HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-10-18 Oxoboxo Mtg Min 10#16-063 Oxoboxo Lofts, Uncasville , CT MEETING MINUTES #10 PROJECT: Oxoboxo Lofts 42 Pink Row Uncasville, CT DATE: October 18, 2019 TIME: 9:00 a.m. LOCATION: Conference Call Present: Frank Brachanow (FB) Dakota Partners (DP) FBrachanow@DakotaPartners.net Susan Odell (SO) Paul B. Bailey Architect (PBBA) SOdell@pbbarchitect.com Dave Mann (DM) Maggiore Construction (MC) Dave@MaggioreCos.com Gifford Perry (GP) MC Gifford@MaggioreCos.com Peter Lentine (PL) MC Peter@MaggioreCos.com Tim Carr (TC) Down To Earth Consulting Tim@DownToEarthConsulting.com Matt Abraham (MA) DP MAbraham@DakotaPartners.net Eric Kuczarski (EK) DP EKuczarski@DakotaPartners.net Frank Vacca (FV) BSC FVacca@BSCGroup.com Pat Callahan Aztech Engineers, Inc. PCallahan@aztecheng.com Minutes to: Karl Walsh DP KWalsh@DakotaPartners.net Roberto Arista DP RArista@DakotaPartners.net Marc Daigle DP MDaigle@DakotaPartners.net Evan Fink DP EFink@DakotaPartners.net Alycia Quintiliani DP aquintiliani@dakotapartners.net Dan Morrissey Morrissey Engineers daniel.morrissey@morrisseyengineers.com Kurt Prochorena (KP) BSC Group (BSC) KProchorena@BSCGroup.com Dean Azzam Aztech Engineers, Inc. DAzzam@aztecheng.com Sam Kirby (SK) PBBA SKirby@pbbarchitect.com Bill Rundlett DP Brundlett@dakotapartners.net CONSTRUCTION DATES: Dam Removal: Start Date: Oct 18, 2019 EST. End Date: Unknown Lofts Construction: Start Date: August 1, 2019 End Date: November 1, 2020 1.0 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS & SCHEDULE 1.1 Dam Removal Construction Schedule & Progress: 10/18 GP: Excavator on site, starting to drop stone to one side of the dam. There is a large hole to one side of the dam. FV: Appears to be a penetration in the sluice pile. Need to examine it because that was the diversion flow location. PL: Sluiceway is open. EK: Any contact from Bill re: schedule? MA: Bill was delayed 1st due to equipment being used on another site, then due to rain on Wednesday. FV: Will send email stating that we received verbal direction that the Owner has coordinated with Bill Worzeka. Because Bill has retired, we will need something from DEEP Remediation Division. ?? didn’t have any issue with relocating the dreg material. TC: Somewhat different from earlier direction which was to test it & place it according to the location on the drawings. FB: Plans to test? TC: That was my plan, but if direction has changed, need something in writing. 1.2 Lofts Construction Schedule: 10/18 GP: No change, still losing time. 1.3 Construction Progress: 10/18 PL: In A and B for demo. Sandblasting underway in G, then H & J. Sandblasting complete in M & K. Cleanup starting in M & K, which should be complete by end of next week. GP: Could be starting some new construction in M week after next. Site demo #16-063 Oxoboxo Lofts, Uncasville, CT Meeting Minutes #10 10/18/2019 Page 2 of 8 continues. Will be behind L soon. Exterior demo complete except for outside of M, which is being used as a staging area to clean M. 2.0 CONSTRUCTION TOPICS 2.1 RFI MC 001 - Access to Courtyard at Bldgs H, J, K, M: 10/04 SO: SO & SK on site last week to review possible solutions. Will issue sketch ASAP. PL: Construction courtyard access will utilized the window openings in the J/M connector that are closest to Bldg M. 10/11, 10/18 SO: Same. 2.2 RFI MC 002 Method of construction for raising floors in Bldgs G, H & J above 500 year flood: 10/04 SO: SHPO approved floor raising this week. Will issue details for flood vents ASAP. GP: Received 1 price, waiting on 2 others. Sprinkler sub said that we don’t need sprinklers in interstitial spaces since it is residential. 10/11, 10/18 SO: Same. 2.3 RFI MC 003 Gas Company questions: 09/27 KP: Sent draft plan yesterday to Laurie Fiore at Gas Company for review. 10/04 FV: Same. No word from gas company yet. Their approval is the only outstanding item for finalizing the utility plan. 10/11 FV: Gas company will allow us to reuse the existing service so we don’t have to go into the street. Sent info on Bldg F to show meter location. Their engineering dept is still reviewing. PL: We have concerns with the foundation of the chimney – may be too large to allow us to install a gas line. GP/PL: Shed is in poor shape, needs to be demo’d. SO: So gas meter can move to the north side of the doors on the east elevation of Bldg F. FV: Will check with gas company if they need an updated elevation showing the new location of the gas meter. FB: Please put meter location on the final utility plan. 10/18 FV: Same. 2.4 RFI MC 005 Reuse of water lines off of Route 32: 09/27 KP: Draft plan reviewed w/WPCA. Keep open for 1 more week until final utility plan is issued. 