HomeMy WebLinkAboutDemo Shed Roof Addition 1998 TOWN OF MONTVILLE Building Department Tel . 860-848-7166 Fax 860-848-7231 ****************************************************************************** Building or Trades Permit Owner : Richard Manley Mailing Address : 63 B Point Breeze Rd . City: Uncasville State: Ct . Zip Code: 06382 Tel : 848-7648 Job Location: 63 B Point Breeze Road Map/Block/Lot: 075/017-A00 Contractor : Bruce J . Manolakos Mailing Address: 250 Massapeag Road City: Uncasville State: Ct . Zip Code: 06382 Tel : 848-3625 ****************************************************************************** Stick Built: x Modular : Manufactured Home: Commercial/Industrial : Addition: Garage: Car Port: Shed: Remodeling : Roofing: Siding: Fireplace: Chimney: Windows: Pool : Demolition: Plumbing: Heating: Electrical : Air Conditioning: Gas: Patio: Porch: Deck: Retaining Wall : New: Repair/Replacement: Job Description/Materials Used: demolish 12 ' x 18 ' shed roof addition and clean debris Size: Type of Heat: Fireplace: No . of Stories: No . Rooms: Breezeway: No . Baths: Garage: Use: / residential Building Official 's Signature: Date: /Gj 4.0 — ******************************• ************* **** ************************* Permit #: 14470 Estimated Cost : 650 .00 Building: 3 .00 Date: 10/29/98 Plan Review: n/a Code: 13 C .O . n/a Total : 3 .00 Cash/Check: paid cash ****************************************************************************** A MINIMUM OF 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS . Required Inspections: footings prior to pouring concrete footing drains damp proofing prior to backfill framing electrical service rough electrical rough plumbing-leak tests required heating system fireplace-throat inspection and final chimney-above thimble and final gas line test pool bonding Final Inspection for Certificate of Occupancy TOWN OF MONTVILLE .1 Building Department Telephone 860-848-7166 Fax 860-848-7231 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT OR TRADES PERMIT FILL IN THIS SECTION COMPLETELY . Owner : /(7,/C///1/,) J ,')c. 5k Mailing Address: E3 B >4;74/7 1 City: (A/C. SII/ILLLf (7- State: _ (-17-- Zip Code c Tel : c ?f- Xa Job Location: 63 � W.U%-34. 7�)- Map/Block/Lot: 7,S= /[)/ 7 z3 Contractor : .�5>ekr T/',JOL,4K-G,S Mailing Address: ,. D /lam r ,I/�� ,f� Cit 001/4-Si u1 LC i1 Ci State: U(�Sd'LJ7)4/Y--- 010...i y: / Zip Code: Tel : ****************************************************************************** Stick Built: ✓ Modular Home: Manufactured Home: Commercial : Addition: Garage: Car Port: Shed: Remodeling: Roofing: Siding: Fireplace: Chimney: Windows: Pool : Demolition: Plumbing: Heating: Electrical : Air Conditioning: Gas: Patio: Porch: Deck: Retaining Wall : New: Repair/Replacement: Job Discription/Materials used: 22' 7 s,I 2i'A S lJ 1) e.)/7/Z1 �.c" - f�c l) j� ' ,2/ /l,I �f L ' , _ / , ' c / •;moi A - i 41467 Size: /. 2 /e--) Type of Heat: ,C1�414.