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MFH and Deck 2008-09
TOWN OF MONTVILLE Building Department 310 NORWICH-NEW LONDON TURNPIKE UNCASVILLE, CT 06382-2599 TEL. (860) 848-3030 X382 FAX. (860) 848-7231 PLUMBING PERMIT Permit Number: P2009-0101 Date: 04-Nov-09 Map/Lot: 016/029-T68 Owner ID: 5774000 Project Location: 68 RAINBOW DRIVE Unit: Job Description: Gas Piping for New SFR Owner Name: Jensen's Inc Tenant Name: N/A Careof: PO Box 608 Southington CT 06489- Telephone: Contractor Name: William Bradley Telephone: (860)207-8409 DBA: Chatham Waterworks LLC Lic/Reg Type: P1 Lic/Reg No: 283087 16 Cornwell Terrace Exp Date: 31-Oct-10 East Hampton CT 06424- Construction Valve Permit Fees Construction Information Building Value: $0.00 Building Fee: $0.00 Use Group: IRC Plumbing Value: $0.00 Plumbing Fee: $0.00 Code: 2005 State Building Code Mechanical Value: $0.00 Mechanical Fee: $0.00 Electrical Value: $0.00 Electrical Fee: $0.00 Construction Type: IRC Total Value: $0.00 Penalty Fee: $0.00 Permit Code: R5 C of 0 Fee: $0.00 Comments: Plan Review Fee: $0.00 State Ed Fee: $0.00 Total Fee Paid: $0.00 It shall be the owners repsonsibility to schedule the following inspections a minimum of 2 business days in advance: Field set of approved construction documents shall be available onsite during all inspections. BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTIONS PLUMBING,MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTIONS ❑ Footing-Prior to pouring concrete R Plumbing and leak test ❑ Deck Piers ❑ R Electrical ❑ Backfill-Footing drains and waterproofing ❑ Elec Trench-with conduit installed ❑ Concrete Slab- Prior to pouring concrete ❑ Pool Bonding ❑ Anchor Bolts-with sill plate and prior to floor framing ❑ Electrical Service CRS No: 0 ❑ Framing ❑ R HVAC ❑ Masonry Fireplace Throat or Chimney Thimble ❑ Gas Piping and leak test ❑ Fireblocking Draftstopping INSPECTION REQUIRED UPON COMPLETION ❑ Insulation ❑d Certificate of App .val Building Official's A proval: j 'ertific.te •• Occupancy 10/21/2009 15: 14 18604293546 JENSENS PAGE 02 Town of Montville Bulldlno Department 310 Norwich-New London Tpke. Tel. 860-848-3030, Ext 382 Uncasville, CT 06382 Fax. 860-848-7231 Qdcx —001 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION FORM Permit No.: Type of Work Occupancy Type Permit Type I9 New Construction Single Family ❑Building 0 Addition ❑Two-Family 0 Plumbing 0 Alteration Q Townhouse 0 Mechanical • 0 Accessory Structure CI Electrical CRS#: Property Address: r, :•rk,b C`ti•' O��'�V-e -- (Number) (Street) (Unit) Job Description: s - Owner: �ASe,A. s1..dtc.- Address: PtQ- 401C #. ? City: +OI tJ f 1 & State: C -;- Zip Code: 04'V8/ Telephone(*. ) 73- LIZ S I Applicant: At t, O. I arczef_7____, — — DRA: C !.0 (.4..) . cL' Lc_C_ Address= L L CC rex 11 1 City,_ie_. t-a.mP State: C r zip code: 0_6W.-11 Telephone( rs cio )ZL7 -. 4a/ Contractors-Complete the Following: License Type:, P - 1 License No.:02830$7 P4 Expiration Date: 10 /3 t//> I hereby certify that the proposed work will conform to the State Building Code and all other codes as adopted by the State of Connecticut and the Town of Montville eitefilighlr aftnnt thetitie Dr°Dosed■utlr/s gu h by the /n fee and Eatl am sum to ke apst a#iort elor p such workas dQ$crlbad above. By checking this box,1 will follow the requirements of the 2005 NEC as the alternative compliance per section E3301.2.1 of the Residential Code, Instead of the electrical requirements In chapters 33 through 42 of the Residential Code. Owner/Agent Signature: /2/04 1/: -'-� ,Date: /6 •»2 7 -`1 ConVniction Value Permit Fees Building Value: - Building Fee: 4 Plumbing Value: `' Ob a O O Plumbing Fee: Mechanical Value: Mechanical Fee: Electrical Value: Electrical Fee: .._(- 7 ��)- 9 'b Total Value - Penalty Fee: C of O Fee: ,, 41, Plan Review Fee: , _ 1 State Ed Fee: fVl Total Fee: 7 yrited Anglia 23,2007 Town of Montville Building Department File Receipt Date: 19-May-08 Receipt No: 3471 Received From: Jensen's Inc. Job Address: 68 Rainbow Drive • Fees Collected State Educational Training Fee Cash: $0.00 Cash: $0.00 • Check: $403.90 Check: $6.70 Check No: 183818 Short/Over: $0.00 Construction Value: $41,876.00 Demolition Value: $0.00 Received By Carmen Roberts (IAçr\&JLvtM. 0_81‘2.e4)-67a- STATE OF CONNECTICUT DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER PROTECTION PLUMBING&PIPING UNLIMITED CONTRACTOR WILLIAM H BRADLEY 16 CORNWELL TER EAST HAMPTON,CT 06424 LIC./REG NO. EFFECTIVE EXPIRES PLM.0283087-P1l 11/01/2009 10/ 010 SIGNED /.% 10/'21(2009 10; 14 186042937145 JEN5E115 Pf1 f 05 .. v'v State of Connecticut 4 7A 1 ..,,..w,...".•,,. ...., Workers' Compensation Commission �'+ :�'" ri Please TYPE or PRINT IN INK - - b 4i Proof of Workers' Compensation Coverage when Applying for a Building Permit tor the sole Proprietor or Property Owner who WILL NOT act as General Contractor or Principal Employer APPLICANT FOR BUILDING PERMIT �T Nerve of Applicant for Building Permit ') 1 IL t PI id) ,�?[ L t'"7 !- Property located at • • , A In the City/Town of r t04Vr 1( e OWNERATTEST If you are the owner of the abOvia-named property or the sole proprietor of a business doing work on the site Of the construction prOjeCt at the above-named property and yOu WILL NOT act as the general contractor or principal employer,you are not required to have workers'compensation imrance coverage. CHECK ONE(1)BOX ONLY and complata tha following: CI I am thill OWNER of the above-named property,I WILL NOT act GS the general contractor or principal employer. 001 am the SOLE PROPRIETOR af a bu•In•as doing work at the ilocv•-narmad property,I W11.1 NOT act me the general contractor or principal arriployar. GONSTR �IYJiQ l:'Ci l i'1 t+rrrcv�r+•- Applicant Is responsible for obtaining all of the required approvals. No permit will be issued until all the required signatures are obtained. • Property Address Job Description 11_- LV ufl8(1 or affelite tit ® - At/ ?t once rogufrod for an riarmils Recuired as indicated below Required Department Permit Issuance Approval Approval Tax Collector _ V)-8 0, Signature/date Comments; Planning & Zoning �"� �' (s Signature/date Comments: ■ Fire Marshal \ l "y `` Signature/date Comments: Health Department k.,..Kati(ao Y,ye*oo�.vL`,v�- ►r,e a.,...+s...Cl�.,rnhle.n Mar_hanieJI.Roaf�nc1. Al nn.Wi17 Signature/ a e Ooi WPCA, Administrative , r•a - fie 0 RequlredJor properties on sewer gnature/date Comments: WPCA, Operations when Required by WPCA Signature/date Comments: ❑ Department of Public Works - Required when projectJrclucte. driveway work or certain drainage requirements Signature/date Comments: Li State Dept. of Transportation t5B.Qyj[gf1 Tor.'rrLictures over roo.OQy1 v. R, yr vriflr rllvyi[Irct 11$OO Perldnp JgttctJ G+7Ys)a/ooPv of s caPrirt.ta of P..F2Q-Gtfin41rprprin Car Signature/date Building Department Review Complete - Signature/date AfvesitOrpunnArr s,760x • Field Inspection Notice Town of Montville Building Department Address: 68 Rainbow Drive Job Description: Electric Service Permit Number(s) E2009-0167 Permit Date: August 14,2009 Not Approved Approval INSPECTION Date: Deficiencies Special Date Conditions • • CRS#1352902 8/25/09 W Electric Service • • • • • • • Final inspection for • • certificate of approval Rev.Date:1/18/06 Page 1 of 1 Connecticut Light& Power : Work Management System Page 1 of 2 INSPECTOR APPROVED REQUESTS Please select a town from the drop-down menu below: Towns: !MONTVILLE J SEARCH Request Date Lot Bldg Street Status Job Type # Approved No No Elec Svc Existing f 1307855 8/11/2009 374 CHERRY LN APPROVED Residential Disc/Ret NOND- CT(DV) Meter r 1331247 8/11/2009 150 DERRY HILL APPROVED Work Only RD - NOND (CT) Meter I— 1336286 7/30/2009 521 SALEM TPKE APPROVED Work Only - NOND (CT) Meter r 1341367 7/27/2009 27 HIDDEN ACRE APPROVED