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Maintenance Building 1992
r ' TOWN OF MONTVILLE Building Department CERTIFICATE FOR USE AND OCCUPANCY Zone: R-20 Date: 8/12/93 This is to certify that the structure at: 30 Rainbow Drive constructed as: a maintenance building under Permit No: 9984 conforms substantially to the requirements of the Building Ordinances and the Zoning Regulations of the Town of Montville and the Basic Building Code of the State of Connecticut and is hereby approved for use or occupancy under Use Group: B ( see Section: 303 .0 of the Basic Building Code .1 Conn . ) signed; 6 .??,e4lo.d-e.02 ( / / Building Official , Town of Mone )ile NOTICE; Retain this certificate for future reference . Form No . B .D . 001 TOWN OF MONTVILLE, CONNECTICUT - CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NUMBER: 142-92 Dated: June 30, 1992 Permission is hereby granted to Jensen' s Inc. to use the facility located on Old Colchester Road; Assessor' s Map 16, Lots 29,77.30,38 as a maintenance building in accordance with zoning permit number 92_69 dated April 10, 1992 and in compliance with the Zoning Regulations for the Town of Montville, Connecticut. ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION, TOWN OF MONTVILLE, CONNECTICUT 1 ►Zvxvcl � � �— Agent for the Zoning and PIanning Commission The recipient of this Certificate accepts this Certificate on the condition that he as the owner or as representing the owner, agrees to comply with all applicable ordinances and regulations of the Town of Montville and the State Statutes of the State of Connecticut regarding the use, occupancy and type of activity to be instituted. It is furthermore understood that any change of use of the facility for which this Certificate is being issued does require a new Certificate of Use and Compliance. NOTE: Changes granted applicant after issuance of the Zoning Permit are to be clearly specified in the Certificate of Use and Compliance. /!/ //,*.P,F�� �` TOWN OF MONTVILLE No PERMIT FOR PUBLIC SEWER CONNECTION DATE 746/73 FEE $ 36- PERMIT NO. /o7,9 TYPE NO. OF UNITS / LOCATION (<,4�A; 3-cw ��� 11,E J4;; OWNER(S) OF RECORDS J v S i1 -2:-.✓e.. NAME /- C o u 75--t) ,� 17.)A) MAILING ADDRESS TIE-IN CONTRACTOR I C5U DATE ;3c 3 VNt_. - INSPECTED BY M ► METERED METER NO. DATE FIRST READING INSTALLED SKETCH OF LOT SHOWING WELL OR WATER PIPES, BUILDING AND PROPOSED TIE-IN ROUTE TO STREET STUB. Show as-built connection complete with all measurements from a permanent structure to pipe exit from building and all cleanout locations trap and vent (if outside) , grease pit (if any) , grinder pump installation (if any) . (Use back of white sheet if necessary. ) '„J �V PkG Lo I o - o #3v _wrT7Q c /., Ai 4;Ail' ViRO oN� Kr}iAIB0W /' 0 02 , 1 AU cSl,�iA��%`e� Pv WPCA COPY INSPECTOR COPY OWNER COPY (white) (yellow) (pink) (� TOWN OF MONTVILLE/ � JC2E St�Ja26.I2aL( 6, .O[fLCE Michael E. Kelley FORT SHANTOK ROAD Raymond T. Occhialini Fire Marshal UNCASVILLE, CONNECTICUT 06382 Deputy Fire Nil (203)848-1175 FAX (203)848-2552 July 14, 1992 Russell Stauffer, 310 Norwich New London Tpk. Uncasville CT 06382 RE: Final Inspection — Jensen' s Maintenance