10/04 FV: Will meet w/FM & WPCA today to review draft utility plan. 10/11 FV: Sent drawings to WPCA, they sent to their engineering dept. who are reviewing. 10/18 FV: Have not received comments from water company – assumption is that they have no issues. 2.5 RFI DP 101 Coordination of Ejector Pit Design: 09/13 SO: Aztech will have answer on feasibility of removing ejector pit & using gravity only by end of next week. Tight point is crossing the bridges. PBBA will look at what can be added at the bridge crossings that will not interfere with the floodway. GP: Per site review, crossing at Bldg H/K seems most feasible. 09/20 SO: Waiting on MEP Engineer‘s review of switching to gravity only system. 09/27 SO: Same. 10/11 SO: Heard from Aztech that gravity will not work to cross the river between the existing floor level and the new floor level. It would have to go lower than the existing floor. FV: How much lower? SO: Will ask Aztech that question & copy FV in on the email so FV can coordinate directly with Aztech. PBBA to send cross section thru Bldgs H, K & M to FV & Aztech for coordination. 10/18 FV: Attempting to collect all sanitary to discharge via gravity. Floor drains in sub- basement of B will have to connect to a much smaller ejector pit. On the permitting set, the sanitary will remain the same which shows ejector pit. It will be easier to permit the larger ejector pit & then switch to a smaller ejector system. 2.6 RFI DP 105 Sanitary & water line questions: 08/30 SO: Reviewed w/DA. See above for fire line & domestic water lines. Pending decision to change to gravity only for the sanitary. #16-063 Oxoboxo Lofts, Uncasville, CT Meeting Minutes #10 10/18/2019 Page 3 of 8 09/06 Pending conf call w/FV & DA. 09/13, 09/20, 09/27, 10/04, 10/11, 10/18 See above for discussion. 2.7 Updated Civil Drawings to WPCA & DPW: 10/04 FV: Working on revised grading plan. When that is finalized I can produce a conformed set of all civil drawings. FB: Will need sanitary plan answered. FV: If we can do gravity, plan is fine as is. If we keep ejector, I would add 1 manhole with forcemain connection entering that manhole. 10/11 See above for discussion of utility plan. FV: Still working w/EF on the HC ramp solution. 10/18 FV: Updated set will be issued on Monday. 2.8 Transformers/Eversource Coordination/Electric Meter location: 10/04 GP: Will receive a plan from Eversource next week regarding what they want. They do want meters outside. SO: Will send historic designation – this will help with argument for putting meters inside. 10/11 GP: Should receive info any day now from Eversource about what they need – will send to FV to include in utility plan. 10/18 FV: Size of service is in question between gas company & Aztech. Gas Company says there is a ¾” high pressure line. Aztech has indicated that they need a 3” gas line to service the site. Will set up a meeting between Aztech & Gas Company to resolve. 2.9 Mechanical VE: 09/13 SO: Schedule for new design drawings is 4 weeks out, starting next week, so Oct. 11 deadline. 09/20, 09/27 SO: Same. 10/11 SO: We have to reschedule our deadline – will review w/Aztech after this mtg. 10/18 PC: New deadline is at least 1 week out. GP: This will delay us in getting it priced, awarded & submittals underway. 2.10 SHPO/DEEP Application: 10/04 SS: FMC application was signed & submitted by DOH & was sent to DEEP. Cover letter states that we are exempt from public notice & hoping to have DEEP agreement with that when we meet with them for technical review meeting to occur 3rd week of October. RAP public comment period has expired but RAP is still under review due to new person at DEEP being assigned to it (Jen) but does not impact our schedule. Tim Carr & Dakota will meet with Jen at CT DEEP on October 8 - looking at 2-3 weeks after that for any comments to be issued for RAP. No formal approval of RAP in writing. 