HomeMy WebLinkAboutSFR 1982 Y `'' 41.10 TOWN OF MONTVILLE Department of Public Works CERTIFICATE FOR USE OR OCCUPANCY Zone RA-40 Date . .. .December.9.,. .1982 This is to certify that building at Lot 19, Pruett PJ .c e constructed as .4..s ng],e .f.441.,i1y.dwelling under Permit No. ...4550... (constructed, altered, etc.) conforms substantially to the requirements of the Building Ordinances and the Zoning Regulations of the Town of Montville and the Basic Building Code of Connecticut and is hereby approved for use or occupancy under Use Group R-3 (see section ARM BBC/Conn.) 209.0 /I ../..D Building Inspector, Town of Montville Notice: Retain this certificate for future reference. Form No. BIMO 70-100-3 • TOWN CT iviC�i\!TVILLE, G„rNNECT ICI,t - CEI IF ICATE O � AND COMPLIANCE NO. S 1 bated: /z 9,P'Z- ;•ermission is hereby granted to use the facility located on /or /q ? !!Pkzr In accordance with the application for a Zoning ;-ermit doted / / Z 7 b >( end in compliance with the Zoning f;egulations for the Ta.vn o; Montville, Connecticut. Zoning and Planning Commission, Town of Montville, Connecticut 1Y1/14‘Yzon9 in nt The recipient of this Certificate accepts it on the condition that he, as the owner or as representing the owner, agrees to comply with all applicable ordinances and regulations of the Town of Montville and the State Statutes of the State of Connecticut regarding the use, occupancy and type of activity to be instituted. it is furthermore understood that any change of use of the facility for which this Certificate is being issued does require a new Certificate of Use and Compliance. NC-;TE: Changes granted applicant after issuance of the Zoning Permit are to be clearly specified in the Certificate of Use and Compliance. 'TOWN OF MONTV I LLQ" BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Permit No. y f'SQ Date 74 Estimated Cost Fee Owner f A , Address A R , Vr' el e. Contractor „o�rfiPAIV Address r Tele. 1 Location of Building ( 9/ <�r Zone No. —51 Additions & Alterations (Including moving, demolition, sign erection) At14 . GIP ( fr4----X-f-4, New Building - Type of Construction Size ,- 7e-/ / / Type of Heat ,/)74 L y 4 ,}4'Fi repl ace , No. of Stories �f No. Rooms 7 Breezeway �-- No. Baths c-7 Garage e l I hereby certify that the proposed construction will conform to the applicable zoning reg- ulations of the Town of Montville and the Basic Building Code of the State of Connecticut , and that all statements herein contained are true and correct. Signed ou� �a Approved Date Building Inspector d' Inspections For: Footings Framing Rough Wiring Electric Service Rough Heating Fireplaces Other Misc. Final Inspection for C.O. Approved Rejected Signed . TOWN OFMONTVILLE, CO' NECi ICUi ZONING PERMIT NO: k.a-n Fee F•nid:$ . Date: Permission is herby granted to ' - - to erect a - on the side of as follows: Size ft. long, ft. wide, stories hioh; • distance from rook, cenl-er line — disloncefron eoch side Ioi- line_: E ft; W ft; N ft; S ft; for the use n;`• t ie facility os a • • Zoning and Planning Commission, Toon of • W'on'rvi l le, Connecticut • THIS PEWIT IS VALID FOR ONE YEAR Zoning ! Cnt The recipient or this permit occepi-s i; on ;he condition than r ' he, as owner or as representing ov n3, cjrees io co--aply with all applicable ordinances end r-eoulotions of the Town of Mon;ville and the Stole Ste,-u es of the Slate of Conner-ficu; re_no.-clino the use, and type of activity to be.instituted. It is facilityfurthermore can not be used until o Certificate o. (ore understood the; the i i Use one Complionce has been issues; by the Zoninc: and Planning 11 ssion and that any change of Ei use similarly is require a new Certificate of Use end Complian e. etfore o Cer;ific to of Use cnd Compliance will be issued a plot plan drawn to o scale of ] "- 40' prepared and certified in 'i complicnce with provisions conjoined in Section e.2 of the Zoninn Reculotior,s must be submitied to E" the Zoning and Plcnning Commiss7on sho•vino all boundariesof the proreriy and as is locotion(s) of ,! all buntlines on the property includinc the ren; line ofonter - } y public or privo-e nght-ofway, I sanitary facilities and water supply. A ZONING PERMIT II i8 '3 MJNTVILLE, CT. EXPIRATION DATE: Mi' . • / ioali) DATE SUBMITTED a /, 9€? / Property owner ,. iD Lo zu ''on/J Ppplicant JA✓'!J L-OZLaPow&" Ppplicant's Addresc/Telephone Nurber _/ 2,ii17 rt . f K`,V4tE Cr" 06 370 -- 44/0q 9656 Property location including Assessor's ftp and Lot ambers A4 - -f41111PRIffi Subdivision fume - Zone A/{ 1-1 0 Lot Area (bp' La.