Building Dear Russ, On 14 July 1992, this Office and the Building Department conducted a joint final inspection of the above noted location. I offer the following comments : 1. All requirements to the Connecticut Fire Safety Code have been complied with. 2. The two (2) fire extinguishers need to be on site, prior to issue of C. O. This Office has no problem with the C. O. being issued by your agency, once the fire extinguishers are in place. Respectfully yours, Michael E. Kelley MEK:ch Fire Marshal pc: files P&H Construction P. O. Box 164 Uncasville ZONING PERMIT ZONING PF FIT 11113ER 92 DATE S&BIITTED February 18. 1992 EXPIRATION DATE: App (cant: Jensen's, Inc. Apvlllcant's Address 246 Redstone St. , Southington, (f Telephone ND. 793-0281 Property Owner: Jensen's, Inc. Property Location: West side Kite.mauz Road Assessor's 43p Nb. 80 Lot Nb. 27 Subdivision Name: N/A Zone: R-120 Lot Area: 4 acres Budding height: N/A Total Floor Area of Structure atter llevelCprert N/A Sign Area (If Applicable): N/A Nature of Reg-est/Proposed Use: Installation of sewer pump station to serve Marina Cove Adult Community This zoning permit and two copies thereof shall include plans drawn to a scale of at least t" = 40' showing dirrensions of the lot, the size, area and location on the lot of existing, proposed, principal and accessory structures. driveways. sanitary facilities and water supply, parking facilities, and adjacent streets. Distances of structures frvn property livres and centerlines of public roads runt also be indicated. In the case of fill or excavation requests (under 500 Wok yards), dimensions of fill or excavation area must be included. Any other specific uses oust also comply with the zoning regulations. A plan prepared by a Connecticut Registered Land Surveyor may be required. The applicant guarantees to adhere to all the applicable requirements of the zoning regulations. In addition, the applicant agrees to notify the Commission or its appointed agent of any alterat4cn in the plans. The use specified above shall NOT be authorized rntil an actual Certificate of Use and •'. ianceys I sued by the Commission or its appointed agant. THIS FEINT AUIKRIZES 1W APPLICANT TO PRCCEIED pa... a FCR my RH111RED puimus Jensen's, L . /04..e4,--y,0 2-2-o-92----gy \ Comm stun Agent Action/Date \V cant \Its Agent . — ..._ PLAN REAR YARD DIMENSION LOCATION OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE OR USE I b � b H •cri i W V7 I � N z BUILDING LINE DIMENSION (WIDTH) FRONT YARD DIMENSION SIREEI For Planning Office Applicant: Permit Number Use only Address: Permit Issuance Date Map N Lot f€ Expiration Date Cements: Inspect: F,. /?1/4 „)17/ TOWN OF MONTVILLE Building Department 948-7166 APPROVED BUILDING PERMIT OR TRADES PERMIT I Permit No: 9984—E Approval Date: 4/28/92 Expiration Date : 10/28/92 Estimated Cost : 1, 800. 00 Fees : 10. 