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MFH 2003
cn ƒ 2 k = G o 0 q , _ k % / 2 2 •= o k 7 0 0 P. S ƒ .. U u 7 ,. \ * { o - g :4.4 a ^ � , 2 7 = .M 11 U t 71 u t = 0 S ° W ,112. k ° �g 4- 6 / v)'r:"' §C = CI \ O CUD eJ ms 3 G E0k = o q o q 2 4- - 2 8 o o 2 2 L K + � 0 U | q S _ \. 2 _ E• U q G o U 2 / 0 / ?2 q 7y ? | o •- m q o 4 ] Ch § •- cl+ § = 3 m / ƒ 2 -4 o as k a § H t o q § a \ 2 = / ® o . / 0 N a d § 2 = �� \ R = j k 9 2 k \ | E-1 c4 = o $ 2 Q 0 0 0 \ 444,„:1r ® a : � %! . , \ @¢/ \ \i-„, .„,--. 1$/ . | ._ 1 0 Town of Montville 0 , Building Department Date e) , 7 Field Inspection Notice Permit# 1420(),-/% Job Location /1/ ka--/ A) p 4, 6 `r' - 24 Approved Type of Inspection / - , ' G r 3-/ J ' cT I call for re-inspection then the followingcorrections have been completed: Not Approved - Please p , t //� Building Official I t 0 Town qf Montville Buildink Department Date / / 0 3 Field Inspection Notice Permit#/,3:,2Q0p Job Location 1/ dr4,-1104l t/ I I Approved Type of Inspection e, ( Not Approved - Please call for re-inspection when the following corrections have been completed: / 4)0S GINS LJ2-vsPoo Ar ' - T Building Official Town of Montville (;) Building Department Date / /0 I 03 Field Inspection Notice Permit # Job Location 1/ 2 A JO 'Ga Approved Type of Inspection Vi C 12 PI t iv INot Approved - Please call for re-inspection when the following corrections have been completed: (�/ Building I o-c*. Town o Montville 0 g Buildin department Date 7 / / I /a3 Field Inspection Notice Permit # Job Location /) la A I*Jspa XApproved Type of Inspection G Lz ca8"SZv►Lv? Not Approved - Please call for re-inspection when the following corrections have been completed: B.it e"•_ •fficial Town of Montville Building Department 848-3030,Ext 82 ONE&TWO FAMILY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY SIGN-OFF SHEET // _ / ;:i)tr—1 e_ r erty Address Job Description: 727.a.,_A/Gx- G r l Ge-1 e J �Q 6 f The owner/agent shall be responsible for the completion of the form, no certificate of occupancy will be issued until all signatures below have been obtained. HEALTH DISTRICT 848-3030-339 Approved ❑ Permit#: i(ONot Applicable Septic System Date Approved ❑ Permit#: ( Not Applicable Private Well Date ((// WPCA DEPARTMENT 848-3030,Ext.376 AI Rpal Approved / . Date C�� Permit#: ❑ Not Applicable niciSewer 1 House Trap ❑ Outside ❑ Inside Approved ❑ Permit# LI Not Applicable Municipal Water Date DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 848-7473 Approved ❑ Permit#: /;Not Applicable Director Date PLANNING&ZONING D ARTMENT 848-3030.Ext.379 In-Compliance a/f/03 ® Permit#: 3/Z' ❑ Not Applicable Zoning ate fJ ✓d" In-Compliance l ❑ Permit#: j Not Applicable Inland-Wetlands Date • *visa 6/28/2002 i 'ea LP' Town of Montville _ _ . Building Department 848-3030, Ext 82 cal/1333o ONE & TWO FAMILY NSTRUCTION PERMIT SIGN-OFF SHEET J ) (Qin i,JcA ) perty Address // / Job Description: ��' �j16 � j o �: � nLfi,•e The owner/agent shall be responsible for the completion of the form, no construction permit will be issued until all signatures below have been obtained. HEALTH DISTRICT 848-3030-882 ❑ Permit#: 0 Not Applicable Septic System Date ❑ Permit#: ❑ Not Applicable Private Well Date W1?C.