Work Only RD - NOND (CT) Meter r 1346117 7/29/2009 82 JEROME RD APPROVED Work Only - NOND (CT) Meter r 1346314 8/5/2009 123 WOODLAND APPROVED Work Only DR - NOND (CT) Meter I— 1346315 8/5/2009 119 WOODLAND APPROVED Work Only DR - NOND (CT) Meter I— 1346983 7/30/2009 158 CONNECTICUT APPROVED Work Only BLVD - NOND (CT) Elec Svc LOOKING New I— 1348238 8/6/2009 2 GLASS CIR APPROVED Residential UG NOND -CT(DV) Meter I— 1349715 8/5/2009 40 PORACH RD APPROVED Work Only - NOND (CT) Elec Svc New I— 1350665 8/5/2009 12 DAVID DR APPROVED Residential UG NOND -CT(DV) Elec Svc r 1352902 8/26/2009 68 RAINBOW DR APPROVED New Residential Meter r 1355266 8/18/2009 915 OAKDALE RD APPROVED Work Only - NOND (CT) Elec Svc SHARP HILL Existing I— 1355480 8/21/2009 21RD APPROVED Residential DESG _ (DN) 3 Fail fif UnApprove https://www.cl-p.com/wms/Inspector/inspectorapprovals.aspx?nl=insptrkrgst&a=1 8/26/2009 Field Inspection Notice Town of Montville Building Department August 13, 2009 Address: 68 Rainbow Drive Job Description: Mobile Home, Deck& Awning Permit Number(s) B2008-0221 Permit Date: May 20,2008 Not Approved Approval INSPECTION Date: Deficiencies Special Date Conditions Tie downs 8/5/09 DJ Electric service, 8/13/09 DJ meter box only • • Grounding 8/13/09 DJ Trench and conduit 8113/09 DJ • No trench or conduit ready for inspection Final inspection for • • certificate of 4/1/09 CC • New slab in place for replacement occupancy NOTICE: Before a certificate of occupancy can be issued, a C/O signoff sheet must be completed and returned to the building department. Signoff sheets are available in the building department. Rev.Date: 1/18/06 Page 1 of 1 TOWN OF MONTVILLE Building Department 310 NORWICH-NEW LONDON TURNPIKE UNCASVILLE, CT 06382-2599 TEL. (860) 848-3030 X382 FAX. (860) 848-7231 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit Number: E2009-0167 Date: 14-Aug-09 Map/Lot: 016/029-T68 Owner ID: 5774000 Project Location: 68 RAINBOW DRIVE Unit: Job Description: Install 200 Amp Service Owner Name: Jensen's Inc Tenant Name: N/A Careof: PO Box 608 Southington CT 06489- Telephone: Contractor Name: John Morton Telephone: (203)245-3644 DBA: Morton Electric Lic/Reg Type: El Lic/Reg No: 101835 P.O. Box 771 Exp Date: 30-Sep-09 Killingworth CT 06419- Construction Value Permit Fees Construction Information Building Value: $0.00 Building Fee: $0.00 Use Group: IRC Plumbing Value: $0.00 Plumbing Fee: $0.00 Code: 2005 State Building Code Mechanical Value: $0.00 Mechanical Fee: $0.00 Electrical Value: $3,953.00 Electrical Fee: $32.00 Construction Type: IRC Total Value: $3,953.00 Penalty Fee: $0.00 Permit Code: R5 C of 0 Fee: $0.00 Comments: Plan Review Fee: $0.00 State Ed Fee: $0.87 Total Fee Paid: $32.87 It shall be the owners repsonsibility to schedule the following inspections a minimum of 2 business days in advance: Field set of approved construction documents shall be available onsite during all inspections. BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTIONS PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTIONS ❑ Footing- Prior to pouring concrete ❑ R Plumbing and leak test ❑ Deck Piers ❑ R Electrical ❑ Backfill- Footing drains and waterproofing ❑ Elec Trench-with conduit installed ❑ Concrete Slab- Prior to pouring concrete ❑ Pool Bonding ❑ Anchor Bolts-with sill plate and prior to floor framing ❑d Electrical Service CRS No: 1352902 ❑ Framing ❑ R HVAC ❑ Masonry Fireplace Throat or Chimney Thimble ❑ Gas Piping and leak test ❑ Fireblocking Draftstopping INSPECTION REQUIRED UPON COMPLETION ❑ Insulation ❑d Certificat- . Approval if// ❑ C: •cate of Occupancy BuildingOfficial's l' 0 c a s Approval: Town of Montville Building Department 310 Norwich-New London Tpke. Tel. 860-848-3030, Ext 382 Uncasville, CT 06382 Fax. 860-848-7231 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION FORM Permit No.:Ear i-0 I(P7 Type of Work Occupancy Type Permit Type 5 New Construction Single Family ❑Building ❑Addition 0 Two-Family 0 Plumbing ❑Alteration ❑Townhouse ❑Mechanical a 0 Accessory Structure Electrical CRS#: 6 J Property Address: - A. . i V1 g 17 R (Number) (Street) (Unit) Job Description: Tit c r14"/ t' /a u, , Sr —U I ce Owner: )r,✓5'N s ,Z dC • Address: PO— h O e c City: C✓7 H ITVVin State: CT Zip Code:b� yr? Telephone Applicant: -TOk /W012./-7:5-iv DBA: .470/— UN EPC.--7-g r Address: ��v . 7/ City: do i. 1/j A/f 11/()y State: CI Zip Code: ©r VI ? Telephone(2-C3 _ 3f. y 7 Contractors-Complete the Following: License Type: License No.: ? :3 5 Expiration Date: — 3 — J I hereby certify that the proposed work will conform to the State Building Code and all other codes as adopted by the State of Connecticut and the Town of Montville and further attest that the proposed work is authorized by the owner in fee and that I am authorized to make application for a permit for such work as described above. ❑ By checking this box,I will follow the requirements of the 2005 NEC as the alternative compliance per section E3301.2.1 of the Residential Code, instead of the electrical requirements in chapters 33 through 42 of the Residential Code. Owner/Agent Signature: Date: Construction Value Permit Fees Building Value: Building Fee: Plumbing Value: Plumbing Fee: Mechanical Value: Mechanical Fee: Electrical Value: Electrical Fee: Total Value: Penalty Fee: C of 0 Fee: Plan Review Fee: State Ed Fee: Total Fee: 90vised August 23,2007 Town of Montville Building Department File Receipt Date: 12-Aug-09 Receipt No: 4782 Received From: Morton Elect. Job Address: 68 Rainbow Dr Fees Collected State Educational Training Fee Cash: $0.00 Cash: $0.00 Check: $32.87 Check: $0.87 Check No: 0 Short/Over: $0.00 Construction Val -: ,953.00 Demolitio value: $0.00 Received By Vernon D Vese II /��t.eu rf., _ . c. 0 - g E-4 z 0 III A 1 . --, Z 'i-p1.Zt)-etn4.ti;ii..‘,,_:,'.'c.'.;,-041-,g4-C.7.44„:§.:,:.,t,g,'„6,Pt,o...•-',7.1•,V0,}',„`,=,,'4.',ii(.'>7'...'k.k'-k\:,,-.,.";,.',4:1 1i1 1 i . - , . . ;To . -.., . . , CA 's' 41 • CC r-' ' 0 ' 6 c). u-'' -3 z' C4 W 55' . , • , . , • . . • • v�v State of Connecticut N ALL'+ t617A Workers' Compensation Commission sellipr• e�� Please TYPE or PRINT IN INK Proof of Workers' Compensation Coverage when Applying for a Building Permit for the Sole Proprietor or Property Owner who WILL NOT act as General Contractor or Principal Employer APPLICANT FOR BUILDING PERMIT Name of Applicant for Building Permit \ �1 MO PM A" Property located at 6_ /� q 1/1., L9 ,CA) J7j in the City/Town of oop C4 j'ift //e ATTEST If you are the owner of the above-named property or the sole proprietor of a business doing work on the site of the construction project at the above-named property and you WILL NOT act as the general contractor or principal employer,you are not required to have workers'compensation insurance coverage. CHECK ONE(1) BOX ONLY and complete the following: UI am the OWNER of the above-named property.I WILL NOT act as the general contractor or principal employer. Signature of OWNER Applicant C.:1 I am the SOLE PROPRIETOR of a business doing work at the above-named property.I WILL NOT act as the general contractor or principal employer. Name of Business /40 -- , Federal Employer ID#(FEIN) Signature of SOLE PROPRIETOR Applicant '/ ~ ' Town of Montville Building Department • 310 Norwich-New London Tpke. Tel. 860-848-3030, Ext 382 Uncasville, CT 06382 Fax. 860-848-7231 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPROVAL Applicant is responsible for obtaining all of the required approvals. No permit will be issued until all the required signatures are obtained. Property Address ?