HomeMy WebLinkAboutPre-Demolition Report 2001 G Alit Q0 i%. •-•:;444.". Mystic Air QjalityConultant Inc. �eQsuLTPO� 1204 North Road (Rt. 117) Groton, Connecticut 06340 March 23, 2001 Mr. David Waddington D.W. Transport 33 Pequot Road Uncasville, Connecticut 06382 Re: Executive Summary Pre-Demolition Inspection 31 Brewer Street New London, Connecticut Dear Mr. Waddington: As requested, Mystic Air Quality Consultants, Inc. conducted a survey of representative and accessible areas prior to demolition at the address above on March 14, 2001. This survey was conducted by Bryce Aston, a Connecticut State licensed asbestos inspector, to determine the presence of asbestos-containing materials. The samples were analyzed by polarized light microscopy at our NVLAP certified laboratory. Summary of the findings Upon testing by polarized light microscopy, the samples of wall sheetrock, linoleum and its mastic, 2x4 ceiling tile, ceiling sheetrock, window caulking, roof shingle and blown-in insulation were found to be without asbestos content. Limitations of the survey This survey and report only deal with accessible areas of the building. Additionally, there may be other non-accessible materials above ceilings, behind walls, and below floors that become evident during your renovation activity. Should the requisite EPA/OSHA competent person working for the contractor discover such materials they will need to be tested for asbestos content so determinations of their abatement and disposal (if required) can be made. Communications (24 hours): Office: (860) 449-8903 FAX: (860) 449-8860 Toll Free: 1 (800) 247-7746 website: www.mysticair.com e-mail:magc2@aol.com '24. Ate,QG9C a Mystic Air Q1ity Consultants Inc. �oQsuLT PO y 1204 North Road (Rt. 117) Groton, Connecticut 06 340 This survey only addresses asbestos and does not make any representations about other hazardous or potentially hazardous materials or regulated wastes that are typically considered during building demolition or renovation such as PCBs in lighting ballasts, mercury in fluorescent lights or in thermostats, fuel oil tanks, electric and gas utilities, or lead in paint or any site specific items related to manufacturing or commercial processes or activities that were historically carried on at this location. Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions relating to the sample results and any subsequent work which may be performed for your company. We thank you for the opportunity to conduct this survey. Sincer; y, Richar;VA .ffey President Enclosure 1: Summary of lab results Enclosure 2: Sample Analysis Report Enclosure 3: Chain of Custody Enclosure 4: Roster of Suspect Materials Enclosure 5: Inspector's drawing of property Communications (24 hours): Office: (860) 449-8903 FAX: (860) 449-8860 Toll Free: 1 (800) 247-7746 website: www.mysticair.com e-mail:magc2@aol.com AIR qG a .: .:.. � Mystic �1�' Qja1ityConu1tant , InC. �oi?s,,1.TPky 1204 North Road (Rt. 117) Groton, Connecticut._..... 06340 NVLAP# 101282 March 22,2001 David Waddington D.W.Transport 33 Pequot Road Uncasville,CT 06382 RE: Bulk Sample Asbestos Analysis Report. Dear Mr. Waddington: Please find enclosed the bulk sample analytical results for the following project: Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Lab Project#: 3376 Date Received: 3/14/01 Received By: Holly Hebert Delivery Agency: Hand Delivered Name/Tracking#: Bryce Aston Date Logged: 3/19/2001 Logged in by: Holly Hebert Analysis Completed: 3/19/2001 Samples in Project: 51 A summary of the findings is presented in Enclosure(1). The full report is presented in Enclosure(2). The following procedures were used in sample analysis unless otherwise noted. ANALYTICAL METHOD: EPA Method for the Determination of Asbestos in Bulk Building Materials(EPA 600/R-93/116) or EPA Interim