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17x35 Inground Pool 1989
I OWN OF/✓10NTVIC( E, CQNJNF _ C i/CUT - CERrincnrE OF USE AND Permission is hereby COMPLIANCE- Y granted to C I'Jl�. �n accerclance with tl�e _ use the facility Doted: ���'3 Y located 18 I S' n- a the lO neing pplrcation{�� ___ Os permit m °r' �? 9 Regulations for Zoning iviii �i pV I .. the Town of Date. Monfvilie ► ,^ • ••• Connectic Cr): in c: Zoning and Planning 9 Commission, TOW/1 or ff ontvi lle Connecticut The rr=cipir�n. ___----�__ �(i(" owner or of this Certificate �S'errt ( — T� f211L,^ as representing the owner, e occepts this or the Zonis __ of the Town ofC'e:rifle r 9 ar� -- -- _ wlontvillea. Cgtr'ns to ccmp/ annir� Cann. owne nd the Stct� ,v. .s r Y with ulj CO li the corp mane that l,e r oTo and type of leand activityStr,. �, applicable the of the facility to h.-� c. f..e $Fcr� ordinances rli,y for which this ed. °{ Connecticut recording a`�d r^��ulations - insFilu° Compliance Certifi ,e Ii 1F is ftulhe. c rdir,g th,� being lr 'ir, ,7U! eua r1 w C Use lJQ(E: d does rn�r that any ctrr_r,,. Cl,cr,ges grc,nte ,vire a new Certificate c{ je °( us3 F1Qcified in il;e Certificeie d °( plicas` Use of (J;e after e.�cnce and and Cornplivnce, : cf th' 7_or,irg Permit ar` to P.;> clearly . TOWN OF MONTVILLE OFFICE OF THE 8UILD1NG I ,,� 848-7166 /� TRADE PERMITS 1 PLUMBING HEATING PERMIT NO. ELECTRICAL � of � DATE: P27 �- Property of: CZ, o Location: /70 /- / ©A d / Contractor; Address: TYPE OF LICENSE: LICENSE NO. PERMIT APPROVED BY: Building InspKtor INSP. I Date: INSP. 2 Date: ' horiz=, Agent ature TOWN OF MONTV I LLE -t5 BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Permit No. 73/ eioDate 5 ._ l C) -0 Estimated Cost p QQ Fee .e4 ` Q�' �j Q 0) Owner Irz.rL(1 CA10 r`fLi 6 Address 1 --)U _ ( ► 4 (Tele. tip-( 2 -Eh 6 Contractors P(_,Ac Pb OLS Address L 2Q c iq-- Di% R PS Tele.' � �- 2 Location of Building I7 a 'j i2 Lf;:'77 f rg c_R Zone No. T - L/, Additions & Alterations (Including moving, demolition, sign erection) New Building - Type of Construction G o A S,-„1..A..) t Size / ( )( 3 �t(-Z Type of Heat �-- Fireplace No. of Stories No. Rooms Breezeway No. Baths Garage Use -- I hereby certify that the proposed construction will conform to the applicable zoning reg- ulations of the Town of Montville and the Basic Building Code of the State of Connecticut , and that all statements herein contained are true and correct. Signed Approved Date Building Inspector pliCkalt IV,dt17/Zt Inspections For: Footings Framing Rough Wiring Electric Service Rough Heating Fireplaces Other Mi sc. (Ai (4 LAIV� C —�U ( 1 ASPO eq i t S L cg t. SIX1 u_r_ r?..) 6 rat Crz_Lr alif Final Inspection for C.O. Approved Rejected Signed • 1 X M r 1 0�' • a--,L......,• r . •--, o I ��CL `�' t4 !Ulla I ma ry • 3 �* Au► L.... ? o ,oC. z viz0 111 ..;•• I 2 ,�►� o --� o k o ° F� ;.11 • i -C,.:,. 