&DEP•.'T►; NT 848-3030,Ext.881 A / 6 _ Permit#: ❑ Not Applicable icipal Sewer Date ❑ Permit# ❑ Not Applicable Municipal Water Date DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 848-7473 D Permit#: ❑ Not Applicable Director Date PLANNING&ZONING DEPARTMENT 848-3030,Ext.81 aQ �Ce---r1 ,1 cw 11'416 S Permit#:�Xi� )( ❑ Not Applicable Z ing Date ), gl, f{i1 z^ 3\ U I G ❑ Permit#: 9 Not Applicable Inland` etlands Date l4 Town of Montville ' Plan Review Form Date: MAY /% 2-6,o3 // Street Address: 2 AwBou 17 -i vz Job Description: 7Z-epLAC isr..T We have received a building permit application for the above referenced property. In accordance with Connecticut General Statute 29-263,your application is being rejected for the following reason(s)that are checked-off or commented on: • Supporting Documentation Plans are to be drawn to scale including dimensions of rooms and spaces and all framing information Building permit application not completed,signed,dated __)c_Permit fee$ )J911_.. 9 Worker's comp.Affidavit or worker'comp.Insurance Copy Contractor's registration or license Construction permit sign-off sheet Street address of project on all drawings and documents Comments: i n ding Official • Town of Montville BUILDING DEPARTMENT 310 Norwich-New London Turnpike Uncasville,CT 06382 (860)848-3030, Ext. 382 Mechanical Permit Permit Number: M2003-0133 Date: 31-Jul-03 Map/Lot: 016/T29-T11 Owner ID 122507 Job Location: ii RAINBOW DRIVE Unit Job Description: set tank&run gas line Owner: Contractor: Marion C Esposito Amerigas 275 So. Main Street 11 Rainbow Drive Colchester Ct. 06415- Uncasville CT 06382 Telephone: (860) 537-5925 Lic/Reg Type/No. G1 388666 Exp Date: 31-Aug-03 Tenant: Self Telephone: Construction Values Permit Fees Construction Information Building Value: $0.00 Building Fee: $0.00 Use Group: R4 Plumbing Value: $0.00 Plumbing Fee: $0.00 Code: 1995 CABO Mechanical Value: $250.00 Mechanical Fee: $10.00 Construction Type: 5B Electrical Value: $0.00 Electrical Fee: $0.00 Permit Code: R5 Other Value: $0.00 Other Fee: $0.00 Comments: I Total Value: $250.00 CO Fee: $0.00 Plan Review Fee: $0.00 State Ed Fee: $0.04 Total Fees: $10.04 It is the owners responsibility to schedule the following inspections(minimum 48 hours notice required: ❑ Footing-Prior to pouring concrete ❑ Rough HVAC ❑ Backfill-Footing drains and waterproofing ❑ Fireplace Throat ❑ Concrete Slab-Prior to pouring concrete ❑ Chimney-One flue above thimble ❑ Rough Framing ❑ Firestopping/draftstopping ❑ Rough Electrical ❑ Insulation ❑ Electrical Service ❑ Final Inspection ❑ Rough plumbing and leak test ❑ Certificate of Occupany C Gas piping and test Building Official's Signature: / / 1 Town of Montville i/ Permit# Building Department , _:,, ' 310 Norwich-New London Tpke. Tel. 848-3030, Ext 82 Uncasville, CT 06382 Fax. 848-7231 One & Two Family LP-Gas Permit Application Form Job Location /1 44, 9 6cJ si.D✓1 Job Description/Materials 1,4 O (tt ;Q -± .: 5-1 \10- !1 y)U/I-e}i (09e, Owner � • Mailing Address d 4f6 Re /W7te . City �j State , Zip ./Z:;#8`9 Tel $b 0 / 79.. /O g-i Contractor Mailing Address c975 SU )CGI,!'! J/ City ali—faeA, State Zip 0 6 Y"5 Tel 6 ' /..53 7 /59 .5 Contractor's License/Registration Type&Number 3$ &(pLp(.0 Exp. Date F / 3 I /03 I hereby certify that the proposed work will conform to the Basic Building Code and all other codes as adopted by the State of Connecticut and the Town of Montville and further attest that the proposed work is authorized by the owner in fee and that I am authorized to make application for a permit for such work as described above. Owner/Agent Signature Date / / Construction Value Fee Building $ $ Plumbing $ $ Mechanical $ $ Electrical $ $ Other $ a SO• o v $ z Certificate of Occupancy $ Plan Review Fee $ �f State Education $ , Q 7 Total $ $ / .0 ' d t/ Town of Montville Building Department Receipt Date 7 I j d i____ No. U 3 0 2 3 From: Gam-.e_, r ,J Job Address: /1 / ) ' I Amount $ _04Cash Check Check # (Circle one) Permit # ��3 Received by .� �._� �� 1/111,......, IT z • ' =',-,,,•,'..t,),-•.- -..