HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-11-12 Oxoboxo Mtg Min 14#16-063
Oxoboxo Lofts, Uncasville , CT
PROJECT: Oxoboxo Lofts
42 Pink Row
Uncasville, CT
DATE: November 12, 2019
TIME: 10:00 a.m.
LOCATION: Conference Call
Frank Brachanow (FB) Dakota Partners (DP) FBrachanow@DakotaPartners.net
Susan Odell (SO) Paul B. Bailey Architect (PBBA) SOdell@pbbarchitect.com
Gifford Perry (GP) MC Gifford@MaggioreCos.com
Peter Lentine (PL) MC Peter@MaggioreCos.com
Eric Kuczarski (EK) DP EKuczarski@DakotaPartners.net
Sam Kirby (SK) PBBA SKirby@pbbarchitect.com
Frank Vacca (FV) BSC FVacca@BSCGroup.com
Dan Morrissey (DM) Morrissey Engineers (ME) daniel.morrissey@morrisseyengineers.com
Pat Callahan (PC) AZT PCallahan@aztecheng.com
Minutes to:
Paul Maggiore (PM) MC Paul@MaggioreCos.com
Dave Mann (DM) Maggiore Construction (MC) Dave@MaggioreCos.com
Karl Walsh DP KWalsh@DakotaPartners.net
Marc Daigle DP MDaigle@DakotaPartners.net
Roberto Arista (RA) DP RArista@DakotaPartners.net
Evan Fink (EF) DP EFink@DakotaPartners.net
Matt Abraham (MA) DP MAbraham@DakotaPartners.net
Alycia Quintiliani DP aquintiliani@dakotapartners.net
Bill Rundlett DP Brundlett@dakotapartners.net
Kurt Prochorena (KP) BSC Group (BSC) KProchorena@BSCGroup.com
Dean Azzam (DA) Aztech Engineers, Inc. (AZT) DAzzam@aztecheng.com
Tim Carr (TC) Down To Earth Consulting (DTEC) Tim@DownToEarthConsulting.com
Brandon Handfield (BH) Yantic River Consultants Brandon@yrc-ne.com
James Sexton (JS) SHPO/NPS Consultant jmbjcs@hotmail.com
CONSTRUCTION DATES: Dam Removal: Start Date: Oct 18, 2019 EST. End Date: Unknown
Lofts Construction: Start Date: August 1, 2019 End Date: November 1, 2020
1.1.1 Status:
10/25 GP: Still behind schedule. Helical pile installation starts
10/28, weather permitting.
11/01 GP: Same on schedule. Helical pile installation underway.
11/05, 11/12 Not reviewed.
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1.2.1 Status:
11/05 PL: Sandblasting in basement of B. Started on 4 in B &
worked down. 2nd floor of D has been sandblasted. Air quality
inspection today for J, H, G. Masonry washing ongoing – on M
now. South side of M completed. Cutting out furnace in F now.
Site: concrete removal on exterior of M.
11/12 Not reviewed.
2.1.1 Site/Civil Submittals & RFI’s:
11/12 FV: All submittals returned this morning via 2 emails. RFI for
site walls – will highlight their location on a site plan & send so it
can be sent to Structural or Geotech Engineer & reviewed for any
SHPO impact.
2.1.2 Dam Removal Construction Schedule & Progress:
11/12 FV: Officially on hold until July 1, 2020. Will not affect the
Oxoboxo Lofts schedule. Coordinating with dam safety –
undermined portion of the sluice pipe needs to be reinforced. Bill
is handling this w/DEEP – he was able to shut off the sluice. Will
follow up with Bill & DEEP to make sure that the emergency
emails sent last week is sufficient for Bill to perform the repair. De
minimis changes – the pressure is off for submitting this but I will
submit eventually. CLOSED until construction re-starts.