Method for the Determination of Asbestos in Bulk Insulation Samples(EPA 600/M4-82-020),as applicable. Percentages are visual estimates based on sample volume. Limit of Detection: <1%. Limit of Quantification: 1%. Negative results of resinously bound materials such as roofing material or floor tile may be inconclusive. NAD means No Asbestos was Detected in the sample or layer. The term texturizer(where applicable)may include wall texturizing,tape and bed,and/or joint compound. This report relates only to the item tested. It may not be used to claim product endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of the federal government. This report may not be reproduced,except in full,without the expressed written consent of laboratory management. Subsamples of layers or other inhomogeneities were analyzed separately and their results combined in proportion to the quantity of each layer to obtain quantitative results for the sample as a whole. All samples are stored for 12 months from the date the report is sent before being disposed of unless other instuctions are received from the client in writing. Please call us if you have any questions regarding this report. Thank you for your business. Sincerely, .,_ i Christ. . •-r J. Eident, . .0., CIH, CSP, RS Communications (24 hours): Office: (860) 449-8903 FAX: (860) 449-8860 Toll Free: 1 (800) 247-7746 website: www.mysticair.com e-mail:maqc2@aol.com BULK SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Mystic Air Quality Consultants, Inc. 1204 North Road Groton,CT 06340 (860)449-8903 NVLAP# 101282 Client Name: D.W. Transport Contact Name: David Waddington Client Project Number: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Lab Project#: 3376 Client Sample Lab Sample Asbestos Number Number Type and% Comments/Sample Description 1 37716 NAD Sheetrock-Walls, bathroom,26A. 2 37717 NAD Sheetrock-Walls, living rm.,26A. 3 37718 NAD Sheetrock-Walls,bedroom#1,26A. 4 37719 NAD Sheetrock-Walls, bedroom#2,26A. 5 37720 NAD Sheetrock-Walls,bedroom#1,26B. 6 37721 NAD Sheetrock-Walls,bedroom#2,26B. 7 37722 NAD Sheetrock-Walls,closet master bedroom,26B. 8a 37723 NAD Linoleum-Flooring,kitchen,26A. 9a 37724 NAD Linoleum-Flooring,kitchen,26A. l0a 37725 NAD Linoleum-Flooring,kitchen,26A. 8b 37726 NAD Mastic-From#8a, lab#37723. 9b 37727 NAD Mastic-From#9a, lab#37724. 10b 37728 NAD Mastic-From#10a, lab#37725. 1 1 a 37729 NAD Linoleum-Flooring,bathroom,26A. 12a 37730 NAD Linoleum-Flooring,bathroom,26A. 13.a 37731 NAD Linoleum-Flooring,bathroom,26A. l lb_ 37732 NAD Mastic-From#1 la, lab#37729. 12b 37733 NAD Mastic-From#12a, lab#37730. 13b 37734 NAD Mastic-From#13a, lab#37731. 14a 37735 NAD Linoleum-Flooring,kitchen pantry,26A. 15a 37736 NAD Linoleum-Flooring,kitchen pantry,26A. 16a 37737 NAD Linoleum-Flooring,kitchen pantry,26A. 14b 37738 NAD Mastic-From#14a, lab#37735. 15b 37739 NAD Mastic-From#15a, lab#37736. 16b 37740 NAD Mastic-From#16a, lab#37737. 17 37741 NAD 2x4 Ceiling Tile-#1 bathroom,26A. 18 37742 NAD 2x4 Ceiling Tile-#1 bathroom,26A. 19 37743 NAD 2x4 Ceiling Tile-#1 bathroom,26A. 20 37744 NAD 2x4 Ceiling Tile-#2 bathroom,26A. 21 37745 NAD 2x4 Ceiling Tile-#2 bathroom,26A. 22 37746 NAD 2x4 Ceiling Tile-#2 bathroom,26A. 23 37747 NAD Sheetrock-Ceiling,bedroom#1,26A. 24 37748 NAD Sheetrock-Ceiling,bedroom#2,26A. This report is only a summary. For complete information on each sample see the Bulk Sample Analysis Report. Note that NAD means that No Asbestos was Detected in the sample or layer. Enclosure (1) - Page 1 of 2 BULK SAMPLE SUMMARY REPORT Mystic Air Quality Consultants, Inc. 1204 North Road Groton,CT 06340 (860)449-8903 NVLAP# 101282 Client Name: D.W. Transport Contact Name: David Waddington Client Project Number: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Lab Project#: 3376 Client Sample Lab Sample Asbestos Number Number Type and% Comments/Sample Description 25 37749 NAD Sheetrock-Ceiling, living rm.,26A. 26 37750 NAD Sheetrock-Ceiling,bedroom#1,26B. 27 37751 NAD Sheetrock-Ceiling,bedroom#2,26B. 28 37752 NAD Caulking-Window. 