-ti SM. i t aO) .S! vkiri Sc- v , Job Description - Required for all permits ® - At least one required for all permits ❑ -Required as indicated below Required Department Permit Issuance Approval Approval ■ Tax Collector c a_bQ - or\ Signature/date Comments: ® Planning &Zoning C` Signature/date Comments: ® Fire Marshal Signature/date Comments: Health Department Required for properties with septic systems-Not required for Plumbing,Electrical,Mechanical,Roofing,Siding,Windows& Doors Signature/date Comments: WPCA, Administrative Required for properties on sewer Signature/date Comments: ❑ WPCA, Operations When Required by WPCA Signature/date Comments: ❑ Department of Public Works Required when project includes driveway work or certain drainage requirements Signature/date Comments: ❑ State Dept of Transportation Required for Structures over 100,000 sq.ft. or with more than 200 parking spaces-Official copy of STC Certificate of Operation required—per CGS 14-311 Signature/date Building Department Review Complete Signature/date 4cvired9Vo mber5,2008 TOWN OF MONTVILLE Building Department 310 NORWICH-NEW LONDON TURNPIKE UNCASVILLE, CT 06382-2599 TEL. (860) 848-3030 X382 FAX. (860) 848-7231 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: B2008-0221 Date: 20-May-08 Map/Lot: 016/029-T68 Owner ID: 5774000 Project Location: 68 RAINBOW DRIVE Unit: Job Description: Replace Existing Mobile Home,Add 10x24 Deck&11x26 Aluminum Awning Owner Name: Jensen's Inc Tenant Name: N/A Careof: PO Box 608 Southington CT 06489- Telephone: (860)793-0281 Contractor Name: Jensen's Telephone: (860)793-0281 DBA: Jensen's Residential Communities Lic/Reg Type: NHC Lic/Reg No: 149 P.O. Box 608 Exp Date: 30-Sep-09 Southington CT 06489- o�slicon V�IgQ Permit Fees Construction Information Building Value: $32,511.00 Building Fee: $264.00 Use Group: IRC Plumbing Value: $4,095.00 Plumbing Fee: $40.00 Code: 2005 State Building Code Mechanical Value: $0.00 Mechanical Fee: $0.00 Electrical Value: $5,270.00 Electrical Fee: $48.00 Construction Type: IRC N w= Total Value: $41,876.00 Penalty Fee: $0.00 Permit Code: R6 C of 0 Fee: $10.00 Comments: ~�— Plan Review Fee: $35.20 State Ed Fee: $6.70 Total Fee Paid: $403.90 It shall be the owners repsonsibility to schedule the following inspections a minimum of 2 business days in advance: Field set of approved construction documents shall be available onsite during all inspections. BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTIONS PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTIONS • Footing - Prior to pouring concrete R Plumbing and leak test ❑ Deck Piers R Electrical ❑ Backfill-Footing drains and waterproofing ❑ Elec Trench-with conduit installed ❑d Concrete Slab- Prior to pouring concrete ❑ Pool Bonding ❑ Anchor Bolts-with sill plate and prior to floor framing ❑ Electrical Service CRS No: 0 ❑ Framing © R HVAC ❑ Masonry Fireplace Throat or Chimney Thimble ❑ Gas Piping and leak test ❑ Fireblocking_Draftstopping INSPECTION REQUIRED UPON COMPLETION ❑ Insulation ❑ Certificat- •f Appr.'al 'J if ccupancy Aie Building Official's Approval: ( Town of Mon--iik • Building Department 310 Norwich-New London Tpke. Tel. 860-848-3030, Ext 382 Uncasville, CT 06382 Fax. 860-848-7231 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION FORM Permit No.:6cfrOaD) Type of Work Occupancy Type Permit Type SNew Construction IS Single Family ❑Building ❑Addition 0 Two-Family ISIPlumbin ❑Alteration ❑Townhouse g ©Mechanical 0 Accessory Structure 0 Electrical CRS#: Job Address: 6 S &- Abc1W O rt.ye (Number) y� (Street) (Unit) Job Description: i??kce a Ai:Ie. A-„,,,1-I�c.�,�i t �x.40�0 ec — 105e 02 If” Owner: --)eASPrus ,i,ni Address: Rs. to, b V is- City: . ' p'iii State: C 1 Zip Code: 4060 `$il Telephone: 8?$O " 793 '62&I Contractor: 6311 .- / e,'-J& DBA: /7/1 J 1 S AA41. t5CN4.1 Address: /? Gree,Lt„ 14-:U Noa City: kit tlifilr't T C\5��� State: 2 Zip Code: OGy�f Telephone: a3 -/680 License Type:5 License No.: 0423/61 Expiration Date: /,2/3//20re I hereby certify that the proposed work will conform to the State Building Code and all other codes as adopted by the State of Connecticut and the Town of Montville and further attest that the proposed work is authorized by the owner in fee and that I am authorized to make application for a permit for such work as described above. ❑ By checking this box, I will follow the requirements of the 2005 NEC as the altemative compliance per section E3301.2.1 of the Residential Code, instead of the electrical requirements in cha ters 33 thr ugh 42 of the Residential Code. Owner/Agent Signature: c i - Date: /// off Construction Value Permit Fees Building Value: Building Fee: Plumbing Value: Plumbing Fee: Mechanical Value: Mechanical Fee: Electrical Value: Electrical Fee: Total Value: Penalty Fee: C of 0 Fee: Plan Review Fee: State Ed Fee: Total Fee: 44,vireo<'DecemSer 31,2005 Client#: 6003 JENSENSINC ACORD. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE iAj$(/ODD/YYYY) PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION Haylor, Freyer&Coon,Inc ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE '1 Salina Meadows Parkway HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND,EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. J. Box 4743 Syracuse, NY 13221 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURED NAIC# INSURER A: Citizens Ins.Co. of America Jensen's, Inc. PO Box 608 INSURER B. Ohio Casualty Insurance Co. Southington, CT 06489 INSURER C Hartford Companies INSURER D: INSURER E COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED.NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS,EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. NSA ADD'L LTR NSRC TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER PATE(MM/DD/YYIE PDLATE((MM/DD/YY)jN LIMITS A GENERAL LIABILITY ZBS210648400 12/31/07 12/31/08 EACH OCCURRENCE $1,000,000DAMAGE RENTED _ X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY PREMISES IOEa occurrence) $500,000 _ CLAIMS MADE X OCCUR MED EXP(Any one person) $10 000 PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $1,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $2,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: POLICY_ PRO- PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG s2,000,000 JECT n LOC A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ABS220046100 12/31/07 12/31/08 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT X ANY AUTO (Ea accident) $1,000,000 ALL OWNED AUTOS — BODILY INJURY $ SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) X HIRED AUTOS - — BODILY INJURY $ X NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE $ (Per accident) GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY-EA ACCIDENT $ ANY AUTO — OEHAN EA ACC $ AUTO R ONLY:TAGG $ B EXCESS/UMBRELLA LIABILITY APP912434 12/31/07 12/31/08 EACH OCCURRENCE $1 0,000,000 X OCCUR CLAIMS MADE AGGREGATE $10,000,000 $ DEDUCTIBLE $ X RETENTION $10000 — — $ C WORKERS COMPENSATION AND 31 WENJ6310 12/31/07 12/31/08 WC STATU- TORY LIABILITY TORY LIMITS OTH- ER ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $500,000 OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? If yes,describe under E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $500,000 SPECIAL PROVISIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ A OTHER Open Lot ZBS210648400 12/31/07 12/31/08 See Below And Attached DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES/EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT/SPECIAL PROVISIONS "BUILDERS RISK" Miscellaneous Coverage- Dealer Physical Damage- Policy Wide Coverages/Deductib-Pol.#ZBS210648400 (See Attached Descriptions) CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION Town Of Montville- Building DATE THEREOF,THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 10 DAYS WRITTEN Department NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT,BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL 310 Norwich-NewLondon Turnpike IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER,ITS AGENTS OR Uncasville,CT 06382 REPRESENTATIVES. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ini 44-ACORD 25(2001/08)1 of 3 #295965 l� b ,-7,4Z DAW 0 ACORD CORPORATION 1988 ZPL-02 Rev 09/03 STATE OF CONNECTICUT DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER PROTECTION 165 Capitol Avenue + Hartford Connecticut 06106 Attached is your New Home Contractor Registration. This registration is not transferable. For questions,contact the Trade Practices Division at(86o)713-6110 or email trade.practices@ct.gov. Visit our web site at www.ct.gov/dcp. STATE OF CONNECTICUT DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER PROTECTION NEW HOME CONSTRU,CTLQN CONTRACTOR JENSEN'S RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITIES '' 246 REDSTONE ST JENSEN'S Suk4NTat,OMMUNITIES 246,4RADSVVE ST PO BOX 608 I' w 33,0Z69 z, SOUTHINGTON, CT 06489 1 . JENSEN'S RESIDE . C4 MMUNITIES LIC./REG No. flF IVE = z ::. E ceEXPIRES NHC.0006141--- -- : (�•/g 2T Q7c,;., ::--09130/20090,;1 =� � zM 4r4Ad5.Tt : SIGNED =• Ulflb/2U0f 1b:48 !FAX i incoming 16003/003 01/15/07 MON 15:56 FAX 814 226 4623 COMMODORE HOMES IJ003 ,TAN 15 '07 02:59PM COMMODORE ENG P.3i3 . '] 1423 Lincolnway East,Goshen,IN 46526 Co�1 RBox a 677,Goshen,IN 46527-0577 mmodore {574}584-2716 FAX erporat'ion -- (574)533-7100 • January 15, 2007 To Whom It May Concern; • Site constructed porches, decks, stoops, etc. may be connected to the perimeter floor framing of Commodore Homes by the use of screws, nails, lags, or other fasteners listed for such use. Non-corrosive fasteners must be used where exposed to exterior elements and flashing must be installed to prevent moisture damage. Attachment of such structural elements to the home is acceptable provided they are independently supported and impose no additional loads to the home. • • • Sincerely, : r) • (..41422 • Gary Butler Drafting Manager • GB/sb • Town of Montville Building Department 310 Norwich-New London Tpke. Tel. 860-848-3030, Ext 382 Uncasville, CT 06382 Fax. 860-848-7231 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPROVAL (v , gc2,-,1;00►n) D 'Ye_ Property Address &p/ae ���0e 044L4w�A c W =1k 1Jew 1So r2C i 4Ject-/OxtY,11w4L5 -11X.76r [ Job Description ut;gi..0tiacit-\45 _m5610/ The applicant is responsible for obtaining all of the required approvals checked off on this form. No building permit will be issued until all of the required signatures have been obtained. I Required Department Permit Issuance Approval Approval ■ Tax Collector � -,, / r ,j= `-71/i ca//o 4' Signature!Cate i Comments: (N WPCA, Administrative ) 4 i l I T Comments: 5, ❑ WPCA, Operations Signature' date Comments: ' Planning &Zoning �� 4-(//c;f 61) Signe bre!oate 1. Comments: (ft - v`c- j. El Health Department i Sign Stu et date Comments: El Department of Public Works ,; Signature' date Comments: ❑ State Dept. of Transportation (Structures over 100,000 sq.ft.or with more than 200 parking spaces-Official copy of STC Certificate of Operation required-per CGS 14-311) Signature/ date Comments: il Fire Marshal ` L Lk\ b\Ce) Signature!date f(pvisectIlugust s,2005 Maximum Composite Panel Wind Load Span Chart for "Screen Rooms" Composite Speed - 100 m.p.h. Wind Speed - 110 m.p.h. Wind Speed - 120 m.p.h. Composite Panel 1111111.1 Panel Overhang Condition panel Overhang Condition Panel Overhang Condition Thk.- None 1 FT. 2 FT. Thk. None 1 FT. 2 FT. Thk None 1 FT. 2 FT. Metal Skin 3" 20'-4 20'-5" 20'-8" 3" 18'-8" 18'-10" 19'-1" 3" 17-5" 17-6" 17'-10" 4" 22'-3' 22'-5" 22'-8 4" 20'-5" 20'-7" 20'-11' 4" 19'-1" 19'-2" 19'-fi" • 6" 27'-8" 27-9" 27'-11" ' 6" 25'-6" 25'-7 25'-10" 6" 23'-9` 23'-10' 247-1' "•Foam.'...•. Wind Speed - 130 m.p.h. Wind Speed- 140 m.p.h. Wind Speed - 150 m.p.h. Panel Overhang Condition Panel Overhang Condition . paw Overhang Condition Thk. None 1 FT. 2 FT,. Thk. None 1 FT. 2 FT. Thk.: None 1 FT. 2 FT. •....:Metal Skin ..•. . 3" 15'-11" 16'-0" 16'-5" 3" 12'-4" 12'-6" 12'-11' 3". 12'-4" 12'-6" 41 roam-70#Density EP.S 4" 17-5' 17�6" 17'-114" 13'-6" 13'-8" 14-1" 4" 13'-8" 13'-8" 14'-1 Aluminum-;024",3105-H14/H25 Alloy 6" 21'-8 21-9 22'-0 6" 16'-9" 16'--11' 17'-3" 6" 16`-9" 16'-11" 17'-3" Patent I aj ee,963&5,085,599 Maximum Composite Panel Wind Load Span Chart for "Open" Structures s Notes = Wind Speed - 100 m.p.h. Wind Speed - 110 mp.h. Wind Speed- 120 m.p.h. Panel Overhang ConditionPanel - Overhang Cof5aen Panel - Overhang Condition Charts @110W Maximum Clear Spans ' .� Thk None 1 FT, 2 FT. Thk. Nons 1 FT. 2 FT Thk None 1 Fr, 2 Fr, for Snap N-Lock Composite Panels1.7:77'...P- i:., 3" 21'-4" 21'-5" 21'-8"' 3" 21'-4" 21'-5" 21'-8° 3" 20'-4' 20'-5." 20'-8' 4 23-5' .23'-6" 23'-9` 4" 4" Structures Classified as "Screen 23'-5' 2S-8" 23'-9' 22`-3" 22'-5" 22'-8 Rooms''contain solid roofs with 6" 29'-1" 29'-2" 29'-4" 6" 29'-1" 29'-2e 29'-4" 6" 27'-B' 27-9" 27'-11 at least oats veld Wall usually the Wind Speed 130 mph. Wind Speed -140 m.p.h. Wind Speed 150 mphhost"sthrotw'aeg Attached Screen Panel ..Cverhane common panel - overhang Conation Panel overhang conation - . &-Vinyl Mishit, Only. Thk _ Nona 1 FT. 2 FT. Thk sone 1 Fr. 2 FT. Thk Norte 1 FT, 2 FT. . 3" 18'-0" 18'-1` 18'-5" 3" 12'-4" 12'-6` 12'-11" 3" 12'-4" 12'-6" _ Structures classified. as "Open" 4" 19'-9' 19'-10" 20'-2" 4" 13'-8" 13`-8" 14'-1" 4' 13'-6" 13'-8' 14'-1" contain solid rolls with no solid walls, only post end beam roof 6" 24'-7' 24-8 24'-41" S" _16-9" 16'-11" 17'-3" 6" 16'-9" 16.-11" 17-3" supports eg,Free Standing Carports, Maximum Composite Panel Wind Load Span Chart for "Enclosed" Structures Free Standing Patio Covers & Free Standing Walkway Covers. Wind Speed - 100 m.p.h, Wind SPeed -110 m.p.h. Wind Speed -120 m.p.h. Panel . ovahene Gleason Panel Overheard Cemetery Panel Overhang Conation Structures classified as "Enclosed" TNN. None 1 FT. 2.FT. _ Thk NOM 1 PT. 2 FT. Thk. Novo 1 FT, 2 FT, contain solid walls and roofs with 3" 15'-11" 16'-0" _18'-S" 3" 14'-8" 14'-10' 15'-3" 3" 13'-6" 13'-7" 14'-1" Glass glazed windows & doors in 4" 17-5" 17-6" 17'-11" 4" 16'-2" 16'-3' 16'-7" 4" 14'-9" 14'-11" 15'-4' them. eg. Glass Rooms, Additions, 6" 21'-8" 21'-9" -22'-0` 6" 20'-1" 20'-2` 20'-5' 6" 18'-5 15r-5" 18'-10" Garages & Houses, Wind Speed - 130 m.p.h. Wind Speed - 140 m.p.h. Wind Speed - 150 m.p.h. Structures classified as "Partially Panel Overhang Condition Panel Overhang condition Panel Overhang Condition Enclosed" contain solid walls and Thk. - None 1 FT. 2 FT. Thk. None 1 FT. 2 FT_. Thk. None I FT. 2 Fr. roofs with Glass glazed windows 3" 12'-4" 12'-8" 12'-11"- 3" 11'-5" 11'-7" 12'-1 3" 10'-8" 10'-10' - & doors in them. eg. Glass Rooms, 4" 13'-6 13'-8' 14-1" 4" 12'-6" 12'-8" 13'-1' 4" 11'-8" 11'-10" 11'-10' Additions, Garages & Houses. Or 6" 16'-9" 16'-11" 17-3" 6" 15'-8" 15'-8', 16'-0` 6" 14'-6" 14'-8" 15'-1" solid roofs with at least one solid wap usually the host structure. eg. Max. Composite Panel Wind Load Span Chart "Partially Enclosed" Structures Attached Carports, Attached Patio Wind Speed - 100 m.p.h. Wind Speed - 110 m.p.h. Wind Speed - 120 m.p.h. Covers & Attached Walkway Covers. This chart Is used as an alternative Panel Overhang Condition panel Overhang Condition Panel Overhang Condition Thk. None 1 FT. 2 FT. Thk None 1 FT. 2 FT. Thk. None 1 FT. 2 FT. to installing impact glass or shutters 3" 14'-1' 14'-2" 14'-7" 3" 12'-9" 12'-11' 13'-4" 3" ir-r_11'-9" 12'-3" in wind borne debris areas and 4" 15'-5" 15'-7' 15'-11" 4" 13'-11' 14'-1' 14'-6' ., 4" 12'-8"-12'-10' 13'-4` accounts for added internal building 6" '-2" 19'-3" 19'-7" 6" 17-4" 1.7'-6' 17'-10" - 6" 15'-g" 15'-i f" 16'-3" Pressures 19 Wind Speed - 130 m.p.h. Wind Speed - 140 m.p.h. Wind Speed - 150 mph Panel Dead Load Is calculated at In— Panel Overhang Condition Panel Overhang Condition paOverhang Conation 2 lb.' per sq. ft. The remainder Is nel Thk. None 1 FT. 2 FT. Thk. None 1 FT. 2 FT. Thk None 1 FT. 2 FT, the Live Load or Snow Load. - 3" 10'-9' 10'-11" 11'-8" 3" 9'-11" 10'-2" 10'-8" 3" "9'-4" 9'-7" - eg. 21 lbs / sq. ft. is 1 ib. Dead 4" 1t'-10" 12'-0' 12-6" 4" 10'-11" 11'-1" 11'-7" 4" 10'-3" 10'-5' .1.1._0..' Load + 20 lbs. Live or Snow Load. 6" .14'-9" 14'-10" 15-3" 6" 13'-7" 13'-8' 14'-2" 6" 12'-9" 12.