HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddition TOI-JN OF MONTVILLE J BUILDING DEPARTMENT lf 3~~~ APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Permi t No. ~ir 42.it Z Date 7 L; 'Estimated Cost ~r C ~ Fee Owner ~ LAddress Tel e.~'~~ i ~ 1 , - L . --u~.✓t ~ ~ Contractor Address Tel e. Location of Building Zone No. Additions & Alterations (Including moving, demolition, sign erection) , . S~. New Building - Type of Construction~ Size Type of Heat Fireplace No. of Stories No. Rooms Breezeway No. Baths Garage Use I hereby certify that the proposed construction will conform to the applicable zoning reg- ulations of the Town of Montville and the Basic Building Code of the State of Connecticut , and that all statements herein contained are true and correct. Si gned Approved C-7ti Date , f Bui 1 di ng Inspector 4 - ~ Inspections For: Footi ngs Framing ' Rough Wiring Electric Service Rough Heating Fireplaces , Other Misc. Final Inspection for C.O. Approved Rejected Signed - _ ~ . . • -c----- .s ----T- / ~ , o s ► ~ <c 1 ~ ~ G~ CN~ U ~ ~ U Sa W N 1-~ O ~D OD ~l Q1 lJl .L. W N F'~ . . . . . . . • . . . . . C7 t7 [n [n '1] [n h7 H H ~n H v~ IA H H 2Z 1-i ►G H H H N C x z ~ h7 3 N N O W H tn 'zi N u~ N H ~d H C7 tT1 O m C M [17 C t17 C7 ti] x z :Z r H v o o ~v o z o o o v~ o • p H =7 'rJ O O '1] O %o %n ~n tn z ~ "1 • cn °z z ci -~z x '17 tn O C" H , H . ~ O ° o z o ~ ~ o H o • ~ H z y o , , ° ° " ~ . 4 ~ S ~ z • En 0 y a~ ~ ` , ~ n ~ ~ . , ~ ~ . . _ _ ~ .I + zi% f i . _ ~ t ' t' . ~ t ~ .f _ i . ~ t ~ * i ~ ~ f f j N ~ ~ i ~ + - ; . . ; t ~ ...i _ . f - ` ~ s r. t ~ l f ~ ! ' . . l.. _i. . . _ y . . _ . _ . ~ ~M.. ~ ^ F r i i , 1 d - _ r. - . . , ~,y ' , y • J J : ....__..,....,.,e~., . . • . ~ ~ ~ . . . . . . . . , . . _ , . . ~ ~ ~ n,_--- ~ , ~ _ - ' ~ > . . . , . ~ r......_. _ ; . i : :4Y . . . . . . . . . . y;l.wq}- V s ;Ci,'iVl?_. , C~~i~'~tCC"ICUr 11~..t.Q.~ 3S~`' ZCi~!l~1G FEt'~V,IT i-!~. O TG~J~+ - ; ee ~ ,~a~e: 7 l c? f-ermission is hereby granted i•o n fitie si e or to ereCPr a o , ri~o wi e, stories hic,~~i; as foilows: Si • ze ffi. ong, disfancQ +rom roau cen'r~r line -~+'p.'ruisiance.~~ra',~i a~i side loi line: E {i; f~'% 14 ;t; S ff; ~ or the use o1 p(~e faci I ity as a /Zoning anc': 1-'Ianning _-ocnmission, Town o► ,b'tonfiville, ::onnecticut U PE~a~i{IT 1S ~','1'_D ~ i:;-t, t:i~!E `~(~At; -glg ~oninc~ ~en9~ itie recipicr~t• o~ f-Fhis pernot accepfis it on ~he condition S•hai he, as owner or as represenS~inc~ witt~ all a~~plicable ordinances and regvlai•ions of the Tawn oF ~V'►oni•viilo ttiQ ~mr, ~rees to comply and the S;-ate Siacufes of the SPate oi Conneceicuc regarding the use, occupancy and type of aci•ivity to bv insSimed. li is furiherrnore unc+erstood yliak thanG acility s on andtghat any'c'Eiange oi :9 V~ ~c~ ;a~piiar~ce iias been issuccl !~y i{ie P use similorl; Gocs require a new veri•i►icate o' Use and Compliance. Gefore a Certificate oi' Use anc3 Compiiance vvil! bc issued a; ioY plan drawn i•o a scate of 1"- 40` prePamd and certified in totnp{iance wiir{i provisior►s coniained in Sec,lion 33. 