29 37753 NAD Caulking-Window. 30 37754 NAD Caulking-Window. 31 37755 NAD Linoleum-Kitchen,26B. 32 37756 NAD Linoleum-Kitchen,26B. 33 37757 NAD Linoleum-Kitchen,26B. 34 37758 NAD Linoleum-Bathroom,26B. 35 37759 NAD Linoleum-Bathroom,26B. 36 37760 NAD Linoleum-Bathroom,26B. 37 37761 NAD Roof shingle 38 37762 NAD Roof shingle 39 37763 NAD Roof shingle 40 37764 NAD Insulation-Blown-in,wall. 41 . 37765 NAD Insulation-Blown-in,wall. 42 37766 NAD Insulation-Blown-in,wall. This report is only a summary. For complete information on each sample see the Bulk Sample Analysis Report. Note that NAD means that No Asbestos was Detected in the sample or layer. Enclosure (1) - Page 2 of 2 BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS REPORT Lab Project#: 3376 Lab Sample#:37716 Color: White Description: Sheetrock Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Characterization: Homogeneous,Fibrous Client Sample#: 1 Date Analyzed: 3/19/01 Analyst: Holly Hebert Comments: Walls,bathroom,26A. ASBESTOS COMPONENTS FIBROUS COMPONENTS NON-FIBROUS COMPONENTS Chrysotile Cellulose 10 % Filler/Binder Amosite Aggregate gregate 90 Tremolite Actinolite Anthophyllite Asbestos Total: NAD Fibrous Total: 10 % Non-Fibrous Total: 90 % SAMPLE LAYER DETAILS Lab Project#: 3376 Lab Sample#:37717 Color: White Description: Sheetrock Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Characterization: Homogeneous, Fibrous Client Sample#: 2 Date Analyzed: 3/19/01 Analyst: Holly Hebert Comments: Walls, living rm.,26A. ASBESTOS COMPONENTS FIBROUS COMPONENTS NON-FIBROUS COMPONENTS Chrysotile Cellulose 10 % Filler/Binder Amosite Aggregate 90 % Crocidolite Tremolite Actinolite Anthophyllite Asbestos Total: NAD Fibrous Total: 10 % Non-Fibrous Total: 90 % SAMPLE LAYER DETAILS Lab Project#: 3376 Lab Sample#:37718 Color: White Description: Sheetrock Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Characterization: Homogeneous,Fibrous Client Sample#: 3 Date Analyzed: 3/19/01 Analyst: Holly Hebert Comments: Walls,bedroom#1,26A. ASBESTOS COMPONENTS FIBROUS COMPONENTS NON-FIBROUS COMPONENTS Chrysotile Cellulose 10 % Filler/Binder Amosite Aggregate 90 % Crocidolite Tremolite Actinolite Anthophyllite Asbestos Total: NAD Fibrous Total: 10 % Non-Fibrous Total: 90 % SAMPLE LAYER DETAILS Enclosure 2 - Page 1 of 17 BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS REPORT Lab Project#: 3376 Lab Sample#:37719 Color: White Description: Sheetrock Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Characterization: Homogeneous, Fibrous Client Sample#: 4 Date Analyzed: 3/19/01 Analyst: Holly Hebert Comments: Walls,bedroom#2,26A. ASBESTOS COMPONENTS FIBROUS COMPONENTS NON-FIBROUS COMPONENTS Chrysotile Cellulose 10 % Filler/Binder Amosite Crocidolite Aggregate 90 Tremolite Actinolite Anthophyllite Asbestos Total: NAD Fibrous Total: 10 % Non-Fibrous Total: 90 % SAMPLE LAYER DETAILS Lab Project#: 3376 Lab Sample#:37720 Color: White Description: Sheetrock Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Characterization: Homogeneous,Fibrous Client Sample#: 5 Date Analyzed: 3/19/01 Analyst: Holly Hebert Comments: Walls,bedroom#1,26B. ASBESTOS COMPONENTS FIBROUS COMPONENTS NON-FIBROUS COMPONENTS Chrysotile Cellulose 10 % Filler/Binder Amosite Aggregate 90 % Crocidolite Tremolite Actinolite Anthophyllite Asbestos Total: NAD Fibrous Total: 10 % Non-Fibrous Total: 90 % • SAMPLE LAYER DETAILS LabrProject#: 3376 Lab Sample#:37721 Color: White Description: Sheetrock Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Characterization: Homogeneous,Fibrous Client Sample#: 6 Date Analyzed: 3/19/01 