10/11 SS: Have to submit 3 addendums to the RAP which we expect to submit next week then we are authorized to perform the remedial action plan. FMC is moving forward, but will not be approved for 3 weeks at best. Technical meeting the 3rd week of Oct is our internal planning – DEEP would have final say on when that meeting will occur. 10/18 FV: Nov. 4 10:30 am DEEP office is the coordination meeting. 2.11 Allowed scope of work under partial permit: 09/27 SS: Info sent to Owner yesterday, will require an amendment to the early start agreement, both Attorneys have it, should be able to issue approval by end of day. FB: GP, will you send info on the permit to get that moving? GP: I sent narrative, will fill out the permit & get it to you. All single story roofs – G, H, J, K, M. 10/04 FB: Waiting for approval from current Owner. SS: Hoping to have approval in the next couple of days. 10/11 FB: Same. Approval is for cleaning masonry & roof replacement. 10/18 EK: Verbal from Owner for full release. Addendum to agreement is being prepared. GP: Starting when? EK: Will follow up on that, don’t have a signature yet. 2.12 Flood Vents: 09/06 SO: As soon as SHPO approves drawings, will release elevations showing flood vents in Bldgs G, H and J. Bldg M has always shown 5 flood vents in 5 of the basement #16-063 Oxoboxo Lofts, Uncasville, CT Meeting Minutes #10 10/18/2019 Page 4 of 8 window openings, & these are still in the scope of work even though note on the drawing identifying them as flood vents seems to have disappeared. These drawings have always been diagrammatic - we owe a detail on how to fit an actual flood vent product into these openings. We sent a cut sheet on a flood vent to the SHPO – will use that product & forward the cut sheet also. 09/13 SO: SHPO has not raised any issues, though final determination has not been provided. Will provide specs, drawings ASAP. 09/20, 09/27 SO: Same. 10/04 SO: SHPO approved drawings – will send details for flood vents ASAP. 10/11, 10/18 SO: Same. 2.13 Bldg F Elevator: 09/06 FB: What is status of Bldg F elevator? DM: It is not in our budget any more. SO: Need to review w/FV to find alternate path of accessibility between the upper and lower levels of the project. 09/13 SO: Same. 09/20 FV: Looking at it right now. 09/27 KP: Will send drawing that shows ramp system ASAP. 10/04 Draft plan showing ramp system reviewed by DP. EF & FV are working on alternate design. 10/11 FV: Same. 10/18 FV: We have HC access via a site ramp to replace the Bldg F elevator. 2.14 SVE Equipment: 09/13 GP: If putting it into existing shed near Bldg F, would have to saw-cut a couple of doors into the concrete wall & build a roof for it. Piping goes 18” underground 09/20 SO: Could this equipment be put in Bldg F if Bldg F is only used for mechanical equipment. TC: Need approx. 150 sf of space, some equipment on floor, some wall- mounted, need exhaust vent. DM: When are you removing oil tank? TC: After smoke stack people finish in 2 weeks. 09/27 SO: On hold until we have decision on the ramp to replace the elevator in Bldg F. 10/11 SO: Same. 10/18 SO: SVE equipment can potentially go in Bldg F. We need the Owner to let us know if they ever intend to fit out Bldg F. EK: Ok, will do. 2.15 Building K Floor: 09/13 GP: Found more soft spots in the floor in bldg K. Existing flooring over the river is rotted. Want Structural Engineer to look at what is there & need detail for repair. 09/20 Structural Engineer on site today. Answers to follow. 09/27 DM: Working on design for repair of this. 10/04 SO: Same. DM reported that details would be provided by end of this week. 10/11 SO: DM indicated details would be provided today. 10/18 SO: DM issued memo today, with details to follow. 2.16 Existing Connections between B & D and D & E: 09/13 PL: Existing connections at B/D and D/E – need more detail on scope of work. Floors are rotted, roofs are leaking. Want to run sprinkler line through. SO: Intent is to keep them for SHPO, close them off to general access but allow for utility lines to pass through them. SK: Will need heat in them if sprinkler runs through. SO: We will review & provide more details. 09/20, 09/27, 10/04, 10/11, 10/18 SO: Same. 2.17 Building A Structural Review: 09/27 DM: Working on details. 10/04 SO: Same. DM reported that details would be provided by end of this week. 10/11 SO: DM indicated details would be provided today. 10/18 SO: DM issued memo today, with details to follow. #16-063 Oxoboxo Lofts, Uncasville, CT Meeting Minutes #10 10/18/2019 Page 5 of 8 2.18 Helical Pile RFI: 09/27 DM: 3 helical piles closest to connector need to be eliminated. 