HomeMy WebLinkAboutSFR 1971 _ ..., i ; TOWN OF MONTVILLE Department of Public Works Application for Building Permit Application & Permit No. . . . . .7/!...../.,7. . . Date "line.e,,a+. . pl../;. . ./77/ Estimated Cost 40/47,..fee'-' Fee Owner . . . . . ........... . .Cloff/Or u00. • Address .7. ./417 •00,11° - Contractor or u'•-, r Address .....-- Architect Address — Location of Building 14•1/'lie / /44 04,7 e Zone No. Additions & Alterations (including moving or demolition and sign erection) New Building — Type of Construction Size 4,6 X i# Type of Heat . . . . . / No. of Stories "it 44f-4,-taigre.A Fireplace i No. of Rooms s..r Breezeway . No. of Baths / Garage . . . . . .4- #l/CV!". . . . Proposed Use .e..1`./ I hereby certify that the proposed construction will conform to the applicable zoning regulations of the Town of Montville and the Basic Building Code f the State of Connecticut. Signed . (::-,..-.,Z,la: ;e5. ...e4. -•.`,?(.4-:"k . Approved ...f ".*:f .. .. .. .. - Date 5 glY-7/ Building Inspec t . . Form No. BIMO 70-100-1 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TO THE HEALTH OFFICER Application No. TOWN OF MONTVILLE Date 4'e/L '! / I hereby apply for permit to build a sewage disposal system for a S,®1 Nc_ . (Residence, boarding house, hotel, etc.) Owned by err T" L CL r-t-IErr r- of_1_IHN rt1t-T( )NI AVE _AL/!Z And located at 1T LA E- To be built by "Al N of SI mE in accordance with detailed information stated below. v � ' Signed �. . _. «t.t1 (Applicant) GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Estimated population of premises (present) (future) 4' 2. Description of premises I o,X 'Zoo''a1 S RSM .s +16E.:\) p M No. Fixtures (above basement): Water closets I Urinals _" Lavatories ' Bath Tubs Showers Kitchen Sinks / Laundry Tubs List fixtures in basement V1IHER 3. Water supply A 1E 1 AN .E`-L Kind of well 51 Af\-)&;,'R 1 1--1._t.D� (public, well or cistern, spring) Location of well F 20 n LE r- r NT> i\ E 1 Method of obtaining or storing supply ` L4114P S fl TANK (pumps, tank, etc.) 4. Character of soil at proposed location of leaching system, including depths of various strata LoA \ a 1)1 1 - (sand, loam, clay, hardpan, etc.—use test pits) 5. Elevation of ground water 4 FE. 7 (with reference to both present and future grades) S U 7L O /' • ( 2) 6. Description of proposed system (Furnish drawings of same, with plot plan showing system). `Septic Tank 11 Dimensions_61 1.1 10-4, L.15)- ‘1,4 Capacity below flow line 12.5(D KA-- Facilities for cleaning 3 N4. C-crAiF - -Distance from water supply on same prop- erty 101 FES , on adjoining property !'60 T EE'T Distance from property lines 5o --- _-- —__ Distance from dwellings on same property FEET , on adjoining property 75- FiEk j Automatic Dosing Apparatus, if any (describe) • ** Soil Absorption System C- If cesspool, size is _�._ _ ft. diameter and__,_L_-_ ft. depth below inlet. If tile field or leaching trenches, total length is____ ft. Width of trenches ft., depth of broken stone or screened gravel_- ft. Stone or gravel will be covered by -- -- ---- ------------------- (salt hay, tar paper, etc.) Distance between trenches ft. Distance from water supply on same prop- erty , on adjoining property Distance from property lines _._ Distance from dwelling on same prop- erty , on adjoining property_ Secondary Treatment, if other than soil absorption. Describe in detail, and locate on map. System was designed by -_ 40. Above information furnished by ' - - , * If privy or chemical toilet is proposed, submit information as to pit, fly proofing, chemical tanks, etc. on separate sheet. ** No discharge of sewage or sewage effluent into any watercourse should be permitted without approval of the state department of health and state water commission. I el 4 J . 1--__So d p i--- 50—O I '0 C D'FYW ELL:1'12° I FO. S — —0---0 o zu ; z1 0 Z 1 2s'--d 1 \ I \ 1 rlOUSE \ • e I0''\ 1 ` 54-161 \ , WIEL 1" ( ` ' 0 Cep; ' �� Ji 0)1- i 14 I 1I 25 -0 [O 4112 -73e m r �� / S �Q/l e alesif.) , e