Analyst: Holly Hebert QC'd By: Christopher J. Eident Comments: Walls,bedroom#2,26B. ASBESTOS COMPONENTS FIBROUS COMPONENTS NON-FIBROUS COMPONENTS Chrysotile Cellulose 10 % Filler/Binder Amosite Aggregate 90 % Crocidolite Tremolite Actinolite Anthophyllite Asbestos Total: NAD Fibrous Total: 10 % Non-Fibrous Total: 90 % SAMPLE LAYER DETAILS Enclosure 2 - Page 2 of 17 BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS REPORT Lab Project#: 3376 Lab Sample#:37722 Color: White Description: Sheetrock Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Characterization: Homogeneous,Fibrous Client Sample#: 7 Date Analyzed: 3/19/01 Analyst: Holly Hebert QC'd By: Christopher J.Eident Comments: Walls,closet master bedroom,26B. ASBESTOS COMPONENTS FIBROUS COMPONENTS NON-FIBROUS COMPONENTS Chrysotile Cellulose 10 % Filler/Binder Amosite Crocidolite Aggregate 90 Tremolite Actinolite Anthophyllite Asbestos Total: NAD Fibrous Total: 10 % Non-Fibrous Total: 90 % SAMPLE LAYER DETAILS Lab Project#: 3376 Lab Sample#:37723 Color: Pale Brown Description: Linoleum Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Characterization: Homogeneous, Fibrous Client Sample#: 8a Date Analyzed: 3/19/01 Analyst: Holly Hebert Comments: Flooring,kitchen,26A. ' ASBESTOS COMPONENTS FIBROUS COMPONENTS NON-FIBROUS COMPONENTS Chrysotile Cellulose 10 % Filler/Binder Amosite Fibrous Glass 10 % Vinyl % Crocidolite y 20 Tremolite Aggregate 60 Actinolite Ahthophyllite Asbestos Total: NAD Fibrous Total: 20 % Non-Fibrous Total: 80 % SAMPLE LAYER DETAILS Lab Project#: 3376 Lab Sample#:37724 Color: Pale Brown Description: Linoleum Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Characterization: Homogeneous,Fibrous Client Sample#: 9a Date Analyzed: 3/19/01 Analyst: Holly Hebert Comments: Flooring,kitchen,26A. ASBESTOS COMPONENTS FIBROUS COMPONENTS NON-FIBROUS COMPONENTS Chrysotile Cellulose 10 % Filler/Binder Amosite Fibrous Glass 10 % Vinyl % Crocidolite y 20 Tremolite Aggregate 60 Actinolite Anthophyllite Asbestos Total: NAD Fibrous Total: 20 % Non-Fibrous Total: 80 % • SAMPLE LAYER DETAILS Enclosure 2 - Page 3 of 17 BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS REPORT Lab Project#: 3376 Lab Sample#:37725 Color: Pale Brown Description: Linoleum Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Characterization: Homogeneous,Fibrous Client Sample#: l0a Date Analyzed: 3/19/01 Analyst: Holly Hebert Comments: Flooring,kitchen,26A. ASBESTOS COMPONENTS FIBROUS COMPONENTS NON-FIBROUS COMPONENTS Chrysotile Cellulose 10 % Filler/Binder Amosite Fibrous Glass 10 % Vinyl % Crocidolite y 20 Tremolite Aggregate 60 Actinolite Anthophyllite Asbestos Total: NAD Fibrous Total: 20 % Non-Fibrous Total: 80 % SAMPLE LAYER DETAILS Lab Project#: 3376 Lab Sample#:37726 Color: Tan Description: Mastic Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Characterization: Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous Client Sample#: 8b Date Analyzed: 3/19/01 Analyst: Holly Hebert Comments: From#8a, lab#37723. • ASBESTOS COMPONENTS FIBROUS COMPONENTS NON-FIBROUS COMPONENTS Chrysotile Filler/Binder Amosite Crocidolite Glue 100 Tremolite Actinolite Anthophyllite Asbestos Total: NAD Fibrous Total: Non-Fibrous Total: 100 % SAMPLE LAYER DETAILS Lab Project#: 3376 Lab Sample#:37727 Color: Tan Description: Mastic Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Characterization: Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous Client Sample#: 9b Date Analyzed: 3/19/01 Analyst: Holly Hebert QC'd By: Christopher J.Eident Comments: From#9a, lab#37724. ASBESTOS COMPONENTS FIBROUS COMPONENTS NON-FIBROUS COMPONENTS Chrysotile Filler/Binder Ainosite Crocidolite Glue 100 Tremolite Actinolite Anthophyllite Asbestos Total: NAD Fibrous Total: Non-Fibrous Total: 100 % SAMPLE LAYER DETAILS Enclosure 2 - Page 4 