supervisory/trouble signal. The GN-503 Series is provided with a 9VDC alkaline battery for electrical back-up in the event building power is lost. The battery impedance is verified and the alarm provides a low or missing battery warning. The battery drawer provides easy replacement without removing the unit from the wall or ceiling. The GN-503 Series is designed with a self test feature that quickly notifies if the alarm is functioning properly or needs attention (signified by a series of chirps) by simply pressing the test button. The functionality tests that the smoke/CO alarm is operating properly (signified by going into alarm). The self and functionality tests are in compliance with NFPA 72, NFPA 720 and ANSI/UL Standards. The GN-503 Series provides a temporal 3 evacuation tone for smoke alarm annunciation and all units provide a temporal 4 tone for CO alarm annunciation. Per NFPA 720, the temporal 3 evacuation tone for smoke alarm will take precedence over the temporal 4 tone for CO alarm. •• NNFFPPAA 7722 aanndd NNFFPPAA 772200 •• IIBBCC//IIFFCC//IIRRCC •• CCiittyy && SSttaattee OOrrddiinnaanncceess//LLaawwss//RReegguullaattiioonnss •• QQuuaalliittyy MMaannaaggeemmeenntt SSyysstteemm iiss cceerrttiiffiieedd ttoo:: IISSOO 99000011::22000088 Product Compliance N E W F E A T U R E S Model Number Voltage 9VDC BBattery Back-Up One ((1) SSet Form AA/ FForm CC Relay CContacts Two ((2) SSets Form AA/ FForm CC Relay CContacts GN-503 120VAC GN-503F 120VAC GN-503FF 120VAC GN-503 AND GN-503F Wiring Diagrams GN-503 Series Combination Smoke/CO Alarm GN-503/GN-503F ADDITIONAL PRODUCT INFORMATION THE GN-503F AND GN-503FF PRODUCT WIRING HARNESS IS NOT INTERCHANGEABLE. THE GN-503F AND GN-503FF MUST USE PROPER WIRING HARNESS. PRODUCT WILL NOT FUNCTION IF INCORRECT HARNESS IS USED. DO NOT connect Gentex alarms to other manufacturers’ alarms. Per NFPA 72, a maximum of 18 compatible smoke, heat, CO and/or combination smoke/CO alarms may be interconnected. No more than 12 of the 18 can be smoke alarms. All units connected in tandem MUST get their power from the same circuit, that is, all smoke alarms in tandem must be controlled by the same fuse or circuit breaker. NOTICE: PER NFPA 72, A MAXIMUM OF 12 SMOKE/CO ALARMS OF GN-503 WITH THE RELAY OPTION (F) MAY BE TANDEM INTERCONNECTED. The GN-503/GN-503F may be tandem interconnected with other Gentex tandem capable smoke alarms, CO alarms or smoke/CO alarms. To interconnect with Gentex 9000 Series, 7000 Series, 710CS Series, 7109CS Series, GN-200 Series & GN-300 Series the LEGACY TANDEM WIRE must be used. Refer to installation manual for detailed information. CCAAUUTTIIOONN::RED/YELLOW & BROWN/YELLOW wire to be capped when not in use. This wire is for tandem connection only. Do not connect to any other circuit. If a GN-503 Series or CO1209 Series unit is annunciating for a CO event, legacy products that are tandem interconnected will not activate and will remain silent. If smoke alarm portion of device goes into alarm, all smoke alarms, CO alarms or combination smoke/CO alarms tandem wired will sound smoke alarm warning. When both smoke and CO conditions are present, smoke condition will have priority and alarm will sound smoke annunciation. PLUG SMOKE/CO ALARM BLK WHT RED / YEL VIO VIO / BLK BLU ORN YEL GRAY GRAY HOT NEUT POWER TANDEM - LEGACY ALARM CONTACTS ACCESSORY ALARM CONTACTS INTERNAL JUMPER BRN / YEL TANDEM ELECTRICAL BOXSMOKE/CO ALARM QUICK DISCONNECT TYPE PLUG HOT / BLACK NEUTRAL / WHITE TANDEM WIRE BRN / YEL SMOKE ALARM SMOKE/CO ALARMELECTRICAL BOXELECTRICAL BOXTANDEM WIRE RED / YEL (LEGACY) (LEGACY) USING THE GENTEX GN-503FF COMBINATION SMOKE AND CARBON MONOXIDE ALARM ALLOWS THE ABILITY TO: • Interface with a FACP Panel • Interface with NAC Circuits GN-503FF ADDITIONAL PRODUCT INFORMATION Use brown/yellow wire to tandem interconnect GN-503FF alarms to additional GN-503 Series, S1209 Series and CO1209 Series. NOTICE: THE GN-503FF IS ONLY CAPABLE OF TANDEM INTERCONNECT WITH GN-503 SERIES, CO1209 SERIES AND S1209 SERIES. THE GN-503F AND GN-503FF PRODUCT WIRING HARNESS IS NOT INTERCHANGEABLE. THE GN-503F AND GN-503FF MUST USE PROPER WIRING HARNESS. PRODUCT WILL NOT FUNCTION IF INCORRECT HARNESS IS USED. DO NOT connect Gentex alarms to other manufacturers’ alarms. Per NFPA 72, a maximum of 18 compatible smoke, heat, CO and/or combination smoke/CO alarms may be interconnected. No more than 12 of the 18 can be smoke alarms. All units connected in tandem MUST get their power from the same circuit, that is, all smoke alarms in tandem must be controlled by the same fuse or circuit breaker. NOTICE: PER NFPA 72, A MAXIMUM OF 12 SMOKE/CO ALARMS OF GN-503 WITH THE RELAY OPTION (FF) MAY BE TANDEM INTERCONNECTED. CCAAUUTTIIOONN::BROWN/YELLOW wire to be capped when not in use. This wire is for tandem connection only. Do not connect to any other circuit. If smoke alarm portion of device goes into alarm, all smoke alarms, CO alarms or combination smoke/CO alarms tandem wired will sound smoke alarm warning. When both smoke and CO conditions are present, smoke condition will have priority and alarm will sound smoke annunciation. GN-503FF Wiring Diagrams PLUG SMOKE/CO ALARM BLK WHT VIO VIO ORN YEL HOT NEUT POWER SMOKE ALARM CONTACTS (FORM A CONTACT) BRN / YEL TANDEM SMOKE FORM C COMMON SMOKE NORMALLY CLOSED CO ALARM CONTACTS (FORM A CONTACT) PINK PINK BLU GRAY VIO / YEL FORM C ALARM CONTACTS SMOKE & CO NORMALLY OPEN CO FORM C COMMON CO NORMALLY CLOSED ELECTRICAL BOXSMOKE/CO ALARM QUICK DISCONNECT TYPE PLUG HOT / BLACK NEUTRAL / WHITE TANDEM WIRE BRN / YEL SMOKE/CO ALARMELECTRICAL BOXELECTRICAL BOXSMOKE/CO ALARM GN-503 SERIES 551-0073-04Important Notice: These materials have been prepared by Gentex Corporation ("Gentex") for informational purposes only, are necessarily summary, and are not purported to serve as legal advice and should not be used as such. Gentex makes no representations and warranties, express or implied, that these materials are complete and accurate, up-to-date, or in compliance with all relevant local, state and federal laws, regu- lations and rules. The materials do not address all legal considerations as there is inevitable uncertainty regarding interpretation of laws, regulations and rules and the application of such laws, regulations and rules to particular fact patterns. Each person's activities can differently affect the obligations that exist under applicable laws, regulations or rules. Therefore, these materials should be used only for informational purposes and should not be used as a substitute for seeking professional legal advice. Gentex will not be responsible for any action or failure to act in reliance upon the information contained in this material. AArchitect && EEngineering SSpecifications The combination photoelectric smoke and carbon monoxide alarm shall be a Gentex Model GN-503/GN-503F/GN-503FF or approved equal which shall provide at least the following features and functions: 1. Nominal smoke sensitivity shall be 2.5%. 2. The smoke alarm portion of device shall utilize an infrared LED sensing circuit which pulses in 4 to 5 second intervals when subjected to smoke. After 2 consecutive pulses in smoke, the alarm shall activate. 3. The CO alarm shall utilize an electrochemical sensing element with a minimum 5-year life. 4. The carbon monoxide alarm portion of device is adjusted not to detect CO levels below 30 PPM and will not alarm when exposed to constant levels of 30 PPM for 30 days. Per ANSI/UL 2034 requirements, the device will alarm at the following levels: 70 PPM CO between 1 to 4 hours, but not less than 1 hour. 150 PPM CO between 10 to 50 minutes. 400 PPM between 4 to 15 minutes. 5. The GN-503 Series device shall have a Duracelll®MN 1604 9VDC alkaline battery as a back-up in the event building power is lost. 6. The 9VDC battery impedance shall be verified by the circuit of the smoke/CO alarm. 7. The alarm shall provide an indicator when the battery is low in power, high impedance or is missing. 8. The CO alarm will provide an audible indicator of 3 quick chirps every 30 seconds at end of life of CO sensor. 9. The sensing chamber shall be fully protected to prevent entrance of small insects, thus reducing the probability of false alarms. 10. The alarm shall include a solid state red color LED that will indicate presence of CO at the unit. 11. The alarm shall include a solid state piezo alarm rated at 85dBA at 10ft. 12. A visual LED monitor (condition indicator) shall slow pulse in normal operation and rapid pulse in alarm (red color) 13. An easily accessible test button shall be provided. Push down on button for 5 seconds causing smoke/CO alarm to activate. If device does not go into alarm, the device is not working properly. 14. The device shall have tandem interconnect capability of up to 12 smoke/CO alarms. 15. The GN-503 and GN-503F alarm shall have the capability to tandem interconnect with all Gentex tandem capable smoke alarms, CO alarms or combination smoke/CO alarms, including 7000/7003 Series, 9000/9003 Series, 710CS/713CS Series, 7109CS/7139CS Series, GN-200/GN-300 Series, S1209 Series and CO1209 Series. 15. The GN-503FF alarm shall have the capability to tandem interconnect with the following Gentex alarms, CO alarms or combination smoke/CO alarms: GN-503 Series, S1209 Series and CO1209 Series. 16. The manufacturer shall provide models with the optional feature of auxiliary Form A/Form C relay contacts for initiating remote functions and annunciation and a relay option that is capable of activation by tandem interconnect wire. 17. The combination smoke/CO alarm shall be non-latching (self-restoring). 18. Unit must be ANSI/UL 217 and ANSI/UL 2034 listed for both wall and ceiling mounting. 19. Unit shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratories and California State Fire Marshal (CSFM). All equipment shall be completely factory assembled, wired and tested, and the contractor shall be prepared to submit a certified letter testifying to this condition. Alarms which do not meet all of the requirements of this specification will not be considered. For complete product specifications, refer to product installation manual. 24 units per carton 24 pounds per carton Electrical Specifications Operating Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120VAC, 60Hz Operating Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .045 amps Operating Current (Relay Options) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .070 amps Operating Ambient Temp Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40°F to 100°F (4.4°C-38°C) Alarm Horn Rating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85dBA at 10 feet (3.048 m) Auxiliary Relay (GN-503F) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Form A & 1 Form C (0.5 amp) Auxiliary Relay (GN-503FF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Form A & 2 Form C (0.3 amp) Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diameter at base: 5.75 in. (14.605 cm) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Overall diameter 6.25 in. (16.51 cm) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Depth: 1.8 in. (4.572 cm) Secondary Power Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alkaline 9VDC battery (Duracell ®MN 1604) CO Sensing Cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electrochemical Cell Features For use as Class B end-of-line resistor: xConnect these resistor harnesses where end-of-line resistors are required at remote locations to monitor wiring continuity xRefer to specific circuit specifications for end-of-line resistor requirements UL Listed to Standard 864 Product Selection Model Reference Number Description** 4081-9001 733-892 2.2 k:, 1/2 W 4081-9002 733-893 3.3 k:, 1 W 4081-9003 733-896 4.7 k:, 1/2 W 4081-9004 733-886 6.8 k:, 1/2 W 4081-9005 733-984 1.8 k:, 1/2 W 4081-9006 733-890 560 :, 1 W 4081-9007 733-891 1.2 k:, 1 W 4081-9008 733-894 10 k:, 1/2 W 4081-9009 733-912 20 :, 1 W 4081-9010 733-973 1 k:, 1 W 4081-9011 733-974 100 :, 1/2 W 4081-9012 733-985 22 k:, 1/2 W 4081-9013 734-086 4.99 k:, 1/2 W, ± 1% 4081-9014 734-092 2.4 k:, 1/2 W 4081-9015 734-093 1.5 k:, 1/2 W 4081-9016 734-149 150 k:, 1/2 W 4081-9017 734-171 3.9 k:, 1 W 4081-9018 734-168 10 k:, 1 W ** ± 5% tolerance except as noted. * This product was not approved by ULC, FM, MEA (NYC), or CSFM as of document revision date. Additional listings may be applicable, contact your local Simplex® product supplier for the latest status. Listings and approvals under Simplex Time Recorder Co. are the property of Tyco Safety Products Westminster. ~ 9-1/2" (241 mm) Typical 4081 Series Resistor Harness Assembly (full size except for lead length) Specifications Overall Length Approximately 9-1/2” (241 mm) Wire Length 7” (178 mm) ± 1” (25 mm) Wire Size 18 AWG (0.82 mm2) Insulation 600 V, black Leads Stripped 0.5” (13 mm); tinned Resistor Attachment Resistor leads are crimped to wires and covered with heat shrink tubing System Accessories UL Listed* 4081 Series End-of-Line Resistor Harnesses S4081-0003 7/2004 Tyco, Simplex, and the Simplex logo are trademarks of Tyco International Services AG or its affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. Tyco Safety Products Westminster • Westminster, MA • 01441-0001 • USA S4081-0003 7/2004 www.tycosafetyproducts-usa-wm.com © 2004 Tyco Safety Products Westminster. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision date and are subject to change without notice. INSERT 4 Notification Appliances THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK Features Individually addressed and controlled multi-candela TrueAlert ES V/O (visible only) notification appliances provide: x Multi-candela xenon strobe with synchronized 1 Hz flash rate and with intensity programmable from the control panel or jumper selected as 15, 30, 75, 110, 135, or 185 cd x Advanced addressable notification controlled by IDNAC SLCs providing regulated 29 VDC allowing strobes to operate with lower current even under battery backup x Wiring supervision to each appliance allowing “T-tapped” connections for Class B circuits to simplify wiring (Class A circuits require in/out wiring) x Self-Test Mode allows an on-board sensor to detect the strobe output and then report its status to the control panel x TrueAlert Device Reports at the control panel detailing appliance point ID, custom label, type, and candela setting (see sample on page 3) x Magnet Test diagnostics to assist checkout and testing of appliances and wiring and Electrical test point access without removing cover x Compatibility with ADA requirements; (refer to important installation information on page 3) x Compatibility with legacy TrueAlert addressable systems for upgrade and replacement (see page 4) x Listed to UL Standard 1971 and ULC Standard S526 LED Indicator and Magnet Test feature: x Appliance LED can be selected to display each polling cycle to indicate appliance supervision x When the controller is in diagnostic mode, the Magnet Test pulses the LED to indicate appliance address and can be set to also briefly flash the strobe Mechanical design features include: x Rugged, high impact, flame retardant thermoplastic housing in red with white letters or white with red letters, with clear lens, available with FIRE, ALERT, FEU, FEU/FIRE, or blank lettering x Separate covers are available to change appliance type on-site or for replacement; covers can be easily removed without disturbing the connected housing and avoiding trouble conditions x A separate mounting plate allows wiring to be completed before appliance is mounted; use with single gang, double gang, or 4-inch square box, flush or surface mount x In/out wiring terminals for 18 AWG to 12 AWG x Optional mounting adapters are available to cover surface mounted electrical boxes and to adapt to Simplex 2975-9145 boxes x Optional red wire guards (see page 2 for details) * These products have been approved by the California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) pursuant to Section 13144.1 of the California Health and Safety Code. See CSFM Listing 7125-0026:0373 for allowable values and/or conditions concerning material presented in this document. Additional listings may be applicable; contact your local Simplex product supplier for the latest status. Listings and approvals under Simplex Time Recorder Co. are the property of Tyco Fire Protection Products. TrueAlert ES Addressable Strobes are Available in Red with White Lettering and White with Red Lettering Description TrueAlert ES addressable strobes are individually addressed visible notification appliances that receive power, supervision, and control signals from a Simplex fire alarm control panel providing IDNAC Signaling Line Circuits (SLCs). (See compatibility list on page 4.) Strobe Application Reference Proper selection of visible notification is dependent on occupancy, location, local codes, and proper applications of: the National Fire Alarm Code (NFPA 72), ANSI A117.1; the appropriate model building code: BOCA, ICBO, or SBCCI; and the application guidelines of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). TrueAlert ES Operation Advantage TrueAlert ES addressable appliances on IDNAC SLCs provide separate visible (and audible) notification using a single two-wire circuit that also confirms connection to the individual notification appliance’s electronic circuit. This operation increases circuit supervision integrity by providing supervision that extends beyond the appliance wiring connections. Reduced current allows efficient IDNAC SLC operation. With IDNAC SLCs, a constant 29 VDC source voltage is maintained, even during battery standby, allowing strobes to operate at higher voltage with lower current and ensuring a consistent current draw and voltage drop margin under both primary power and secondary battery standby. Efficiencies include wiring distances up to 2 to 3 times farther than with conventional notification, or support for more appliances per IDNAC SLC, or use of smaller gauge wiring, or combinations of these benefits, all providing installation and maintenance savings with high assurance that appliances that operate during normal system testing will operate during worst case alarm conditions. TrueAlert Addressable Notification Appliances UL, ULC, CSFM Listed; Visible Notification Appliances, Wall Mount FM Approved* Multi-Candela Strobes, Model Series 49VO S49VO-0001-4 2/2015 TrueAlert ES Operation Advantage (Cont’d) Reducing Installation and Testing Time. With separate controls on the same two-wire SLC, installation time and expense for both retrofit and new construction can be