••,; .-:'••;••=YSdYvs' 4] txi -!)•'•:.,:=•'.'••:;-..'s•.'7:•,' ', � '- • .lC rO t i Y /....,(..,..,...r...,.,7::,1--47 ! •% Ys �..� C 'Irt F � rJ ,.,'.?-6"t M ,U (.."-:',`,7',''''.'-, i4.2.7-:1'..,--;--- t aw r 1ic r , =;-..‘4,-••-,:'.'• A l�'?dY i ACORD„ CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE, NSE ID NPG DAp3/17/0)3 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER CSF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE Mathog & Honiello Cos . , Inc- HOLDER,THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR 433 South Main Street Ste 116 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. West Hartford CT 06110-2E15 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE Phone: 860-313-2000 Fax:860-561-2882 -- -• • -- riuR�o INSURERA• Pennsylvania Manufacturer's •._--_ rNSURER S. __-- — Jensen's, Inc. IkSURER C. —�.. . - — A n Krieger . 246 r2edstone St.-PQ Box 608 INSUFtGH D' •_-_,___,•, -- Southa ngton CT 06489 INSURER E' I COVERAGES -- THE FOLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED.NO•TwtrNsTANDINC ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMF.NT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS,EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH pOUCIES AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. -P CFF[cTIVC'FSCf PCYFtIFFiiT1bR LIMITS LTA ILA TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER DATE(MM/DDr1 I I DATE(AAM/DDh-Y) EACH OCCURRENCE S GENERAL LIABILITY FIRE DAMAG 5(Any ono tkA) $ — - COMMERCIAL GEAIERAL LIABILITY MED EXP(AnyAOS Ono Qflfl 1J $ CLAIMS MADE L._.j OCGUR — _. .__ ----. PE...__. _AAD----_Y 5 GENERAL AGGREGATE $ -.,. _-._,_—__ PRODUCTS•COMPlOPAGG $ _ GEN'LAGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: POLICY PERQT LOC COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT S AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY CCO INEnt) ANY AUTO ,._.__..-._......_..,....... 60DILY INJURY ALL OWNED AUTOS (Pur puraen) .S _,_.._.... ... SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS tlOOILY INJURY y /Pet necidcrit) NON.OWNED AUTOS _-I _ FµOPEK t DAMAGE PS p/occidorJ) Ali ro ONLY•EA ACCIDENT $ GARAGE LIABILITY $ qCC A OTHER•THAN EEA ACC $.. _ .. .. ,... 1. 1 ANY ALIfO AUTO ONLY' AGG S EACH OCCURRENCE S EXCESS LIABILITY AGGREGATE _ S 1 OCCUR r_]f,LAlMS MADE --- — S — ___1 DEDUCTIBLE — $.. —•---__..._.... RETENTION S > —! VJCSIAIU- 0(H- WORKERS COM?EN3nTION AND X TORY LIMITS Ek E4IPLOTERS'LIABILITY200300-41-79-040A 01/01/03 01/01/04 E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $ 500000 A E.L.DISEASE••EA EMPLOYEE 5500000 E.L.DISEASE•POLICY LIMIT S 500000 OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSILOCATIONSNEHICLES/EXCLUSIONS ADDED SY ENDORSEMENT/SPECIAL PROVISIONS CERTIFICATE HOLDER IN ADDITIONAL INSURED;INSURER LETTER:_ CANCELLATION MONTV ZL SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF,THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 1Q_DAYS WRITTEN NOTICC TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLOER NAMED TO THE LEFT,OUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL Town of Montville IMPOSE No OBLIGATION CR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER,ITS AGENTS OR Building Dept. 310 Norwich-New London Tpke- REPRESENTATIVES, Uncasville CT 06382 AUTHORIZED RSS ENTATIVE I Kathy A. Eellemare QACORD CORPORATION 1988 • Building Official: Town of \-/Metn�✓v`G�iCG Dear Sir and/or Madam, During the course of my business day I am needed in many areas of the state. Today AmeriGas requires that I apply for a permit for a propane gas installation. As the propane contractor for AmeriGas it is my responsibility to over