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Foundation Engineering Documents 1996
1 .. =4_4Ui. . F . :i1 7 TOWN CF MCNTVILLE Fire is OM ce ;/mond 'I. Occhiali;,i 82OLD CULChE.TER ROAD Floyd Cat-oney,Jr. Fire Marsha OAKDALE, CONNECTICUT 06:370.1637 Deputy Fire Marshal TEL: (de'?)?4;-1175 FAX "86O) e4a-4063 i. - : May 7, 1996 Russell Stauffer Building Oficial lt 310 Nc.)rwich New 1..,mdon Tph. U lu:as`'ille, (-I. 06382 1 RE KOby l;. ck Cement Plant Pink Row . Dear Russ. . On t uesday May 7, 1996 the Town of Montville Eire I'larshai received plan from Matt Kobvluck for the proposed concrete plant to be located at the a rmei block plant on Pink Row. • As a resnit of this plan review this typerylfacility is not addressed in the Connecticut Fire Safety Code. There are no fixed buildings which this . office would be concerned with. I would recommend that a large dry chemical tire extinguisher be located near the electrical equipment. (-dice the cement hoppers are tilled with concrete this Office will request Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for the products in the hoppers. 'Fhis Office will conduct a courtesy inspection of the site prior to this i plant going into full production. If you should have any questions please feel- tree to contact the undersigned at the Montville Fire Marshals Office. Respectfully oui , / e, , ,. _-'e-4."'L` ?z.,e/—7, • -,--e"t-%/44.#1,%:--1.-_41_-_,.,_, ''4` Raymond T. C)cchialini Fire Marshal ,82-16 Wit-a n cWN OF MONTVILLE, CONNECTICUT ZONING-•PERiv%IT NO. Fee Paid: Date: Permission is hereby granted to to erect a ,l,� on the side of as follows: Size - ft. long, ft. wide, stories high; t distance from road distance from each side lot line: E ft; W ft; N ft; S ft; for the use n; The facility as a Zoning and Planning Commission, Town of Montville, Connecticut THIS PERMIT IS VALID FOR ONE YEAR r + f / � Zoning Agent The recipient of this permit accepts it on the condition that he, as owner or as representing the owner, agrees to comply with all applicable ordinances end regulations of the Town of Montville and the State Statutes of the State of Connecticut regarding the use, occupancy and type of activity to be instituted. It is furthermore understood that the facility can not be used until a Certificate of Use and Compliance has been issued by the Zoning and Planning Commission and that any change of use similarly does require a new Certificate of Use and Compliance. before a Certificate of Use and Compliance will be issued a plot plan drown to a scale of 1 "- 40' prepared and certified in compliance with provisions contained in Section 8.2 of the Zoning Regulations must be submitted to the Zoning and Planning Commission shoving all boundaries of the property and as is location(s) of all buildings on the property including the center line of any public or private right-of-way, sanitary facilities and water supply. / ,c►AT_ +d FOR A ZONING PERMIT, TOWN OF MONTVILLE, CONNECTICUT To be filled out by Applicant - 1 original and two' carbon copies r f ate September 2,9 , 198 6 . 