significantly reduced. When Class B wiring is used, wiring can be “T” tapped, allowing more savings in distance, wire, conduit (size and utilization), and overall installation efficiency. Use of Self-Test and Magnet Test features improves installation efficiency. TrueAlert device reports conveniently identify information about each connected appliance. TrueAlert ES Diagnostics Test Features. When IDNAC SLCs are in diagnostic mode, Self-Test and Magnet Test features provide individual appliance testing. With the Self-Test feature, appliance operation can be confirmed without leaving the control panel. Additionally, each appliance’s LED can be selected to pulse when it receives a supervision poll during normal operation. Self-Test Details. Selecting Self-Test Mode from the control panel allows on-board sensors, depending on the device type, to detect its own strobe and/or horn output and then report their status to the control panel. TrueAlert ES Diagnostics (Continued) Self-Test Details (Continued). Operation is by selected VNAC appliance groups and is either automatic (all briefly simultaneously activated) or individually activated by applying a magnet. (Refer to control panel data sheet for more Self-Test information, see list on page 4.) Silent Appliance Magnet Test. In this test mode, in response to application of a magnet, the appliance LED pulses sequentially to conveniently indicate the appliance’s address. Operational Appliance Magnet Test. In this test mode, after the address is indicated by pulsing the appliance LED, the strobe will briefly flash to indicate proper operation. TrueStart Instrument Two (TSIT). The 2nd generation of the Simplex TrueStart Test Instrument adds testing of IDNAC SLC wiring and TrueAlert ES appliances to its ability to test IDCs, NACs, and IDNet communications before connection to the control panel. Please contact your local Simplex representative for additional information. TrueAlert Addressable Wiring Isolator Isolator Model 4905-9929 is available for remote mounting on TrueAlert addressable circuits to isolate short circuited wiring from functioning wiring. (See data sheet S4905-0001.) TrueAlert ES Wall Mount Addressable Strobes TrueAlert ES addressable VO (strobe) appliances include cover and matching mounting plate except as noted; Dimensions with Cover = 5 ǩ” H x 5” W x 2 ǫ” D (130 mm x 127 mm x 67 mm) Model* Cover Color Wording Lens Color Model* Cover Color Wording Lens Color 49VO-WRF(-BA) Red FIRE Clear 49VO-WRQ Red FEU Clear 49VO-WWF(-BA) White 49VO-WWQ White 49VO-WRA(-BA) Red ALERT 49VO-WRS(-BA) Red Blank 49VO-WWA(-BA) White 49VO-WWS(-BA) White 49VO-APPLW Select cover and mounting plate separately Separate Mounting Plate Model Color Note 49MP-AVVOWR Red Mounting Plate is required when ordering model 49VO-APPLW 49MP-AVVOWW White Separate Covers (Required when ordering model 49VO-APPLW) Model* Color Wording Model* Color Wording 49VOC-WRFIRE Red FIRE 49VOC-WRFEU Red FEU 49VOC-WWFIRE White 49VOC-WWFEU White 49VOC-WRALT Red ALERT 49VOC-WRBLNG Red FEU/FIRE 49VOC-WWALT White 49VOC-WWBLNG White 49VOC-WRS Red Blank 49VOC-WWS White Blank * Note: (-BA) indicates model is available either with or without the -BA suffix. Model numbers ending in -BA, APPLW models, and separate mounting plates are assembled in the USA. Mounting Adapters and Wire Guard Model Color Description Dimensions 4905-9937 Red Surface Mount Adapter Skirt 5 Ǫ” H x 5 ¼” W x 1 ǫ” D (136 mm x 133 mm x 41 mm) Total depth with strobe = 4 Ǫ” (111 mm) 4905-9940 White 4905-9931 Red Adapter Plate for mounting to Simplex 2975-9145 Box (typically for retrofit, mount vertical or horizontal) 8 5»16” x 5 ¾” x 0.060” Thick (211 mm x 146 mm x 1.5 mm) 2975-9145 Red Mounting Box, requires 4905-9931 Adapter Plate 7 Ǭ" x 5 ǩ" x 2 ¾" D (200 mm x 130 mm x 70 mm) 4905-9961 Red wire guard with mounting plate, compatible with semi- flush or surface mount boxes 6 1»16” H x 6 1»16” W x 3 ǩ” D (154 mm x 154 mm x 79 mm) 2 S49VO-0001-4 2/2015 Product Selection 3 S49VO-0001-4 2/2015 Removable cover (when installed, use flat bladed screwdriver to release latch on left side) Mounting is compatible with single gang, double gang, and 4" (102 mm) square boxes, 1-1/2" (38 mm) deep, supplied separately Mounting Holes: Single gang (2) Double gang (4) 4" square (4)Magnetic test location (bottom of housing) LED indicator location Transparent housing assembly Mounting plate Electrical test point access holes (on bottom) Wiring access hole Wiring terminals and connection clips Strobe intensity viewing slot on side of appliance (not to scale) Intensity selection plug, accessible from rear of housing; factory setting is FACP, controlled by panel 110753015FACP135185 Address setting DIP switch, accessible from rear of housing NFPA 72 requires that the entire lens be not less than 80" and not greater than 96" above the finished floor (confirm with your local codes) Electrical box outline 80" (2.03 m) minimum IMPORTANT!WALL MOUNT INSTALLATION HEIGHTREFERENCE Bottom of lens is either even with, or slightly above bottom of compatible boxes TrueAlert ES Addressable Strobe 2975-9145 Box 4905-9931 Adapter Plate 4905-9931 Adapter Plate 4905-9961 Optional Wire Guard (shown here for reference only, can be used on other mounting options) Optional 4905-9961 Wire Guard 4" square box profile, 1-1/2" (38 mm) deep (Surface mount conduit and box shown for reference) Optional surface mount adapter skirt, 1-1/2" deep: 4905-9937, Red; 4905-9940, White (conduit knockouts are provided on all four sides) TrueAlert ES Addressable Strobe Surface Mount Side View Reference 2975-9145 Box Mounting Reference Service Port Page 1 REPORT 5 : TrueAlert Device Report 12:34:56am TUE 27-Jan-15 POINT ID CUSTOM LABEL DEVICE TYPE CANDELA T14-1-1 Location Label . . . up to 40 characters V/O 15 T14-1-2 Break Room 5 A/V 110 T14-1-3 Boiler Room A/V 75 T14-1-4 Elec. Room 7 A/V 135 Adapter Plate and Surface Mount Installation Reference Installation Reference TrueAlert Device Reports Reference Electrical Ratings Typical Operating Voltage Range 23 VDC to 31 VDC, Special Application (see below for 17 VDC rating) Supervisory Requirements 1 unit load (= 0.8 mA control panel current) IDNAC SLC Loading Maximum of 63 addresses per SLC, 75 unit loads Candela Setting 15 cd 30 cd 75 cd 110 cd 135 cd 185 cd 23 VDC RMS Current Ratings, for typical design of IDNAC Addressable SLCs (6 VDC drop) 47 mA 57 mA 100 mA 132 mA 160 mA 208 mA General Specifications Temperature Range 32q to 122q F (0q to 50q C) Humidity Range 10% to 93%, non-condensing @ 104° F (40° C) IDNAC SLC Wiring Specifications (refer to control panel installation instructions for more information) UTP, unshielded twisted pair recommended Maximum wire length allowed with “T-Taps” for Class B wiring per SLC = 10,000 ft (3048 m) Maximum wire length to any appliance = 4000 ft (1219 m) Connections Terminal blocks on mounting plate for 18 AWG to 12 AWG (0.82 mm2 to 3.31 mm2); two wires per terminal for in/out wiring Installation Instructions 579-1031 Notes: Refer to compatibility table above for fire alarm control panel and power supply operation type. TYCO, SIMPLEX, and the product names listed in this material are marks and/or registered marks. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. NFPA 72 and National Fire Alarm Code are trademarks of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Tyco Fire Protection Products • Westminster, MA • 01441-0001 • USA S49VO-0001-4 2/2015 www.simplex-fire.com © 2015 Tyco Fire Protection Products. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision date and are subject to change without notice. Compatible Controller Data Sheet Reference Controller Output Available Strobe Intensity Appliance Voltage Minimum 4100ES or 4100U with TrueAlert Power Supply S4100-0031 TrueAlert Addressable SLC 15, 30, 75, and 110 cd 17 VDC 4009 TPS, Remote TrueAlert Power Supply S4100-0037 TrueAlert Addressable Controller (4009T) S4009-0003 Electrical Ratings Reference for Retrofit Applications Voltage Range 17 VDC to 31 VDC, Special Application Candela Setting 15 cd 30 cd 75 cd 110 cd 17 VDC RMS Current Ratings, use when connected to TrueAlert Addressable SLCs per above 62 mA 75 mA 133 mA 178 mA Compatible Controllers Data Sheet Reference Controller Output IDNAC SLC Output Voltage Appliance Voltage Design Reference 4100ES with EPS+ or EPS Power Supply S4100-0100 IDNAC SLC 29 VDC (regulated) 23 VDC (with 6 VDC drop) 4009 IDNAC Repeater S4009-0004 4007ES with IDNAC Notification S4007-0002 4010ES with ESS Enhanced System Supply S4010-0011 TrueAlert ES Strobe Specifications TrueAlert ES Strobe LEGACY Compatibility Reference IDNAC SLC Controller Compatibility Reference Wall mount Addressable Speaker (S/O) Notification Appliances are individually powered, addressed, and controlled from a Simplex fire alarm control panel IDNAC Signaling Line Circuit (SLC). S/O notification appliances use a multi-tapped speaker for audio/tone notification. Speakers are wired separately allowing for convenient installation to standard electrical boxes with extensions Wiring supervision is electronically monitored and allows audio wiring to be T-tapped for class B wiring, reducing wiring costs and wiring distances. Wall mount S/O appliances are available in a 400 - 4000 Hz model and high fidelity model capable of operating between 200 – 10000 Hz. Separate appliance and cover selection greatly simplifies the ordering and installation process. For more detailed information, please consult datasheet S49SWC-0001. Wall Mount Addressable Speaker Notification Appliance * Additional listings may be applicable. Listings and approvals under Simplex Time Recorder Co. are the property of Tyco Fire Protection Products. TrueAlert Addressable Notification Appliances UL, ULC Listed* Wall Mount Addressable Speaker (S/O) Notification Appliances S49SOW-0001-1 11/2015 Wall Mount Addressable Speaker S/O Appliances TrueAlert ES Addressable S/O appliance dimensions with cover: 5 ½” H x 5” W x 1 ½” D (139 mm x 128 mm x 38 mm) Model* Description 49SO-APPLW(-BA) S/O Appliance only. Select cover and mounting plate separately High Fidelity Appliances Model* Description 49HF-APPLW(-BA) High fidelity S/O appliance only. Select cover and mounting plate separately. S/O Covers (Required when ordering APPLW models) Model Color Wording Model Color Wording 49SOC-WRBLANK Red No Lettering 49SOC-WWBA White ϕϳέѧѧѧѧΣ/FIRE 49SOC-WWBLANK White 49SOC-WWBC ⅆ㆙/FIRE ALARM 49SOC-WRBA Red ϕϳέѧѧѧѧΣ/FIRE 49SOC-WWBF FEU/FIRE 49SOC-WRBC ⅆ㆙/FIRE ALARM 49SOC-WWFEU FEU 49SOC-WRBF FEU/FIRE 49SOC-WWFIRE FIRE 49SOC-WRFEU FEU 49SOC-WWS Simplex logo only 49SOC-WRFIRE FIRE 49SOC-WRS Red 49SOC-WRALT ALERT 49SOC-WWALT White ALERT S/O Wall Mount Plate Model Description 49MP-SOWR Mounting back plate in red 49MP-SOWW Mounting back plate in white * Note: (-BA) indicates model is available either with or without the -BA suffix. Model numbers ending in –BA are assembled in the USA Compatible Controllers Data Sheet Reference Controller Output IDNAC SLC Output Voltage Appliance Voltage Design Reference 4100ES with EPS+ or EPS Power Supply S4100-0100 IDNAC SLC 29 VDC (regulated) 23 VDC (with 6 VDC drop) 4009 IDNAC Repeater S4009-0004 4100ES Flex 35, 50, and 100 Amplifiers S4100-00344100ES Constant Supervision and Signal Cards Wall Mount Addressable Speaker Product Selection IDNAC SLC Controller Compatibility Reference Appliance Specifications (see page 1 for appliance dimensions) Environmental 32° to 120° F (0° to 49° C); 10% to 93%, non-condensing at 104° F (40° C) Connections Terminal blocks for 18 AWG to 12 AWG (0.82 mm2 to 3.31 mm2); two wires per terminal for in/out wiring. Use Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) for IDNAC and audio wiring. IDNAC SLC Loading Maximum of 127 addresses per SLC, 139 unit loads. See device and compatible Fire Panel Installation Instructions for circuit current load limits. Installation Instructions 579-1190 (Wall Mount Appliance), 579-1193 (Wall Mount Backplate) Speaker General Specifications Input Voltage 25 or 70.7 Vrms Power Taps ¼, ½, 1, and 2 W Frequency Response 400 to 4000 Hz (S/O), 200 to 10000 Hz (H/F) General Signaling = 125 to 12 kHz Speaker Output Ratings 25 or 70.7 Vrms @ 10 ft (3 m) Wattage Tap ¼ W ½ W 1 W 2 W Model S/O H/F S/O H/F S/O H/F S/O H/F Reverberant Chamber Test, per UL 1480 (dBA) 79 76 83 80 87* 83 90* 86* Anechoic Chamber Test, per ULC-S541 (dBA) 80 76 84 79 88* 82 91* 85* * Select taps as indicated to satisfy the ULC fire alarm applications requirement of 85 dBA minimum Polar Dispersion Reference (per ULC-S541 Anechoic Chamber Testing) Attenuation Angle Attenuation Angle -3 dB 70° -6 dB 80° Speaker Operating Specifications Typical Operating Voltage Range 23 VDC to 30 VDC, Special Application Current Consumption @ 23 VDC on IDNAC Addressable SLC 9mA Supervisory Requirements 1 unit load (= 0.8 mA control panel current) Note: Speakers are for connection to compatible fire alarm audio circuits. Anechoic speaker output ratings are typically more representative of actual installed sound output. TYCO, SIMPLEX, and the product names listed in this material are marks and/or registered marks. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. NFPA 72 and National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code are registered trademarks of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Tyco Fire Protection Products • Westminster, MA • 01441-0001 • USA S49SOW-0001-1 11/2015 www.simplex-fire.com © 2015 Tyco Fire Protection Products. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision date and are subject to change without notice. Wall Mount Speaker Specifications Wall Mount S/O Installation Reference Wall mount Addressable Speaker Visible (S/V) Notification Appliances are individually powered, addressed, and controlled from a Simplex fire alarm control panel IDNAC Signaling Line Circuit (SLC). S/V notification appliances use a multi-tapped speaker for audio/tone notification and a multi-candela strobe with synchronized 1 Hz flash rate and selectable candela rating. Wiring supervision is electronically monitored and allows audio wiring to be T-tapped for class B wiring, reducing wiring costs and wiring distances. Wall mount S/V appliances are available in a 400-4000 Hz model and high fidelity (H/F) model capable of operating between 200-10000 Hz. Separate appliance and cover selection greatly simplifies the ordering and installation process. A colored lens kit is available to customize the light output. For more detailed information, please consult datasheet S49SWC-0001. Wall Mount Addressable Speaker/Visible Notification Appliance * Additional listings may be applicable; contact your local Simplex product supplier for the latest status. Listings and approvals under Simplex Time Recorder Co. are the property of Tyco Fire Protection Products. TrueAlert Addressable Notification Appliances UL, ULC Listed* Wall Mount Addressable Speaker Visible (S/V) Notification Appliances S49SVW-0001-1 11/2015 TrueAlert ES Wall Mount Addressable Speaker S/V Appliances TrueAlert ES Addressable S/V appliances dimensions with cover: 7 Ǫ” H x 5” W x 1 ¾” D (139 mm x 128 mm x 42 mm) Model* Description 49SV-APPLW(-BA) Appliance only. Select cover and mounting plate separately. High Fidelity H/F Appliances Model* Description 49HFV-APPLW(-BA) Appliance only. Select cover and mounting plate separately. S/V Covers (Required when ordering APPLW models) Model Color Wording Model Color Wording 49SVC-WRALT Red ALERT 49SVC-WWALT White ALERT 49SVC-WRBA ϕϳέѧѧѧѧΣ/FIRE 49SVC-WWBA ϕϳέѧѧѧѧΣ/FIRE 49SVC-WRBC ⅆ㆙/FIRE ALARM 49SVC-WWBC ⅆ㆙/FIRE ALARM 49SVC-WRBF FEU/FIRE 49SVC-WWBF FEU/FIRE 49SVC-WRFEU FEU 49SVC-WWFEU FEU 49SVC-WRFIRE FIRE 49SVC-WWFIRE FIRE 49SVC-WRS Simplex logo only 49SVC-WWS Simplex logo only S/V Wall Lens Lens Color Lens Color 49SV-LENS-AMBER Amber 49SV-LENS-GREEN Green 49SV-LENS-BLUE Blue 49SV-LENS-RED Red S/V Wall Mount Back Plate Model Description 49MP-SVWR Mounting back plate in red 49MP-SVWW Mounting back plate in white * Note: (-BA) indicates model is available either with or without the -BA suffix. Model numbers ending in –BA are assembled in the USA Compatible Controllers Data Sheet Reference Controller Output IDNAC SLC Output Voltage Appliance Voltage Design Reference 4100ES with EPS+ or EPS Power Supply S4100-0100 IDNAC SLC 29 VDC (regulated) 23 VDC (with 6 VDC drop) 4009 IDNAC Repeater S4009-0004 4100ES Flex 35, 50, and 100 Amplifiers S4100-0034 4100ES Constant Supervision and Signal Cards Product Selection IDNAC SLC Controller Compatibility Reference Appliance Specifications (see page 1 for appliance dimensions) Environmental 32° to 120° F (0° to 49° C); 10% to 93%, non-condensing at 104° F (40° C) Connections Terminal blocks for 18 AWG to 12 AWG (0.82 mm2 to 3.31 mm2); two wires per terminal for in/out wiring. Use Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) for IDNAC and audio wiring. IDNAC SLC Loading Maximum of 127 addresses per SLC, 139 unit loads. See device and compatible Fire Panel Installation Instructions for circuit current load limits. Installation Instructions 579-1190 (Wall Mount S/V Appliance), 579-1193 (Wall Mount back plate), 579-1192 (Wall Mount S/V Colored Lens kit) Speaker General Specifications Input Voltage 25 or 70.7 Vrms Power Taps ¼, ½, 1, and 2 W Frequency Response 400 to 4000 Hz (S/V), 200 to 10000 Hz (H/F) General Signaling = 125 Hz to 12 kHz S/V Speaker Output Ratings 25 or 70.7 Vrms @ 10 ft (3 m) Wattage Tap ¼ W ½ W 1 W 2 W Model S/V H/F S/V H/F S/V H/F S/V H/F Reverberant Chamber Test, per UL 1480 (dBA) 79 76 83 80 86* 82 89* 86* Anechoic Chamber Test, per ULC-S541 (dBA) 81 78 84 81 88* 84 90* 87* * Note: Select taps as indicated to satisfy the ULC fire alarm applications requirement of 85 dBA minimum Polar Dispersion Reference (per ULC-S541 Anechoic Chamber Testing) Attenuation Angle Attenuation Angle -3 dB 75° -6 dB 85° Percentage of rated light output at room temperature Angle On-Axis Vertical, Below Axis Horizontal, Left/Right of Axis 0° 45°90°45° 90° UL required output 100% 34% 12% 75% 25% Typical output 194% 90% 45% 121% 41% Appliance Specifications Typical Operating Voltage Range 23 - 30 VDC, Special Application Supervisory Requirements 1 unit load (= 0.8 mA control panel current) Flash Rate and Synchronized SLC Loading 1 Hz; with up to 63 synchronized strobes maximum per NAC Current consumption** Candela Setting 15 cd 30 cd 75 cd 110 cd 135 cd 185 cd Clear/White lens 47 mA 57 mA 100 mA 132 mA 160 mA 208 mA Tinted Lens 54 mA 78 mA 128 mA 184 mA 211 mA N/A ** Measured at 23 VDC on IDNAC Addressable SLC Note: Speakers are for connection to compatible fire alarm audio circuits. Anechoic ratings are representative of actual installed sound output. Tyco Fire Protection Products • Westminster, MA • 01441-0001 • USA S49SVW-0001-1 11/2015 www.simplex-fire.com © 2015 Tyco Fire Protection Products. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision date and are subject to change without notice. TYCO, SIMPLEX, and the product names listed in this material are marks and/or registered marks. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. NFPA 72 and National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code are registered trademarks of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Wall Mount S/V Installation Reference Wall Mount S/V Specifications SHEET:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:JOB #:PROJECT #:DESCRIPTIONCADDATEMARKSYSTEM:CHKISSUE DATE:30" x 42" - Arch E1 Size ISSUE LOG:Revisions shown with # symbol SYSTEM SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONSPROJECT DIRECTORYAPPLICABLE CODES & STANDARDSABBREVIATIONS LEGENDGENERAL NOTESLEGENDSDRAWING INDEXDEVICE TAG LEGENDSCOPE OF WORKDESIGN STATEMENTFIRE ALARM SYSTEMOXOBOXO LOFTS1:T2:A2:1-1(E1:1)·FA: = FACP (NON-NETWORK)·#: = NODE NUMBER·T#: = TRANSPONDER NUMBER·#:T# = NODE:TRANSPONDER NUMBER·N#: = NAC EXTENDER NUMBER·A#:# = EPS1 NUMBER:IDNAC2 CHANNEL NUMBER·D# = DOOR HOLDER CIRCUIT NUMBER·F# = FIRE PHONE CIRCUIT·H# = AUDIBLE (HORN) CIRCUIT NUMBER·M# = IDNET LOOP NUMBER·P# = POWER CIRCUIT NUMBER·S# = SPEAKER CIRCUIT NUMBER·V# = VISUAL CIRCUIT NUMBER·Z# = ZONE NUMBER·(L#) = IDNET ISOLATED LOOP NUMBER·(#) = IDNAC BRANCH NUMBER·(E#:#) = EPR3 NUMBER:BRANCH NUMBER1. EPS = ENHANCED POWER SUPPLY2. IDNAC = ADDRESSABLE NOTIFICATION CIRCUIT3. EPR = ENHANCED POWER REPEATERDEVICE NUMBERBRANCH / ISOLATED LOOP DESIGNATOR:CIRCUIT DESIGNATORPANEL DESIGNATORTHIS PROJECT'S DESIGN IS BASED ON THE ENGINEERED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS PREPARED BY:ELECTRICAL PLANS DATED: 2/25/19SPECIFICATIONS DATED: 2/5/19ADDENDUM DATED: 2/25/19AZTECH ENGINEERS, INC.1.THESE DRAWINGS DEPICT GENERAL LOCATIONS OF LIFE SAFETY EQUIPMENT & FIELD DEVICES. EXACT ROUTING OF CONDUITS IS TO BE DETERMINED INTHE FIELD BY THE INSTALLING CONTRACTOR TO SUIT CONDITIONS. ALL CHANGES SHALL BE CLEARLY INDICATED ON THE RECORD DRAWINGS.2.SHOULD ANY CONDITIONS EXIST THAT DIFFER FROM WHAT IS INDICATED ON THESE DRAWINGS WHICH CAUSE MAJOR DEVIATIONS IN THE WORKSHOWN, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT JOHNSON CONTROLS IN A TIMELY MANNER SO AS NOT TO IMPAIR THE CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE.3.CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING AND OBTAINING APPROVAL FOR ALL NECESSARY ADJUSTMENTS IN CIRCUITING AS REQUIRED TOACCOMMODATE THE RELOCATION OF EQUIPMENT AND/OR DEVICES WHICH ARE AFFECTED BY ANY AUTHORIZED CHANGE. ALL CHANGES SHALL BECLEARLY INDICATED ON THE RECORD DRAWINGS.4.A STAMPED SET OF APPROVED FIRE ALARM DRAWINGS SHALL BE AT THE JOB SITE AND SHALL BE USED FOR INSTALLATION.5.THE POWER CIRCUIT TO THE FACP AND TO THE FIRE ALARM POWER SUPPLIES SHALL BE ON A DEDICATED 120V, 20A BRANCH CIRCUIT BREAKER, ANDSHALL HAVE A RED MARKING, LOCK-ON PROVISION AND SHALL BE IDENTIFIED AS "FIRE ALARM CIRCUIT CONTROL." THE LOCATION OF THE CIRCUITDISCONNECT MEANS (CIRCUIT BREAKER) SHALL BE PERMANENTLY IDENTIFIED AT THE FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT.6.UPDATE THE AS-BUILT DRAWING SET DAILY WITH JOB PROGRESS. RETURN THE AS-BUILT DRAWING SET TO JOHNSON CONTROLS NO LATER THAN 7DAYS AFTER FINAL TEST.7.THE CONTRACTOR WILL MAINTAIN ALL AREAS OF THE BUILDING IN A NEAT AND WORKMANLIKE MANNER.8.DO NOT APPLY POWER EXCEPT IN THE PRESENCE OF A FACTORY TRAINED JOHNSON CONTROLS TECHNICAL REPRESENTATIVE.9.ANY SMOKE DETECTOR HEAD INSTALLED BEFORE THE BUILDING IS CLEANED AND ACCEPTED SHALL BE COVERED TO PROTECT FROM DUST. ANY FALSEALARMS DUE TO DIRT CONTAMINATED HEADS SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE FIRE ALARM INSTALLER.10.THE FIRE ALARM INSTALLER WILL MAINTAIN THE FIRE RESISTANCE INTEGRITY OF ALL WALL, CEILING, AND ROOF ASSEMBLIES ANY TIME THAT WORK ISNOT ACTIVELY BEING PERFORMED.11.INSTALLATION OF DEVICES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. POWER LIMITED AND NON-POWER LIMITED FIELDWIRING MUST BE INSTALLED WITHIN THE FACP ENCLOSURE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND APPLICABLE ELECTRICALCODES. REFER TO 'APPLICABLE CODES & STANDARDS' FOR SPECIFIC CODE REFERENCES.12.ALL WIRING SHALL BE INSTALLED ACCORDING TO APPLICABLE ELECTRICAL CODES.13.FIRE ALARM CIRCUITS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ELECTRICAL CODES. MARK ALL FIRE ALARM WIRES IN ACCORDANCEWITH APPLICABLE ELECTRICAL CODE SECTIONS FOR POWER LIMITED AND NON-POWER LIMITED WIRE.14FIRE ALARM CABLE INSTALLED IN DUCTS, PLENUM, AND OTHER SPACES USED FOR ENVIRONMENTAL AIR SHALL BE TYPE FPLP.15.FIRE ALARM CABLE INSTALLED IN THE VERTICAL RUNS AND PENETRATING MORE THAN ONE FLOOR OR CABLES INSTALLED IN VERTICAL RUNS INSHAFTS SHALL BE TYPE FPLR.16.FIRE ALARM CABLE INSTALLED IN UNDERGROUND CONDUIT OR OTHER WET LOCATIONS SHALL BE UL LISTED FOR WET LOCATIONS.17.FIRE ALARM CIRCUITS EXTENDING BEYOND ONE BUILDING AND RUN OUTDOORS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE APPLICABLE ELECTRICALCODES, WHERE APPLICABLE.18.ALL WIRING, INCLUDING SHIELDS MUST BE DRY AND FREE OF SHORTS AND GROUNDS.19.ALL SHIELDED WIRE MUST HAVE SHIELD CONTINUITY AT FULL LENGTH OF THE WIRE.20.ONLY SYSTEM WIRING CAN BE RUN IN THE SAME CONDUIT.21.120VAC IS NOT PERMITTED IN THE SAME CONDUIT WITH LOW VOLTAGE WIRING.22.MAINTAIN MAXIMUM CONDUIT FILL RATIO AS PER APPLICABLE ELECTRICAL CODES REQUIREMENTS.23.EXISTING CONDUITS MAY BE USED BY THE INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR AS DEEMED NECESSARY; HOWEVER, ANY EXISTING CONDUIT WILL BE USEDONLY IF CONDUITS MEET CURRENT STANDARDS AND CODES. JOHNSON CONTROLS MAKES NO STATEMENTS WRITTEN OR VERBAL AS TO THECONDITION OF EXISTING CONDUITS.PHONE: Sales RepresentativeRICK BAKERRICHARD.BAKER@JCI.COM203-410-9081PHONE: Project ManagerMIKE CHAVESJOHN.CHAVES@JCI.COM860-805-8627PHONE: Drawings Prepared ByLINDA WANGYANHUA.1.WANG@JCI.COM860-602-3166PHONE: Drawings Reviewed ByJOHN PANETTAJOHN.PANETTA@JCI.COM860-602-3175SiteOXOBOXO LOFTSUNCASVILLE, CTEngineer Of RecordAZTECH ENGINEERS, INC.901 WETHERSFIELD AVENUEHARTFORD, CT 06114PHONE: 860-548-9987FAX: 860-549-2572InstallerHORTON ELECTRICAL SERVICES, LLC97 RIVER ROADCANTON, CT 06019Johnson Controls District - 12927 INWOOD ROADROCKY HILL, CT 06067PHONE: 860-602-3200FAX: 860-683-8506SERVICE: 860-602-3200PROVIDE AND INSTALL A NEW AUTOMATIC AND MANUAL FIRE ALARM SYSTEM AS SHOWN ON DRAWINGS.WIRING IS CLASS B FOR NOTIFICATION APPLIANCE CIRCUITS, CLASS A FOR INITIATING DEVICE CIRCUITS.AUTOMATIC FIRE ALARM SYSTEM SHALL TRANSMIT THE ALARM, SUPERVISORY AND TROUBLE SIGNALS TO AN APPROVED SUPERVISING STATION. THE SUPERVISINGSTATION SHALL BE LISTED AS EITHER UUFX OR UUJS UNDERWRITERS LABORATORY OR SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF FACTORY MUTUAL RESEARCH APPROVALSTANDARD 3011. SUPERVISION OF SYSTEM AND LEASED TELEPHONE LINES SHALL BE ARRANGED BY THE OWNER.OCCUPANCY TYPE(S):SPRINKLER PROTECTION:R-2 Residential GroupBUILDING IS PARTIALLY SPRINKLEDJURISDICTIONS WITHIN THE STATE MAY HAVE AMENDMENTS TO THE STATE ADOPTED CODE. CHECK WITH THELOCAL JURISDICTION AUTHORITY FOR MORE DETAILS.2016 State Fire Safety Code (2012 IFC)(NFPA 101-2012 for Existing Buildings)National Electric Code (NFPA 70), 2017 EditionNational fire Code (NFPA 72), 2013 Edition2005 Connecticut State Elevator Code(ASME A17.1-1996 with 1997 & 1998 Adenda)4" SQ. BOX 1 1/2" DEEP4A4" SQ. BOX 1 1/2" DEEP W/ COVER4BSINGLE GANG BOX 2" DEEP1BSINGLE GANG BOX 2 1/8" DEEP1CFOR ADDITIONAL BACK BOX OPTIONS, REFER TO THE XX-700 SERIES DRAWINGS OR PRODUCT DATA SHEETS ANDINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS.4" SQ. BOX 1 1/2" DEEP W/ 1 1/2" EXT. RING4CSINGLE GANG BOX 2 1/8" DEEP W/COVER1DCODEBOX SPECIFICATIONSCODEBOX SPECIFICATIONS4" SQ. BOX 2 1/8" DEEP4DSINGLE GANG BOX 2 1/2" DEEP1E4" SQ. BOX 2 1/8" DEEP W/ COVER4ESINGLE GANG BOX 2 1/2" DEEP W/COVER1F4" SQ. BOX 2 1/8" DEEP W/ 1 1/2" EXT. RING4FSINGLE GANG BOX 2 3/4" DEEP1G4" SQ. BOX 2 1/8" DEEP W/ SINGLE GANG COVER4GSINGLE GANG BOX 3 1/2" DEEP1H4" SQ. BOX 2 1/8" DEEP W/ TWO GANG COVER4HDOUBLE GANG BOX 2" DEEP2A4" SQ. BOX 2 1/2" DEEP4JTWO GANG BOX 2 1/2" DEEP2B4" OCT. BOX 1 1/2" DEEP4KTWO GANG BOX 2 3/4" DEEP2C4" OCT. BOX 1 1/2" DEEP W/ 1 1/2" EXT. RING4L5 GANG BOX 2 1/2" DEEP5A4 11/16" SQ. BOX 2 1/8" DEEP4M6 SINGLE GANG BOXES 3 1/2" DEEP6A4 11/16" SQ. BOX 1 1/2" DEEP W/ 1 1/2" EXT. RING4N6 GANG BOX 6B4 11/16" SQ. BOX 2 1/8" DEEP W/ 1 1/2" EXT. RING4PFURNISHED BY OTHERSFBOSINGLE GANG BOX 1 1/2" DEEP1ASUPPLIED BY MANUFACTURERMFGMOUNTS TO DUCTWORKMDWMOUNTS IN BOX BEHIND DETECTORMBDWALL MOUNTWMDESK TOP MOUNTDTNO BACKBOX REQUIREDNR3.5" WIDE SNAP TRACK W/MOUNTING SCREWSTRM6 GANG BOX 2 1/2" DEEP6C6 GANG BOX 3 1/2" DEEP6DSYMBOLDESCRIPTIONMODELBOXCODEWIRETYPEBRANDFIRE ALARM SYMBOL LEGENDFBOTAMPER SWITCHBY OTHERSZBY OTHERS1FINDIVIDUAL ADDRESSABLE MODULE4090-9001MZSIMPLEXFBOJUNCTION BOXBY OTHERSBY OTHERS6DSERIAL LCD ANNUCIATOR4603-9101BMFGPSIMPLEX4GSINGLE ACTION MANUAL PULL STATION4099-9004M1ESIMPLEX4DADDRESSABLE SPEAKER/STROBE, WALL MOUNT,APPLIANCE ONLY, CLEAR LENS49SV-APPLWASSIMPLEX4DSPEAKER ONLY, ADDRESSABLE WALL MOUNT49SO-APPLWASSIMPLEXFBOWATERFLOW SWITCHBY OTHERSZBY OTHERS4HRELAY IAM4090-9002MRSIMPLEX4" SQ. BOX 1 1/2" DEEP W/4098-9832 ADAPTER4Q4" SQ. BOX 1 1/2" DEEP W/RACO 787 OR EQUIV.4R4" SQ. BOX 1 1/2" DEEP W/4098-9863 ADAPTER4SREFER TO PRODUCT DATASHEETDSMFG4100ES FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL, 120 VAC4100-9311SIMPLEXMISCELLANEOUS DEVICESPANELS & ANNUNCIATORSINITIATING DEVICESMODULES & RELAYS1AADDRESSABLE STROBE, WALL MOUNT, RED, FIRE, CLEARLENS49VO-WRFA4ASIMPLEX** TAP ALL SPEAKERS AT 25 VOLTS **NOTIFICATION APPLIANCESBACKBOX CODESFACPFAAFSAIMAOM#S#WVSWFJB##W4KADDRESSABLE PHOTOELECTRIC SMOKE SENSOR WITHSTANDARD BASE, ER = ELEVATOR RECALL4098-9792 BASE4098-9714 HEADM1CSIMPLEX4KADDRESSABLE PHOTOELECTRIC SMOKE SENSOR WITH COSENSOR BASE4098-9770 BASE4098-9714 HEADM1CSIMPLEXSCODSSINGLE PHOTOELECTRIC SMOKE DETECTOR, 120VACS1209GENTEXSSDSCOMBINATION PHOTOELECTRIC SMOKE AND CARBONMONOXIDE DETECTOR, 120VACGN-503FGENTEXSSSCOEND-OF-LINE RESISTOR 6.8K (EOL)4081-9004SIMPLEX6.8KMAX CONDUCTOR AREACONDUIT SIZEITEMS SUCH AS CAPACITANCE BETWEEN CONDUCTORS AND WIRE GAUGE CAN BE CRUCIAL TO THE CIRCUIT DESIGN OF THIS SYSTEMINSTALLATION. THE INSTALLING CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SELECTING AND INSTALLING CABLE MANUFACTURER AND MODELTHAT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE ABOVE REQUIREMENTS. RECOMMENDED CABLE MANUFACTURERS AND MODEL NUMBERS ARE AVAILABLEUPON REQUEST.1/2"3/4"1"0.12 SQ INCH *0.21 SQ INCH *0.34 SQ INCH *1-1/4"1-1/2"2"0.60 SQ INCH *0.82 SQ INCH *1.34 SQ INCH *NOTES*40% FILL PER N.E.C.SUBSCRIPT "u": UNSHIELDED CABLES MIXED WITHSHIELDED CABLES OF SAME CIRCUIT DESIGNATION.**OUTDOOR AERIAL CABLE REQUIRES MESSENGERMAX CONDUCTOR AREACONDUIT SIZESTP = SHIELDED TWISTED PAIR, UTP = UNSHIELDED TWISTED PAIRFPLP TFFNCIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONACCEPTABLE CABLE TYPESCONSTRUCTIONGAUGECIRCUIT PROPERTIESOUTDOOR FPLR C.I. THHN FIRE ALARM WIRE LIST14 AWGXXRRELAY2 COND. SOLIDX14 AWGXXZZONE (IDC)2 COND. SOLIDX18 AWGXBRUI+ COMMUNICATIONUTP SOLIDX12 AWGXAADDRESSABLE NOTIFICATIONUTP SOLIDX3 twists/ft. RECOMMENDED16 AWGXSAUDIOUTP SOLIDX30pf/ft. MAX CAPACITANCERECOMMENDED14 AWGXPPOWER2 COND. SOLIDX18 AWGXMIDNETUTP SOLIDXAC=ABOVE CEILINGAFF=ABOVE FINISHED FLOORAHJ=AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTIONALM=ALARMANN=ANNUNCIATORBMS=BUILDING MANAGEMENT SYSTEMC=CEILING MOUNTEDCD=CANDELA RATINGDET=DETECTORDGP=DATA GATHERING PANELE=EXISTING TO REMAINEOL=END OF LINEEPO=EMERGENCY POWER OFFFAA=FIRE ALARM ANNUNCIATORFACP=FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANELFATC=FIRE ALARM TERMINAL CABINETFBO=FURNISHED BY OTHERSFCC=FIRE COMMAND CENTERFSD=FIRE SMOKE DAMPERFTR=FIRE ALARM TRANSPONDERH=HIGH HUMIDITYHT=HEIGHTHVAC=HEATING VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONINGIMS=INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMMAX=MAXIMUMMIN=MINIMUMN/A=NOT APPLICABLENAC=NOTIFICATION APPLIANCE CIRCUITNDU=NETWORK DISPLAY UNITNEC=NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODENFPA=NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATIONNIC=NOT IN CONTRACTNPU=NETWORK PROCESSING UNITNTS=NOT TO SCALEPAP=PRE-ACTION PANELRC=EXISTING TO REMOVE AND COVERRD=EXISTING DEVICE TO BE RELOCATEDRL=RELOCATED DEVICERR=REMOVE EXISTING & REPLACE WITH NEWSCC=STATUS COMMAND CENTERSLC=SIGNALING LINE CIRCUITSMK=SMOKESUPV=SUPERVISORYTAC=TRUEALERT ADDRESSABLE CONTROLLERTRBL=TROUBLETS=TAMPER SWITCHTYP=TYPICALUON=UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTEDVCC=VOICE COMMAND CENTERVT=VALVE TAMPERW=WATTAGEW/=WITHW/O=WITHOUTWF=WATERFLOWWG=WIRE GUARDWP=WEATHERPROOFXP=EXPLOSION PROOFJOHNSON CONTROLS CONTACTSLAST PRINTED:LAST SAVED BY:FILE PATH:G:\Simplex\DESIGN CAD FOLDER\2019\OXOBOXO LOFTS 614347001\CAD\FA-001.dwg10/23/2019 2:58:13 PM JWANG5 129:614347001J. PANETTAL. WANG10/23/19FIRE ALARM SYSTEMOXOBOXO LOFTS UNCASVILLE, CT 27 INWOOD ROAD ROCKY HILL, CT 06067 PHONE: 860-602-3200 SERVICE: 860-602-3200 FAX: 860-683-8506 DISTRICT - 129FA-001COVER SHEETJOHNSON CONTROLS © 2019OXOBOXO LOFTS© Johnson Controls 2019. All rights reserved. Reuse, copying, modification or alteration of the drawings and other information contained herein is strictly prohibited.IMPORTANT NOTICE TO USER: This information may not be sold or transferred to any third party, used on other projects or additions to theproject for which it was prepared, or used for completion of this project by any third party. Johnson Controls disclaims all liability for the use orreuse of altered files by the user or any third party and such use will be a user's sole risk. User shall, to the fullest extent permitted by law, defend,indemnify, and hold Johnson Controls harmless from any and all claims for loss, damage or injury arising directly or indirectly from any suchunauthorized use.ACTUATE AUDIBLE TROUBLE SIGNALACTUATE AUDIBLE SUPERVISORY SIGNALACTUATE COMMON TROUBLE SIGNAL INDICATORACTUATE AUDIBLE ALARM SIGNALSYSTEM INPUTSACTUATE COMMON ALARM SIGNAL INDICATORS Y S T E M O U T P U T S TRANSMIT SUPV. SIGNAL TO SUPERVISING STATIONREMARKSCTRL. UNIT ANNUNCIATIONNOTIFICATIONFIRE SAFETY CONTROLACTUATE COMMON SUPERVISORY SIGNAL INDICATORA C T U A T E A P P R O P R I A T E L O C A T I O N I N D I C A T O RABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZAAABACTR A N S M I T A L A R M S I G N A L T O S U P E R V I S I N G S T A T I O NTRANSMIT TROUBLE SIGNAL TO SUPERVISING STATIONAD123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930AEAFAG31AH32AIAJABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZAAABACADAEAFAGAHAIAJ1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132SMOKE SENSOR/DETECTORMANUAL PULL STATIONCO SENSOR/BASE (BOILER ROOM)ACTIVATE TEMP4 CODED AUDIBLES AND VISUALSMAIN FLR. ELEV. LOBBY SMOKE DETECTORELEVATOR LOBBY SMOKE DETECTORS (EXC. MAIN FLR.)ELEVATOR POWER MONITORMAIN FLOOR ELEVATOR RECALLALTERNATE FLOOR ELEVATOR RECALLRELEASE ELEVATOR FIRE DOORSELEVATOR SHUNT TRIPELEVATOR HAT FLASHWATERFLOW SWITCHTAMPER SWITCHFIRE ALARM AC POWER FAILUREFIRE ALARM SYSTEM LOW BATTERYCLASS B NOTIFICATION CIRCUIT (NAC) - SHORTOPEN CIRCUIT OR GROUND FAULTA C T U A T E A L L V I S I B L E E V A C U A T IO N S I G N A L S A C T U A T E A L L A U D I B L E E V A C U A T I O N S I G N A L S REMOTELY DISPLAY ACTIVE STATUSDISPLAY CHANGE OF STATUSSheet List TableSheet NumberSheet TitleFA-001COVER SHEETFA-101DEVICE PLACEMENT PLAN - BLDG B LEVEL SB & BLDG C LEVEL 1FA-102DEVICE PLACEMENT PLAN - BLDG B LEVEL B & BLDG C LEVEL 2FA-103DEVICE PLACEMENT PLAN - BLDG A,B LEVEL 1FA-104DEVICE PLACEMENT PLAN - BLDG D,E,F LEVEL 1FA-105DEVICE PLACEMENT PLAN - BLDG B,D,E,F LEVEL 2FA-106DEVICE PLACEMENT PLAN - BLDG A LEVEL 2 & BLDG B LEVEL3FA-107DEVICE PLACEMENT PLAN - BLDG B LEVEL 4FA-108DEVICE PLACEMENT PLAN - BLDG G,H,K LEVEL 1FA-109DEVICE PLACEMENT PLAN - BLDG J LEVEL 1FA-110DEVICE PLACEMENT PLAN - BLDG M & BLDG L LEVEL 1FA-201RISER DIAGRAM - BLDG A,B,C,D,E,FFA-202RISER DIAGRAM - BLDG G,H,K,J,MFA-501PANEL DETAIL - FACP BLDG A,B,C,D,E,FFA-502PANEL DETAIL - FACP BLDG G,H,K,J,MFA-601CALCULATIONS AND SCHEDULESFA-602CALCULATIONS AND SCHEDULESFA-701WIRING TYPICALSFA-702WIRING TYPICALSSEQUENCE OF OPERATION1. SINGLE STATION 120VAC CO DETECTORS IN DWELLING UNITS SHALL SOUND TEMPORAL CODE 4 SIGNAL IN RESPECTIVE UNIT.2. SINGLE STATION 120VAC SMOKE ALARMS IN DWELLING UNITS SHALL SOUND TEMPORAL CODE 3 TONE IN TANDEM FOR RESPECTIVE UNIT. ADA UNITS SHALL BE MONITORED BY FIRE ALARM SYSTEM AND ACTIVATE UNIT STROBES UPON ALARM.NICET LEVEL 2 FIRE ALARM SYSTEMCERTIFICATION #141578NICET LEVEL 3 FIRE ALARM SYSTEMCERTIFICATION #83863ACTUATE RESPECTIVE DWELLING UNIT SMOKESH.C. DWELLING UNIT SMOKE OR CO ALARM ACTIVATIONNOTE: JOHNSON CONTROLS TECHNICAL REPRESENTATIVE AND DESIGNERTO REVIEW SEQUENCE OF OPERATION BEFORE PROGRAMMING FIREALARM SYSTEM. BOILER ROOMSPRINKLER ROOMUNIT C-1(2 BEDROOM)MAINTENANCE ROOMSTAIR 2ELECTRICALMETER ROOMUNIT C-2(2 BEDROOM)LEVEL 1BUILDING CEDMLKHJGC FBANORTHSITE KEY PLANBUILDING GUPUPLEVEL SBBUILDING B(ABOVE)BUILDING ABUILDING DKITCHENBATHROOMBEDROOMBEDROOMBEDROOMBEDROOMBATHROOMKITCHENFACPSM1-11(L1)FM1-13(L1)15A1:1-9(1)S1-51WFM1-12(L1)15A1:1-5(1)S1-11W75A1:1-6(1)S1-21W15A1:1-8(1)S1-4.25WAIMM1-15(L1)AIMM1-16(L1)WF6.8KVS6.8K75A1:1-7(1)S1-31WSCOM1-14(L1)SSSCOSSSCOSA1:2-7(1)S3-3.25WSA1:2-5(1)S3-1.5WSA1:2-6(1)S3-2.25WSA1:2-8(1)S3-4.5WSA1:2-10(1)S3-6.25WSA1:2-9(1)S3-5.25WSSSSSSSSJBJBJUNCTION BOX FOR FUTURE ADDRESSABLE MODULE IN EACH DWELLING UNIT.ADDRESSABLE MODULE WILL BE INSTALLED IF THE UNIT EVER CONVERTED FORUSE BY A HEARING IMPAIRED TENANT.PROVIDE (M) WIRE FROM THE NEAREST DWELLING UNIT SMOKE DETECTOR TO THEADDRESSABLE MODULE JUNCTION BOX WITHIN EACH DWELLING UNIT.