2.1.3 Encroachment Permit for Guardrail on Route 32:
11/12 FV: Tentative meeting on Thursday w/ConDot but will likely
cancel it because we have a way to solve the problem that will
eliminate the need for an encroachment permit all together.
Revising the entrance to keep it where it is. FB: What about
guardrail? FV: It may be able to be removed because it was to
protect against falling into the raceway, but the raceway was
since filled in.
2.1.4 Gas Company Coordination:
11/12 FV: Received email from Mike Applebee requesting a site
visit. Will follow up to get him out there in the next week. PC:
Received email from Mike this morning. 5” water column will
not be sufficient so will be knocking down to 2psi at Bldg F &
then regulating at the appliances. Regulators at the appliances
will need venting. SO: AZT, put something together on
regulators at appliances & venting so GP can price.
2.1.5 Updated Civil Set of Drawings:
11/12 FB: Building permit received on Friday. BO was extremely
helpful. PL: Picked it up on Friday. FV: Will submit summary list
of changes today.
2.1.6 Site Accessibility:
11/12 SO: Sent to EF, EF responded. FV: EF’s design would create
a landlock for the transformer & Eversource needs vehicle
access. Will respond to EF’s question on this.
2.1.7 Trees in Courtyard:
11/12 CLOSED.
2.1.8 FMC Application to DEEP:
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11/05 RA: Consent order has put a hold on the FMC application.
Consent order will take a couple of weeks to issue & get
approved. New estimate is January for approval of FMC.
11/12 FV: Coordinating with BH – he now has our temporary
hydraulic model for interim condition to submit to DEEP.
2.1.9 Helical Pile Installation:
11/05 Work stopped. See consent order topic below.
11/12 Same.
2.1.10 Consent Order:
11/12 FV: I understand that BH is submitting the information
associated with the consent order to DEEP but haven’t spoken
w/BH directly. We need to think about future work in the stream.
SO: We have mentioned several future work items on these calls -
can we create a list of future work that will impact the stream? GP:
I will put something together.
Grout Bag Submittal:
11/12 SO: BH should be able to turn his attention to this submittal
after today but need to confirm w/him.
2.2.1 Environmental Submittals & RFI’s:
11/12 No RFI’s or submittals outstanding.
2.2.2 RAP Application to DEEP:
11/01 MA: TC was on site doing slab testing which was one of the
3 items we needed for RAP. The other 2 items are close behind –
should be completed soon.
11/05 TC: Results of soil vapor readings inside other buildings
should arrive next Monday. Have to test building B when it is
available – it was under containment at the time we tested.
11/12 Testing Bldg B is still pending completion of abatement.
2.2.3 Injection System: (related topic below: equipment in Bldg M
10/18 FB: Not going to happen for a while. Hold on everything,
including notification of neighbors.
10/25, 11/01 Not reviewed.
11/05 TC: Still on hold. Winter will dictate the work – have to
pump 40k gallons of water into the ground. (Extended discussion
of where the water might come from) RA: Work on hold until
Dakota owns the property. TC: Process & results of injection
takes about 1 year.
11/12 Not reviewed.
2.2.4 Abandoned Brownfield Application to DEEP:
10/25 TC: Working on DEEP sign-off, then DECD has to sign off.
Need approval before closing since we can’t get into that program
after purchase. FB: Anything we need to do? TC: Nothing for
construction – this is more legal. Had a call yesterday w/RA &
Attorney so process is moving forward.
11/01, 11/05, 11/12 Not reviewed.
2.2.5 SVE Equipment:
11/05 RA: Owner does not want to fit out Bldg F in the future. TC
to issue specs on the new SVE equipment that will be installed so
that Aztech can supply power.
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11/12 SO: TC sent electrical requirements for SVE equipment,
will forward to AZT.
SO Medium
2.2.6 Remediation in Courtyard:
11/12 PL: TC’s work in the courtyard is done but pile of soil
remains in the parking lot.