'he undersigned hereby applies to the Zoning and Planning Commission for a permit to construct a concrete block manufacturing plant ,ocation of Property Northerly side of Pink Row (Old Norwich-New London Turnpike) lame of Subdivision Lot No. ssessor's Block No. 74 , Assessor's Parcel No. 40 'ame of (Owner) (Agent) Pink Row Limited FarR Address 99 Pink Row, Uncasville, CT ize of Building in ft. : Front overall 171 •75' Depth overall 191 .001, Area 291929+ sq. ft it +0 n o. of stories_--_ Height in ft. 50,001 ; No olf oocrs -r T1- , No. of bedrooms --- o. of bathrooms --- , Zoning District8M ,�n easof Lo 31 •41 4if.rTP. , Lot frontage'934.01 ft of Width -- ft. , Front Yard Depth285+ft. Rear Yard Depth -- ft. , Side Yard Depth30+ ft. urpose of building and/or use is to manufacture concrete blocks ater Supply to consist of Municipal Sanitary facility to consist of Municipal , Date of Sanitation Officer approval . ',marks I hereby agree to conform to all requirements of the Laws of the State of Connecticut and the 1rdinances and Regulations of the Town of Montville, and to notify the Zoning and Planning ommission of any alteration in the plans for which this permit is being asked. I furthermore agree that the above described facility is to be located at the proper distance from all street lines as required by the Zoning Regulations or any other applicable local and state ordinance! nd regulations and it is understood that the facility upon completion will be used in compliance wi he Zoning Regulations of the Town of Montville. Construction of. a Concrete I hereby apply for a Certificate of Use and Compliance for Block Manufacturing Plant described in the above application for a ,ermit. It is my understanding that the facility can not be occupied until a Certificate of Use and :ompliance has been issued by the Zoning and Planning Conuniessi (�%, _ /( Signed . . (Owner) 4' a i4c-c1,1-eL_A Tel. No. (203 ) 848-9206 _�-� �-7 .P ‘-b2f.3g7 J ,<� i Date A/61-- / f /" Date ii 4,10.4,,,terd-ca • , . / i.e — --11-.4?7 1C, --, • - • • • • Connecticut Engineers in Private Practice Structural Engineers Coalition Statement of Special Inspections Project: Koto iI utak" Rt2,(44/,1111)( Location: Pi IL, ZocJ mon-r,//R Owner: 114 rtt Koby(oc4L Owner's Address: 143 OXvPv ro C42- 5 RU, Architect of Record: Structural Engineer of Record: %bi°e TFc14A10(,o6 y Iuc. This Statement of Special Inspections is submitted as a condition for permit issuance in accordance with the special inspection requirements of the BOCA National Building Code. It includes a Schedule of Special Inspections applicable to this project as well as the name of the Special Inspector, and the identity of other approved agencies intended to be retained for conducting these inspections. The Special Inspector shall keep records of all inspections, and shall furnish inspection reports to the code official and to the structural engineer and architect of record. Discovered discrepancies shall be brought to the immediate attention of the contractor for correction. If such discrepancies are not corrected, the discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of the code official and the structural engineer and architect of record. The special inspection program does not relieve the contractor of his or her responsibilities. Interim reports shall be submitted to the code official, owner, structural engineer and architect of record. A schedule of interim reports shall be approved by the Code Official prior to permit issuance. A final report of inspections documenting completion of all required special inspections and correction of any discrepancies noted in the inspections shall be submitted prior to the issuance of a certificate of use and occupancy. Interim Report Frequency: 2 al--edS or O per attached schedule Prepared by Design Professional: • pn���nnun:: J. M• Ac a,m (type or print name) EL.1 • �' ?'"j : •%a 04 ct, •L • . ✓`kVr/G � �� No. 16111 444 s sz Signatur Date z'O��CErds'�;s'04'� • Design Professional's Seal