(NOT CONNECTED TO THE SMOKE DETECTORS)(TYPICAL FOR ALL UNITS)SHEET:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:JOB #:PROJECT #:DESCRIPTIONCADDATEMARKSYSTEM:CHKISSUE DATE:30" x 42" - Arch E1 Size ISSUE LOG:Revisions shown with # symbol04'8'16'SCALE:IN FEET1/8" = 1'-0"NSCALE:1/8" = 1'-0"DEVICE PLACEMENT PLAN - BLDG B LEVEL SB & BLDG C LEVEL 1LAST PRINTED:LAST SAVED BY:FILE PATH:G:\Simplex\DESIGN CAD FOLDER\2019\OXOBOXO LOFTS 614347001\CAD\FA-101.dwg10/23/2019 2:58:17 PM JWANG5 129:614347001J. PANETTAL. WANG10/23/19FIRE ALARM SYSTEMOXOBOXO LOFTS UNCASVILLE, CT 27 INWOOD ROAD ROCKY HILL, CT 06067 PHONE: 860-602-3200 SERVICE: 860-602-3200 FAX: 860-683-8506 DISTRICT - 129FA-101DEVICE PLACEMENT PLAN -BLDG B LEVEL SB & BLDG CLEVEL 1JOHNSON CONTROLS © 2019OXOBOXO LOFTS© Johnson Controls 2019. All rights reserved. Reuse, copying, modification or alteration of the drawings and other information contained herein is strictly prohibited. ELEVATOR 1UNIT B-2(2 BEDROOM)UNIT B-1(2 BEDROOM)TYPE AUNIT C-4(2 BEDROOM)TYPE AUNIT C-3(2 BEDROOM)TYPE AEDMLKHJGC FBANORTHSITE KEY PLANLEVEL 2BUILDING CBUILDING GLEVEL BBUILDING BCRAWL SPACEBUILDING ABUILDING DSTAIR 2LAUNDRY ROOMAIMM1-21(L1)AIMM1-22(L1)WF6.8KVS6.8KFM1-23(L1)15A1:1-15(2)S2-11WSSSCOSA1:1-16(2)S2-2.5WSA1:1-18(2)S2-4.25WSA1:1-17(2)S2-3.25WJBJUNCTION BOX FOR FUTURE ADDRESSABLE MODULE IN EACH DWELLING UNIT.ADDRESSABLE MODULE WILL BE INSTALLED IF THE UNIT EVER CONVERTED FORUSE BY A HEARING IMPAIRED TENANT.PROVIDE (M) WIRE FROM THE NEAREST DWELLING UNIT SMOKE DETECTOR TO THEADDRESSABLE MODULE JUNCTION BOX WITHIN EACH DWELLING UNIT.(NOT CONNECTED TO THE SMOKE DETECTORS)(TYPICAL FOR ALL UNITS)SERM1-24(L1)FM1-25(L1)15A1:1-23(2)S2-91WSA1:1-20(2)S2-6.5WSSSCOSA1:1-21(2)S2-7.25WJBSSSCOSSSCOJBJBSA1:2-16(2)S3-8.25WSA1:2-20(2)S3-12.25WSA1:2-19(2)S3-11.25WSA1:2-17(2)S3-9.25WSA1:2-18(2)S3-10.5WSA1:2-15(2)S3-7.5WSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSAOMPRIMARYM1-26(L1)AOMALTERNATEM1-27(L1)AOMFIREMEN WARNINGM1-28(L1)AOMSHUNT TRIPM1-29(L1)AIMSHUNT TRIP POWER MONITORM1-30(L1)ELEVATOR 1 RECALLELEVATOR 1 RECALLLOCATION TO BE DETERMINED75A1:1-19(2)S2-5.5WSA1:1-22(2)S2-8.25WBEDROOMBEDROOMBEDROOMKITCHENBATHROOMBEDROOMBATHROOMKITCHENBEDROOMBEDROOMKITCHENBATHROOMBEDROOMBEDROOMBATHROOMKITCHENSHEET:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:JOB #:PROJECT #:DESCRIPTIONCADDATEMARKSYSTEM:CHKISSUE DATE:30" x 42" - Arch E1 Size ISSUE LOG:Revisions shown with # symbol04'8'16'SCALE:IN FEET1/8" = 1'-0"NSCALE:1/8" = 1'-0"DEVICE PLACEMENT PLAN - BLDG B LEVEL B & BLDG C LEVEL 2LAST PRINTED:LAST SAVED BY:FILE PATH:G:\Simplex\DESIGN CAD FOLDER\2019\OXOBOXO LOFTS 614347001\CAD\FA-101.dwg10/23/2019 2:58:20 PM JWANG5 129:614347001J. PANETTAL. WANG10/23/19FIRE ALARM SYSTEMOXOBOXO LOFTS UNCASVILLE, CT 27 INWOOD ROAD ROCKY HILL, CT 06067 PHONE: 860-602-3200 SERVICE: 860-602-3200 FAX: 860-683-8506 DISTRICT - 129FA-102DEVICE PLACEMENT PLAN -BLDG B LEVEL B & BLDG CLEVEL 2JOHNSON CONTROLS © 2019OXOBOXO LOFTS© Johnson Controls 2019. All rights reserved. Reuse, copying, modification or alteration of the drawings and other information contained herein is strictly prohibited. UNIT A-2UNIT A-1(2 BEDROOM)(1 BEDROOM)UNIT A-2(2 BEDROOM)UNIT B-3(1 BEDROOM)TYPE 'A'UNIT B-5(1 BEDROOM)UNIT B-6(1 BEDROOM)UNIT B-7(STUDIO)UNIT B-4(2 BEDROOM)BUILDING DBUILDING CNORTHSITE KEY PLANEDMLKHJGC FBABUILDING GLEVEL 1BUILDING BLEVEL 1BUILDING ASTAIR 2BEDROOMBEDROOMKITCHENBATHROOMBATHROOMBATHROOMKITCHENKITCHENBEDROOMBEDROOMBEDROOMFAAAIMM1-31(L1)AIMM1-32(L1)WF6.8KVS6.8KFM1-33(L1)15A1:3-5(1)S5-11WJBSSSCOSA1:3-6(1)S5-2.5WSA1:3-7(1)S5-3.25WSSSCOSSSCOSSSCOSSSCOJBJBJBJBSA1:3-8(1)S5-4.5WSA1:3-14(1)S5-10.5WSA1:3-16(1)S5-121WSA1:3-9(1)S5-5.25WSA1:3-10(1)S5-6.25WSA1:3-11(1)S5-7.5WSA1:3-12(1)S5-8.25WSA1:3-15(1)S5-11.25W15A1:3-13(1)S5-91WFM1-34(L1)15A1:3-17(1)S5-131WFM2-11(L1)JBJBJBSSSCOSSSCOSSSCOFM2-12(L1)15A1:3-21(2)S4-11WSA1:3-23(2)S4-3.25WSA1:3-24(2)S4-4.25WSA1:3-22(2)S4-2.5WSA1:3-26(2)S4-6.25WSA1:3-25(2)S4-5.5WSA1:3-27(2)S4-7.5WSA1:3-29(2)S4-9.25WSA1:3-28(2)S4-8.25WSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSERM1-35(L1)STAIRJUNCTION BOX FOR FUTURE ADDRESSABLE MODULE IN EACH DWELLING UNIT.ADDRESSABLE MODULE WILL BE INSTALLED IF THE UNIT EVER CONVERTED FORUSE BY A HEARING IMPAIRED TENANT.PROVIDE (M) WIRE FROM THE NEAREST DWELLING UNIT SMOKE DETECTOR TO THEADDRESSABLE MODULE JUNCTION BOX WITHIN EACH DWELLING UNIT.(NOT CONNECTED TO THE SMOKE DETECTORS)(TYPICAL FOR ALL UNITS)BEDROOMBATHROOMKITCHENBEDROOMBEDROOMBATHROOMKITCHENKITCHENBEDROOMBATHROOMKITCHENBEDROOMBATHROOMKITCHENBATHROOMBEDROOMSHEET:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:JOB #:PROJECT #:DESCRIPTIONCADDATEMARKSYSTEM:CHKISSUE DATE:30" x 42" - Arch E1 Size ISSUE LOG:Revisions shown with # symbol04'8'16'SCALE:IN FEET1/8" = 1'-0"NSCALE:1/8" = 1'-0"DEVICE PLACEMENT PLAN - BLDG A,B LEVEL 1LAST PRINTED:LAST SAVED BY:FILE PATH:G:\Simplex\DESIGN CAD FOLDER\2019\OXOBOXO LOFTS 614347001\CAD\FA-101.dwg10/23/2019 2:58:25 PM JWANG5 129:614347001J. PANETTAL. WANG10/23/19FIRE ALARM SYSTEMOXOBOXO LOFTS UNCASVILLE, CT 27 INWOOD ROAD ROCKY HILL, CT 06067 PHONE: 860-602-3200 SERVICE: 860-602-3200 FAX: 860-683-8506 DISTRICT - 129FA-103DEVICE PLACEMENT PLAN -BLDG A,B LEVEL 1JOHNSON CONTROLS © 2019OXOBOXO LOFTS© Johnson Controls 2019. All rights reserved. Reuse, copying, modification or alteration of the drawings and other information contained herein is strictly prohibited. UNIT D-1(2 BEDROOM)OFFICEJAN.WAITINGAREAFITNESSROOMKITCHENUNIT D-2(1 BEDROOM)HC LAV.RECEPTIONOFFICECONFROOMTOILETTOILETJANELEVATOR 2FITNESS ROOM(OPEN ABOVE)COMMUNITY ROOM(OPEN ABOVE)KITCHENETTELEVEL 1LEVEL 1LEVEL 1BUILDING FEDMLKHJGC FBANORTHSITE KEY PLANBUILDING EBUILDING DUPSSSCOSSSCOSA2:1-6(1)S6-2.25WSA2:1-7(1)S6-3.25WSA2:1-5(1)S6-1.5WSA2:1-9(1)S6-5.25WSA2:1-8(1)S6-4.5WFM1-115(L3)75A2:1-21(2)S7-11WFM1-117(L3)15A2:1-22(2)S7-21WFM1-118(L3)15A2:1-23(2)S7-31W15A2:1-25(2)S7-5.5W15A2:1-26(2)S7-6.25WFM1-119(L3)15A2:1-24(2)S7-41WSERM1-132(L4)FM1-131(L4)15A2:2-5(1)S8-11W75A2:2-6(1)S8-21W75A2:2-7(1)S8-31WSSSSSSSM1-116(L3)JUNCTION BOX FOR FUTURE ADDRESSABLE MODULE IN EACH DWELLING UNIT.ADDRESSABLE MODULE WILL BE INSTALLED IF THE UNIT EVER CONVERTED FORUSE BY A HEARING IMPAIRED TENANT.PROVIDE (M) WIRE FROM THE NEAREST DWELLING UNIT SMOKE DETECTOR TO THEADDRESSABLE MODULE JUNCTION BOX WITHIN EACH DWELLING UNIT.(NOT CONNECTED TO THE SMOKE DETECTORS)(TYPICAL FOR ALL UNITS)BEDROOMBEDROOMBEDROOMKITCHENBATHROOMSTAIRKITCHENBATHROOMSTAIRJBJBSHEET:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:JOB #:PROJECT #:DESCRIPTIONCADDATEMARKSYSTEM:CHKISSUE DATE:30" x 42" - Arch E1 Size ISSUE LOG:Revisions shown with # symbol04'8'16'SCALE:IN FEET1/8" = 1'-0"NSCALE:1/8" = 1'-0"DEVICE PLACEMENT PLAN - BLDG D,E,F LEVEL 1LAST PRINTED:LAST SAVED BY:FILE PATH:G:\Simplex\DESIGN CAD FOLDER\2019\OXOBOXO LOFTS 614347001\CAD\FA-101.dwg10/23/2019 2:58:30 PM JWANG5 129:614347001J. PANETTAL. WANG10/23/19FIRE ALARM SYSTEMOXOBOXO LOFTS UNCASVILLE, CT 27 INWOOD ROAD ROCKY HILL, CT 06067 PHONE: 860-602-3200 SERVICE: 860-602-3200 FAX: 860-683-8506 DISTRICT - 129FA-104DEVICE PLACEMENT PLAN -BLDG D,E,F LEVEL 1JOHNSON CONTROLS © 2019OXOBOXO LOFTS© Johnson Controls 2019. All rights reserved. Reuse, copying, modification or alteration of the drawings and other information contained herein is strictly prohibited. UNIT D-3(2 BEDROOM)UNIT D-4(1 BEDROOM)UNIT E-2(2 BEDROOM)UNIT E-3(2 BEDROOM)MEZZANINELEVEL 2LEVEL 2LEVEL 2BUILDING FBUILDING FEDC F(1 BEDROOM)UNIT B-12(1 BEDROOM)(1 BEDROOM)UNIT B-10(2 BEDROOM)UNIT B-9TYPE A(1 BEDROOM)UNIT B-8MLKHJGBANORTHSITE KEY PLANLEVEL 2BUILDING BBUILDING AUNIT B-11BELOWTOILETSCOMMUNITY BELOWROOMBOILERBELOWFITNESS ROOMDNDNBUILDING EBUILDING DDNDNDNSTAIR 2SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSCOSSSCOSSSCOSSSCOSSSCOSSSCOSSSCOSSSCOSSSCOSCOM1-133(L4)AIMM1-53(L1)AIMM1-54(L1)WF6.8KVS6.8KFM1-52(L1)15A2:2-15(2)S9-11WJBSA2:2-17(2)S9-3.25WSA2:2-16(2)S9-2.5WSA2:2-19(2)S9-5.25WSA2:2-20(2)S9-6.25WJBSA2:2-18(2)S9-4.5WSA2:2-21(2)S9-7.5WJBSA2:2-22(2)S9-8.25W15A2:2-23(2)S9-91WSA2:2-24(2)S9-10.5WSERM1-51(L1)JBJBSA2:2-25(2)S9-11.25WSA2:2-26(2)S9-12.5WSA2:2-27(2)S9-13.25W15A2:2-28(2)S9-141WSA2:1-12(1)S6-8.25WSA2:1-13(1)S6-9.25WSA2:1-11(1)S6-7.5WFM1-101(L2)15A2:1-10(1)S6-61WFM1-102(L2)15A2:1-14(1)S6-101WSA2:1-16(1)S6-12.25WSA2:1-15(1)S6-11.5WFM1-125(L3)15A2:1-27(2)S7-71WSA2:1-28(2)S7-8.5WSA2:1-29(2)S7-9.25WSA2:1-31(2)S7-11.25WSA2:1-30(2)S7-10.5WSERM1-134(L4)75A2:2-8(1)S8-41W75A2:2-9(1)S8-51WAOMPRIMARYM1-135(L4)AOMALTERNATEM1-136(L4)AOMFIREMEN WARNINGM1-137(L4)AOMSHUNT TRIPM1-138(L4)AIMSHUNT TRIP POWER MONITORM1-139(L4)ELEVATOR 2 RECALLELEVATOR RECALLEXACT LOCATION TO BE DETERMINEDSA2:1-32(2)S7-12.25WJUNCTION BOX FOR FUTURE ADDRESSABLE MODULE IN EACH DWELLING UNIT.ADDRESSABLE MODULE WILL BE INSTALLED IF THE UNIT EVER CONVERTED FORUSE BY A HEARING IMPAIRED TENANT.PROVIDE (M) WIRE FROM THE NEAREST DWELLING UNIT SMOKE DETECTOR TO THEADDRESSABLE MODULE JUNCTION BOX WITHIN EACH DWELLING UNIT.(NOT CONNECTED TO THE SMOKE DETECTORS)(TYPICAL FOR ALL UNITS)JBJBJBJBSTAIRSTAIRBEDROOMBEDROOMBEDROOMBEDROOMBEDROOMBEDROOMKITCHENBATHROOMKITCHENBATHROOMBATHROOMKITCHENSTAIRBEDROOMBATHROOMKITCHENBEDROOMBEDROOMBATHROOMKITCHENKITCHENBEDROOMBATHROOMKITCHENBEDROOMBATHROOMKITCHENBATHROOMBEDROOMSHEET:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:JOB #:PROJECT #:DESCRIPTIONCADDATEMARKSYSTEM:CHKISSUE DATE:30" x 42" - Arch E1 Size ISSUE LOG:Revisions shown with # symbol04'8'16'SCALE:IN FEET1/8" = 1'-0"NSCALE:1/8" = 1'-0"DEVICE PLACEMENT PLAN - BLDG B,D,E,F LEVEL 2LAST PRINTED:LAST SAVED BY:FILE PATH:G:\Simplex\DESIGN CAD FOLDER\2019\OXOBOXO LOFTS 614347001\CAD\FA-101.dwg10/23/2019 2:58:35 PM JWANG5 129:614347001J. PANETTAL. WANG10/23/19FIRE ALARM SYSTEMOXOBOXO LOFTS UNCASVILLE, CT 27 INWOOD ROAD ROCKY HILL, CT 06067 PHONE: 860-602-3200 SERVICE: 860-602-3200 FAX: 860-683-8506 DISTRICT - 129FA-105DEVICE PLACEMENT PLAN -BLDG B,D,E,F LEVEL 2JOHNSON CONTROLS © 2019OXOBOXO LOFTS© Johnson Controls 2019. All rights reserved. Reuse, copying, modification or alteration of the drawings and other information contained herein is strictly prohibited. UNIT A-4(1 BEDROOM)H.C.UNIT A-6UNIT A-5(1 BEDROOM)UNIT B-13(1 BEDROOM)TYPE AUNIT B-14(2 BEDROOM)(2 BEDROOM)H.C.UNIT B-16(1 BEDROOM)UNIT B-15(1 BEDROOM)BUILDING DBUILDING CEDMLKHJGC FBANORTHSITE KEY PLANBUILDING GLEVEL 3BUILDING BLEVEL 2BUILDING ASTAIR 2UNIT B-17(1 BEDROOM)AIMM1-61(L1)AIMM1-62(L1)WF6.8KVS6.8KFM1-63(L1)15A2:3-5(1)S11-11WSSSCOSSSCOSSSCO15A2:2-41(3)S10-61WFM2-21(L1)SSSSSSSSSA2:2-40(3)S10-5.25WSA2:2-39(3)S10-4.5W15A2:3-18(1)S11-141W15A2:3-13(1)S11-91WSERM1-64(L1)SSSCOSSSCOSSSCOSSSCOSSSCOSSSSSSSSSSSSSA2:3-17(1)S11-13.25WSA2:3-16(1)S11-12.5WSA2:3-15(1)S11-11.25WSA2:3-14(1)S11-10.5WSA2:3-11(1)S11-7.5WSA2:3-8(1)S11-4.5WSA2:3-12(1)S11-8.25WSA2:3-9(1)S11-5.25WSA2:3-10(1)S11-6.25WSA2:3-6(1)S11-2.5WSA2:3-7(1)S11-3.25W185A2:2-42(3)S10-7.5W185A2:2-43(3)S10-8.25W15A2:2-44(3)15A2:2-38(3)185A2:2-37(3)S10-3.25W185A2:2-35(3)S10-1.5W185A2:2-36(3)S10-2.25WAIMM2-23(L1)AIMM2-22(L1)BEDROOMBEDROOMBEDROOMBEDROOMBATHROOMBATHROOMBATHROOMKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENSTAIRJUNCTION BOX FOR FUTURE ADDRESSABLE MODULE IN EACH DWELLING UNIT.ADDRESSABLE MODULE WILL BE INSTALLED IF THE UNIT EVER CONVERTED FORUSE BY A HEARING IMPAIRED TENANT.PROVIDE (M) WIRE FROM THE NEAREST DWELLING UNIT SMOKE DETECTOR TO THEADDRESSABLE MODULE JUNCTION BOX WITHIN EACH DWELLING UNIT.(NOT CONNECTED TO THE SMOKE DETECTORS)(TYPICAL FOR ALL UNITS)JBJBJBJBJBBEDROOMBATHROOMKITCHENBEDROOMBEDROOMBATHROOMKITCHENKITCHENBEDROOMBATHROOMKITCHENBEDROOMBATHROOMKITCHENBATHROOMBEDROOMSHEET:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:JOB #:PROJECT #:DESCRIPTIONCADDATEMARKSYSTEM:CHKISSUE DATE:30" x 42" - Arch E1 Size ISSUE LOG:Revisions shown with # symbol04'8'16'SCALE:IN FEET1/8" = 1'-0"NSCALE:1/8" = 1'-0"DEVICE PLACEMENT PLAN - BLDG A LEVEL 2 & BLDG B LEVEL3LAST PRINTED:LAST SAVED BY:FILE PATH:G:\Simplex\DESIGN CAD FOLDER\2019\OXOBOXO LOFTS 614347001\CAD\FA-101.dwg10/23/2019 2:58:40 PM JWANG5 129:614347001J. PANETTAL. WANG10/23/19FIRE ALARM SYSTEMOXOBOXO LOFTS UNCASVILLE, CT 27 INWOOD ROAD ROCKY HILL, CT 06067 PHONE: 860-602-3200 SERVICE: 860-602-3200 FAX: 860-683-8506 DISTRICT - 129FA-106DEVICE PLACEMENT PLAN -BLDG A LEVEL 2 & BLDG BLEVEL3JOHNSON CONTROLS © 2019OXOBOXO LOFTS© Johnson Controls 2019. All rights reserved. Reuse, copying, modification or alteration of the drawings and other information contained herein is strictly prohibited. UNIT B-18(1 BEDROOM)UNIT B-19(2 BEDROOM)UNIT B-20(1 BEDROOM)UNIT B-21(1 BEDROOM)UNIT B-22(1 BEDROOM)BUILDING DBUILDING FBUILDING CEDMLKHJGC FBANORTHSITE KEY PLANBUILDING GLEVEL 4BUILDING BATTIC SPACEBUILDING ASTAIR 2AIMM1-84(L1)AIMM1-85(L1)WF6.8KVS6.8KFM1-83(L1)15A2:3-25(2)S12-11WSM1-86(L1)SA2:3-27(2)S12-3.25WSSSSSSSSSCOSA2:3-26(2)S12-2.5WSA2:3-30(2)S12-6.25WSA2:3-29(2)S12-5.25WSSSCOSSSCOSSSCOSSSCOSSSA2:3-37(2)S12-13.25WSA2:3-36(2)S12-12.5WSERM1-82(L1)FM1-81(L1)15A2:3-38(2)S12-141WSA2:3-35(2)S12-11.25WSSSA2:3-34(2)S12-10.5W15A2:3-33(2)S12-91WSSSA2:3-32(2)S12-8.25WSA2:3-31(2)S12-7.5WSA2:3-28(2)S12-4.5WJUNCTION BOX FOR FUTURE ADDRESSABLE MODULE IN EACH DWELLING UNIT.ADDRESSABLE MODULE WILL BE INSTALLED IF THE UNIT EVER CONVERTED FORUSE BY A HEARING IMPAIRED TENANT.PROVIDE (M) WIRE FROM THE NEAREST DWELLING UNIT SMOKE DETECTOR TO THEADDRESSABLE MODULE JUNCTION BOX WITHIN EACH DWELLING UNIT.(NOT CONNECTED TO THE SMOKE DETECTORS)(TYPICAL FOR ALL UNITS)JBJBJBJBJBSTAIRBEDROOMBATHROOMKITCHENBEDROOMBEDROOMBATHROOMKITCHENKITCHENBEDROOMBATHROOMKITCHENBEDROOMBATHROOMKITCHENBATHROOMBEDROOMSHEET:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:JOB #:PROJECT #:DESCRIPTIONCADDATEMARKSYSTEM:CHKISSUE DATE:30" x 42" - Arch E1 Size ISSUE LOG:Revisions shown with # symbol04'8'16'SCALE:IN FEET1/8" = 1'-0"NSCALE:1/8" = 1'-0"DEVICE PLACEMENT PLAN - BLDG B LEVEL 4LAST PRINTED:LAST SAVED BY:FILE PATH:G:\Simplex\DESIGN CAD FOLDER\2019\OXOBOXO LOFTS 614347001\CAD\FA-101.dwg10/23/2019 2:58:45 PM JWANG5 129:614347001J. PANETTAL. WANG10/23/19FIRE ALARM SYSTEMOXOBOXO LOFTS UNCASVILLE, CT 27 INWOOD ROAD ROCKY HILL, CT 06067 PHONE: 860-602-3200 SERVICE: 860-602-3200 FAX: 860-683-8506 DISTRICT - 129FA-107DEVICE PLACEMENT PLAN -BLDG B LEVEL 4JOHNSON CONTROLS © 2019OXOBOXO LOFTS© Johnson Controls 2019. All rights reserved. Reuse, copying, modification or alteration of the drawings and other information contained herein is strictly prohibited. UNIT G-1(2 BEDROOM)UNIT G-5(2 BEDROOM)BUILDING GUNIT G-6(1 BEDROOM)UNIT G-7(1 BEDROOM)UNIT G-8(1 BEDROOM)UNIT G-9(1 BEDROOM)UNIT G-4(1 BEDROOM)UNIT G-3(1 BEDROOM)UNIT G-2(1 BEDROOM)BUILDING HLAUNDRYROOMSITE KEY PLANNORTHABC FGJHKLMDELEVEL 1LEVEL 1BUILDING KLEVEL 1METERROOMUNIT H-2(2 BEDROOM)SSSSSSSCOJBSA1:1-17(1)S1-13.25WSA1:1-18(1)S1-14.25WSA1:1-16(1)S1-12.5WFM1-13(L1)15A1:1-15(1)S1-111WJBSSSCOSSSA1:1-20(1)S1-16.25WSA1:1-19(1)S1-15.5WFM1-12(L1)15A1:1-21(1)S1-171WFM1-11(L1)15A1:1-5(1)S1-11WSSSCOSSSCOSSSSJBJBSA1:1-25(1)S1-21.25WSA1:1-23(1)S1-19.25WSA1:1-24(1)S1-20.5WSA1:1-22(1)S1-18.5WJBSSSCOSA1:1-26(1)S1-22.5WSA1:1-27(1)S1-23.25WSSSSSCOSSSCOSSSCOSSSSSSJBJBJBSSSA1:1-13(1)S1-9.5WSA1:1-14(1)S1-10.25WSA1:1-12(1)S1-8.25WSA1:1-11(1)S1-7.5WSA1:1-9(1)S1-5.5WSA1:1-10(1)S1-6.25WSA1:1-8(1)S1-4.25WSA1:1-6(1)S1-2.5WSSSCOSSJBSA1:1-7(1)S1-3.25WFM1-31(L2)15A1:2-6(1)S2-21W30A1:2-5(1)S2-1.5WSSSCOSSSCOSSSCOSSSCOSSSCOSSSCO15A1:2-7(1)S2-31WSA1:2-8(1)S2-4.5W15A1:2-20(1)S2-161WSA1:2-18(1)S2-14.5WSSSSSSSSSSSSSA1:2-10(1)S2-6.25WSA1:2-19(1)S2-15.25WSA1:2-17(1)S2-13.25WSA1:2-16(1)S2-12.5WSA1:2-14(1)S2-10.5WSA1:2-15(1)S2-11.25WSA1:2-13(1)S2-9.25WSA1:2-12(1)S2-8.5WSA1:2-11(1)S2-7.25WSA1:2-9(1)S2-5.5WMATCH LINEMATCH LINEMATCH LINEFACPSSSCOSSSSSA1:2-22(1)S2-18.25WSA1:2-21(1)S2-17.5WSA1:2-23(1)S2-19.25WSM1-30(L2)MATCH LINEJUNCTION BOX FOR FUTURE ADDRESSABLE MODULE IN EACH DWELLING UNIT.ADDRESSABLE MODULE WILL BE INSTALLED IF THE UNIT EVER CONVERTED FORUSE BY A HEARING IMPAIRED TENANT.PROVIDE (M) WIRE FROM THE NEAREST DWELLING UNIT SMOKE DETECTOR TO THEADDRESSABLE MODULE JUNCTION BOX WITHIN EACH DWELLING UNIT.(NOT CONNECTED TO THE SMOKE DETECTORS)(TYPICAL FOR ALL UNITS)JBJBJBJBJBJBBEDROOMKITCHENBATHROOMBEDROOMKITCHENBEDROOMBATHROOMBEDROOMKITCHENBATHROOMKITCHENBATHROOMBEDROOMBEDROOMKITCHENBATHROOMKITCHENBEDROOMBEDROOMBATHROOMBEDROOMBATHROOMKITCHENKITCHENBATHROOMBEDROOMBEDROOMBATHROOMKITCHENKITCHENBEDROOMBATHROOMKITCHENBATHROOMBEDROOMBEDROOMBEDROOMBATHROOMKITCHENBATHROOMKITCHENBEDROOMBEDROOMBATHROOMKITCHENKITCHENBEDROOMBEDROOMBATHROOMSHEET:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:JOB #:PROJECT #:DESCRIPTIONCADDATEMARKSYSTEM:CHKISSUE DATE:30" x 42" - Arch E1 Size ISSUE LOG:Revisions shown with # symbol04'8'16'SCALE:IN FEET1/8" = 1'-0"NSCALE:1/8" = 1'-0"DEVICE PLACEMENT PLAN - BLDG G,H,K LEVEL 1LAST PRINTED:LAST SAVED BY:FILE PATH:G:\Simplex\DESIGN CAD FOLDER\2019\OXOBOXO LOFTS 614347001\CAD\FA-102.dwg10/23/2019 2:58:53 PM JWANG5 129:614347001J. PANETTAL. WANG10/23/19FIRE ALARM SYSTEMOXOBOXO LOFTS UNCASVILLE, CT 27 INWOOD ROAD ROCKY HILL, CT 06067 PHONE: 860-602-3200 SERVICE: 860-602-3200 FAX: 860-683-8506 DISTRICT - 129FA-108DEVICE PLACEMENT PLAN -BLDG G,H,K LEVEL 1JOHNSON CONTROLS © 2019OXOBOXO LOFTS© Johnson Controls 2019. All rights reserved. Reuse, copying, modification or alteration of the drawings and other information contained herein is strictly prohibited. SITE KEY PLANNORTHABC FGJHKLMDEBUILDING JLEVEL 1SSJBSA1:3-29(1)S3-25.25W15A1:3-30(1)S3-261WSSSCOSSSCOSA1:3-27(1)S3-23.5WSA1:3-28(1)S3-24.25WSA1:3-26(1)S3-22.25WSA1:3-25(1)S3-21.5WSSSS15A1:3-11(1)S3-71W15A1:3-21(1)S3-171WFM1-52(L3)15A1:3-17(1)S3-131WJBSSSA1:3-19(1)S3-15.25WSSSCOSA1:3-18(1)S3-14.5WSSSA1:3-20(1)S3-16.25WSSSCOSSSSSA1:3-22(1)S3-18.5WSA1:3-24(1)S3-20.25WSA1:3-23(1)S3-19.25WSSSCOSSSCOSSSCOSSSCOJBSA1:3-6(1)S3-2.25WSA1:3-5(1)S3-1.5WSSSSSSSA1:3-7(1)S3-3.25WSA1:3-9(1)S3-5.25WSA1:3-8(1)S3-4.5WSSSA1:3-10(1)S3-6.25WJBSSSA1:3-13(1)S3-9.25WSA1:3-12(1)S3-8.5WSSSSSA1:3-14(1)S3-10.25WSA1:3-16(1)S3-12.25WSA1:3-15(1)S3-11.5WMATCH LINEMATCH LINEJUNCTION BOX FOR FUTURE ADDRESSABLE MODULE IN EACH DWELLING UNIT.ADDRESSABLE MODULE WILL BE INSTALLED IF THE UNIT EVER CONVERTED FORUSE BY A HEARING IMPAIRED TENANT.PROVIDE (M) WIRE FROM THE NEAREST DWELLING UNIT SMOKE DETECTOR TO THEADDRESSABLE MODULE JUNCTION BOX WITHIN EACH DWELLING UNIT.