HomeMy WebLinkAboutReplace door - new stairs Town of Montville Building Department File Receipt Date: ~...~..m_m28-Jui-09 Receipt No: 4742 Received From: Hui Chuang Xu Job Address: 31 CeCldl' L8. Fees Collected _ State Educational Training Fee Cash: $0.00 Cash: $0.00 Check: $24F25 , Check: $0v25~ Check Na: 101 Short/Over: $0.00 Construction Value: $1,150.00 Demolition Value: $0.00 Received By David Jensen___~~ . Town of Montville Buildin4 Denartment • 310 Norwich-New London Tpke. Fax. 860-848-7231 Tel. 860-846-3030, Ext 382 Uncasville, CT O8382 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPROVAL Applica~ is responsibte for obtaining all of the required appravals. No permit wili be issued until ail the required signatures are obtained. Property Address 1-O WPG'' O!i/ e C~ oOV' `Y'" f~Gn / Id N~~✓ S~c rS Job Descnption ~ Reoufred for all permits ~ At /east one reoufred for aIf permffs Revuired as indfcated below Required Department Permit Issuance Approval A proval r Tax Col{ector 1 7-W ~ Signatur date Comments: L - r Planning 8~ Zoning -Signature/ date Commerrts: ~ ~ = ~ ` i Fire Mars i Signature/ date Comments: ~ ~ Hea{th Department Required for mmperties with sevtic svstems- Not reauired for Plumbina Electrical Mechanical RoofinaS gi n'atu~ date & Doars Comments: ~ WPCA, Administrative ~ ~2 ~ Required for woeerfies on sewer Signatu e! date Comments: ❑ WPCA, Opetatiorts Signaturel date When ReauJred by WPCA Camments: ❑ Department of Pubfic Works si nature/ date Reauired when aro iect includes drivewav work or certain drainaoe reaufrements 9 Comments: ❑ State Dept of Transportation gequrred fnr Sfiuctures over 100 000 su it or with more than 200 oarldna spaces - Official coav of STC Certificate of Ooeration reauired - ver CGS 94-311 Signaturel date Bui{ding Department Review Complete Signature/ date ~daro~.,6~rs, anoe TOWN OF MONNILLE Building Department 310 NORWICH-NEW LONDON TURNPIKE UNCASVILLE, CT 06382-2599 TEL. (860) 848-3030 X382 FAX. (860) 848-7231 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: B2009-0329 Date: 29-Ju1-09 Map/Lot: 106/050-000 Owner ID: 508000 Project Location: 31 CEDAR LANE Unit: Job Description: Replace One Door, Build New Stairs Owner Name: Hui Guang Xu Tenant Name: N/A Careof: 31 Cedar Lane Uncasville CT 06382- Telephone: Contractor Name: Home Owner Telephone: Lic/Reg Type: DBA: Lic/Reg No: 0 Exp Date: Construction Value Permit Fees Construction Information Building Value: $1,000.00 Building Fee: $8.00 Use Group: IRC Plumbing Value: $100.00 Plumbing Fee: $8.00 Code: 2005 State Building Code Mechanical Value: t0.00 Mechanical Fee: $0.00 Eledrical Value: $50.00 Electrical Fee: $8.00 Construction Type: IRC Total Value: $1,150.00 Penalty Fee: $0.00 Permit Code: R4 C of O Fee: $0.00 Comments: Plan Review Fee: $0.00 State Ed Fee: $0.25 Total Fee Paid: $24.25 I hall be the owners reosonsibiliri to schedule the followina insoections a minimum of 2 business davs in advance: Field set of approved construction documents shall be available onsite during all inspections. BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTIONS PLUMBING MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTIONS ❑ Footing - Prior to pouring concrete ~ R Plumbing and leak test ❑ Deck Piers ❑d R Electrical ❑ Elec Trench - with conduit installed ❑ Backfill - Footing drains and waterproofing O ❑ Concrete Slab - Prior to pouring concrete ❑ Pool Bonding ❑ Anchor Bolts - with sill plate and prior to floor framing ❑ Electrical Service CRS No: ~ Framing ❑ R HVAC ❑ Gas Piping and leak test ❑ Masonry Fireplace Throat or Chimney Thimble ❑ Fireblodcing Draftstopping INSPECTION REOUIRED UPON COMPLETION ❑ Insulation ~ Certificate of Approval ❑ Certificate of Occupancy Bwldmg Offiaal s Approval Town of Montville Buildina Deaartment 310 Norwich-New London Tpke. Tel. 860-848-3030, Ext 382 Uncasvilie, CT 06382 Fax. 860-848-7231 RESlDENTIAL. PERMIT APPLICATION FORM Permit No.: c~ - o3a Tvpe of Work ccu ancYType Permit Tvne ~f Buiidin Q Ne~nr Cor~strudion Single Famity 9 ~ Addftion ❑ Two-Family ❑ Plumbing pfterabfln ❑ Townfiouse ❑ Mecharficai ❑ Accessory Structure ❑ Electrical CRS#: property Address: a/,4- (Number) (Street) (Unit) Job DesciipCion: oYl P c~ or . Aew! Si a,Y r flvmer: - &Q ~ nl- l QM~P Address: 1-1 Gty: 1~1~C fY4 C ~P State: Zip Code: D Tefephone Appticam: DBA: Address: City: State: Zip Cude: Telephone Contractors - Complete #he Following: License Type: License No.: Expiration Date: I hereby certify that the proposed work will conform to the State Buiiding Code and all other codes as adopted by the State of Connecticut and the Town of Mordvifle and frwffier auesf that the cerooosed vrorX ls aut/rorized bv the owmer fi fee and that 1 am a►Rhwized to awke anNfradon for a pomp i.v cuch Wprk 8S dBSGdb@d 8boV@. j] gy checlft this box, l wiB fotlow the requiremerits of the 2005 NEC as the altenative compliance per sectian E3301.2.1 of the Residential Code, instead of the eleotrical requirements in chapters 33 through 42 of the Residential Code. Ovmer /Ageni Signature: Date: 7Zzq IIa 9 Const 'on Value Permit Fees BuUd'mg Vatue: zmte . Do t, • ~ J Buildng Fee: Plumbing Value: ~e- G' 00 Plumbing Fee: MectanxW Vahue: Mechanical Fee: Electrical Value: 0o Electrical Fee: Tota1 veme: 1 Qenafty Fee: C of O Fee: Pian Review Fee: State Ed Fee: Total Fee: 41~,Ampn ts, zoo7