2.2.7 Transformers removed from Courtyard:
10/25 PL: Update on removal? TC: I talked to the contractor – he
assured me that they were moved out of the way on site. FB:
Get them off site. TC: Underway. My sub, AES Environmental, is
looking at best way to dispose of the solid transformers.
11/01 GP: Transformers are still on site.
11/05 TC: Transformers have disappeared. They were empty &
there were no PCB’s in the soil below them. I prep the final
environmental sign-offs and I will indicate in that reporting that
they were stolen but that they did not contain hazardous
material. PM: Do we need a police report? RA: Should have a
report. TC should request it.
11/12 Not reviewed.
2.2.8 Equipment in M Basement:
11/01 GP: if it needs to remain, will need power for it. Think we
will need 40 amp circuit, breakers, etc. but should get more info
from TC. There is a piece of electric baseboard heat in the
manhole which needs to be replaced. GP to issue RFI.
11/05 PL: System is running now. TC: DEEP was complaining
about not receiving reports from Faria. Will assist Faria in
maintaining compliance with DEEP. GP: I will issue an RFI for the
electrical service needs.
11/12 Not reviewed.
2.3.1 Structural Submittals & RFI’s:
11/12 RFI 17 issued yesterday. Response covers all openings in
brick up to 6’ wide. Wider than that, I would have to issue a
specific sketch.
2.3.2 Building K Floor & Basement:
11/12 DM: Sketches issued yesterday – both new & revised. GP:
We would like to build the pier out of CMU instead of poured
concrete. DM: Ok, will issue revised SKS. Min. 16x16 size
required by code. PL: What about angle under beam? DM:
Sketch issued yesterday – angle didn’t work by the numbers. PL:
Old bathroom has raised floor -was that supposed to be
demo’d? DM: We have sleepers there to hit the new floor
elevations – if this raised floor can be reused, I have no issue
with it.
2.3.3 Demo in D revealed notched columns, missing beam, failing
southwest corner of bldg:
11/12 GP: Sketches sent to subs, no responses yet.
2.3.4 Steel in Bldg F:
11/12 DM: Waiting for size/location of roof hatch. SO: Found 20’
ships ladder but need 23’ – will keep researching. Bldg F is next
on our priority list – will bring dwgs to next week’s site mtg.
2.3.5 Waterproofing of below-grade walls at A, B, C, D, F:
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11/12 GP: Same on test pits. DM: Will review on site when ready.
EK: Schedule for test pits? PL: Within the week.
MC High
2.3.6 Helical Pile Installation:
11/05 DM: Will need a final submittal on the helical piles that is
the logs for installation. GP: Noted.
11/12 GP: Will have the final submittal soon.
2.3.7 Special Inspections:
11/05 EK: We will hire special inspector & testing agency. DM to
add helical piles to the statement of special inspections.
11/12 DM: Revised statement sent to DP. EK: SO, please issue via
an ASI. SO: Will do.
2.3.8 Bldg J:
11/05 PL: Discovered 2 openings under the slab on the courtyard
wall that had been covered by plants. Have photo but cannot
currently access them.
11/12 On hold until we have access to the creek side of Bldg J.
2.3.9 Bldg B:
11/05 DM: Need depth of gypcrete needed to level the floors.
DMann: As soon as air is clean in B, we will shoot elevations of
floors to determine depth needed.
11/12 PL: Same, can get into Bldg B on Wednesday to get
2.3.10 Knee walls under J:
11/12 GP: Can we put a 2x nailer along the top of the top track?
DM: Yes.
2.4.1 Environmental Submittals & RFI’s:
11/12 PC: Some plumbing submittals returned today. Holding
some submittals due to redesigns of mechanical systems, ejector
pit but will be catching up on submittals next.
2.4.2 Ejector Pit Redesign/Elimination:
11/12 SO: Calculated elevations & sent yesterday. We will just
make it across the river. GP: Will need location & elevation of
main trunks ASAP. PC: Ok.
