HomeMy WebLinkAboutSFR 1997-98 TOWN OF MONTVILLE BUILDING DEPARTMENT CERTIFICATE FOR USE & OCCUPANCY Zone: R-40 Date: 1-16-1998 This is to Certify that the structure at: 75 Pollys Lane Built as: Single family home under Permit No: 13634 conforms substantially to the requirements of the Building Code Ordinance and Zoning Regulations as adopted by the Town of Montville and the State of Connecticut and is hereby approved for use and occupancy under Use Group: R-4 Section: 309 .0 of the Basic Building Code of Connecticut _ CODE: C .A .B .O 1989 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: B SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Signed: /I // 1/ NOTICE; Retain this certificate for future reference . Form No . B .D . 002 TOWN OF MONTVILLE,CONNECTICUT-CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NUMBER: 138-97 DATED: 01/13/98 Permission is hereby granted to UNITED MODULAR HOME CO., INC/ROSEMARY KRAMMER to use the facility located on 75 POLLYS LANE; ASSESSOR'S MAP 102, LOT 32 as a SINGLE FAMILY HOUSE in accordance with zoning permit number 97- 122 dated 6/27/97 and in compliance with the Zoning Regulations for the Town of Montville, Connecticut. PLANNING AN ONING COMMIS ON,TOWN OF MONTVILLE,CONNECTICUT Agent for the Planning and Zoning Commission The recipient of this certificate accepts this certificate on the condition that he as the owner or as representing the owner, agrees to comply with all applicable ordinances and regulations of the Town of Montville and the State Statutes of the State of Connecticut regarding the use, occupancy and type of activity to be instituted. It is furthermore understood that any change of use of the facility for which this certificate is being issued does require a new Certificate of Compliance. NOTE: Changes granted applicant after issuance of the Zoning Permit are to be clearly specified in the Certificate of Compliance. - TOWN OF MONTVILLE Building Department / '° S el 848-7166 APPROVED BUILDING PERMIT OR TRADES PERMIT For 180 Days Permit No: 13634-P Approval Date: 11/19/97 Expiration Date: 5/19/98 Estimated Cost: 1 ,900 .00 Fees: 10 .00 PRF: C .O: Owner : Rosemary Krammer Address: 66 Skyline Drive Tel : Job Location: 75 Polly 's Lane Code: 06 Contractor : Y & M Services Address: 35 Forest Dr . Tel : 267-2200 Stick Built: Modular Home: x Manufactured Home: Commercial : Addition: Garage: Car Port: Shed: Remodeling: Roofing: Siding: Fireplace: Chimney: Windows: Pool : Demolition: Plumbing: x Heating: Electrical : Air Conditioning: Gas: Patio: Porch: Deck: Retaining Wall : New: x Repair/Replacement: Type of material used/discription: Plumbing to code for modular house Size: Type of Heat: Fireplace: No .of Stories: No . Rooms: Breezeway: No . Baths: Garage: Use: I hereby certify that the proposed work will conform to the Basic Ntigw, Cd lonntdll . l _other Codes as adopted by the State of Connecticut , and Applicant 's Signature: /d...... ,,�`j��� / y�/ - , � Date: ,/�'--�! 9i7 If signed by Contractor , type of 1 'cense/regis r% ion & No: `�7 7, a- if, Building Official 's Signature: --itiea '..4 . • te: _//!` 9/9 _ r4o4pie Date of Health Dept . Approval : Date of Zoning Approval : //i71 THIS IS TO INFORM YOU THAT UNDER THE CONNECTICUT AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING CODE , SECTION 119 .3 A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY USE OF THE STRUCTURE . A MINIMUM OF 24 HOUR NOTICE TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT IS REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS. /3 &=5 ` ' r TOWN OF MONTV I LLE ff Building Department /��� U !/x I' A•plication for a Permit iilrh Owner ' .%,�LG0/�02Pav%s::.