see these installations: however I am unable to arrange my schedule. Please accept this letter as a proxy,in lieu of a personal appearance for a permit application. Our customers name is l/p . r , ,P2 The work will be performed at // �G� � LTh Start date will be(approximately) and will be completed . Below is a copy of my current G-1 Gas Contractors license. My agent/COW 0,c,/4/nA-y . will process the necessary paperwork on my behalf. C STATE OF CONNECTICUT DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER PROTECTION HEATING,PIPING&COOLING LIMITED CONTRACTOR JEAN P BARACCO 1472-B STAFFORD RD STORRS,CT 06268 TYPE: G1 LIC./REG NO. EFFECTIVE EXPIRES 388666 01/23/2003 '`. 08/31/2003 SIGNED P Thank you, for your cooperation Jean Baracco Senior Service Technician ` ) H ((� z U 0 J W U I¢- IC- -' H Z m w O x ?m - ¢ z o a ¢ a H O LLI H O Z CO ~ U w FO gO. ¢ Q a O O �c -caai z : vco N w 0 y G C Q O D O v � F� /� \ ¢ mo _c to O� H W Cr) S fl)NO ` '� ^ C(� 7 CO e g 0 00 H0 `O �''. `�y `V4 a Y = - ❑ ❑ ❑ z r- , \!1 0 3 I-ui c— LL Q V \ C W >>,-T 3 O 0 C3� 0 a_0 a Q 0 1.11 J ), N. --j Q ro�0 Lu tA oF=- O f = QwW TW ) C6 CH U o oc, � � z a'Mw m�¢ O QN w cc � 0 -Z W > ..D ` = N O wv n ? 0 H U23}a _®= Ww � Ni ' Ua) CC 0 ~ J QNC) 7 �z WO o� CO oo z w cr a JJ �_o = 0ff z ¢ W0 Z cE 7 N co o ¢ wO U 0 ¢ \, 0 Cl uj (D a O CO a¢ U V U - Cy . CC U 0 C6 0 'r� \ 0._ —Q y L Cn O -..,) '--Z, C:3 ❑ ❑ ❑ J :c". C U�� O a . u) O t m ��� pow o a N zw °O 3 �a= �. �'Q Q -1z �6�0 1CS)W Q O V a` ,r, rt n CS C7H �o� OO� as . 34..... w CO O H E—< g ¢ c v O 0 W o w a W w } 45 ami °� �I CO • a O o C ((�� r-'D a N a5 O¢ i Q i O � W wO w U V O O y O ~\/ W '‘...• J Q w 3c� Z o l (\I w ¢ W ¢ C 0 LU A w Or >>W O Z I } 1 0 0 W < > (n Lel t Q. ��� C` 0 ❑ uu)i w U �.. v +�,' WU Q ❑❑❑❑ �:, ,,, .\v,\ NL.), .....N,1\,‘ .\, ..-,, 0 '....**C-.4.•-,Z....S 0 ¢u > CC \ V (� ®1 om OO\ ti C/- ro- W ..�} ❑ F- _\ V Z cn d 0 F- W ^��, ` � i c�� o CC --I O Z W c m \ w o H W > z WO N < ZOOwO1 ! ,� V.. i o� cn CO 0 `J H W z cc cc cc 00000 7-3 2 N1/4 HF \•- V Cr CWC) p a D IA 122-i ' ,-,, ) CD W '''S.4'.\ '`� \ tom �`y�'� Y ui <z w • ev� j . T or co 0 Z CnW. U cn O w w�` z p t- _, \ y _ p C.7 W W w ¢ ;��fi `> j WI w ❑❑ W a o m Z �I zw . c 2 11 w aw0 > � .. EL v va i _ W u) F- > O O W W _Uw COOCn W H Of 0 EC co >> 210p ¢ O >' �w W¢ ` �Q ❑❑❑❑ W cc HOU •p a Cl) ( w w Cn u) z I 2_cc Oi IU 07 0 0 JUN-09-2003 10:50 RON RISK SVCS 792 2521 P.02 '' I , lr1VI'1 1 Li • a+•-ammo•m-- - A 212 792 OF2 INFUKP. AVIV R DUCER ��, i�C',1'' •.�," THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS PRODUCER ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE Aon Risk Services,Inc,of Pennsylvania :iOLDER, THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR One Liberty Piace -ALTER THE OVERAG AFF•RDED 8 TH PO CIES BEL•W 1850 Market Street COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE Suite 1000 Philadelphia PA 19103 COMPANY ACE American Insurance Company A PHONE• 215 255-2000 FAX- (215 255-1893 COMPANY INSURED B AmeriGas Propane,LP.and Subsidiaries CQMPANV P.O.Box 858 G Valley Forge PA 19482 USA COMPANY 0 { 1,r N �, 4' ~M' 1ph Y 1 I q,� �V)1 lm, k 17', •' •1. +1 1 '. 1Wit 1 71wll`r�M '...47;.7: 6 Y p' / t..�Y;,�I+.1i11j.