HomeMy WebLinkAboutStructural Repairs 2006 TOWN OF MONTVILLE
Building Department
UNCASVILLE, CT 06382-2599
TEL. (860) 848-3030 X382 FAX. (860) 848-7231
Permit Number: B2006-0301 Date: 28-Jun-06 Map/Lot: 033/017-00J Owner ID: 5554000
Project Location: 46 PLATOZ DRIVE Unit:
Job Description: Structural Repairs to Existing Foundation&Framing(Shell Only)and Install Siding
Owner Name: Artemis G Mandes Tenant Name: N/A
11 Devonshire Dr
Waterford CT 06385- Telephone:
Contractor Name: TBD Telephone:
DBA: Lic/Reg Type:
Lic/Reg No: 0
Exp Date:
Construction Value Permit Fees Construction Information
Building Value: $17,581.00 Building Fee: $144.00 Use Group: R-2
Plumbing Value: $0.00 Plumbing Fee: $0.00 Code: 2005 State Building Code
Mechanical Value: $0.00 Mechanical Fee: $0.00
Electrical Value: $0.00 Electrical Fee: $0.00 Construction Type: 5B
Total Value: $0.00 Penalty Fee: $0.00 Permit Code: C4
C of 0 Fee: $0.00 Comments:
Plan Review Fee: $0.00
State Ed Fee: $2.81
Total Fee Paid: $146.81
It shall be the owners repsonsibility to schedule the following inspections a minimum of 2 business days in advance:
Field set of approved construction documents shall be available onsite during all inspections.
V Footing- Prior to pouring concrete ❑ R Plumbing and leak test
Deck Piers
❑ R Electrical
B• ackfill - Footing drains and waterproofing ❑ Elec Trench-with conduit installed
Concrete Slab-Prior to pouring concrete ❑ Pool Bonding
V Anchor Bolts-with sill plate and prior to floor framing ❑ Electrical Service CRS No: 0
F• raming ❑ R HVAC
❑ Masonry Fireplace Throat or Chimney Thimble ❑ Gas Piping and leak test
❑ Fireblocking Draftstopping INSPE r ON RE•UIRED UPON COMPLETION
❑ Insulation 111 :rtifi -. e of Approval
■ ificate of Occupancy
Building Official's Approval: � �, ��,�
shall require that an independent structural engineering for permit is for alteration or repair or when otherwise war-
consultant review the structural plans and design specifi- ranted.
cations of the structure or addition to be constructed to
determine compliance with the requirements of this code 106.2.1 Private sewage disposal system. The site plan i
to the extent necessary to assure the stability and integ- shall indicate the location of a private sewage disposal sys-
rity of the primary structural support systems of such tem where a public sewer is not available. Private sewage
structure or addition. Any modifications of approved disposal systems shall be designed and installed in accor-
dance structural plans or design specifications shall require with the requirements of the Public Health Code
shop drawings to the extent necessary to determine coin- adopted under authority of section 19a-36 of the Connecti-
cut General Statutes.All technical and soil data required by
pliance with the requirements of this code and shall be re
the Public Health Code shall be submitted with the site plan.
viewed by such consultant. Any fees relative to such
Approval of such systems shall be by the local authority
review requirements shall be paid by the owner of the
proposed building project. having jurisdiction.When such approval is required by the
local authority having jurisdiction,written proof of such ap-
If a structure or addition exceeds the threshold limit,
the architect of record proval shall be submitted to the building official prior to is-
, professional engineer of record nuance of a building permit.
responsible for the design of the structure or addition and
the general contractor shall sign a statement of profes-
sional 106.3 Examination of documents.The building official shall
opinion affirming that the completed construction examine or cause to be examined the accompanying construc-
is in substantial compliance with the approved plans and tion documents and shall ascertain by such examinations
design specifications.If fabricated structural load-bear- whether the construction indicated and described is in accor-
ing members or assemblies are used in the construction, dance with the requirements of this code and other pertinent
the professional engineer responsible for the design of laws or ordinances.
