HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-09-27 Oxoboxo Mtg Min 07#16-063
Oxoboxo Lofts, Uncasville , CT
PROJECT: Oxoboxo Lofts
42 Pink Row
Uncasville, CT
DATE: September 27, 2019
TIME: 9:00 a.m.
LOCATION: Conference Call
Frank Brachanow (FB) Dakota Partners (DP) FBrachanow@DakotaPartners.net
Susan Odell (SO) Paul B. Bailey Architect (PBBA) SOdell@pbbarchitect.com
Dave Mann (DM) Maggiore Construction (MC) Dave@MaggioreCos.com
Gifford Perry (GP) MC Gifford@MaggioreCos.com
Peter Lentine (PL) MC Peter@MaggioreCos.com
Matt Abraham (MA) DP MAbraham@DakotaPartners.net
Tim Carr (TC) Down To Earth Consulting Tim@DownToEarthConsulting.com
Scott Shaw (SS) DP SShaw@DakotaPartners.net
Kurt Prochorena (KP) BSC Group (BSC) KProchorena@BSCGroup.com
Dan Morrissey Morrissey Engineers daniel.morrissey@morrisseyengineers.com
Sam Kirby (SK) PBBA SKirby@pbbarchitect.com
Minutes to:
Dean Azzam Aztech Engineers, Inc. DAzzam@aztecheng.com
Karl Walsh DP KWalsh@DakotaPartners.net
Roberto Arista DP RArista@DakotaPartners.net
Marc Daigle DP MDaigle@DakotaPartners.net
Evan Fink DP EFink@DakotaPartners.net
Alycia Quintiliani DP aquintiliani@dakotapartners.net
Frank Vacca (FV) BSC FVacca@BSCGroup.com
Bill Rundlett DP Brundlett@dakotapartners.net
CONSTRUCTION DATES: Dam Removal: EST. Start Date: Sept 16, 2019 EST. End Date: Sept 24, 2019
Lofts Construction: Start Date: August 1, 2019 End Date: November 1, 2020
1.1 Dam Removal Construction Schedule & Progress:
08/16 SS: Dam removal start range: August 21-29, 2019, with end range of August 29-
Sept 10. KP: Should be 7 business days total construction time, max 2 weeks.
08/30 FB: Recent rain has impacted the site. Construction start Sept. 3 anticipated if
materials arrive on time. FV: Construction delay until week after next at the earliest due
to DEEP notifications that still need to be done.
09/06 FV: Now is still the best time for dam removal, even with current increased flows
through the dam. If a decision is made to wait, it would have to wait until next August, as
spring is not a good time to do the work. DEEP FMC application is hinging on the fact that
the dam is being removed – don’t know how that would be affected if dam is not removed
this year. FB: The site is currently like Lake Superior – absolutely impossible to work now.
What is the time frame limitation on the current period? FV: Freeze.
09/13 MA: Bill said that materials should be in today. No schedule from him yet but he
had previously committed to starting next week.
09/20 MA: Bill texted – Oct 3 is projected to do the bypass pipe which is 1st step in the
process. Do not have the next steps from him. We have notified DEEP as required but do
not yet know when actual work will start.
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09/27 MA: Same.
1.2 Lofts Construction Schedule:
08/23 FB: Partial Permit issued for selective work. SS: Received Owner’s consent for
early access yesterday. SS: If everything goes according to plan, will pull full permit just
after closing around end of October. DM: Will mobilize & start on Monday.
09/06 FB: Lofts construction schedule end date was Sept 1, 2020 at Bank’s request. It is
now Nov 1, 2020 & the Bank is aware of this. GP: The restriction for demo only right now
is delaying the schedule. GP: Status of full building permit? FB: At least 4 weeks out.
09/13 GP: Have approval from Dakota & the Building Dept for roof demo & repairs &
masonry repointing. FB: GP – need cost on these items to obtain formal approval.
09/20, 09/27 GP: No change to overall schedule.
1.3 Construction Progress:
09/06 GP: Working on demo & abatement in Bldgs M & K. Have approval from Fire Dept.
to isolate the building sprinkler systems from the (4) existing on-site fire hydrants so demo
of the building sprinkler systems can begin. That work is starting tomorrow. Smoke
stack/chimney repair contractor has started this week. Will be installing transformer on
Monday, then disconnecting permanent power & connecting to temp power early next
MA: GP, please put all scheduled work in an email to be courteous to the Owner – want
to try to avoid the issues that arose around sprinkler demo in the future. SO: Do you have
an overall construction schedule &/or 3-week look ahead that you can start sharing for
these calls? GP: Yes.
