HomeMy WebLinkAboutVinyl Window Replacements 1991 i '_51f' V TOWN OF MONTVILLE Building Department 848-7166 APPROVED BUILDING PERMIT OR TRADES PERMIT For 180 Days Permit No . 9728 Approval Date. 10/31/91 Expiration Date. 4/31/92 Estimated Cost , 5, 985. 00 Fees, 34. 00 PRF. C. Or 5. 00 Owner' Rita Allenn 0 ; Address . 25 Pequot Road Tel . 848-8515 Job Location. Pequot road Code. 05 Contractor. National Industries Address . 155 W. Main, Branford Tel . 481-9466 Stick Built . x Modular Home. Manufactured Home . Commercial . Addition, Garage . Car Port . Shed, Remodeling. Roofing. Siding. Fireplace, Chimney, Windows. x Pool . Demolition. Plumbing. Heating. Electrical , Air Conditioning. Gas , Patio. Porch. Deck . New. Repair/Replacements x Type of material used/discriptionr vinyl replacement windows - same size as existing with no reduction in the open area without the use of tools Size' Type of Heats Fireplace . No. of Stories' No. Rooms , Breezeway . No. Baths . Garage . Use. I hereby certify that the proposed work will conform to the Basic Building Code and all other Codes as adopted by the State of Connecticut, and the Town of Montville. Applicant' s Signaturesq //j/j�' Date' /0 /31?/ If signed by Contractor, type of license/registration & No, Ca 3 7 Building Official' s Signature' iii ' I' - Dater /(P73//P( Date of Health Dept. Approval . 4// Date of Zoning Approval . 11/_ ---- THIS IS TO INFORM YOU THAT UNDER THE CONNECTICUT AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING CODE, SECTION 119. 1 A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY USE OF THE STRUCTURE. 0 IP' ` L d q1,23 TOWN OF MONTVILLE Building Department Application for a Permit --- Owner: PD . I 1 IQ`Vt+ Address: C9,5— PPQ() OT pd Tel: W*"$�/i Job Location: S fl-i'Yle Contractor: , 'w , I06J A'1 I 0- ddreaa: /557)-). ��'� Tel.: 1/61-91/406 Stick Built: Modular Home: Manufactured Home: commercial : Addition: _ Garage: _ Car Port: _ Shed: _ Ree odeling: Roofing: Siding: Fireplace: Chimney: _ Windows: V Pool : Demolition: Plumbing: _ Heating: _ Electrical : _ Air Conditioning: _ Gas: Patio: Porch: Deck: New: Repair/Replacement: Type of Material to be used/job description: kr) I I Vepl�r eanety f Lu &.ido..o5 • f II ► i 1 .r , Q a e . l — Size: Type of Heat: Fireplace: No.of Stories: No. Rooms: Breezeway: No. Baths: Garage: Uae: In Conn. • CONTRACT — Outside Conn. 1-800-23 677.' NATIONAL INDUSTRIES INC. 1-800-334-3950 Conn. Reg. • o.5=375 EXECUTIVE OFFICES 155 WEST MAIN STREET, BRANFORD, CONN. 06405 • /(203) 481-9466r/ • FAX: (203) 488-3620 • Date /0 • - Home Telephone( `") d" y.1/--ok-S-/5' Business Telephone /VC'/Vt.- . Name �i 2) . A/J�../ Address -5-- .eogle Rd• City / e/A/r ' - UtiC f ,i State CT. cP� � "7 f/9/77/ City State Job Address c NATIONAL INDUSTRIES INC.agrees to furnish all material and labor necessary to install the following: • • ' , • ; INSULATED GLASS=REPLACEMENT WINDOWS—REPLACEMENT DOORS TOTAL SCREENS WINDOWS NO.CASES GLASS PAINTING,STAINING ITEMS PURCHASED.z: UNITS •` Half Full COLOR IN/OUT AND COLOR OR DECORATING wy1Te� I,vNj rY Double le E IS NOT PART OF Reg.Double Hungs' c,9siN._ 44,1,-;., l J _0UR CONTRACT Picture Window DOOR MODEL TO SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS = ITS 2 Lite seders >9l L /1///v/9 oe.d.f 7-W 1144.,E 3Lite Sliders , 2:NQ0i.?1 Z-oGk-r feii✓O Grids y U G L G44,,t .f oUJ J/,Q&---- No.:Top TU Z.e th, 'C /A./• 4�/-//J' -. Frosted Glass. No.Bottom Q/1.QJ-v?A- L✓/ii0c6,T/ ,z)t) NJ. Casements Hi1V4 Jfv()LC LNC //Kt- NO; Other ; - , :.1 ; ''''-; -i ij01.tf Ale Jroolr,f', We are not responsible for conditions beyond our control including condensation resulting nom pre-existing conditions. "'NATIONAL INDUSTRIES agrees to furnish all material and labor necessary to install the following: VINYL SIDING—GUTTERS&LEADERS—ROOFING—SOFFIT& FASCIA'S ITEMS PURCHASED STYLE COLOR ITEMS PURCHASED COLOR ITEMS PURCHASED COLOR Vinyl Sidine , ,,. Fa'seia Gutters ,______.------- Rooting Soffits eaders Qthc - ascribe: :''11'. Cas!n• . 1 !ii Shutter /1/JiY/7'• . : - . .'/ '' ''r [i O1c77-c'' .yvJu‘4l- ' .,..60ciZl-c � 2. 1 ti•4 'E % . k//:✓circa. f . en, fec o.0.1 i'4Odo o' / ac/J . /` Di e-,' CdJ, /41"✓ fe/iD 77G✓/i;U, f k'",, A),-/---// �-'c /-rC/;,, 41 rhaC.n.• � r;+r/4� o (.e..«/a.. :.-4 ,,CL�.I f �lJ V 44;V i� 6 < ;J J. /-% fJrJo-C.