2.4.3 Mechanical VE:
11/05 PC: Have drawings with me. Definitely still need
coordination but can use for pricing. (Coordination meeting
between PBBA & AZT completed after job site meeting.)
11/12 PC: Working on final drawings for mechanical piping &
ductwork. Will issue by end of day tomorrow for Addendum 8.
2.4.4 Sprinkler System:
11/01 Conf call held on Monday. Sprinkler sub proceeding w/NFPA
13 in all buildings except D and E – these get NFPA 13R.
11/05 GP: want to confirm locations of the areas that we need to
put the compressor dry system.
11/12 SO: Addendum 8 will show closet in Bldg A for the
compressor. Will send Sprinkler System meeting minutes to PC.
2.4.5 Egress from Electrical Rooms:
11/12 SO: GP, please send Electrician’s layout of Bldg D Electrical
Room so AZT can confirm that 2nd means of egress is not required.
GP: Will do.
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2.5.1 Architectural Submittals & RFI’s:
11/12 SO: RFI 18 will be issued by end of day tomorrow.
2.5.2 Updated package of drawings for permit:
11/05 Addendum 8 issued today. Will collate through this
Addendum & create a new complete set of drawings.
11/12 SO: Addendum 8 was reviewed at last week’s site mtg.
Corrections/additions are being incorporated & final Addendum
8 will be issued by end of day tomorrow.
2.5.3 Access to Courtyard at Bldgs H, J, K, M (RFI MC 001):
11/12 SO: Will be in Addendum 8.
2.5.4 Flood Vents:
11/05 SO: Remains underway – not in the Addendum 8 set.
11/12 SO: Same. Priority? GP: Lowest of remaining items.
2.5.5 Existing Connections between B & D and D & E:
11/05 SO: Remains an open item – not in the Addendum 8 set.
11/12 SO: Same. Priority? GP: After Bldg F.
2.5.6 Laundry room relocation in Bldg B:
11/12 SO: Will be in Addendum 8. MEP coordination will follow.
2.5.7 Insulation & Waterproofing where Bldg K crosses the stream:
11/05 SO: Same. Discussion of how much space could be taken
where Bldg K crosses the stream. SO: We need to calculate the
volume of the duct that crosses the river – we could use at least
this much volume in different places to add insulation.
11/12 SO: Same.
2.5.8 Demo in D
11/12 SO: Will be in Addendum 8.
2.5.9 Below grade waterproofing at A, B, C, D, F:
11/05 SO: Remains underway – not in the Addendum 8 set. GP:
Will dig test pits to determine condition of walls.
11/12 SO: Same. GP: Test pits will be dug this week.
2.5.10 Masonry infill on east side of Bldg B:
11/05 SO: Remains underway – not in the Addendum 8 set.
Owner requested pricing on new brick infill in all openings.
Please include a count of any openings that would not otherwise
require new infill so Owner can evaluate. Does MC need
drawings to price? GP: No
11/12 GP: Met with mason this morning – now waiting for
2.5.11 Masonry cornice at Bldg A South Elevation:
11/12 SO: Will be in Addendum 8.
2.5.12 Vestibule at Bldg E:
11/12 SO: Will be in Addendum 8 & MEP coordination to follow.
2.5.13 Bldg B Floor Gypcrete:
11/05 DM: 1/4” plywood is adequate if soft spots are small, but
larger areas could require ½”. Knowing depth of gypcrete is part
of this answer also.
11/12 Same. Waiting on access to bldg B.
2.5.14 Bldg H Electrical Room Door:
11/12 SO: Will be in Addendum 8 set.
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2.5.15 Mason’s mortar samples:
10/25 GP: Mason received test results & will start prep of
samples for approval. SO: I will review on site when ready.
11/01, 11/05, 11/12 Same.
2.5.16 Existing windows in M and F:
11/01 GP: They are all different in their details but are all typical
windows. SO: Let’s review on site Tuesday.