��!.;., 1 n��iiY�l1.'L/�M1114')�CI• M.L,�(,�d is Mt�.SI;C[I•," h„ it TERM OR CONDITION OF 0 THE POLICIES OTHER DOCUMENT N IS U RESPECT TO ALLO THE TERMS, THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD CERTIFICATE E l'e BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN.THE INSURANCE AFFORDED EXCLUSION AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS POLICY LFFECTiVE fOWC\'ElI PIRATION LIMITS [Nem. YVrCOM INSVRANCE ►OLICY NUMSCR DATE(MM/DOtVY) DATE(MM/DDY ) 04/01/03 07/01/04 GENERAL AGGREGATE $2,000'000 LIABILITY H 03-203 Gen PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG 52,000,000 y003-2004 Generul I-Iability/Ptoduds 51,000.000 COMMERCUL GENERAL LIABILITY PERSONAL&ADV INJURY. CLAIMS MAGE Q OCCUREACH OCCURRENCE S1,000,OOO pWNER 6 S CONTRACTOR S PROT FIRE DAMA+.GEIAnv One fuel S1 000,000 MED EXP IMV one oeteonl 510,000 04/01103 04/01/04 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $1,000,000 AIJT'OMOBILE LIABILITY ISAH0T87813A © ANY AUTO 03-04 Automobile-All States BODILY •, 111ALL OWNED AUTOS INJURY(ODLY�I ■ SCHEDULED AUTOS BODILY INJURY NI AUTOS Me,accident)` NON-OWNED AUTOS ,t 111PROPERTY DAMAGE t. III — AUTO ONLY-EA ACCIDENT pg ii GARAGE ANE L1Ae1LITY OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY: Lime"..14Cigi/D9�.J��l:c,: ■ ANY AUTO EACH ACCIDENT I AGGREGAT EACH OCCURRENCE D(CE98 UMBRELLAFY AGGREGATE j• FORM w OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORMi 04/01/03 04/01104 e,- t� �`��""' •-/ 'i mascot's COMPeNSATION AND SCFC42887712 EL EACH ACCIDENT51,000,000 !MPLOYe�•LIABILITY 03.04 WC Non-060V�IIble: WI PROPRIET OR/ INC■ L WLRC4298775A 04/01/03 04/01/04 E1019EASE•POLICYUNIT 51,000,000 $1,000,000 PARTNERS/EXECUTIVE 03.04 WOtkert Comp.-AOS EL UISEASE•EA EMPLOYEE OFFICERS ARE. EXCL 1 DESGRIPr ON OF OPERATION5/LDCATIONSNEHICLES/SPECIAL ITEMS 1', 1� '„ !,,':n 'p",•J.,)' , 504,Ae4)1:t :d•,"., ''e;Wf,'.'N ItCANCEL' 0 '17„,"."lliMfy!/'//':1'1'i44''',1':l•*04,l=21 s:?L.St::,.''f5_.v .,J. V:741 SHOULD ANY Of THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL TOWN OF EAST HADDAM 30 OAV9 WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT. 1 7 MAIN STREET EAST HADDAM CT 06423 USA BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO 06LIGATION OR LIABILITY • OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES °; t� G.WArU7�mTvMOR12ED REPRESENTATIVE Ivry ��J� 1 '! '. b�ir^' •i1.!.,1 .A�rL •4 I d, ,W r,V•�14.XLI ' • �I yI�MITZ: - IY4 t •••4L�t. :::'” ., - Holder Identifier: •:. , No: 570006362366 TOTAL P.02 • Town of Montville BUILDING DEPARTMENT 310 Norwich-New London Turnpike Uncasville,CT 06382 (860)848-3030, Ext. 382 Plumbing Permit Permit Number: P2003-0075 Date: 16-Jul-03 Map/Lot: 016/T29-T11 Owner ID 122507 Job Location: .1 RAINBOW DRIVE Unit Job Description: Plumbing Owner: Contractor: Marion C Esposito Cris Kerfus/Efficient Plumbing P.0. Box 68 11 Rainbow Drive Montville Ct. 06353- Uncasville CT 06382 Telephone: (860)464-6678 Lic/Reg Type/No. P1 204880 Exp Date: 31-Oct-03 Tenant: Self Telephone: Construction Values Permit Fees Construction Information Building Value: $0.00 Building Fee: $0.00 Use Group: R4 Plumbing Value: _ $0.00 Plumbing Fee: $0.00 Code: 1995 CABO Mechanical Value: $0.00 Mechanical Fee: $0.00 Construction Type: 5B Electrical Value: $0.00 Electrical Fee: $0.00 Permit Code: R5 Other Value: $0.00 Other Fee: $0.00 Comments: Total Value: $0.00 CO Fee: $0.00 Included on Building Permit Plan Review Fee: $0.00 State Ed Fee: $0.00 Total Fees: $0.00 It is the owners responsibility to schedule the followina inspections(minimum 48 hours notice required): ❑ Footing-Prior to pouring concrete ❑ Rough HVAC ❑ Backfill-Footing drains and waterproofing ❑ Fireplace Throat ❑ Concrete Slab- Prior to pouring concrete ❑ Chimney-One flue above thimble ❑ Rough Framing ❑ Firestopping/draftstopping ❑ Rough Electrical ❑ Insulation ❑ Electrical Service ❑ Final Inspection O Rough plumbing and leak test ❑ Certificate of Occupany ❑ Gas piping and test Building Official's Signature: • 3 • Town of Montville Building Department Permit# 73- 310 Norwich-New London Tpke. Tel. 848-3030,Ext 82 Uncasville,CT 06382 Fax. 848-7231 One & Two Family Trades Permit Application Form �! 