09/13 GP: Gearing up for demo. Electricians on site – power disconnect happening
today. Site work contractor mobilizing next week to start clearing and grubbing.
09/20 GP: Demo underway. Completed Bldg M, K. Now in J,H,G and B, then B, A, C, D,
E. Site contractor doing building & site demo, clearing & grubbing, creating ramps to
access along the river. On temp power now.
09/27 GP: Demo proceeding. M, K, J, G and H: should be pretty clean by end of day.
Finished abatement in basement in D and E, will start demo next week. Chimney: should
be 100% by Wednesday. Site: Working behind B and A, removed old brick structure of B,
infilling large pit on back of B. Grubbing continues.
2.1 Dam Removal:
08/30 FB: Tuesday, it was a puddle. Today there is a significant amount of water. FV:
Regardless of rain, still items that contractor (Bill Pineas, Owner) needs to take care with
DEEP – submitting the online commencement of work – has to be done 7 days prior. Still
pulling in DEEP Dam Safety – have to have conversation with them. FB: Tuesday’s meeting
satisfied Steve’s notification requirements. FV: Yes but there is additional notification that
is needed. MA: Notification should go out on Tuesday. FV: MA, you should be able to do
it and cc Bill. It is a standard email directly to the DEEP line.
09/06 MA: Heard back from Bill – materials – piping - should be in in a week & ½. He is
working on schedule for work to be performed. FB: Is 30” pipe that is being ordered big
enough? FV: Will have to look into it. Upsizing the pipe will not help us if it will not fit
through the sluice.
09/13, 09/20 See above under schedule.
09/27 CLOSED.
2.2 RFI MC 001 - Access to Courtyard at Bldgs H, J, K, M:
08/16 SO: EF/PBB made decision during design to not have access through building into
the courtyard, based on the fact that someone could walk in under the bridges across the
stream. EF recently confirmed that this decision stands. GP/FB: Access under the bridges
is very limited – low headroom & slippery on the rocks. DM: We will provide whatever
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access is needed during construction. The issue is permanent access after construction.
SO: Will put this topic on hold for now & revisit further into construction.
08/23, 08/30 Same.
09/06 SO: Topic remains on hold. GP: Why? SO: Technically, the Owner answered no to
the RFI so we could close it, but holding it open due to GP/FB starting that some type of
permanent access is needed. FB: Correct. If PBBA could sketch out something for review,
that would get a conversation going with the Owner. GP: Construction plan is to find a
convenient window opening to open up to the floor. Everyone needs to get in there –
remediation, window, site. PL: Creating temp access at top of existing ramp that will be
demo’d at the J/M connector. Currently there is a fire hydrant in the courtyard now but
it will not be used in the long term.
09/13, 09/20, 09/27 SO: Same.
2.3 RFI MC 002 Method of construction for raising floors in Bldgs G, H & J above 500 year flood:
08/16 SO: Pending because SHPO wants the floors raised with wood framing, not
structural fill & concrete slab. Have asked Jeff Caiola at DEEP whether flood vents will be
needed in the walls along G and J & waiting for response. If flood vents are needed, this
needs to be communicated to SHPO because their decision might change. As soon as we
have this answer, drawings will be issued.
08/23 SO: Significant progress has been made, but still waiting for final resolution of
direction from SHPO/DEEP. Will answer ASAP.
08/30 SO: SHPO is almost ready to approve. Will issue drawings after approval.
09/06 SK: Sent drawings to Structural Engineer. GP: When will I have structural
drawings? SK: Will check with Engineer & give schedule.
09/13 SK sent structural drawings this morning. GP: Do the drawings include details,
framing sizes, etc.? SK: Yes. SO: We will put a written answer on the RFI. GP: Wait a couple
of days so I can review & see if I need anything else. SK to check that architectural
drawings were issued as well. SO: Will follow up with FV for new site ramps & steps info
so MC can price.
09/20 GP: Reviewed drawings & sent them out for contractor pricing. No feedback yet.
Should hear more by next week.
09/27 GP: Still waiting.