�ii Address : cP isiZ)4, Tel Job Location: e � t Contractor: V9'77. Address : c_S /_i�2=P_—0g_ ___ el : t�7 X,�d� Stick Built : Modular Home : '✓ Manufactured Home: commercial : Addition: _ Garage: — Car Port : Shed: Remodeling: Roofing: Siding: Fi eplace : Chimney : Windows : Pool : Demolition : Plumbing: Y Heating :g g Electrical : Air Conditioning : Gas : Patio: _ Porch: _ Deck : _ Retaining Wall : _ New: ✓ Repair/Replacement : Type of Material to be used/ job description : Size: Type of Heat : Fireplace: No . of Stories : No . Rooms : _ Breezeway : _ No. Baths : Garage : Use : 11 • 1/ Ur \ TOWN OF MONTVILLE qiP/I Buildin9 DePartment /011`', / 1 ‘ , a/J 848-7166 ti\- 4, APPROVED BUILDING PERMIT OR TRADES PERMIT For 180 Days Permit No: 13634 Approval Date: 7/30/97 Expiration Date: 1/30/98 Estimated Cost: 58 ,640 .00 Fees: 352 .00 PRF : 41 .00 C .0: 10 .00. Owner : Rosemary Krammer Address: 66 Skyline Drive Tel 848-3314 Job Location: 75 Polly 's Lane Code: 01. Contractor : United Modular homes Address: Niantic Tel : 691-1844 Stick Built: Modular Home: x Manufactured Home: Commercial : Addition: Garage: Car Port: Shed: Remodeling: Roofing: Siding: Fireplace: Chimney: Windows: Pool : Demolition: Plumbing: Heating: Electrical : Air Conditioning: Gas: Patio: Porch: Deck: Retaining Wall : New: x Repair/Replacement: Type of material used/discription: modular raised rancn Size: 26 ' x 44 ' Type of Heat: warm air/oil fired Fireplace: n/a No.of Stories: 1 No . Rooms: 5 Breezeway: n/a No . Baths: 2 Garage: 2 car under Use: residential I hereby certify that the proposed work will conform to the Basic Building Code and all other Codes as adopted by the State of Connecticut , and the Town of Montville . (� Applicant 's Signature: / _ Date: -4 -, If signed by Contractor , type of license/registration & No: �0.,- Building Official 's Signature: ,� . - i�./ / -2 -I�� . ,,..: . 4 ,/ Date: 4ii Date of Health Dept . Approval : _ Date of Zoning Approval : THIS IS TO INFORM YOU THAT UNDER THE CONNECTICUT AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING CODE , SECTION 119 .3 A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY USE OF THE STRUCTURE . A MINIMUM OF 24 HOUR NOTICE TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT IS REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS . TOWN OF MONTVI LLE /� /3� Bui l dA:g- g.epartment I (�'G x Application_for a Permit 35(77---vi rG/5 Li,Skciu 1.) '6' GwYI.er :%5c-fivQCt,1 tiril Pt th ii\ 71-( Address: UwIA5U I( Le K-1-_, Tel : 8u<^3314 Job Location: _�S__ _c?CLs4__j:Ay Contractor: 7�1 M.3- 34 , , Address: Op ,9O1LhrTel :3a�•o81y 1 Stick Built: Modular Home: Manufactured Home: Commercial : Addition: _ Garage: __ Car Port : _ Shed: Remodeling: _ Roofing: Siding: ___ Fireplace: ___ Chimney: Windows : Pool ' Demolition ' _ Plumbing: _ Heating: _ Electrical : _ Air Conditioning: _ Gas: Patio: _ Porch: _ Deck: _ Retaining Wall : _ New: _ Repair/Replacement: Type of Material/job description: Ceq.) 6 `l r`v k3I1e rQ' Ir \ a ti Size: W., Ygl Type of Heat: T*cS.4 FOAIND Fireplace: ') No. of Stories: \ No. Rooms : c Breezeway: N^j _ No . Baths : Garage: t nWW,I4i'" Use ZONING PERMIT • • ZONING PERMIT NUMBER, 97-/ a` OR ❑N/A EXPIRATION DATE t- a APPLICANT -b /i ; ' A APPUCANT'S ADDRESS /c? fl" I-L4-lw) c R/( /v/4 , TELEPHONE 6).‘9 7/-ye X PROPERTY OWNER ' Lir 14 .t . A Ii#4 i' LOCATION 1I7- / QGL YS 6VA LOT AREA /PDX'/j/ ZONE , AsSESSOR'S MAP NUMBER 7 D LOT NUMBER ''3 .."1- WILDING HEIGHT /.% ` inXL _ PROPOSED FLOOR AREA i/, 9 NATURE OF REQUEST/PROPOSED U�. .�.�. ,,„, 7r'fjar.,_ 4 ( •l/ r A'4/['c./`f / Q+TCH VEND:DCu18NSIONS OF THE LOT,THE SI=AREA, �l1D LOc � n %1RY FACu.m6S AND WATER SUPPLY, PARKING�. ' CaJTtl (l=',m I THE DUE 1.",7 FEL OI E"�:vlm0: a .i REDUEZ UNDER �y PARED BY A CONNECTICUT REGISTERED LAND i EYt t �� � / !� .0, � v IL AN ACTUAL CERTIFICATE OP C0.WUA SCE IS �tUIID ( 1 ,1 y a diC1=TCF S � So STATE F ( ) 7 0 W-e-25I/1C- 1-6 `1° o •IAS A V, kiA8 BOF EE PAIL .tyz,,o N/A APPUC-ANT AGREES T0: ADHERE TO ALL THfi APPLICABLE REouiREMENTS of TI-EZONNG REGULATIONS. taOTIFY 11-6 CONIoH OR/TS APPOINT=AOJp1T of ANY ALTERATION IN THU PLANS. ' . CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION AND REQUEST CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE BEFORE ISSUANCE OF C.O. PQtr-wry SIGNATURE Z/ ,, DAM: ) 7 • z nM $BION Aff DATE roY MG=mum A(J?