(NOT CONNECTED TO THE SMOKE DETECTORS)(TYPICAL FOR ALL UNITS)JBJBJBJBKITCHENBEDROOMBATHROOMBATHROOMBATHROOMBATHROOMBEDROOMBEDROOMBEDROOMKITCHENBEDROOMBEDROOMKITCHENKITCHENBATHROOMBATHROOMBEDROOMBEDROOMKITCHENBEDROOMBATHROOMBATHROOMBATHROOMBATHROOMKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENBEDROOMBEDROOMBEDROOMBEDROOMBEDROOMSHEET:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:JOB #:PROJECT #:DESCRIPTIONCADDATEMARKSYSTEM:CHKISSUE DATE:30" x 42" - Arch E1 Size ISSUE LOG:Revisions shown with # symbol04'8'16'SCALE:IN FEET1/8" = 1'-0"NSCALE:1/8" = 1'-0"DEVICE PLACEMENT PLAN - BLDG J LEVEL 1LAST PRINTED:LAST SAVED BY:FILE PATH:G:\Simplex\DESIGN CAD FOLDER\2019\OXOBOXO LOFTS 614347001\CAD\FA-102.dwg10/23/2019 2:58:55 PM JWANG5 129:614347001J. PANETTAL. WANG10/23/19FIRE ALARM SYSTEMOXOBOXO LOFTS UNCASVILLE, CT 27 INWOOD ROAD ROCKY HILL, CT 06067 PHONE: 860-602-3200 SERVICE: 860-602-3200 FAX: 860-683-8506 DISTRICT - 129FA-109DEVICE PLACEMENT PLAN -BLDG J LEVEL 1JOHNSON CONTROLS © 2019OXOBOXO LOFTS© Johnson Controls 2019. All rights reserved. Reuse, copying, modification or alteration of the drawings and other information contained herein is strictly prohibited. BUILDING LSITE KEY PLANNORTHABC FGJHKLMDEUNIT M-6(2 BEDROOM)UNIT M-7(2 BEDROOM)UNIT M-8(2 BEDROOM)UNIT M-1(1 BEDRROM)UNIT M-9(2 BEDROOM)UNIT M-10(2 BEDROOM)UNIT M-11(2 BEDROOM)UNIT M-2(2 BEDROOM)(2 BEDROOM)UNIT M-3UNIT M-4(2 BEDROOM)UNIT M-5(2 BEDROOM)BUILDING MLEVEL 1LEVEL 1FM1-74(L4)15A2:2-10(1)S5-61W15A2:2-11(1)S5-71WMATCH LINEMATCH LINE15A2:1-5(1)S4-11W15A2:2-22(1)S5-181W15A2:1-18(1)S4-141W15A2:1-15(1)S4-111WFM1-71(L4)15A2:2-15(1)S5-111WSSSSSSJBJBSSSCOSSSCOSA2:2-8(1)S5-41WSA2:2-9(1)S5-5.25WSA2:2-7(1)S5-3.25WSA2:2-5(1)S5-1.5WSA2:2-6(1)S5-2.25WSSSSSSJBJBSA2:2-13(1)S5-9.25WSA2:2-14(1)S5-10.25WSSSA2:2-12(1)S5-8.5WSSSCOSSSCOSA2:2-18(1)S5-14.25WSA2:2-17(1)S5-13.25WSA2:2-16(1)S5-12.5WSSSCOSSSCOSA2:2-19(1)S5-15.5WSA2:1-22(1)S4-18.5WSSSSSSSSJBJBSA2:2-21(1)S5-17.25WSA2:1-24(1)S4-20.25WSA2:1-23(1)S4-19.25WSA2:2-20(1)S5-16.25WAIMM1-72(L4)AIMM1-73(L4)WF6.8KVS6.8KSSSCOSSSCOSSSSSSSSSA2:1-19(1)S4-15.5WJBJBSA2:1-16(1)S4-12.5WSA2:1-20(1)S4-16.25WSA2:1-21(1)S4-17.25WSA2:1-17(1)S4-13.25WSSSCOSSSCOSSSCOJBJBJBSSSSSSSSSSSSSA2:1-14(1)S4-10.25WSA2:1-12(1)S4-8.5WSA2:1-13(1)S4-9.25WSA2:1-11(1)S4-7.25WSA2:1-9(1)S4-5.5WSA2:1-10(1)S4-6.25WSA2:1-8(1)S4-4.25WSA2:1-7(1)S4-3.25WSA2:1-6(1)S4-2.5WJUNCTION BOX FOR FUTURE ADDRESSABLE MODULE IN EACH DWELLING UNIT.ADDRESSABLE MODULE WILL BE INSTALLED IF THE UNIT EVER CONVERTED FORUSE BY A HEARING IMPAIRED TENANT.PROVIDE (M) WIRE FROM THE NEAREST DWELLING UNIT SMOKE DETECTOR TO THEADDRESSABLE MODULE JUNCTION BOX WITHIN EACH DWELLING UNIT.(NOT CONNECTED TO THE SMOKE DETECTORS)(TYPICAL FOR ALL UNITS)BEDROOMSA2:1-25(1)S4-21.25WBEDROOMBATHROOMKITCHENBEDROOMBATHROOMKITCHENBEDROOMBEDROOMBATHROOMKITCHENBEDROOMBATHROOMBEDROOMBATHROOMKITCHENBEDROOMBEDROOMKITCHENBEDROOMBATHROOMBEDROOMBATHROOMKITCHENBEDROOMBEDROOMBATHROOMKITCHENBEDROOMBEDROOMKITCHENBATHROOMBATHROOMKITCHENBEDROOMBEDROOMBEDROOMBEDROOMBATHROOMKITCHENBATHROOMKITCHENBEDROOMBEDROOMSHEET:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:JOB #:PROJECT #:DESCRIPTIONCADDATEMARKSYSTEM:CHKISSUE DATE:30" x 42" - Arch E1 Size ISSUE LOG:Revisions shown with # symbol04'8'16'SCALE:IN FEET1/8" = 1'-0"NSCALE:1/8" = 1'-0"DEVICE PLACEMENT PLAN - BLDG M & BLDG L LEVEL 1LAST PRINTED:LAST SAVED BY:FILE PATH:G:\Simplex\DESIGN CAD FOLDER\2019\OXOBOXO LOFTS 614347001\CAD\FA-102.dwg10/23/2019 2:59:00 PM JWANG5 129:614347001J. PANETTAL. WANG10/23/19FIRE ALARM SYSTEMOXOBOXO LOFTS UNCASVILLE, CT 27 INWOOD ROAD ROCKY HILL, CT 06067 PHONE: 860-602-3200 SERVICE: 860-602-3200 FAX: 860-683-8506 DISTRICT - 129FA-110DEVICE PLACEMENT PLAN -BLDG M & BLDG L LEVEL 1JOHNSON CONTROLS © 2019OXOBOXO LOFTS© Johnson Controls 2019. All rights reserved. Reuse, copying, modification or alteration of the drawings and other information contained herein is strictly prohibited. MMASASM(RTN)SAASMMMZZASASMMASASASASASASASASASASM(RTN)MMMMMMMASASASASASM(RTN)ASASM(RTN)ASASASASASSAMMMASMMMM(RTN)MM(RTN)MMBSMTBSMTFM 1 - 1 1 5 ( L 3 )BLDG E LVL 1FITNESS ROOMSM1-116(L3)BLDG E LVL 1FITNESS ROOMFM1-117(L3)BLDG E LVL 1 STAIRFM 1 - 1 1 8 ( L 3 )BLDG E LVL 1 STAIRFM 1 - 1 1 9 ( L 3 )BLDG E LVL 1W A I T I N G A R E A FM1-125(L3)BLDG E LVL 2UNIT E-2FM1-101(L2)BL D G D L V L 2 U N I T D - 3 FM 1 - 1 0 2 ( L 2 )BLDG D LVL 2UNIT D-4AOMM 1 - 1 3 5 ( L 4 )BLDG F ELEVATORM A C H I N E R O O M AOMM 1 - 1 3 6 ( L 4 ) BL D G F E L E V A T O R M A C H I N E R O O M AOMM1-137(L4)BL D G F E L E V A T O RMACHINE ROOMAOMM 1 - 1 3 8 ( L 4 )BLDG F ELEVATORM A C H I N E R O O M AIMM1-139(L4)BL D G F E L E V A T O R M A C H I N E R O O MSM1-11(L1)BLDG B SB ELECTRICALMETER ROOMFM1-12(L1)BLDG B SB BY ELECTRICALM E T E R R O O M FM1-13(L1)BLDG B SB BY STAIR 2SCOM1-14(L1)BLDG B SBB O I L E R R O O M AIMM1-15(L1)BLDG B SBSPRINKLER ROOMVSZ6.8KAIMM1-16(L1)BLDG B SBSP R I N K L E R R O O M WFZ6.8KAOMM1-26(L1)BLDG B SB ELEVATORM A C H I N E R O O M AOMM1-27(L1)BLDG B SB ELEVATORM A C H I N E R O O M AOMM1-28(L1)BLDG B SB ELEVATORMACHINE ROOMAOMM1-29(L1)BLDG B SB ELEVATORM A C H I N E R O O M AIMM1-30(L1)BLDG B SB ELEVATORM A C H I N E R O O M AIMM1-31(L1)BLDG B LVL 1STAIR 2VSZ6.8KAIMM1-32(L1)BL D G B L V L 1 ST A I R 2 WFZ6.8KFM1-33(L1)BLDG B LVL 1B Y S T A I R 2 FM1-34(L1)BL D G B L V L 1 B YMAIN VESTIBULESERM1-35(L1)BLDG B LVL 1ELEVATOR 1 LOBBYFM2-11(L1)BLDG A LVL 1BY STAIRFM2-12(L1)BLDG A LVL 1CORRIDORAIMM1-61(L1)BL D G B L V L 3 ST A I R 2 VSZ6.8KAIMM1-62(L1)BL D G B L V L 3STAIR 2WFZ6.8KFM1-63(L1)BL D G B L V L 3BY STAIR 2SERM1-64(L1)BLDG B LVL 3EL E V A T O R 1 L O B B YFM1-21(L1)BLDG A LVL2 BY STAIR AIMM1-22(L1)BLDG A LVL 2UNIT A-6 H.C.AIMM1-23(L1)BLDG A LVL 2UNIT A-4 H.C.15A1:1-15(2)BLDG B BSMT BYST A I R 2S2-11WSA1:1-16(2)BLDG B BSMTUNIT B-1S2-2 .5WSA1:1-17(2)BLDG B BSMT UNITB-1 BEDRMS2-3.25WSA1:1-18(2)BLDG B BSMT UNITB-1 BEDRMS2-4 .25W75A1:1-19(2)BLDG B BSMTLAUNDRY ROOMS2-5 .5WSA1:1-20(2)BLDG B BSMTUNIT B-2S2-6 .5WSA1:1-21(2)BLDG B BSMTUNIT B-2 BEDRMS2-7.25WSA1:1-22(2)BLDG B BSMTUNIT B-2 BEDRMS2-8 .25W15A1:1-23(2)BLDG B BSMTCORRIDOR BY EXITS2-91W15A1:1-5(1)BLDG B SB ELECTRICALMETER ROOMS1 - 1 1W75A1:1-6(1)BLDG B SBMAINTENANCE ROOMS1-21W75A1:1-7(1)BLDG B SBBOILER ROOMS1-3 1W15A1:1-8(1)BLDG B SBSPRINKLER ROOMS1-4.25W15A1:1-9(1)BLDG B SB BYSTAIR 2S1-5 1WSA1:2-5(1)BLDG C LVL 1UNIT C-1S3 - 1 .5WSA1:2-6(1)BL D G C L V L 1UNIT C-1 BEDRMS3-2.25WSA1:2-7(1)BLDG C LVL 1 UNITC-1 BEDRMS3 - 3 .25WSA1 : 2 - 8 ( 1 )BLDG C LVL 1UNIT C-2S3-4.5WSA1 : 2 - 9 ( 1 )BLDG C LVL 1 UNITC-2 BEDRMS3 - 5 .25WSA1:2-10(1)BL D G C L V L 1 U N I TC-2 BEDRMS3-6.25W15A1:3-5(1)BLDG B LVL 1BY S T A I R 2 S5 - 1 1WSA1 : 3 - 6 ( 1 )BLDG B LVL 1UNIT B-3S5-2.5WSA1:3-7(1)BLDG B LVL 1UNI T B - 3 B E D R M S5 - 3 .25WSA1:3-8(1)BLDG B LVL 1UNIT B-4S5-4.5WSA1:3-9(1)BLDG B LVL 1UNIT B-4 BEDRMS5-5 .25WSA1:3-10(1)BLDG B LVL 1 UNITB-4 BEDRMS5-6.25WSA1:3-11(1)BLDG B LVL 1UNIT B-5S5-7 .5WSA1:3-12(1)BL D G B L V L 1 U N I TB-5 BEDRMS5-8.25W15A1:3-13(1)BLDG B LVL 1 CORRBY UNIT B-5S5 - 9 1WSA1:3-14(1)BLDG B LVL 1UNIT B-6S5-10.5WSA1:3-15(1)BLDG B LVL 1 UNITB-6 BEDRMS5-11.25WSA1:3-16(1)BLDG B LVL 1UNIT B-7S5-121W15A1:3-17(1)BLDG B LVL 1 CORRBY VESTIBULES5-131W15A1:3-21(2)BLDG A LVL 1CORRIDORS4-1 1WSA1:3-22(2)BLDG A LVL 1UNIT A-2S4-2.5WSA1:3-23(2)BLDG A LVL 1 UNITA-2 BEDRMS4-3 .25WSA1:3-24(2)BLDG A LVL 1 UNITA-2 BEDRMS4-4.25WSA1:3-25(2)BLDG A LVL 1UNIT A-2S4-5 .5WSA1:3-26(2)BLDG A LVL 1UNIT A-2 BEDRMS4-6.25WSA1:3-27(2)BLDG A LVL 1UNT A-1S4-7 .5WSA1:3-28(2)BLDG A LVL 1 UNITA-1 BEDRMS4-8.25WSA1:3-29(2)BLDG A LVL 1UNIT A-1 BEDRMS4-9 .25WSA 2 : 1 - 5 ( 1 )BLDG D LVL 1 UNIT D-1S6-1.5WSA2:1-6(1)BLDG D LVL 1 UNITD- 1 B E D R M S6 - 2 .25WSA 2 : 1 - 7 ( 1 )BLDG D LVL 1 UNITD-1 BEDRMS6-3.25WSA2:1-8(1)BLDG D LVL 1U N I T D - 2 S6 - 4 .5WSA2:1-9(1)BLDG D LVL 1 UNITD-2 BEDRMS6 - 5 .25W15A2:1-10(1)BLDG D LVL 2UNIT D-3S6 - 6 1WSA2:1-11(1)BL D G D L V L 2UNIT D-3S6-7.5WSA2:1-12(1)BLDG D LVL 2UNIT D-3 BEDRMS6 - 8 .25WSA2:1-13(1)BL D G D L V L 2 U N I TD-3 BEDRMS6-9.25W15A 2 : 1 - 1 4 ( 1 )BLDG D LVL 2UNIT D-4S6-101WSA2:1-15(1)BLDG D LVL 2U N I T D - 4S6-11.5WSA2:1-16(1)BLDG D LVL 2UNIT D-4 BEDRMS6-12.25W75A 2 : 1 - 2 1 ( 2 ) BL D G E L V L 1FINTNESS ROOMS7-11W15A 2 : 1 - 2 2 ( 2 )BLDG E LVL 1 STAIRS7 - 2 1W15A2:1-23(2)BLDG E LVL 1 STAIRS7-31W15A2:1-24(2)BL D G E L V L 1WAITING AREAS7-41W15A2:1-25(2)BLDG E LVL 1RE C E P T I O N S7 - 5 .5W15A2 : 1 - 2 6 ( 2 )BLDG E LVL 1C O N F . R O O MS7-6.25W15A 2 : 1 - 2 7 ( 2 )BLDG E LVL 2U N I T E - 2S7-71WSA 2 : 1 - 2 8 ( 2 )BLDG E LVL 2UNIT E-2S7 - 8 .5WSA2:1-29(2)BLDG E LVL 2 UNITE-2 BEDRMS7-9.25WSA2:1-30(2)BLDG E LVL 2UNIT E-3S7-10.5WSA2:1-31(2)BLDG E LVL 2 UNITE-3 BEDRMS7-11.25WSA2:1-32(2)BLDG E LVL 2UNIT E-3 BEDRMS7-12.25W15A2:2-5(1)BLDG F LVL 1 BY EXITS8 - 1 1W75A2:2-6(1)BLDG F LVL 1FI T N E S S R O O MS8-21W75A2:2-7(1)BL D G F L V L 1FITNESS ROOMS8 - 3 1W75A2 : 2 - 8 ( 1 )BLDG F LVL 2B O I L E R R O O MS8-41W75A2:2-9(1)BL D G F M E Z ZS8-51W15A2:2-15(2)BL D G B L V L 2 B YSTAIR 2S9-11WSA2:2-16(2)BL D G B L V L 2UNIT B-8S9 - 2 .5WSA2:2-17(2)BLDG B LVL 2UNIT B-8 BEDRMS9-3.25WSA2:2-18(2)BLDG B LVL 2UNIT B-9S9-4 .5WSA2:2-19(2)BLDG B LVL 2UNIT B-9 BEDRMS9-5.25WSA2:2-20(2)BLDG B LVL 2 UNITB-9 BEDRMS9-6 .25WSA2:2-21(2)BLDG B LVL 2UNIT B-10S9-7.5WSA2:2-22(2)BL D G B L V L 2 U N I TB-10 BEDRMS9 - 8 .25W15A2:2-23(2)BLDG B LVL 2 CORR BYUNIT B-10S9 - 9 1WSA2:2-24(2)BLDG B L V L 2 U N I T B-11S9-10.5WSA2:2-25(2)BLDG B LVL 2 UNITB-11 BEDRMS9-11.25WSA2:2-26(2)BLDG B LVL 2UNIT B-12S9-12.5WSA2:2-27(2)BLDG B LVL 2 UNITB-12 BEDRMS9-13.25W15A2:2-28(2)BLDG B LVL 2CORRIDORS9-141W185A2:2-35(3)BLDG A LVL 2UNIT A-6S10-1.5W185A2:2-36(3)BLDG A LVL 2 UNITA-6 BEDRMS10-2.25W185A2:2-37(3)BLDG A LVL 2 UNITA-6 BEDRMS10-3.25W15A2:2-38(3)BLDG A LVL 2 UNITA-6 BATHRM SA2:2-39(3)BLDG A LVL 2UNIT A-5S10-4 .5WSA2:2-40(3)BLDG A LVL 2UNIT A-5 BEDRMS10-5.25W15A2:2-41(3)BLDG A LVL 2CORRIDORS10-61W185A2:2-42(3)BLDG A LVL 2UNIT A-4S10-7.5W185A2:2-43(3)BLDG A LVL 2UNIT A-4 BEDRMS10-8.25W15A2:2-44(3)BLDG A LVL 2 UNITA-4 BATHRM15A2:3-25(2)BL D G B L V L 4 B YSTAIR 2S1 2 - 1 1WSA2:3-26(2)BL D G B L V L 4UNIT B-18S1 2 - 2 .5WSA2:3-27(2)BL D G B L V L 4 U N I TB-18 BEDRMS1 2 - 3 .25WSA2:3-28(2)BLDG B L V L 4UNIT B-19S12- 4 .5WSA2:3-29(2)BLDG B LVL 4 UNITB-19 BEDRMS12-5 .25WSA2:3-30(2)BLDG B LVL 4 UNITB-19 BEDRMS12-6 .25WSA2:3-31(2)BLDG B LVL 4UNIT B-20S12-7 .5WSA 2 : 3 - 3 2 ( 2 ) BL D G B L V L 4 U N I TB-20 BEDRMS12-8.25W15A2 : 3 - 3 3 ( 2 )BLDG B LVL 4 CORRBY UNIT B-20S12-91WSA2 : 3 - 3 4 ( 2 )BLDG B LVL 4UNIT B-21S1 2 - 1 0 .5WSA2:3-35(2)BLDG B LVL 4 UNITB-21 BEDRMS12- 1 1 .25WSA2:3-36(2)BLDG B LVL 4UNIT B-22S12-12.5WSA2:3-37(2)BLDG B LVL 4 UNITB-22 BEDRMS12-13 .25W15A2:3-38(2)BLDG B LVL 4CORRIDOR BY STAIRS12-141W15A 2 : 3 - 5 ( 1 ) BL D G B L V L 3 BY S T A I R 2S11-11WSA2:3-6(1)BL D G B L V L 3UNIT B-13S11-2.5WSA2 : 3 - 7 ( 1 )BLDG B LVL 3 UNITB-13 BEDRMS11-3.25WSA2:3-8(1)BLDG B LVL 3 UNIT B - 1 4S11-4.5WSA2:3-9(1)BLDG B LVL 3 UNITB-14 BEDRMS11-5.25WSA2:3-10(1)BLDG B LVL 3 UNITB-14 BEDRMS11-6.25WSA2:3-11(1)BLDG B LVL 3UNIT B-15S11-7.5WSA2:3-12(1)BL D G B L V L 3 U N I T B- 1 5 B E D R MS11-8.25W15A2:3-13(1)BL D G B L V L 3 C O R RBY UNIT B-15S11-91WSA2:3-14(1)BLDG B LVL 3UNIT B-16S1 1 - 1 0 .5WSA2:3-15(1)BLDG B LVL 3 UNITB-16 BED R MS11-11.25WSA2:3-16(1)BLDG B LVL 3UNIT B-17S11-12 .5WSA2:3-17(1)BLDG B LVL 3 UNITB-17 BEDRMS11-13.25W15A2:3-18(1)BLDG B LVL 3CORRIDORS11-14 1WSUB-BSMTSUB-BSMT2 PAIR TELCORJ-31X JACKSUPPLIED BY ECTO TELEPHONEMOUNTING BOARD2 PAIR TELCORJ-31X JACKSUPPLIED BY ECLINE 2LINE 114' RJ45 CABLE (2080-9047) SUPPLIEDWITH PANEL14' RJ45 CABLE (2080-9047) SUPPLIEDWITH PANEL120 VOLT AC120 VOLT AC4100ESELECTRICAL METER ROOMFACP4100ESFACPBUILDING BLEVEL 1LEVEL 1LEVEL 2LEVEL 2LEVEL 3LEVEL 4AIMM1-21(L1)BLDG B BSMTSTAIR 2VSZ6.8KAIMM1-22(L1)BLDG B BSMTSTAIR 2WFZ6.8KFM1-23(L1)BLDG B BSMT BYST A I R 2 SERM1-24(L1)BLDG B BSMTELEVATOR 1 LOBBYFM1-25(L1)BL D G B B S M T C O R R B Y E X I T FM1-81(L1)BLDG B LVL 4BY S T A I R SERM1-82(L1)BLDG B LVL 4ELEVATOR 1 LOBBYFM1-83(L1)BLDG B LVL 4BY STAIR 2AIMM1-84(L1)BLDG B LVL 4ST A I R 2 VSZ6.8KAIMM1-85(L1)BL D G B L V L 4 ST A I R 2 WFZ6.8KSM1-86(L1)BL D G B L V L 4STAIR 2FM1-131(L4)BLDG F LVL 1 BY EXITSERM 1 - 1 3 2 ( L 4 ) BL D G F L V L 1ELEVATOR 2 LOBBYSCOM1-133(L4)BLDG F LVL 2B O I L E R R O O M SERM 1 - 1 3 4 ( L 4 ) BL D G F L V L 2ELEVATOR 2 LOBBYBUILDING CMEZZRELEVATORRECALLPRIMARYRELEVATORRECALLALTERNATERELEVATORRECALLFIREMANWARNINGRELEVATORRECALLSHUNTTRIPZRELEVATORRECALLSHUNT TRIPPOWER MONITOR6.8KRELEVATORRECALLPRIMARYRELEVATORRECALLALTERNATERELEVATORRECALLFIREMANWARNINGRELEVATORRECALLSHUNTTRIPZRELEVATORRECALLSHUNT TRIPPOWER MONITOR6.8KJBBLDG B BSMTU N I T B - 1 JBBLDG B BSMTU N I T B - 2 JBBLDG C LVL 2UNIT C-3JBBLDG C LVL 1UNIT C-1JBBLDG C LVL 1U N I T C - 2 JBBLDG C LVL 2U N I T C - 4JBBLDG A LVL 1UNIT A-2JBBLDG A LVL 1UNIT A-2JBBLDG A LVL 1UNIT A-1JBBLDG B LVL 1U N I T B - 3 JBBLDG B LVL 1UNIT B-4JBBLDG B LVL 1UNIT B-4JBBLDG B LVL 1UNIT B-6JBBLDG B LVL 1UNIT B-7JBBLDG B LVL 2UNIT B-9JBBLDG B LVL 2UNIT B-10JBBL D G B L V L 2 U N I T B - 1 1 JBBL D G B L V L 2UNIT B-12JBBLDG B LVL 2UNIT B-8SSSCOSSSS6.8KFAABLDG B LVL 1 MAINVESTIBULEB,PSSSCOSS6.8KSERM1-51(L1)BLDG B LVL 2ELEVATOR 1 LOBBYFM1-52(L1)BLDG B LVL 2BY S T A I R 2 AIMM1-53(L1)BLDG B LVL 2STAIR 2VSZ6.8KAIMM1-54(L1)BLDG B LVL 2ST A I R 2 WFZ6.8KSA1:2-15(2)BLDG C LVL 2UNIT C-3S3 - 7 .5WSA1 : 2 - 1 6 ( 2 )BLDG C LVL 2UNIT C-3 BEDRMS3-8.25WSA1:2-17(2)BLDG C LVL 2UNIT C-3 BEDRMS3 - 9 .25WSA1:2-18(2)BLDG C LVL 2U N I T C - 4 S3 - 1 0 .5WSA1:2-19(2)BLDG C LVL 2U N I T C - 4 B E D R MS3-11.25WSA1:2-20(2)BLDG C LVL 2U N I T C - 4 B E D R MS3-12.25WBUILDING DBUILDING EBUILDING FTO TELEPHONEMOUNTING BOARDBUILDING AJBBL D G B L V L 3UNIT B-14JBBL D G B L V L 3UNIT B-15JBBLDG B LVL 3UNIT B-16JBBLDG B LVL 3U N I T B - 1 7 JBBL D G B L V L 3UNIT B-13JBBLDG B LVL 4U N I T B - 1 9 JBBLDG B LVL 4U N I T B - 2 0 JBBLDG B LVL 4UNIT B-21JBBLDG B LVL 4UNIT B-22JBBL D G B L V L 4UNIT B-18JBBLDG D LVL 1U N I T D - 1 JBBLDG D LVL 1UNIT D-2JBBLDG D LVL 2U N I T D - 3 JBBLDG D LVL 2UNIT D-4JBBLDG E LVL 2U N I T E - 2 JBBLDG E LVL 2U N I T E - 3 SHEET:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:JOB #:PROJECT #:DESCRIPTIONCADDATEMARKSYSTEM:CHKISSUE DATE:30" x 42" - Arch E1 Size ISSUE LOG:Revisions shown with # symbolSCALE:N.T.S.RISER DIAGRAM - BLDG A,B,C,D,E,FLAST PRINTED:LAST SAVED BY:FILE PATH:G:\Simplex\DESIGN CAD FOLDER\2019\OXOBOXO LOFTS 614347001\CAD\FA-201.dwg10/23/2019 2:59:08 PM JWANG5 129:614347001J. PANETTAL. WANG10/23/19FIRE ALARM SYSTEMOXOBOXO LOFTS UNCASVILLE, CT 27 INWOOD ROAD ROCKY HILL, CT 06067 PHONE: 860-602-3200 SERVICE: 860-602-3200 FAX: 860-683-8506 DISTRICT - 129FA-201RISER DIAGRAM - BLDGA,B,C,D,E,FJOHNSON CONTROLS © 2019OXOBOXO LOFTS© Johnson Controls 2019. All rights reserved. Reuse, copying, modification or alteration of the drawings and other information contained herein is strictly prohibited. ASASASASASASASM(RTN)MMASASMM(RTN)MM(RTN)MMM(RTN)ASASASASASAS15A1:1-5(1)BLDG G LVL 1 CORR BY UNIT G-1S1-11WSA1:1-6(1)BLDG G LVL 1 UNIT G-1S1-2 .5WSA1:1-7(1)BLDG G LVL 1 UNIT G-1 BEDRMS1-3.25WSA1:1-8(1)BLDG G LVL 1 UNIT G-1 BEDRMS1-4 .25WSA1:1-9(1)BLDG G LVL 1 UNIT G-2S1-5.5WSA1:1-10(1)BLDG G LVL 1 UNIT G-2 BEDRMS1-6 .25WSA1:1-11(1)BLDG G LVL 1 UNIT G-3S1-7.5WSA1:1-12(1)BLDG G LVL 1 UNIT G-3 BEDRMS1-8 .25WSA1:1-13(1)BLDG G LVL 1 UNIT G-4S1-9.5WSA1:1-14(1)BLDG G LVL 1 UNIT G-4 BEDRMS1-10.25W15A1:1-15(1)BLDG G LVL 1 CORR BY UNIT G-5S1-111WSA1:1-16(1)BLDG G LVL 1 UNIT G-5S1-12.5WSA1:1-17(1)BLDG G LVL 1 UNIT G-5 BEDRMS1-13.25WSA1:1-18(1)BLDG G LVL 1 UNIT G-5 BEDRMS1-14.25WSA1:1-19(1)BLDG G LVL 1 UNIT G-6S1-15.5WSA1:1-20(1)BLDG G LVL 1 UNIT G-6 BEDRMS1-16.25W15A1:1-21(1)BLDG G LVL 1 CORR BY UNIT G-7S1-171WSA1:1-22(1)BLDG G LVL 1 UNIT G-7S1-18 .5WSA1:1-23(1)BLDG G LVL 1 UNIT G-7 BEDRMS1-19.25WSA1:1-24(1)BLDG G LVL 1 UNIT G-8S1-20.5WSA1:1-25(1)BLDG G LVL 1 UNIT G-8 BEDRMS1-21.25WSA1:1-26(1)BLDG G LVL 1 UNIT G-9S1-22.5WSA1:1-27(1)BLDG G LVL 1 UNIT G-9 BEDRMS1-23.25W30A1:2-5(1)BLDG H&K LVL 1 LAUNDRY ROOMS2-1.5W15A1 : 2 - 6 ( 1 )BLDG H&K LVL 1 MAIN ENTRANCES2 - 2 1W15A1:2-7(1)BLDG H&K LVL 1 CORRIDORS2-31WSA1:2-8(1)BL D G H & K L V L 1 U N I T S2 - 4 .5WSA1:2-9(1)BLDG H&K LVL 1 UNITS2-5.5WSA1 : 2 - 1 0 ( 1 )BLDG H&K LVL 1 UNIT BEDRMS2 - 6 .25WSA1:2-11(1)BLDG H&K LVL 1 UNIT BEDRMS2-7.25WSA1 : 2 - 1 3 ( 1 )BLDG H&K LVL 1 UNIT BEDRMS2-9.25WSA 1 : 2 - 1 4 ( 1 ) BL D G H & K L V L 1 U N I TS2-10.5WSA 1 : 2 - 1 5 ( 1 )BLDG H&K LVL 1 UNIT BEDRMS2-11.25WSA 1 : 2 - 1 6 ( 1 ) BL D G H & K L V L 1 U N I TS2-12.5WSA1:2-17( 1 )BLDG H&K LVL 1 UNIT BEDRMS2-13.25WSA1:2-18(1)BLDG H&K LVL 1 UNITS2-14.5WSA1 : 2 - 1 9 ( 1 )BLDG H&K LVL 1 UNIT BEDRMS2-15.25W15A1:2-20(1)BLDG H&K LVL 1 CORRIDORS2-161WSA1 : 2 - 2 1 ( 1 ) BL D G H & K L V L 1 U N I T H - 2S2-17.5WSA1:2-22(1)BL D G H & K L V L 1 U N I T H - 2 B E D R MS2-18.25WSA 1 : 2 - 2 3 ( 1 )BLDG H&K LVL 1 UNIT H-2 BEDRMS2-19.25WSA1:3-5(1)BLDG J LVL 1 UNITS3 - 1 .5WSA1:3-6(1)BLDG J LVL 1 UNIT BEDRMS3-2.25WSA1:3-7(1)BL D G J L V L 1 U N I T B E D R M S3 - 3 .25WSA1:3-8(1)BLDG J LVL 1 UNITS3-4.5WSA1:3-9(1)BL D G J L V L 1 U N I T B E D R M S3 - 5 .25WSA1:3-10(1)BLDG J LVL 1 UNIT BEDRMS3-6.25W15A1 : 3 - 1 1 ( 1 )BLDG J LVL 1 CORRIDORS3-71WSA1:3-12(1)BLDG J LVL 1 UNITS3-8.5WSA1:3-13(1)BL D G J L V L 1 U N I T B E D R MS3-9.25WSA1:3-14(1)BLDG J LVL 1 UNIT BEDRMS3-10.25WSA1:3-15(1)BL D G J L V L 1 U N I TS3-11.5WSA1:3-16(1)BLDG J LVL 1 UNIT BEDRMS3-12.25W15A1:3-17(1)BLDG J LVL 1 CORR BY EXITS3-131WSA1:3-18(1)BLDG J LVL 1 UNITS3-14.5WSA1 : 3 - 1 9 ( 1 ) BL D G J L V L 1 U N I T B E D R MS3-15.25WSA 1 : 3 - 2 0 ( 1 ) BL D G J L V L 1S3-16.25W15A 1 : 3 - 2 1 ( 1 )BLDG J LVL 1 CORRIDORS3-171WSA1:3-22(1)BLDG J LVL 1 UNITS3-18.5WSA1 : 3 - 2 3 ( 1 ) BL D G J L V L 1 U N I T B E D R MS3-19.25WSA1 : 3 - 2 4 ( 1 )BLDG J LVL 1 UNIT BEDRMS3-20.25WSA1 : 3 - 2 5 ( 1 )BLDG J LVL 1 UNITS3-21.5WSA 1 : 3 - 2 6 ( 1 )BLDG J LVL 1 UNIT BEDRMS3-22.25WSA 1 : 3 - 2 7 ( 1 )BLDG J LVL 1 UNITS3 - 2 3 .5WSA 1 : 3 - 2 8 ( 1 ) BL D G J L V L 1 U N I T B E D R MS3-24.25WSA1 : 3 - 2 9 ( 1 )BLDG J LVL 1 UNIT BEDRMS3-25.25W15A1 : 3 - 3 0 ( 1 )BLDG J LVL 1 CORRIDORS3-261WSA2:1-12(1)BL D G M L V L 1 U N I T M - 5S4-8.5WSA 2 : 1 - 1 3 ( 1 ) BL D G M L V L 1 U N I T M - 5 B E D R M S4 - 9 .25WSA2:1-14(1)BLDG M LVL 1 UNIT M-5 BEDRMS4-10.25W15A2 : 1 - 1 5 ( 1 )BLDG M LVL 1 BY EXITS4-111WSA2:1-16(1)BL D G M L V L 1 U N I T M - 1 1S4-12.5WSA2 : 1 - 1 7 ( 1 )BLDG M LVL 1 UNIT M-11S4-13.25W15A2:1-18(1)BLDG M LVL 1 CORR BY UNIT M-10S4-141WSA2:1-19(1)BL D G M L V L 1 U N I T M - 1 0S4-15.5WSA 2 : 1 - 2 0 ( 1 ) BL D G M L V L 1 U N I T M - 1 0 B E D R MS4-16.25WSA2:1-21(1)BL D G M L V L 1 U N I T M - 1 0 B E D R MS4-17.25WSA2 : 1 - 2 2 ( 1 )BLDG M LVL 1 UNIT M-9S4-18.5WSA2:1-23(1)BLDG M LVL 1 UNIT M-9 BEDRMS4-19.25WSA2 : 1 - 2 4 ( 1 ) BL D G M L V L 1 U N I T M - 9 B E D R MS4-20.25WSA2:2-5(1)BLDG M LVL 1 UNIT M-2S5-1.5WSA2 : 2 - 6 ( 1 )BLDG M LVL 1 UNIT M-2 BEDRMS5 - 2 .25WSA2:2-7(1)BLDG M LVL 1 UNIT M-2 BEDRMS5-3.25WSA 2 : 2 - 8 ( 1 )BLDG M LVL 1 UNIT M-1S5-41WSA2:2-9(1)BLDG M LVL 1 UNIT M-1 BEDRMS5 - 5 .25W15A2:2-10(1)BLDG M LVL 1 CORR BY EXITS5-61W15A2:2-11(1)BLDG M LVL 1 CORR BY UNIT M-6S5 - 7 1WSA2:2-12(1)BL D G M L V L 1 U N I T M - 6 S5 - 8 .5WSA2:2-13(1)BLDG M LVL 1 UNIT M-6 BEDRMS5-9.25WSA2:2-14(1)BL D G M L V L 1 U N I T M - 6 B E D R MS5-10.25W15A2:2-15(1)BLDG M LVL 1 CORR BY UNIT M-7S5-111WSA2:2-16(1)BL D G M L V L 1 U N I T M - 7S5-12.5WSA2:2-17(1)BLDG M LVL 1 UNIT M-7 BEDRMS5-13.25WSA2 : 2 - 1 8 ( 1 ) BL D G M L V L 1 U N I T M - 7 B E D R MS5-14.25WSA2:2-19(1)BLDG M LVL 1 UNIT M-8S5-15.5WSA2 : 2 - 2 0 ( 1 ) BL D G M L V L 1 U N I T M - 8 B E D R MS5-16.25WSA2:2-21(1)BLDG M LVL 1 UNIT M-8 BEDRMS5-17.25W15A 2 : 2 - 2 2 ( 1 )BLDG M LVL 1 CORR BY UNIT M-8S5 - 1 8 1W2 PAIR TELCORJ-31X JACKSUPPLIED BY ECRJ-31X JACKSUPPLIED BY ECLINE 2LINE 114' RJ45 CABLE (2080-9047) SUPPLIEDWITH