9- o'i the %onincj :.ecjulations musi be subrnitrroG to . the Zonin;; anu Ir~lanning Com9nission sliowincj ail boundaries a.' the rroperf•y and as is location(s) oi a11 builclings on the ;oroper►y inclucinc the cen'cer {ine oi' any pu'alic or privaie righg-of-way, sanitQry facili'ries anc waPer supply. /"1PFLICi~~'i-1'~ . l. /~~r ZC~VII~I. i_i~i.IY ~ Y ~.ri ~~•t\~\7~~/~~..I~L~ jo be fi{led oui• b, AppIscani - 1 origindl and ;•aur carbon copies i Lc,^t5iE USi- iYFi: WRIIEi; Gate Jure 27, , 19780, TIV ~~~~~~+~►v~~b~e~'~'~~`g°ba~ `°oo~ a°~olanning C:om+nission i'or a pcrni► to eLdd Locai•ion or f roperi•~ , nca e, . Nane o~ ::ubGi vi si on ghtis '•.oi i!o. Assessor's Glocl: i,'.o.~s , Assessor's ;=a:-cel No, r ~ ---"aymone3.tve.Anna Sobanak !~~~!ress CgdQr I.n., Uncasvills l~lcme o~• (•_`wner) (,=`-Genf) ~ ' -2270 Size of Guilclinr T ffi.: =rent overa61 , Tepih overa~l 2 , Area sq., A ~ ~fo. of s~•ories ;-;eic~hi in ~i•o ~,No, oti• roorns 5 IB ,;~'.o• fl~ Gac~rooms 1 ~ R-40 ~ 23 . rt. ~ ►=rontrrnc~.E4~ r1o. o~ ~atliroo~ns , Loning f%i i t , l1rea o~~ Loi~ ~r 00Qq,-o~ Lof ~:'Jic<<i -+i•., :=ronfi Yard Dapt+ii•e ..~ar Yarc' E~epf•h 11 , Siue Yaru F:Fepth f ti• ir-urpose o•er'FuNinc; and/or use is H-e-3-1denee W~a r~Sup-p y fio consistr of Scxnitary iaci iCy ~o consisF or 8eptic , Dp're o-F Saniiration tf-ric-ar ap; roval (;emarl:s (hereb; acree i•o coni'orm io all requirements of the Laws oi 1-he Siaie oi Connecticu's anc! the Ordinances and lEerulations of the Town of ~r',on►•ville, and to noiiiy the ioning and Planninc Cornrriission o+ any alfierufiion in Ftle pDcns icr which this perrnii• is being asl:ed. 1 furthermore urree that the agree i•har the above descr3beG racility is ro be locatec' ai• the nroper distance from all str+eet (ines as required by the. Zoningj :.egulafiioris or r.ny other a;~plicable loca) anu staPe ordinanees and reguiations anc' i'r is underspood yiiai- the 17acil►fiy upon cornpleE-ion will be used in campliance with ~ the %'aning F;ec~ula.-io~s o~~ the iown ar~ Ai.onrvii e. bklff~WRP~9y for a:eririficaPc oi Us3 anv C:ompiiance for two car gara,e md descriaeG in 'rlie abeve app ieatian 'for er perrniP. I:- is Ui1Gc:f5YfIC1Gif1C,' i~~ai fie iaci ii-e can nop be occupiec; un~il aCeriificafe ol' Use anG C'txnpliance has bcen issuec: by 'fhc %oninc anc ; 9anninc C,.ommission. Si@ned (i.;vvner) (F:genP) ~!UApprove2 b; 7-oning Algent_ Dat•e Loning ;ler7ii No. issuec'. Disapprovec b;, n ate Reason t C/10/70 r.rri,icATioN rox BUZLuTlac FE:, r r - ~ rTM_,operty oY.:er~ n--.;,e ~ ~ ?ncaof : , cy -y ( ror ~ ~S Or _-'k =Z~ _ :']r8 _'j~71Cc'l°S -,4~T'Oti%1 r!j 1S - apCe ~!i0_TCi3~_°T1~ cer D cL° ~ ~ iv2t.e = Ci ,r ~d*r,inistr~ tor D te C~rol T.,o~ =cc ~1~ .:~b1e _ _L.L`-!'-L- ~ r r t e La; _r~._n, S~an , - ted o?:-~_'~ ed - '.:alr-y 0'!~pr~nell, Lnl=nj-..et.1-..is Ocer A cceptble 17ot Gcc6pt~,'hle 'oner Fras..r, t -re A-D-,,i U -;',3d ?10t. =.LL>I'Oti Ga - ~ ; ~ g ~ nsyec ~or D.te y;, n ~~~:so~, r r. pej':~I;i, r;:cCest -o-- ~olin, on :~er,cv~tion ::w Co-~s t~~c U_on o mV,p P pj' ~.rG~ °_..'7: S-Q=P.t i21 ly C'c. _ .:.~c 1 ; ? " ~::iD=1 ° -0;'.° nI:3 -CC::L.-~r'c~T ~iicSS