2.4 RFI MC 003 Gas Company questions:
08/16 GP: We need this info to move forward with the gas company. SO: relative priority?
GP: Medium. SO: Will follow up with Aztech on status.
08/23 SK: Forwarded to Aztech on 7/29, no response to date. SO: We will have a call
with Aztech ASAP to review all of their outstanding items.
08/30 SO: DA reported that the gas company told him there are 2 lines – 1 has low
pressure which we can’t use. 2nd one has very high pressure – we would use this line but
will need regulators. DA wants to regulate at the meter. DM: Where are these 2 gas lines?
SO: Don’t know, didn’t discuss that w/DA.
09/06 FV: Need to follow up w/DA. SO: I can facilitate a conference call w/DA. FV: Yes,
would be good after next Tuesday.
09/13 SO read FV’s email summarizing communication with Gas Company. FB:
Questioning cost of 3 vs 1 meter against cost of additional gas line installation. FV was
following up on answering this. Part of this is whether gas company will install to the
appliance on private property. GP: You would pay extra demand fees & meter fees with
multiple meters. FB: Yes but want comparison costs.
09/20 GP: Received call from gas company – getting 199 lbs of gas at current meter
location (2-3 lbs is typical). They said that because it is so high, it doesn’t make sense to
stub a pipes off of it for generators - would be prohibitively expensive. FV: Gas company
would charge for installation of 2 meters for the generators only since the usage would
be very low. FB: Proceed with 1 meter only.
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09/27 KP: Sent draft plan yesterday to Laurie Fiore at Gas Company for review.
2.5 RFI MC 005 Reuse of water lines off of Route 32:
08/30 SO: DA wants to keep (2) existing 8” lines for the fire service but we talked about
the possibility of tapping into Pink Row only for the domestic service. FV: Will talk to DA
– both lines feed off the same main, shouldn’t make a difference where we tap the 4”
domestic – either at the street or off the 8” should be the same pressure.
09/06 Pending conf call w/FV & DA.
09/13 FV to reach out to FM to confirm tapping off near the building is not an issue.
09/20 FV: FM has no concerns with this issue. Will issue new utility plan as soon as gas
coordination is finalized.
09/27 KP: Draft plan reviewed w/WPCA. Keep open for 1 more week until final utility
plan is issued.
2.6 RFI DP 101 Coordination of Ejector Pit Design:
08/30 FV: During field visit on Monday, realization that raising of floors will allow more
space for the needed slope of sanitary. Preliminary calc’s yesterday indicate that we can
gravity for the entire site. Need to coordinate w/DEEP on flood protection of this line.
09/06 Pending conf call w/FV & DA.
09/13 SO: Aztech will have answer on feasibility of removing ejector pit & using gravity
only by end of next week. Tight point is crossing the bridges. PBBA will look at what can
be added at the bridge crossings that will not interfere with the floodway. GP: Per site
review, crossing at Bldg H/K seems most feasible.
09/20 SO: Waiting on MEP Engineer‘s review of switching to gravity only system.
09/27 SO: Same.
2.7 RFI DP 105 Sanitary & water line questions:
08/30 SO: Reviewed w/DA. See above for fire line & domestic water lines. Pending
decision to change to gravity only for the sanitary.
09/06 Pending conf call w/FV & DA.
09/13, 09/20 See above for discussion.
09/27 KP: Keep open
2.8 Updated Civil Drawings to WPCA & DPW:
08/23 FB: I owe plans to WPCA & DPW – need updated civil drawings. FV: we are
underway on update to the utility plan. Need water & sanitary RFI questions answered.
Number of lines & their connections will be coordinated on the same utility plan.
08/30 FB: Waiting for final answers & final drawings before sending.
09/06 FB: Running out of time for receiving these – needed for permit.
09/13 FB: Waiting until FV is done.
09/20 FV: Will issue updated dwgs ASAP.
09/27 KP: Will give them record drawings of the final. FB: I need full set of civil drawings
for DPW.
2.9 Transformers/Eversource Coordination/Electric Meter location:
08/23 DM: Maggiore & Electrical Contractor will take over coordination with Eversource.
SS: Keep PBBA & BSC in the loop – want to adapt the site design if transformer location
moves. SO: On other jobs, have had issues with Eversource allowing indoor meters, and
issues with getting past the Line Department to the Meter Department to make this
determination. Historic designation will help in getting meters inside.