(--. FireplaceI .ti' No .of Stories: / No . Rooms: 2- Breezeway: No . Baths: Garage: Use: I hereby certify that the proposed work will conform to the Basic Building Code and all other Codes as adopted by the State of Connecticut , and the Town of Montville . Owner/Agent Signature: L1/ --''--- Date: /c,42//' If signed by Contractor , type of license/registration & No: _ .)5/ s/5' .4/o-x7- //79/ c;..%7 ***************************************************************************** Building Department Use Only ‘ 0"---0 FEE Permit # j y5'id Estimated Cost Building Plan Review C .O . fr° T. al Check 10/29 '98 08:34 ID:C L 8 P FAX:860-447-5755 PAGE 1 's Connecticut Thr co.eetreut Light alga Power l','omQ,mY ---7///D Light&Power 63R Avenue Waterford ,CT O6245 1-R00-256-5000 The Northeitst Utilities System October 29 , 1998 To: Vern V R1dg . Insp. /Montville Re : Request for Removal of Electric Service In response to the request we received from : Bruce J Manolakos On: Octo1� r 1 y9f� The electric service to : 6 3 B -Pr�t Was removed on : OciQ r 28 1g9B David A. Florin New Service Supervisor 0a563Z ay.9-97 FROM MYSTIC AIR QUALITY TO 8483218 P.01 9`p j 'ransmittal la. Xp9'p* * B � lk z p ( 'p 1.* # 'ity Consultants PH( 7,1 ��A IR 69 FAX- p`p '' E I�i�ti!� i`.\ -4 Myst 0 _ - 12041 6- 9Z� o� 'CI . .‘i i Gro fol S U L'�P' Date: iota 71 .5' To: y� Fax Number: O( (i C6 M On0 IaXo.L ff60 - P-I$- 3 ,22 1I3 From: J., n C1 0` Number of pages (including this cover): 10 Comment(s): Fall-1998 TRAINING Call toll free today to ask about training for confined • space, bloodborne pathogens, lock out tag out, and other OSHA programs. • A 1Z1 ,iyry y� qn_ }(: Y Reply requested: ❑ Yes `� No OCT-27-1998 12:33 FROM MYSTIC AIR QLIALITi TO 8483218 P.05 A> AlRQ4 MyUc Air Qality Conu1tant , Inc. IE ill�Pr��� 0 ��' 1204 North Road (Rt. 117) Groton, Connecticut 06340 0, A„ October 27, 1998 Mr. Bruce Manolakos 250 Massapeag Road Uncasville, Connecticut 06382 Re: Executive Summary Pre-Demolition Inspection 63-B Point Breeze Road Uncasville, Connecticut 06382 Dear Mr. Manolakos: As requested, Mystic Air Quality Consultants, Inc. conducted a survey of representative and accessible areas of the site referenced above prior to demolition on October 21, 1998. This survey conducted by a State of Connecticut licensed asbestos inspector, Bryce Aston was to determine the presence of asbestos-containing materials. The samples that were taken were analyzed by phase contrast microscopy at Environmental Hazards Services Inc. NVLAP certificate # 101882-0. Summary of the findings Of all the materials tested, none were found to be asbestos-containing. Limitations of the survey Since this is a representative survey this report only deals with some accessible areas of the building. Additionally, there may be other non-accessible materials above ceilings, behind walls, and below floors that become evident during your renovation activity. Should the requisite EPA/OSHA competent person working for the contractor discover such materials they will need