0 / _ o ° °�` A X11 ^ '° `.1 \ " u pt4 i 111 • $ 3 1"91 Ii' a T -�1:__ __ N LI cP r Pi �,- r 01 �L. � rood � �� i ? Z `� ` r T ...1C r) i rtn A yN �~ ? n eV -� j� in'3Q 23 O G �' G 0 1 0 < C1 y i I i �SC r ^ ^n 3. 41 r G H r, A� u 9 _ I Q C. r +n a /, 46 GA A e !1A 11 o~ 4. z . . I i n �e nocs Av o 3Loz 10 C , , . Zc.� ro r��. rmL 0 V. o � 1\ ii. '�D YX O 1\ O • i 3 N P n JQ � /v <hl fi A A rAnil tir.3 13 48A d1 i o t R r Al r U 1 I.j� -0 - •,' • Y A r A r , v .1�i :•i lA `1 C To r�. ti < ht A ~ r `i aL) , o �r T K J K 0 Amp a m r N vu 7 m �� �',e ' o R • 4 a a �b r O%911 : C A Z i`I " " �^ a rr of• o n 11. • N . - A A to AL ti a pA .C? 01 �^ N � 0 nz �ie Z se O T� O A r c 400s )) s s •� 0� s. A w� h � v "' . Z• o0A )1 /•• AZr4 11 Pi hZ A PI ti p2 rp e ° AAS s � ot i> 'NZ /Pof a r .7Ia a a a !1rr ;.• EA Ac � chAi° � a ' A � m O o or' � . amonAAt1 > 0k c; n o OO > AT..oOp�ap k �7rn Et 3 o p A r c w A A� . t � � � 6 � Ay �� —�. ~[�/1 Z j ° �aW '" A° o y ri 0 a ° r, c r 21. N ° a 11° OM q �a �� p n w• :-.4r A •H i0 � AZAZ r \A70 V �4 t i 1' A ?r ., Z 6 Z 'n A C V Zj az r ,� y � n mhlAz A z .( gtrI0 : n •s C cn� o 0 0 �o �� A y t1, 019 (A n 6 A C'% i e 0 a : a r '� Z. A �C C a A h CrP H y H• n D o o� o 0 o L p 0 n� AA im z �} i L-J: • ZONING PERMIT // , ;, - p , M)NIV I i I.F, CI'. EXPIRATION DATE: ' + + D'\TE SUBMITTFD c LROPFRTY J r,,1), ,��, � PROPERTY LOCATION INCTUDHNG ASSESSOR'S MAP AND LOT NUMBERS_ ,4411P Lf v : Q 2 . APPL1CANT e- c.).1 Jr-) c> APPLICANT'S ADIRESS/TELEPHONE NUMBER i 7�� foi£iJ77 . 47,5.2-I✓/a,? SUBDIVISION NAME C.a�c:s.—r:e� •�.1 i-Yt ir�'.�- ZONE /?4- 5.4- LOT AREA BUILDING HEIGHT TOTAL FLOOR AREA OF SMUG-TURFS AFTER DEVLIOPMENT SIGN AREA IF APPLICABLE NATURE OF RF7QUFET/PROPOSED USE: /,vG�„J., This application, and two copies thereof, including plans drawn to a scale of at least l"=40' showing dimensions of lot, the size, area, and location on the lot of existing, proposed, principal and accessory structures, driveways, sanitary facilities and caster supply, parking facilities, and adjacent streets. Distances of structures from property lines and centerlines of public roads must also he indicated. In the case of fill or excavation requests (: ilk r l dimensions of fill area and cubic yards must be included. Any other regulations for sped f.I- r:443,9 n,.ct 1.;st with. A plan prepared by a Connecticut Registered Land Surveyor may be required. The applicant pliarantees that all the applicable requirements of the Zoning Regulations will be adhered to. In addition, the applicant agrees to notify the Commission or its appointed agent of any alteration in the plans. Application for a Certificate of Use and Compliance for the use specified above is hereby made, the use of which shall not hP anthor'i 7cd until an actual Certificate of Use and Compliance is issued by the Cannission or its appointed agent. `1nib pe-gni:: authorizes the applicant to proceed to the Building .. r.ii-nt for any requisite per:ai.rs. /IS4Z41, /64r2/1/4? Wr Commion Ager, Action/Da Applicant/ --- PLAN (Attach if Necessary) 0 Qq- 5-e) ,{ o1-c S° ,,\ STREET