00 PRF: C. 01 Owner: Jensen' s Inc. Address : Southington Tel : 793-0281 Job Location: Rainbow Drive, Maintenance Building Code: 11 Contractor: PerfettoElec. Address: 922 Stafford Rd. Tel : 429-4848 Stick Built : Modular Home: Manufactured Home: Commercial : x Addition: Garage: Car Port : Shed: Remodeling : Roofing : Siding : Fireplace: Chimney : Windows : Pool : Demolition : Plumbing : Heating: Electrical : x Air Conditioning : Gas: Patio : Porch: Deck : New: x Repair/Replacement : Type of material used/discription : electrical for maintenance building and temp. elec. Size: Type of Heat : Fireplace : No. of Stories : No. Rooms : Breezeway : No. Baths : Garage : Use : I hereby certify that the proposed work will conform to the Basic Building Code and all other Codes as adopted by the State of Connecticut, and the Town of Montville. " T � Applicant' s Signature: 4,4/..,4;, / / Date : i��41,— _� If signed by Contractor, type of /icense/ lir tr tion • No: 7c),;1°515-- 4:—../ Building Official' s Signature : `M' ' ��,/ •.I// �0i5" ' /)late: A.e-4,,, / 1/ .► Date of Health Dept. Approval :, _ Date of Zoning Approval : /17 THIS IS TO INFORM YOU THAT UNDER THE CONNECTICUT AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING CODE, SECTION 119. 1 A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY USE OF THE STRUCTURE. • 92 04!23 09: 0 • •_03 42':�« i •a 4675 C21 PEPFETTr P. 02 . i 7?eqetto &?ecteic PLUMBING - HEATING - ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SERVING ALL YOUR ELECTRICAL, NEEDS 922 STAFFORD RD. - RR 2 - STORRS, CONNECTICUT 0626E Town of Montville Building Dept. April 22,1992 To Whom it may concern; Here is a copy of my electrical license. I have authorized Bill of P & H Construction to do the permits for the follwing job. Jensens Inc. Hillcrest, Maint. Building. If you have any questions I can be reached at 429-4848. r,7,----.2. _,, . Sincerely, &LOC OF CONNECTICUT Roger E. Perfetto DEPT.OF CONSUMER PROTECT RC Perfetto Electric Inc. WARD FOR OCC. LIC. I _f T IP,_. 7liis iS to Certifytrf ti�.--r provisions of the Goners:statutes the e U.' ff <r: u. tollowlnp person nnoror firm IS rt ' `r lionnsed'registorad as R: .C. tai C:i . lf i ILLCTR1CAL b 1- UNLMTO CONTRACTOR--Ll ' '' u: RUGLR Pk:RFETEU LAGLLV1[LL CT 06268 IGNE _17, FEe rnin -- l—A-4 "4 L IC.NU 1.024.25 J150_, 00_ EFFECTIVE 1 EXPIRES 10/01/91 110/01/93 TOWN Or MONTVILLE P Building Department � Application for a Permit Owner: JENSEN 5 ZNG. Address: 216, REDSTon1 E SC-,e,Lr ET 6'Tor•1 ANN. oG1 9 Tel : 743-08 50o-Ni►y Job Location: OLD GoLC T,- Igyp Contractor: P R.p , T rNL Address: 92Z ST1} ffot.o i2,b. STokeS Tel : 4Z9-4g4i( Stick Built: X Modular Home: Manufactured Home: commercial : Addition: Garage: Car Port: Shed: Remodeling: Roofing: 9: Siding: Fireplace: Chimney:— Windows: Pool : Demolition: Plumbing: Heating: Electrical : - Air Conditioning: Gas: Patio: Porch: Deck: New: Repair/Replacement: Type of Material to be used/job description: Size: Type of Heat: E2-EG7: Fireplace: No.of Stories: I No. Roo,na: 3 Breezeway: No. Bathe: ( Garage: Use: I . STATE OF CONNECTICUT a 23 DEPT.OF CONSUMER PROTECTICva q BOARD .FOR OCC. , LIC. 11'1 N r'1 This is to certify that under the in provisions of the General Statutes Q N the following person and/or firm _ is licensed/registered as: O = ELECTRICAL `J' 8•••1 UNLMTD JOURNEYMAN-TE2 MICHAEL' H JONES 922 STAFFORD ROAD STORKS CT 06268 SIGNED: 4/,�� JL / FEE PAID . LIC.NO 159462 120.00 EFFECTIVE EXPIRES 10/01/91 10/01/93 