of 17 BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS REPORT Lab Project#: 3376 Lab Sample#:37728 Color: Tan Description: Mastic Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Characterization: Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous Client Sample#: 10b Date Analyzed: 3/19/01 Analyst: Holly Hebert Comments: From#10a, lab#37725. ASBESTOS COMPONENTS FIBROUS COMPONENTS NON-FIBROUS COMPONENTS Chrysotile Filler/Binder Amosite Crocidolite Glue 100 Tremolite Actinolite Anthophyllite Asbestos Total: NAD Fibrous Total: Non-Fibrous Total: 100 % SAMPLE LAYER DETAILS Lab Project#: 3376 Lab Sample#:37729 Color: Pale Brown Description: Linoleum Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Characterization: Homogeneous,Fibrous Client Sample#: 11 a Date Analyzed: 3/19/01 Analyst: Holly Hebert Comments: Flooring,bathroom,26A. ' ASBESTOS COMPONENTS FIBROUS COMPONENTS NON-FIBROUS COMPONENTS Chrysotile Cellulose 15 % Filler/Binder Amosite Fibrous Glass 10 % Vinyl 20 % Crocidolite Aggregate 55 % Tremolite Actinolite Anthophyllite Asbestos Total: NAD Fibrous Total: 25 % Non-Fibrous Total: 75 % SAMPLE LAYER DETAILS Lab'Project#: 3376 Lab Sample#:37730 Color: Pale Brown Description: Linoleum Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Characterization: Homogeneous,Fibrous Client Sample#: 12a Date Analyzed: 3/19/01 Analyst: Holly Hebert Comments: Flooring,bathroom,26A. ASBESTOS COMPONENTS FIBROUS COMPONENTS NON-FIBROUS COMPONENTS Chrysotile Cellulose 15 % Filler/Binder Amosite Fibrous Glass 10 % 20 %Vinyl ° Crocidolite Aggregate 55 % Tremolite Actinolite Anthophyllite Asbestos Total: NAD Fibrous Total: 25 % Non-Fibrous Total: 75 % SAMPLE LAYER DETAILS Enclosure 2 - Page 5 of 17 • • BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS REPORT Lab Project#: 3376 Lab Sample#:37731 Color: Pale Brown Description: Linoleum Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Characterization: Homogeneous,Fibrous Client Sample#: 13a Date Analyzed: 3/19/01 Analyst: Holly Hebert Comments: Flooring,bathroom,26A. ASBESTOS COMPONENTS FIBROUS COMPONENTS NON-FIBROUS COMPONENTS Chrysotile Cellulose 15 % Filler/Binder Amosite Fibrous Glass 10 % Vinyl % Crocidolite y 20 Tremolite Aggregate 55 Actinolite Anthophyllite Asbestos Total: NAD Fibrous Total: 25 % Non-Fibrous Total: 75 % SAMPLE LAYER DETAILS Lab Project#: 3376 Lab Sample#:37732 Color: Pale Brown Description: Mastic Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Characterization: Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous Client Sample#: l lb Date Analyzed: 3/19/01 Analyst: Holly Hebert Comments: From#11a, lab#37729. ' ASBESTOS COMPONENTS FIBROUS COMPONENTS NON-FIBROUS COMPONENTS Chrysotile Filler/Binder Amosite Glue 100 % Crocidolite Tremolite Actinolite Anthophyllite Asbestos Total: NAD Fibrous Total: Non-Fibrous Total: 100 % SAMPLE LAYER DETAILS Lab Project#: 3376 Lab Sample#:37733 Color: Pale Brown Description: Mastic Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Characterization: Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous Client Sample#: 12b Date Analyzed: 3/19/01 Analyst: Holly Hebert Comments: From#12a, lab#37730. ASBESTOS COMPONENTS FIBROUS COMPONENTS NON-FIBROUS COMPONENTS Chrysotile Filler/Binder Amosite Glue 100 % Crocidolite Tremolite Actinolite Anthophyllite _ Asbestos Total: NAD Fibrous Total: Non-Fibrous Total: 100 % SAMPLE LAYER DETAILS Enclosure 2 - Page 6 of 17 • BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS REPORT Lab Project#: 3376 Lab Sample#:37734 Color: Pale Brown Description: Mastic Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Characterization: Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous Client Sample#: 13b Date Analyzed: 3/19/01 Analyst: Holly Hebert Comments: From#13a, lab#37731. ASBESTOS COMPONENTS FIBROUS