11/05 Reviewed on site. PBBA to update existing condition
drawings with detailed dimensions so that GP can have them
priced. SO: SHPO will allow up to ½” difference in the
11/12 SO: Same. Priority? GP: Next, along w/Bldg F.
2.5.17 MC Request to increase output on outstanding construction
11/12 GP: Status? SO: PBA has added staff which enabled us to
add additional items to Addendum 8. After Addendum 8, we will
have 5 outstanding issues: Bldg F, Existing window details,
Connectors at B/D & D/E, Flood vents, Waterproofing below
grade at A, B, C, D, F; which MC has prioritized for us. We will
continue to review these priorities & deadlines.
Morrissey & BSC are substantially caught up.
Aztech will need more time as they have substantial redesign
work on both Mech VE & Sanitary lines in addition to their CA
work. We will continue to review their priorities & deadlines.
Their next priority after issuing Addendum 8 is to catch up on
11/05 SHPO issues moved to separate list.
11/12 SO: SHPO weekly review will be held separately w/SO, JS
& EK. Will only report here on the submittal that we are
currently working on, & any other updates as needed.
2.6.2 NPS Approval of Roofing Details:
11/05 SO: Would like to have mock-up of revised slope to send
to NPS. PL: Will do. Where? SO/SK: Northeast corner of Bldg J.
11/12 PL: Mock-up should be ready on Friday. SO: Will come to
the site to photograph it Friday afternoon, with the goal of
submitting this item to SHPO by the middle of next week.
2.7.1 Pricing for raising floors in Bldgs G, H & J above 500 year flood:
11/12 GP: Pricing is being issued as it is available. PL: I am setting
the sub-floor at 30’-5”. SO: Yes, that is what we should be using
since we don’t have a finish floor material approval yet.
2.7.2 Transformers/Eversource Coordination/Electric Meter location:
11/01 GP: Received a sketch but it needed revision. They are
working on the revision.
11/05, 11/12 GP: Same.
2.7.3 Allowed scope of work under partial permit:
11/12 Bldg Permit received. CLOSED.
2.7.4 Underground utility installation:
11/12 Bldg Permit received. CLOSED.
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2.7.5 Job Site Meetings:
11/05 GP: 10 am on Tuesdays moving forward, with alternating
weeks of job site meetings and conference calls.
11/12 CLOSED.
2.7.6 Telephone/Cable lines:
11/05 EK: Will contact Frontier. Direction is to plan for 2 services.
11/12 EK: Had call w/Frontier last week, waiting on proposal
from them. Have not reached cable provider yet. FB: This is high
priority if you want 2 services.
2.7.7 Hiring of Testing Agency:
11/12 EK: Have received a quote from one firm, waiting on
others. GP: We have hired a firm for concrete testing. EK:
Shouldn’t we be hiring them? DM: Yes, Owner should hire. GP: I
have already issued purchase order – will talk offline w/EK to
straighten out.
2.7.8 Masonry add’l scope – T & M:
11/12 GP: Many poor existing conditions – can we proceed T&M
on the repairs? FB: I want to review the scope on site.
3.1 Status:
11/05 SO reviewed & signed CO #’s 2,3,4,5.
11/12 SO: Please send scans of CO’s that I signed. The CO for
framing to raise floors in J and G is approved.
4.1 Status:
11/05 SO reviewed & signed Req #2.
11/12 SO: Can I get scans of the items that I signed? FB: Yes. EK:
I will send them.
Alternating job site meetings/conference calls will be held weekly. Next up is a job site meeting at 10:00
am, November 19, 2019.
Recorded by Susan Odell, AIA, CPHC, Senior Project Architect, Paul B. Bailey Architect, LLC
These minutes are meant to convey & record the general content of the meeting, but do not represent a
verbatim recording. Please promptly respond to the Architect with any comments or questions.