such members or assemblies shall sign a statement of 106.3.1 Approval of construction documents. When the
professional opinion affirming that the completed fabri- building official issues a permit, the construction docu-
cation is in substantial compliance with the approved de- ments shall be approved, in writing or by stamp, as "Re-
sign specifications. viewed for Code Compliance." One set of construction
The building official of the municipality in which the documents so reviewed shall be retained by the building of-
structure or addition will be located shall satisfy himself ficial.The other set shall be returned to the applicant,shall
that each architect,professional engineer,including each be kept at the site of work and shall be open to inspection by
professional engineer responsible for the design of fabri- the building official or a duly authorized representative.
cated structural load-bearing members or assemblies,
106.3.2 Previous approvals. This code shall not require
general contractor and major subcontractor involved in
changes in the construction documents,construction or des-
the project holds a license to engage in the work or occu
ignated occupancy of a structure for which a lawful permit
pation for which the appropriate building permit has
been issued. has been heretofore issued or otherwise lawfully autho-
rized, and the construction of which has been pursued in
106.1.6 Lift slab construction.Pursuant to subsection(b) good faith within 180 days after the effective date of this
1 of section 29-276a of the Connecticut General Statutes,any co'' d has not been abandoned.
building designed to be constructed utilizing the lift-slab 106.3.3 based approval. The building official is autho-
1 method of construction shall be classified as exceeding the nze o issue a permit for the construction of foundations or
"threshold limit" and shall be subject to the provisions of any other part of a building or structure before the construc-
Sections and tion documents for the whole building or structure have
Ibeen submitted,provided that adequate information and de- Lift slab operations.All buildings and struc- tailed statements have bee 1 ..
tures utilizing the lift-slab method of construction shall '' m ''■ rent
requirements of this cosie. e holder of such permit fe� *ke
comply with the provisions of 29 CFR 1926 and section
31 372 107-1926 of the Regulations of Connecticut shall pro-
State Agencies. teed at the holder's own risk with the building operation and
without assurance that a permit for the entire structure will •
106.2 Site plan.The construction documents submitted with be granted.
the application for permit shall be accompanied by a site plan 106.4-Amended construction documents.Work shall be in-
showing to scale the size and location of new construction and stalled in accordance with the approved construction docu-
existing structures on the site,distances from lot lines,the es ments,and any changes made during construction that are not
tablished street grades and the proposed finished grades and,as in compliance with the approved construction documents shall
be resubmitted for approval as an amended set of construction
applicable,flood hazard areas,floodways,and design flood el-
evations;and it shall be drawn in accordance with an accurate documents.
boundary line survey.In the case of demolition,the site plan 106.5 Retention of construction documents.One set of ap-
shall show construction to be demolished and the location and proved construction documents shall be retained by the build-
size of existing structures and construction that are to remain ing official for a period as set forth in the records/disposition
on the site or plot.The building official is authorized to waive schedule adopted pursuant to chapter 188 of the Connecticut
or modify the requirement for a site plan when the application General Statutes.
Town of Montville
i - Building Department
310 Norwich-New London Tpke.
Tel. 360-848-3030, Ext 382 Uncasville, CT 06382
Fax. 860-848-7231
* Permit No.:
Type of Work Occupancy Classification Construction Type Permit T e
❑New Construction 0 A-1 0 B 0 H-1 0 I-1 ❑R-1 0 S-1
Addition ❑Type IA
0 A-2 0 B,Medical 0 H-2 0 1-2 0 S-2 0 Type IV lumbs
Alteration ❑R-2 ❑Type IBBuilding
0 A-3 0 E 0 H-3 0 1-30 Type IV Plumbing
Change of Use 0 A-4 0 R-3 0 U ❑Type IIA ❑Type VA ❑Mechanical
0 A-5 0 F-2
0 H-4
4 0 1- 0 R- 4 0 Mixed 0 Type 118 0 Type VB 0 Electrical
0 Type IIIA CRS#:
Job Address: --3 '
�LI\T&. V F
(Street) (Unit)
Job Description: 51-4- .1-0 tQ C `V*4 I4 7) ,fO d A04 T) r-i 4- 62A n.A
CI 41111 S/ t�C do 1 � ws
Owner: 111 J W1Wtry 1 0‘ Tenant:
Address: ` l OC/01A)C4 r 2� f,/t Address:
City/State/Zip: I/0 AIWIL'/2.v' Cotird City/State/Zip:
Telephone: ktb *- k( (I 3 3 1 f
_l Telephone:
City: State:
Zip Code:
Telephone: License Type: License No.:
Expiration Date:
I hereby certify that the proposed work will conform to the State Building Code and all other codes as adopted by the State of Connecticut and the Town
of Montville and further attest that the proposed work is authorized by the owner in fee and that I am authorized to make application for a permit for such
work as described above.
