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223000-02-0 (Bell _ Gossett) Plumbing Recirc Pumps _ Expansion Tanks - AZT
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D/E/F Services Group, LTD 1171 Voluntown Road Griswold, CT 06351 Phone: (860) 376-4896 Fax: (860) 376-1213 Submittal Transmittal TO: The Maggiore Companies 13 Wheeling Ave. Worburn, MA 01801 Date: 10/14/2019 Project # F29166 - F29166 Oxoboxo Submittal # 014 ATTN: Gifford Perry RE: (Bell & Gossett) Recirculator Pumps & Expansion Tanks We are sending you the following: Attached Under Separate Cover Via: 1st Class Mail Overnight Facsimile Pick-Up/Hand Deliver Copies Spec No. Description 1 223000 (Bell & Gossett) Recirculator Pumps & Expansion Tanks Remarks: Please see the attached submittal for approval. Received By: _________________________________ Date: ________________________ Signed: _______________________________ Title: _________________________________ Copy to: ___________________ Recipient’s Copy Sign & Return File Copy SUBMITTAL A-135G JOB: Oxoboxo Lofts REPRESENTATIVE: Fluid Industrial Associates Inc. UNIT TAG: ORDER NO. DATE: 9/18/2019 ENGINEER: Aztech Engineers, Inc. SUBMITTED BY: Todd Kaider DATE: CONTRACTOR: D/E/F Services Group, LTD APPROVED BY: DATE: SCHEDULE Note: Where potable water is pumped, use a lead-free† bronze booster. PL boosters equipped with a drip-proof motor are recommended for indoor use only. Permanently Lubricated Iron & Lead-Free† Bronze Booster Pumps DESCRIPTION The Series PL™ close coupled booster pumps are specifically designed for quiet operation in hydronic, radiant and geothermal heating and cooling systems. These inline permanently lubricated pumps are available in cast iron or lead-free† bronze body construction. OPERATING DATA Maximum working Pressure: 150 psi (10 Bar) Maximum Operating Temperature: 225°F (107°C) †Contains less than 0.25% Lead content by weight on wetted surfaces. CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS Booster Body: Cast Iron or Lead-Free† Bronze Face Plate: Stainless Steel Impeller: 30% Glass Filled Noryl® (PL-55 & PL-130): Glass Filled PPS Shaft: Carbon Steel (PL-55 & PL-130): Stainless Steel Shaft Sleeve: Stainless Steel (PL-55 & PL-130): None Seal: Mechanical, Carbon on Silicon Carbide Motor Type: ODP Elastomers: EPDM Motor Bearings: Sealed Precision Steel Ball Bearing Permanently Lubricated CAST IRON LEAD-FREE† BRONZE STANDARD 60 CYCLE SINGLE PHASE TAGGING INFORMATION MODEL NUMBER PART NUMBER QTY. MODEL NUMBER PART NUMBER QTY. MOTOR CHARACTERISTICS HP VOLTAGE F.L. AMPS RPM PL-30 1BL012 PL-30B 1BL013LF 2 1/12 115 1.4 2650 RP-1 PL-30 1BL014 PL-30B 1BL015LF 1/12 230 0.8 2650 PL-36 1BL001 PL-36B 1BL003LF 1/6 115 2.1 3300 PL-36 1BL006 PL-36B 1BL008LF 1/6 230 1.1 3300 PL-36 1BL116 PL-36B 1BL118LF 1/6 277 1 3300 PL-45 1BL002 PL-45B 1BL004LF 1/6 115 2.1 3300 PL-45 1BL007 PL-45B 1BL009LF 1/6 230 1.1 3300 PL-45 1BL121 PL-45B 1BL122LF 1/6 277 1 3300 PL-50 1BL016 PL-50B 1BL017LF 1/6 115 1.8 3300 PL-50 1BL018 PL-50B 1BL019LF 1/6 230 1.0 3300 PL-50 1BL123 PL-50B 1BL124LF 1/6 277 1.0 3300 PL-55 1BL032 PL-55B 1BL068LF 2/5 115 4.7 3250 PL-55 1BL033 PL-55B 1BL069LF 2/5 230 2.4 3250 PL-55 1BL115 PL-55B 1BL119LF 2/5 277 1.9 3250 PL-75 1BL034 PL-75B 1BL035LF 1/6 115 2.1 3400 PL-75 1BL036 PL-75B 1BL037LF 1/6 230 1.1 3400 PL-75 1BL125 PL-75B 1BL126LF 1/6 277 1 3400 PL-130/2"1BL063 PL-130B/2"1BL065LF 2/5 115 4.8 3200 PL-130/2"1BL064 PL-130B/2"1BL066LF 2/5 230 2.4 3200 PL-130/2"1BL127 PL-130B/2"1BL128LF 2/5 277 1.9 3200 PL-130/3"1BL070 PL-130B/3"1BL072LF 