08/30 SO: Will send proof of historic designation to DM/GP which will help with
Eversource agreeing to indoor meters.
09/06 DM: We are working with Eversource to confirm transformer locations. SO: Same
on sending historic designation to MC.
09/13 GP: Just started conversation with Eversource. SO: Same on sending historic info.
09/20 GP: Electrical contractor has contacted Eversource.
09/27 GP: Same
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2.10 Water line from Pink Row:
08/23 FB: There is an existing 8” line coming off Pink Row near the bridge. We will send
RFI on Monday or Tuesday. SO: We will review with Aztech so we aren’t waiting for the
RFI. FB: We have both services – one from Pink Row & one from Route 32. Never
understood why we had both. If we could use 1, would be better. FV: We had both on the
plan, pending determination of which one was more viable. DM: Only 1 water line for
whole project means that there would be no partial CO for early occupancy of one portion
of the project. FB: That is probably not an issue, as we have probably run out of time for
that to happen. FV: If Aztech has already gone through a full design of their sprinklers, we
would be going backwards to go to only 1 water line just to save 1 connection. DM: Also
I would need to tell the sprinkler sub ASAP if we go to 1 line. SO: We will review with
Aztech ASAP.
08/30 FB/FV: It is actually a 6” line coming off Pink Row. See above for further info on
water lines. FV to follow up w/DA.
09/06 Pending conf call w/FV & DA. FB: Running out of time for all answers.
09/13 FV to confirm w/FM that tapping off near the building is not an issue.
09/20 FV: FM (Paul Barnes) is not concerned with existing valve location in the sidewalk.
He is not concerned with tapping off near the building. Need this in writing from him.
09/27 KP: Resolved. CLOSED.
2.17 Mechanical VE:
08/23 DM: Status of mechanical VE? SO: Sent total figure for cost of redesign to SS, but
owe him an amendment so he can review it with DM & FB. SS: As long as VE savings
exceed cost of redesign, I approve the redesign. DM: Savings range from $100k to $175k
but can’t confirm until new design is priced. SS: DM, you have to be 1 dollar more than
$36k which is cost of redesign.
08/30 SK: starting working on this redesign – new units are Whalen, not the Trane units
in Bldg B. We have actual mechanical closets in Bldg B with doors but new units don’t
need doors. Remove? DM: Yes & we will issue a credit for the doors.
09/06 SK: Setting up meeting w/Aztech & HVAC unit rep next week. DM: Mech
contractor should attend as well. SK: Will forward meeting time ASAP.
09/13 SO: Schedule for new design drawings is 4 weeks out, starting next week, so Oct.
11 deadline.
09/20, 09/27 SO: Same.
2.18 SHPO/DEEP Application:
08/30 FV: DEEP application has been issued to DOH. Once we have generic approval
from them, we will submit 2 hard copies to them for formal submission. SO: SHPO review
is almost complete. GP: Please prioritize a new framing plan. SS: Once Julie approves the
amendment for the floors, does that require NPS approval on the floors, which would be
further 30 day delay? SO: Don’t know, will find out.
09/06 FV: Sending formal DEEP application to Nathan Karns at DOH today – they will
sign & submit to DEEP. There is a 90 day window for review. I will start calling DEEP next
week to ensure that they have everything they need for the review. SO: SHPO application
is proceeding fine so far. Do not know answer to SS’s question above yet. NPS was more
concerned about the finish floor material in their comments, so the method of raising the
floors (wood construction vs. slab on fill) should not be an issue with them.
09/13 SS: Flood management certificate (FMC) was sent to DOH & Nathan Karnes is
reviewing it. Provided DOH’s requested changes in the letter on Wednesday, hoping DOH
will accept them & we can issue the FMC to DEEP. RAP (Remedial Action Plan) is the Sept.
26 deadline mentioned above – it has already been submitted to DEEP.
09/20 SS: Were told yesterday that DOH on the subordinate level approved the
application and is sitting with the Dept. Head right now to bring to the Commissioner to
be signed. Should go to DEEP early next week. Regarding SHPO, we are all set for today’s
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Board meeting. James Sexton will represent us. Once they approve it, we are immediately
on the register. As soon as that happens, Julie can issue the Part 3 which locks in the tax
09/27 SS: Following up with DEEP today on the RAP to see if there were comments. No
update from DOH on sending FMC to DEEP. FB: Is there any approval of the RAP that will
be issued? SS: No formal written acknowledgement that is approved, they just send us
the comments.