Owner/Agent Signature: 1 C r 0.6
/ Date: r I
• ♦
Construction Value Permit Fees
Building Value:
Building Fee:
Plumbing Value: . Plumbing Fee:
Mechanical Value:
Mechanical Fee:
Electrical Value: Electrical Fee:
Total Value:
Penalty Fee:
C of 0 Fee:
RECEIV>� Plan Review Fee:
D State Ed Fee:
JUN 2 1 2006 Total Fee:
4ivised Decem6er31,2005
Town of Montville
Building Department
File Receipt
Date: 21-Jun-06 Receipt No: 1426
Received From:
Job Address: 46 Platoz Drive
Fees Collected State Educational Training Fee
Cash: $146.81 Cash: $2.81
Check: $0.00 Check: $0.00
Check No: 0
Short/Over: $0.00
Construction Value: $15,581.00
Demolition Val -. $0.00
Received By Joseph Summers
Address: 46 Platoz Drive
Building Plumbing Mechanical Electrical
New Construction SF $ 114.17 $ - $
Basement,Finished SF $ 20.87 $ - $ -
Basement,Unfinished - SF $ 11.28 $ - $ -
Crawl Sapce SF $ 8.46 $ -
Interior Renovations SF $ 31.90 $ - S - $ -
Ground Anchors SF $ 5.86 $ - $ - $ -
Basement SF $ 11.28 $ - S - $ -
Crawl Space SF $ 8.46 $ - $ - $ -
Kitchen EA $ - $ - $ -
Full Bathroom EA $ _ $ -
Half-Bathroom EA $ $
Attached SF $ 49.41 $ - $ -
Detached SF $ 63.21 $ - $ -
Under SF $ 9.12 $ - $ -
Carport SF $ 18.08 $ -
Warm-Air N Y/N $ -
Hot Water N Y/N $ -
Electric N Y/N $ -
Air Conditioning N YM $ -
Upgrade Amps $ -
Overhead,new Amps $ -
Underground,new Amps $ -
Subpanel EA $ 545.00 $ -
Gen Set EA $ 3,500.00 $ -
Prefab Metal Fireplace ` EA $ 5,907.00 $ -
Masonryw/lfireplace EA $ 6,451.50 $ -
Masonry w/2 fireplaces EA $ 10,087 00 $ -
Wood Stove,free standing EA $ 2,447.50 $
Wood stove insert EA $ 1,690.70 $ -
Deck SF $ 39.16 $ -
Porch SF $ 135.80 $ -
Sunroom SF $ 160.82 $ - $ -
Hot Tub EA $ 7,287.50 $ - $ -
Inground Pool EA $ 19,430.40 $ - $ -
Above Ground Round EA $ 4,635.88 $ - $ -
Above Ground Oval EA $ 5,472.50 $ - $ -
Pool Heater EA $ 8,167.50 $ -
Inflatable Type Pool EA $ 1,542.42 $ -
w/o electrical SF S 18.50 $ -
w/electrical SF $ 18.50 $ - $ -
Roofing,Overlay SF $ 3.38 $ -
Roofing,Strip&reroof SF $ 3.76 $ -
Roof Sheathing SF $ 1.19 $ -
Siding 3296 SF $ 2.30 $ 7,580.80
Windows EA $ 423.50 $ -
Skylights EA $ 955.54 $ -
Doors,Exterior EA S 401.50 $ -
Oil Tank,275 Gallon EA $ -
Oil Tank.550 Gallon EA $ -
TOTALS $ 17,580.80 $ - $ - $ -
Construction Value Fee
Building $ 17,581.00 $ 144.00
Plumbing Y $ - $ _
Mechanical Y $ - $ -
Electrical Y $ - $ -
Working before Permit Issuance N $ -
Certificate of Occupancy Fee $ _
Plan Review Fee $ -
State Education Fee $ 2.81
TOTALS $ 17,581.00 $ 146.81
Figures are based on the 2006 RS Means Residential Cost Data
Town of Montville
Building Department
310 Norwich-New London Tpke.
Tel.860-848-3030, Ext 382 Uncasville, CT 06382 Fax. 860-848-7231
Property Address
U c-r(J P l.A G TO #ou74 r , •N-b G / 5,.e o -d 5 o/