-1l° 13'-4" Overhang Improves panel span, 2 ft. Maximum Composite Panel Span Chart Dead/Live Load maximum or as listed. DL + LL @ 22 lbs./sq. ft DL + LL @ 32 lbs./sq. ft. DL + LL @ 42 IbsJsq. ft. Panels may be used in a wall or roof application. Panel overhang Condition Panel Overhang Condition Condition Panel Overhang Thk. None 1 FT. 2 FT. Thk. None 1 FT. 2 Fr. Thk_ Noes 1 FT. 2 FT. For Maximum Panel Clear Spans for 3" 14'-4" 14'-6' 14'-11" 3" 11'-11" 12'-1" 12'-7" 3" 10'-5" 10'-7" 11'-2" 123 MPH Wind Speed,reduce values ¢ 15'-9" 15'-11" 16'-3" 4" 13'-1" 13'-3' 13'-8" 4" listed in 120 MPH Wind Speed iv-s" t 1'-T 12'-1' P by 6" 19'-7" 19'-8" 19'-11" 6" 16'-3" 16'-4" 16'-9" 6" 14'-2" 14-4' 14'-9" multiplying by 0.98 DL + LL @ 52 IbsJsq. ft. DL + Li. 6 62 lbs./sq. ft. DL + LL @ 72 IbsJsq. it spans listed are for Exposure B. Panel D"ea"n Cameron Panel Overhang Conationf Panel o.«haanagen For Maximum Panel Clear Spans for Thk None:. "(FT. 2 FT. Thk NOM 1 FT. 2 FT. Thk 1 None 1 FT. - 2 FT. 3" 9'-4" 9'-7" - 3" 8'-7" 8'-9' - 3" 7'-ll` - 8'-2" - Exposure C,reduce values listed by 4" 10'-3' 10'-5' 11'-0" 4" 9'-5" 9'-7" - 4" - multiplying by 0.35 6" 12'-9" 12'-11" 13'-4" 6" 11'-8" 11'-10' 17-4" 6„ 10'-10" 11'-0" 11'-7' R© Snap-N-Lock Composite Panel Span Charts, Scale0. . D U■ B I LT Revt,o eby JAMES 5.BRADLEY PE None 1708 CARF�dE 51JVl,CLEARWATER,FI.37786 Lineses In At(-3781-5.AL-4972,AZ-00012.AR-3573•CA-23a8s,CO-10401.De-452o, Dtaa Bih Products,Inc Tel.1-800-233-4251 FL-158133,°A-a787,5:0-2889,L-4831,IN-1429IN-14298.1,4-8888- 2gs.1,4-8888Ks-ooze,L5-13772,gas-3n4. i page MO-esex,MA-24147,MI-2o642,MN-111e1.Ms-ease,Mo-6-10100.MT-4229E,NE-E-3730• . PA.Box 188 Fax 570-5983296 PFF-3373,NJ-20810,t8A-5447,NY-51580,NC-6889,PC-1e45,OH+-36042,OK-9400 Wellsburg NY 14894 Web.www.durahltcom+ OR-8287.FA-019214.SC-4783,SO-2387.TX-3,e04,UT-3924,VT-3289•WA-15052 Le' Of 1 WI-12035,WV-8405,WY-1859 TY qiVogt, LLC Structural Engineering 36 Chris Drive, Uncasville, CT 06382 Phone/Fax: 1-860-848-9620 Cell: 1-860-303-6163 July 10, 2007 Mr. Keith Jensen Jensen's Inc. PO Box 608 Southington, CT 06489 Re: Home Pride Hold Down HP12LS Manufactured Home Montville, CT Project#: 07-0019 Dear Keith: As requested, we have performed a limited high wind review of a 14ft wide x 62 ft long manufactured home located in Montville, CT. We used a design wind speed of 110 mph with an exposure category B. A review of the manufactured home gravity and lateral load resisting systems is not included in our scope of services. Following is a summery of our analysis and recommendations: ANALYSIS 1. We review the published load data for the Home Pride anchor HP12LS, including the engineering certification letter prepared by Rod M. Hudgins, Jr., PE dated September 15, 1997. 2. The engineering certification letter reports an average ultimate tension load for an HP12 series of 4900 lbs. This average ultimate load is required to be divided by a reasonable factor of safety to achieve the 'working load of the anchoring system. 3. We assumed a factor of safety of 2 in our analysis, which results in an allowable tension uplift capacity of 2450 lbs per anchor. 4. It is our understanding that there is already a 6" fiber mesh reinforced concrete slab on grade which has the approximate dimensions of the manufactured home (14 ft x 62 ft.), and that the HP12I,S anchors will be post installed using expansion anchors supplied by Home Pride. RECCOMENDATIONS 1. Based upon the required wind uplift and overturning loads from the IRC 2003 building code(with 2005 CT supplement) and the published load data for the • Home Pride Hold Down HP12LS Manufactured Home Montville,CT Project#: 07-0019 Page 2 HP12 series anchor, our analysis indicates eight(8) anchor are required along each of the 60ft length on the manufactured homes (i.e. 16 total) 2. There shall be one anchor at or near each corner of the structure, and the remaining shall be evenly spaced along each side. 3. The Contractor shall follow all of the manufacturer's recommendations for installation including edge distances. The minimum edge distance to the center line of the expansion bolts shall be 6" or the manufacturer's recommendations which ever is greater. Please call if you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter. Very truly yours, C.H. C(..NN.0 C.H. Vo! , LLC 4S. ..b".......... s ,p x..23877 '.%F�•:'ENSEO: ����` Chad H. Vogt, P.E • ,,' c' prrrrruaan Address: 68 Rainbow Drive ITEM QTY $/UNIT TOTAL Building Plumbing Mechanical Electrical New Construction SF $ 113.03 $ - $ - Basement,Finished SF $ 22.96 $ - $ - Basement,Unfinished SF $ 12.40 $ - $ - Crawl Sapce SF $ 9.30 $ - Interior Renovations SF $ 35.09 $ - $ - $ - Ground Anchors 990 SF $ 6.45 $ 6,385.50 $ 2,108.70 $ 1,316.70 Basement SF $ 12.41 $ - $ - $ - Crawl Space SF $ 9.31 $ - $ - $ - Kitchen 1 EA $ 5,795.00 $ 1,985.50 $ 678.81 Full Bathroom 1 EA $ - $ 102.85 Half-Bathroom EA $ - $ - Attached SF $ 54.35 $ - $ - Detached SF $ 69.53 $ - $ - Under SF $ 10.03 $ - $ - Carport SF $ 19.89 $ - MECHANICAL Warm-Air n Y/N $ - Hot Water n Y/N S - Electric n Y/N $ - Air Conditioning n Y/N $ - ELECTRICAL SERVIC I Upgrade Amps $ - Overhead,new Amps $ - Underground,new 100 Amps $ 3.171 23 Subpanel EA $ 599.50 $ - Den Set EA $ 3,850.00 $ - SOLID FUEL BURNING APPLIANCES Prefab Metal Fireplace EA $ 6,497.70 $ - Masonry w/lfireplace EA $ 7,096.65 $ - Masonry w/2 fireplaces EA $ 11895.70 $ - Wood Stove,free standing EA $ 2,692.25 $ - Wood stove insert EA $ 1,859.77 $ - DECKS,PORCHES,SUNROOMS Deck SF $ 43.07 $ - Porch 240 SF $ 76.23 $ 18,295.20 Sunroom SF $ 17690 $ - $ - POOLS 8 HOT TUBS Hot Tub EA $ 8,016.25 $ - $ - IngroundPool EA $ 21,373.44 $ - $ - Above Ground Round EA $ 5,099.46 $ - $ - Above Ground Oval EA $ 6,019.75 $ - $ - Pool Heater EA $ 8,984.25 $ - Inflatable Type Pool EA $ 1,550.00 $ - SHEDS w/o electrical 100 SF $ 20.35 $ 2,035.20 w/electical SF $ 20.35 $ - $ - RENOVATIONS • Roofing,Overlay SF $ 3.00 $ - Roofing,Strip 8 reroot SF $ 4.00 $ - Roof Sheathing SF $ 1.31 $ - Siding SF $ 3.50 $ - Windows EA S 500.00 $ - Skylights EA $ 1,051.10 $ - Doors,Exterior EA $ 601.50 $ - Oil Tank,275 Gallon EA $ - Oil Tank,550 Gallon EA $ - MISCELLANEOUS CALCULATIONS TOTALS $ 32,510.90 $ 4,094.20 $ - $ 5,289.59 PERMIT FEE CALCULATIONS Construction Value Fee Building $ 32,511.00 $ 264.00 Plumbing y $ 4,095.00 $ 40.00 Mechanical y $ - $ - Electrical y $ 5,270.00 $ 48.00 Working before Permit Issuance $ - Certificate of Occupancy Fee $ 10.00 Plan Review Fee $ 35.20 State Education Fee $ 6.70 TOTALS 41,876.00 $ 403.90 Figures are based on the 2006 RS Means Residential Cost Data I kt-VOGT, LLC Structural Engineering May 14, 2008 Mr. Keith Jensen Jensen's, Inc. P.O. Box 608 Southington, CT 06489 RECEIVED Re: High Wind Review per IRC 2003 MAY 1 9 2008 10x10 "Quaker" Shed Montville, CT BUILDING DEPT. Project#: 07-0019 Dear Keith: As requested, we have reviewed the structural components of the main wind force resisting system for the 10' wide x 10' long " with the attached drawing A-1 prepared by Donald A. Dale,gInc. dated Februae shed. We were ry for use in our review. ary 27, 2007 Our review is based upon the requirements of the IRC 2003 Residential Building Code, specifically with the provisions of ASCE 7-02. A review of the gravity structural systems of the sheds is not a part of our scope of services. We have based our review upon the design wind speed of 110 mph for Montville, CT, exposure B. Based upon our analysis we recommend the following modifications be made to the shed construction: 1. The plywood gusset at the ridge should be fastened to each rafter with a minimum of(3)8d nails. immum 2. H2.5 hurricane clips should be installed on each rafter to the wall top plates. 