10/04 GP: Still need grout bag submittals returned. And direction of rip-rap or no rip- rap. A record submittal of the bracket attachments for the helical piles will be issued. 10/11 SO: DM indicated helical pile submittal would be returned today. 10/18 SO: Helical pile submittal was returned. GP: Helical pile installation starts 10/28. 2.19 Job Site Meetings: 09/13 GP: We will need to start having job site meetings soon. Decision made for all to hold Tuesday mornings. 09/20 Same. GP: Have trailer on site, no power to it yet. Once we have a full permit we should start job meetings. 09/27, 10/04, 10/11, 10/18 Same. 2.20 SHPO review of interior paint removal methods: 09/20 GP: Work is scheduled for next week – can we get a SHPO rep on site next Thursday or Friday to review? SO: Unlikely they will respond that quickly. Working on the timeline for SHPO review but don’t have final answer yet. SHPO needs to review a submittal on the paint removal process prior to their site visit – you should ask the sub to send that ASAP. GP: Will do, & will postpone scheduled work. No guarantee that the equipment will be available when we want it after this cancellation. 09/27 SO: 30 day review clock starts at SHPO when amendment forms are received. P?: Will send photos of 3 samples. SO: Will check with James Sexton if he can prepare amendment forms by Monday. 10/04 SO: Will check with James Sexton after this meeting re: status of forms going to SHPO. 10/11 SO: Forms went to SHPO. 10/18 GP: Sandblasting underway. 2.21 Encroachment Permit for Guardrail on Route 32: 09/20 KP: ConnDOT has indicated that they will not approve it and are recommending closing the driveway to Route 32. We are arranging an in-person meeting at their office in Norwich. Would like to have someone from Dakota there. SS: Will have someone there, just send dates. 09/27 KP: Contact at ConnDOT has been on vacation until early next week. In the meantime, our traffic engineers have suggested that we request letters from FM & local traffic authority stating importance of maintaining access for fire trucks in particular. 10/04 KP: ConnDOT person back on Monday from vacation. FV: Sent request to FM to comment on ConnDOT’s request to close the driveway to Route 32. Will meet w/FM today on that. 10/11 FV: Mayor & FM are preparing letter to request that the driveway to Route 32 remain open for emergency access. 10/18 FV: Town traffic authority is the Mayor. He & the FM are in support of keeping the driveway. People at ConnDOT have returned from vacation – they asked that we take the concern to the ConnDOT Newington office. This is a residential redevelopment of less than 100 units which should exempt us from ??? DOT District 2 may still require a traffic study, even though not statutorily required. Should not impact scheduling but pushing as hard as we can to resolve. What is deadline for MC to start work? GP: Spring. FV: Good, will give time to do traffic study if required. 2.22 Remediation in Courtyard: 09/20 GP: TC, I assume that your remediation work occurs after we clear and grub? This year? TC: Yes. GP: Would like to have it happen this year, but if we bring in fresh topsoil it might erode into the river. Do rough grading & leave until spring for final topsoil. 09/27, 10/04, 10/11, 10/18 Same. #16-063 Oxoboxo Lofts, Uncasville, CT Meeting Minutes #10 10/18/2019 Page 6 of 8 10/18 PL: Should do remediation now before winter. Courtyard needs tree removal, then it will be ready. Access will be there for a mini or bobcat. TC: Possible to do work now. GP: Coordinate timing w/PL. TC: Will do. 2.23 Benchmark: 10/04 FV: Sent proposal for locating benchmarks to SS yesterday. 10/11 Benchmarking happening today. PL: They are concerned – they think the existing benchmark on the street is incorrect. 10/18 FV/GP: Benchmarking completed. PL: Existing benchmark was not incorrect. 2.24 Structural Issues: 09/27 FB: DM, timeline for return of drawings on all issues? DM: Definitely by end of next week & will issue them as they are produced. 10/04 Same. 10/11 SO: DM indicated return of all items today. 