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Oil Tank 2017
Field Inspection Notice Town of Montville Building Department September 18, 2017 Address: 135 Pruett Place Job Description: Oil tank installation Permit Number(s): M2007-0014 Permit Date: February 05, 2007 INSPECTION Not Approved Approval Date: Deficiencies Special Conditions Date Fuel Line • 1/29/07 DJ Venting • • 1/29/07 DJ • Home is occupied with no one on site.Someone • Certificate of 1/24/07 DJ must be present for inspection.Please call the approval building department and reschedule. 1/29/07 DJ Rev.Date: 10/18/05 Page 1 of 1 TOWN OF MONTVILLE Building Department 310 NORWICH-NEW LONDON TURNPIKE UNCASVILLE, CT 06382-2599 TEL. (860) 848-3030 X382 FAX. (860) 848-7231 PLUMBING PERMIT Permit Number: P2007-0014 Date: 05-Feb-07 Map/Lot: 111/023-000 Owner ID: 5719000 Project Location: 135 PRUETT PLACE Unit: Job Description: install 275 gal.Aboveground fuel tank in crawl space Owner Name: Richard H Armour Tenant Name: N/A Careof: 135 Pruett Place Oakdale CT 06370- Telephone: Contractor Name: Kropp Environmental Telephone: (860)642-9952 DBA: Lic/Reg Type: P9 Uc/Reg No: 279287 32 Exeter Road Exp Date: 31-Oct-07 Lebanon Ct 06249- __ _ Constructipr�/�l�e__ Permit Fees Construction Information Building Value: $0.00 Building Fee: $0.00 Use Group: IRC Plumbing Value: $2,490.00 Plumbing Fee: $24.00 Code: 2005 State Building Code Mechanical Value: $0.00 Mechanical Fee: $0.00 Electrical Value: $0.00 Electrical Fee: $0.00 Construction Type: IRC Total Value: $2,490.00 Penalty Fee: $0.00 Permit Code: R5 C of 0 Fee: $0.00 Comments: Plan Review Fee: $2.40 State Ed Fee: $0.40 Total Fee Paid: $26.80 It shall be the owners repsonsibility to schedule the following inspections a minimum of 2 business days in advance: Field set of approved construction documents shall be available onsite during all inspections. BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTIONS PLUMBING,MECHANICAL,ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTIONS ❑ Footing-Prior to pouring concrete ❑ R Plumbing and leak test ❑ Deck Piers ❑ R Electrical ❑ Backfill-Footing drains and waterproofing ❑ Elec Trench-with conduit installed ❑ Concrete Slab-Prior to pouring concrete ❑ Pool Bonding ❑ Anchor Bolts-with sill plate and prior to floor framing ❑ Electrical Service ❑ CRS No: 0 Framing ❑ R HVAC ❑ Masonry Fireplace Throat or Chimney Thimble ❑ Gas Piping and leak test ❑ Fireblocking_Draftstopping INSPECTION REQUIRED UPON COMPLETION ❑ Insulation u Ce 'icate of Approval ' I ertificate of Occupancy Building Official's Approval: Town of Montville Building Department 310 Norwich-New London Tpke. Tel. 860-848-3030, Ext 382 Uncasville, CT 06382 Fax. 860-848-7231 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION FORM Permit No.: r,x_©O7 0o, y Type of Work Qcr,.upancy Type Permit Type o New Construction MSingle Family 0 Building ❑;Addition 0 Two-Family ❑ mbin Alteration 0 Townhouse g Mechanical 0 Accessory Structure 0 Electrical CRS#: Job Address: /3S----ncie `I°/are (Number) (Stre t) • (Unit) Job Description: 5 a- ,O � ra do# ,/ 41 Q O.,v'''. �ur, _/ , c))./. .,,A., :►/ o//;� �qJ�•'e /-auh A /AI CAa k// GCC_ ` Owner: J-57 [7c /ft e. A->J--.ae.4 /— Address: /'� � 401— e' a V City: 4'�! ls State: C---1 Q G 3 '".O Zip Code: Telephone: Contractor: /'h01'i5 4j 1-017,77eh 7 %/ DBA: / Address: _ -e ,,,¢y Atli,/ City: #,21 —, Clh oil State: C / O e: 77 r6� 4 9 /� A Zip Code: Telephone 2 License Type: / —7 License No.: 9 g7 7Expiration Date: I hereby certify that the proposed work will conform to the State Building Code and all other codes as adopted by the State of Connecticut and the Town of Montville and further attest that the proposed work is authorized by the owner in fee and that I am authorized to make application for a permit for such work as described above. ❑ By checking this box, I will follow the requirements of the 2005 NEC as the altemative compliance per section E3301.2.1 of the Residential Code, instead of the electrical requirements in chapters 33 through 42 of the Residential Code. Owner/Agent Signature: Date: / z/C)7 Construction Value Permit Fees Building Value: Building Fee: Plumbing Value: Plumbing Fee: Mechanical Value: Mechanical Fee: Electrical Value: COElectrical Fee: Total Value: g/ 7O r CPenalty Fee: a 4 C of O Fee: Plan Review Fee: !