COMPONENTS NON-FIBROUS COMPONENTS Chrysotile Filler/Binder Amosite Glue 100 % Crocidolite Tremolite Actinolite Anthophyllite Asbestos Total: NAD Fibrous Total: Non-Fibrous Total: 100 % SAMPLE LAYER DETAILS Lab Project#: 3376 Lab Sample#:37735 Color: Pale Brown Description: Linoleum Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Characterization: Homogeneous,Fibrous Client Sample#: 14a Date Analyzed: 3/19/01 Analyst: Holly Hebert Comments: Flooring,kitchen pantry,26A. ASBESTOS COMPONENTS FIBROUS COMPONENTS NON-FIBROUS COMPONENTS Chrysotile Cellulose 15 % Filler/Binder Amosite Fibrous Glass 10 % Vinyl 20 % Crocidolite Aggregate 55 % Tremolite Actinolite Anthophyllite Asbestos Total: NAD Fibrous Total: 25 % Non-Fibrous Total: 75 % SAMPLE LAYER DETAILS Lab Project#: 3376 Lab Sample#:37736 Color: Pale Brown Description: Linoleum Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Characterization: Homogeneous,Fibrous Client Sample#: 15a Date Analyzed: 3/19/01 Analyst: Holly Hebert Comments: Flooring,kitchen pantry,26A. ASBESTOS COMPONENTS FIBROUS COMPONENTS NON-FIBROUS COMPONENTS Chrysotile Cellulose 15 % Filler/Binder Ainosite Fibrous Glass 10 % Vinyl 20 Crocidolite Aggregate 55 % Tremolite Actinolite Anthophyllite — Asbestos Total: NAD Fibrous Total: 25 % Non-Fibrous Total: 75 % SAMPLE LAYER DETAILS Enclosure 2 - Page 7 of 17 BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS REPORT Lab Project#: 3376 Lab Sample#:37737 Color: Pale Brown Description: Linoleum Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Characterization: Homogeneous, Fibrous Client Sample#: 16a Date Analyzed: 3/19/01 Analyst: Holly Hebert Comments: Flooring,kitchen pantry,26A. ASBESTOS COMPONENTS FIBROUS COMPONENTS NON-FIBROUS COMPONENTS Chrysotile Cellulose 15 % Filler/Binder Amosite Fibrous Glass 10 % Vinyl % Crocidolite y 20 Aggregate 55 % Tremolite Actinolite Anthophyllite Asbestos Total: NAD Fibrous Total: 25 % Non-Fibrous Total: 75 % SAMPLE LAYER DETAILS Lab Project#: 3376 Lab Sample#:37738 Color: Black Description: Mastic Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Characterization: Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous Client Sample#: 14b Date Analyzed: 3/19/01 Analyst: Holly Hebert Comments: From#14a, lab#37735. ASBESTOS COMPONENTS FIBROUS COMPONENTS NON-FIBROUS COMPONENTS Chrysotile Filler/Binder Amosite Mastic 100 % Crocidolite Tremolite Actinolite Anthophyllite Asbestos Total: NAD Fibrous Total: Non-Fibrous Total: 100 % SAMPLE LAYER DETAILS Lab_Project#: 3376 Lab Sample#:37739 Color: Black Description: Mastic Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Characterization: Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous Client Sample#: 15b Date Analyzed: 3/19/01 Analyst: Holly Hebert Comments: From#15a, lab#37736. ASBESTOS COMPONENTS FIBROUS COMPONENTS NON-FIBROUS COMPONENTS Chrysotile Filler/Binder Amosite Mastic 100 % Crocidolite Tremolite Actinolite Anthophyllite Asbestos Total: NAD Fibrous Total: Non-Fibrous Total: 100 % SAMPLE LAYER DETAILS Enclosure 2 - Page 8 of 17 BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS REPORT Lab Project#: 3376 Lab Sample#:37740 Color: Black Description: Mastic Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Characterization: Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous Client Sample#: 16b Date Analyzed: 3/19/01 Analyst: Holly Hebert Comments: From#16a,lab#37737. ASBESTOS COMPONENTS FIBROUS COMPONENTS NON-FIBROUS COMPONENTS Chrysotile Filler/Binder Amosite Crocidolite Mastic 100 Tremolite Actinolite Anthophyllite Asbestos Total: NAD Fibrous Total: Non-Fibrous Total: 100 % SAMPLE LAYER DETAILS Lab Project#: 3376 Lab Sample#:37741 Color: Brown Description: 2x4 Ceiling Tile Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Characterization: Homogeneous, Fibrous Client Sample#: 