it_(_ 1 �N/ADZ GAM tS72•v, T F'o►2 767v s s J o 3 R C Qtrcr • • • • I► • 4//° TOWN OF MONTVILLE Building Department 848-7166 APPROVED BUILDING PERMIT OR TRADES PERMIT For 180 Days Permit No: 9984-P Approval Date: 5/20/92 Expiration Date: 11/20/92 Estimated Cost: 1 ,000 .00 Fees: 10 .00 PRF: C .O: Owner : Jensen 's Inc . Address: Southington Tel: 793-0281 Job Location: Rainbow Drive Code: 11 Contractor : Lamb 's Plumbing Address: 231 Route 32 Tel : 848-7326 Stick Built: Modular Home: Manufactured Home: Commercial : x Addition: Garage: Car Port: Shed: Remodeling: Roofing: Siding: Fireplace: Chimney: Windows: Pool : Demolition: Plumbing: x Heating: Electrical : Air Conditioning: Gas: Patio: Porch: Deck: New: x Repair/Replacement: Type of material used/discription: install sink and toilet for new bath in maintenance building Size: Type of Heat: Fireplace: No.of Stories: No . Rooms: Breezeway: No. Baths: Garage: Use: I hereby certify that the proposed work will conform to the Basic Building Code and all other Codes as adopted by the State of Connecticut , and the Town of Montville . Applicant 's Signature: C� Date: :T,o /s/ 1"R_ If signed by Contractor , type of license/registration & No: 2J a_D 3l0 BuildingDate: Date of Health Dept . Approval : // 4V- Date of Zoning Approval : ,10- THIS IS TO INFORM YOU THAT UNDER THE CONNECTICUT AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING CODE , SECTION 119 .1 A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY USE OF THE STRUCTURE . LAMB PLUMBik1G & HEATING 231 Route 32 UNCASVILLE, CONNECTICUT 06382 (203) 848 - 7326 NOTICE OF A1TTHORIZATICN DATE: 6 / of c)-- I, Glenn A. Lanb, owner of Lanb Plumbing & Heating hereby authorize on the above mentioned date the following employee H C Cit V l r 1<c n n y to pul 1 a permit for the job ]mown as e VL S F a i S tO C`{ K S 1'1 Ci j • SIGNED: . • STALE OF CONNECTICUT IL .; DEPT.OF CONSUMER PROTECTICINp bUAoo KIM UCC. LTC. TMs Is to certify that under the vt++ provision of the General Statutes the .moi • following person andror firm IS Ie R. Iloeneeyrsgwrsd as: G r 1- PLUMBING d UNLNTU CONTRACTOR--P1 GLENN A LAMB 609 QLD COLCHESTER RD UaCASVTLLE CT 06382 .. j FEE PAID L[C.NO 203109 $150.00 EFFECTIVE EXPIRES 10/01/91 10/01/93 TOWN OF MONTVILLE Building Department Application for a P rmit J-eAs�.ns iob'IL _ : k • o Owner: 1-boo ,Q. Palk Addreaa. 7 :- • ".�� : �►� ��PTe1 Job Location: TW-44 r jfll�j�U1 .Z31 3 Lnc 4 u, (.! Contractor: Lam bR1 I-) }-�QGr Addreaa: A..)-1—,0 . °'Tel : EYP'-- 5Q (o Stick Built: Modular Home: Manufactured Home: commercial : t� Addition: _ Garage: _ Car Port: _ Shed: _ Remodeling: _ Roofing: Siding: _ Fireplace: _ Chimney: Windowa: _ Pool : _ Demolition: Plumbing: .Z Heating: Electrical : _ Air Conditioning: _ Gaa: Patio: _ Porch: Deck: New: 1. Repair/Replacement: Type of Material to be used/job description: 1 - ..) 1r111/ / — i l E)+ Size: Type of Heat: Fireplace: No.of Stories: No. Rooma: Breezeway: No. Bathe: Garage: Use: % A 131012i 17 TOWN OF MONTVILLE Building Department 848-7166 APPROVED BUILDING PERMIT OR TRADES PERMIT ________JFAnAARLPAy_s Permit No: 9984 Approval Date: 4/22/92 Expiration Date : 10/22/92 Estimated Cost : 16, 800. 