2.19 Windows:
08/30 DM: Window vendor has extreme concerns on size of windows & the ability of
Vinyl to expand/contract. Base budget is now based on vinyl. $450k savings. SS: Will send
another window supplier to you if helpful. SO: Should look at Matthews Brothers for vinyl
historic window.
09/06 GP: Glass/glazing contractor will be on site in a couple of weeks to start
measuring. Asked them if we could change to vinyl in certain buildings. First reaction is
“probably not.” FB: Plan is to stay with the aluminum windows. Do we need SHPO
approval on them? SO: No, not on windows that are replacing replacement windows. We
will need SHPO review/approval on the handful of windows that we are calling out as
original windows to be repaired or replaced. Those include windows on Bldg F, all
basement windows on Bldg M, and (3) 1st floor windows on the south side of Bldg M. DM:
PL, have those 3 windows been demo’d yet? PL: No, we have demo’d windows of Bldg M
on north and west sides. We will preserve the 3 original windows. SO: Those 3 are the
ones that are currently inside the building due to the addition on the south side – that is
why they were never replaced in the past.
09/13 GP: Same.
09/20 GP: Do we need a SHPO review for the aluminum windows? SO: No, just the wood
replacement windows. GP: Are Bldg F windows part of the wood replacement windows?
SO: Yes, per the dwgs.
09/27 CLOSED.
2.20 Permit for Smoke Stack/Chimney:
09/06 SO: Is the smoke stack/chimney under a separate permit? DM: No, under general
permit. SO: There is nothing in our drawings or specs for this work – what defines the
scope of work for the chimney? DM: There is a conditions report. SO: Was that report
given to the Building Inspector by Dakota? FB: No. SO: He should be made aware of it,
because if he only has our drawings and specs, he does not know about the scope of work
for the chimney. DM: ok.
09/13 FB: Had conversation with BO for smoke stack/chimney. He gave verbal approval.
PL: Contractor on site has made recommendations to do additional repairs. Steel duct
breach that goes into the side of the chimney – it is in bad shape– scope of work on that?
SO: Should be removed. It is not a SHPO issue. PL: Contractor recommends removal &
brick over the opening. We will proceed with this. GP: Will have to match the brick. SO:
Will have to brick the opening in Bldg F also. SK: Actually we are showing a window in that
opening on Bldg F. PL: The contractor wants to do a survey of the inside of the chimney
at their own expense because they know that chimneys tend to rot from the inside.
09/20 No permit issues. CLOSED.
2.21 Allowed scope of work under partial permit:
09/06 GP: Can we start repointing while the weather is still good? FB: You should check
with the Building Inspector on that. GP: Are we ok to proceed with clearing & grubbing,
demo of all exterior structures? FB: Yes, that is all demo. GP: We will be installing
construction fencing & bringing job trailer on site. Is that ok? FB: Yes.
09/13 GP: Received approval to do some roof work & masonry repointing. Next step is
to decide which roofs & masonry to proceed with & provide cost.
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09/20 FB: Need info on specific roofs and masonry so I can submit to the current building
owner for approval.
09/27 SS: Info sent to Owner yesterday, will require an amendment to the early start
agreement, both Attorneys have it, should be able to issue approval by end of day. FB:
GP, will you send info on the permit to get that moving? GP: I sent narrative, will fill out
the permit & get it to you. All single story roofs – G, H, J, K, M. SO: Sent
2.22 Fire Hydrants:
09/06 FB: FV, you will discuss with DA the # of fire hydrants on the site & where they
will be? FV: Yes. Should maintain existing hydrants on the site as long as possible. FB: For
new fire hydrants – there are 3 new ones and 1 existing to remain on Pink Row. FV:
Existing one will be a new hydrant in existing location. FB: The one in question is above J,
½ mile from connection to road. Could it be placed in a closer location? FV: That location
not coordinated with FM yet, I put it in the location shown on the drawings because
nothing else was in that spot, but will coordinate location w/FM & try to move it closer.
09/13 FB: FM is ok with 2 hydrants – 1 by Route 32 and the one that exists at Pink Row.