'funding ['Electrical ❑Mechanical Heating Air Conditiordng Gas Piping ❑Other Job Location \.\ \•J \ o v•- Job Description/Materials T; L c3 S Pc) Owner G S G r� � Mailing Address 7 1—�ry (7)k---- ( City L.YeIn (•-c.;1- (--,J State C:T- Zip 257'/ Tel 0/19 3/ C) Contractor /G-1 Err ,- ht Mailing Address P d X 6 t� City State Zip 0 (0` . S 3 Tel r‘`'/ 90-// Co(;-1 Contractor's License/Registration Type &Number '� ( wH c‘s 0 Exp. Date I 0 / / I hereby certify that the proposed work will conform to the Basic Building Code and all other codes as adopted by the State of Connecticut and the Town of Montville and further attest that the proposed work is authorized by the owner in fee and that I am authorized to make application for a permit for such work as described above. Owner/Agent Signature Date / I / U3 Construction Value Fee Building $ $ Plumbing $ $ Mechanical $ $ Electrical $ $ Other $ $ Certificate of Occupancy $ Plan Review Fee $ State Education $ Total $ $ 'STATE OF CONNECTICUT DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER PROTECTION PLUMBING&PIPING UNLIMITED CONTRACTOR CRIS F KERFUS PO BOX 402 MONTVILLE,CT 06353 TYPE: P1 EFFECTIVE EXPIRES CIC.✓REG NO. 2048'0. 11/01/2002 1Q/31/2003 0 SIGNED .. '' `., _ IVIFIY iq LUU.j IU:SDry / ) LL IlUu01u A O N 1 `O ti C J- k< ti n W Il N O ' ,t._LE-)¢ oto T. i J I .. I. : I> Q . p Sc a0 n v IQ O V U17.. , 0 0 •I N ti+ r O C.4.;) ‘'1' CO 0...---•--.....—.) -' .... • Jam' ' \NNN.%N%...,.....N..............................._...._.: h l LL"--1J 1 4 ......... I e p s � a 2 s . s.....___________At , lel lot r8 1 O •9 b , , , . ,.., A r II P, 1'— Y • � OCN g 7c7€0,. Ir I i NJ J T.\ 7 D ,?+'-; Jr. -,.I JENSENS, INC. JOB 246 Redstone Street SHEET NO. OF P.O. Box 608 SOUTHINGTON, CONNECTICUT 06489 CALCULATED BY DATE (860) 793-0281 FAX (860) 793-6909 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE I - 'I Nq !• 1p�F:nra'ay..we v..>z�r.: '='. -a'saaecFnw�r...:vct�.s..+�lf,::r _ -. f 1 a n a gli V /6a eI s 5s F j ih i . aurr..-c.sa?M ,.r_.�'_-r,.::�xaa:wca;.ai.c.:sr.�,.a..•�.-.,•-�• •. ._ � . . iii 7 i - h i 9 a 4 Ill) S j 1 1 .41 '. E . ]`i I. .4 1 n r�a :.-�� �'ty�y 4• t .. 1 ,..-.-- -.. 1 i a _ ,..,.� 411k_ ..�_�. _ .h, h 11 I - 5 NoG _ r. i. 9' C QGi.nn Oe f iV . 11 peel. rY►�a e.. w�•_ .crs ��c{... . {•I �s arc i.ii. S 1. : .� .,nc+pre ,`.a}, 5e.s € • ss a- Y ..,,;(1 el%0 . Oe / jeci . .... r, tI P 3 .. ...... ....... ..__. ... ..... 4 191\ - - JOB i p e.t owe v C — JENSENS, INC. OF 246 Redstone Street - SHEET NO. F.O. Box.608 CALCULATED BY DATE - SOUTHINGTON, CONNECTICUT 06489 (860) 793-0281 ' FAX (860) 793.6909 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE • 5/y4,T�4I r aN Pr Apron (Va er, usieys 33/4 5PAc-E • ax C. F-1_0 e 3-0!sr (1G v . ril . - . „v.: , z '/./ . .. ri Q '' _ 3 r I 2" x 6" Ridge • 1I2" CDX Asphait Shingles 2xf.;" Rafters 16" 00 • 15 LB. Felt ....... . __ - Roof Edging 2x6" Fascier Existing House Top Rail 36" High Posts 6' OC Bailusters 4" 00 L-�.... Precast Concrete Stairs 1 Front Porch Detail " A " Roof Design (Typical ) Width 6'Thru 1 Q''RCh}.PL i Not to scale ( E1111) Town of Montville BUILDING DEPARTMENT 310 Norwich-New London Turnpike Uncasville,CT 06382 (860)848-3030, Ext. 382 Electrical Permit Permit Number: E2003-0210 Date: 11-Jul-03 Map/Lot: 016/T29-000 Owner ID 122507 Job Location: ► : 8 ► • Unit Job Description: INSTALL 200 AMP SERVICE Owner: Contractor: Marion C Esposito JOHN MORTON 85 GREEN HILL RD 11 Rainbow Drive MADISON CT 06443- Uncasville CT 06382 Telephone: (203)245-3644 Lic/Reg Type/No. E-1 101835 Exp