to be tested for asbestos content so determinations of their abatement and disposal (if required) can be made. Telecommunications (24 hours): Office: (860) 449-8903 FAX: (860) 449-8860 Toll Free: 1 (800) 247-7746 OCT-27-1998 12 33 FROM MYSTIC AIR QUALITY TO 8483218 P.O6 ��c, AIR4G E Mystic Air Qa1ity Consultants, Inc. 1204 North Road (Rt. 117) Groton, Connecticut 06340 uta We thank you for the opportunity to conduct this survey. Sincerely, 'stop er . Eident CIH,CSP,RS CEO Enclosure 1: Summary of lab results Enclosure 2: Chains of Custody Enclosure 3: Roster of Suspect Materials Enclosure 4: Daily Job Log Telecommunications (24 hours): Office: (860) 449-8903 FAX: (860) 449-8860 Toll Free: 1 (800) 247-7746 Of.T-27-1998 12:7,4 FROM MYSTIC AIR QUALITY TO 8483218 P.07 �c Inc. he E Sites Buidlu�350 SO:Aee.Asile.15 EMSL Analytical, nc. York,NY 10tel Fan: p1v3 1, EMSL 1 Attn.: Chris' Ederlt Monday,October 26, 1998 Mysticao�4 We. 1204 North Rood (Rt. 1 17) Groton.CT 06340 Ref Number: NY987626 e POLARIZED LAM i®tROSCOPV (PLR) P by EPA 600JB.93/116 b " --- MOM BRUCE weausicts/634 UNCASSVILla,CT SAMPLE ardigitIVE aaesIl* SAMPLE LOCA[ APPEARAME THEATNEMT % TYPE % FKUtoUS % NONRBROUS IRF ITeesectiVissolved � , '12 1:Teased/DissoNed None Detected 30% Otreutost 50%%WM20%Other 9 ROOF Btat4i Tem None Detected- 20% Ceiktose 50%MatriX ii 31:7%Ott Nort-F te T itctd 90% CeWl9edi 50%Matrix 20%Otheri L--_. plane Detected 20% cehurose- Mattis �s I T� 20%Olt�f Homogeneous None 4096 Celli*** 40%Matrix '1 Ig 1ROOF ! Teased/Dissolvedz09<Other { us j ... f Cao'ments+For a4 ebvioarsy belerogenaolus samosa amity seporated lrdo sobstortFtee,and teff layered sarrridex..each rpt ib anatizcd beciacately. Also,'/of Layer•refers to number d SorsoNlble saMMI+ia8. •NY sgsnples as*aradyzeo by SLAP 1984 Method r14"'"a7e1e6 , f au 04.e.ri V ppprDv�d R Montero Analyst aY crogniwz'vim*oven awn to sup warm=h a and vaa•+r0e 4 e�P W dM9i eallele i emb MOO"'rte nsa<da arse be s eovuua7 m cr0 gr row*AMMO rba�d be Mend ill flair e�ecYor Ma lite Woo toot m sedrope dmt�n mottos ,to Via Woo 1 read Thep law,$ auei only c �omwe 4n r� W darnwenC VPS 4.Y"Mir-pPel&vat NAV WW2 mai COMM a one*no e s a 43 wild d by*A- m e W al Oil urged Yore cereasaer4 int)a ee>�aa. ys ee wild laoareto Y 3 na k'ds eaxs�a MILES.ern �D0° -.JO" 1 . QCT-26-1998 12:15 2122900658 P.01 OCT-27-1998 12 35 FROM MYSTIC AIR QUALITY TU 8483218 P.U8 AIR QG 3-/;- .if . MyUc Air Quality Consultant, Inc. 070"Su`T ��~ 1204 North Road (Rt. 117) Groton, Connecticut 06340 CHAIN OF CUSTODY ftSCQRD 8011 LABORATORY ANALYsIs client Naas Client Address: Sample Date: 075'0 /r4 .pe,1 Ru, ./)1,)'ii &we 41404.014 ko.s Uftrcsrsvlle , ( 7 06 Ji Project #: Phone # : FAX # : Contact: Oruce g74--y-f(44,. Project Location & Inforaations 65 -o PP,,. ,iJ • - Analysis Requested Sample # Sample Description & Location ;rizi TEM PCU LEAD OTH' • 1 R . / - O4a*rz S /r ,, . Special Handling instructions/Remarks: Sampled by: - Date: �/.2//S.P Signature -4414"- ?'