PL: The 3rd hydrant showing on the drawings near Bldg E is not necessary per the BO.
09/20 Updated drawing will be issued ASAP. GP: Does it make sense to add a note to
remove old hydrants? KP: Old hydrants definitely need to be removed, we will add a note.
09/27 KP: Will confirm that note is on the drawings. GP: We can take off line the existing
hydrants on site that we have been keeping on line per the FM. They would use the
hydrants on Pink Row if needed. PL: Want to meet with water company to shut down the
line that is coming from Route 32 which will shut off all on-site hydrants. GP: Does the
current Owner need to approve shutting this line down? MA: Will ask SS.
2.23 Flood Vents:
09/06 SO: As soon as SHPO approves drawings, will release elevations showing flood
vents in Bldgs G, H and J. Bldg M has always shown 5 flood vents in 5 of the basement
window openings, & these are still in the scope of work even though note on the drawing
identifying them as flood vents seems to have disappeared. These drawings have always
been diagrammatic - we owe a detail on how to fit an actual flood vent product into these
openings. We sent a cut sheet on a flood vent to the SHPO – will use that product &
forward the cut sheet also.
09/13 SO: SHPO has not raised any issues, though final determination has not been
provided. Will provide specs, drawings ASAP.
09/20, 09/27 SO: Same.
2.24 Bldg F Elevator:
09/06 FB: What is status of Bldg F elevator? DM: It is not in our budget any more. SO:
Need to review w/FV to find alternate path of accessibility between the upper and lower
levels of the project.
09/13 SO: Same.
09/20 FV: Looking at it right now.
09/27 KP: Will send drawing that shows ramp system ASAP.
2.25 VE Items:
09/06 SO: DM, please share which VE items you have put into your budget, as we have
not currently been made aware of any VE officially taken. DM: I will put something
together on that.
09/13 SO: Same.
09/20, 09/27 DM: Same.
2.26 SVE Equipment:
09/13 GP: If putting it into existing shed near Bldg F, would have to saw-cut a couple of
doors into the concrete wall & build a roof for it. Piping goes 18” underground
09/20 SO: Could this equipment be put in Bldg F if Bldg F is only used for mechanical
equipment. TC: Need approx. 150 sf of space, some equipment on floor, some wall-
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mounted, need exhaust vent. DM: When are you removing oil tank? TC: After smoke stack
people finish in 2 weeks.
09/27 SO: On hold until we can compare ramp to elevator
2.27 Building K Floor:
09/13 GP: Found more soft spots in the floor in bldg K. Existing flooring over the river is
rotted. Want Structural Engineer to look at what is there & need detail for repair.
09/20 Structural Engineer on site today. Answers to follow.
09/27 DM: Working on design for repair of this.
2.28 Existing Connections between B & D and D & E:
09/13 PL: Existing connections at B/D and D/E – need more detail on scope of work. Floors
are rotted, roofs are leaking. Want to run sprinkler line through. SO: Intent is to keep
them for SHPO, close them off to general access but allow for utility lines to pass through
them. SK: Will need heat in them if sprinkler runs through. SO: We will review & provide
more details.
09/20, 09/27 SO: Same.
2.29 Building A Structural Review:
09/13 PL: No one has come out to review Bldg A. SO: I will follow up w/DM.
09/20 Structural Engineer on site today. Answers to follow.
09/27 DM: Working on details.
2.30 Helical Pile RFI:
09/13 GP: Thanks for quick response. Would recommend riprap over the grout bags to
better protect the grout bags. Would be best to put in riprap now while work is being
done. SO: will ask Brandon for recommendation. DM needs to respond to question about
need for oversight/inspection of helical pile installation.
09/20 GP: RFI went out this morning – possible VE of scope of work.
09/27 DM: 3 helical piles closest to connector need to be eliminated.
2.31 Job Site Meetings:
09/13 GP: We will need to start having job site meetings soon. Decision made for all to
hold Tuesday mornings.
09/20 Same. GP: Have trailer on site, no power to it yet. Once we have a full permit we
should start job meetings.
09/27 Same.
3.1 SHPO review of interior paint removal methods:
09/20 GP: Work is scheduled for next week – can we get a SHPO rep on site next
Thursday or Friday to review? SO: Unlikely they will respond that quickly. Working on the
timeline for SHPO review but don’t have final answer yet. SHPO needs to review a
submittal on the paint removal process prior to their site visit – you should ask the sub to
send that ASAP. GP: Will do, & will postpone scheduled work. No guarantee that the
equipment will be available when we want it after this cancellation.
