HomeMy WebLinkAboutScreened Porch 1989 TOWN OF MONTVILLE Building Department CERTIFICATE FOR USE OR OCCUPANCY Zone R-40 Date June 6, 1989 This is to certify that building at 15 Porach Road constructed as a screened porch under Permit No 7043 (constructed, altered, etc.) conforms substantially to the requirements of the Building Ordinances and the Zoning Regulations of the Town of Montville and the Basic Building Code of Connecticut and is hereby approved for use or occupancy under Use Group R- (see section 309.0 BBC/Conn.) Building Inspector, Town of ,•ntville Notice: Retain this certificate for future reference. Form No. B.D. 001 White-Bldg Dept. Canary-Assessor Pink-Sewer Dept. Gold-Owner TOWN OF MONTVILLE, CONNECTICUT - CERTIFICATE OF USE AND COMPLIANCE NO Permission is hereby granted to use the facility located on p Dated: JWP 5 15'81 __ as o „i 0- ord in accance veil lie epP rcaho h t l'___,_ for a zoning permit date. with the Zoning Regulations for the Town of MontvilleConnectticuticut �, �9 cn, in ccr;:i�Ii.:.,r,; . " Zoning and Planning Commission, Town of Montville Connecticut / it04_ Agent for ail Zoning an. 'lanniig Cam n. The recipien` of this Certificate accepts this Certificate on the condition that ha, as the owner or as representing the owner, cgre s to comply with call applicable ordinances and r?Igulatrons of the Town of Montvilleand the Stam Stntut-s cf the Stote of• occupancy and lype of activity to be instituse•�. It is further-;,Crynr�eeticut recordirr� the use, of the facility for which this Cer'ifice`e ;: beingi«,�„ ,,,, o - understood that any change of use Compliance d does r";uire a new Certificate cf Use and NOTE: Changes granted applicant oiler issuance cf the Zoning Penni' are to ha clearly specified in the Certificate of Use and Compliance. TOWN OF MONTV I LLE ' jy, sr-a BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Permit No. 7e !f 3 Date (4/??- Estimated Cost ‘.0 . 0 0 Fee l 3 sC C' C.0 . Owner '4,11 t"(` -tf-4 Q 6 Y-tDtc),Zz Address j a rac ed. Wncoi( '1 . Contractor € I Address Tele. Location of Building Ic Pn rn rL �d Zone No. Additions & Alterations (Including moving, demolition, sign erection) C r-e+~v�r� c� ► n Po c-di\ J - X ?JO New Building - Type of Construction Size Type of Heat Fireplace No. of Stories No. Rooms Breezeway No. Baths Garage Use I hereby certify that the proposed construction will conform to the applicable zoning reg- ulations of the Town of Montville and the Basic Building Code of the State of Connecticut , and that all statements herein contained are true and correct. Signed Cre. '4 .11/..e. u ry Approved , ding B i Date t // �4 77 u Inspector 1r� Inspections For: Footings Framing Rough Wiring Electric Service Rough Heating Fireplaces Other Misc. Final Inspection for C.O. Approved Rejected Signed M)NIVILLE CT. ZONING PERMiT �� ,�-i3 � EXPIRATION DATE: Ar •/ DATE SUBMITTED_ _______ Property owner / /c'i Ppplicant ��, r //if// >c6-ILl Applicant's Address/Telephone Number /- Property Property location including Assessor's Map and Lot numbers .49 -2c5-61E4-t Qo i. Subdivision Name_ Zone i Lot Area /r' 2 Height 7, Total Floor area of Structures after [ velopment ; 4L Sigi Area if Applicable j'& Nature of Recpest/Proposed Use: • This application, and two copies thereof, including plans drawn to a scale of at least 1"=40' showing dimensions of lot, the size, area, and location on the lot of existing, proposed, principal and accessory structures, driveways, sanitary facilities and water supply, parking facilities, and adjacent streets. Distances of structures from property lines and centerlines of public roads must also be indicated. In the case of fill or excavation requests (under cubic yards) dimensions of fill area and cubic yards must be included. Any other regulations for specific uses Ait also be complied with. A plan prepared by a Connecticut Registered Land Surveyor may be required. The applicant guarantees that all the applicable requirements of the Zoning Regulations will be adhered to. In addition, the applicant agrees to notify the Connission or its appointed agent of any alteration in the plans. Application for a Certificate of Use and Compliance for the use specified above is hereby wade, the use of which shall not be authorized until an actual Certificate of Use and Compliance is issued by the Commission or its appointed agent. This permit authorizes the applicpnt to p-oceed to the Building Drpar t for any requisite permits. /A"' (9,74NZ-12 g commission t O tion/Date Applicant PLAN (Attach if Necessary) 0 a � 10, a U"rq/CA' • 321,c„,/,,-, t/W,2cl c64- . _zxfG / / / ./ / ..t «� Acer'/.'^ �/ _ / -. / n // , ---ta-'67)1.'aL‘ I4 d . .. 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