Job Description
The applicant is responsible for obtaining all of the required approvals checked off on this form. No building
permit will be issued until all of the required signatures have been obtained.
ApprovalPermit Issuance Approval
Tax Collector I
Sisjnntur_e- date
WPCA, Administrative
❑ WPCA, Operations 9 d Abe A4 , (o c2/ CO
a Planning & Zoning C& Q_QQ,,,., , la1l O�
Comments: ,7 rck Cn
Sic nature/elate
❑ Health Department
❑ Department of Public Works
❑ State Dept. of Transportation
Fire Marshal cki (p Qk Ob
Rfviceiflugust 5,2005
� 4vC State of Connecticut N 7B
ii ti, •, Lr = Workers' Compensation Commission
,Y} )
��/he'�� Please TYPE or PRINT IN INK
Proof of Workers' Compensation Coverage when Applying
for a Building Permit for the Sole Proprietor or Property Owner
who WILL act as General Contractor or Principal Employer
Applicant for Building Permit
Name of Applicant for Buildi . • ......_ jA A " ?A
Property located at V IP /6,1 ��,. /
in the City/To... . I _ 1 ]' I t0 •
If you are the owner of the above-named property or the sole proprietor of a business doing work on the site of the construction project at the above-named
property and you WILL act as the general contractor or principal employer,you must provide proof of workers'compensation insurance coverage for all
Complete this form and,if applicable,sign the Affidavit below in the presence of a Notary Public or a Commissioner of the Superior Court.
CHECK ONE (1)BOX ONLY, provide the appropriate information,and sign:
❑ I am the OWNER of the above-named property.I WILL act as the general contractor or principal employer and,as such,will submit proof of workers'
compensation insurance coverage for all employees who are doing work on the site of the construction project at the above-named property.
Signature of OWNER Applicant
❑ I am the SOLE PROPRIETOR of a business doing work at the above-named property.I WILL act as the general contractor or principal employer and,as
such,will submit proof of workers'compensation insurance coverage for all employees who are doing work on the site of the construction project at the above-
named property.
Signature of SOLE PROPRIETOR Applicant
I am the OWNER of the above-named property or the SOLE PROPRIETOR of a business doing work at the above-named property.I will not personally
submit proof of workers'compensation insurance coverage,but I will attest to the.following:
I hereby swear and attest that I will require proof of workers'compensation insurance for every contractor,
subcontractor,or other worker before he or she does work on the site of the construction project at the
above-named property in accordance with S tion 31-286b of the Workers'Com nsation Act.