PANEL14' RJ45 CABLE (2080-9047) SUPPLIEDWITH PANEL120 VOLT AC120 VOLT AC4100ESMETER ROOMFACP4100ESFACPLEVEL 1LEVEL 1TO TELEPHONEMOUNTING BOARD2 PAIR TELCOTO TELEPHONEMOUNTING BOARDBUILDING GBUILDING H&KBUILDING JBUILDING MJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBBLDG G LVL 1 UNIT G-9BLDG G LVL 1 UNIT G-8BLDG G LVL 1 UNIT G-7BLDG G LVL 1 UNIT G-6BLDG G LVL 1 UNIT G-5BLDG G LVL 1 UNIT G-4BLDG G LVL 1 UNIT G-3BLDG G LVL 1 UNIT G-2BLDG G LVL 1 UNIT G-1FM1-11(L1)BLDG G LVL 1 CORR BYUNIT G-1FM1-12(L1)BLDG G LVL 1 CORR BYUNIT G-7SA1:2-12(1)BL D G H & K L V L 1 U N I TS2-8.5WJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBFM1-71(L4)BLDG M LVL 1C O R R B Y E X I T AIMM1-72(L4)BL D G M L V L 1 VSZ6.8KAIMM1-73(L4)BLDG M LVL 1WFZ6.8KFM1-74(L4)BLDG M LVL 1CORR BY EXITSM1-30(L2)BLDG H LVL 1M E T E R R O O M FM1-31(L2)BLDG H&K LVL 1 BYMAIN ENTRANCEFM1-52(L3)BLDG J LVL 1C O R R B Y E X I T BLDG M LVL 1 UNIT M-2BL D G M L V L 1 U N I T M - 1BLDG M LVL 1 UNIT M-6BLDG M LVL 1 UNIT M-7BLDG M LVL 1 UNIT M-8BLDG M LVL 1 UNIT M-9BLDG M LVL 1 UNIT M-10BLDG M LVL 1 UNIT M-11BLDG M LVL 1 UNIT M-5BLDG M LVL 1 UNIT M-4BL D G M L V L 1 U N I T M - 3 15A2:1-5(1)BLDG M LVL 1 CORR BY UNIT M-3S4 - 1 1WSA 2 : 1 - 6 ( 1 )BLDG M LVL 1 UNIT M-3S4-2.5WSA2:1-7(1)BLDG M LVL 1 UNIT M-3 BEDRMS4 - 3 .25WSA2:1-8(1)BL D G M L V L 1 U N I T M - 3 B E D R MS4-4.25WSA2:1-9(1)BLDG M LVL 1 UNIT M-4S4 - 5 .5WSA 2 : 1 - 1 0 ( 1 ) BL D G M L V L 1 U N I T M - 4 B E D R MS4-6.25WSA2:1-11(1)BLDG M LVL 1 UNIT M-4 BEDRMS4 - 7 .25WFM1-13(L1)BLDG G LVL 1 EXITBY UNIT G-5JBBL D G H U N I T H-2JBBL D G K U N I T JBBL D G K U N I T JBBL D G K U N I T JBBL D G K U N I T JBBL D G K U N I T JBBLDG J LVL 1JBBL D G J L V L 1 JBBLDG J LVL 1JBBLDG J LVL 1JBBLDG J LVL 1JBBLDG J LVL 1JBBLDG J LVL 1JBBLDG J LVL 1SA2:1-25(1)BL D G M L V L 1 U N I T M - 1 1S4-21.25WSHEET:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:JOB #:PROJECT #:DESCRIPTIONCADDATEMARKSYSTEM:CHKISSUE DATE:30" x 42" - Arch E1 Size ISSUE LOG:Revisions shown with # symbolSCALE:N.T.S.RISER DIAGRAM - BLDG G,H,K,J,MLAST PRINTED:LAST SAVED BY:FILE PATH:G:\Simplex\DESIGN CAD FOLDER\2019\OXOBOXO LOFTS 614347001\CAD\FA-201.dwg10/23/2019 2:59:10 PM JWANG5 129:614347001J. PANETTAL. WANG10/23/19FIRE ALARM SYSTEMOXOBOXO LOFTS UNCASVILLE, CT 27 INWOOD ROAD ROCKY HILL, CT 06067 PHONE: 860-602-3200 SERVICE: 860-602-3200 FAX: 860-683-8506 DISTRICT - 129FA-202RISER DIAGRAM - BLDGG,H,K,J,MJOHNSON CONTROLS © 2019OXOBOXO LOFTS© Johnson Controls 2019. All rights reserved. Reuse, copying, modification or alteration of the drawings and other information contained herein is strictly prohibited. SCALE: NTSFIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL - BLDG A,B,C,D,E,FCABINET # 1 - BLDG B SUB-BASEMENTELECTRICAL METER ROOMBATTERY CONNECT TO 120VAC 60HZP2 P3 P4 P1 AC NEUTRAL MOUNTS TO BACKBOXFBSYSTEM CONDUIT, 3/4" MIN. (2" SHOWN)REFER TO MOUNTING DETAIL FOR TYP. CONDUITPENETRATION LOCATIONSBAY 1 TERMINATIONSBAY 2 TERMINATIONSBAY 3 TERMINATIONSCIRCUIT LABELCKT DESCRIPTIONTERMINATION NUMBERWIRECIRCUIT LABELCKT DESCRIPTIONTERMINATION NUMBERWIRECIRCUIT LABELCKT DESCRIPTIONTERMINATION NUMBERWIREP7P6P1P424VP2P3OVP5P7P6P1P424VP2P3OVP5+2081-929650 Ah BATTERY-50 Ah BATTERY2081-9296+-RDO NOT LOCATE POWER-LIMITED WIRING IN THE SHADED AREASOF THE BACKBOX, THIS AREA IS RESERVED FOR NON-POWERLIMITED CIRCUITRY SUCH AS AC POWER, BATTERIES AND CITYCONNECTION.24"56"ON12435768B-B-B+B+IDNAC 1B+B+B-B-IDNAC 2B+B+B-B-IDNAC 3BTRY (+)BTRY (-)RECT (-)RECT (+)-+OV+24TB1TB2TB3TB4ENHANCED TA POWER SUPPLY120VAC 60HzEARTH FAULTJUMPERAUXPOWERCASW19600 /O FF 168421643218234567TB1A-A-A+B-B+A+B-B+LOOP 1LOOP 2AABBAABBIDNet2 MODULE250 DEVICESCAFBFBFBFBFB1OVTB2+24-+23456789101112B+B-A+A-B+B-A+A-B+B-A+A-SW156781234P1NACNACNAC4100-5101XPS POWER SUPPLY120VAC 60HzAUXPOWERCA321MESSAGE MEMORY EXPANSION PORT 2LOCAL SPEAKER/MICP121ONSW11INPUT OPT ION CARD768435P4INPUT OPT ION CARDPORT 1P6P11 B- B+ A- A+DARPRIMARYSECONDARYDARTB2463215STYLE 4 - +PRIMARY2ONLY4100-9621/-1311DIGITAL AUDIOCONTROLLERMIC (WHT)5PTT (RED) RTN (BLK) MIC (WHT) SHLD34 21TB1REMOTE MICROPHONECAB- B+1TB14B+2B-3SHLD 8B-7B+56SHLD DIGITAL AUDIO DECODER NACNACNAC4100-1326FLEX 50 WATT DIGITALAMP 25V RMSCA321B- B+1TB14B+2B-3SHLD 8B-7B+56SHLD DIGITAL AUDIO DECODER NACNACNAC4100-1326FLEX 50 WATT DIGITALAMP 25V RMSCA3214100-1241 8 MINUTE MESSAGE EXPANSION MODULE B- B+ B- SHLD B+ SHLD B+ B-215348674100-1245FLEX AMPEXP NAC CARDNACNACNAC123B- B+ B- SHLD B+ SHLD B+ B-215348674100-1245FLEX AMPEXP NAC CARDNACNACNAC123R+ OV-1 RSRVD GND R-RUIP7POWERRCV RTS XMIT 24C GND CTS PIEZO RSRVD TB1RS232NETWORKL+ RSRVD GND L- OV-2 P4P5P6COMMP8NETWORK/RS232 DAUGHTER CARD CPU DAUGHTER CARD MOTHERBOARDNETWORKCPUXMIT TB3RUI B+ RCVRS232RTS CTS GND TB2RUI B- RUI A+ SHLD RUI A-1324513245P6123P5123FBAC PowerResetSystemFire AlarmEventTimeEnableDisableLampMoreOffDisarmOnArmAutoPriority 2AckAckSupvAckMenuTestNextTroubleAckInfoPreviousSilenceAlarmFire AlarmSYSTEM WARNINGSPriority 2 AlarmALARMSSupervisoryAlarm SilencedTroubleSW19600/OFF168421643218234567TB1A-A-A+B-B+A+B-B+LOOP 1LOOP 2AB4100-3112IDNet2+2 MODULE250 DEVICESIDNet2 EXPLOOP CARDIDNet2 EXPLOOP CARDB-B+B-B+A-A+A-A+ABABABABABABABCAGGRGRRRGAUDIOCONTROLCOMMANDCENTERACTIVEALLSPEAKERSEVACSELECTIVEEVACSELECTIVEALERTLOCALSPEAKERALLSPEAKERSTALKREADYTOTALKRRRRRRRRLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelM8M78MRETURN TO M1-XX(L4) BLDG F7MTO M1-XX(L4) BLDG FM6M56MRETURN TO M1-XX(L3) BLDG E5MTO M1-XX(L3) BLDG E#4#34MRETURN TO TO M1-XX(L2) BLDG D3MTO M1-XX(L2) BLDG D#2#12MRETURN TO TO M1-XX(L1) BLDG B1MTO M1-XX(L1) BLDG BIDNETIDNETIDNETIDNETIDNETIDNETIDNETIDNETRUITO LCD ANNUNCIATOR AT BLDG B LVL 1 VEST.B99BPOWERP1010PTO LCD ANNUNCIATOR AT BLDG B LVL 1 VEST.IDNACTO A1:1-XX(1) BLDG B SUB-BSMTA1111AIDNACTO A1:1-XX(2) BLDG B BSMTA1212AFBFB13A14AFBFB15A16AIDNACTO A1:2-XX(1) BLDG C LVL 1A13IDNACTO A1:2-XX(2) BLDG C LVL 2A14IDNACTO A1:3-XX(1) BLDG B LVL 1A15IDNACTO A1:3-XX(2) BLDG A LVL 1A16IDNACTO A2:2-XX(1) BLDG F LVL 1,2,MEZZA1919#IDNACTO A2:2-XX(2) BLDG B LVL 2A20IDNACTO A2:2-XX(3) BLDG A LVL 2A2120#21#IDNACTO A2:1-XX(1) BLDG D LVL 1 & 2A17IDNACTO A2:1-XX(2) BLDG E LVL 1 & 2A18FBFB17#18#FBFB22#23#IDNACTO A2:2-XX(1) BLDG B LVL 3A22IDNACTO A2:3-XX(2) BLDG B LVL 4A23NOT AVAILABLETO S6-XX BLDG D LVL 1 & 2S2929STO S5-XX BLDG B LVL 1 & 2S2828STO S4-XX BLDG A LVL 1S2727STO S3-XX BLDG C LVL 1 & 2S2626STO S2-XX BLDG B BSMTS2525SSPEAKERTO S1-XX BLDG SUB-BSMTS2424S35S33S31S34S32S30SSPEAKERSPEAKERSPEAKERSPEAKERSPEAKERTO S12-XX BLDG B LVL 4S35TO S11-XX BLDG B LVL 3S34TO S10-XX BLDG A LVL 2S33TO S9-XX BLDG B LVL 2S32TO S8-XX BLDG F LVL 1, 2, MEZZS31SPEAKERTO S7-XX BLDG E LVL 1 & 2S30SPEAKERSPEAKERSPEAKERSPEAKERSPEAKERDEMARCATION POINTTO TELEPHONERUI CONNECTOR4100 COMMP1P2RUI CONNECTORSW1P3SW3SW2P42134SW45678/OFFSIDE RAILMOUNTS TODACTEVENTREPORTING4100-6080RING2 RINGHOUSE 2TIPHOUSE 2 TIP2RINGHOUSE 1RING1TIP1TIPHOUSE 1 CAON12435768B-B-B+B+IDNAC 1B+B+B-B-IDNAC 2B+B+B-B-IDNAC 3BTRY (+)BTRY (-)RECT (-)RECT (+)-+OV+24TB1TB2TB3TB44100-5311ENHANCED TA POWER SUPPLY120VAC 60HzEARTH FAULTJUMPERAUXPOWERCASW19600/OFF168421643218234567TB1A-A-A+B-B+A+B-B+LOOP 1LOOP 2AABBAABB4100-3109IDNet2 MODULE250 DEVICESCAM42M41M44M4344MRETURN TO TO M2-XX(L2) BLDG C43MTO M2-XX(L2) BLDG C42MRETURN TO TO M2-XX(L1) BLDG A41MTO M2-XX(L1) BLDG AIDNETIDNETIDNETIDNETSHEET:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:JOB #:PROJECT #:DESCRIPTIONCADDATEMARKSYSTEM:CHKISSUE DATE:30" x 42" - Arch E1 Size ISSUE LOG:Revisions shown with # symbol LAST PRINTED:LAST SAVED BY:FILE PATH:G:\Simplex\DESIGN CAD FOLDER\2019\OXOBOXO LOFTS 614347001\CAD\FA-501.dwg10/23/2019 2:59:18 PM JWANG5 129:614347001J. PANETTAL. WANG10/23/19FIRE ALARM SYSTEMOXOBOXO LOFTS UNCASVILLE, CT 27 INWOOD ROAD ROCKY HILL, CT 06067 PHONE: 860-602-3200 SERVICE: 860-602-3200 FAX: 860-683-8506 DISTRICT - 129FA-501PANEL DETAIL - FACP BLDGA,B,C,D,E,FJOHNSON CONTROLS © 2019OXOBOXO LOFTS© Johnson Controls 2019. All rights reserved. Reuse, copying, modification or alteration of the drawings and other information contained herein is strictly prohibited. BATTERY CONNECT TO 120VAC 60HZP2 P3 P4 P1 AC NEUTRAL MOUNTS TO BACKBOXFBSYSTEM CONDUIT, 3/4" MIN. (2" SHOWN)REFER TO MOUNTING DETAIL FOR TYP. CONDUITPENETRATION LOCATIONSBAY 1 TERMINATIONSBAY 2 TERMINATIONSBAY 3 TERMINATIONSCIRCUIT LABELCKT DESCRIPTIONTERMINATION NUMBERWIRECIRCUIT LABELCKT DESCRIPTIONTERMINATION NUMBERWIRECIRCUIT LABELCKT DESCRIPTIONTERMINATION NUMBERWIREP7P6P1P424VP2P3OVP5P7P6P1P424VP2P3OVP5P7P6P1P424VP2P3OVP5RDO NOT LOCATE POWER-LIMITED WIRING IN THE SHADED AREASOF THE BACKBOX, THIS AREA IS RESERVED FOR NON-POWERLIMITED CIRCUITRY SUCH AS AC POWER, BATTERIES AND CITYCONNECTION.24"56"ON12435768B-B-B+B+IDNAC 1B+B+B-B-IDNAC 2B+B+B-B-IDNAC 3BTRY (+)BTRY (-)RECT (-)RECT (+)-+OV+24TB1TB2TB3TB4ENHANCED TA POWER SUPPLY120VAC 60HzEARTH FAULTJUMPERAUXPOWERCASW19600/O FF 16 84216432 18234567TB1A-A-A+B-B+A+B-B+LOOP 1LOOP 2AABBAABBIDNet2 MODULE250 DEVICESCAFBON12435768B-B-B+B+IDNAC 1B+B+B-B-IDNAC 2B+B+B-B-IDNAC 3BTRY (+)BTRY (-)RECT (-)RECT (+)-+OV+24TB1TB2TB3TB44100-5325ENHANCED TA POWER SUPPLY120VAC 60HzEARTH FAULTJUMPERAUXPOWERCA1OVTB2+24-+23456789101112B+B-A+A-B+B-A+A-B+B-A+A-SW156781234P1NACNACNAC4100-5101XPS POWER SUPPLY120VAC 60HzAUXPOWERCA321MESSAGE MEMORY EXPANSION PORT 2LOCAL SPEAKER/MICP121ONSW11INPUT OPTION CARD768435 P4INPUT OPTION CARDPORT 1P6P11B- B+ A- A+DARPRIMARY SECONDARYDARTB2463215STYLE 4 - +PRIMARY2ONLY4100-9621/-1311DIGITAL AUDIOCONTROLLERMIC (WHT)5PTT (RED) RTN (BLK) MIC (WHT) SHLD34 21TB1REMOTE MICROPHONECA4100-1241 8 MINUTE MESSAGE EXPANSION MODULE 4100-6033ALARMTR O U B L E SUPERVISORYCCNO/NCNO/NCNO/NCCSUPERVISORYTROUBLEP4P1ALARMP1P1RELAY CARDR+ OV-1 RSRVD GND R-RUIP7POWERRCV RTS XMIT 24C GND CTS PIEZO RSRVD TB1RS232NETWORKL+ RSRVD GND L- OV-2 P4P5P6COMMP8NETWORK/RS232 DAUGHTER CARD CPU DAUGHTER CARD MOTHERBOARDNETWORKCPUXMIT TB3RUI B+ RCVRS232RTS CTS GND TB2RUI B- RUI A+ SHLD RUI A-1324513245P6123P5123AC PowerResetSystemFire AlarmEventTimeEnableDisableLampMoreOffDisarmOnArmAutoPriority 2AckAckSupvAckMenuTestNextTroubleAckInfoPreviousSilenceAlarmFire AlarmSYSTEM WARNINGSPriority 2 AlarmALARMSSupervisoryAlarm SilencedTroubleSW19600 /OFF 168421 643218234567 TB1A-A-A+B-B+A+B-B+LOOP 1LOOP 2AB4100-3112IDNet2+2 MODULE250 DEVICESIDNet2 EXPLOOP CARDIDNet2 EXPLOOP CARDB-B+B-B+A-A+A-A+ABABABABABABABCAGGRGRRRGAUDIOCONTROLCOMMANDCENTERACTIVEALLSPEAKERSEVACSELECTIVEEVACSELECTIVEALERTLOCALSPEAKERALLSPEAKERSTALKREADYTOTALKRRRRRRRRLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelLabelB- B+1TB14B+2B-3SHLD 8B-7B+56SHLD DIGITAL AUDIO DECODER NACNACNAC4100-1326FLEX 50 WATT DIGITALAMP 25V RMSCA321B- B+1TB14B+2B-3SHLD 8B-7B+56SHLD DIGITAL AUDIO DECODER NACNACNAC4100-1326FLEX 50 WATT DIGITALAMP 25V RMSCA321SCALE: NTSFIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL - BLDG G,H,K,J,MCABINET # 1 - BLDG J LEVEL 1METER ROOM+2081-929650 Ah BATTERY-50 Ah BATTERY2081-9296+-NOT AVAILABLEM8M7M6M5#4#3#2#18MRETURN TO M1-XX(L4) BLDG M LVL 17MTO M1-XX(L4) BLDG M LVL 16MRETURN TO M1-XX(L3) BLDG J LVL 15MTO M1-XX(L3) BLDG J LVL 14MRETURN TO M1-XX(L2) BLDG H&K LVL 13MTO M1-XX(L2) BLDG H&K LVL 12MRETURN TO TO M1-XX(L1) BLDG G LVL 11MTO M1-XX(L1) BLDG G LVL 1IDNETIDNETIDNETIDNETIDNETIDNETIDNETIDNETIDNACTO A1:1-XX(1) BLDG G LVL 1A99AIDNACTO A1:2-XX(1) BLDG H&K LVL 1A10IDNACTO A1:3-XX(1) BLDG J LVL 1A11FB10AFB11AFB12AFB13AIDNACTO A2:1-XX(1) BLDG M LVL 1A12IDNACTO A2:2-XX(1) BLDG M LVL 1A13TO S5-XX BLDG M LVL 1S18TO S4-XX BLDG M LVL 1S17TO S3-XX BLDG J LVL 1S1616STO S2-XX BLDG H&K LVL 1S1515SSPEAKERTO S1-XX BLDG G LVL 1S1414S18S17SSPEAKERSPEAKERSPEAKERSPEAKERDEMARCATION POINTTO TELEPHONERUI CONNECTOR4100 COMMP1P2RUI CONNECTORSW1P3SW3SW2P42134SW45678/OFFSIDE RAILMOUNTS TODACTEVENTREPORTING4100-6080RING2 RINGHOUSE 2TIPHOUSE 2 TIP2RINGHOUSE 1RING1TIP1TIPHOUSE 1 CASHEET:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:JOB #:PROJECT #:DESCRIPTIONCADDATEMARKSYSTEM:CHKISSUE DATE:30" x 42" - Arch E1 Size ISSUE LOG:Revisions shown with # symbol LAST PRINTED:LAST SAVED BY:FILE PATH:G:\Simplex\DESIGN CAD FOLDER\2019\OXOBOXO LOFTS 614347001\CAD\FA-501.dwg10/23/2019 2:59:21 PM JWANG5 129:614347001J. PANETTAL. WANG10/23/19FIRE ALARM SYSTEMOXOBOXO LOFTS UNCASVILLE, CT 27 INWOOD ROAD ROCKY HILL, CT 06067 PHONE: 860-602-3200 SERVICE: 860-602-3200 FAX: 860-683-8506 DISTRICT - 129FA-502PANEL DETAIL - FACP BLDGG,H,K,J,MJOHNSON CONTROLS © 2019OXOBOXO LOFTS© Johnson Controls 2019. All rights reserved. Reuse, copying, modification or alteration of the drawings and other information contained herein is strictly prohibited. SHEET:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:JOB #:PROJECT #:DESCRIPTIONCADDATEMARKSYSTEM:CHKISSUE DATE:30" x 42" - Arch E1 Size ISSUE LOG:Revisions shown with # symbol LAST PRINTED:LAST SAVED BY:FILE PATH:G:\Simplex\DESIGN CAD FOLDER\2019\OXOBOXO LOFTS 614347001\CAD\FA-601.dwg10/23/2019 2:59:27 PM JWANG5 129:614347001J. PANETTAL. WANG10/23/19FIRE ALARM SYSTEMOXOBOXO LOFTS UNCASVILLE, CT 27 INWOOD ROAD ROCKY HILL, CT 06067 PHONE: 860-602-3200 SERVICE: 860-602-3200 FAX: 860-683-8506 DISTRICT - 129FA-601CALCULATIONS ANDSCHEDULESJOHNSON CONTROLS © 2019OXOBOXO LOFTS© Johnson Controls 2019. All rights reserved. Reuse, copying, modification or alteration of the drawings and other information contained herein is strictly prohibited.OXOBOXO LOFTS BLDG A,B,C,D,E,F 4100es FACPStandbyTotalAlarmTotalModuleQtyDescriptionCurrentStandbyCurrentAlarmPanel Equipment4100-931114100 CONFIG. DOMESTIC 120V*0.42500.42500.73500.73504100-06342POWER DISTRIBUTION MODULE 120V0.00000.00000.00000.00004100-06361BOX TO BOX HARNESS KIT0.00000.00000.00000.00004100-06371AUDIO BOX TO BOX HARNESS KIT0.00000.00000.00000.00004100-06381ADDITIONAL 24V HARNESS0.00000.00000.00000.00004100-12411MESSAGE EXPANSION BOARD - 8 MINUTES0.00200.00200.01700.01704100-12452FLEX 50 EXPANSION NAC BOARD0.00840.01680.06000.12004100-125311.5 CHANNEL AUDIO OPERATOR INTERFACE0.00000.00000.02400.02404100-1279122" BLANK DISPLAY MODULE0.00000.00000.00000.00004100-128018 SWITCH, 8 RED LED MODULE0.00000.00000.02400.02404100-1288164/64 LED/SWITCH CONTROLLER0.02000.02000.21200.21204100-13262DIGITAL FLEX 50W AMP W/3 NACS - 25V0.08500.17002.27004.54004100-23002EXPANSION BAY (PHASE 10 ONLY)0.00000.00000.00000.00004100-23031LEGACY CARD STABILIZER BRACKET00.00000.00000.00000.00004100-23201AUDIO EXPANSION BAY KIT0.00000.00000.00000.00004100-31121IDNet2+2 MODULE - UP TO 250 DEVICES 4 ISOLATED LOOPS*0.05000.05000.10000.10004100-51011EXPANSION PWR SUPPLY (XPS) - 120VAC 60HZ0.05000.05000.05000.05004100-51282EXTERNAL BATTERY POWER0.00000.00000.00000.00004100-53111ENHANCED POWER SUPPLY, 3 CHANNELS, IDNet, 120V0.22500.22500.49000.49004100-60801SERIAL DACT SIDE MOUNT0.03000.03000.04000.04004100-96211BASIC AUDIO WITH MICROPHONE - DIGITAL0.12000.12000.45000.4500Panel Totals1.10886.8020IDNet Addressable Devices (SLC)4099-900421ADDRESSABLE SINGLE ACTION MANUAL STATION*Constant current draw of .8mA standby and 1mA alarm per addressused. Devices requiring additional current are accounted for in thesection labeled "Miscellaneous Peripheral Devices RequiringAdditional System Power".4090-900116IDNET SUPERVISED IAM*4090-90028IDNET RELAY IAM*4098-971412TRUEALARM PHOTO SMOKE SENSOR4098-979210TRUEALARM SENSOR BASE*4098-97702TRUEALARM SENSOR BASE WITH CO MODULE*Notification AppliancesSetting49SO-APPLW86SPEAKER ONLY APPLIANCE WALL MOUNT0.00080.06880.00900.774049SV-APPLW28S/V APPLIANCE ONLY, WALL MT150.00080.02240.04701.316049SV-APPLW5S/V APPLIANCE ONLY, WALL MT1850.00080.00400.20801.040049SV-APPLW8S/V APPLIANCE ONLY, WALL MT750.00080.00640.10000.800049VO-WRF2VO, WALL MT, RED, FIRE LABEL150.00080.00160.04700.0940Peripheral Totals0.10324.0240Added Current for EPS Conversion of 24 to 29 Volt IDNac Devices0.00002.2942RUI Totals00.00000.0000Address Totals57Addresses0.04560.0570* Device Address current draw included below (See Additional Current Draws):System Totals*:Standby1.2576Alarm13.17722. Backup Amplifier assumes Main Amplifier alarm current on failure.StandbyStandbyAlarmAlarmBattery Set #1 (Cabinet/Charger #1)CurrentTotalCurrentTotalSelect ALL Power Supplies on this battery set:EPS-10.68542.6490EPS-20.28983.4670XPS-30.23684.7100Sub Total1.212010.8260Additional Current Draws: IDNac Current Boost for 29vdc Regulated Output **0.00002.2942MAPNET/IDNet Device Address Communication Current57x 0.000800= 0.0456x 0.001000= 0.0570Sub Total1.257613.1772Spare addressable point capacity0%0x 0.0008= 0.0000x 0.001= 0.0000Total1.257613.1772Standby Time =24Hrsx 1.2576= 30.1824Standby AhAlarm Time =15Min0.25 x 13.1772= 3.2943Alarm Ah33.4767Additional Spare Battery Capacity =0%+0.000033.4767Battery Discharge Factor =20%+6.6953Minimum Battery Required2081-9296 50AH (2x)40.1720Battery Supplied2081-9296 50AH (2x)* System Totals represent total system current requirements. Those currents may be distributed between multiple battery sets or power supplies as shown above.