Owner's Authorization: Building Official's Acceptance: s/y/7,c- nature • 9 ` ate Signature � Date CEPP/SEC Form 101 • Statement of Special Inspections•CCEPP/SEC 1993 • Connecticut Engineers In Private Practice Sheet of Structural Engineers Coalition Project: Kt yi 0//k Schedule of Special Inspection Services The following sheets comprise the required schedule of special inspections for this specific project. The construction divisions which require special inspections for this project are as follows: El Soils and Foundations j2(, Cast-in-Place Concrete El Precast Concrete El Masonry El Structural Steel El Wood El Special Cases Inspection Agents Firm Address 1. Special Inspector 3.7,c IA1G-u(s1.- A�BA/N '�a� tec1.��io��cs 5e wIcc , ,t'5 mew L cie1Oast! C5r.0(i320 2. Testing Laboratory Enivenon•�EnarAL St!iTE S1iaE-Er GeoiCGIfNIC4L &)C3gTf{ w 'y JI ��l •O4 j Gv:v 5-�vCTJOA) 3. Testing Laboratory 4. Other Note: The qualifications of all personnel performing Special Inspection activities are subject to the approval of the Building Official. CEPP/SEC Form 101 • Statement of Special Inspections •mCEPP/SEC 1993 • Schedule of-Special inspection Services Sheet of Construction Division—Soils and Foundations Project: Item Agent Scope No. 1. Shallow Foundations— Insitu 2. Controlled Structural Fill 3. Deep Foundations 4. Other CEPP/SEC Form 101 • Statement of Special Inspections•eCEPP/SEC 1993 • Schedule of.Speclai Inspection Services Sheet of Construction Division—Cast-In-Place Concrete Project: Item Agent Scope • No. 1. Mix Design A1! 000,ic/1fif iA/a'LK sib-/�u ea: X,�) Inl AccattONICE k'/ 4cE -3'S LC(4-, s2 / 0,, mic /3f orc2 ACS- /8 s,;cr y 3 )0.e. Sk(T ,/.(1 2. Material Certification co,)Y, ,,1 To : As1"i C/So HPK A'Gc,2z6,gfEs : 431,A C. 33 r iJH 2: Act-318 s 6 c . 3. L 3. Reinforcement Installation Rk,� r,�,,,u; ,5/./42c cquF Tb tows f; S(4's : /9Sf"t 4 ,/S Ge,vE 60 POOr1,t : 114.51./14 A OS 1.4,40L- Vo D r4,'t S , . VLS,v.J P24$00-16) AND 4C4C-3)2 C l4pf 7 4. Post-Tensioning Operations (A- 5. Batching Plant 6. Formwork Geometry ,4,, `oamwitz.K aHAt,L wFa¢44k. To 9cr-3/P, ci• f' C.•2. 4/I Pt'2443 cS/M,/ a.svt,1 /Ai A „tn�►t Sie�ciU2t: rNAr co,Ur'oe.Ks 1V SAAPL's, /))km am4,Js1"34)s A5 t6oe, 4 131 rm D!-3,G,. J2gw0c>s 7. Concrete Placement c �c,2�1i S C,u t-X4. Act -3/Ps(Cr. j.y, 8. Evaluation of Concrete 1/,,,1. 5P /i1',:./1,) C0,4PAksS,J,= SrakA1674 Ar 28>>ap'. Strength Wilt/5 c SC96 at) 6299,6: S!000 ps; Fo o n;o o- : 3, 000 r" rUrAcuk,io�/ ASD AccEP%9 Py2 f)CL-3/P 31V. 1/.7 9. Curing and Protection w0,r sg H, u A// Gd,�c�7E A cL -3/P Sk. 10. Other CEPP/SEC Form 101 • Statement of Special Inspections • OCEPP/SEC 1993 • Schedule of Special Inspection Services Sheet of Construction Division— Precast Concrete Project: item Agent Scope No. 1. Plant Certification/ Quality Control Procedures 2. Mix Design 3. Material Certification 4. Reinforcement Installation 5. Prestress Operations 6. Connections/Embedded Items • 7. Formwork Geometry 8. Concrete Placement 9. Evaluation of Concrete Strength 10. Curing and Protection 11. Assembled Precast Elements 12. Other CEPP/SEC Form 101 • Statement of Special Inspections •OCEPP/SEC 1993 Schedule of Special Inspection Services Sheet of Construction Division—Masonry Project: Item Agent Scope No. 1. Material Certification 2. Mixing of Mortar and Grout 3. Installation of Masonry 4. Reinforcement Installation 5. Grouting Operations 6. Weather Protection 7. Evaluation of Masonry • Strength 8. Other CEPP/SEC Form 101 • Statement of Special Inspections • ©CEPP/SEC 