�I I(L �K State Ed Fee: , ;fl Total Fee: 2 vi ed CDecem6er31,2005 Town of Montville Building Department File Receipt Date: 22-Jan-07 Receipt No: 2015 Received From: Kropp Equipment Job Address: 135 Pruett Place Fees Collected State Educational Training Fee Cash: $0.00 Cash: $0.00 Check: $26.80 Check: $0.40 Check No: 9557 Short/Over: $0.00 Construction Value: $2,490.00 Demolition Value: $0.00 Received By Sandra Pandora IMOPP P.O. Box 258 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTRACTORS, INC. Phone: (860) 642 9952 32 Exeter Road Fax: (860) 642-9953 Lebanon, Connecticut 06249 www.kroppenvironmental.com January 22, 2007 Building Inspector Town of Montville 310 Norwich New London Tpke Montville, CT 06382 REF: Estate of Richard Armour 135 Pruett Place Oakdale, CT 06370 To Whom It May Concern: I give, V kkoph , of Kropp Environmental Contractors Inc. authorization to si�for me asarl"agent of: Kropp Environmental Contractors Inc. P.O. Box 258 32 Exeter Road Lebanon CT 06249 Home Improvement Contractor#561194 For a permit to install one (1) two hundred and seventy-five gallon #2 heating oil storage tank in the garage at the above referenced property. Sincerely yours iciir4Ws. Sally W. Kropp President Over 19 Years Experience -STA' . O C07TIC DERARTmE TOFCONSL_I P.ROltt-, PLUMBING& PIPING LIMITED CONTRACTOR P9 SALLY WIESE-KROPP 32 EXTER ROAD LEBANON,CT 06249 • LIC./REG NO. I EFFECTIVE EXPIFS 279287 _ l { /2006 10/31/21107 SIGNED • .e/zg�� -43--11A-c,72-P—1 STS tJ`i OF CON fI urr'` DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER FROI EC' xi PLUMBING& PIPING LIiIMITED JOURNEY-PERSON . P8 MICHAEL P KROPP 32 EXETER RD i LEBANON,CT 06249 LIC./REG INO. EFFECTIVE EXPIRES 279 28 6 I 11/01/2006 I 10/31/2007 SIGNED i`L.,,t t t ja- -s STA I E OF CONNECTICUT DEP.4RT.1IE\T 3F CONSUMER PROTECTION, HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR KROPP ENVIRONMENTAL CONTRACTORS INC PO BOX 258 1 LEBANON, CT 06249 LIC. REG NO EFFECTIVEEXPIRES 561194 12/01/2006 I 11/30/20017 SIGNED r14 '' rt ' 3 ACORDTM CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MSMOD/YYW) PRODUCER 12/15/2006 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISS ED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION Byrnes Agency, Inc. - Dayville ONLY AND CONFERS MD RIGH4!'S UPON THE CERTIFICATE 553 Hartford Pike, PO Box 739 HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOS NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR Dayville CT 06241-0739 ALTER THE COVERAGE "WORMEDBY THE POLICIES BELOW. (860) 774-8549 --.. _--- ------------- INSURERS AFFORDING COIYII RAGE NA__IC# INSURED INSURER A: St. Paul Fire 6,, tasual-.cty Ins Kropp Environmental Contractor Inc - — INSURER Bu Steadfast InszrasceCompany 7-- Po Box 258 INSURER C Zurich Insurane a Lebanon CT 06249 INSURER CrI -- INSURER E: -- -- —--- --- --- COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE PO*CY PERIENIINDICA'TED NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WOOLF! THI23,CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS,EXCLUSIONS MUD CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES-AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS-. INSR ADD'L POLICY�FECTIVE POLICY EXPIRA TIDIIkI.t INSRQ TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER a ,Ef iSCTIV DATE IMM/DAC LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OC_'L�iIRENCE E 1„000000 b COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY GPL9215560-00 11/22/2006 11/22/2007 DAMAGE�IENTED JRtEMISE55,J60ccurerce) $ 100,000 CLAIMS MADE I I OCCUR IIIIIID EXF9potone person {.----_ 1 $ 5,000 IPERSONAILLADV INJURY S 1„000,000 ,6E NERAL-:i111CREGATE S 2„000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: - ------ - X IPOLICY piPRO- ,PRODUCiISW,q -EOMP/OGG S 2„000,000 JECT LOC I — — ---- -- --- _AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY C ANY AUTO 'COM BINE McS9NGLE WAIT BAP9215602-00 11/22/2006 11/22/2007 ltaacdde"0 S 1, 000,000 ALL OWNED AUTOS ”- ---- X SCHEDULED AUTOS :�DILY MAIM/ S per persyay HIRED AUTOS I -- -- L NON-OWNED AUTOS �DILY!!_J�� S Per acyl-any PROPERTY►DNIAGE :I!Per accideerO S AGE G ANY ALIABILITY .TANTO ONL -EA ACCIDENT S PINORO /4°' EA,ACC S ANTO ONL�f_ AGG S --- EXCESS/UMBRELLA LIABILITY EACH OC' ENCE S 1, 000,000 B X OCCUR L]CLAIMS MADE EEC/9215603-00 11/22/2006 11/22/2007 1P6GREGA TIE 5 1,D00,000 — S DEDUCTIBLE _ ------ _..