-t.d /7!,--z/4.e e.0Miff7.1it i J OA/ 'f Z e/l-woL /Q aS. L Lszata.. /„.7,00n. -7)7,,,,-,7444-/ —4-LGf:v '-�2.,„, f /4//9ce 4 1,./1-0.7,___ //1,C(modem I 711 Installation will begin on or about 0 C/ / 6 771 and will be subtantially completed on or about OCT. / II i understood by you that the following contingencies could materially change the estimated completion dale stated above;customer's inability to obtain or qualify for finances;inclement weather;strikes or other labor disrup lions;non-availability of materials;acts of God;other /V tJ /t/ .The process of installation requires the preparatio of site and the supply and Installation of products described above with all ancillary hardware.The Company shall not be responsible for the moving of any gas,electrical,wiring,plumbing or telephone installations.You sha at your own cost,make suitable arrangement for such work prior to the time the Company begins work and shall acquire any permits necessary for the Company to perform the work provided herein. You agree to pay cash according to the terms shown below or,if your credit is approved,to sign a note whether or not provided by us for payment of the amount due.You also agree to sign a completion certificate upo completion of the work.If you fail to pay according to the terms below and have not signed a note the entire unpaid amount becomes Immediately due and you must pay a collection cost equal to our actual costs of collectioi up to 15%of the total amount you owe plus attorney's lees and court costs.In addition,you understand that by failing to pay according to the terms below,the Company may have a claim against you which may be enforce against your property in accordance with the applicable lien laws. Unless otherwise specified it is understood that you are ready for this work to begin.If you refuse to permit the Company or their representatives to proceed with the work herein,or In the event of any other breach of th agreement for any reason whatsoever,shall cause you to pay to the Company a sum of money equal to seventy-live percent of the price agreed lobe paid,as fixed,liquidated and ascertained damages,and not as a penalt without further proof of loss or damage.(See reverse Conditions). "YOU,THE BUYER,MAY CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION AT ANY TIME PRIOR TO MIDNIGHT OF THE THIRD BUSINESS DAY AFTER THE DATE OF THIS TRANSACTION.SEE THE ATTACHED NOTICE OF CAI CELLATION FORM FOR AN EXPLANATION OF THIS RIGHT." DO NOT SIGN THIS CONTRACT IN BLANKI YOU ARE ENTITLED TO A COPY OF THE CONTRACT AT TIME YOU SIGN.KEEP IT TO PROTECT YOUR LEGAL RIGHT.WE,THE AFORESAID OWNERS,CERTIF THAT IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE SIGNING OF THE AFORESAID AGREEMENT,A COMPLETELY EXECUTED COPY WAS FURNISHED TO US. O O Total Cash Price �/ Customers /�[,�`��`' „JD, �eDate /V- -9, ----- Total Down Payment d - Total 2nd Payment Customer Date Total 3rd Payment � A�� �` / �0 `--'Representative "i GHN '�1z9//<f1 e;7C / L --r'-'4;r ----Date Dcte /U-`� -� Total on Completion p esentative To be Financed. \ Cash/Check 0 Visa 0 MC 0 Am Ex 0 Acct.# Exp. Date NOTICE OF CANCELLATION Date of hansactlon /0''•1- -. 5, You may cancel this transaction,without any penalty or obligation,within three business days from the above date.It you cancel,any property traded In,any payments made by you under the contract or sale,any negc able Instrument executed by you will be returned within ten business days following receipt by the seller of your cancellation notice,and any security interest arising out of the transaction will be cancelled. If you cancel,you must make available to the seller at your residence,In substantially as good condition as when received,any goods delivered to you under this contractor sale;or you may,h you wish,comply with I Instructions of the seller regarding the return shipment of the goods at the seller's expense and risk. 11 you do not make the goods available to the seller and the seller does not pick them up within twenty days of the date of cancellation,you may retain or dispose of the goods without any further obligation.II you fail make the goods available to the seller,or N you agree to return the goods to the seller and fail to do so,then you remain!lade for performance of all obligations under the contract. To cancel this transaction,mall or deliver a signed and dated copy of this cancellation notice or any other written notice,or send a telegram to NATIONAL INDUSTRIES INC.155 West Main Street,Branford,CT O6z not later than midnight of(Date) /0 — S" ,I I hereby cancel this transaction.(Date) . (Buyer's Signature)