--- Time: Released by: - Date: signature: Time: Received by: Date: signature: Time: Released to Lab by: fes, _ Date: foAwci signature: Time: Received in Lab by: Date: signature: s gime: LA3 DATA - Boor--$ page f: Log #: - LED : / / ( ]COMPLETE [ ] PROJECT: GIVE TO: rlecommun1Catlons (24 hours): Lice: (203) 449-8903 Toll Free: 1 (800) 247-7748 u(. (203) 449-8860 OCT-27-1998 12:25 FROM MYSTIC AIR QUAL ITT' TO 9482218 P.89 ? Jay Tn • .1meas s EMSL ANALYTICAL CHAIN OF CUSTODY S ammo (.4 frit , �-6 cm,CA SSv;11e LCT SAMPLE# ' LOCATION LAP # `! 5"f 6 Ma- •11 • • Relinquished 8y: (Person) • _.. Date: Received at EMSL By: � r' � ri ♦2 I crate: Received at EMSL By. - Date: Note: Please duplicate this form and use additional sheets if necessary. OCT-26-1998 12:16 2122900058 P.02 OCT-27-1998 12:31 FROM MYSTIC AIR GLIALITY Ti' 8483218 P.82 �5\G,A� 4491 a Mystic Air Qp1ity Con&i1Lhnt , Inc. iti..,s,,,,,, , -- % ��sui.z p,� 1204 North Road (Rt. 117) Groton, Connecticut 06340 October 27 , 1998 Mr. Bruce Manolakos 250 Massapeag Road Uncasville, Connecticut 06382 Re: TCLP Test Result 63-B Point Breeze Road Uncasville, Connecticut Dear Mr. Manalakes: A TCLP test was conducted on the sample that was taken from the site referenced above by a trained Lead Inspector from Mystic Air Quality Consultants, Inc. . Thesample was analyzed by EMSL, an AIHA accredited lab. Anything above EPA' s TCLP standard of 5 mg/i for lead is considered lead waste. The sample that was tested was found to be above the concentration of 5 mg/1 which indicates this material does have to be disposed of as lead waste. Thank you for selecting Mystic Air Quality Consultants, Inc. for these services. ``ncerelx, tCl� - .- [l:a Richard Ha`f fey President Telecommunications (24 hours): Office: (860) 449-8903 FAX: (860) 449-8860 Toll Free: 1 (800) 247-7746 OGT-27-1998 12 32 FROM MYSTIC AIR QUAL ITY TD 8483218 P.83 EMSL Analytical, Inc. 208 Stasteketve Coyle Pike,NY 11514 EM SL Pune.(516)997-7251 f (516)997-75 October 27,1998 Mystic Air Quality Consaltaats,!tat_ 12!4 North Rood(RT-117) Groton,CT 06340 ANALYIICAL REPORT; - Project BRUCE MANALAKOS 63-8 PT.BREEZE RD. UNCASSVflLE,CT ENISL Praject# L198-11295 Date Received: 10123/98 Date Aooly& 10/27/98 Samples were analyzed ter lead in TCLP by EPA method SW846-1311/7428. ice## OWdMmftnxdon lama= Rpsnht• , 375489 el W00DEN SHACK 63-B 29.7 - £MDL is OA mom. Brian Rederxr Larrciatory Moder • Page trt IMLs Wave Deosc'd-i Una. rendes b&arr die mix aro waded wdn a(c less than sign. Reported comas are baled or the Fnlo+muabn piwUAmd on Orme chain of ararody- Analserts verlbmeed by ElifISL Long latera FLAP Cerfdiratr 11469_ OCT-27-1998 10:0i 5169977526 P.01 • 10127/1998 10:81 5169977528 EMS. LI PAGE 02/02 it/tg/19ga de:22 689II5II4766 I tic P ti i . flU . i lir - •F' V rV' ,; r g g i ..4 '' 8, r; . if 6.; ''1:iiiii. 1 „..1 ji ff I _ R li - . i . ali i, I "2 I I .f- ti-: 24 0 rr . .. ,,, 2P. I ZF > g t r t ,: ..., i 1. 