00 Fees 100. 00 PRF: 13. 00 C. 0: 25. 00 Owner: „Tenser ' s Inc. Address : Southington Tel : Job Location: Rainbow Drive Codes 08 Contractor: P & H Construction Address: P. O. 164, Uncasville Tel : 848-2372 Stick Built : Modular Home: Manufactured Home : Commercial : x Addition: Garages Car Port : Shed : Remodeling : Roofing: Siding : Fireplaces Chimney : Windows : Pool : Demolition : Plumbing: Heating : Electrical : Air Conditioning : Gas : Patio : Porch: Decks New: x Repair/Replacement ' Type of material used/discriptions wood frame storage/repair building Size: 24' x 28' Type of Heat : elec. Fireplace : No. of Stories: 1 No. Rooms : 2 Breezeway : No. Baths : 1/2 Garage : Use: Maintenance Bldg. I hereby certify that the proposed work will conform to the Basic Building Code and all other Codes as adopted by the State of Connecticut, and the Town of Montville. Applicant' s Signature: 4/ 1 Date: If signed by Contractor, type o license/registratior & No : Building Official' s Signature: - d.,//1.q"' /i' l Oatel Date of Health Dept. Approval : 4eft Date of Zoning Approval : _14— THIS IS TO INFORM YOU THAT UNDER THE CONNECTICUT AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING CODE, SECTION 119. 1 A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY USE OF THE STRUCTURE. a ZONING PERMIT ZONING PERMIT NUUBER 9a.6 DATE SUBMITTED April 10, 1992 EXPIRATION DATE: Y 5 Appl iCant: Jensen's, Inc. Applicant's P ddress 246 Redstone St. , Southington, CT Telephone No. 2nn-791—n2Ri Property Owner: Jensen's, Inc. Property Location: Old Colchester Road Assessor's Map No. Lot No. Subdivision Nacre: Hill Crest Zone: Lot Area: Building Height: 16' Total Floor Area of Structure after Develont 672 s.F. Sign Area (If Applicable): Nature of Request/Proposed Use: Maintenance Building This zoning permit and two copies thereof shall include plans drawn to a scale of at least 1" = 40' showing dirrensions of the lot, the size, area and location on the lot of existing, proposed, principal and accessory structures, driveway sanitary facilities and water supply, parking facilities, and adjacent streets. Distances of structures frau property lines and centerlines of public roads crust also be indicated. In the case of fill or excavation requests (under 500 cubic yards), dimensions of fill or excavation area crust be included. Any other specific uses must also comply with the zoning regulations. A plan prepared by a Connecticut Registered Land Surveyor may be required. The applicant guarantees to adhere to all the applicable requirements of the zoning regulations. In addition, the applicant agrees to notify the Commission or its appointed agent of any alteration in the plans. The use specified above shall NOT be authorized until an actual Certificate of Use and Compliance is issued by the Carmission or its appointed age. THIS PERMIT AUTH3RI7FS THE APPLICANT TO PROCEED TO THE E3UILDING DEPAREIENT FOR ANY REQUIRED PERMITS • ', /, s , f For Jensen's, Inc Cctimission Agent Action/Date P & H .��5 iiiCt PLAN de •REAR YARD DIMENSION See Attached LOCATION OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE OR USE Ci) O tdi7 • 4 ti kb , ' 0 i1 W � 1 PTTTT T1TM(' T.TNF. nTMFNSTUN (WIDTH) - - - - - - - -1-- ' --'-- -1 --1-' - 1---f--t--1--f-- '---' AR i II ' III 1 1 I _ ' 11 I: !