09/23 SO: 30 day review clock starts at SHPO when amendment forms are received. P?:
Will send photos of 3 samples. SO: Will check with James Sexton if he can prepare
amendment forms by Monday.
3.2 Encroachment Permit for Guardrail on Route 32:
09/20 KP: DEEP has indicated that they will not approve it and are recommending
closing the driveway to Route 32. We are arranging an in-person meeting at their office
in Norwich. Would like to have someone from Dakota there. SS: Will have someone there,
just send dates.
09/27 KP: Contact at DEEP has been on vacation until early next week. In the meantime,
our traffic engineers have suggested that we request letters from FM & local traffic
authority stating importance of maintaining access for fire trucks in particular.
3.3 Remediation in Courtyard:
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09/20 GP: TC, I assume that your remediation work occurs after we clear and grub? This
year? TC: Yes. GP: Would like to have it happen this year, but if we bring in fresh topsoil
it might erode into the river. Do rough grading & leave until spring for final topsoil.
09/27 Same.
3.4 Sprinkler Main coming into Building B:
09/20 GP: Potential issues getting it down to sub basement of Bldg B. SO: We will review
keeping it in the shed that it is currently in w/MEP Engineer.
09/27 GP: PL, do some test holes in area between Bldgs A and B to see if we can
3.1 Demo of Bldg C Mezzanine:
09/27 DM: Owner was supposed to remove the mezzanine – should contact them to say
that it is ready to remove. FB & DM to follow up.
3.2 Benchmark:
09/27 PL: Benchmarks? KP: We can do 3 or 4 around the site & issue a drawing. FB:
Please proceed. KP: Can MC provide preferred locations? PL/GP: Yes.
3.3 Structural Issues:
09/27 FB: DM, timeline for return of drawings on all issues? DM: Definitely by end of
next week & will issue them as they are produced.
4.0 RFI’s
4.1 Status:
09/20 SO: 3 RFI’s answered last week, per above.
09/27 GP: Don’t have any official RFI’s returned yet. SK: MC, please produce weekly
log. GP: Ok.
5.1 Status:
08/23 SO: Request that MC start producing weekly submittal and RFI logs, sent ahead of
the weekly call so they can be reviewed on the call. DM: Will do.
08/30 GP: Status of elevator shops? SK: My review is complete, sent to Aztech for their
review. DM: Send to Structural as well for sign off on shaft.
09/06 SK: Waiting on elevator submittal from DA & DM. Sent concrete mix submittal to
09/13 SK: Waiting on elevator submittal from DA. DM had no comments on elevator
submittal. SO: When can we expect submittals to pick up? GP: Will start seeing more
submittals in the next couple of weeks.
09/20 SO: Grout bag submittal received.
09/27 SK: Issuing reviewed elevator & concrete mix submittals now. MC, please issue
weekly logs.
6.1 Status:
09/20 Change order for windows will be coming. Needs approval ASAP – 20 week lead
time on the windows. SO: Winterizing? GP: As old windows come out, fire-retardant
coverings are going in. FB: Will return Change Estimate #8 for the Chimney to MC by end
of next week.
7.1 Status:
09/06 DM: 1st req will be Oct 1. SK: Will pay req include work done on smoke stack?
DM: Yes,it is in the base contract. SO: Will check if can provide letter stating that the
smoke stack is not part of our review scope to prevent MC from having to provide 2
09/13 Not reviewed.
09/20 Will be issued next week.
09/27 DM: Can chimney stay on the req? SO: Yes, per PBB
#16-063 Oxoboxo Lofts, Uncasville, CT
Meeting Minutes #07
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8.1 Status:
08/16, 08/23, 08/30, 09/06, 09/13, 09/20 Meeting not held on site, so no site walk.
Regular conference calls will be held weekly. Next conference call will be 9:00 am, September 27, 2019.
Recorded by Susan Odell, AIA, CPHC, Senior Project Architect, Paul B. Bailey Architect, LLC
These minutes are meant to convey & record the general content of the meeting, but do not represent a
verbatim recording. Please promptly respond to the Architect with any comments or questions.