3; • f , IQ . r 4 . g ONE s+ cc ir' 'Z 1: g: rr til I .1 1 g: 11111101 r CI IC P. 84766 1 HOU-15-1 13:09 OCT-27-1998 10:91 5169977528 P.02 tU'd ST728V8 Ol ,ll 11CfD d I d DIISAW NL7dd T : T 866T-L,7-1D0 OCT-27-1998 12:36 FROM MYSTIC AIR QUALITY TO 8483218 P.10 AIRQo "A Mystic Air OjjalityConultnnL, Inc. .con ++'�,�ti 1204 North Road (Rt. 117) Groton, Connecticut 06340 Asbestos Containing Suspect Materials Roster Site: 63 - 15 ?DI H- firer, UY1(PI 5k1-, 14 , c-7— 6635 a Type Amount Condition Specific Location Of of of of Suspect ACM . Material Material Material at Site fJv irst • EPA considers the materials above as "suspect" asbestos- containing materials. • Date: Inspector Telecommunications (24 hours): Office: (203) 449-8903 CT Toll Free: 1 (800)24747' FAX: (203) 449-8860 NE Toll Free: 1 (800) 72247 TOTAL P. 10 ZONING PERMIT ZONING PERMIT NUMBER OR pN/A EXPIRATION DATE APPLICANT 4i(1 2 -�T AJ O (3.1 APPLICANTS ADDRESS �J C� / /' /)0v'0k 4,J TELEPHONE dGO Vg 2 S� PROPERTY OWNER / (6//,1z,) /1//71,4-/LLy /� / LOCATION 6 S / G�147 c al-t?Lr" /01-73 /C LOT AREA C �� ZONE C7,U ASSESSOR'S MAP NUMBER USS -(---)z LOT NUMBER 6'/ 7 BUILDING HEIGHT /'7C PROPOSED FLOOR AREA /c," NATURE OF REQUEST/PROPOSED USE cef-n4C /ti 42-k,C/177 4: ; /1Z4) SKETCH ON REVERSE OR PROVIDE TWO COPIES OF PLANS DRAWN TO A SCALE OF AT LEAST 1"=40'SHOWING:DIMENSIONS OF THE LOT,THE SIZE.AREA, AND LOCATION OF EXISTING, PROPOSED, PRINCIPAL AND ACCESSORY STRUCTURES, DRIVEWAYS, SANITARY FACILITIES AND WATER SUPPLY, PARKING FACILITIES,AND ADJACENT STREETS;DISTANCES OF PROPOSED STRUCTURES FROM PROPERTY LINES. IN THE CASE OF FILL OR EXCAVATION REQUESTS (UNDER 500 CUBIC YARDS), DIMENSIONS OF FILL OR EXCAVATION AREA MUST BE INCLUDED. A PLAN PREPARED BY A CONNECTICUT REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR MAY BE REQUIRED. THE PROPOSED USE SPECIFIED ABOVE SHALL NOT BE AUTHORIZED UNTIL AN ACTUAL CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE IS ISSUED BY THE COMMISSION OR ITS APPOINTED AGENTS. SKETCH PLAN OR GRADING PLAN OYES EN/A SEPTIC PERMIT OYES ®N/A STATE HIGHWAY PERMIT OYES p9N/A DRIVEWAY PERMIT ❑ YES N/A WETLANDS PERMIT DYES LN/A HAS A VARIANCE EVER BEEN GRANTED FOR THIS PROPERTY DYES ®NO HAS BOND BEEN FILED ❑YESPN/A FEE PAID ❑ CASH ❑ CHECK# XI N/A THE APPLICANT AGREES TO: 1. ADHERE TO ALL THE APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ZONING REGULATIONS. 2. NOTIFY THE COMMISSION OR ITS APPOINTED AGENT OF ANY ALTERATION IN THE PLANS. 3. CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION AND REQUEST CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE BEFORE ISSUANCE OF C.O. APPLICANT'S SI NATURE DATE: /i%C' 'O z.,Z7 j),{ /0/Z ?) COMMISSION AGENT D TE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE DATE THIS SIGNED PERMIT AUTHORIZES THE APPLICANT TO PROCEED TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT FOR ANY REQUIRED PERMITS CONTACT THE ZONING OFFICER (848-8549) AT LEAST 24 HOURS BEFORE CONSTRUCTION BEGINS TO ALLOW ZONING OFFICER TO INSPECT LOCATION. REV. 9/14/98