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SFR 1984
TOWN OF MONTVILLE, CONNECTICUT - CERTIFICATE OF USE AND COMPLIANCE NO. 4- Doted: '-,0 r- 19: Permission is hereby granted to use the facility located on R'`e'l C. ,X�57' 1e� 1 as a A. y G tip„ in accordance Zvitl the application for a zoning permit datedi it � end in cant lience with the Zoning Regulotions for the Town of Montville, Connect cut. p Zoning and Planning Commission, Town of Montville . Connecticut f, )' t , E (/Z Aia, • Agent for e Zoning '! ta: •nnirg Com.-n. The recipient of this Certificate accepts this Certificate on the co on that he, cs the owner or as representing the owner, agrees to comply with (III cpplicoble ordinances and regulations of the Town of Montvilleand the Stcte Stetut-s cf the State cf Connecticut recording the use, occuponcy and type of octivity to be instituted. It is furthermore understood thot any change of use of the facility for which this Cer:-ificate is being is<<jed d^es require a new Certificate cf Use and Compliance. NOTE Changes granted applicant offer issuance of the Zoning Permit are to be clearly specified in the Certificate of Use and Compronce. TO 1, 4 WN OF MONTV ILLS OFFICE OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR 4Q TRADE PERMITS PLUMBING 11120PERMIT No `�t� ELECTRICAL PrOPerty °f: ,7,q TE•/ . :/--)4‘..... i i Location: • C ,, o&I Contract. ----,( Add ess: ( -- �/ '� s s s .....edej,, �� ,„47 TYPE �+. E OF LICENSE; .-..,;. /.... .. re. .ti LICENSE N �-... .- -- PERMIT - --.-C APPROVED BY. �/7,. INSP. I � � C ‘." '"1"."'f""13—ui-ld'in.g.--/n- ct..?IN sPect°r SP 2 -- --. Date: Date; Cont actor or Authorized l/(QAgent Signature I F )j t.Ji,--- TOWN ©F MONTV/ OFFICE OF THE mown/tux 66N� INSPECTOR L 84871 PLUMBIN TRADE PERMITS G PERMIT NO HEATING jentibi, . ,•,.77.C=a7 -7.. OA TE: e:/,/..F4f.,.3. Property of• Location. .4 ---- 4 - Ale=e ) Contractor, t-..-? .. V ....: ' r/;‘,7_, Address: TYPE OF LICENSE. .... LICENSE NO ��7 -- PERMIT APPROVED BY: dii f 1� C NSP 1 , . Building Inspector 1NSP, 2 Date: f Build; ` - Date: -- ,E Contractor or �� Authorized Agent f Signalet `, i • TOWN OF MONTVILLE BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Permit No. ,.j ?'/ Date )FAV Fctimated f_nct '/ 7,_,0-25—;) fee 'T1,-� 1y14/S ('7 TOWN OF MONTVILLE Department of Public Works CERTIFICATE FOR USE OR OCCUPANCY Zone ',7 l/ / �/ Date . . 40.r/! ../i,.t 98/. . .... ... This is to certify that building at . . . .�A /5 .PY'Ld. . . e. # .to I / r . CAN.STr.Gt e� .e.d. as . a. .S/I//! .'. . .i."--a .s/.�W e JI ISI y . under Permit No. ...I-Y.25.. (constructed, altered, etc.) conforms substantially to the requirements of the Building Ordinances and the Zoning Regulations of the Town of Montville and the Basic Building Code of Connecticut and is hereby approved for use or occupancy under Use Group e"3 (see section 9 BBC/Conn.) .20%0 uilding Inspector, Town of Montville Notice: Retain this certificate for future reference. Form No. BIMO 70-100-3 Rough Wiring Electric Service Rough Heating Fireplaces Other Misc. Final Inspection for C.O. Approved Rejected Signed TC) N OFMQNTI�ILLE, CONNECTICUT LCl\!l NC FE'w�1T l�lO•ao4 Fee Faid:, Penission is hereby ,granted to ._, Date: �- to erect a_.., fc , ,f f / ''..od4ihe' `+,:i, f'� � ns follows: Si�c� � ft. ,yi+' �''� ' *� /{on9r ft, wide, stories hioriZ rb �ri.,� dis nee from roao center (in rt; ois;ance r . eac side lot line: E '' ft; V .,,,, f I\ y t: �t, for the use of the facility as o r'" ,� C �. • %ening and PKanninc ComTnission, Town of • Montville, Connecticut THIS PE.MIT IS YAUD FOR ONE YEAR - t •r „vo .4'.., The recipient of this permit accepts Pi on ;he condition that he, as own :r as representinn the