2/5 115 4.8 3200 PL-130/3"1BL071 PL-130B/3"1BL073LF 2/5 230 2.4 3200 PL-130/3"1BL130 PL-130B/3"1BL131LF 2/5 277 1.9 3200 SERIES PL - Permanently Lubricated Booster Pumps A-135G DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS Dimensions are approximate and subject to change. Contact factory for certified dimensions. MODEL NO. FLANGE SIZE INCHES - NPT MOTOR HP DIMENSIONS - INCHES (mm)APPROXIMATE SHIPPING WT. LBS. (KG)A B C D E PL-30 3/4, 1, 1-1/4 & 1-1/2 1/12 8 5/8 (219)6 3/8 (162)7 1/8 (181)4 3/16 (106)4 3/8 (111)11.6 (5.3) PL-36 3/4, 1, 1-1/4 & 1-1/2 1/6 8 5/8 (219)6 3/8 (162)7 1/8 (181)4 3/16 (106)4 3/8 (111)13.1 (6.0) PL-45 1, 1-1/4 & 1-1/2 1/6 9 1/8 (232)8 1/2 (216)7 1/4 (184)4 5/8 (117)4 1/2 (114)14.5 (6.6) PL-50 1, 1-1/4 & 1-1/2 1/6 9 1/8 (232)8 1/2 (216)7 1/4 (184)4 5/8 (117)4 1/2 (114)14.5 (6.6) PL-55 3/4, 1, 1-1/4 & 1-1/2 2/5 9 9/16 (243)6 3/8 (162)7 15/16 (202)4 3/16 (106)4 3/4 (121)13.1 (6.0) PL-75 2 1/6 9 15/16 (252)8 1/2 (216)7 3/8 (187)5 3/16 (132)4 5/8 (117)18.5 (8.4) PL-130/2"2 2/5 10 3/4 (273)8 1/2 (216)8 1/4 (210)5 3/16 (132)5 1/8 (130)22 (10) PL-130/3"3 2/5 10 3/4 (273)8 1/2 (216)8 1/4 (210)6 (152)5 1/8 (130)27 (12.2) TYPICAL SPECIFICATIONS The contractor shall furnish and install inline pumps as illustrated on the plans and in accordance with the following specifications: 1. The pumps shall be of the horizontal, permanently lubricated type, specifically designed and guaranteed for quiet operation. 2. The pumps shall have a steel shaft supported by permanently lubricated, sealed precision ball bearings. The pumps are to be equipped with a water-tight seal to prevent leakage. Mechanical seal faces to be carbon on silicon carbide. The motor shall be non-overloading at any point on the pump performance curve. 3. The motor shall be of the drip-proof, sealed precision ball- bearing, quiet-operating construction. The permanent split- capacitor motor shall be equipped with thermal overload protection. 4. Pumps to be suitable for 225°F (107°C) operating temperature at 150 psig (10 bar) working pressure. The pumps shall be Bell & Gossett, A Xylem brand. Model No. PL-__________ with a capacity of __________ GPM at __________ feet of head. PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS CURVES Xylem Inc. 8200 N. Austin Avenue Morton Grove, IL 60053 Phone: (847)966-3700 Fax: (847)965-8379 www.bellgossett.com Bell & Gossett is a trademark of Xylem Inc. or one of its subsidiaries. ESP-REP v2019.05 © 2014 Xylem Inc. SUBMITTAL A-318E JOB: Oxoboxo Lofts REPRESENTATIVE: Fluid Industrial Associates Inc. UNIT TAG: ORDER NO. DATE: 9/18/2019 ENGINEER: Aztech Engineers, Inc. SUBMITTED BY: Todd Kaider DATE: CONTRACTOR: D/E/F Services Group, LTD APPROVED BY: DATE: SCHEDULE Series "PTA" (ASME) Residential/Commercial Potable Water Diaphragm Expansion Tanks For Potable Water Systems DESCRIPTION Series "PTA" expansion tanks are ASME rated, pre-charged diaphragm-type vessels.The Series "PTA" tank is designed to absorb the forces of expanding water and protect the domestic water system from pressure build up. The FDA approved heavy duty butyl diaphragm and polypropylene liner (sizes PTA-5 through PTA-210V) or replaceable full acceptance butyl bladder (sizes PTA-447 through PTA-457) completely isolate the water from the shell. Models PTA-5 through PTA-210V are listed by NSF 61 FACTORY PRE-CHARGED PRESSURE: 55 PSI CONSTRUCTION Shell: Carbon Steel PERFORMANCE LIMITATIONS PTA-5 through PTA-210V 200ºF (93ºC), 150 PSI (1035 kPa) PTA-447 through PTA-457 240ºF (115ºC) 125 PSI (862 kPa) System