}FORREE THE APPLICANT TO PROCEED TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT FOR ANY REQUIRED PERMITS `ONTACT THE ZONING OFFICER (848-8549) AT LEAST 24 HOURS BEFORE ;ONSTRUCTION BEGINS TO ALLOW ZONING OFFICER TO INSPECT LOCATION. IEV. 2 i 'd WU82:6 Lb. 021411f Nllt 0 TOWN OF MONTVILLE N Cvt PERMIT FOR PUBLIC SEWER CONNECTION DATE --2`3v/�Z-7 FEE $_6 _ PERMIT NO. 6 cZa 47 TYPE NO. OF UNITS / LOCATION OWNER(S) OF RECORDS NAME f /96 72/i x/D t 0-3 kir 4 MAILING ADDRESS CONTRACTOR ,i'L LN S TDATEN1.:1N(1417 INSPECTED BY Ikke, 161 METERED METER NO. DATE FIRST READING ?' INSTALLED SKETCH OF LOT SHOWING WELL OR WATER PIPES, BUILDING AND PROPOSED TIE-IN ROUTE TO STREET STUB. Show as-built connection complete with all measurements from a permanent structure to pipe exit from building and all cleanout locations trap and vent (if outside) , grease pit (if any) , grinder pump installation (if any) . (Use back of white sheet if necessary. ) Iran ♦ �f;=�1'a' TNSr OL '5 LA t WPCA COPY INSPECTOR COPY OWNER COPY (white) (yellow) (pink ) ^ � TOWN OF MONT'7I LLE O Building Department 848-7166 APPROVED BUILDING PERMIT OR TRADES PERMIT For 180 Days Permit No: 13634-E Approval Date: 10/31/97 Expiration Date: 4/31/98 Estimated Cost: 1 ,800 .00 Fees: 10 .00 PRF: C .O: Owner : Rosemary Krammer Address: 66 Skyline Drive Tel : 848-3314 Job Location: 75 Polly 's Lane Code: 06 Contractor : Top Notch Elec . Address: 131 Gilliver Road Tel : 376-6616 Stick Built: Modular Home: x Manufactured Home: Commercial : Addition: Garage: Car Port: Shed: Remodeling: Roofing: Siding: Fireplace: Chimney: Windows: Pool : Demolition: Plumbing: Heating: Electrical : x Air Conditioning: Gas: Patio: Porch: Deck: Retaining Wall : New: x Repair/Replacement: Type of material used/discription: install 200 amp service and wiring to code for modular house Size: Type of Heat: Fireplace: No .of Stories: No . Rooms: Breezeway: No . Baths: Garage: Use: I hereby certify that the proposed work will conform to the Basic Building Code and all other Codes as adopted by the State of Connecticut , and the Town of Montville . Applicant 's Signature: Date: If signed by Contractor , type of li ense/registration & No: / - /2_371? BuildingOfficial 's Signature: / / Ad(' Date: ,/0 3, 9 7 9 ►L..L�.L`. _ moi...• Date of Health Dept . Approval : / 050;/ Date of Zoning Approval : THIS IS TO INFORM YOU THAT UNDER THE CONNECTICUT AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING CODE , SECTION 119 .3 A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY USE OF THE STRUCTURE . A MINIMUM OF 24 HOUR NOTICE TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT IS REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS . TOWN OF MONTV ILLE U Building D'•partment Application ftr a Permit Owner : fos5 iia4wty kte.4041wF& Address : (Q(oS�yl/� t i us? Tel : S '/ -33/Y Job Location: 7 41)J S 7 P _NA'm- 4 ice. R-F-D3 )3) C/1)u,�,4 d 374.- 66/0 Contractor: wtc Address : A f-i �• rwc4icd•A C7" Tel : y/- /pry Stick Built: Modular Home: )( Manufactured Home: commercial : Addition: _ Garage: _ Car Port: Shed: — Remodeling: _ Roofing: Siding: _ Fireplace: _ Chimney: _ Windows: _ Pool : Demolition: Plumbing: _ Heating: _ Electrical : y[ Air Conditioning: _ Gas : Patio: _ Porch: _ Deck: _ Retaining Wall : _ New: _ Repair/Replacement: Type of Material to be used/job description: TNST1•91,..L- ac'o ,444-'P S L • •. � • - 1. /2 -. . / ) : W e-4-4, Size: / ktral Type of Heat : Q; ( Fireplace: No. of Stories : No. Rooms : Breezeway : No. Baths : Garage: Use: , 4 '4 TIN •••,.. V i',.: V.4.%417.4:'-21 N' . '1 . 4.,44444,41'4,14V17.-4---.4%, ,. a tol - f4t .. • • . • . Cs • - A ii Ni 4 ILI tti§ 6, ' - \ , ..... • . V;),0 z 40 PI 114, t q - ‘4 31 I . • 0 4, 4•••• . . 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