Signature of OWNER or SOLE PROPRIETOR Applicant
Name of Business—if applicable
Federal Employer ID#(FEIN)--i'applicable .11,4'1.3°
7 ��J dy4/SS/frifil
Subscribed and sworn to before me this ,;9 �� day of V v��_ �®Cfl
� •7 �00� Alt
Signature of Notary Public/Commissioner of the Superior ourt w� •�,�
Town of Montville
Building Department
Plan Review Form
Date: .11, a ZZ( je
Job Address: 1 VD'ZI
Job Description: 5f)t011GTvf .*V d29P,Q i N
Your permit application is being rejected for the items checked off or commented on. The required information must submitted for review(two sets are required)
(C.G.S.29-252a.) This list is offered as a guideline only. It is not meant to be all-inclusive for every permit application,nor is it meant to take the place of the State
Building Code.
Permit application not completed Plans required
Permit fee due$ Proposed building or addition exceeds 5,000 square feet, plans must be
Permit fee to be calculated stamped and signed by a Connecticut registered Architect or Professional
rycWorker's comp.affidavit or worker's comp.certificate to be submitted Engineer
Copy of contractor's registration or license required Construction documents are required to be shall be sealed by a CT licensed
Copy of Major contractor Registration Required Architect or Professional Engineer(106.1.4)
Construction permit sign-off sheet required with appropriate approvals,it shall Means of egress plan required designating the number of occupants on every
be the applicant's responsibility to obtain the required signatures floor and all rooms and spaces, travel distances, and door, stair, ramp size
Affidavit required from the holder of the registration or license authorizing you calculations(106.1.2)
to apply for a permit with their information Architectural plans required
Provide supporting documentation to show compliance with the 2003 IECC Structural plans required
(www.ener 'codes.gov) Mechanical plans required
Two sets of construction documents required, this includes all engineering Electrical plans required
data,calculations and all other documentation(R106.1) Plumbing plans required
Documents are copyright protected,provide original plans or a letter from the Fire protection plans required
designer authorizing the duplication of the plans Use&occupancy classification not indicated on the construction documents
Field set of the approved construction documents are required to be picked up Provide calculations for the mixed separated uses(302.3.2)
from our office and must be available on site during all inspections Height&area calculations required
Construction documents shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, Ventilation calculations required to be submitted
nature and extent of the work proposed as per section R106.1.1 More detailed plans required addressing accessibility
Construction documents do not match the orientation of the structure on the Soils report not submitted(1802.6)
site plan Statement of special inspections required(1704)
Plumbing fixture calculations required
STRUCTURAL DESIGN Construction type not identified
Submit supporting data to show conformance with the wind limitations (3 Group classification not identified
second gust @ 115 mph) Fire-resistance design must be documented by an approved source,
Documents required to be stamped and signed by a CT registered Professional Building trap location&detail,not provided or insufficient
Construction documents do not match the engineering data submitted SITE PLAN
Ground snow load(Pr)for Montville is 30 psf No plans submitted or insufficient information
MCE Spectral accelerations for Montville are; Plans do not match the building plans
Sr=0.255 Finish floor elevation not indicated
S1=0.078 Distance from the property line(s)to the structure not identified
Proposed structure or addition exceeds the "threshold limits" and an Structure dimensions not provided
independent structural engineering consultant review and all fees for such shall Existing and proposed contours are not provided or insufficient
be paid by the of the building project( Footing drain discharge not identified
Design loads not indicated(live&dead)
Utilities not provided(electrical,phone,cable,sewer,water,gas)
FOUNDATION Delineation of flood hazard areas and design flood elevation is required per
section R106.1.3
No plans submitted or insufficient information Private sewage disposal system to be identified along with all technical and soil
Dimensions required data as per section R106.2.1
Wall thickness not identified Grading is to slope away from the building,provide more detailed information
Footing size not identified Plan submitted is not the same plan that has been approved by the Zoning
Frost protection not identified or is insufficient Department and/or Health Department
Column type,size,spacing not identified or insufficient Retaining wall—construction documents required
Waterproofing details not provided or insufficient Retaining wall documents required to be stamped and signed by a Connecticut
Pier type,size and anchor details not provided or insufficient Registered Professional Engineer
Engineered foundation plan required
Crawl space ventilation,location,type and size not provided or insufficient
Crawl space access,location and size not provided or insufficient
,gvirerf rge6ruary 23,2006