Date: 30-Sep-03 Tenant: N/A Telephone: Construction Values Permit Fees Construction Information Building Value: $0.00 Building Fee: $0.00 Use Group: R-4 Plumbing Value: $0.00 Plumbing Fee: $0.00 Code: 1995 CABO Mechanical Value: $0.00 Mechanical Fee: $0.00 Construction Type: 5B Electrical Value: $0.00 Electrical Fee: $0.00 Permit Code: R5 . Other Value: $0.00 Other Fee: $0.00 Comments: Total Value: $0.00 CO Fee: $0.00 Plan Review Fee: $0.00 State Ed Fee: $0.00 Total Fees: $0.00 It is the owners responsibility to schedule the following inspections(minimum 48 hours notice recuired); ❑ Footing-Prior to pouring concrete ❑ Rough HVAC ❑ Backfill-Footing drains and waterproofing ❑ Fireplace Throat ❑ Concrete Slab-Prior to pouring concrete ❑ Chimney-One flue above thimble ❑ Rough Framing ❑ Firestopping/draftstopping ❑ Rough Electrical ❑ Insulation O Electrical Service ❑ Final Inspection ❑ Rough plumbing and leak test ❑ Certificate of Occupany ❑ Gas piping and test Building Official's Signature: / Town of Montville Building Department Permit# 5Z-003—o Z-I e 310 Norwich-New London Tpke. Tel. 848-3030,Ext 82 Uncasville,CT 06382 Fax. 848-7231 One & Two Family Trades Permit Application Form oprianbingElectrical ['Mechanical C£S ___5&ating Air Comfit-toning a .j" -2 '/d2 ) Gas Wiping ['Other Job Location l,i �6A////k) r Job Description/Materials .1 N STA 1,f (9.0 A 5 r(L v i c e Owner ge it) 5 e y$ rL Alr Mailing Address P O k City tA \vt.5 rv. State Cr-Zip 0/7 A y Tel / / Contractor . YJf/1) Mailing Address g5 6 V f City j14/tcl iSv A State Cr-Zip P6 Yti3 Tel 203 / Z 1f i 3 L k V Contractor's License/Registration Type &Number Fl ` /C)) F 3 S Exp.Date / /3 cc / Lv°3 I hereby certify that the proposed work will conform to the Basic Building Code and all other codes as adopted by the State of Connecticut and the Town of Montville and further attest that the proposed work is authorized by the owner in fee and that I am authorized to make application for a permit for such work as described above. Owner/Agent Signature YG/ Date 7 l / /. b.3 Construction Value Fee Building $ $ Plumbing $ $ Mechanical $ $ Electrical $ $ Other $ $ Certificate of Occupancy $ Plan Review Fee $ State Education $ Total $ $ STATE OF CONNECTICUT DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER PROTECTION ELECTRICAL UNLIMITED CONTRACTOR JOHN W MORTON 85 GREEN HILL RD MADISON,CT 06443 TYPE: El LIC./REG NO. EFFECTIVE EXPIRES 101835 j„ 10/01/2002 09/30/2003 SIGNED I` �.. r Town of Montville BUILDING DEPARTMENT 310 Norwich-New London Turnpike Uncasville, CT 06382 (860)848-3030, Ext. 382 Building Permit Permit Number: B2003-0252 Date: 18-Jun-03 Map/Lot: 016/T29-000 Owner ID 122507 Job Location: 11 RAINBOW DRIVE Unit Job Description: Manufactured Home, Deck&Shed Owner: Contractor: Marion C Esposito Jensen's Inc. P. 0. Box 608 11 Rainbow Drive Southington Ct. 06409- Uncasville CT 06382 Telephone: (860)793-0281 Lic/Reg Type/No. NHC 149 Exp Date: 30-Sep-03 Tenant: Self Telephone: Construction Values Permit Fees Construction Information Building Value: $12,165.00 Building Fee: $76.00 Use Group: R4 Plumbing Value: $420.00 Plumbing Fee: $10.00 Code: 1995 CABO Mechanical Value: $4,657.00 Mechanical Fee: $28.00 Construction Type: 5B Electrical Value: $210.00 Electrical Fee: $10.00 Permit Code: R6 Other Value: $0.00 Other Fee: $0.00 Comments: Total Value: $17,452.00 CO Fee: $10.00 Plan Review Fee: $7.60 State Ed Fee: $2.79 Total Fees: $144.39 It is the owners responsibility to schedule the following inspections(minimum 48 hours notice required); Ej Footing-Prior to pouring concrete ❑ Rough HVAC ❑ Backfill-Footing drains and waterproofing ❑ Fireplace