3. The %2" plywood wall and roof sheathing should be fastened to the studs/ rafters with 8d nails, 6"panel edges and 12"o.c. panel fields (blocking is not required). 4. The plywood wall sheathing shall lap the floor rim board and be fastened with 8d nails at 6"o.c. 5. Duckbill anchors, model 68-AT1, should be installed at each corner of the building to resist both uplift and overturning. The steel cable from the anchor should be fastened to the main floor framing at each corner with (1)5/8"diameter galvanized lag screw. 36 Chris Drive,Uncasville,CT 06382•Phone/fax:860.848.9620 ti High Wind Review per IRC 2003 10x10"Quaker"Shed Montville,CT Project#: 07-0019 Page 2 Once the above modifications have been made, it is our professional opinion the shed will be structural adequate to resist the Code required wind loads. Please call me if you should need anything further. Very Trul ours, �F CONN ",,,. ogt LC `rte P ,o H..V° 4.144 s zs No.23877 Chad H. Vogt, P.N. :•k! ENs�°:.i, .. X441,,8tiss/+ONALOAOO��• RECEIVED MAY 1 9 2008 BUILDING DEPT FRANDSEN DESIGN GROUP JIM FRANDSEN, PE 3310 ROUTE 352 BIG FLATS NY 14814 PHONE 607-562-3560/FAX 607-562-8105 22-April-08 RECEIVED •� Dura-Bili Products, Inc. P.O. Box 188 a MAY 1 2008 Wellsburg NY 14894 BUILDING DEPT. Attn: Marty Chalk, President Reference: Structural Engineering Services for the Dura-Lock Roof System(Snap-N-Lock). Dear Marty: As per your request, my review of the engineering documentation(prepared by James E. Bradley, PE) confirms that the calculations for snow and wind load are correct and do in fact meet the '03 ICC (International Residential Building Code). Therefore I agree with findings of James E. Bradley, PE. Attachment: Snow and Wind Load Charts prepared by James E. Bradley, PE r ,ft;gi Z.V.4 ?3•• NO.14003 °r t „„'':4 „'p\ '3"‘%%‘ A dr. Jim Frandsen, PE .. _ I Mcfimum Composite Panel Wind Load Span Chart for "Screen Roorn .z." ........., posrtgAtfN.61 Wind Speed - 100 m.p.h. Wind Speed - 110 m.p.h. Wind Speed - 120 m.p.h. Corn Panel Overhang Condition Panel , Overhang Condition Panel Overhang Condition Thk, None 1 FT. 2 FT. Thk. None 1 FT. 2 FT. ' Thk. None 1 FT. 2 FT. 'Natol:I:At, 3" 20'-4" 20.-5" 20.-8" 3" 18.-8 18.-10 19.-1.. 3" 17'-5" 17-5 17.-10" ...'.:..:..*. ..... . '... *....* ::::::;:.*:.•'.':.•.•;;;.•.•..;::::::::.. 4" 22'-3" 22.-5. 22.-B" 4" 20-6" 20.-7" 20-11 4" 19.-1" 19.-2" 19.-6" .:.:.:.:•:.:.:.:.:.:*..:.::.....-......:-:-:•:.:*,:*:::•:•:•::. 6" 27.-8. 27.-9" 27.-11" 6" 25.-6" 25.-7" 25.-10" 6" 23-9" 23.-10" 24.-1" BOILDN iji7:- Wind Speed - 130 m.p.h. Wind Speed - 140 m.p.h. Wind Speed - 150 m.p.h. 1.111 .................... Panel I Overhang Condition Panel I Overhang Condition Panel Overhang Condition Thk. None 1 FT. 2 FT. Thk. None 1 FT. 2 FT. Thk. None 1 FT. 2 FT. Metal Skin 3" 15.-11" 16.-0' 16.-5" 3" 12.-4" 12.-6" 12-11" 3" 12.-4" 12.-6" - Foam - 1.0# Density E.P.S. 4" 17.-5" 17'-6" 17'-11" 4" 13'-6" 13'-8" 142-1" .4" 13'-6" 13.-8" 142-1" Aluminum - .024", 3105-H14/H25 Al # , 6'' 21.-8" 21.-9" _22.-0" 6" 16.-9" 16.-11" 17.-3" 6" _16'-9" 16'-11" 17'-3" Potent 4,769,91'3 & 5086,599 Maximum Composite Panel Wind Load Span Chart for "Open" StructL -es Notes Wind Speed - 100 m.p.h. Wind Speed - 110 m.p.h. Wind Speed - 120 m.p.h. Panel I Overhang Condition Panel I Overhang Condition Panel Overhong Condition Charts show Maximum Clear Spans Thk. None 1 FT. 2 FT. Thk. None 1 F7. 2 FT. Thk. None 1 FT. 2 FT, for Snap-N-Lock Composite Panel; 3" 21 -4. 21.-5" 21.-8" 3" 21'-4" 21'-5" 21.-8" 3" 20.-4" 20.-5" 20.-8" Structures classified as "Screen 4 23'-5* 23'--6* 23'-9" 4" 23.-5" 23.-6" 23.-9. 4" 22.-3" 22.-5" 22.-8" Rooms" contain solid roofs with 6" 29'-1" 29.-2" 29'-4" 6" 29.-1" 29'-2" 29.-4" 6" 27'-8" 27'-9" 27-11" at least one solid wall usually the Wind Speed - 130 m.p.h. Wind Speed - 140 m.p.h. Wind Speed - 150 m.p.h. host structure. eg. Attached Scree Panel Overhang Condition Panel Overhang Condition Panel Overhong Condition & Vinyl Rooms Only. Thk. None 1 FT. 2 FT, Thk. None 1 FT. 2 FT. Thk, None 1 FT. 2 FT. 3" 18.-0" 18.-1. 18.-5" 3" 12'-4" 12'-6" 12.-11" 3" 12'-4" 12'-6" - Structures classified as Open contain solid roofs with no solid 4" 19'-9" 19'-10'• 7w- ” 4" '- " -. .:- .• - ," ' .^ '-8" 142-1" _ walls, only post and beam roof 6 24.-7. 24.-8. 24.-11" 6" 16-9" 16.-11" 17'-3" 6" 16.-9" 16.-11" 17'-3" supports. eq. Free Standing Carpo . , Free Standing Patio Covers & Free Maximum Composite Panel Wind Load Span Chart for "Enclosed" Struc U§ 4iding Walkway Covers. Wind Speed - 100 m.p.h. Wind Speed - 110 m.p.h. Wind Speed - 120 m.p.h. " " Panel I Overhang Condition Panel Overhang Condition Panel Overhang Condition Structures classified as Enclosed Thk. None 1 FT. 2 FT. Thk. None 1 FT. 2 FT. Thk. None 1 FT. 2 FT. contain solid walls and roofs with 3" 15.-11" 16.-0" 18.-5" 3" 142-8" 14.-10" 15.-3" 3" 13.-6" 13.-7" 142-1" Glass glazed windows & doors in 4" 17'-5" 17-6" 17.-11" 4" 16.-2" 16.-3" 16.-7" 4" 14'-9" 14-11" 15'-4" them. eg. Gloss Rooms, Additions, Garages & Houses. 6" 21'-8" 21.-9" 22.-0" 6" 20.-1" 20.-2" 20.-5" 6" 18.-5" 18.-6" 18.-10" Wind Speed - 130 m.p.h. Wind Speed - 140 m.p.h. Wind Speed - 150 rn.o.1-, Structures classified as "Partially " Panel I Overhang Condition Panel Overhang Condition Panel Overhang Condition - Enclosedcontain solid walls and Thk. None 1 FT. 2 FT, Thk. None 1 F7. 2 FT. Thk. None 1 FT. 2 FT. _ roofs with Glass glazed windows 3" 12'-4" 12.-6" 12.-11. 3" 1'i'-5" 11'-7" 12.-1" , 3" . icy-8" 10'-10"- - & doors in them. eg. Gloss Rooms 4" 13'-6" 13-8" 142-1" 4" 12.-6" 12.-8" 13.-1" 4" 11'-8" 11.-10" 11.-10" Additions, Garages & Houses. Or 6" 16.-9" 16.-11" 17-3" 6" 15.-6" 15.-8" 16.-0" 6" 14.-6" 142-8" 15.-1" solid roofs with at least one solid wall usually the hc st structure. eg. Max. Composite Panel Wind Load Span Chart "Partially Enclosed" Struc :u,fk .t9ched Carports, Attached Patio Covers & Attached Walkway Covers Wind Speed - 100 m.p.h. Wind Speed - 110 m.p.h. Wind Speed - 120 m.p.h. This chart is used as on alternative Panel Overhang Condition Panel Overhang Condition Panel Overhang Condition e' Thk. None 1 FT. 2 FT. Thk. None 1 FT. 2 FT. Thk. None 1 FT. 2 F . to installing impact gloss or shutts 3" 14'-1" 14.-2" 14'-7" 3" 12'-9" 12.-11" 13.-4" 3" 11.-7" 11.-9" 12in wind borne debris areas and accounts 4" 15'-5" 15-7' 15'-ll" 4" 13.-11" 1,12-1" 14'-6" 4" 12.-8" 12.-10" 13.-4" for added internal buildin pressures. 6" 19'-2" 19.-3" 19'-7" 6" 17'-4" 17'-6" 17-10" 6" 15.-9" 15.-11" 16.-3" Wind Speed - 130 m.p,h. Wind Speed - 140 m.p.h. Wind Speed - 150 m.p.h. Panel Dead Load is calculated at Panel Overhang Condition Panel Overhang Condition Panel Overhang Condition Thk. None 1 FT. 2 FT. Thk. None 1 FT. 2 FT. Thk. None 1 FT. 2 FT. the Live Load or Snow Load. 3" 1o'-9" 10.-11" 11.-6" 3" 9.-11" 10.-2" 10.-8" 3" 9.-4" ' 9'-7" - eg. 21 lbs / sq. ft. is .1 lb. Dead 4" 11 -10" 12.-0' 12.-6" 4" 10.-11^ i- -i" 11'-7" 4" lo'-3" 10. Load + 20 lbs. Live or Snow Load 6" 11.-0" 6" 142-9" 14.-10" 15.-3" 6" 13'-7" 13.-8" 14.-2" 6" 12.-9" 12.-11" 13'-4" Overhang improves panel span, 2 f`t. s Maximum Composite Panel Span Chart Dead/Live Load maximum or alisted. Panels may be used in a wall or DL + LL @ 22 lbs./sq. 't.DL + LL © 32 lbs./sq. 1 t.DL + LL © 42 lbs./sq. it• roof application. Panel i Overhang Condition Panel I Overhang Condition Panel Overhang Condition Thk. None 1 FT. 2 FT. Thk. None 1 FT. 2 FT. Thk. None 1 FT. 2 FT. For Maximum Panel Clear Spans fcr 3" 14i-4" 14'-5" 14.-11" 3" 11.-11" 12.-1" 12.-7" 3" 10.-5" 10.-7" 11.-2" 123 MPH Wind Speed, reduce value- 4" 15.