10/18 SO: DM sent memo addressing outstanding list of structural issues. The memo indicated that there are 3 sketches to follow. I will follow up w/DM for a delivery date on these sketches. GP: I will review the memo. 2.25 Bldg G Floor: 10/04 SO: At site visit last week, determined that Bldg G floor is 3 layers of wood flooring on top of concrete slab, putting the slab 3” below the existing finished floor. Observed that areas of the wood were rotted. GP: Demo floor? SO: Demo rotted areas only, will ask DM about areas under new wood framing. Will issue floor plan to document this. 10/11 SO: DM indicated demo under new wood framing would be needed only at rotted areas. Same on issuing documentation. 10/18 GP: Take this off the list. CLOSED. 2.26 Underground utility installation: 10/04 GP: Can we start underground utilities? FB: Still haven’t given DPW the civil drawings with utility & drainage plan, so wait. Need current Owners approval, DPW approval. 10/11 On hold until civil drawings are approved. 10/18 Same. 2.27 Approvals from Current Owner: 10/04 SS: Have to get amendments to our contract with the seller for everything extra that we might want to do. MC, please send list of all items that you might want to do so that I can get 1 approval from the Owner on all items. Look 60 days ahead from today for items that you might need. GP: So no building permit? FB: Whatever you request, we will request from the Building Department. 10/11 DM: Sent list to DP. 10/18 See 2.11 above. 2.28 Change of personnel at Dakota Partners: 10/11 SS: Today is my last day at Dakota, Eric Kuczarski will take over for me. 10/18 CLOSED. 2.29 Demo in D 10/11 PL: Demo in Bldg D revealed previously unseen conditions of concerns that DM & SO need to review. SO: Will schedule a site visit for next week. 10/18 SO: On site today, architectural direction given. Will issue sketches to document. DM to be on site Monday for structural issues. 2.30 VE gas line connections to Megapress: 10/11 SK: Gas piping submittal was returned – pipe was accepted, connections were rejected by Aztech. GP: DA, please review if megapress connections would be acceptable – it would prevent welding in wood buildings & would be a significant VE. DA: Will do. 10/18 GP: Waiting on review from Aztech. Owner is ok with the change. PC: Will issue answer ASAP. #16-063 Oxoboxo Lofts, Uncasville, CT Meeting Minutes #10 10/18/2019 Page 7 of 8 2.31 Trees in Courtyard: 10/11 GP: There are some trees in the courtyard that should be cut down soon. Recommend doing this during construction. SO: Agreed. Send photos of trees to keep Owner in the loop. 10/18 GP: Getting a proposal to remove trees in the courtyard. 2.32 Injection System: 10/11 TC will have a schedule next week for the injection system installation. PL: I want to know if I can shut down the system in the Basement of M for 2 or 3 days during sandblasting. TC: Obtain permission from homeowners, installation of monitoring wells across Pink Row, Geotech survey to determine utility locations, inject 6 areas in situ chemical oxidation – we are permitted to do it but it is my understanding that due to cost of the work, DP doesn’t want to do it until they own the property which would put it after closing. If we can’t get permission from homeowners, we would go to Town of Montville to get approval to put the wells in the public right of way. Not optimal, but they could be placed on the west side of Pink Row if there are too many utilities on the east side. We should not shut the equipment in Bldg B basement until we have the monitoring wells in place. PL: Can we cover the equipment with plastic during sandblasting? Any fresh air required? TC: Close it off. There is no air pressure differential. I was told by the prior project manager at DEEP (Drew) that it could be shut down for up to 3 days, but would need to notify. Don’t have anything in writing from DEEP for this. There were some compliance issues raised by DEEP re: the current Owner. FB, can I call Ryan Gosset who is managing the system for Faria? FB: Yes. TC: I will call Drew at DEEP & Ryan Gosset today, then send email with results of conversations. 10/18 FB: Not going to happen for a while. Hold on everything, including notification of neighbors. 2.33 Transformers removed from Courtyard: 10/11 PL: TC, what is your schedule for removing them from the site? Concerned that they could get damaged if they remain on site too long. TC: Will check & get back to you. Good news is that they were checked & they no longer contain oil. 10/18 Not reviewed. 