() 47 ' Building Height Total Floor area of Structures after Cevelopment Sign/Area if Applicable • Nature of Request/Proposed Use: rjoon' a,), C/' ,u, • ,- i , • c2 .. •— /0 ')c ' This application, and two copies thereof, including plans drawn to a scale of at least 1"=40' showing diversions of lot, the size, area, and location on the lot of existing, proposed, principal and accessory structures, driveways, sanitary facilities and water supply, parking facilities, and adjacent streets. Distances of structures from property lines and centerlines of public roads must also be indicated. In the case of fill or excavation requests (under 500 cubic yards) dimensions of fill area and orbic yards must be included. Any other regulations for specific uses must also be complied with. A plan prepared by a Connecticut Registered Land Surveyor may be required. l The applicant guarantees that all the applicable requirements of the Zoning Regulations will be adhered to. In addition, the applicant agrees to notify the Camnission or its appointed agent of any alteration in the plans. Application for a Certificate of Use and Compliance for the use specified above is hereby made, the use of which shall not be authorized until an actual Certificate of and Compliance is issued by the Commission or its appointed agent. This permit au .r'zesrthe ...1•cai to pro,:.-4 to the Building De.: t for an :quisite permits , / frII /7 •� ` `Commission Los 1V r 'r-•:7 ie Applicant _ er -- t.(5-'0 • CY CD .. ' . • \ ' 1 , „' . 1// 'pi i • .,• - I. . ,..• / (' / " l ) (.1.,...../L ;• I • - iI i , ,• • . 1J_1v1 • . ., • cl ,. jr 1. 1: I I' I ' ,•r! • � 't,�. ' APPLICATION FOR A ZONING PERMIT, '"OWN O MONTVIT.T.F,, CONNECTIO17" ti;, To be filled out .67 Applicant - 1 original and t e carbon copies late ' --___L__ _- 19872` 'he �.•Rundersigned hereby applies to the nin and Planning Commission fo a permit to `�JS_.? 0,.._, -- `3 �O O'c.'\ Dc4, Y-. \'__,L3 _ n ea.)._ a_kck. l u,..c\cA r`!S1,11) ocation of Propert Au: K l" r ' dame of Subdivision I_ c�,..„? ,-,_ ) Lot No. \c\. ssessor's Block No. ��^ , Assessor's ` ' ' Y`l � , • game of (Owner) (Agent ; «Qr r-Lc.a ,:, 40 , Address r, r�c, �,... (►.,.;_:) n (,-z --/ (.) ise of Building in ft.: Front overall 1 , Depth overall .'� , Area\qsq. ft 1 )y J of stories Height in ft. , No. of rooms �� .9 No. of bedrooms D. of bathrooms ' ') , Zoning District /f/'-y0 , Area of Lott-J(. 1 :� 0 sq. ft., Lot frntg.tc o ft Lot Width\cCO ft., Front Yard Depth‘--,-. ft., Rear Yard Depth 't-fig ft., Side Yard Depth " f Purpose of building and/or use is `��cam, t ,0q_ .,,,_/ .„ 0, (amu ,r Water Supply to cons st of 2 \.0,o Q C)_ Sanitary facility to consist of \ C', r, c, S —\0 .0Qckc • - ,,k_ , Date of Sanitarian Officer Approval J emAgks I hereby agree to conform to all requirements of the Laws of the State of Connecticut and the Ordinances and Regulations of the Town of Montville, and to notify the Zoning and Planning Commission of any alteration in the plans for which this permit is being asked. - I furthei+more agree that the above described facility is to be located at the proper distance from all street lines as required by the Zoning Regulations or any other applicable local and state ordinances and regulations and it is understood that the facility upon completion will be used in compliance 'with the Zoning Regulations of the Town of Montville. I hereby apply for a Certificate of Use and Compliance for*%,7,rel ui.L�4 01)1(,--‘&-.1, permit. It is my understanding that the facility can not be occupied until a Certificate of Use and Compliance hag been issued by the Zoning a 11 -�- ssion Signed ci. Com. \N-,.(,)\,.., C) (Owner) (Agent) Tel. No. c Approved by Zoning Agent . 1.,./ Date 276-7S --- Zoning 7 S - Zoning Permit No. S 7 KO issued. Disapproved Reason • er(7 TAINN OF MONTVILLE /...„... --- .C72/ rr° 415- a .e) 5 OFFTE OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR / I •V‘./ er° e 848-7166 TRADE PERMITS 141 41111110110 ATING ___, 4111210 PERMIT NO. "V(--.537, ?) DATE: , 7 .. .. Property o . / i ): Location: \fp,p , / /114L-61/ 1 Contrac IrA. iig , Address: TYPE OF LICENSE: pi 4;73 LICENSE NO.-c- 6 PERMIT APPROVED BY: Building Inspector INSP. I Date: INSP. 2 Date: Contractor or A horized Agent "•DAJ\l/e- ignature 'c i ... • ' .... , , ;, . .: `err .t ,imp' /,-Zet ' r?/-0-1) (24,-?' '''! /9 1 1 I / t L• I �,, 1 1- ,,�.:_ r ti ',� .+ {^mss, =: ., 4 � 6—'0 •G (j -t; `' ✓� ':',D`/1/, C 1 :.t. \)*Q.1.-( . ' • Cam . I -k..• I /. • I i - -� .. �, ; .c'• . .r Vii,• . , 1 N 1 ( ' i T tt 1 - ! . •i- t + -_� :n __.,.,gyp I:" �� I. L. 4k �. p� - •..gyp L { W • Il. ' ' .' 4C.4....1.--____' -(74 (1 Z.. ---- , '71 \\.- ) a I . II. . 4• • • IS •.4 -.:1:.4;c6 Liv..) / ''') '' : ; ' ° °'. . • • • r� w