HomeMy WebLinkAboutSFR 1984 TOWN OF MONTVILLE Department of Public Works CERTIFICATE FOR USE OR OCCUPANCY Zone RA--40 Date July, , . This is to certify that building at 4—D Pruett Place, MQntyi.1,la (RgkeXt,.Paly) constructed as a single family dwelling under Permit No. 5137 (constructed, altered, etc.) conforms substantially to the requirements of the Building Ordinances and the Zoning Regulations of the Town of Montville and the Basic Building Code of Connecticut and is hereby approved for use or occupancy under Use Group R-3 (see section 35021) BBC/Conn.) 209.0 Building Inspector, Town of Montville Notice: Retain this certificate for future reference. Form No. BIMO 70-100-3 > ' s-( TOWN OF MONTVILLE, CONNECTICUT - CERTIFICATE OF USE AND COMPLIANC N ,°'fr'• 1981 Permission is hereby granted to use the facili located on Doted: e( t :.- 0113(5 - cw%--icT as a ' ' . '<s' r-- -- in occor•ance wit t e app ication for a tonin• permit date. � '"`� '� Arc. on in comp icnce with the Zoning Regulations for the Town of Montville, Connecticut. Zoning and Planning Commission, Town of Montville . Connecticut 7 ?it , , The recipient of this Certificate accepts this Certificate oon thencondiEio thatrg Comm. _ owner or as representing the owner, condition that he, cs the agrees to comply with all applicable ordinances and regulations of the Town of Montvilleand the State Statutes cf t!-Ie State cf Connecticut recording the use, occupancy and type of activity to be instituted. It is furthermore understood that anychange of of the focility for which this Cer:ifico'e is being is9Jed don a use Compliance s re;vire a new Certificate of Use and NOTE: Changes granted applicant after issuance cf the Zoning Permit ore to b� specified in the Certificate of Use and Compliance. clearly TOWN OF MONTVILLE v: i ''' OFFICE OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR /0 848-7166 TRADE PERMITS t _ PLUMBING s MEP ELECTRICAL PERMIT NO. .- ?ATE: 0-4/dry Property of: / Ac CI- Location: / 9 Contract / 4 , . / .7„. . . .aei AO / Addre s: TYPE OF LICENSE. ... .-- LICENSE NC:t:;263(.9871. .-.--La6J7 PERMIT APPROVED 00/10,11..c..4,1...j.0,29,1„,„"4„.. Building Inspector INSP. I ..... ..... Date: INSP. 2 Date: Con actor or Authorized Agent /l.moi..is,z r _ S gnature TOWN OF MONTVILLE ,...Y. 5 ptj.1 OFFICE OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR t'W 848-7166 TRADE PERMITS PLUMBING HEATING EL CTRICAL PERMIT NO. .....-.5737 4/:p...5--DATE: ffy Property of: / / Ael.6.4°& ' / Location: ll// Contractor: 4° ./et , I Address: TYPE OF LICENSE: LICENSE NO. ._.......- PERMIT APPROVED BY: 4 Building Inspector INSP. I -- Date . ............ INSP. 2 • . . .. Contractor or Authorized Agent ___________,e;e)- ,&e.G/.<egAt — Signature TOWN OFMONTVILLE BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Permit No. ..141 37 Date / /g 4-c-3 Estimated Cost irmir Fee -P;r9 af:/-.,--61 a 0 Owner ,. B'��-e'1 Q- Address fay qQ 4, Tele. J Contractor ,p� Address Tele. Location of Building .c .16,--7.4Vn X;Le.401YX?1, Zone No. ied- 5./z9 Additions & Alterations (Including moving, demolition, sign erection) New Bui - T pe o ons u lding ction Size cZ j5( c 6 / Type of Heat c �z '�"�� Fireplace if No. of Stories No. Rooms --�� Breezeway No. Baths Garage /3//k/,_2Z. / Q`,; J Use ` , I hereby certify that the proposed construction will conform to the applicable zoning reg- ulations of the Town of Montville and the Basic Building Code of the State of Connecticu and that all statements h in contained are true and correct. SignedTo--40/ Approved Date /9,/si, Building Inspector J .,,,,A6rS?'" Inspections For: Footings Framing Rough Wiring Electric Service Rough Heating Fireplaces Other Misc. Final