1993 Schedule of Special Inspection Services Sheet of .Construction Division—Structural Steel Project: Item Agent Scope No. 1. Fabricator Certification/ Quality Control Procedures 2. Material Certification 3. Open Web Steel Joists 4. Bolting 5. Welding 6. Shear Connectors 7. Structural Details 8. Other CEPP/SEC Form 101 • Statement of Special Inspections •OCEPP/SEC 1993 • Schedule of Special Inspection Services Sheet of Construction Division—Wood Project: Item Agent Scope No. 1. Fabricator Certification/ Quality Control Procedures 2. Material Grading 3. Connections 4. Framing and Details 5. Other CEPP/SEC Form 101 • Statement of Special Inspections• eCEPP/SEC 1993 • Schedule of-Special Inspection Services Sheet of_ Construction Division—Special Cases Project: Item Agent Scope No. CEPP/SEC Form 101 • Statement of Special Inspections • eCEPP/SEC 1993 • • Connecticut Engineers in Private Practice Structural Engineers Coalition Final Report of Special Inspections • Project: K6sty(vc'(L 12.P.a$y Location: P(n L Owner: 4 + Ko by/uvL Owner's Address: 14-5 • "Xo soxo k p,i 0 19A tG nr9 L.& GT. cx,0 -70 Architect of Record: Structural Engineer of Record: To the best of my information, knowledge and belief, the special inspections required for this project, and itemized in the Statement of Special Inspections submitted for permit, have been performed and all discovered discrepancies have been reported and resolved other than the following. Comments: (Attach 8 I/2"x 11"continuation sheets if required to complete the description of corrections.) Interim reports submitted prior to this final report form a basis for, and are to be considered an integral part of this final report. Respectfully Submitted, Registration Seal Special Inspector Type or print name Date Signature Date CEPP/SEC Form 102• Final Report of Special Inspections •eCEPP/SEC 1990, Rev. 1993 SPECIFICATIONS - ALL CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT BUILDING CODE, THE BOCA NATIONAL BUILDING CODE /1990, AND THE BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE ACI 318-89. 1) CONCRETE SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM C150 TYPE I WITH A MIN. SPECIFIED CONCRETE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH AT 28 DAYS FOR WALLS AND SLAB: 4000 psi FOR FOOTINGS: 3000 psi (USE 4000 psi AS AN ALTERNATIVE) 2) REINFORCING STEEL- DEFORMED BARS PER ATSM A615 ALL BARS SHALL MEET THE MIN. SPECIFIED COVER AND SPLICE LENGTHS PER ACI-318-89, CHAPTERS 7 & 12. FOR WALLS AND SLAB: GRADE 60 (Fy =60,000 psi) FOR FOOTINGS: GRADE 40 (Fy =40000 psi) (USE GRADE 60 AS ALTERNATIVE) IVES:& 3) STEEL SHAPES AND PLATES: ASTM A-36 . ��611E[ 4 i-T f,��' 14,2 4) GROUT- ASTM C476 * -,_ '" No.16111 �•'7cik% �r •5) ANCHOR BOLTS: A307 OR THREADED ROD A-36 0� .•CEN5�O'''`"tf Fs,NAL rtto•a• 6) WELDING: E70 ELECTRODES 'alta% app 7) ALLOWABLE SOIL PRESSURE REQUIRED: 3 TONS/SQR. FT. AT 8'-0" DEPTH FROM GRADE KOBYLUCK READY MIX,INC. TEL (860) 4s � DESIGN OF FOUNDATION-WALL !Vd�LONDON, L7' 063Y0 TIL (d60) 4�7-OOYO OAKDALE,CT 04x1 ecli1101041T OP INC SHEET 1 OF 6 CONSULTING ENGINEERS/LAND SURVEYORS • GLS( .0,-- CDMBiAJA.D � Foor� (, ,FooPi..1y Ar THIS Et.1) WALL J 2 r2, i ,/2' y 1 2I-6.' EV-6," 8'-3 " 8'-3" 1 D - 6 /0 -6 eV Fill' 0 ® .---- o 0 o PLAtit : FDU,IDAT)oW WALL PROVIDE GRANU0 42 13F►Gk mu... FoR APE E.ok DRAItiJ1n1(3 S COrlr JuaJS • r/ r" /1g. ® , , ; ;+//----, ARL>thiD WALLS (oJF LAYER !F Pf...5 ED) • / - 2"CLEAR / 6'-o' v I Fgnuumannn./ . CONNE • v #(o VRt O �4 / d • BARS,2lAi �';4'.1UEL ..0),.