-9" 15.-11" 16.-3" 4" 13.-1" 13.-3" 13.-8" 4" ii'-5" 11.-7" 12.-1" listed in 120 MPH Wind Speed by 6" 19.-7" 19.-8" 19.-11" 6" 16.-3" 16.-4" 16.-9. 6" 14.-2" 14'-4" 14.-9" multiplying by 0.98 DL + LL © 52 lbs./sq. 't.DL + LL © 62 lbs./sq. at. DL + LL © 72 lbs./sq. -. Spans listed ore for Exposure B. Panel Overhang Condition Panel None FT. 2 FT. None Overhang FT.ConditiNone 1 FT. 2 FT.on Panel Overhang Condition For Maximum Panel Clear Spans 1. Thk. 1 Thk. 1 2 Thk. FT. es 3'' 9'-4" 9'-7" - 3" 8.-7" 8-9" - 3" 7.-11" 8'-2" - Exposure C, recNlisted b multiplying .1124,1-.. ,:r'''‘" I'4,1.4N 4" 10'-3" 10.-5" 11.-0" 4" 9.-5" 9.-7" - 4" 8'-9" 6.-11" - ..,•&.14- ONWE--- N, - 6" 12.-9" 12.-11"_13.-4" 6" _ 11'-8" 11'- " 12.-4" 6" 10.-10" 11 -0- 1.1 -7" Sn cr , .11,- -Lock Composite Panel Span livot pi.FEsifiNAL ite'lit• DURA-BILTRevised b JAMES E. P.E. 1765 y CARNEGIE DRIVE, CLEARWATEBRADLEYR, FL i'.;..: a einieelefgAiting; Licences in AK-3751-E, AL-9972 AZ-09512, AR-3573, CA-23285. CO-10401. .;111;14 111,119'' r. DE-4520, FL-16695, CA-8787, 10-2689, IL-4931, IN-14298, IA-6869, K .:,/ S-6826, ' % ' R r Dura-I3ilt Products,Inc. Tel.1-800-233-4251 LA-I3772, ME-31I4, MD-8588, MA-24147, MI-20542, MN-11181,MS-5859, ••,, ,,,› MO-E-10150, MT-4229E, NE-E-3730, NH-3373. NJ-20610. NM-5447,NY-51580, I, tsW P.O.Box 188 Fax 570-596-3296 (lief Cril " Nc-S8es. ND-1645. OH-36042, OK-9480. OR-8287, PA-019214, SC-4763, , Noti -•••••••••• f Wellsburg,NY 14894 Web.www.durabilt.com SD-2387, TX-36684, UT-3924. VT-3269, „... 'NA-15052, WI-12635. WV-6405, WY-1659 /44 ,syLN r-- , - s . 1 � . VOGT, LLC Structural Engineering April 22, 2008 Mr. Keith Jensen Jensen's Inc. RECEIVED PO Box 608 Southington, CT 06489 MAY 1 9 2008 Re: Home Pride Hold Down HP12LS Manufactured Home BUILDING DEPT. Montville, CT Project#: 07-0019 .. Dear Keith: As requested, we have performed a limited high wind review of a 15'-2"ft wide x 66 ft long manufactured home located in Montville, CT. We used a design wind speed of 110 mph with an exposure category B. A review of the manufactured home gravity and lateral load resisting systems is not included in our scope of services. Following is a summery of our analysis and recommendations: ANALYSIS 1. We review the published load data for the Home Pride anchor HP 12LS, including the engineering certification letter prepared by Rod M. Hudgins, Jr., PE dated September 15, 1997. 2. The engineering certification letter reports an average ultimate tension load for an HP12 series of 4900 lbs. This average ultimate load is required to be divided by a reasonable factor of safety to achieve the working load of the anchoring system. 3. We assumed a factor of safety of 2 in our analysis, which results in an allowable tension uplift capacity of 2450 lbs per anchor. 4. It is our understanding that there is already a 6" fiber mesh reinforced concrete slab on grade which has the approximate dimensions of the manufactured home (15'2" ft x 66 ft.), and that the HP12LS anchors will be post installed using expansion anchors supplied by Home Pride. RECCOMENDATIONS 1. Based upon the required wind uplift and overturning loads from the IRC 2003 building code(with 2005 CT supplement) and the published load data for the 36 Chris Drive,Uncasville,CT 06382•Phone/fax:860.848.9620 • - Home Pride Hold Down HP12LS Manufactured Home Montville,CT Project#:07-0019 Page 2 HP12 series anchor, our analysis indicates eight(8) anchor are required along each of the 60ft length on the manufactured homes (i.e. 16 total) 2. There shall be one anchor at or near each corner of the structure, and the remaining shall be evenly spaced along each side. 3. The Contractor shall follow all of the manufacturer's recommendations for installation including edge distances. The minimum edge distance to the center line of the expansion bolts shall be 6" or the manufacturer's recommendations which ever is greater. Please call if you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter. Very truly obis) `` C. °gt C •�' P;ap p H. i co i'Cr No.23877 /h. o p• s�PE•N SE • Chad H. Vogt, P.E./ , S�ONALENG.�`�```\� Town of Montville Building Department Plan Review Form Date: VA7 °J� Job Address: / 3 a,'/A `,e"'Li D(/ (....")r / Job Description. 1C e p�c[C Y 4 IM o i 1 t (., 4,•pi < i S 02 )( . `r //) )CSO v/ 1717 lir)' k.--7‘-/- Your ‘-j` Your permit application is being rejected for the items checked off or commented on. The required information must submitted for review (two sets are required) (C.G.S.29-252a.) This list is offered as a guideline only. It is not meant to be all-inclusive for every permit application,nor is it meant to take the place of the State Building Code. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS Permit application not completed Plans required Permit fee due SyiLs'. c1 C7 Proposed building or addition exceeds 5,000 square feet, plans must be Permit fee to be calculated stamped and signed by a Connecticut registered Architect or Professional Construction values required for each trade in order to calculate the permit fee Engineer Worker's comp.affidavit or worker's comp.certificate to be submitted Construction documents are required to be shall be sealed by a CT licensed Copy of contractor's registration or license required Architect or Professional Engineer(106.1.4) Copy of Major contractor Registration Required Means of egress plan required designating the number of occupants on every Construction permit sign-off sheet required with appropriate approvals,it shall floor and all rooms and spaces,travel distances, and door, stair, ramp size be the applicant's responsibility to obtain the required signatures calculations(106.1.2) Affidavit required from the holder of the registration or license authorizing you Architectural plans required to apply for a permit with their information Structural plans required Provide supporting documentation to show compliance with the 2003 IECC Mechanical plans required (www.energvcodes.g_oy) Electrical plans required Two sets of construction documents required, this includes all engineering Plumbing plans required data,calculations and all other documentation(R106.1) Fire protection plans required Documents are copyright protected,provide original plans or a letter from the Use&occupancy classification not indicated on the construction documents designer authorizing the duplication of the plans Provide calculations for the mixed separated uses(302.3.2) Field set of the approved construction documents are required to be picked up Height&area calculations required from our office and must be available on site during all inspections Ventilation calculations required to be submitted Construction documents shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, More detailed plans required addressing accessibility nature and extent of the work proposed as per section R106.1.1 Soils report not submitted(1802.6) Construction documents do not match the orientation of the structure on the Statement of special inspections required(1704),available online at www.ct- site plan sec.org Plumbing fixture calculations required STRUCTURAL DESIGN Construction type not identified Submit supporting data to show conformance with the wind limitations (3 Group classification not identified second gust @ 115 mph) Fire-resistance design must be documented by an approved source, Documents required to be stamped and signed by a CT registered Professional Building trap location&detail,not provided or insufficient Engineer Construction documents do not match the engineering data submitted SITE PLAN Ground snow load(Pr)for Montville is 30 psf No plans submitted or insufficient information MCE Spectral accelerations for Montville are; Plans do not match the building plans S.