HomeMy WebLinkAboutPorch TOWN OF MONTVILLE BUILDING DEPAR7MENT CERTIFICATE FOR USE & OCCUPANCY Zone= R-40 Date= 11/20/95 This is to Certify that the structure at= 28 Cedar Lane under Permit No: 11965 constructed as: a pnrch conforms substantially to the requirements of the Building Code Ordinance and Zoning Regulations as adopted by the Town of Montville and the State of Connecticut and is hereby approved for use and occupancy under Use Group= R-4 Section= 309.4 of the Basic Building Code of Connecticut. CODE= CABO-1989 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION= 5-B SPECZAL CONDITIONS= Signed= NOTICE; Retain this certificate for future reference. Form No_ B.D. 002 , _ ----•,----r--•--r-~- . . s ~ a r~ E s ~ `~F*♦ n ¢ y .~1 . . ~ ~ t . ~ . . - A _ . ...t . . , ' . t . : . . . . . . TOWN OF MClNTV I LLE BUILDING DEPARTMTNT 310 Norwich-New London Tpke. Uncasville, Ct. 06382 i Tel. 848-7166 ~ I ~ NtOTICL OF VIOLATION Date: 9/14/94 I Name: Frank A. & Tammie M. Gionet I I Street: 28 Cedar Lane ~ City. • Uncasville State: Ct. Zip: 06382 on the I Re; Property located at: 28 Cedar Lane and shown ~ Assessar's Map: 106 as Lot: 45 ~ Dear Sir/Madame. I Accept this NOTICL OF VIOLATION as per 152.001 of the Montville I Ordinances. ~ You are hereby ordered to discontinue the violation at the above I referenced property under Connecticut Amendment, Section 117.4 of the i Connecticut State Building Code. } The violation consists of: constructing a porch without the permit as ~ required by Section 111.1.(see enclosed) ~ This violation Ynust be abated: within 10 daya of the above date. ~ ~ - Respectfully, ~ Russell H. Stauffer Buildinq Official ~ ~ Rxs/slp ~ 1 CC: File v RESPONSE DATE : I cvosED: ~ ` _ - • , r ~ TOWPI OF MaNTVILLE BUILDING DEPARTM'EtVT 310 Norwich-New London Tpke- Uncasvi l le , Ct . 06382 ~ Tel. 848-7166 NOTICE OF VZOLATIQN Date= 9i14/94 1i-_~/95 Final hdotice i ~ Name : Fr ank A. & Tammie M. Ga.pnet ~ Street= 28 Cedar L.arie CitY= Uncasvil.le State= Ct. ZiP= 06382 - ~ Re; property located at = 28 Cedar Lane and shown on the ~ Assessor's Map= 106 as Lot= 45 - Dear Sir/Madame, ~ Accept this N07ICE OF VIOLATIoN as per 152.041 of ttie Montville ~ Ordinances_ ~ ~ i Ydu are hereby ordered to discontinue the violation at the above referenced proPerty under Connecticut Amendment, Section 117.4 of the ~ Connacticut 5tate Building Code. _ ~ The violatian consists of = construc" ing a pprch without the permi.t as ~ requireci by Sectiaii lil.l.(ses enclosed) ~ This violation must be abated= within 5 days of the abpve date t-o auaid ~ l.egal action to qain compliance. ~ Respectful.ly, Russe il H. 5tauf f er Building Officiai RHS/s1P s CG= f=ila 1 Town Att.ot'ney ~ ~ RESPONSE DATE= 7ammY Gionet came in and said she would bring in plans on 1 10/28/94 - P1ans were submitted, revi_ewed and n~~(Jec.~ correctsons tn meet C:ade - Frank Gionat p.icked up plans ar7ci r~eve, returr-ied them t~a o~atain permit,. ~ CLOSED: ~ . , 'E. _ - _ lo TOWN OF MONTV ILLE o~~ l Building Department 848-7166 APPROVED BUILDING PERMIT OR TRADES PERMIT For 180 DaYs Permit No' 11965 Approval Date: 1/12/95 Expiration Date: 6f12/95 Estimated Cost. ' 2,160.00 Fees: 16.00 PRF: 2.10 C.O: 5.00 Owner: Frank Gionet Address: 28 Cedar Lane Tel: 848-8174 Code: 05 Job Lacation: 28 Cedar Lane Address: same Tel: same Contractor: self _ Stick Built• x Modular Hame: Manufactured Home: Com~nercial: Addition: Garage: Car Port: Shed: Remodeling: Roofing: . Siding' Fireplace• Chimney: Windows: Pool: Demolition: Electrical: Air Conditioning: Gas: Plumbing: Heating: Patio: Porch: x Deck: Retaining Wall: New: x Repair/Replacement: Type of material used/discription: pressure treated wood frame Type of Heat: Fireplace: Size: 9' x 12' No. Rooms: Breezeway: No. of Stories : Garage: Use: No. Baths: I hereby ceatall othertCodesoassadopted by1theoState of Connecticut, and Building Code an the Town of Montville. Date: Applicant's Signature: If signed by Contractor, type of l~cense/registr tion & No: Date: Building Official's Signature: Date of Health Dept. Approval: Date of Zoning Approval: THIS IS TO INFORM YOU THAT UNDER THE CONNECTICUT AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING CODE SECTION 119.3 A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS REQUIRED PRI(?R TO ANY USE OF THE STRUCTURE. A MINIMUM OF 24 HOUR NOTICE TO THE BUILBING DEPARTMENT IS RE UIRED FOR INSPECTIONS. TOWN OF MOMTVILLE . guildin9 DePartment Permit ' p lication for a gc.~g.~17 T e 1= Address = a6s8o"Z owner= N ' Te1= Job Location= Address- commercial- Contractor= Manufactured Home= Modular Home= - Roofin9= - odelin9= - Stick Built= - Shed= _ Rem . Gara98= - Car Port= _ psmolition= - Addition= _ Poo1= _ Chimney= _ Windows= FirePlace' - in9= _ Gas= Sidin9= - Air Conditio~'► 1-leatin9= Elgctrical= RePair/Replacement= _ Plumbin9= - Wa11= _ New= _ ~ /peck= Retainin9 arM porch= ~C - /a Patio= _ tion= ob descrip - Type of Material to be used/j Fireplace= Type of Heat = BreezewaY= Size No. Rooms- No .of Stor ies : Use = Gar a9e = No. Baths -