** IDNac Current Boost formula: ((29.5 * IDNac Alarm Current) / .92) / 20.4 = Adjusted Current DC-DC Converter Output = 29.5vdc. Terminal Output is 29vdc due to 0.5vdc internal loss. Converter Worst Case efficiency is 92%, 20.4vdc represents battery output in 85% depleted stateOXOBOXO LOFTS BLDG A,B,C,D,E,F 4100es FACP VOLTAGE DROPSPID49SO-APPLW49SV-APPLW49SV-APPLW49SV-APPLW49VO-WRFSetting15cd75cd185cd15cdWIRE RESISTANCE BASED ON TABLE 8 FROM NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE (UNCOATED SOLID COPPER WIRE) @ 50 CelsiusDevice TypeS/OMC S/VMC S/VMC S/VMC V/OSupv. Current0.00080.00080.00080.00080.0008Alarm Current0.00080.00000.00000.00000.0620Alarm Current @ 23 Volts0.00900.04700.10000.20800.0470PowerPanelDist. (D)WireWire Res.TotalV. DropVolt% VoltMin DeviceMaxNOTIFICATION CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONSupplyCircuitFeetGauge/ Ft. (R)Alarm (A)(A*2D*R)@ EndDropVoltageDistanceBLDG B SBEPS-1A1:1(1)24412ga0.00180.3410.29528.7051.02%23vdc4000 Ft.32BLDG B BEPS-1A1:1(2)26812ga0.00180.2480.23628.7640.81%23vdc4000 Ft.621BLDG C LVL 1EPS-1A1:2(1)35012ga0.00180.0540.06728.9330.23%23vdc4000 Ft.6BLDG C LVL 2EPS-1A1:2(2)37512ga0.00180.0540.07228.9280.25%23vdc4000 Ft.6BLDG B LVL1EPS-1A1:3(1)42512ga0.00180.2310.34828.6521.20%23vdc4000 Ft.103BLDG A LVL 1EPS-1A1:3(2)50012ga0.00180.1190.21128.7890.73%23vdc4000 Ft.81BLDG D LVL 1EPS-2A2:1(1)71612ga0.00180.1840.46728.5331.61%23vdc4000 Ft.102BLDG E LVL 1EPS-2A2:1(2)86012ga0.00180.4271.30327.6974.49%23vdc3912 Ft.561BLDG F LVL 1, 2, MEZZEPS-2A2:2(1)58312ga0.00180.4470.92528.0753.19%23vdc3737 Ft.14BLDG B LVL 2EPS-2A2:2(2)52512ga0.00180.2400.44728.5531.54%23vdc4000 Ft.113BLDG A LVL 2EPS-2A2:2(3)60012ga0.00181.1992.55326.4478.80%23vdc1399 Ft.2152BLDG B LVL 3EPS-2A2:3(1)54612ga0.00180.2400.46528.5351.60%23vdc4000 Ft.113BLDG B LVL 4EPS-2A2:3(2)56612ga0.00180.2400.48228.5181.66%23vdc4000 Ft.113NOTE:LUMP SUM METHOD WAS USED TO CALCULATE ALLOWABLE VOLTAGE DROP. THIS METHOD ALLOWS FOR A SMALL MARGINOF SAFETY, TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION THAT THE ACTUAL INSTALLED CIRCUIT ROUTING MAY DIFFER FROM WHAT IS SHOWNON THE SHOP DRAWINGS. IF THE ACTUAL CIRCUIT LENGTH IS GOING TO EXCEED THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE CIRCUITLENGTH, CONTACT YOUR LOCAL JOHNSON CONTROLS DISTRICT OFFICE.CircuitQty12AmplifierWattsAlarmExpansionAvail.Used%WattageUsedCard?Ckts.Ckts.UsedAmp-15030.25W2.270AYes6660.50%Amp-25037.25W2.270AYes6674.50%OXOBOXO LOFTS BLDG A,B,C,D,E,F 4100es FACP Speaker Db Loss Calculations*Circuit Voltage = 25vrms [Et] MAXIMUM -3 dB DROPTotalTotalWireEst. Ckt.Wire Res.CircuitSpeakerSpeakerVoltageWattsActualMax AllowablePlanSpeakerSpeakerSpeakerSpkrsWattsGaugeLengthPer FootResistanceCurrentResistanceAt EndAt EnddB LossCkt. LengthSPEAKER CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONCircuitTapTapTapper[P][D] in[Rw][Rl=2D*Rw][I=P/Et][Rs=Et/I][Es=(Et*Rs)[Pe=(Es)[dB=Log10[ML=(0.414*Rs)Amp #Number.25 Watt.5 Watt1. WattCircuitFeet/(Rs+Rl)]^2/Rs](Pe/P)*10]/(2*Rw)]BLDG B SBAmp-1S11454.25 Watts16ga2440.00452.1940.170147.05924.6334.126-.13 db6772 Ft.BLDG B BSMTAmp-1S243294.5 Watts16ga2680.00452.4090.180138.88924.5744.348-.15 db6396 Ft.BLDG C LVL 1 & 2Amp-1S348125. Watts16ga5120.00454.6030.200125.00024.1124.651-.31 db5756 Ft.BLDG A LVL 1Amp-1S453193.75 Watts16ga5000.00454.4950.150166.66724.3433.556-.23 db7675 Ft.BLDG B LVL 1Amp-1S5544137.25 Watts16ga4250.00453.8210.29086.20723.9396.648-.38 db3970 Ft.BLDG D LVL 1 & 2Amp-1S6642125.5 Watts16ga7160.00456.4370.220113.63623.6604.926-.48 db5233 Ft.BLDG E LVL 1 & 2Amp-2S7345127.75 Watts16ga8600.00457.7320.31080.64522.8136.453-.8 db3714 Ft.BLDG F LVL 1 & 2, MEZZAmp-2S8555. Watts16ga5830.00455.2410.200125.00023.9944.606-.36 db5756 Ft.BLDG B LVL 2Amp-2S9653147. Watts16ga5250.00454.7200.28089.28623.7456.315-.45 db4112 Ft.BLDG A LVL 2Amp-2S1043183.5 Watts16ga6000.00455.3940.140178.57124.2673.298-.26 db8223 Ft.BLDG B LVL 3Amp-2S11653147. Watts16ga5450.00454.9000.28089.28623.6996.291-.46 db4112 Ft.BLDG B LVL 4Amp-2S12653147. Watts16ga5650.00455.0790.28089.28623.6546.267-.48 db4112 Ft.IDNET CHANNEL M1ADDRESSES IN USE: 52 (20.8%) | SPARE ADDRESSES: 198 (79.2%) SWITCH SETTINGSAddressDevice TypePoint TypeLocation Description123456789M1-1XONM1-2XONM1-3XXONM1-4XONM1-5XXONM1-6XXONM1-7XXXONM1-8XONM1-9XXONM1-10XXONM1-11(L1)PHOTOSMOKEBLDG B SB ELECTRICAL METER ROOM1-11XXXONM1-12(L1)ADRPULPULLBLDG B SB BY ELECTRICAL METER ROOM1-12XXONM1-13(L1)ADRPULPULLBLDG B SB BY STAIR 21-13XXXONM1-14(L1)MCOPUTILITYBLDG B SB BOILER ROOM1-14XXXONM1-15(L1)IAMSOBLDG B SB SPRINKLER ROOM1-15XXXXONM1-16(L1)IAMWATERBLDG B SB SPRINKLER ROOM1-16XONM1-17XXONM1-18XXONM1-19XXXONM1-20XXONM1-21(L1)IAMSOBLDG B BSMT STAIR 21-21XXXONM1-22(L1)IAMWATERBLDG B BSMT STAIR 21-22XXXONM1-23(L1)ADRPULPULLBLDG B BSMT BY STAIR 21-23XXXXONM1-24(L1)PHOTOSMOKEBLDG B BSMT ELEVATOR 1 LOBBY1-24XXONM1-25(L1)ADRPULPULLBLDG B BSMT CORR BY EXIT1-25XXXONM1-26(L1)RIAMPRIMARYBLDG B SB ELEVATOR MACHINE ROOM1-26XXXONM1-27(L1)RIAMALTERNBLDG B SB ELEVATOR MACHINE ROOM1-27XXXXONM1-28(L1)RIAMRELAYBLDG B SB ELEVATOR MACHINE ROOM1-28XXXONM1-29(L1)RIAMRELAYBLDG B SB ELEVATOR MACHINE ROOM1-29XXXXONM1-30(L1)IAMSUPERVBLDG B SB ELEVATOR MACHINE ROOM1-30XXXXONM1-31(L1)IAMSOBLDG B LVL 1 STAIR 21-31XXXXXONM1-32(L1)IAMWATERBLDG B LVL 1 STAIR 21-32XONM1-33(L1)ADRPULPULLBLDG B LVL 1 BY STAIR 21-33XXONM1-34(L1)ADRPULPULLBLDG B LVL 1 BY MAIN VESTIBULE1-34XXONM1-35(L1)PHOTOSMOKEBLDG B LVL 1 ELEVATOR 1 LOBBY1-35XXXONM1-36XXONM1-37XXXONM1-38XXXONM1-39XXXXONM1-40XXONM1-41(L1)XXXONM1-42XXXONM1-43XXXXONM1-44XXXONM1-45XXXXONM1-46XXXXONM1-47XXXXXONM1-48XXONM1-49XXXONM1-50XXXONM1-51(L1)PHOTOSMOKEBLDG B LVL 2 ELEVATOR 1 LOBBY1-51XXXXONM1-52(L1)ADRPULPULLBLDG B LVL 2 BY STAIR 21-52XXXONM1-53(L1)IAMSOBLDG B LVL 2 STAIR 21-53XXXXONM1-54(L1)IAMWATERBLDG B LVL 2 STAIR 21-54XXXXONM1-55XXXXXONM1-56XXXONM1-57XXXXONM1-58XXXXONM1-59XXXXXONM1-60XXXXONM1-61(L1)IAMSOBLDG B LVL 3 STAIR 21-61XXXXXONM1-62(L1)IAMWATERBLDG B LVL 3 STAIR 21-62XXXXXONM1-63(L1)ADRPULPULLBLDG B LVL 3 BY STAIR 21-63XXXXXXONM1-64(L1)PHOTOSMOKEBLDG B LVL 3 ELEVATOR 1 LOBBY1-64XONM1-65XXONM1-66XXONM1-67XXXONM1-68XXONM1-69XXXONM1-70XXXONM1-71XXXXONM1-72XXONM1-73XXXONM1-74XXXONM1-75XXXXONM1-76XXXONM1-77XXXXONM1-78XXXXONM1-79XXXXXONM1-80XXONM1-81(L1)ADRPULPULLBLDG B LVL 4 BY STAIR1-81XXXONM1-82(L1)PHOTOSMOKEBLDG B LVL 4 ELEVATOR 1 LOBBY1-82XXXONM1-83(L1)ADRPULPULLBLDG B LVL 4 BY STAIR 21-83XXXXONM1-84(L1)IAMSOBLDG B LVL 4 STAIR 21-84XXXONM1-85(L1)IAMWATERBLDG B LVL 4 STAIR 21-85XXXXONM1-86(L1)PHOTOSMOKEBLDG B LVL 4 STAIR 21-86XXXXONM1-87XXXXXONM1-88XXXONM1-89XXXXONM1-90XXXXONM1-91XXXXXONM1-92XXXXONM1-93XXXXXONM1-94XXXXXONM1-95XXXXXXONM1-96XXONM1-97XXXONM1-98XXXONM1-99XXXXONM1-100XXXONM1-101(L2)ADRPULPULLBLDG D LVL 2 UNIT D-31-101XXXXONM1-102(L2)ADRPULPULLBLDG D LVL 2 UNIT D-41-102XXXXONM1-103XXXXXONM1-104XXXONM1-105XXXXONM1-106XXXXONM1-107XXXXXONM1-108XXXXONM1-109XXXXXONM1-110XXXXXONM1-111XXXXXXONM1-112XXXONM1-113XXXXONM1-114XXXXONM1-115(L3)ADRPULPULLBLDG E LVL 1 FITNESS ROOM1-115XXXXXONM1-116(L3)PHOTOSMOKEBLDG E LVL 1 FITNESS ROOM1-116XXXXONM1-117(L3)ADRPULPULLBLDG E LVL 1 STAIR1-117XXXXXONM1-118(L3)ADRPULPULLBLDG E LVL 1 STAIR1-118XXXXXONM1-119(L3)ADRPULPULLBLDG E LVL 1 WAITING AREA1-119XXXXXXONM1-120XXXXONM1-121XXXXXONM1-122XXXXXONM1-123XXXXXXONM1-124XXXXXONM1-125(L3)ADRPULPULLBLDG E LVL 2 UNIT E-21-125XXXXXXONNOTE: THE LABELS SHOWN ABOVE WILL BE USED FOR PROGRAMMING PURPOSES.THE LABELS ARE BASED UPON INFORMATION SHOWN ON THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS.ANY CHANGES TO THESE LABELS MUST BE NOTED ON THE SUBMITTAL REVIEW, PRIOR TO PROGRAMMING.POINTS SHOWN IN ITALIC TEXT REFER TO EXISTING DEVICES.IDNET CHANNEL M1ADDRESSES IN USE: 52 (20.8%) | SPARE ADDRESSES: 198 (79.2%) SWITCH SETTINGSAddressLocation Description123456789M1-126XXXXXXONM1-127XXXXXXXONM1-128XONM1-129XXONM1-130XXONM1-131(L4)ADRPULPULLBLDG F LVL 1 BY EXIT1-131XXXONM1-132(L4)PHOTOSMOKEBLDG F LVL 1 ELEVATOR 2 LOBBY1-132XXONM1-133(L4)MCOPUTILITYBLDG F LVL 2 BOILER ROOM1-133XXXONM1-134(L4)PHOTOSMOKEBLDG F LVL 2 ELEVATOR 2 LOBBY1-134XXXONM1-135(L4)RIAMPRIMARYBLDG F ELEVATOR MACHINE ROOM1-135XXXXONM1-136(L4)RIAMALTERNBLDG F ELEVATOR MACHINE ROOM1-136XXONM1-137(L4)RIAMRELAYBLDG F ELEVATOR MACHINE ROOM1-137XXXONM1-138(L4)RIAMRELAYBLDG F ELEVATOR MACHINE ROOM1-138XXXONM1-139(L4)IAMSUPERVBLDG F ELEVATOR MACHINE ROOM1-139XXXXONTHRUONM1-250XXXXXXONNOTE: THE LABELS SHOWN ABOVE WILL BE USED FOR PROGRAMMING PURPOSES.THE LABELS ARE BASED UPON INFORMATION SHOWN ON THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS.ANY CHANGES TO THESE LABELS MUST BE NOTED ON THE SUBMITTAL REVIEW, PRIOR TO PROGRAMMING.POINTS SHOWN IN ITALIC TEXT REFER TO EXISTING DEVICES.IDNET CHANNEL M2ADDRESSES IN USE: 5 (2%) | SPARE ADDRESSES: 245 (98%) SWITCH SETTINGSAddressDevice TypePoint TypeLocation Description123456789M2-1XONM2-2XONM2-3XXONM2-4XONM2-5XXONM2-6XXONM2-7XXXONM2-8XONM2-9XXONM2-10XXONM2-11(L1)ADRPULPULLBLDG A LVL 1 BY STAIR2-11XXXONM2-12(L1)ADRPULPULLBLDG A LVL 1 CORRIDOR2-12XXONM2-13XXXONM2-14XXXONM2-15XXXXONM2-16XONM2-17XXONM2-18XXONM2-19XXXONM2-20XXONM2-21(L1)ADRPULPULLBLDG A LVL 2 BY STAIR2-21XXXONM2-22(L1)IAMSUPERVBLDG A LVL 2 UNIT A-6 H.C.2-22XXXONM2-23(L1)IAMSUPERVBLDG A LVL 2 UNIT A-4 H.C.2-23XXXXONTHRUONM2-250XXXXXXONNOTE: THE LABELS SHOWN ABOVE WILL BE USED FOR PROGRAMMING PURPOSES.THE LABELS ARE BASED UPON INFORMATION SHOWN ON THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS.ANY CHANGES TO THESE LABELS MUST BE NOTED ON THE SUBMITTAL REVIEW, PRIOR TO PROGRAMMING.POINTS SHOWN IN ITALIC TEXT REFER TO EXISTING DEVICES. SHEET:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:JOB #:PROJECT #:DESCRIPTIONCADDATEMARKSYSTEM:CHKISSUE DATE:30" x 42" - Arch E1 Size ISSUE LOG:Revisions shown with # symbol LAST PRINTED:LAST SAVED BY:FILE PATH:G:\Simplex\DESIGN CAD FOLDER\2019\OXOBOXO LOFTS 614347001\CAD\FA-601.dwg10/23/2019 2:59:30 PM JWANG5 129:614347001J. PANETTAL. WANG10/23/19FIRE ALARM SYSTEMOXOBOXO LOFTS UNCASVILLE, CT 27 INWOOD ROAD ROCKY HILL, CT 06067 PHONE: 860-602-3200 SERVICE: 860-602-3200 FAX: 860-683-8506 DISTRICT - 129FA-602CALCULATIONS ANDSCHEDULESJOHNSON CONTROLS © 2019OXOBOXO LOFTS© Johnson Controls 2019. All rights reserved. Reuse, copying, modification or alteration of the drawings and other information contained herein is strictly prohibited.OXOBOXO LOFTS BLDG G,H,K,J,M 4100es FACPStandbyTotalAlarmTotalModuleQtyDescriptionCurrentStandbyCurrentAlarmPanel Equipment4100-931114100 CONFIG. DOMESTIC 120V*0.42500.42500.73500.73504100-06342POWER DISTRIBUTION MODULE 120V0.00000.00000.00000.00004100-06361BOX TO BOX HARNESS KIT0.00000.00000.00000.00004100-06371AUDIO BOX TO BOX HARNESS KIT0.00000.00000.00000.00004100-06381ADDITIONAL 24V HARNESS0.00000.00000.00000.00004100-06501BATTERY SHELF0.00000.00000.00000.00004100-12411MESSAGE EXPANSION BOARD - 8 MINUTES0.00200.00200.01700.01704100-125311.5 CHANNEL AUDIO OPERATOR INTERFACE0.00000.00000.02400.02404100-1279122" BLANK DISPLAY MODULE0.00000.00000.00000.00004100-128018 SWITCH, 8 RED LED MODULE0.00000.00000.02400.02404100-1288164/64 LED/SWITCH CONTROLLER0.02000.02000.21200.21204100-13262DIGITAL FLEX 50W AMP W/3 NACS - 25V0.08500.17002.27004.54004100-23002EXPANSION BAY (PHASE 10 ONLY)0.00000.00000.00000.00004100-23031LEGACY CARD STABILIZER BRACKET00.00000.00000.00000.00004100-23201AUDIO EXPANSION BAY KIT0.00000.00000.00000.00004100-31121IDNet2+2 MODULE - UP TO 250 DEVICES 4 ISOLATED LOOPS*0.05000.05000.10000.10004100-51011EXPANSION PWR SUPPLY (XPS) - 120VAC 60HZ0.05000.05000.05000.05004100-51282EXTERNAL BATTERY POWER0.00000.00000.00000.00004100-53251ENHANCED POWER SUPPLY, 3 CHANNELS, 120V0.12500.12500.22000.22004100-60331ALARM RELAY0.01500.01500.03700.03704100-60801SERIAL DACT SIDE MOUNT0.03000.03000.04000.04004100-96211BASIC AUDIO WITH MICROPHONE - DIGITAL0.12000.12000.45000.4500Panel Totals1.00706.4490IDNet Addressable Devices (SLC)4099-90047ADDRESSABLE SINGLE ACTION MANUAL STATION*Constant current draw of .8mA standby and 1mA alarm per addressused. Devices requiring additional current are accounted for in thesection labeled "Miscellaneous Peripheral Devices RequiringAdditional System Power".4090-90012IDNET SUPERVISED IAM*4098-97141TRUEALARM PHOTO SMOKE SENSOR4098-97921TRUEALARM SENSOR BASE*Notification AppliancesSetting49SO-APPLW89SPEAKER ONLY APPLIANCE WALL MOUNT0.00080.07120.00900.801049SV-APPLW17S/V APPLIANCE ONLY, WALL MT150.00080.01360.04700.799049SV-APPLW1S/V APPLIANCE ONLY, WALL MT300.00080.00080.05700.0570Peripheral Totals0.08561.6570Added Current for EPS Conversion of 24 to 29 Volt IDNac Devices0.00000.9447RUI Totals00.00000.0000Address Totals10Addresses0.00800.0100* Device Address current draw included below (See Additional Current Draws):System Totals*:Standby1.1006Alarm9.06072. Backup Amplifier assumes Main Amplifier alarm current on failure.StandbyStandbyAlarmAlarmBattery Set #1 (Cabinet/Charger #1)CurrentTotalCurrentTotalSelect ALL Power Supplies on this battery set:EPS-10.71642.6790EPS-20.15620.8370XPS-30.22004.5900Sub Total1.09268.1060Additional Current Draws: IDNac Current Boost for 29vdc Regulated Output **0.00000.9447MAPNET/IDNet Device Address Communication Current10x 0.000800= 0.0080x 0.001000= 0.0100Sub Total1.10069.0607Spare addressable point capacity0%0x 0.0008= 0.0000x 0.001= 0.0000Total1.10069.0607Standby Time =24Hrsx 1.1006= 26.4144Standby AhAlarm Time =15Min0.25 x 9.0607= 2.2652Alarm Ah28.6796Additional Spare Battery Capacity =0%+0.000028.6796Battery Discharge Factor =20%+5.7359Minimum Battery Required2081-9296 50AH (2x)34.4155Battery Supplied2081-9296 50AH (2x)* System Totals represent total system current requirements. Those currents may be distributed between multiple battery sets or power supplies as shown above.** IDNac Current Boost formula: ((29.5 * IDNac Alarm Current) / .92) / 20.4 = Adjusted Current DC-DC Converter Output = 29.5vdc. Terminal Output is 29vdc due to 0.5vdc internal loss. Converter Worst Case efficiency is 92%, 20.4vdc represents battery output in 85% depleted stateOXOBOXO LOFTS BLDG G,H,K,J,M 4100es FACP VOLTAGE DROPSPID49SO-APPLW49SV-APPLW49SV-APPLWSetting15cd30cdWIRE RESISTANCE BASED ON TABLE 8 FROM NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE (UNCOATED SOLID COPPER WIRE) @ 50 CelsiusDevice TypeS/OMC S/VMC S/VSupv. Current0.00080.00080.0008Alarm Current0.00080.00000.0000Alarm Current @ 23 Volts0.00900.04700.0570PowerPanelDist. (D)WireWire Res.TotalV. DropVolt% VoltMin DeviceMaxNOTIFICATION CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONSupplyCircuitFeetGauge/ Ft. (R)Alarm (A)(A*2D*R)@ EndDropVoltageDistanceBLDG G LVL 1EPS-1A1:1(1)95012ga0.00180.3211.08227.9183.73%23vdc4000 Ft.203BLDG H&K LVL 1EPS-1A1:2(1)73312ga0.00180.3330.86628.1342.99%23vdc4000 Ft.1531BLDG J LVL 1EPS-1A1:3(1)79012ga0.00180.3861.08227.9183.73%23vdc4000 Ft.224BLDG M LVL 1EPS-2A2:1(1)120012ga0.00180.3031.29027.7104.45%23vdc4000 Ft.183BLDG M LVL 1EPS-2A2:2(1)120012ga0.00180.3141.33727.6634.61%23vdc4000 Ft.144NOTE:LUMP SUM METHOD WAS USED TO CALCULATE ALLOWABLE VOLTAGE DROP. THIS METHOD ALLOWS FOR A SMALL MARGINOF SAFETY, TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION THAT THE ACTUAL INSTALLED CIRCUIT ROUTING MAY DIFFER FROM WHAT IS SHOWNON THE SHOP DRAWINGS. IF THE ACTUAL CIRCUIT LENGTH IS GOING TO EXCEED THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE CIRCUITLENGTH, CONTACT YOUR LOCAL JOHNSON CONTROLS DISTRICT OFFICE.CircuitQty1 more speaker circuits available5AmplifierWattsAlarmExpansionAvail.Used%WattageUsedCard?Ckts.Ckts.UsedAmp-15030.75W2.270ANo3361.50%Amp-25018.25W2.270ANo3236.50%OXOBOXO LOFTS BLDG G,H,K,J,M 4100es FACP Speaker Db Loss Calculations*Circuit Voltage = 25vrms [Et] MAXIMUM -3 dB DROPTotalTotalWireEst. Ckt.Wire Res.CircuitSpeakerSpeakerVoltageWattsActualMax AllowablePlanSpeakerSpeakerSpeakerSpkrsWattsGaugeLengthPer FootResistanceCurrentResistanceAt EndAt EnddB LossCkt. LengthSPEAKER CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONCircuitTapTapTapper[P][D] in[Rw][Rl=2D*Rw][I=P/Et][Rs=Et/I][Es=(Et*Rs)[Pe=(Es)[dB=Log10[ML=(0.414*Rs)Amp #Number.25 Watt.5 Watt1. WattCircuitFeet/(Rs+Rl)]^2/Rs](Pe/P)*10]/(2*Rw)]BLDG G LVL 1Amp-1S111932310.25 Watts16ga9500.00458.5410.41060.97621.9297.886-1.14 db2808 Ft.BLDG H&K LVL 1Amp-1S2883199. Watts16ga7330.00456.5900.36069.44422.8337.508-.79 db3198 Ft.BLDG J LVL 1Amp-1S314842611.5 Watts16ga7900.00457.1020.46054.34822.1118.995-1.07 db2503 Ft.BLDG M LVL 1Amp-2S41263219. Watts16ga12000.004510.7880.36069.44421.6386.742-1.25 db3198 Ft.BLDG M LVL 1Amp-2S5945189.25 Watts16ga12000.004510.7880.37067.56821.5586.878-1.29 db3111 Ft.IDNET CHANNEL M1ADDRESSES IN USE: 10 (4%) | SPARE ADDRESSES: 240 (96%) SWITCH SETTINGSAddressDevice TypePoint TypeLocation Description12345678M1-1XONM1-2XONM1-3XXONM1-4XONM1-5XXONM1-6XXONM1-7XXXONM1-8XONM1-9XXONM1-10XXONM1-11(L1)ADRPULPULLBLDG G LVL 1 CORR BY UNIT G-11-11XXXONM1-12(L1)ADRPULPULLBLDG G LVL 1 CORR BY UNIT G-71-12XXONM1-13(L1)ADRPULPULLBLDG G LVL 1 EXIT BY UNIT G-51-13XXXONM1-14XXXONM1-15XXXXONM1-16XONM1-17XXONM1-18XXONM1-19XXXONM1-20XXONM1-21XXXONM1-22XXXONM1-23XXXXONM1-24XXONM1-25XXXONM1-26XXXONM1-27XXXXONM1-28XXXONM1-29XXXXONM1-30(L2)PHOTOSMOKEBLDG H LVL 1 METER ROOM1-30XXXXONM1-31(L2)ADRPULPULLBLDG H&K LVL 1 BY MAIN ENTRANCE1-31XXXXXONM1-32XONM1-33XXONM1-34XXONM1-35XXXONM1-36XXONM1-37XXXONM1-38XXXONM1-39XXXXONM1-40XXONM1-41XXXONM1-42XXXONM1-43XXXXONM1-44XXXONM1-45XXXXONM1-46XXXXONM1-47XXXXXONM1-48XXONM1-49XXXONM1-50XXXONM1-51XXXXONM1-52(L3)ADRPULPULLBLDG J LVL 1 CORR BY EXIT1-52XXXONM1-53XXXXONM1-54XXXXONM1-55XXXXXONM1-56XXXONM1-57XXXXONM1-58XXXXONM1-59XXXXXONM1-60XXXXONM1-61XXXXXONM1-62XXXXXONM1-63XXXXXXONM1-64XONM1-65XXONM1-66XXONM1-67XXXONM1-68XXONM1-69XXXONM1-70XXXONM1-71(L4)ADRPULPULLBLDG M LVL 1 CORR BY EXIT1-71XXXXONM1-72(L4)IAMSOBLDG M LVL 11-72XXONM1-73(L4)IAMWATERBLDG M LVL 11-73XXXONM1-74(L4)ADRPULPULLBLDG M LVL 1 CORR BY EXIT1-74XXXONTHRUONM1-250XXXXXXONNOTE: THE LABELS SHOWN ABOVE WILL BE USED FOR PROGRAMMING PURPOSES.THE LABELS ARE BASED UPON INFORMATION SHOWN ON THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS.ANY CHANGES TO THESE LABELS MUST BE NOTED ON THE SUBMITTAL REVIEW, PRIOR TO PROGRAMMING.POINTS SHOWN IN ITALIC TEXT REFER TO EXISTING DEVICES. SINGLE PHOTOELECTRIC SMOKE DETECTORS1209 SERIESWiring DiagramsTandem Wiring Diagram120 VOLTS60HzVACQUICK DISCONNECTTYPE PLUGSMOKEALARM(LEGACY)LIMITATIONS:Maximum of 12 S1209 smoke alarms maybe connected together. Do not exceed 125feet (38.1 m) between each alarm. Do notexceed 1125 feet (342.9 m )between thefirst and last alarm.TANDEM WIREBRN / YEL(LEGACY)SMOKEALARMNOTICE:Gentex smoke alarms CAN NOTbe interconnected to alarms from othermanufacturers.A MAXIMUM OF 12 ALARMS WITH ARELAY (S1209F) MAY BE TANDEMINTERCONNECTED.SMOKEALARMNEUTRAL / WHITETANDEM WIREBRN / YELHOT / BLACKTO ADDITIONALSMOKE ALARMS,CO ALARMS ORSMOKE/CO ALARMSThe S1209 may be tandem interconnectedwith other Gentex tandem capable smokealarms, CO alarms or smoke/CO alarms.To interconnect with Gentex 9000 Series,7000 Series, 710CS Series, 7109CSSeries, GN-200 Series & GN-300 Seriesthe LEGACY TANDEM WIRE must beused. Refer to installation manual fordetailed information.BLKWHTRED/YELBRN/YELVIOVIO/BLKBLUORNYELGRAYGRAYPLUGSMOKEALARMCAUTION: RED/YELLOW & BROWN/YELLOW wire to becapped when not in use. This wire is for tandem connectiononly. Do not connect to any other circuit.HOTNEUTRED/YELBRN/YELRelay Model Wiring DiagramPOWERTANDEM - LEGACYTANDEM - NEWFORM AALARM CONTACTSFORM CALARM CONTACTSSUPERVISIONWIRESELECTRICALBOXELECTRICALBOXELECTRICALBOXGN-503 Series Combination Smoke/CO AlarmOne (1) SetModelNumberGN-503GN-503FGN-503FFVoltage120VAC120VAC120VAC9VDC BatteryBack-UpForm A/ Form CRelay ContactsGN-503 AND GN-503F Wiring DiagramsQUICK DISCONNECTTYPE PLUGBLKWHTRED / YELVIOVIO / BLKBLUORNYELGRAYGRAYPLUGHOTNEUTBRN / YELPOWERTANDEM - LEGACYTANDEMALARMCONTACTSACCESSORYALARMCONTACTSINTERNALJUMPERSMOKE/COALARMNEUTRAL / WHITETANDEM WIREBRN / YELHOT / BLACKTANDEM WIRERED / YEL(LEGACY)SMOKE/COALARMSMOKEALARM(LEGACY)Two (2) SetsForm A/ Form CRelay ContactsSMOKE/COALARMELECTRICALBOXELECTRICALBOXELECTRICALBOXSHEET:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:JOB #:PROJECT #:DESCRIPTIONCADDATEMARKSYSTEM:CHKISSUE DATE:30" x 42" - Arch E1 Size ISSUE LOG:Revisions shown with # symbol LAST PRINTED:LAST SAVED BY:FILE PATH:G:\Simplex\DESIGN CAD FOLDER\2019\OXOBOXO LOFTS 614347001\CAD\FA-701.dwg10/23/2019 2:59:38 PM JWANG5 129:614347001J. PANETTAL. WANG10/23/19FIRE ALARM SYSTEMOXOBOXO LOFTS UNCASVILLE, CT 27 INWOOD ROAD ROCKY