HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning and Zoning Letter re: Business in a Res. Zone 2010 I TOWN OF MONTVILLE PLANNING &ZONING COMMISSION 310 NORWICH NEW LONDON TPKE UNCASVILLE,CT. 06382 PHONE (860)848-8549 x379 Fax(860)848-2354 CEASE AND DESIST ORDER DATE: March 12, 2010 TO: Mr. Robert Milefski MAILING ADDRESS: 7 Church Lane Uncasville, CT 06382 Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Zoning Regulations of the Town of Montville, Connecticut, you are hereby ordered and directed within 10 days of the date hereof, to discontinue and/or remedy the violations and conditions on premises identified as: PROPERTY OWNER: Robert A. Milefski PROPERTY ADDRESS:, 160 Raymond Hill Road, Montville, Ct— as shown on Assessor's Map 85, Lot 1; recorded in the Montville land records at Vol. 545 Pg. 583 dated: February 4, 2010 owned by you; which may be in violation of the said Zoning Regulations of the Town of Montville, Connecticut. An investigation of the subject premises by this office, discloses that the following conditions presently exist: Operation of a business in a Residential Zone, Section 9 R-20 Zone Storage of Construction Equipment on a Residential Lot Your immediate attention to this matter is hereby advised and directed. Assistant Planner/Zoning Enforcement Officer NOTE: A further inspection will be made of the subject premises after 10 days and, if compliance is not established, the full penalties prescribed by law and as set forth below will be invoked. You may consult the Zoning Enforcement Officer, if there is any question to the manner and time of establishing compliance. TES/jal Via Certified Mail#7007 0220 0004 4278 4784 Enclosure cc: Chairman, Planning and Zoning Commission Mayor Jaskiewicz Building Department Uncas Health District H:\ZONING\Zoning Complaints&Cease and Desist Orders\RAYMOND HILL 160\CEASE&DESIST 3-12-10.doc Zoning Regulation, Section 4.11 Penalties CEASE AND DESIST ORDER In accordance with Chapter 124, Section 8-12 of the Connecticut General Statutes, any person, firm, or corporation, violating any of the provisions of these Regulations, shall for each violation upon conviction thereof, pay a penalty of not less than ten ($10.00) nor more than one hundred ($100.00) dollars for each day that such violation shall continue; but if the offense be willful, the person convicted thereof shall be fined not less than one hundred ($100.00) nor more than two hundred fifty ($250.00) dollars for each day that such violation shall continue, or imprisoned not more than ten (10) days for each day such violation shall continue, or both. Any person, firm, or corporation who, having been served with such order within ten (10) days after such service, or having been served with a cease and desist order with respect to a violation involving grading of land or removal of earth fails to comply with such order immediately, or continues to violate any provision of these Regulations shall be subject to a civil penalty not to exceed two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00). The Planning and Zoning Commission shall have such other remedies as are provided by law to restrain, correct or abate any violation of the zoning regulations. Zoning Regulation, Section 22.1 Appeals Any person may appeal to the Zoning Board of Appeals when it is alleged that there is an error in order, requirement, or decision made by the Enforcement Officer related to the enforcement of these Regulations H:\ZONING\Zoning Complaints&Cease and Desist Orders\RAYMOND HILL 160\CEASE&DESIST 3-12-10.doc 9.3.11 DELETED 10/11/97 9.3.12 Cemeteries 9.3.13 Two-family dwellings 9.3.14 Age Restricted Housing Community 9.4 MINIMUM LOT SIZE The minimum lot size in this district is 20,000 square feet for single-family dwellings if the lot is served by public sewers. If the lot is not served by public sewers, minimum lot size is 40,000 square feet. Cluster developments shall conform with the provisions of Section 17 of these Regulations. For elderly housing developments, the minimum lot area shall be 4,000 square feet per dwelling unit. For manufactured home parks, the minimum lot area shall be 10,000 square feet per dwelling unit. For multi-family developments, the maximum density shall be one dwelling unit per 10,000 square feet of lot area. 9.5 MINIMUM LOT FRONTAGE Each lot shall have at least 100 feet of frontage on a street. 9.6 MINIMUM SETBACKS 9.6.1 FRONT YARD 40 feet MULTI-FAMILY 50 feet 9.6.2 SIDE YARD 15 feet MULTI-FAMILY 40 feet 9.6.3 REAR YARD 40 feet MULTI-FAMILY 40 feet 9.7 MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT No building shall exceed thirty-five(35')feet in height. 9.8 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Any improvements proposed to be located within the wetlands buffer, as set by the Wetlands Commission, or have any impact on the wetlands shall require approval by the Wetlands Commission and meet the Health Code of the State of Connecticut. **AMENDED effective 5/13/96. 9.9 OFF-STREET PARKING Off-street parking shall be provided for each lot in this district in accordance with the provisions of Section 19 of these Regulations. 9.10 SIGNS All signs in this district shall conform with the provisions of Section 20 of these Regulations SECTION 9-R-20 DISTRICT 9.1 PURPOSE These areas comprise the urban portions of Montville. In addition to being served by existing or planned public utilities, these areas are close to governmental, commercial and transportation facilities. They are also close to or include areas of existing high-density residential developments. 9.2 PERMITTED USES The following uses shall be permitted within this district: 9.2.1 Single-family dwelling 9.2.2 Parks and playgrounds 9.2.3 Public utility substation or equipment facility,utility right-of-way,railroads 9.2.4 Governmental offices, libraries,schools,police and fire protection facilities 9.2.5 DELETED 10/11/97 9.2.6 Parking lots and garages 9.2.7 Nursery school and day care facility serving up to six(6)children 9.2.8 Accessory buildings and uses 9.2.9 Home occupation 9.3 SPECIAL PERMITS The following uses may be permitted if approved by the Commission in accordance with the provisions of Section 17 of these Regulations. 9.3.1 Cluster Development 9.3.2 Multi-family dwellings 9.3.3 Elderly housing developments 9.3.4 Manufactured home parks--must comply with Section 17.10 9.3.5 Convalescent hospitals 9.3.6 Temporary gathering such as fairs or outings 9.3.7 Churches and other places of worship 9.3.8 Ambulance facilities 9.3.9 Community centers 9.3.10 Nursery school and day care facility serving more than six(6)children