owner, a;;rees to comply with all applicable ordincnces cnd reoula;ions of t e Town of Montville one, the State Statutes of the State of Connecticut renordino the use, occupancy and type to be instituted. It is furth '� ofactivity ore understood that the facility can no; be used until a Certificate of Use and Compliance has been issued by the Zonino and Planning use similarly does require newCertificate Use Commission and that any chance of qui re a of cnd Ccmpli once, Before a Certificate of Use enc; Compliance will be issued a plot plan dre.vn ;-o c scale of 1 "- /,J' prepared and certified in compliance with provisions conicined in Section 8.2 of the Zoning and 'onin,S Reeulo;�ions must be submitted to and Plcnninn Commission showinn a!! boundaries of all buildings on The prone linethe property and as is location(s) of raj includinc the canter of any public or private right-of-w scnitory.;ocilities and water supply_ ay, 1 ..:._:,4•iON i•Oit A ZONING PERMIT, TOWN OF MONTVILLL•', + t �':!v'I:c'!'icu'i To be filled out by Applicant - 1 original and two.` carbon copies • •)ate Vl -, \ S - , 198_. Pile undersigned hereby applies to the Zoning and Planning Comrnissi n for a permit to ��1��:" CI „) �� ��?-_`':jL C��_t v.i R 4_� L"� 6-tea' ��1 -y ) (i Lit-Li/�_ i Location of Property 0-\----Zit.. �i t �, 0 "' ter`_ e..`'c'.� ` 4 \ `' 1 "Jame of Subdivision _,>...4.___4_:,. { L. � L'`'`°-1-+- �'� � _(_ 3q _y Lt No. Assessor' s Block No. (- A sessotr's Parcel No. fes Name of (Owner) (Agent) L , of Building in ft. : Frontey-����'����j -- , -address �•(`�y1 �'� � ,7 ,1 � 1.y " �'�' overall; "1 Depth overall t . `t rea i � No. of storiest -1_ in ft. No. of rooms '' ...' , � tic, of bedrooms Nn. of bathrooms .- Zoning District ��['� Area of Lot r P{�1 "� �( C> _sq. ft. , Lot frontage ` �' b ft. Lot widthy, �_' i' i.rft. , Front said U:pth Soft. Rear and Deoth\fit__ �_ft.ST �" Side Yard liepch Purpose of building, and/or use is (� � h .t_--- �. Water Supply to consist of QO lo LJ• O }'�a Sanitary facility to consist of \ 0 by • `t.' .. - �5�_ Date of Sanitation Officer approval 0_2 Remarks I hereby agree to conform to all requirements of the Laws of the State of Connecticut and the "rrdinances and Regulations of the Town of Montville, and to notify the Zoning and Planning _cmnission of any alteration in the plans for which this permit is being asked. I furthermore agree gnat the agree that the above described facility is to be located at the proper distance from all duvet lines as required by the Zoning Regulations or any other applicable local and state ordinances rncil,regulations and it is understood that the facilityupon completion will be used in compliance with the Zoning Regulations of the Town of Montville. I here ' apply fob- Cer -i irate of Use and Compliance for `Z Q 1.0 Q 0_e1� / 1_ 4``t' 'L'-- '� C U.1!.." ..L"-i"4 ,)..o 6,1,LLS?, described in the above application for a ,,errnit. It is my understanding that the facility can not be occupied until a Certificate of Use and 'ompliance has been issued by the Zoning and Plann •n Cprnmi sion 11 Signed W1)1( ''Ct= CI: ,Ouner) AE;erit ) Tel . No. 76_L Q --Sf —_ pproved by Zoning Agent „ Date 1/122 /i3 • on i ng Permit No$� -U sued A: ( i sapj roved by -- — — --- - Date eason - ------- C/10/70 • a •4 r. • t, * t . .faL.-_— +! .,..._ _...-. _. - e i a `.... .. \ tw-' U '1 -- i' �ttl i! itI. - ?� 1 1 (j`; X C... ! ,,,i-: b= fs, ``T" ` ,C 01Z= !` J .-----,----.1-.._ l �•,�� ► moi-,9�-el I -�_ y ` 3 .Nlrr HOdv �C3iH:U10 i 11%11Ei % e_S 7 _.,--, 'fr.%ez.,1-t j 1 '1 IL C) ..IN el C'" 4. o IT s to C' rt I S3t,IDY 8626'0 I .3.S 00=e'01,7 _V7ZV •t it Sai n I II • xt.01i a� 1.14\.. ____ " —IV '13 f.1VQ Iei3130U 4/74 F',! "— t • fin: &no