HILL, CT 06067 PHONE: 860-602-3200 SERVICE: 860-602-3200 FAX: 860-683-8506 DISTRICT - 129FA-701WIRING TYPICALSJOHNSON CONTROLS © 2019OXOBOXO LOFTS© Johnson Controls 2019. All rights reserved. Reuse, copying, modification or alteration of the drawings and other information contained herein is strictly prohibited.INSTRUCTIONS66"FINISHED FLOOR3 17/32"6 29/32"24"1 7/16"16"FOR SURFACE MOUNTUSE 4 HOLES TO SECUREBACKBOX TO WALLBATTERY AREA(IF APPLICABLE)NO CONDUIT ENTRY ORWIRING IN THIS AREASEECHART5 17/32"FIG. 111 11/16"4 3/4"(TYPICAL, FOR5 FOOT HEIGHTTO LCD DISPLAYCENTERLINE)NOTE:ADA REQUIREMENTS LIMIT THE ALLOWABLE PROTRUSION OF OBJECTSMOUNTED IN PUBLIC ACCESSIBLE WALKS, HALLS, CORRIDORS, PASSAGEWAYS ORAISLES. THE 4 INCH (100mm) RESTRICTION APPLIES TO ANY ITEM IN WHICH THEMEASUREMENT FROM THE FLOOR TO THE BOTTOM OF THE UNIT IS MORE THAN27 INCHES.TYPICAL CONDUIT LOCATION FORPWR. LIMITED FIELD WIRINGEXAMPLE OF ADDITIONALCABINET MOUNTINGLOCATIONCONDUIT FOR INTERNAL PANELHARNESSES OR NPL WIRING.3 1/4" MIN.10" MAX.1.FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, DOWNLOAD DATA SHEET S4100-0100 FROM HTTP://WWW.SIMPLEX-FIRE.COMBATTERY BOX HEIGHT REFERENCEPID NUMBERBOXHEIGHTBOXLENGTHBOXDEPTH2081-92801'-0"2'-2 1/2"1'-0"4081-93061'-1 1/2"2'-3 7/8"1'-2 5/8"4081-93081'-1 1/2"2'-3 7/8"1'-2 5/8"WALL STUD GUIDES(SEE NOTE 3)KNOCKOUT SCREW/NAILHOLES FOR SEMI-FLUSHMOUNT (SEE NOTE 3)REFER TO FIG.1 FOR TYPICAL CONDUITPENETRATION LOCATIONSWALL1.REMOVE ELECTRONIC CARD CAGE (IF PRESENT) AND STORE IT IN A SAFE DRY AREA.2.NO KNOCKOUTS PROVIDED. CUT CONDUIT/SERVICE ENTRANCE OPENINGS. REFER TO FIG.1 FOR PROPERLOCATIONS. CONDUIT PROTRUSION INTO BOX 1/2" MAX.3.MOUNT BOX TO WALL: BOX MUST BE LEVEL AND PLUMB. FOR SURFACE MOUNT USE TEAR DROP ANDCLEARANCE HOLES ON BACK SURFACE. FOR SEMI-FLUSH MOUNT: USE WALL STUD GUIDES FOR MAXIMUMALLOWABLE BOX DEPTH TO PROVIDE OPEN DOOR CLEARANCE. USE KNOCKOUTS ON SIDE WALL, SCREWOR NAIL BOX TO WALL STUDS.4.MINIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN ANY TWO BOXES IS 3 1/4" (6" MAXIMUM).5.IF PRESENT, USE WIRE MANAGEMENT BRACKETS ON BOX SIDES TO SECURE WIRE RUNS.6.NEMA RATING: NEMA 1 - GENERAL PURPOSE.7.DO NOT LOCATE POWER-LIMITED WIRING IN THE SHADED AREAS OF THE BACKBOX, THIS AREA ISRESERVED FOR NON-POWER LIMITED CIRCUITRY SUCH AS AC POWER, BATTERIES AND CITY CONNECTION.8.REFER TO SIMPLEX BACKBOX INSTALLATION DOCUMENT 579-117 FOR DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS.BACKBOX AND DOOR OPTIONSPKG. SIZEBOX W/ GLASSDOORBOX W/ SOLIDDOORBOXONLYGLASSDOORSOLIDDOORBOXHEIGHT1 BAY RED2975-94412975-94472975-94074100-21244100-213422"2 BAY RED2975-94422975-94482975-94084100-21254100-213540"3 BAY RED2975-94432975-94492975-94094100-21264100-213656"1 BAY PLATINUM2975-94442975-94502975-94384100-21044100-211422"2 BAY PLATINUM2975-94452975-94512975-94394100-21054100-211540"3 BAY PLATINUM2975-94462975-94522975-94404100-21064100-211656"FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL BACKBOX INSTALLATIONSIMPLEX 4100es SERIES0=OFF128648163246587421ON312OFFADDRESS SHOWN ABOVE IS 2DO NOT USE ADDRESS 0 FOR A SLC ADDRESS1=ON9798100101991131141151161179611281828485834950525351656667686948648010310410610710511912012112212310911011112512612710812487889190895556585957717273747594939561626377787960769254708610211833343637351245317181920210163239404342417810119232425262746454713141529303112284462238DIP SWITCHES 5 THRU 8DIPSWITCHES1 THRU 4NOTIFICATION APPLIANCE DIP SWITCH SETTINGSSIMPLEX TRUEALERT ES / IDNACCARBON MONOXIDE SENSOR BASE1.MAINTAIN CORRECT POLARITY ON TERMINALCONNECTIONS.2.ALWAYS CUT CONDUCTORS AND SECURE UNDERTERMINALS. NEVER LOOP WIRES UNDER TERMINALS.3.ANY WIRE SPLICES TO BE MADE BY LISTED AND AHJAPPROVED METHODS.WIRING NOTESIDNetSLC(-)(+)TERMINATION VIEW: DEVICE REARTO 2098-9808REMOTE LED OR4098-9822RELAY, IF USEDCLASS A WIRINGIDNet SLC(RETURN)SMOKE SENSORHEAT SENSOR(-)(+)3' (941mm)MIN.FINISHEDWALL4" (102mm)CEILING MOUNTEDSENSORHEAT SENSORSNEVER HERE12"(305mm)MAXIMUMTO TOP OFSENSORFINISHED WALLWALL MOUNTEDSENSORMOUNTING OPTION "C"SIMPLEX 4098-9770REPLACEABLE COCARTRIDGEELECTRICAL BOX1.FOR ADDITIONAL MOUNTING OPTIONS, DOWNLOAD DATA SHEET 4098-0052 FROM HTTP://WWW.SIMPLEX-FIRE.COMMOUNTING OPTIONSOPTION 1DESCRIPTIONNOTEASINGLE GANG BOX, 2-1/8" (54mm) DEEPBY OTHERSB4" (102mm) SQUARE BOX, 1-1/2" DEEP (MIN)W/ SINGLE GANG COVER PLATE 3/4" (19mm) EXTENSIONBY OTHERSC4" (102mm) OCTAGONAL BOX, 1-1/2" (38mm) DEEP, MINIMUMBY OTHERSD4" (102mm) SQUARE BOX, 1-1/2" DEEP (MIN) W/ SIMPLEX 4098-9863ADAPTER KITBOX BY OTHERS, 4098-9863 ORDERED SEPARATELY3REDRED2RED15GLDREDVLT4.7KYELGLDREDGRY6.8KBLUGLDREDGRY1.8KBRNGLDBRNBLU560 ΩGRNGLDREDRED1.2KBRNGLDORGBLK10KBRNGLDBLKBLK20 ΩREDGLDREDBLK1KBRNGLDBRNBLKBRNGLDORGRED22KREDBRNWHTWHT4.99KYELGLDREDYEL2.4KREDGLDREDGRN1.5KBRNGLDYELGRN150KBRNGLDREDWHT3.9KORGGLDORGBLK10KBRN733-893733-892733-896733-886733-984733-890733-891733-894733-912733-973733-974733-985734-086734-092734-093734-149734-171734-1684081-9001MODEL4081-90024081-90034081-90044081-90054081-90064081-90074081-90084081-90094081-90104081-90114081-90124081-90134081-90144081-90154081-90164081-90174081-901811/21/21/21/2111/2111/21/21/21/21/21/2114GLDGLDREDORG3.3KORG2.2KOHMSBRNN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AANNUNCIATOR (4300)GLDREDRED8.2KGRAYGLDREDBLU5.6KGRNGLDORGRED12KBRN378-090378-046378-0691/21/21/2N/AN/AN/AN.O. INITIATING PULL, SMOKE,HEAT, WATERFLOW, TAMPER, ETC.24 PT. I/O SWITCH SUPV.N.O. INITIATING PULL, SMOKE,HEAT, WATERFLOW, TAMPER, ETC.CURRENT LIMITED N.O.INITIATING (IN LINE)N.C. INITIATING (EOLR)N.C. INITIATING (EOLR)NOTIFICATION24 PT. I/O (ACROSS CONTACTS)N.C. INIT. (ACROSS CONTACTS)TO MR-101 RELAY COILCURRENT LIMITED N.O. INIT.(IN SERIES WITH CONTACT)ANNUNCIATOR (N2)SPEAKER CIRCUITN.C. INITIATING (SECURITYMONITORING EOLR)CURRENT LIMITED N.O. INIT.(SECURITY MONITORING EOLR)70VRMS CONSTANT SUPV. NACSSECURITY MONITORING (EOLR)N.O. SECURITY MON. (SERIES)N.C. SECURITY MON. (SHUNT)4100, 4100U4100, 4100U4100, 4100U4100-12604090-9001 IDNET IAM4090-9001 IDNET IAM40034006, 4008, 40104090-9001 IDNET IAM4605-7401, 4100 SERIES4005*,4090-9001 IDNET IAM4005 8 POINT I/O4004, 4005, 4006, 4008, 4009,4010, 4100, 4100U40054005*, 4090-9001 IDNET IAM4100, 4100U4090-9001 IDNET IAM4-20MA ZAM (TROUBLE)2080-90244090-9001 IDNET IAM (EOLR)4605-7401, 4100 SERIES4004*, 4004R, 4005*, 4006,4100, 4120, 4100U, ZAMs4004, 4010 (TROUBLE)FIRE ALARMPANEL/MODULECIRCUIT TYPEWATTS100 ΩREFERENCENUMBERCURRENT LIMITED N.O. INIT.NOTIFICATION (DACT)NOTE: REFER TO PANEL/MODULE AND DEVICEINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPERTERMINATIONS.* USE WITH RETROFIT OR HIGH CURRENT MODULEBAND NUMBEREND OF LINE RESISTOR CODES4004, 4005, 4090-9001IDNET IAM 2190-9173MAPNETII 2 PT I/OWIRING NOTES1234IDNet SLC(-)(+)(-)(+)34733-896(4.7K 1/2W)IDNet SLC(RETURN)CLASS A WIRINGELECTRICAL BOXMOUNTING OPTION "B"IAM MOUNTINGBRACKET4090-9001 IAMTRIM PLATE1.MAINTAIN CORRECT POLARITY ON TERMINALCONNECTIONS.2.ALWAYS CUT CONDUCTORS AND SECURE UNDERTERMINALS. NEVER LOOP WIRES UNDER TERMINALS.3.ANY WIRE SPLICES TO BE MADE BY LISTED AND AHJAPPROVED METHODS.1.FOR ADDITIONAL MOUNTING OPTIONS, DOWNLOAD DATA SHEET 4090-0001 FROM HTTP://WWW.SIMPLEX-FIRE.COMADDRESSABLE INPUT MODULE12TERMINATION VIEW: DEVICE REAR733-886(6.8K 1/2W)733-984(1.8K 1/2W)4090-9001 IAMTRIM PLATESIMPLEX 4090-9001 (IAM)MOUNTING OPTIONSOPTION 1DESCRIPTIONNOTEASINGLE GANG BOX, 2-1/2" (64mm) DEEP WITH SINGLE GANG COVER PLATEBY OTHERSBSINGLE GANG BOX, 2-1/2" (64mm) DEEP WITH SIMPLEX 4090-9810 IAM MOUNTING BRACKET ANDSIMPLEX 4090-9806 TRIM PLATE FOR SEMI-FLUSH MOUNTED BOXBOX BY OTHERS, PLATESORDERED SEPARATELYCSINGLE GANG BOX, 2-1/2" (64mm) DEEP WITH SIMPLEX 4090-9810 IAM MOUNTING BRACKET ANDSIMPLEX 4090-9807 TRIM PLATE FOR SURFACE MOUNTED BOXBOX BY OTHERS, PLATESORDERED SEPARATELYDEVICE MOUNTING HEIGHT REFERENCEPER NFPA 72SIDE WALLCEILINGVISUAL APPLIANCE MOUNTING HEIGHT CONSIDERATIONS IN SLEEPING ROOMS1.MIN DISTANCE IN SLEEPING ROOMS IS 24" (610mm) FROM CEILING TO TOPOF LENS FOR 110CD STROBES WITHIN 16' OF THE PILLOW2.177CD STROBES, USED IN SLEEPING ROOMS, CAN BE WITHIN THE 24"(610mm) MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM THE CEILING. THE HIGHER INTENSITYIS TO COMPENSATE FOR A POSSIBLE SMOKE LAYER.AUDIBLE ONLYAUDIBLE/VISUAL& VISUAL ONLYAPPLIANCESSYNCHRONIZE MORETHAN TWO APPLIANCESIN ANY FIELD OF VIEW.NOTE: REFER TO THE PROPER DEVICEINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSFOR BACKBOX MOUNTING HEIGHT.NOTE: MEASUREMENTSSHOWN ARE TO THE CLOSESTEDGE OF THE DETECTOR.THE 4" REQUIREMENT FOR SMOKE DETECTORS HASBEEN REMOVED FROM THE 2010 EDITION OF NFPA 72CEILING MOUNTEDSMOKE/HEATDETECTORACCEPTED HEREHEAT DETECTORSNEVER HEREWALL MOUNTEDSMOKE/HEATDETECTOR12" (MAX)(305mm MAX)4"(102mm)4"(102mm)3' (914mm)MINIMUMA/C SUPPLYOR RETURNDIFFUSERFINISHEDFLOORREF. 80" MIN (IBC)(2032mm MIN) REF. 96"MAX (IBC) (2440mm MAX)ABOVE FINISHED FLOORFIREMAGNETICDOORHOLDERFIREPHONEJACK80" MIN (ADA)(2032mm MIN)80" MIN (NFPA)(2032mm MIN)TO BOTTOM OF LENSFOR CEILING HEIGHTS LESS THAN 86" (2180mm),THE VISUAL LENS MOUNTING HEIGHT SHALL BEWITHIN 6" (150mm) OF THE CEILING.96" MAX (NFPA, ADA)(2440mm MAX)ABOVE FINISHED FLOORTO TOP OF LENS48" MAX (ADA) (1219mm)48" MAX (NFPA, ADA) (1219mm MAX)42" MIN (NFPA) (1067mm MIN)MEASUREMENTS SHOWN ARETO TOP OF PULL HANDLEMANUAL PULLSTATIONTO EXIT DOOR5' (MAX.)(1524mm)DOORWIDTHLESS 3"(76mm)5"(127mm)90" MIN (2286mm MIN) ABOVE FINISHEDFLOOR (OTHER MOUNTING HEIGHTS SHALLBE PERMITTED BY THE AHJ PROVIDING ITMEETS THE SOUND LEVEL OUTPUT REQUIRED.)NFPA 72 AUDIBLE APPLIANCE 6" MIN(152.4mm MIN) BELOW FINISHED CEILINGFIREFIREFINISHEDWALLMOUNTING OPTION "A"ELECTRICAL BOX1.MAINTAIN CORRECT POLARITY ONTERMINAL CONNECTIONS.2.ALWAYS CUT CONDUCTORS ANDSECURE UNDER TERMINALS. NEVERLOOP WIRES UNDER TERMINALS.3.ONE INDICATOR MAY BE INSTALLEDPER DETECTOR.WIRING NOTESTERMINATION VIEWONOFF1.FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, DOWNLOAD DATA SHEET 4603-0001 FROM HTTP://WWW.SIMPLEX-FIRE.COM2.REFER TO RUI DIPSWITCH SETTINGS DETAILLCD ANNUNCIATORASSEMBLYTRIM PLATETB1TB2++--+ +--SSFROM 24VDCPOWER SOURCETO ADDITIONAL24VDC DEVICESRUI FROM FACP ORPREVIOUS DEVICERUI TO NEXT DEVICE OR RETURNTO FACP IN CLASS A SYSTEMSHIELD (NOT REQUIREDON RUI+ APPLICATIONS)RUI ADDRESSDIPSWITCH2REMOTE ANNUNCIATORSIMPLEX 4603-9101MOUNTING OPTIONSOPTION1DESCRIPTIONNOTEAFLUSH MOUNT - 6-GANG BOX, 3-1/2" (89mm) DEEPBY OTHERSBFLUSH MOUNT - MASONRY BOX, 3-1/2" (89mm) DEEPBY OTHERSCSURFACE MOUNT - SIMPLEX 2975-9206, 2-3/4" (70mm) DEEPORDERED SEPARATELY(-)ADDRESSABLE RELAY MODULEIDNet SLCRETURNIDNet SLC(+)TERMINATION VIEWN.C.MOUNTING OPTION "B"4"(102mm) SQUARE BOX4090-9002 RELAY IAMCOVER PLATESIMPLEX 4090-90021.MAINTAIN CORRECT POLARITY ON TERMINALCONNECTIONS.2.ALWAYS CUT CONDUCTORS AND SECURE UNDERTERMINALS. NEVER LOOP WIRES UNDER TERMINALS.3.ANY WIRE SPLICES TO BE MADE BY LISTED AND AHJAPPROVED METHODS.WIRING NOTES(-)12345678123456781234567812345678CN.O.1.FOR ADDITIONAL MOUNTING OPTIONS, DOWNLOAD DATA SHEET 4090-0002 FROM HTTP://WWW.SIMPLEX-FIRE.COM(+)TO CONTROLLEDDEVICE. SEE DATASHEET FOR POWERRATING LIMITATIONS.CLASS A WIRINGMOUNTING OPTIONSOPTION 1DESCRIPTIONNOTEA4" (102mm) SQUARE BOX, 2-1/8" MINIMUM DEPTH WITH DOUBLE GANG COVER PLATEBY OTHERSB4" (102mm) SQUARE BOX, 2-1/8" MINIMUM DEPTH WITH SIMPLEX 4090-9801 TRIMPLATE FOR SEMI-FLUSH MOUNTED BOXBOX BY OTHERS, PLATES ORDERED SEPARATELYC4" (102mm) SQUARE BOX, 2-1/8" MINIMUM DEPTH WITH SIMPLEX 4090-9802 TRIMPLATE FOR SURFACE MOUNTED BOXBOX BY OTHERS, PLATES ORDERED SEPARATELY1.MAINTAIN CORRECT POLARITY ON TERMINAL CONNECTIONS.2.ALWAYS CUT CONDUCTORS AND SECURE UNDER TERMINALS.NEVER LOOP WIRES UNDER TERMINALS.3.ANY WIRE SPLICES TO BE MADE BY LISTED AND AHJAPPROVED METHODS.WIRING NOTESTOP OF PULL HANDLETO BE MOUNTED AT42" - 48" A.F.F.1.FOR ADDITIONAL MOUNTING OPTIONS, DOWNLOAD DATA SHEET 4099-0005 FROM HTTP://WWW.SIMPLEX-FIRE.COMALARMFIREPULL DOWN1234IDNet SLC(-)(+)IDNet SLC(RETURN)(-)(+)ADDRESSABLE PULL STATIONS1234CLASS A WIRINGTERMINATION VIEW: DEVICE REAR4099-9005BREAKGLASS4099-9006PUSHWITH 2099-9828INSTITUTIONALCOVER KIT4099-9004SINGLE ACTION4099-9021NO GRIPSINGLE ACTION4099-9805NO GRIPRETROFIT KITMOUNTING OPTION "B"SIMPLEX 4099 SERIESMOUNTING OPTIONSOPTION 1DESCRIPTIONNOTEASINGLE GANG BOX, 2-1/2" (64mm) DEEPBY OTHERSB4" (102mm) SQUARE BOX, 2-1/8" DEEP (MIN) W/ SINGLE GANG COVER PLATE 3/4" (19mm) EXTENSIONBY OTHERSCSIMPLEX 2975-9022 - 5H x 3-7/8"W x 2-3/16"D (127mm x 98mm x 56mm)ORDERED SEPARATELYDSIMPLEX 2975-9178 - 5-3/4"H x 3-7/8"W x 2-3/16"D (132mm x 102mm x 56mm)ORDERED SEPARATELY0=OFF1=ON2412422442452432402472482502512492532542552522461931941961971952092102112122131922081451461481491471611621631641651441601761771781791801811992002022032012152162172182192052062072212222232042201511521541551531671681691701711571581591731741751561721831841851861871881891901911501661821982142242252262272282292302312322332342352362372382391286432786842423516ADDRESS SHOWN ABOVE IS 1201ON1OFF1291301321331319798100101991131141151161179611212881828485834950525351656667686948648013513613913813710310410610710511912012112212314214114310911011112512612710812414087889190895556585957717273747594939561626377787960769254708610211813433343637351245317181920210163239404342417810119232425262746454713141529303112284462238DIP SWITCHES 5 THRU 8DO NOT USE ADDRESS 0 FOR AN IDNET ADDRESS9NOTE:THE 4098-9771, -9794, -9795, -9798 SOUNDER BASES HAVE A 9-POSITION DIP SWITCH. THE FIRST EIGHT DIP SWITCHES SET THE SOUNDERBASE ADDRESS. DIP SWITCH POSITION 9 IS SET TO OFF OR ON DEPENDING UPON THE SOUNDER BASE POWER SOURCE. WHEN THESOUNDER BASE IS CONNECTED TO A 24 VDC POWER SOURCE, DIP SWITCH POSITION 9 IS SET TO “OFF” AND THE 24 VDC POWER ISSUPERVISED BY THE SOUNDER BASE. WHEN THE SOUNDER BASE IS POWERED BY THE PANEL’S NOTIFICATION APPLIANCECIRCUIT (NAC), DIP SWITCH POSITION 9 IS SET TO “ON” AND THE POWER IS SUPERVISED BY THE NAC AND NOT THE SOUNDERBASE. THE 4098-9770 AND -9797 BASES HAVE THE SAME LAYOUT, BUT DOESN’T OFFER SOUNDER FUNCTIONALITY. THEY USE AN 8-WAY DIPSWITCH ONLY.SEENOTEDIPSWITCHES1 THRU 4INITIATING DEVICE DIP SWITCH SETTINGSSIMPLEX IDNet1.MAINTAIN CORRECT POLARITY ON TERMINAL CONNECTIONS.2.ALWAYS CUT CONDUCTORS AND SECURE UNDER TERMINALS.NEVER LOOP WIRES UNDER TERMINALS.3.ANY WIRE SPLICES TO BE MADE BY LISTED AND AHJAPPROVED METHODS.WIRING NOTESIDNet SLC(-)(+)(-)(+)STANDARD SENSOR BASETERMINATION VIEW: DEVICE REARCLASS A WIRINGSENSOR BASEIDNet SLC(RETURN)SMOKE SENSORHEAT SENSOR3' (941mm)MIN.FINISHEDWALL4" (102mm)CEILING MOUNTEDSENSORHEAT SENSORSNEVER HERE12"(305mm)MAXIMUMTO TOP OFSENSORFINISHED WALLWALL MOUNTEDSENSORMOUNTING OPTION "B"SIMPLEX 4098-97921.FOR ADDITIONAL MOUNTING OPTIONS, DOWNLOAD DATA SHEET 4098-0019 FROM HTTP://WWW.SIMPLEX-FIRE.COMMOUNTING OPTIONSOPTION 1DESCRIPTIONNOTEASINGLE GANG BOX, 2-1/8" (54mm) DEEPBY OTHERSB4" (102mm) SQUARE BOX, 1-1/2" DEEP (MIN)W/ SINGLE GANG COVER PLATE 3/4" (19mm) EXTENSIONBY OTHERSC4" (102mm) OCTAGONAL BOX, 1-1/2" (38mm) DEEP, MINIMUMBY OTHERSD4" (102mm) SQUARE BOX, 1-1/2" DEEP (MIN) W/ SIMPLEX 4098-9832 ADAPTER KITBOX BY OTHER, 4098-9832 ORDERED SEPARATELY SHEET:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:JOB #:PROJECT #:DESCRIPTIONCADDATEMARKSYSTEM:CHKISSUE DATE:30" x 42" - Arch E1 Size ISSUE LOG:Revisions shown with # symbol LAST PRINTED:LAST SAVED BY:FILE PATH:G:\Simplex\DESIGN CAD FOLDER\2019\OXOBOXO LOFTS 614347001\CAD\FA-701.dwg10/23/2019 2:59:40 PM JWANG5 129:614347001J. PANETTAL. WANG10/23/19FIRE ALARM SYSTEMOXOBOXO LOFTS UNCASVILLE, CT 27 INWOOD ROAD ROCKY HILL, CT 06067 PHONE: 860-602-3200 SERVICE: 860-602-3200 FAX: 860-683-8506 DISTRICT - 129FA-702WIRING TYPICALSJOHNSON CONTROLS © 2019OXOBOXO LOFTS© Johnson Controls 2019. All rights reserved. Reuse, copying, modification or alteration of the drawings and other information contained herein is strictly prohibited.1.MAINTAIN CORRECT POLARITY ON TERMINALCONNECTIONS.2.ALWAYS CUT CONDUCTORS AND SECURE UNDERTERMINALS. NEVER LOOP WIRES UNDER TERMINALS.3.ANY WIRE SPLICES TO BE MADE BY LISTED AND AHJAPPROVED METHODS.WIRING NOTESBOTTOM OF LENS:80" (2032mm) A.F.F. MINIMUM1.FOR ADDITIONAL MOUNTING OPTIONS, DOWNLOAD DATA SHEET S49VO-0001 FROM HTTP://WWW.SIMPLEX-FIRE.COMIDNAC SLC(-)(+)(-)(+)TrueAlert ES ADDRESSABLE APPLIANCES(-)(+)OPTIONAL TAPLOCATION FORIDNAC SLCT-TAP (SPLICE)CONNECTIONSERIESCONNECTIONIDNAC SLCTERMINATION VIEW: DEVICE MOUNTING PLATETOP OF LENS:96" (2044mm) A.F.F MAXIMUMFOR CEILINGS < 86" (2180mm) A.F.F.:<= 6" (150mm) FROM CEILING(-)(+)(-)(+)CLASS B WIRINGCANDELA INTENSITYPLUG ACCESSIBLE FROMREAR OF HOUSINGMOUNTING OPTION "B"SIMPLEX 49VO SERIES WALL MOUNTED VISUAL ONLYMOUNTING OPTIONSOPTION1DESCRIPTIONNOTEASINGLE GANG OR DOUBLE GANG BOX, 1-1/2" (38mm) DEEP (MIN)BY OTHERSB4" (102mm) SQUARE BOX, 1-1/2" DEEP (MIN)BY OTHERSCSIMPLEX 2975-9145, 7-7/8"H x 5-1/8"W x 2-3/4"D(127mm x 98mm x 56mm) REQUIRES 4905-9931 PLATEORDERED SEPARATELYMOUNTING PLATEELECTRICAL BOXIDNAC SLC(-)(+)(-)(+)TrueAlert ES ADDRESSABLE APPLIANCESOPTIONAL TAP LOCATION FORIDNAC SLC & AUDIO CIRCUITT-TAP (SPLICE)CONNECTIONSERIESCONNECTIONIDNAC SLCTERMINATION VIEW: DEVICE BACKPLATECLASS B WIRINGMOUNTING OPTION "A"(-)(+)(+)(-)SPKRSTRB(-)(+)(+)(-)SPKRSTRB4100ES AUDIOCIRCUIT(+)(-)AUDIOCIRCUIT(+)(-)(-)(+)(-)4" (102mm) SQUARE BOX,2-1/8" (54mm) DEEP (MIN)APPLIANCE BACKPLATEAPPLIANCEAPPLIANCECOVERSIMPLEX 49SO SERIES WALL MOUNTED SPEAKER1.MAINTAIN CORRECT POLARITY ON TERMINALCONNECTIONS.2.ALWAYS CUT CONDUCTORS AND SECURE UNDERTERMINALS. NEVER LOOP WIRES UNDER TERMINALS.3.ANY WIRE SPLICES TO BE MADE BY LISTED AND AHJAPPROVED METHODS.WIRING NOTES1.FOR ADDITIONAL MOUNTING OPTIONS, DOWNLOAD DATA SHEET S49SOW-0001 FROM HTTP://WWW.SIMPLEX-FIRE.COMMOUNTING OPTIONSOPTION1DESCRIPTIONNOTEA4" (102mm) SQUARE BOX, 2-1/8" (54mm) DEEP (MIN)BY OTHERS1.MAINTAIN CORRECT POLARITY ON TERMINALCONNECTIONS.2.ALWAYS CUT CONDUCTORS AND SECURE UNDERTERMINALS. NEVER LOOP WIRES UNDER TERMINALS.3.ANY WIRE SPLICES TO BE MADE BY LISTED AND AHJAPPROVED METHODS.WIRING NOTESIDNAC SLC(-)(+)(-)(+)TrueAlert ES ADDRESSABLE APPLIANCESOPTIONAL TAP LOCATION FORIDNAC SLC & AUDIO CIRCUITT-TAP (SPLICE)CONNECTIONSERIESCONNECTIONIDNACSLCTERMINATION VIEW: DEVICE MOUNTING PLATECLASS B WIRINGCANDELA INTENSITYPLUGMOUNTING OPTION "A"(-)(+)(+)(-)SPKRSTRB(-)(+)(+)(-)SPKRSTRB4100ES AUDIOCIRCUIT(+)(-)AUDIOCIRCUIT(+)(-)(-)(+)(-)4" (102mm) SQUARE BOX,2-1/8" (54mm) DEEP (MIN)ENTIRE LENS:80" (2032mm) A.F.F. MINIMUM96" (2044mm) A.F.F MAXIMUMFOR CEILINGS < 86" (2180mm) A.F.F.:<= 6" (150mm) FROM CEILINGAPPLIANCE BACKPLATEAPPLIANCEAPPLIANCECOVERSIMPLEX 49SV SERIES WALL MOUNTED SPEAKER / VISUAL1.FOR ADDITIONAL MOUNTING OPTIONS, DOWNLOAD DATA SHEET S49SVW-0001 FROM HTTP://WWW.SIMPLEX-FIRE.COMMOUNTING OPTIONSOPTION1DESCRIPTIONNOTEA4" (102mm) SQUARE BOX, 2-1/8" (54mm) DEEP (MIN)BY OTHERS