Inspection for C.O. Approved Rejected Signed TOWN OF MONT\MLLE, CONNECTICUT Oil - 83 ZONING FE,�v�lt 110. A,g Fee F aid:.. .4 C.1.,ta5p Aare: /j ,olts Pe ,� 'ssion is hereby granted to O RT e J4t- to erect a 4 /, /ern/ 4/�jp �'^c_ on the �i de of j6,r �dlbs follows: SizL' Z6t. n f. /./,� 9, .t. wide, �.L stories high; -' distance from roan center lingear ft; distance from eac1i s'de lot Ii e• E ft; [ c / W 1 f; N 1�t; S �-t; for the use o; the facility as a �� � �,w To. cnd Planninc Commission, Town of Montville, Connecticut THIS FE,\%1IT IS VALID FOR ONE YEAR ejoni nag ,^, • The recipient- of this permit accepts it on ;he condition that he, as ow ..r or as reprosentinn the owner, oorees ;-o comply with all applicable ordinances cnd ons reuulorio; '• ' the Town ofMontville and the State Statutes of the State of Connecticut re ordino the use, occupancy and type of activity to be instituted. It h furthermore ore understood that the facility ccn not be used until a Certificate of Use and; Compliance has been issued by the Zonino and Planning Commission and that-any chenoe of use similarly does require a new Certifica;e of Use cnd Compliance. Compliance will be issued a plot plan dra.vn ;-o c scale of 1 , prepared: o and c Certificate ion Use and .� certified in compliance with provisions contained in Section 8.2 of the %oniric R ecula`,-ions must be submitted to the Zoning and °Icnnino Commission sha!! owing boundaries of :he (•,rop`r7, and cs is location(s) of M o uildrnas on the property includinc the cantor line of any public or private right-of-way, sonitary.faciliries and water supply. APPLICATION FOR A ZONING PERMIT, TOWN OF MONTVILLE, CONNECTICUT To be filled out by Applicant - 1 original and two- carbon copies Date 0324 _ g , 1983. The undersigned hereby applies to the Zoning and Planning Commission for a permit to Location of Property :1774 D e 7`T Ph. J4 G 4- Name of Subdivision 0,..-17r* IT , J• /r'I ilc'R /: Lot No. 9 IJ Assessor's Block No. , Assessor's Parcel No. Name of (Owner) (Agent) �ro/3 Cir."- 14 L7" , Address 13 Z e. 1q R b /At r r Size of Building in ft. : Front overall 4,9 / , Depth overall A 6 , Area 2 ZOO sq. ft. No. of stories L eight in ft. , No. of rooms 4 , No. of bedrooms 3 i No. of bathrooms /V , Zoning District • D , Area of Lot 3 Ss sq. ft. , Lot frontage ft. I Lot Width ft. , Front Yard Depth ft. Rear Yard Depth ft. , Side Yard Depth ft. Purpose of building and/or use is 9 / MEL , �4 ill iL V buil at tpi. Water Supply to consist of W r-LL Sanitary facility to consist of!;(!): p rm._ , Date of Sanitation Officer approval Remarks \ . I hereby agree to conform to all requirements of the Laws of the State of Connecticut and the Ordinances and Regulations of the Town of Montville, and to notify the Zoning and Planning Commission of any alteration in the plans for which this permit is being asked. I furthermore agree that the agree that the above described facility is to he located at the proper distance from all street links as required by the Zoning Regulations or any other applicable local and state ordinances and regulations and it is understood that the facility upon completion will be used in compliance with the Zoning Regulations of the Town of Montville. . I hereby apply for a Certificate of Use and Compliance for i/N 6 LSC /¢t,/L r described in the above application for a permit. It is my_ understanding that the facility can not be occupied until a Certifi to of Use and i` Compliance has been issued by the Zoning and Planning Commission. Signed44,/ i (Owne 1r (Agent) --- `: Tel. No. 6 .. 9i c'y Approved by Zoning Agent - , /ir, Date / /9/ 'J a - _ Zoning Permit No$3- 2!F •sued. Disapproved by _ Date Reason 1C/10/70