17 Date Analyzed: 3/19/01 Analyst: Holly Hebert Comments: #1 bathroom,26A. ASBESTOS COMPONENTS FIBROUS COMPONENTS NON-FIBROUS COMPONENTS Chrysotile Cellulose 50 % Filler/Binder 5 Amosite Fibrous Glass 35 % Perlite Crocidolite 10 % Tremolite Actinolite Anthophyllite Asbestos Total: NAD Fibrous Total: 85 % Non-Fibrous Total: 15 % SAMPLE LAYER DETAILS Lab Project#: 3376 Lab Sample#:37742 Color: Brown Description: 2x4 Ceiling Tile Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Characterization: Homogeneous, Fibrous Client Sample#: 18 Date Analyzed: 3/19/01 Analyst: Holly Hebert Comments: #1 bathroom,26A. ASBESTOS COMPONENTS FIBROUS COMPONENTS NON-FIBROUS COMPONENTS Chrysotile Cellulose 50 % Filler/Binder 5 Amosite Fibrous Glass 35 % Perlite Crocidolite 10 % Tremolite Actinolite Anthophyllite Asbestos Total: NAD Fibrous Total: 85 % Non-Fibrous Total: 15 % SAMPLE LAYER DETAILS Enclosure 2 - Page 9 of 17 BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS REPORT Lab Project#: 3376 Lab Sample#:37743 Color: Brown Description: 2x4 Ceiling Tile Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Characterization: Homogeneous,Fibrous Client Sample#: 19 Date Analyzed: 3/19/01 Analyst: Holly Hebert QC'd By: Christopher J. Eident Comments: #1 bathroom,26A. ASBESTOS COMPONENTS FIBROUS COMPONENTS NON-FIBROUS COMPONENTS Chrysotile Cellulose 50 % Filler/Binder 5 Amosite Fibrous Glass 35 % Perlite 10 % Crocidolite Tremolite Actinolite Anthophyllite Asbestos Total: NAD Fibrous Total: 85 % Non-Fibrous Total: 15 % SAMPLE LAYER DETAILS Lab Project#: 3376 Lab Sample#:37744 Color: Brown Description: 2x4 Ceiling Tile Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Characterization: Homogeneous,Fibrous Client Sample#: 20 Date Analyzed: 3/19/01 Analyst: Holly Hebert Comments: #2 bathroom,26A. • ASBESTOS COMPONENTS FIBROUS COMPONENTS NON-FIBROUS COMPONENTS Chrysotile Cellulose 50 % Filler/Binder 5 % Amosite Fibrous Glass 35 % Perlite 10 % Crocidolite Tremolite Actinolite Anthophyllite Asbestos Total: NAD Fibrous Total: 85 % Non-Fibrous Total: 15 % SAMPLE LAYER DETAILS Lab Project#: 3376 Lab Sample#:37745 Color: Brown Description: 2x4 Ceiling Tile Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Characterization: Homogeneous, Fibrous Client Sample#: 21 Date Analyzed: 3/19/01 Analyst: Holly Hebert Comments: #2 bathroom,26A. ASBESTOS COMPONENTS FIBROUS COMPONENTS NON-FIBROUS COMPONENTS Chrysotile Cellulose 50 % Filler/Binder 5 % Amosite Fibrous Glass 35 % Perlite 10 % Crocidolite Tremolite Actinolite Anthophyllite — Asbestos Total: NAD Fibrous Total: 85 % Non-Fibrous Total: 15 % SAMPLE LAYER DETAILS Enclosure 2 - Page 10 of 17 • BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS REPORT Lab Project#: 3376 Lab Sample#:37746 Color: Brown Description: 2x4 Ceiling Tile Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Characterization: Homogeneous,Fibrous Client Sample#: 22 Date Analyzed: 3/19/01 Analyst: Holly Hebert Comments: #2 bathroom,26A. ASBESTOS COMPONENTS FIBROUS COMPONENTS NON-FIBROUS COMPONENTS Chrysotile Cellulose 50 % Filler/Binder 5 % Amosite Fibrous Glass 35 % Perlite 10 % Crocidolite Tremolite Actinolite Anthophyllite Asbestos Total: NAD Fibrous Total: 85 % Non-Fibrous Total: 15 % SAMPLE LAYER DETAILS Lab Project#: 3376 Lab Sample#:37747 Color: White Description: Sheetrock Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Characterization: Homogeneous,Fibrous Client Sample#: 23 Date Analyzed: 3/19/01 Analyst: Holly Hebert Comments: Ceiling,bedroom#1,26A. ' ASBESTOS COMPONENTS FIBROUS COMPONENTS NON-FIBROUS COMPONENTS Chrysotile Cellulose 10 % Filler/Binder Amosite Aggregate 90 % Crocidolite Tremolite Actinolite Anthophyllite Asbestos Total: NAD Fibrous Total: 10 % Non-Fibrous Total: 90 % SAMPLE LAYER DETAILS Lab Project#: 3376 Lab Sample#:37748 Color: White Description: Sheetrock Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Characterization: Homogeneous,Fibrous Client Sample#: 24 Date Analyzed: 3/19/01 Analyst: Holly Hebert Comments: Ceiling,bedroom#2,26A. ASBESTOS COMPONENTS FIBROUS COMPONENTS NON-FIBROUS COMPONENTS Chrysotile Cellulose 10 % Filler/Binder Amosite Aggregate 90 % Crocidolite Tremolite Actinolite Anthophyllite Asbestos Total: NAD Fibrous Total: 10 % Non-Fibrous Total: 90 % SAMPLE LAYER DETAILS Enclosure 2 - Page 11 of 17 • BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS REPORT Lab Project#: 3376 Lab Sample#:37749 Color: White Description: Sheetrock Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Characterization: Homogeneous,Fibrous Client Sample#: 25 Date Analyzed: 3/19/01 Analyst: Holly Hebert Comments: Ceiling, living rm.,26A. ASBESTOS COMPONENTS FIBROUS COMPONENTS NON-FIBROUS COMPONENTS Chrysotile Fibrous Glass 5 % Filler/Binder Amosite Aggregate 95 % Crocidolite Tremolite Actinolite Anthophyllite Asbestos Total: NAD Fibrous Total: 5 % Non-Fibrous Total: 95 % SAMPLE LAYER DETAILS Lab Project#: 3376 Lab Sample#:37750 Color: White Description: Sheetrock Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Characterization: Homogeneous, Fibrous Client Sample#: 26 Date Analyzed: 3/19/01 Analyst: Holly Hebert Comments: Ceiling,bedroom#1,26B. ' ASBESTOS COMPONENTS FIBROUS COMPONENTS NON-FIBROUS COMPONENTS Chrysotile Cellulose 10 % Filler/Binder Amosite Aggregate 90 % Crocidolite Tremolite Actinolite Anthophyllite Asbestos Total: NAD Fibrous Total: 10 % Non-Fibrous Total: 90 % SAMPLE LAYER DETAILS Lab Project#: 3376 Lab Sample#:37751 Color: White Description: Sheetrock Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Characterization: Homogeneous,Fibrous Client Sample#: 27 Date Analyzed: 3/19/01 Analyst: Holly Hebert QC'd By: Christopher J. Eident Comments: Ceiling,bedroom#2,26B. ASBESTOS COMPONENTS FIBROUS COMPONENTS NON-FIBROUS COMPONENTS Chrysotile Cellulose 10 % Filler/Binder Amosite Aggregate 90 % Crocidolite Tremolite Actinolite Anthophyllite Asbestos Total: NAD Fibrous Total: 10 % Non-Fibrous Total: 90 % SAMPLE LAYER DETAILS Enclosure 2 - Page 12 of 17 BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS REPORT Lab Project#: 3376 Lab Sample#:37752 Color: White Description: Caulking Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Characterization: Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous Client Sample#: 28 Date Analyzed: 3/19/01 Analyst: Holly Hebert Comments: Window. ASBESTOS COMPONENTS FIBROUS COMPONENTS NON-FIBROUS COMPONENTS Chrysotile Filler/Binder 25 % Amosite Aggregate 75 % Crocidolite Tremolite Actinolite Anthophyllite Asbestos Total: NAD Fibrous Total: Non-Fibrous Total: 100 % SAMPLE LAYER DETAILS Lab Project#: 3376 Lab Sample#:37753 Color: White Description: Caulking Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Characterization: Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous Client Sample#: 29 Date Analyzed: 3/19/01 Analyst: Holly Hebert Comments: Window. ASBESTOS COMPONENTS FIBROUS COMPONENTS NON-FIBROUS COMPONENTS Chrysotile Filler/Binder 25 % Amosite Aggregate 75 % Crocidolite Tremolite Actinolite Anthophyllite Asbestos Total: NAD Fibrous Total: Non-Fibrous Total: 100 % SAMPLE LAYER DETAILS Lab Project#: 3376 Lab Sample#:37754 Color: White Description: Caulking Client Project#: 26 Peqout Rd Uncasville Characterization: Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous Client Sample#: 30 Date Analyzed: 3/19/01 Analyst: Holly Hebert Comments: Window. ASBESTOS COMPONENTS FIBROUS COMPONENTS NON-FIBROUS COMPONENTS Chrysotile Filler/Binder 25 % Amosite Aggregate 75 % Crocidolite Tremolite Actinolite Anthophyllite Asbestos Total: NAD Fibrous Total: Non-Fibrous Total: 100 % SAMPLE LAYER DETAILS Enclosure 2 - Page 13 of 17