2.34 Debris in the stream bed: 10/11 GP: Site clearing behind Bldg A has revealed some trash & a downed tree in the stream bed. Remove? SO: Most likely – send photos. If there will be add’l cost, we need to know the amount & get the Owner’s approval. 10/18 GP: Steel debris removed. Downed trees remain. Will review w/FV. 2.35 Sprinkler System: 10/11 GP: Drawings appear to be NFPA 13R because no sprinkler heads are showing in the closets. SO: Notes state that the layout is diagrammatic, and that the system is to be NFPA-13. I had previously done a sketch analysis of which buildings could potentially be switched to 13R for Evan, but it did involve rating some walls & windows. I will find those sketches & forward to MC for review to see if there is a cost benefit. 10/18 SO: Sketches forwarded to MC. GP: Review underway. 2.36 Gypcrete: 10/11 GP: Where is gypcrete needed? SO: Gypcrete is for floor leveling & sound protection between units. It does not contribute to the fire rating. It is needed only where there are stacked units or where the floors are out of level, so not needed in Bldgs G, H, J, K, M & J/M Connector. It is needed in Bldgs A, B, C, D. I will check if needed in Bldg E since it is units above offices & common room. 10/18 CLOSED. 3.0 NEW TOPICS: 3.1 Updated package of drawings for permit: #16-063 Oxoboxo Lofts, Uncasville, CT Meeting Minutes #10 10/18/2019 Page 8 of 8 10/18 FB: 2 sets: 1) civil set with cover sheet & index pages. EK: Civil should issue a permit set that is a complete re-issuance. FV: Will add cover page & reissue today. GP: Changes bubbled? FV: No. Will add a summary of changes sheet. Will get them stamped on Monday. 2) Raising floors – architectural & structural. SO: Will get them stamped & issue on Monday. 3.2 Haz-mat removal update: 10/18 MA: Need update for Bank of America - a percentage completed & estimated time for completion. GP: Proceeding now with lead paint removal. 50% complete with sandblasting by end of next week. DM: What about balance of abatement other than sandblasting? PL: Bldgs are cleared except for sandblasting. 3.3 Confirmation of SHPO approval for raised floors: 10/18 MA: SO, please send Julie’s email of approval to me. SO: Will do. 3.4 Steel in Bldg F: 10/18 SO: Could remove 2nd floor platform & move the equipment to the ground floor. Will still need chiller on roof, so will review feasibility w/DM. GP/PL: Will review w/DM during his site visit. 4.0 RFI’s 4.1 Status: 10/04 GP: High priority: #7/8 for helical piles, #10 for roofing. Next priority: #9 for Building B and #6 for rotted beams. 10/11 GP: Same. 10/18 SO: RFI’s 2,3,5,7,12,13,14 & 15 answered. Made progress on #10 but hearing that cost will be too great for developed solution - working on alternate. RFI #8 remains open for grout bag designated design. RFI #9 & 11 solution being drafted now. RFI #6 remains outstanding from DM. RFI #16 under review by FV. 5.0 SUBMITTALS 5.1 Status: 10/04 GP: Priority: Sandblast materials, structural steel shop drawings, plumbing. 10/11 GP: Same. 10/18 SO: Plumbing submittals were returned. Aztech now has many for water heaters, tanks, boilers, etc & for electrical. DM has reviewed structural steel shop drawings – PBBA is holding to examine if all the steel shown on the shops still needs to be in the project – Bldg F is an example. Sandblasting submittal needs approval from SHPO – will be 30 days from date of submission to SHPO before we hear. 6.0 CHANGE ORDERS 6.1 Status: 10/04 GP: Change estimate #9 based on ASI #2 submitted - deduct of $36k. SS: Approved. GP: Also need chimney. SS: I signed the chimney, but don’t have #9. #8 is wood flooring. FB: I need #8 and #9. GP: will resend. SO: I should be reviewing/signing all change estimates. GP: Will send to SO. 10/11 Not reviewed. 10/18 GP: Don’t have #9 back yet. FB: Will follow up. 7.0 REQUISITIONS 7.1 Status: 10/04 DM: Need guidance on what to do with 1st req. FB: Will talk to DM off-line. 10/11 Not reviewed. 10/18 DM: FB has req for review. FB: Chimney is in the req – that is the holdup. Regular conference calls will be held weekly. Next conference call will be 9:00 am, October 25, 2019. Recorded by Susan Odell, AIA, CPHC, Senior Project Architect, Paul B. Bailey Architect, LLC These minutes are meant to convey & record the general content of the meeting, but do not represent a verbatim recording. Please promptly respond to the Architect with any comments or questions.