Connection: PTA-5 through PTA-210V: Stainless Steel PTA-447 through PTA-457: Bronze PTA-5 through PTA-210V: Butyl Diaphragm; Polypropylene Liner PTA-447 through PTA-457: Replaceable Butyl Bladder PART NUMBER MODEL NUMBER GALLONS (LITERS) TAGGING INFORMATION QUANTITYTANK VOLUME Acceptance Volume 1BN051LF PTA-5 2.1 (8)0.9 (3) 1BN052LF PTA-12 6.4 (24)3.2 (12) 1BN053LF PTA-20V 8 (30)3.2 (12) 1BN054LF PTA-30V 14 (53)9 (34) 1BN055LF PTA-42V 17.5 (66)11.4 (43) 1BN056LF PTA-60V 25 (95)11.3 (43) 1BN057LF PTA-80V 53 (200)34.5 (130) 1BN058LF PTA-180V 77 (292)33.9 (128) 1BN059LF PTA-210V 90 (341)34.3 (129) THERM ET PLBG 2 1BN067LF PTA-447 53 (200)53(200) 1BN068LF PTA-448 80 (300)80 (300) 1BN069LF PTA-449 106 (400)106 (400) 1BN070LF PTA-450 132 (500)132 (500) 1BN060LF PTA-451 158 (600)158 (600) 1BN061LF PTA-452 211 (800)211 (800) 1BN062LF PTA-453 264 (1000)264 (1000) 1BN063LF PTA-454 317 (1200)317 (1200) 1BN064LF PTA-455 370 (1400)370 (1400) 1BN065LF PTA-456 422 (1600)422 (1600) 1BN066LF PTA-457 528 (2000)528 (2000) DIAPHRAGM EXPANSION TANKS - PRE-PRESSURIZED (ASME CONSTRUCTION) A-318E DIMENSIONS IN INCHES (MM) TYPICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS MODEL NUMBER A HEIGHT B DIAMETER SYSTEM CONNECTION CHARGING VALVE Shipping Wt Lbs. (Kg) PTA-5 10-3/8 (264)10 (254)3/4" NPTM .302"-32 NC 21 (9.5) PTA-12 15-5/8 (397)12 (305)3/4" NPTM .302"-32 NC 26 (12) PTA-20V 19-1/2 (495)12 (305)3/4" NPTF .302"-32 NC 41 (19) PTA-30V 19-1/8 (486)16-1/4 (413)3/4" NPTF .302"-32 NC 84 (38) PTA-42V 24-1/4 (616)16-1/4 (413)3/4" NPTF .302"-32 NC 90 (41) PTA-60V 34 (864)16-1/4 (413)3/4" NPTF .302"-32 NC 96 (44) PTA-80V 40-1/2 (1029)24 (610)1-1/4" NPTF .302"-32 NC 229 (104) PTA-180V 52-5/8 (1337)24 (610)1-1/4" NPTF .302"-32 NC 288 (131) PTA-210V 60 (1524)24 (610)1-1/4" NPTF .302"-32 NC 318 (144) PTA-447 45-1/4 (1150)24 (610)2" NPTF .302"-32 NC 263 (120) PTA-448 59-1/8 (1502)24 (610)2" NPTF .302"-32 NC 308 (140) PTA-449 73-1/8 (1857)24 (610)2" NPTF .302"-32 NC 353 (161) PTA-450 86-5/8 (2200)24 (610)2" NPTF .302"-32 NC 391 (178) PTA-451 73-1/4 (1861)30 (762)2" NPTF .302"-32 NC 508 (230) PTA-452 91 (2317)30 (762)2" NPTF .302"-32 NC 760 (345) PTA-453 85-5/8 (2175)36 (914)3" NPTF .302"-32 NC 810 (368) PTA-454 98 (2489)36 (914)3" NPTF .302"-32 NC 914 (415) PTA-455 110-3/8 (2804)36 (914)3" NPTF .302"-32 NC 1018 (462) PTA-456 81-7/8 (2080)48 (1220)3" NPTF .302"-32 NC 1655 (750) PTA-457 97-1/4 (2470)48 (1220)3" NPTF .302"-32 NC 1925 (873) Dimensions are subject to change. Not to be used for construction purposes unless certified. Furnish and install as shown on plans a __________ gallon (________ liter), ________" (________mm) diameter x ________" (________mm) high pre- charged vertical steel expansion tank with integral FDA approved, heavy duty butyl blend diaphragm and ________ lined dome, for domestic potable water. The tank shall have a ________" NPT system connection, and a .302"-32 charging valve connection (standard tire valve) to facilitate on-site charging of the tank to meet system requirements. The tank must be constructed in accordance with ASME Code Section VIII Division 1. The tank must be designed for a maximum working pressure of ________ PSI (________ kPa) and maximum working temperature of ________ºF (________ºC). Each tank shall be Xylem − Bell & Gossett Model No. _________________ Xylem Inc. 8200 N. Austin Avenue Morton Grove, IL 60053 Phone: (847)966-3700 Fax: (847)965-8379 www.bellgossett.com Bell & Gossett is a trademark of Xylem Inc. or one of its subsidiaries. ESP-REP v2019.05 © 2013 Xylem Inc.