% "' io t �Pi4, rNcv • • 12' o.C. / coi g� yt4 11741 .3 '.%,?..:viiff ::_ i '� A No. 16111 ; _� 21'0 0'.. RNs*5) /\4�'a I 2'p ! 2 u. NA nn��•� 6 - pJr SECTIotiJ A- A. NoTE : PeoUI.DE 2 ADDirWAL *Ca uGRf KOBYLUCK READY MIX,INC. Aks Arcoyo, w.s A,C,E. SEE DEiAil•-..k FDR Fot ricer Rti+JF. DESIGN OF FOUNDATION-WALL 458 WILLIAMS STREET OAKDALE ,CT rl rill Nd 1• L11ND01V, LT Oa320 t nL (asO) 447-OOPO SHEET 2 OF 6 1o4'.,liechlo1o1T INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS/LAND SURVEYORS .. _____/ 2'TKic wAt l12"TNK. wAtL #B f:AQ5 P (2„o.c. / G<ADE //As iv,,,,,iii .• .1404,4.11,..•••ae,i,//" , II_it . Gop.IT. 2'fl' ' 2415OZIE. • • • . • -4516. 1)7.27------------________: ` /13"cLiAk 45TD. HDOK �` 18 O.G. 7-0 3"CLEAR • • J Cr!P.) , „ 6 -O" .., ##5 fARsPi • • 3 st 5 ue5 • •-t D ETA I L NA tour. - -_,fl i 3.'0.R 12" — - 3'-o- ,t S ECTIoN 5-g * OPT-100 : FDOTiNG 2'7 0"_11-AC. WALL HUGHT ;_6=D"_ ( R'i&iF. PER SECT. 8-2 linnu4/q 611.12" I? WALL * CON/yF - • �f�;�sUE ` =, _ To TOP of GRADE 41 *.c.ik "44* : M0. 11S111 � Jr ANALt:" WO' SEGT(DK) C. . NofE ; FOR RiinlF sEt AEiAiL 8 KOBYLUCK READY MIX,INC. ssa tuirurs srRaar DESIGN OF FOUNDATION-WALL P-7 pp--7 raw L(aVNnoty.sir-oozo cr oasro 4 ( rat so) 4)4a1 e C'i ii//1/// T OAKDALE ,CT •P IN SHEET 3 OF 6 CONSULTING ENGINEERS/LAND SURVEYORS ct 2' WALL (SSE SEci. A-A) 4. 2'-WALL (sF sEci, A-A) ( 9 #4. alias 0--it C. ores @ : 1I"O,C, .1p, 2-D . i CTrp.) —/ —y` /, 8-o" ID 6/UDE. 1 / , ,. • • • • •• • 2'-0" 3crtr ff 3"coe et DE TRiL B ELEVATIoKi vi'Eu.1 of cooBik)ED Foori>JG k 12" r 1 0 5 ryip_.s (SEC SECT: 13-0) ii Go LSAQs C-skL- SEc,7ia.1 A-h) -4 6 Zete(AD9iv3JA(..) cP l2" o.c, 18" I i , I • • r 18" 24" a uuonuuua �OF.CONNF�;, t I • • • �p1,a��,6UEt�''�-''_.� I. / 9 t No. in' ,:�, DE TAIL G � ,...,•cl. �' �,`a,, �o2/JE'R DF TRI�L plAti.l �AIAL EN,a". KOBYLUCK READY MIX,INC. r—il rim, IS8 dIouri STRddT Nd1I LONDON, C7' OB3Z0 rdL (eso) 4 oto DESIGN OF FOUNDATION-WALL n4a1 ec ii 114I1IIII T OAKDALE,CT • INc CONSULTING ENGINEERS/LAND SURVEYORS SHEET 4 OF 6 . t l . +I E K k101-5 (USE. Two) 11/4 FS A,Jcitoa. 60c,T \\ WASHEQ l'.A-3o1 of A-3L EP15E IQ Rarr 3/a"(K nx. �- 3" SCFCVE id �gN 2$ GAGE Sltkf METAL, STD. I('PE_ SLEE,JLS, 1-1i614 PcCIE HYLEaf PLAmL sl,E=Jc) AOCNoR C 6`f1-4.."4 '/8 ( -3`) _ HE.x ►.4Jt (WELDED TO ANCHo2 ft kap To 71e-EAWD t3N.T). 12" , 12" ( I.1Chok BC)l,T__DETAIL k TF_ : PLACE. SLEr‘)E 144 4 A1300E THE_ Toe of- THE fTH£ RoOGA GoOCEETE: Aa9 FILLE.D u.nrk -GRcx)T wHEtsl GRD07113(4 U►1DEE.TNG_ [.ASE 1i. SLEEVES 1 1 QF_ ELimiuATED 1F THF A►.►G►tdQ I3 DL T$ ARE. SET-_al-!'1 E A.is-oE_X._'VIOLATE. upnumimuia F CONN ' p 4,040 E.,L 4i .,.N _ T -�v 9 No. 1611 i,., , �► �o ENs..',, '' s NMIr '`0'4 • KOBYLUCK READY MIX,INC. rimil r11.7 ssa CONDO . srRaar raw ioNvoH, cr oesro Tla (aso) i 7—OOYO DESIGN OF FOUNDATION-WALL il 1o4" lIeChl101o)9'T OAKDALE,CT iNc CONSULTING ENGINEERS/LAND SURVEYORS SHEET 5 OF 6 • • p f6"o C Re-r3Aes i o2 / SEE SECT. D-D 44 qt, 12"o.c. ,SLA6 G � SLRC3 1. /. / / /. / t / 12 2 Di I 7 - / 18" I I r I 12 ` I SEG i IC D-p / 2'-O y FART_ PLRt G RADE SLAB Ti_ To FRo,JTWAi. . ,4 i Tv (y Pt-Cs) STI FF. ft h, TN K „.. ____T--mi OF,COhJ�Fc,, 2,.; ..1. TCi L STAFF. ft.!��'�' `dpi 4 = MIWill DrL1Ai L a. w 7c-„, v %4 t rar I I= 1 1 ce ` _____, 1N0. 161 t pu lit . imi......-Iiiiiii i III e , ONAL • c c6 thoiJ TS 6 x G ---L/71-5(.5L7 3TIFF. Ft's DETAIL FOR. CoL).44S k,DE_F • KOBYLUCK READY MIX,INC. rilil prill7 1158aW CT 61; oasxo nL (LOT/ss�-ooro DESIGN OF FOUNDATION-WALL ( 04a1 ecIIIIo14 1T OAKDALE ,CT • INK CONSULTING ENGINEERS/LAND SURVEYORS SHEET 6 OF 6