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Strip and Re-Roof plus Siding 2002
Town of Montville BUILDING DEPARTMENT 310 Norwich-New London Turnpike Uncasville,CT 06382 860-848-3030,Ext.82 Building Permit Permit Number: B2002-540 Permit Date: 12-Sep-2002 Permit Code R4 Job Location 45 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE UNIT: MAP/LOT: 092/150-000 Job Description: strip&re-roof,vinyl siding Owner Contractor RONALD K+CHERIE L FULTON North East Home Improvement,Inc. P.O.Box 276 45 PENN AVE Unit: Jewett City,Ct.06351 OAKDALE CT 06370 Telephone: 376-0591 Lic/Reg Type: HIC Use Group R4 Lic/Reg Number: 553370 Code 1995 CABO Exp Date: 11/30/2002 Construction Type 5B Construction Values Permit Fees Building Value: $15,000.00 Building Fee: $88.00 Plumbing Value: $0.00 Plumbing Fee: $0.00 Mechanical Value: $0.00 Mechanical Fee: $0.00 Electrical Value: $0.00 Electrical Fee: $0.00 Other Value: $0.00 Other Fee: $0.00 Total Value: $15,000.00 C/O Fee: $10.00 Comments: Plan Review Fee: $0.00 State Ed Fee: $2.40 Total Fees: $100.40 It is the owners responsibility to schedule the following required inspections(minimum 48 hours notice requested): ❑ Footing-Prior to pouring concrete ❑ Rough HVAC ❑ Backfill-Footing drains and waterproofing ❑ Fireplace Throat ❑ Concrete Slab-Prior to pouring ❑ Fireplace Final ❑ Rough Framing ❑ Chimney-One flue above thimble ❑ Rough Electrical ❑ Firestopping/draftstopping ❑ Electrical Service ❑ Insulation ❑ Rough Plumbing and Leak Test d Final Inspection ❑ Gas Piping and Pressure Test Certifi•.te of• , pa, Prior to use or occupancy Building Official's Signature: J ��� FROM :NORTHEAST HOME I MPR.00EMENT FAX NO. :86037163666 Sep. 04 2002 08:47AM P1 ...1),c1L471.4,-,. pLpf Town of Montville anikling Department Permit 3 tO Norwich-New London Tpke- Lel848-7166____ ...__ uncasviik, crr 06382 ,Applitatitro ler Building or Trades Permit MitijagIsagit latilstrmail 1730 Wino Carannsaion n Acausory Structure Aird-itio. Retzt 09446.„,ad 0 Atiterintint ...iii.7 __ ____:_ifir Conetenutine ---gas CPiPirgs Job Locating "IS or-e ix'? , /7a:ilict.... - J job Description/Materials_31142. -f _ 11-C (.4--,4>f .-1-_ J, (1./.___&211/.• 1..,_..s .,5,--- _ °weer . / --zexzzkj„422.rz__ Mailing Address ((5- Re 0,446/.. ?cc ilf<4e.,....... -") • StateZip 0(03-7(.4 Tel_•6106 /Zr-ST i jS a5. _ Cosuracto,-M Mutiilg Ad UIVS11 45)4> ---B6A/ c;> 7& . ......_ . CitY___ _.s4. ,.Cijli State C.f. Lip C,4,,3 Si Tni 6.-&C,3-)6 C-.S. -..7) Contractor's License/Registration Type&Number Ss, ..3 --) C.) Expbate if, ....3a Q:::::.....,, New noine Constraetion Contractors: Have you entered into a crotract with a cciacuirmr.i o r tbe ireetppos,e kvw 47rne? i Yee i,h_No I hereby certify that the proposed work will conform to the Basic Buildiug Code and all other enelfts as adopted by the tate of Connecticut end the Tu wa of Montville and further attest that the proposed work is outhoriatd by the owner in let an4 Una i am autearizt4 to make application for a.permit for sitCh*work as described above. ()weer/Agent Signature ---. Date fd-a- ....._....... . on••••••••••,,f+. ,. .„...... ......r.a..... -*'..-...- „." 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