__ ------- ----- Is X I RETENTION $ - 10,000 I ----- - --- S A WORKERS COMPENSATION AND 6KUB695X134A05 11/22/2006 11/22/2007 QY L=f$ _–LmREMPLOYERS'LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE EXCLUDED? -El.EACs AIiXIDENT S 1, D00,000 OFFICER/MEMBER - It yes,describe under _ El.D'SEASSE-EAEMPLCOYEE S 1, 000,. 000 SPECIAL PROVISIONS below - --- --- ----- - -._— OTHER Tl OISEASS€-POLICY LkIMIT I S 1,1;100,000 ;1,006„2110/$2,000,000 1 OCP Liability 0CP9045483-00 11/22/2006 11/22/2007 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES/EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT I SPECIAL PROVISIONS (r CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBEERPOLICIES/RECANCELL.EO BEFORE THE ER(PIRATION Estate of Richard Armour DATE THEREOF,THE ISSUING INSUREPRI ILL ENOSI FOR TO MAIL 10 DAYS, WRITTEN r. 135 Pruett Placee NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER i{MED TO-F7.�LEFT,BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL e Oakdale, C T. 06370 IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITys'S ANY KITING UPON THE INSURER.ITS AT,ENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE , ACORD 25(2001/08) ,gACORD CORPORAT/ON 1988 Page 1 of 7- Town of Montville Building Department 310 Norvvich-New London Tpke. Tel. 860-848-3030, Ext 382 Uncasville, CT 06382 Fax. 860-848-7231 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPROVAL /33-- P1 c.-e /7? 7 //- Property ��-- Property Address l -4/157V427166/-7 (moi e c27� c� vef-0/-1 o/ d,/ /1,7P i, CYap✓/ G Job Description The applicant is responsible for obtaining all of the required approvals checked off on this form. No building permit will be issued until all of the required signatures have been obtained. Required Department Permit Issuance Approval Approval IN Tax Collector �G(.� � �-w , � .JC 7 Signature/,'ate_ Comments: ❑ WPCA, Administrative c' 9 t urel date Comments: ❑ WPCA, Operations Signature" date Comments: ❑ Planning &Zoning Signature/ at e Comments: ❑ Health Department Signature/ date Comments: ❑ Department of Public Works Signature! date Comments: ❑ State Dept. of Transportation (Structures over 100,000 sq.ft.or with more than 200 parking spaces-Official copy of STC Certificate of Operation required—per CGS 14-311) Signature' date Comments: 111 Fire Marshal gcd Signature/date 12_ Comments: QOvrsrdAugust 5,2005 MOM P.O. Box 258 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTRACTORS, INC_ Phone: (860) 642-9952 32 Exeter Road Fax: (860) 642-9953 Lebanon, Connecticut 06249 www.kro penvironmental.com January 12, 2007 Ms. Judy Scott Randall Realtors 22 Holmes St. Mystic, CT 06355 Dear Ms. Scott: We would like to thank you for the opportunity to quote you for the following work tto be done on property located at 135 Pruett Place, Montville, Connecticut. Scope of Work: A. Purchase and installation of orae (1) Two hundred and Seventy Five gallon) aboveground horizontal oil storage tank in crawl space or garage and all associated pipiimg. B. Transfer usable product from the old tank to the new tank. C. Repipe to furnace. The cost of this job is Two Thousand Fourr Hundred and Ninety dollars ($2,490.00). Payment is due three days prior to job commencement. There will be an additional Three Hundred arnd Fifty dollar ($350.00) charge for a bumper if required for job completion. All work will be done in a workmanlike manner, in a reasonable length of time and according to state and federal regulations. A finance charge of 1 1/2% per month (18%Annual Percentage Rate)will be charged on all invoices 30 days past due. .All accounts subject to attorney and coNectimrn fees. Kropp Environmental Contractors, Inc. is a Connecticut permitted Emergency Spill Clean-Up Contractor and licensed Hazardous Waste Hauler,#CT-HM-6901;a Rhode Island licensed Emergency'Spill Clean-Up Contractor and licensed Hazardous Waste Hauler,# RI-804; a New York licensed Hazardous Waste Hauler, #CT-138;Asbestos Removal Contractor, #CT-000302 and Tank and Pump Cmrntractor,#P9- 00279287. Please feel free to call Sally at 860-642-9952 with any questions. Sin,terely y, urs; r1/4777 • Sally Wro p President APPROVAL: DATE: Ms. Judy Scott Randall Realtors Over 19 Ye ars Experience