Throat ❑ Concrete Slab-Prior to pouring concrete ❑ Chimney-One flue above thimble El Rough Framing ❑ Firestopping/draftstopping ❑ Rough Electrical ❑ Insulation ❑ Electrical Service ❑ Final Inspection ❑ Rough plumbing and leak test ❑d Certificate of Occupany d❑ Gas piping and test Building Official's Signature: 11100 • Town of Montville Niud Building Department Permit#15a2OO --„�570 310 Norwich-New London Tpke. Tel. 848-3030, Ext 82 Uncasville, CT 06382 Fax. 848-7231 One & Two Family Building Permit Application Form New Construction III Addition []Alteration fl Accessory Structure ID Other gee'cc e Job Location A. 3aw Or; v( Job Description/Materials ATI-, a tL i /712-4 ).-L c — P.0.Owner J B otS e-t .2.1[. Mailing Address r 0 3c i 6,a City `Taut State 1 Zip 06 4&f Tel ,S>&O / �-y'3 / 0,2S 1 fr Contractor JG�G'� o. Ley� �.1.�c_ Mailing Address ls.e18 City SO t kL n ti� State e( Zip 0OVO—i Tel 866 / /i/ 0,26- Contractor's License/Registration Type&Number Net.- /Yf Exp.Date 7 / 3O /63 I hereby certify that the proposed work will conform to the Basic Building Code and all other codes as adopted by the State of Connecticut and the Town of Montville and further attest that the proposed work is authorized by the owner in fee and that I am authorized to make application for a permit for such work as described above. Owner/Agent Signature Date / /5- / 63 C struction Value Fee Building $ $ Plumbing $ $ Mechanical $ $ Electrical $ $ Other $ $ Certificate of Occupancy $ Plan Review Fee $ State Education $ Total $ $ Permit Fee Calculation Spreadsheet RESIDENTIAL PERMIT CALCULATION (MANUFACTURED) QTY $/UNIT TOTAL Site Work Slab on Grade 1008 SF $ 6.99 $ Foundation SF $ 29.70 $ Anchors SF $ 6.69 Garages Attached, 1 car EA $ 8,885.10 $ Attached,2 car EA $ 15,113.70 $ Attached,3 car EA $ 20,913.90 $ Detached, 1 car EA $ 11,657.10 $ Detached,2 car EA $ 17,456.25 $ Detached.3 car EA $ 23,256.45 $ Breezeway/Decks Open 160 SF $ 15.59 $ 2,494.4 Enclosed SF $ 94.76 $ - Porches Open SF $ 62.69 $ Enclosed SF $ 123.90 Carport SF $ 9.85 Sheds 100 SF 26.25 $ 2,625.00 TOTAL BUILDING $ 12,165.32 Electrical New Service EA $ 1,519.19 $ - Tie-in 1 EA $ 210.00 $ 210.00 Misc.Electrical 0 SF $ 1.24 $ - Plumbing New Sewer EA $ 1,250.00 $ - Sewer Tie-in 1 EA $ 210.00 $ 210.00 New Domestic EA $ 1,200.00 $ - Domestic Tie-in 1 EA $ 210.00 $ 210.00 Mechanical Oil Heat EA $ 579.76 $ - LP-Gas EA $ 450.00 $ - Y IIs air conditioning included(YIN)? $ 4,657 I PERMIT FEE Building $ 12,165 $ 76.00 Y Plumbing $ 420 $ 10.00 Y Mechanical $ 4,657 $ 28.00 Y Electrical $ 210 $ 10.00 Other $ CO Fee $ 10.00 Plan Review $ 7.60 State Ed Fee $ 17,452 $ 2.79 Total Fees $ 144.39 Based on 2003 RS Means Residential Cost Data 5/19/03 Town of r`ontville Building Departmy t Receipt Date ,c/ 7 / a No. 02795 I From: 12.1440 Ps 4 ' 4. & i4'<-4&) II Job Address: // fr' ` f Amount $ Mil AT Cash galP Check # 4__ 0 (cIrcic one ! 4,26-24_3_—___L-21.12- Received by ►. d;. - 41.4: 741.111;...A el.../:". Permit # • i 11 191111111111111111111111111 ; - 1111111 MININUMMELMIUMEIEV ° 11 I Ell 1111111 1111111111 1° h 11 111111111101111101111011111 p: 111111111111111 :! JI pmEmom ' 6i 1 WLD Z 0S0 - I mmommommerommimmans LET 111111111111111111111111111111111 is. 02 ._ uIIIiIIuIN'!uuiiII mummummumm•Wmaxsommommommommm• ow MMIIMMEMMINIMMOMMOMOMMEROMMIWAMMEMEMMEM IMMEMEMEMMOMMIIMMEMOMOMMEMEMEMEMEMOMMEM IMMEMIMEMMEMMEEMMUMMIEMEMMEFAMMEMMUMMEMM 11111111111111111111411111111111111111 11111111111111111I , s 1111111111111111 , o Q a Q o ` o 10 C > o w m J w J .. .. i .O V‘c!lD � `.. 001 F-1. Gam— .-4 fr`G ..-Vw U M wSW N o>Zcc Z ,,mo W -. 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