_ 1 i i T 1 , , 4 _1 : , INNIMINNIMMININ-. IMO • 1 1 L 1 1 I 1 Id 1 ! 1 MINN „ 11111111 1111111- II -1-1 ' Fit-P4 14- 1tH : Ilh = 11 EN•••••• INMENERi ERN j--- : -F. ji---1 ; RU • 1EMMEN ••••••••■••• 1 i .-.f. ___ '11-__ _i_. 1 ' ± ' • ass 1•111111110 MINIIIIMITE111 RI _:. IN Wpm ••••••■•••••••• Ell, NEWT • SEIM EMI 1111111••••••••111010•1 Mill ••• _ .41111 MEMO IM•1110•1111MIIE1111m111111111•10•11 . _ RiNi Ell _!... 1 1 I III NEMENNIIIHNEMIEM INEENNwilos NEN RN , IIIII•••• rommosimo.m. 11,11,101.11,...171„ 1 III 1 ......rimmo .. ...... ...Ei. • _ Iiiiiikk7 IMO immiwmpiumso 111111111111. 111111119111pir-_ _ 4 ......... _ ___k 111111,11••• ••••ffin INN NMI 1 111 li I ‘k, i k_ -+ I 1 4_4 IR 1 IIIIIMMI lin 11601111111 iiii ictir I —1 -- --1-4.----H molf 4-, isomm am inmi umin 11111 r , _1_, : NE ammismi ENE maiiiiiimm inn oni____H____44., 1 ! ! Ram I rim= NNE sumiliimmil 1111 1* 1 _4 1 1._ L ! i 1 IN mum mom orir.. I di I cl 1 , 1 H . mom mummutilms II _Loma 1 in I I ,•,;, !. i i 1 _i_. i i NE 1 ginummozium • , ! mommu 11111 I I 1,),q,, 1 _i I i 1 mmummumEsa igs . i Emma lito 1 I kh,_ Lt , 1 1 1 ; h 1. •Ell 1"19 1 1'111' 1"1" 1 IV i 1 iii 1 iti 4, NE I 1 1 I I ii i,, _ e i , , • .111111 111111 NH I III 19 rii [ ILL- _i ••• 4•1. • ' imam di iii , , 5, ,1 ! 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OFFia; /2 12 8 11Z.9€1 fr 111`"if' 245T" X44 scel 1,152,sr-r 3199 2000 ?4T1( 6 5 8 30 5S17 .3 57 IT 2-166`i Fr 820. 50 b REMARKS: 3040p16- F-oi2 -SHOP Use- °A/4 r 14:47- 11/4/ 7%.6-1) fes, lv01762 Pi Pi_r_ t734 ri.Argtrl _ All work covered by this application has been authorized by the (owner) or (agent) of this property and will be done according to local code and regulations. DATE APPLICANT PHONE Ih . J_L_ 1 -E- i---t --.,__...._...___ I ._ - t I-....._t'-- ---t--F---, I ■■■■ i _. _-■�IN nli • ■: ■!�'■�i ± .: 1 in 1111 ; ■► -�1// i_____!_ 1 f-_ , ! , _..I i _ _fi.__ I 1 11 En 1_ ' ~i i I 1 ! i ° _+_. 1f _ ,, i i ■■■ t 1 s, aa _. l -i: :t , rt 14 , ■■ a •• ! �- _u � ■1I IIIlii"1!1:U1� ,-'. _L._i h--t. 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OVER HFAD DOOR 2.421.1a i LA221 • SLE NONE APPROVED 8Y oanwrev am(, DATE 3/13/92 8fwsco PLUMBING SLAB WORK--JENSFN'S OFFICE&SHOP 'P-t*701101S-1*101483*/F-I*0674* rwlwiwug TEL 703 848-7376 FAX • 848-475, - —,�- -, — I i MI V—---- & - --- --I ' r, l► 112- M■ ■■ ■ ■■ B- '■_ ® -r 11 - M■■■■ ■ _ - ---- - ---1-- _.---; s-1 ---." - -- o - !Ammo MENU _- __ _- , -1- . --; 1---:.--_) -1-- `--, ----'`71111.1... 111 NM -_-- - r N --1----- --- ; ' • _ _ . _ _ ___1.____L.4±1 , _ tit I. mu • _ !_._J ra 11. Il E■ il + I y i 1 0 SNitV , - ■■■..■ Earn ____I_ _ --1--1---i--1.1-.1 SHOPS; ; — 1 11■■■■■■_" RIE 's • ._ - . ....... IS '4s-7 ••••` - \■ L all IIIIIN 111 1■■ U1ii __- _ _+7 L----, , /-_1‘_-_,i_. _- _i—___— , N■• ■ .:- e , ;_.- _ , .. .____ ,_ _ r , j.„ w6li , i - - -, LE II- • , --t-- i i -i- 1 , i 1 t----,-- I D =1 t Li-I-1-1 I ■ ■ I EtIU I ' r 1 i I I -,1 ■1111 i . z !!!!!!!! 1!1-f !!!! r hy _. 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