=0.255 Finish floor elevation not indicated Si=0.078 Distance from the property line(s)to the structure not identified Proposed stricture or addition exceeds the "threshold limits" and an Structure dimensions not provided independent structural engineering consultant review and all fees for such shall Existing and proposed contours are not provided or insufficient be paid by the of the building project( Footing drain discharge not identified Design loads not indicated(live&dead) Utilities not provided(electrical,phone,cable,sewer,water,gas) Delineation of flood hazard areas and design flood elevation is required per FOUNDATION section R106.1.3 No plans submitted or insufficient information Private sewage disposal system to be identified along with all technical and soil Dimensions required data as per section R106.2.1 Wall thickness not identified Grading is to slope away from the building,provide more detailed information Footing size not identified Plan submitted is not the same plan that has been approved by the Zoning Frost protection not identified or is insufficient Department and/or Health Department Column type,size,spacing not identified or insufficient Retaining wall—construction documents required Waterproofing details not provided or insufficient Retaining wall documents required to be stamped and signed by a Connecticut Pier type,size and anchor details not provided or insufficient Registered Professional Engineer Engineered foundation plan required Crawl space ventilation,location,type and size not provided or insufficient Crawl space access,location and size not provided or insufficient Kevisee2l1ay 4,2007 zvvo v0.31 i57 860 848 3479 HILLCREST ESTATES 11f 21/08 TUE 08:57 FAX I I I\ 1 i i 2"X 6"Rail Cap 36"From Top of Decking --- Secured to Fra ing Ballusters 4-112"0. • 4"X 4"Posts Seco �. \14, / Om • _\ I 3 2,c8 CARRIER BEA ----,~� I \ CONCRETE COLUMNS 8' O I � 2x8 FLOOR JOISTS 16"10C, 2)2"BAILUSTERS 4112"OC 514"X Dec1c -- TOP OF RAIL 36"OFF -- DECKING • r-- .' \.— " `�— �pGER BOARD TO 3 CARRY JOISTS 2.;1(10 .A LER SECURED TO '41'0USE 4f. 10' X24' Deck M HILLCgEST ESTATES 444 JENS�ND 11/21/2008 09:51 IF RX 11/21/0 860 848 x479 6 TUE 08:57 FAX i1 1 514''15 4-12.5 NUtIGG T'frIGAL i"AGN 1i 41 t 02GN JOIST- � ING ppARGS 1 I , 1 1 I 1 y l 1 �- i I y __ VIS i r AT lb" O.G. ZX10fi I ______.___------_ It...- - (3Xa . \ eIMP ,,,,, A OD V-111`1IA UU1R5•37 FDR FIT. i" PIAMETFRC.g Mt3p 5Nt ROI) SNALL NAS ,111,113 • 113 �� If 1: 017ZCH Hoi...p .p OWN PET AIL:— lit's, _ --- l� ' Qa —SGALE. = � ,� 1 lrr+n HILLCREST ESTATES 11/21/06 TUE i tuuo 08:57..F4 .660_!4,13:1:72 - pVl THE HANDRAIL HEIGHT WltCRE HANDRAIL IS 31 1/2' IAtN CLEARRbN 5� STAtRMlAY AT ANU BE1 11157 ED ON ONE SIDE. 'ANNUM CLEAR WIDTH OF STAIRWAY AT At-ID BELOW TME HANDRAIL HEIGHT WERE HANDRAILS ARE 21 SIDES, R311.5.1 „ gyp@ ON BOTH 8311.5.1 MAXIMUM PROJECTION ON OTHER SIDE or THE STAIRWAY FOR HANDRAILS, • ." DEPTH, THAN 1;48, R311.5.5 NO NOSING ANG SURFACE SHALL BE SLOPED, NO STEEPERREQUIRED, U STAY/AY WAIJC FLOOR LEVELS OR 8311.5.3.3 .. . F• }IT OF STAIRS SHAH NOT HAVE A VERTICAL RISE GREATER THAN 12'--O' BETKEN ypINGS, R3t1.5.a G PROJECTION SHALL NOT E(CFaD THE SMALLEST RElY 3i1.5O E THAN 3/8" BSN TWO STORIES, GREATEST NOSING OF FLOORS AND LANDINGS,Ir�avDING THE NOSING AT THE LEWL .3 V8■ MAX. BOWFIN LARGEST AND-SIdALt.EST, 8311.5.3.1 . 3/8' MAX. ISN LARGEST AND 9,tA1.LEST, R311.5.3.2 N 4r1 16 tx ca = 2'» RADIUS 1AAX. BMd l Lo z 1 i m ENCLOSED ACt S51 Dtl SPACE UNDER STAIRS • SHALL HAVE MAILS. UNDER STMI SURFACE AND ANY SOFFITS PROTECTED ON TETE ENCLOSED SIDE WITH 112" OWS)M BOARD, R311.22 g» tom.,. .,_.....rt MIN. LANDING, 8311.5.4 • LANDING NOT REQUIRED AT ,L;.r..:.. :�..z-: THE TSR OF AN INTER _ FJGHT OF SA DOOR ATES NOT SWdNG . 3 f" CAIN., 1 1 4" um. y . ;« iiiWARR SQI�{FRE FOR STAIRS WITH A TOTAL RISE GREATER THAN 5O». 8311.5.3.3 e�4 Et; ea STAIRWAYS zoCT3 I PS 2004 • STAIRS._____ 4 lnt;u � � mauve CREST ESTATES �� N JESENS 11/21/2006 09:31 IFAX 4/.21/061�OB TUE 08:57 FAX 860 848 3479 HILL ° SHALL NOT ALLOW THE PASSAGE Or A 4 3/6" SPHERE, R312-2 111 :44 I IIIr i j6:2 a I SHALL NOT ALTHE PASSAGE Di LOW SPHERE. 8312-2 . Ala,- vi;.:P: ---I I 1 1/1 ".-I 6 i W InlPC STAIRS NOT AItA 4" R312.Z OF 1111111111111111111 REQS WHEN THE FLOOR SURFACES ARE LOCATED }ACRE TNAN 3O ABOVE . I� DECKS&BALCONIES _ 2003 [RC ViiTh2004CT SUPPLEMENT �j MOM . • \ . . . N z N UL I r NTA Is. < j© ! i-.y ,f • I 740 I ot 77;' Z? o s .mrs■ /!f1\ pinup- 4-h- ion U- ,rorrrrrr■ a� .1f!!!tf!/!S i iiiiiii/////■f!/fS CS) i//11tf///�:i/4%lii t Ietlti ` zt, �■ U'IMMO§ISSIMS MOO iiEiji I :: u ' ra , n. rot ■t!lM� �tlf!!i ;- afftf!!SI ■ lttttrosisfl■1tf!!!/ • 1 I 'mss---spfltlfltl !flffP�' x ///!menti glialligliggi ftelffi7�1 0 ltttttllr II-• • /1lfff!!' ../ a- _—ea! /■/■/Pra r trrrbfilOsinpoOM:r -,r s-. 4 iflfef M. fieII.■ i 11111!11/Vg J!M!1/■ I dJ �il' �t/ 'OSMOSIS is in 1111■Eimil IN • -. w a csInzu.2 d •s 'Cr 4 t.n ' \....______1________:_____.1 . i JENSENS, INC. JOB — 613 «1,7>N b Pig SPP 246 Redstone Street SHEET No. of P.O. Box 608 CALCULATED BY SATE SOUTHINGTON, CONNECTICUT 06489 DATE (860) 793-0281 FAX (860) 793-6909 CHECKED BY SCALE Ii t , i , 1 c i !!(`„ `� t I , ......5 f..-...•_-.....t.._... ' ...... a –.__ .: - r ._... , - i ` 3 x I D_fIr i i i� , t � i . i i i i i t 1 i I i • I L • k y. 3 ; i 1 � I it I X : _ 1._.__.»._. s....»..».. i l f I i Y 50 -}...._._.. -.__..„...._ ._ r j.» 133 i I k : ; .w.._ t 10/14/2006 SAT 9:26 FAX ?001/001 Connecticut Light&Power The Nors]+wt UdIN.a Siinr 0P6643 REV.4-04 As the owner of this property,I am requesting the permanent removal of the existing CT Light&Power Company(CL&P)electric service and meter(s)to allow for the demolition of the building in accordance with all applicable Connecticut General Statutes. I certify that the building is vacant. Removal of Service for Building Demolition CUSTOMER REOUEST SYSTEM(cR5)TRACKING NUMBER REMOVAL DATE NEEDED 7E 4O'.3 09 - 28 -06 STREET ADDRESS WHERE ELECTRIC SERVICE IS TO RE PERMANENTLY REMOVED 4C &P8riZA NI sow 7bilv'EL �y TOWN STATE ZIP CODE 0 @ L„....._ LLCM fait-Le , ACCOUNT NUMBER METER NUMBERS) com.Esas NE4-,c) mere-1zJ? tvloy&D I ALSO S QkrIcE wilze ol'r 1k o m 't"12ieX 5 i t e. 60, "Pt)LE ovi '$c iz rv‘off' 1, , fnd8 L� wA5 Rrn.OVEu . n► x) Hbr€ Ta E G1-1 LLE—i) AT A t — t= PRINT NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER Sl.NATURE OF PROPERTY OWNS• NSG t.!'S r N C . j_..�.� ±rr ,. _ ' -EVI501,,"C , MAIUNO ADDRESS o. .Sox ,o B TOWN STATE ZIP CODE '501-3THr t4&-`rd Cr, 04, 469 TELEPHONE NUMBER OF PROPERTY OWNER 19_3-0._8 i My Comnian ExP,111111:31,2010 W"- .46.00N—L. 9 //1-7 IOTARY PODIA 7 1 DATE NOTARIZED •CL&P INTERNAL USE ONLY• Date service removed:r4-1 -/)1.4 ___.Please add a lob note to CRS indicating the date and to whom this signed-oft form was returned.File this completed form with this completed service removal work order. PRINT NAME OF CL&P REPRESENTATIVE 5 RE OF CLEP REPRE E DATE V(1\44r 0,1rift �. 'ci sme- To Avoid Delays Please Complete All information On This Form U.S,Postai: Rs Ee; i ■■ L ■ 1111■ —� m ■ ■ ■■■ ■■■ - VI 1 ■ ■ ■■■■■■■ __ 'Id ■ �■ _ ■■■M ■■All — mp milmi II - ,0 r2 . o 0 0 ■ 1 1111■ 1111 - - - - - - :a ■ ■ _ ■■ 1111 ■ ■ 1111 ■ ■ 3 ■ ■ 1111■ ■ ■■ r - a■ ■ ■ ■■ � . 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Immummimmommommemmillimilmmullarillmill'iliI plillit - :: III I 1111 1111 I 001J 0 nu unutin musii it: I - xAo iiiIflhlHhINililiIiuIHIiIIIuIUIF 1111111111111111111111111111111111...... 11111111111111 11111111111111111111111 111111111111111 111111111111111111111111 .............v.immilimplim Imilml"millim slum . ....1...... allamairma kompommunn 111111111111111 1111111111111111111111 111111 Illi 1 1 111 11 1 11111 11 I 3 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII/II I II 11111111 III. 111111111111111111 III 111111111111111111111111111E 11111111111111 i